
60名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:04/02/02 17:04 ID:0NMyDpys
61名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:04/02/02 17:32 ID:bBJztUo6
Oh my God!!
62名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:04/02/02 21:37 ID:z6YTKyaa
Oh, my! Thank you for your kindness.
63  :04/02/02 22:20 ID:j32xQw+q
64名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:04/02/03 04:15 ID:sYU5SLyq
Σr(‘Д‘n)Don't have a fit !
65名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:04/02/03 17:17 ID:dGIVnXBq
Water she know curry what hit darlin kick it
66名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:04/02/03 19:40 ID:i/6skJEx
warota! I raise this thread.
67名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:04/02/03 19:43 ID:JRgPoGUj
watasi sinisoudesu
68窯 ◆1j7Tp6og6w :04/02/03 20:21 ID:LyJD3i7r
69名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:04/02/04 12:59 ID:psMlwEHa
Yen is trying to get 104
To be rich is to buy it
70名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:04/02/05 14:39 ID:Fknz1Slu
which direction does euro/usd want to go ?
71名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:04/02/05 19:09 ID:fjAyEYCp
EUR/USD could rise towards 1.40
72Z:04/02/05 19:11 ID:b8RObZKu
73Anonymous@Stomach full:04/02/05 20:05 ID:DcdpRiKu
          ,,..--―-、       / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
         /, -----、.ヽ,     / In the world, we found a shit-thread!
         |  i_,,,,_  __゙l |    |  >>1 is confiscated and goes to dust chute!
         ,!、i'゙-‐-: '-、|/   /  __________
        /'') ..., '‐-‐、.j     ̄ ̄
        / ,‐!::...`'''''''`ノ
      _,,,l ;! ::|ヽ、二 イ
   , -‐'゙゛ i::..  | .ヽ/;ヽj!`‐-、_
   l     ノ::. .:|、 .ヽ,:ヽ|  <゛~ヽ、
  ,:''`` ''"゙.|;;:‐''゙|.ヽ、 ヽ;::|  /  .|゙l
  ,:     ヽ::il;;!  ヽ、ヽ| /   | :|
  i    o゚ :`;''゙     ヽ| /   | .|
  i   ..:::::,:::'::::: .      |゚    |,,;:->、
  `.、__;;/:::::::::: :     |    !''"  |
     i  ::.:::: :       |    |   .|  
     |          |゚   /     |

       ⌒ ⌒ ⌒
     __⌒ ⌒ ⌒__
    /::::::::::(∩;´Д`)∩:::::::/  Cha-la Cha-la
   /::::::::::::(  >>1 /:::::/    Turururururu・・・・
    ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
74up:04/02/07 12:03 ID:aEg5Tlmr
75名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:04/02/14 21:55 ID:3w++2Xvl
Good job!
76 :04/02/14 23:14 ID:ABwQgh0r
77 :04/02/14 23:15 ID:ABwQgh0r
78rret:04/02/15 13:00 ID:xgKOSWsB
Je man se thing we-
Rer wqs asd>

Per si ew 12 y:
79名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:04/02/15 21:30 ID:6/b1t9HA
me so horny
80名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:04/02/15 21:34 ID:yWZLewzZ
81名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:04/02/15 21:53 ID:pVh9cJCA
My name is Mr.Gilbert Gamal, a member of the contract award and monitoring
committee of ministry of urban and rural development, my duty as empowered by
the Mauritius Government is to provide the basic amenities, social recreational
activities in urban and rural areas, this programs include assistance to
deprived local communities and to co-ordinate project and development at the
national levels, further more from this projects we have been able to secure
some reasonable amount of US$20M (Twenty Million United States Dollars) as
commission from various contractors resulting from over invoicing, hence all the
necessary approvals has been completed. This approved funds is now packaged and
dispatched through a security company for onward delivery to it's destination
here in Europe. This funds were first deposited into a vault security company
before we arranged for it's movement to Europe through diplomatic channel using
decoy purporting that the funds belongs to a foreign expert rate/company as we
are Government officials we are not allowed to operate or open a foreign bank
account hence you need to stand as the beneficiary and claim this funds on our
behalf from the security company. Presently I'm now in Europe to search for a
reliable person/company with high integrity/dignity one with conscience who will
claim this funds on our behalf as the beneficiary, and we have agreed to offer
you 20% of the total sum as commission for your assistance/effort, 5% will be
used to settle every expenses we might incur on the process, we will use our 75%
to invest under your recommendations and guide and go into joint venture
business with you. I would greatly appreciate your assistance, also you can call
me on my private tel. number for more details on how we go about this on +31
630512132 as I look forward to hear from you be informed that confidentiality is
the nature of this business because we would not be happy to loose our jobs.
Best regards,
Mr. Gilbert Gamal
+31 630512132

82名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:04/02/15 22:24 ID:LbSfUvMH
+31 = The Neterlands ?
83名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:04/02/15 23:01 ID:+iFcKEHc
ドルエン モット モット エンダーカニ ナリソウネー
84BBH:04/02/29 21:35 ID:+FZQcaH9
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with billings of 」133m. The company declared global billings of 」260m.
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85Trader@Live!:04/03/05 06:17 ID:v3bZzkR/
i am soubasi,you know.
86BIG つちころび:04/03/19 19:34 ID:CGZ8CPi5
u hyo hyo hyo
87Trader@Live!:04/03/24 23:08 ID:Qi8xED2+
To be to be ten made to be.
88Trader@Live!:04/03/24 23:15 ID:4T7MsgCk
89Trader@Live!:04/03/25 02:03 ID:AwoaD9c9
rising penis coming!
90KING ◆EZarcElGGo :04/03/30 23:48 ID:cOmGRxxf
So far so good.
91_:04/03/31 00:33 ID:nSRlRn2b
I'm really tired of this fucking high Yen!
Greenspam, Die.
92Trader@Live!:04/04/02 17:52 ID:5eMwJCN+
I live in edo
93???:04/04/02 17:55 ID:LDNuwUVR
私はこのとても高い円に実際に疲れている! 緑のスパム、ダイス。
94Trader@Live!:04/04/03 00:08 ID:4zCKnOcq
95Trader@Live!:04/04/03 00:15 ID:F+gjjVUn
96Trader@Live!:04/04/03 00:53 ID:z5cfkorp
97Trader@Live!:04/04/03 01:15 ID:gumHJ5HQ
98Trader@Live!:04/04/11 23:15 ID:0LdGaw/E
Now, I am praying three japanese in iraq don't become to bbq.
I don't hope to watch them on tv.

I guess tomorrow's my home dinner is bbq.
Because tomorrow is my birthday,

99Trader@Live!:04/05/02 16:25 ID:HRkFXh9v
100Trader@Live!:04/05/02 17:39 ID:ORnZgOrK
Buy Nitori!!
101Trader@Live!:04/05/02 17:42 ID:grJ7Qwq7
Give your name in a peculiar name.
102Trader@Live!:04/05/03 02:32 ID:JciMMsjq
103Trader@Live!:04/05/03 20:34 ID:vnMVp+es
104Trader@Live!:04/05/28 15:39 ID:YmcKGLXM
>>102 >>103
105Trader@Live!:04/05/28 20:54 ID:2JUTDCHa
Long long ago, there was a very lonely place in the city of Edo.
106Trader@Live!:04/05/29 02:17 ID:i3QkATVd
107Trader@Live!:04/05/30 00:17 ID:LUtX/Bej
Suspected Islamic militants sprayed gunfire inside two Saudi oil industry compounds on the Persian Gulf, killing at least six people
108Trader@Live!:04/06/09 16:20 ID:J+pYMnl0
take on me
owata・・・   πo