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Leed Petroleum PLC
22 May 2008

Leed Petroleum PLC
("Leed" or the "Company")
Drilling Update
23 May 2008

Leed Petroleum PLC, the oil and gas exploration and production company focused on the Gulf of Mexico,
announces an update on the drilling activity at the Eugene Island A-7 well.

The Eugene Island A-7 well was spudded on 17 April 2008 and as at 22 May 2008 had reached a measured
depth of 13,958 ft. Drilling continues towards the development and exploration objectives and remains on
schedule to reach total depth in the third quarter of 2008.

Electric line logs have confirmed that the Company encountered 34 feet of true vertical thickness pay while
drilling the Eugene Island A-7 well. The Company had previously identified the formation as a zone of interest
but it was not a primary objective of the well. The Company will continue to evaluate this sand as drilling
continues toward the primary objectives.

The Eugene Island Blocks are located 50 miles offshore, south of Morgan City, Louisiana in the Gulf of
Mexico in approximately 80 feet of water. Leed's management has built an inventory of development projects
and exploration targets across the Eugene Island Block 183/184 Field.

Howard Wilson, President and Chief Executive of Leed Petroleum PLC, commented:

"We are pleased to have found pay in the A-7 well before reaching any of the targeted objectives, which
offers potential further upside from the well. While the discovery of this zone is good news, drilling continues
and we await the results of the more promising objectives at deeper depths."


リード・ペトロレアムより、Eugine Island A-7井戸のボーリング進捗状況をお知らせします。

Eugine Island A-7井戸は2007年4月17日にボーリング設備を設置して以来、2008年5月22日現在で13,958フィート

Eugine Island A-7井戸を採掘中、井戸内の電信探査記録によりますと垂直深度34フィート(約10.3メートル)から成る
何かの層があることは事前に認識していたものの、Eugine Island A-7のボーリングの主要目的層とは考えておりま

Eugine Island区画はルイジアナ州モーガン・シティ南の沖合い50マイル(約80Km)の地点の水深80フィート(約24メー
トル)にあります。リード社経営陣はEugine Island の183区画および184区画に狙いを定め、探鉱を行い採掘可能埋

リード・ペトロレアムCEO(←要するに社長)のHoward Wilsonは次のようにコメントしています。
オイルサンド層の存在はEugine Island A-7井戸の採掘可能埋蔵量がさらに上ブレする可能性があることを示唆しています。