1 :
3 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/01/26(水) 23:29:28.75 ID:W5aiOAms
4 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/01/26(水) 23:37:03.76 ID:G+GLuzy3
5 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/01/26(水) 23:40:49.28 ID:lS4gyHML
9 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/01/26(水) 23:52:55.84 ID:vyHXevio
12 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/01/27(木) 00:15:37.77 ID:M1iSFlTq
14 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/01/27(木) 01:15:13.30 ID:KRlZW0kf
>>11 ほんとざまぁって思ってそうw
15 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/01/27(木) 01:29:13.23 ID:NHoxixb7
16 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/01/27(木) 01:29:56.43 ID:hhK4ETvL
22 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/01/27(木) 04:35:46.12 ID:v4E1WDSg
23 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/01/27(木) 04:39:45.94 ID:AaylvlL4
24 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/01/27(木) 04:45:24.53 ID:NHoxixb7
26 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/01/27(木) 06:30:56.42 ID:yV5rEV5r
下手に無理して変な付き方したら大事だしね 足は
29 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/01/27(木) 08:15:24.14 ID:XqtUYn4G
31 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/01/27(木) 08:21:13.11 ID:irIQ7Bp5
33 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/01/27(木) 08:42:58.49 ID:J747S3gK
34 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/01/27(木) 08:54:11.37 ID:+MH+Vdj4
香川離脱は確かに痛いけど 藤本もいいものもってるから期待していいと思う
ドリブルのキレもあるし パスは香川より上手いし FKもある
35 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/01/27(木) 09:03:38.17 ID:dPA4Sr2H
36 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/01/27(木) 09:05:49.30 ID:dPA4Sr2H
【サッカー】香川の代役は藤本 左足ミドル魅力…アジア杯
http://toki.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/wildplus/1296086226/ 日本サッカー協会は26日、MF香川真司(21)=ドルトムント=が右足甲を骨折したと発表した。
◆藤本 淳吾(ふじもと・じゅんご)1984年3月24日、神奈川県生まれ。26歳。桐光学園高から筑波大を
38 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/01/27(木) 11:15:44.48 ID:/ixOo+7E
362 名前:名無しさん@恐縮です[] 投稿日:2011/01/27(木) 01:51:09 ID:RlX0BEFO0
途中で香川が足に違和感を持ち始めた所を調べると、31分22秒 遠藤からの
そして、踏んだのは、なんと16番 猿真似のキ・ソンヨン。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWHEwHhsn8c 動画5分33秒頃
39 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/01/27(木) 12:52:10.41 ID:ioQuYrV3
40 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/01/27(木) 17:19:45.91 ID:udAwWAuE
41 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/01/27(木) 20:20:41.84 ID:hhK4ETvL
42 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/01/27(木) 20:36:38.09 ID:Z/jNFWBk
+ ノ | |
田|┳| |
∧_∧ +ノ |・ ・
。゚ スパーン |\
| ̄ ̄| ||
| ‖ | ||
・(_‖( ̄_Γ)__⊥⊥
( ___)
\\ \ |
―――|(_)―ヘ \
45 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/01/27(木) 22:37:13.26 ID:NmR8prxH
>>41 相手の猿真似パフォーマンスの方もね。
46 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/01/28(金) 00:06:50.15 ID:0CLLKGTN
<ヽ`∀´> /つ
⊂二 二つ / /
| |_ ∧_∧ / /
|__ \ <ヽ`∀´> ∧_∧ ウリナラのため
ヽ | || <ヽ`∀´> 任務完了ニダ!
_丿 / ,.-┘└ーっ / /⌒ヽ`yつ
(__/ ( 0__ノ ̄ /_/ \_丿
47 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/01/28(金) 00:18:37.42 ID:pvm9bjSb
>>38 やっぱり韓国に踏まれたのか。絶対そうだと思ってたよ
49 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/01/28(金) 03:22:17.51 ID:ZR/eROAa
50 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/01/28(金) 06:32:02.91 ID:osrEydm/
51 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/01/28(金) 07:43:29.67 ID:9d1Ecouv
>>48 差別的行為に敏感なFIFAに処分されないといいね。
最悪だなぁ ブンデス折り返し半分でないことになるなんて
55 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/01/28(金) 14:26:42.67 ID:9d1Ecouv
56 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/01/28(金) 15:20:00.66 ID:0CLLKGTN
/|:: ┌──────┐ ::|
/ |:: | 朝日| ::| < 日本人ですが旭日旗には残念ニダ・・です
|. |:: | ∧_∧ | ::|
|.... |:: | <=(´∀`) .| ::|
|.... |:: | ( ) | ::|
|.... |:: └──────┘ ::|
\_| ┌────┐ .| ∧∧
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ .∬ ( _) ・・・・・。
/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄旦 ̄(_, )
/ \ _)
| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|
 ̄| ̄| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| ̄| ̄
57 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/01/28(金) 15:20:47.15 ID:/Id9jl6S
>>54 解ってるがいないもんは仕方ないだろうがっ!
>>54 >藤本や柏木じゃ結局役不足よ
60 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/02/28(月) 23:43:21.23 ID:EFbugB2r
Can't seem to stop my imagination(Goes on forever)
Love is such a sweet illusion(Let's come together)
No matter how it's gonna be, I'll try it anyway
Just 'cause giving up is not the only way
If I fail, I won't throw my passion away
<What is the best you can do? How can you do?>
<What is the best you can do? How can you do?>
I was sitting and thinking the other day
God only knows
What I'm seeing......Is it real?
What I'm doing......Is it real?
There is a new world waiting, explore my possibilities
There is no guarantee, just improve my abilities
<You will always be the one, so feel the power
And you should know the sun comes up ― For you>
There is no regrets, satisfy my curiosities
There is a new world waiting, explore my possibilities
There is no guarantee, just improve my abilities
There is a choice to make, setting the right priorities
<What is the best you can do? How can you do?>
I was sitting and thinking the other day
<What is the best you can do? How can you do?>
If I fail, I won't throw my passion away
<What is the best you can do? How can you do?>
Just 'cause giving up is not the only way
No matter how it's gonna be, I'll try it anyway
Love is such a sweet illusion(Let's come together)
Can't seem to stop my imagination(Goes on forever)
What a ridiculous situation(Another matter)
But I can't deny, I'm faced with a tricky temptation
In the world that keeps on changing
Don't know why my heart is aching
Gotta handle it, no more hesitation
There can be no turning back
God only knows
“My mind is as free as the wind
But now what I should do is to fall in love”
God only knows
“I don't need that kind of real things
Feels like I'm lost in the labyrinth”
God only knows
Somehow unexpected happenings thrill me”
God only knows
“There must be the meaning of life
“Just believe in myself and my dream
Anyone could be a hero and heroine”
God only knows
“Though it's not so easy to get through
Here I am, I'm sure that things will go my way”
God only knows
“My mind is as free as the wind
But now what I should do is to fall in love”
God only knows<Your own happiness, you can find it>
“I don't need that kind of real things
Feels like I'm lost in the labyrinth”
God only knows<Your infinity, you can feel it>
“There must be the meaning of life
Somehow unexpected happenings thrill me”
God only knows<Opportunity, you can take it>
“Just believe in myself and my dream
Anyone could be a hero and heroine”
God only knows<Toward the future, you can make it>
“Though it's not so easy to get through
<Sailing, you're sailing away
And now it's blowing, breeze will take you away>
I feel that my spirits rise
I will survive and just stay alive
Enjoy being alone, the isolation is not always so bad
Another day has gone by, every day goes by
In the sky, there'd be a bridge to a bright tomorrow
<You will find your treasure and share your pleasure
Let me tell you......>
<Just keep your vision, your dream, and your soul alive
Be as you are, I will always be right by your side>
In an uncertain world, face to face with myself
Continue to make progress, day by day and step by step
I've got a good feeling
God only knows
What I'm seeing......Is it real?
What I'm feeling......Is it real?
What I'm doing......Is it real?
There is no regrets, satisfy my curiosities
There is a new world waiting, explore my possibilities
There is no guarantee, just improve my abilities
<Go ahead with your own life ― Is there any hope in your sight?>
<You will always be the one, so feel the power
And you should know the sun comes up ― For you>
There is no regrets, satisfy my curiosities
There is a new world waiting, explore my possibilities
There is no guarantee, just improve my abilities
There is a choice to make, setting the right priorities
<What is the best you can do? How can you do?>
I was sitting and thinking the other day
<What is the best you can do? How can you do?>
If I fail, I won't throw my passion away
<What is the best you can do? How can you do?>
No matter how it's gonna be, I'll try it anyway
Love is such a sweet illusion(Let's come together)
Can't seem to stop my imagination(Goes on forever)
What a ridiculous situation(Another matter)
But I can't deny, I'm faced with a tricky temptation
In the world that keeps on changing
Don't know why my heart is aching
Gotta handle it, no more hesitation
There can be no turning back
God only knows
“My mind is as free as the wind
What I'm feeling......Is it real?
What I'm doing......Is it real?
There is no regrets, satisfy my curiosities
There is a new world waiting, explore my possibilities
<Go ahead with your own life ― Is there any hope in your sight?>
There is a choice to make, setting the right priorities
And you should know the sun comes up ― For you>
God oThere is a new world waiting, explore my possibilitiesnly knows
What There is no guarantee, just improve my abilitiesI'm seeing......Is it real?
There is a choice to make, setting the right priorities
<What is the best you can do? How can you do?>
I was sitting and thinking the other day
<What is the best you can do? How can you do?>
ThereIf I fail, I won't throw my passion away is no guarantee, just improve my abilities
<What is the best you can do? How can you do?>
Just 'cause giving up is not the only way
No matter how it's gonna be, I'll try it anyway
Love is such a sweet illusion(Let's come together)
Can't seem to stop my imagination(Goes on forever)
God only knows
What I'm seeing......Is it real?
What I'm doing......Is it real?
There is no regrets, satisfy my curiosities
God only knows
What I'm seeing......Is it real?
What I'm feeling......Is it real?
What I'm doing......Is it real?
There is no regrets, satisfy my curiosities
There is a new world waiting, explore my possibilities
<Go ahead with your own life ― Is there any hope in your sight?>
There is a choice to make, setting the right priorities
<You will always be the one, so feel the power
And you should know the sun comes up ― For you>
There is no regrets, satisfy my curiosities
There is a new world waiting, explore my possibilities
286 :
忍法帖【Lv=2,xxxP】 :2011/03/17(木) 21:26:28.73 ID:HFZyhHCF
287 :
忍法帖【Lv=2,xxxP】 :2011/03/17(木) 21:26:31.41 ID:HFZyhHCF
There is a choice to make, setting the right priorities
<What is the best you can do? How can you do?>
I was sitting and thinking the other day
<What is the best you can do? How can you do?>
302 :
忍法帖【Lv=2,xxxP】 :2011/03/17(木) 21:41:12.08 ID:HFZyhHCF
303 :
忍法帖【Lv=2,xxxP】 :2011/03/17(木) 21:41:12.33 ID:HFZyhHCF
God only knows
What I'm seeing......Is it real?
What I'm feeling......Is it real?
What I'm doing......Is it real?
There is no regrets, satisfy my curiosities
There is a new world waiting, explore my possibilities
316 :
忍法帖【Lv=3,xxxP】 :2011/03/17(木) 22:00:17.35 ID:HFZyhHCF
317 :
忍法帖【Lv=3,xxxP】 :2011/03/17(木) 22:00:17.92 ID:HFZyhHCF
God only knows
What I'm seeing......Is it real?
What I'm feeling......Is it real?
There is no regrets, satisfy my curiosities
There is a new world waiting, explore my possibilities
<Go ahead with your own life ― Is there any hope in your sight?>
There is a choice to make, setting the right priorities
And you should know the sun comes up ― For you>
329 :
忍法帖【Lv=4,xxxP】 :2011/03/17(木) 22:24:16.22 ID:HFZyhHCF
330 :
忍法帖【Lv=4,xxxP】 :2011/03/17(木) 22:24:16.62 ID:HFZyhHCF
There is a new world waiting, explore my possibilities
There is no guarantee, just improve my abilities
<What is the best you can do? How can you do?>
<What is the best you can do? How can you do?>
ThereIf I fail, I won't throw my passion away is no guarantee, just im
prove my abilities
What No matter how it's gonna be, I'll try it anywayI'm doing......Is it real?
Love is such a sweet illusion(Let's come together)
But I can't deny, I'm faced with a tricky temptation
ThereIn the world that keeps on changing is a choice to make, setting the right priorities
Don't know why my heart is aching
<YouGotta handle it, no more hesitation will always
be the one, so feel the power
God only knows
<Wh“My mind is as free as the windat is the be
st you can do? How can you do?>
God only knows
Feels like I'm lost in the labyrinth”
Just 'cause giving up is not the only wa
on't need that kind of real things
There can be no turning back
362 :
忍法帖【Lv=1,xxxP】 :2011/03/17(木) 23:07:46.93 ID:HFZyhHCF
363 :
忍法帖【Lv=1,xxxP】 :2011/03/17(木) 23:07:51.61 ID:HFZyhHCF
What a ridiculous situation(Another matter)
375 :
忍法帖【Lv=1,xxxP】 :2011/03/17(木) 23:15:36.89 ID:HFZyhHCF
376 :
忍法帖【Lv=1,xxxP】 :2011/03/17(木) 23:15:42.40 ID:HFZyhHCF
God only knows
What I'm seeing......Is it real?
What I'm feeling......Is it real?
What I'm doing......Is it real?
There is no regrets, satisfy my curiosities
There is a new world waiting, explore my possibilities
There is no guarantee, just improve my abilities
<Go ahead with your own life ― Is there any hope in your sight?>
There is a choice to make, setting the right priorities
<You will always be the one, so feel the power
And you should know the sun comes up ― For you>
There is no regrets, satisfy my curiosities
God only knows
What I'm seeing......Is it real?
What I'm feeling......Is it real?
What I'm doing......Is it real?
There is no regrets, satisfy my curiosities
There is a new world waiting, explore my possibilities
<Go ahead with your own life ― Is there any hope in your sight?>
There is a choice to make, setting the right priorities
And you should know the sun comes up ― For you>
There is no regrets, satisfy my curiosities
There is a new world waiting, explore my possibilities
There is no guarantee, just improve my abilities
There is a choice to make, setting the right priorities
<What is the best you can do? How can you do?>
I was sitting and thinking the other day
<What is the best you can do? How can you do?>
If I fail, I won't throw my passion away
<What is the best you can do? How can you do?>
No matter how it's gonna be, I'll try it anyway
Just 'cause giving up is not the only way
Love is such a sweet illusion(Let's come together)
Can't seem to stop my imagination(Goes on forever)
What a ridiculous situation(Another matter)
In the world that keeps on changing
Don't know why my heart is aching
Gotta handle it, no more hesitation
There can be no turning back
God only knows
God only knows
What I'm seeing......Is it real?
What I'm feeling......Is it real?
What I'm doing......Is it real?
There is no regrets, satisfy my curiosities
There is a new world waiting, explore my possibilities
There is no guarantee, just improve my abilities
<Go ahead with your own life ― Is there any hope in your sight?>
<You will always be the one, so feel the power
There is a new world waiting, explore my possibilities
And you should know the sun comes up ― For you>
There is no guarantee, just improve my abilities
There is a choice to make, setting the right priorities
<What is the best you can do? How can you do?>
441 :
忍法帖【Lv=1,xxxP】 :2011/03/18(金) 00:13:11.47 ID:CG9cRdw/
There is a choice to make, setting the right priorities
443 :
忍法帖【Lv=1,xxxP】 :2011/03/18(金) 00:41:50.84 ID:CG9cRdw/
God only knows
God only knows
God only knows
God only knows
God only knows
God only knows
What I'm seeing......Is it real?
What I'm feeling......Is it real?
What I'm doing......Is it real?
There is no regrets, satisfy my curiosities
There is a new world waiting, explore my possibilities
There is no guarantee, just improve my abilities
<Go ahead with your own life ― Is there any hope in your sight?>
There is a choice to make, setting the right priorities
<You will always be the one, so feel the power
God only knows
What I'm seeing......Is it real?
What I'm feeling......Is it real?
What I'm doing......Is it real?
There is no regrets, satisfy my curiosities
There is a new world waiting, explore my possibilities
There is no guarantee, just improve my abilities
<Go ahead with your own life ― Is there any hope in your sight?>
There is a choice to make, setting the right priorities
<You will always be the one, so feel the power
And you should know the sun comes up ― For you>
There is no regrets, satisfy my curiosities
There is a new world waiting, explore my possibilities
There is no guarantee, just improve my abilities
There is a choice to make, setting the right priorities
<What is the best you can do? How can you do?>
<What is the best you can do? How can you do?>
<What is the best you can do? How can you do?>
Just 'cause giving up is not the only way
No matter how it's gonna be, I'll try it anyway
Love is such a sweet illusion(Let's come together)
Can't seem to stop my imagination(Goes on forever)
What a ridiculous situation(Another matter)
But I can't deny, I'm faced with a tricky temptation
Don't know why my heart is aching
Gotta handle it, no more hesitation
There can be no turning back
In the world that keeps on changing
God only knows
“My mind is as free as the wind
But now what I should do is to fall in love”
“I don't need that kind of real things
Feels like I'm lost in the labyrinth”
God only knows
“There must be the meaning of life
Somehow unexpected happenings thrill me”
God only knows
“Just believe in myself and my dream
Anyone could be a hero and heroine”
God only knows
“Though it's not so easy to get through
Here I am, I'm sure that things will go my way”
God only knows
“My mind is as free as the wind
But now what I should do is to fall in love”
God only knows<Your own happiness, you can find it>
507 :
忍法帖【Lv=1,xxxP】 :2011/03/18(金) 03:29:32.42 ID:CG9cRdw/
508 :
● 忍法帖【Lv=2,xxxP】 :2011/03/18(金) 03:30:21.98 ID:CG9cRdw/
God only knows<Your infinity, you can feel it>
“There must be the meaning of life
Somehow unexpected happenings thrill me”
God only knows<Opportunity, you can take it>
“Just believe in myself and my dream
Anyone could be a hero and heroine”
God only knows<Toward the future, you can make it>
“Though it's not so easy to get through
Here I am, I'm sure that things will go my way”
<Sailing, you're sailing away
And now it's blowing, breeze will take you away>
I feel that my spirits rise
I will survive and just stay alive
Enjoy being alone, the isolation is not always so bad
Another day has gone by, every day goes by
In the sky, there'd be a bridge to a bright tomorrow
Let me tell you......>
<Just keep your vision, your dream, and your soul alive
Be as you are, I will always be right by your side>
Think about my love and my life
In an uncertain world, face to face with myself
Continue to make progress, day by day and step by step
I've got a good feeling
God only knows
What I'm seeing......Is it real?
What I'm feeling......Is it real?
What I'm doing......Is it real?
There is no regrets, satisfy my curiosities
There is a new world waiting, explore my possibilities
There is no guarantee, just improve my abilities
<Go ahead with your own life ― Is there any hope in your sight?>
There is a choice to make, setting the right priorities
And you should know the sun comes up ― For you>
There is no regrets, satisfy my curiosities
There is a new world waiting, explore my possibilities
There is no guarantee, just improve my abilities
There is a choice to make, setting the right priorities
<What is the best you can do? How can you do?>
I was sitting and thinking the other day
<What is the best you can do? How can you do?>
If I fail, I won't throw my passion away
<What is the best you can do? How can you do?>
Just 'cause giving up is not the only way
No matter how it's gonna be, I'll try it anyway
Love is such a sweet illusion(Let's come together)
Can't seem to stop my imagination(Goes on forever)
What a ridiculous situation(Another matter)
But I can't deny, I'm faced with a tricky temptation
God only knows
What I'm seeing......Is it real?
What I'm feeling......Is it real?
What I'm doing......Is it real?
There is no regrets, satisfy my curiosities
There is a new world waiting, explore my possibilities
There is no guarantee, just improve my abilities
<Go ahead with your own life ― Is there any hope in your sight?>
There is a choice to make, setting the right priorities
<You will always be the one, so feel the power
And you should know the sun comes up ― For you>
There is no regrets, satisfy my curiosities
There is a new world waiting, explore my possibilities
There is no guarantee, just improve my abilities
There is a choice to make, setting the right priorities
<What is the best you can do? How can you do?>
If I fail, I won't throw my passion away
<What is the best you can do? How can you do?>
Just 'cause giving up is not the only way
No matter how it's gonna be, I'll try it anyway
Love is such a sweet illusion(Let's come together)
Can't seem to stop my imagination(Goes on forever)
What a ridiculous situation(Another matter)
But I can't deny, I'm faced with a tricky temptation
In the world that keeps on changing
Don't know why my heart is aching
Gotta handle it, no more hesitation
There can be no turning back
God only knows
“My mind is as free as the wind
But now what I should do is to fall in love”
God only knows
What I'm seeing......Is it real?
What I'm doing......Is it real?
There is no regrets, satisfy my curiosities
There is a new world waiting, explore my possibilities
There is no guarantee, just improve my abilities
<Go ahead with your own life ― Is there any hope in your sight?>
There is a choice to make, setting the right priorities
<You will always be the one, so feel the power
And you should know the sun comes up ― For you>
There is no regrets, satisfy my curiosities
There is a new world waiting, explore my possibilities
There is no guarantee, just improve my abilities
There is a choice to make, setting the right priorities
<What is the best you can do? How can you do?>
I was sitting and thinking the other day
<What is the best you can do? How can you do?>
If I fail, I won't throw my passion away
<What is the best you can do? How can you do?>
What I'm feeling......Is it real?
Just 'cause giving up is not the only way
No matter how it's gonna be, I'll try it anyway
Love is such a sweet illusion(Let's come together)
Can't seem to stop my imagination(Goes on forever)
What a ridiculous situation(Another matter)
But I can't deny, I'm faced with a tricky temptation
In the world that keeps on changing
Don't know why my heart is aching
Gotta handle it, no more hesitation
There can be no turning back
God only knows
“My mind is as free as the wind
But now what I should do is to fall in love”
God only knows
“I don't need that kind of real things
Feels like I'm lost in the labyrinth”
God only knows
“There must be the meaning of life
Somehow unexpected happenings thrill me”
God only knows
“Just believe in myself and my dream
Anyone could be a hero and heroine”
God only knows
“Though it's not so easy to get through
Here I am, I'm sure that things will go my way”
God only knows
“My mind is as free as the wind
But now what I should do is to fall in love”
God only knows<Your own happiness, you can find it>
“I don't need that kind of real things
Feels like I'm lost in the labyrinth”
God only knows<Your infinity, you can feel it>
“There must be the meaning of life
Somehow unexpected happenings thrill me”
God only knows<Opportunity, you can take it>
“Just believe in myself and my dream
Anyone could be a hero and heroine”
God only knows<Toward the future, you can make it>
“Though it's not so easy to get through
Here I am, I'm sure that things will go my way”
<Sailing, you're sailing away
And now it's blowing, breeze will take you away>
I feel that my spirits rise
I will survive and just stay alive
Enjoy being alone, the isolation is not always so bad
Another day has gone by, every day goes by
In the sky, there'd be a bridge to a bright tomorrow
<You will find your treasure and share your pleasure
Let me tell you......>
<Just keep your vision, your dream, and your soul alive
Be as you are, I will always be right by your side>
Think about my love and my life
In an uncertain world, face to face with myself
Continue to make progress, day by day and step by step
I've got a good feeling
God only knows
What I'm seeing......Is it real?
What I'm feeling......Is it real?
What I'm doing......Is it real?
There is no regrets, satisfy my curiosities
There is a new world waiting, explore my possibilities
There is no guarantee, just improve my abilities
<Go ahead with your own life ― Is there any hope in your sight?>
There is a choice to make, setting the right priorities
<You will always be the one, so feel the power
And you should know the sun comes up ― For you>
There is no regrets, satisfy my curiosities
There is a new world waiting, explore my possibilities
There is no guarantee, just improve my abilities
There is a choice to make, setting the right priorities
<What is the best you can do? How can you do?>
I was sitting and thinking the other day
<What is the best you can do? How can you do?>
If I fail, I won't throw my passion away
<What is the best you can do? How can you do?>
Just 'cause giving up is not the only way
No matter how it's gonna be, I'll try it anyway
Love is such a sweet illusion(Let's come together)
Can't seem to stop my imagination(Goes on forever)
What a ridiculous situation(Another matter)
But I can't deny, I'm faced with a tricky temptation
In the world that keeps on changing
Don't know why my heart is aching
Gotta handle it, no more hesitation
There can be no turning back
God only knows
“My mind is as free as the wind
But now what I should do is to fall in love”
God only knows
“I don't need that kind of real things
Feels like I'm lost in the labyrinth”
God only knows
“There must be the meaning of life
Somehow unexpected happenings thrill me”
God only knows
“Just believe in myself and my dream
Anyone could be a hero and heroine”
God only knows
“Though it's not so easy to get through
Here I am, I'm sure that things will go my way”
God only knows
“My mind is as free as the wind
But now what I should do is to fall in love”
God only knows<Your own happiness, you can find it>
“I don't need that kind of real things
Feels like I'm lost in the labyrinth”
God only knows<Your infinity, you can feel it>
“There must be the meaning of life
Somehow unexpected happenings thrill me”
God only knows<Opportunity, you can take it>
“Just believe in myself and my dream
Anyone could be a hero and heroine”
God only knows<Toward the future, you can make it>
“Though it's not so easy to get through
Here I am, I'm sure that things will go my way”
<Sailing, you're sailing away
And now it's blowing, breeze will take you away>
I feel that my spirits rise
I will survive and just stay alive
Enjoy being alone, the isolation is not always so bad
Another day has gone by, every day goes by
In the sky, there'd be a bridge to a bright tomorrow
<You will find your treasure and share your pleasure
Let me tell you......>
<Just keep your vision, your dream, and your soul alive
Be as you are, I will always be right by your side>
Think about my love and my life
In an uncertain world, face to face with myself
Continue to make progress, day by day and step by step
I've got a good feeling
God only knows
What I'm seeing......Is it real?
What I'm feeling......Is it real?
What I'm doing......Is it real?
There is no regrets, satisfy my curiosities
There is a new world waiting, explore my possibilities
There is no guarantee, just improve my abilities
<Go ahead with your own life ― Is there any hope in your sight?>
There is a choice to make, setting the right priorities
<You will always be the one, so feel the power
And you should know the sun comes up ― For you>
There is no regrets, satisfy my curiosities
There is a new world waiting, explore my possibilities
There is no guarantee, just improve my abilities
There is a choice to make, setting the right priorities
<What is the best you can do? How can you do?>
I was sitting and thinking the other day
<What is the best you can do? How can you do?>
If I fail, I won't throw my passion away
<What is the best you can do? How can you do?>
Just 'cause giving up is not the only way
No matter how it's gonna be, I'll try it anyway
Love is such a sweet illusion(Let's come together)
Can't seem to stop my imagination(Goes on forever)
What a ridiculous situation(Another matter)
But I can't deny, I'm faced with a tricky temptation
In the world that keeps on changing
Don't know why my heart is aching
Gotta handle it, no more hesitation
There can be no turning back
God only knows
“My mind is as free as the wind
But now what I should do is to fall in love”
God only knows
“I don't need that kind of real things
Feels like I'm lost in the labyrinth”
God only knows
“There must be the meaning of life
Somehow unexpected happenings thrill me”
God only knows
“Just believe in myself and my dream
Anyone could be a hero and heroine”
God only knows
“Though it's not so easy to get through
Here I am, I'm sure that things will go my way”
God only knows
“My mind is as free as the wind
But now what I should do is to fall in love”
God only knows<Your own happiness, you can find it>
Feels like I'm lost in the labyrinth”
God only knows<Your infinity, you can feel it>
“There must be the meaning of life
Somehow unexpected happenings thrill me”
God only knows<Opportunity, you can take it>
“Just believe in myself and my dream
Anyone could be a hero and heroine”
God only knows<Toward the future, you can make it>
“Though it's not so easy to get through
Here I am, I'm sure that things will go my way”
<Sailing, you're sailing away
And now it's blowing, breeze will take you away>
I feel that my spirits rise
I will survive and just stay alive
Enjoy being alone, the isolation is not always so bad
Another day has gone by, every day goes by
<You will find your treasure and share your pleasure
Let me tell you......>
<Just keep your vision, your dream, and your soul alive
Be as you are, I will always be right by your side>
Think about my love and my life
In an uncertain world, face to face with myself
Continue to make progress, day by day and step by step
I've got a good feeling
God only knows
What I'm seeing......Is it real?
What I'm feeling......Is it real?
What I'm doing......Is it real?
There is no regrets, satisfy my curiosities
There is a new world waiting, explore my possibilities
There is no guarantee, just improve my abilities
<Go ahead with your own life ― Is there any hope in your sight?>
There is a choice to make, setting the right priorities
And you should know the sun comes up ― For you>
There is no regrets, satisfy my curiosities
There is a new world waiting, explore my possibilities
There is no guarantee, just improve my abilities
There is a choice to make, setting the right priorities
<What is the best you can do? How can you do?>
I was sitting and thinking the other day
<What is the best you can do? How can you do?>
If I fail, I won't throw my passion away
<What is the best you can do? How can you do?>
Just 'cause giving up is not the only way
No matter how it's gonna be, I'll try it anyway
Love is such a sweet illusion(Let's come together)
Can't seem to stop my imagination(Goes on forever)
What a ridiculous situation(Another matter)
But I can't deny, I'm faced with a tricky temptation
In the world that keeps on changing
Gotta handle it, no more hesitation
There can be no turning back
God only knows
“My mind is as free as the wind
But now what I should do is to fall in love”
God only knows
“I don't need that kind of real things
Feels like I'm lost in the labyrinth”
God only knows
“There must be the meaning of life
Somehow unexpected happenings thrill me”
God only knows
“Just believe in myself and my dream
Anyone could be a hero and heroine”
God only knows
“Though it's not so easy to get through
Here I am, I'm sure that things will go my way”
“My mind is as free as the wind
But now what I should do is to fall in love”
God only knows<Your own happiness, you can find it>
“I don't need that kind of real things
Feels like I'm lost in the labyrinth”
God only knows<Your infinity, you can feel it>
“There must be the meaning of life
Somehow unexpected happenings thrill me”
God only knows<Opportunity, you can take it>
“Just believe in myself and my dream
Anyone could be a hero and heroine”
God only knows<Toward the future, you can make it>
“Though it's not so easy to get through
Here I am, I'm sure that things will go my way”
<Sailing, you're sailing away
And now it's blowing, breeze will take you away>
I feel that my spirits rise
Enjoy being alone, the isolation is not always so bad
Another day has gone by, every day goes by
In the sky, there'd be a bridge to a bright tomorrow
<You will find your treasure and share your pleasure
Let me tell you......>
<Just keep your vision, your dream, and your soul alive
Be as you are, I will always be right by your side>
Think about my love and my life
In an uncertain world, face to face with myself
Continue to make progress, day by day and step by step
I've got a good feeling
God only knows
What I'm seeing......Is it real?
What I'm feeling......Is it real?
What I'm doing......Is it real?
There is no regrets, satisfy my curiosities
There is a new world waiting, explore my possibilities
<Go ahead with your own life ― Is there any hope in your sight?>
There is a choice to make, setting the right priorities
<You will always be the one, so feel the power
And you should know the sun comes up ― For you>
There is no regrets, satisfy my curiosities
There is a new world waiting, explore my possibilities
There is no guarantee, just improve my abilities
There is a choice to make, setting the right priorities
<What is the best you can do? How can you do?>
I was sitting and thinking the other day
<What is the best you can do? How can you do?>
If I fail, I won't throw my passion away
<What is the best you can do? How can you do?>
Just 'cause giving up is not the only way
No matter how it's gonna be, I'll try it anyway
Love is such a sweet illusion(Let's come together)
Can't seem to stop my imagination(Goes on forever)
But I can't deny, I'm faced with a tricky temptation
In the world that keeps on changing
Gotta handle it, no more hesitation
Don't know why my heart is aching
There can be no turning back
God only knows
“My mind is as free as the wind
But now what I should do is to fall in love”
God only knows
“I don't need that kind of real things
Feels like I'm lost in the labyrinth”
God only knows
“There must be the meaning of life
Somehow unexpected happenings thrill me”
God only knows
“Just believe in myself and my dream
Anyone could be a hero and heroine”
“Though it's not so easy to get through
Here I am, I'm sure that things will go my way”
God only knows
“My mind is as free as the wind
But now what I should do is to fall in love”
God only knows<Your own happiness, you can find it>
“I don't need that kind of real things
Feels like I'm lost in the labyrinth”
God only knows<Your infinity, you can feel it>
“There must be the meaning of life
Somehow unexpected happenings thrill me”
God only knows<Opportunity, you can take it>
“Just believe in myself and my dream
Anyone could be a hero and heroine”
God only knows<Toward the future, you can make it>
“Though it's not so easy to get through
Here I am, I'm sure that things will go my way”
And now it's blowing, breeze will take you away>
I feel that my spirits rise
I will survive and just stay alive
Enjoy being alone, the isolation is not always so bad
Another day has gone by, every day goes by
In the sky, there'd be a bridge to a bright tomorrow
<You will find your treasure and share your pleasure
Let me tell you......>
<Just keep your vision, your dream, and your soul alive
Be as you are, I will always be right by your side>
Think about my love and my life
In an uncertain world, face to face with myself
Continue to make progress, day by day and step by step
I've got a good feeling
God only knows
What I'm seeing......Is it real?
What I'm feeling......Is it real?
There is no regrets, satisfy my curiosities
There is a new world waiting, explore my possibilities
There is no guarantee, just improve my abilities
<Go ahead with your own life ― Is there any hope in your sight?>
There is a choice to make, setting the right priorities
<You will always be the one, so feel the power
And you should know the sun comes up ― For you>
There is no regrets, satisfy my curiosities
There is a new world waiting, explore my possibilities
There is no guarantee, just improve my abilities
There is a choice to make, setting the right priorities
<What is the best you can do? How can you do?>
I was sitting and thinking the other day
<What is the best you can do? How can you do?>
If I fail, I won't throw my passion away
<What is the best you can do? How can you do?>
Just 'cause giving up is not the only way
Love is such a sweet illusion(Let's come together)
Can't seem to stop my imagination(Goes on forever)
What a ridiculous situation(Another matter)
But I can't deny, I'm faced with a tricky temptation
In the world that keeps on changing
Don't know why my heart is aching
Gotta handle it, no more hesitation
There can be no turning back
God only knows
“My mind is as free as the wind
But now what I should do is to fall in love”
God only knows
“I don't need that kind of real things
Feels like I'm lost in the labyrinth”
God only knows
“There must be the meaning of life
Somehow unexpected happenings thrill me”
“Just believe in myself and my dream
Anyone could be a hero and heroine”
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