
564夫馬 ◆8vmHbvIYFh.e
It is crazy to see the night and day mad at God bird's-eye view perspective meaning a true purely
But are not inherently also inherently some reason
It is a crazy no choice but to put yourself in the dimension which is not incompatible with small fry
Gaya Gaya埵婆訶薩friction Auntie薩埵bodhi囉耶爍鉗羯帝Roh Auntie唎耶Ali hail from Gaya night那哆囉怛and hail
唎耶The Ah Meng埵伊interest悉吉hail friction訶迦Roh nun迦耶唵薩皤囉punishment曳數怛那怛寫
I is outside of the base and off-base
I mad some of the outside of the base and off-base mad
訶friction醯唎謹墀那囉hail Auntie Roh Gil Imperial Buddha囉楞馱婆
逝孕薩婆薩那friction friction Auntie Auntie薩那Gaya Abe other beans輸朋Ali醯唎friction訶皤Sha梼FAuntie
One of Narite fate of life barrel evoked with a quantum wave a net basis Genichi
Reason cosmic basis will be guaranteed not to anyone out there because
That it wants to draw a boundary line today non- maniac and by all means meaningless
It is not only the confession of sensory limits of mediocrity
Wave陀摩羯悉陀夜corrupt world訶那囉謹墀皤伽囉耶corrupt world訶