BREAKING: Asteroid 2012 DA14 Could Hit Earth in February 2013
http://www.blippitt.com/asteroid-2012-da14/ Forget about that asteroid that could hit Earth in 2040, there’s a new one that may be headed
right for us in less than a year.
Scientists have discovered Asteroid 2012 DA14, which will pass closer to Earth than most
satellites on February 15 2013, and could pose a possible threat to human life.
Experts are now suggesting trying to confront the asteroid with either paint or big guns, as there
is not enough time to try and build a spaceship to divert its path.
NASA confirms that the 197-foot asteroid, spotted by Spanish stargazers in February, will skim
by Earth in 11 months. Its trajectory will bring it extremely close to our planet, sparking fears of a
possible collision.
Asteroid 2012 DA14 will pass by our planet in February 2013 at a distance of less than 16,700 miles,
closer than the geosynchronous orbits of some satellites.
Note, that Asteroid 2005 YU55, which captured the attention of scientists in November 2011,
passed by Earth at a distance more than 10 times higher than the distance of the Asteroid 2012 DA14.