
Greetings, people of the textboard!
I hope some of you speak english, but the way I know japanese people, I have no doubt you do.

I am here today to ask you, 2ch dwellers,
to help me find informations about the crumbling power plant that is Fukushima Daiichi
and the unrest caused by some officials and their unrealistic announcements. I seek truth.
And I know for sure this place is where I can find unhindered people.

Here is what I research : I'd like english-speaking japanese people
who can provide me information on the real situation.
If you live in the area, if you know english-speaking people who do or if you have
some fresh information that can not be seen on medias, or simply update about "What's happening",
I would be immensely grateful to have those informations. Even better if you're working there.

I'll leave a mail address here. (below)
Anything you'll send will be redirected to my mailbox. I'll answer to anything sent to me
(except stupid things of course).
2地震雷火事名無し(東京都):2011/12/11(日) 01:03:20.49 ID:J/bUFkQV0
3Seeker(フランス):2011/12/11(日) 01:04:01.55 ID:r5porZpY0
Who can ignore japanese officials made young people make a marathon
in the contaminated area, and that one of the competitors died there
of "heat stroke" while the temperature was at 20° (68F)?
Who can deny radiactive particles reached the time change line, 4000km (2485 miles) away from coasts?
This story is too much. I am not japanese, and I know how much you people
trust and rely on your government, and I have read that some guy suicided, because he felt deceived.

I don't know how much media coverage there is in Japan, but in a lot others countries,
very few people talk about it. It was "trendy" some time ago, but now medias decided
it was old story and got back to american singers or the last sexual parties of some important politician.
And I want to get the story back on the scene.
The "people need help" is a part of this, but the fact that it's probably
one of the worst nuclear disasters that happened, and it's going worse, and very few care about,
except those who are eating contamined food daily, or working to limit the danger while taking excessive doses of radiations,
that must not be tolerated.

I am not a journalist, or reporter for any media (or mass media...). I don't work for anyone except me.
This doesn't means I'll keep the info for myself, only that I do that along with my own research on the subject,
to inform about that in places it's just a "foreign story". I'm not alone in this research.
Please help me in this.
4地震雷火事名無し(東京都):2011/12/11(日) 01:04:27.00 ID:J/bUFkQV0
Hi Seeker!
5Seeker(フランス):2011/12/11(日) 01:04:47.15 ID:r5porZpY0
Here is the mail I mentioned, at wich you can contact me :

[email protected]
(temporary mail address, will work 2 weeks, I'll use my regular address to speak to those who send me something)

Please include 2ch, 2chan, Japan, Fukushima in the "object" field so I can sort mails faster.
It will go worse, or not. But it WILL be worse if people don't know or don't care. The informations must get outside japanese borders.

(The pic might not be accurate but it's not out of topic)

tl;dr :
No time to read? Short version : You have infos on the Fukushima disaster
or you live there (or know people who do)?
Then send me a mail on the adress above with "2ch"
in subject field. I seek to inform people outside of Japan.
I don't work for any medias/mass medias.

Answering in this thread is welcomed, asking questions, discuss or anything,
but in english. I know I'm in the right place but I can't read japanese (I know, that's a shame)

I deeply hope I can count on you, thanks in advance.
6Seeker(フランス):2011/12/11(日) 01:05:41.97 ID:r5porZpY0
4> Hi!
7地震雷火事名無し(東京都):2011/12/11(日) 01:06:24.86 ID:J/bUFkQV0
Are you French?
8地震雷火事名無し(東京都):2011/12/11(日) 01:08:33.22 ID:J/bUFkQV0
                  .||  コ彡
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               ||  ケ彡 ∬ ∫  ∬  ∬ ∫  ∬
     ∧_∧  ∬  ||I  彡    ∬ ∫  ∬  ∬ ∫  ∬
     (´・ω・`) θθ ||円  彡. _,,、、,,,_,_  _,,、、,,,_,_   _,,、、,,,_,_    
    ┌┴―┴──┐||"""   ,r';;'::゛':::`::;''tr';;'::゛':::`::;''tr,';;'::゛':::`::;''t
    |コロケ    | ||     .'r、;:´∀`:;; .'r;´´∀`;;r' .'r、;:´∀`;;r'
    |売ってまつ .|||    i ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄i ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄l
9Seeker(フランス):2011/12/11(日) 01:08:50.98 ID:r5porZpY0
7> I am! Nice to meet you.
But well, I would be stupid to post this in french here^^
I speak spanish too. And I know latin (kinda useless).
I understand a little when japanese tongue, but can't read at all.
10Seeker(フランス):2011/12/11(日) 01:10:39.13 ID:r5porZpY0
Ouch, that was 2 sentences in one.
Please read "I understand a little when japanese speak"
or "I understand a little the japanese tongue"
11地震雷火事名無し(東京都):2011/12/11(日) 01:11:33.06 ID:J/bUFkQV0
I'm glad to meet you.

12地震雷火事名無し(チベット自治区):2011/12/11(日) 01:11:47.60 ID:EH9IfIe50
Si tu es francais, n'hesite pas a nous ecrire en francais.
13地震雷火事名無し(東京都):2011/12/11(日) 01:13:39.04 ID:J/bUFkQV0

14Seeker(フランス):2011/12/11(日) 01:14:10.48 ID:r5porZpY0
>>11 Hajimemashite to you too.

>>12 Tu es un autre français ou un japonais qui parle français?

And I think I'll stick to japanese, I guess most of the people here
speak more english than french...isn't it?
15地震雷火事名無し(東京都):2011/12/11(日) 01:15:52.43 ID:J/bUFkQV0
Bonne nuit!

16Seeker(フランス):2011/12/11(日) 01:19:20.78 ID:r5porZpY0
>>15 Oyasumi nasai!

(Aren't all those "sage" meant to drown the thread?
Or is that something else here?)
17地震雷火事名無し(大阪府):2011/12/11(日) 01:21:10.65 ID:M1v2gdX80
It's good to have you here.

Unfortunately, very few Japanese people understand English very well.
I hope you can find the right people who can provide you real information.
18Seeker(フランス):2011/12/11(日) 01:21:46.23 ID:r5porZpY0
Ah, maybe this is the wrong board to post such an informations request.
If that's the reason of the sages, please indicate me
a more appropriate place...
19地震雷火事名無し(チベット自治区):2011/12/11(日) 01:21:48.40 ID:EH9IfIe50
Je suis japonais qui parle votre langue un petit peu.
Pour moi, le francais est plus familier...
Mais tu as raison, most of people here ne comprendraient pas.
20Seeker(フランス):2011/12/11(日) 01:22:45.15 ID:r5porZpY0
>>19 Courageux! French is known to be a hard language to learn.
21地震雷火事名無し(東京都):2011/12/11(日) 01:29:19.47 ID:HJ5p/X0x0
Now,in japan, who afraid of Fukushima atomic crisis and radioactivity
are regarded as "chicken" or "neurosis" or "bad person".

Japanese government and TV media don't inform people truth and danger,
and they recommend people to eat heavily contaminated foods by radioactivity.
TV media usually says "Let's support Fukushima by eating fukushima's farm products".

Unbelievable! Really crazy thing. We have only despair.

We'd like to know what is actually happening
in Fukushima, by foreign media.

Could you tell us, what is reported about Fukushima atomic crisis by French press.
We wanna really know how dangerous thing is happening around us.
22地震雷火事名無し(チベット自治区):2011/12/11(日) 01:30:56.59 ID:EH9IfIe50
A mon avis, this board n'est pas the wrong board,
parce qu'ici on parle du sujet sur Fukusima serieusement.
Mais peu de gens peuvent comprendre l'anglais.
pour toi c'est tres difficile de trouver des informations, je pense.
23地震雷火事名無し(大阪府):2011/12/11(日) 01:32:13.13 ID:lzirzVmJ0
Pardon my wrong English.
You are on right place, and this board may suit for your request, I guess.
People who write on this board much concern about earthquake and radioactive disaster and they are minority in Japan.
Not a few person has good information, I hope they give you good information.

24地震雷火事名無し(大阪府):2011/12/11(日) 01:32:39.78 ID:M1v2gdX80
Any word other than sage, a thread appears at the top of the board.
Doing that is totally one's preference and doesn't mean anything else.
There is no problem to ask for radiation-related information here.
25地震雷火事名無し(家):2011/12/11(日) 01:39:43.80 ID:QoNg9xbo0
Japanese goverment attacked for me & many people

They are crazy

Japanese government and TV media don't inform atomic crisis

We are only slavlor

Japanese police attacked for me & many people

Oh! my godness!
26地震雷火事名無し(東京都):2011/12/11(日) 01:40:07.38 ID:HJ5p/X0x0
I really afraid of spent nuclear fuel pool of 4th plant.

I think if the pool collapse by next large earthquake,
enormous radioactivity are released and lots of people die immediately.

I'd like to know how world's media are informing about the pool and its danger.
27Seeker(フランス):2011/12/11(日) 01:42:11.13 ID:r5porZpY0
Don't despair! You are not alone.

French press? Well, they mostly relate about European problems.
The recent news speak about how the happenings may lead to fire
employees in european nuclear companies.
Also, seems the director of the power plant has cancer now.
There are updates about new contamined water leaking from the central in Fukushima,
and about another japanese nuclear power plant having problems (leaks, higher rates registered...).
Seems only 9 on 54 power plants in Japan
are still in activity since all of this started.

Also, all the news I wrote in the long text above, but you surely know that already.
There are big doubts about the tsunami. More and more people think it was
a crumbling facility and the earthquake only aggravated the already existing damages.
Some time before the first explosions, a part of the systems in the power plant was hacked,
(or in a really bad condition) but the origin of that is unknown.

And yes, the "Let's support Fukushima by eating fukushima's farm products", and
the way people are seen as chicken is what interests me. If you want, send a
mail, we can keep talking after, I'm looking for inside view of all this story.
28Seeker(フランス):2011/12/11(日) 01:43:17.21 ID:r5porZpY0
>>23 >>24 Ah, good! Thanks for explaining me that.
29地震雷火事名無し(チベット自治区):2011/12/11(日) 01:44:11.08 ID:EH9IfIe50
>>25 opinion excessive... ideologuique...

au revoir, j'ai sommeil. Bonne chance.
30地震雷火事名無し(群馬県):2011/12/11(日) 01:48:18.61 ID:C3VnnIJx0
31地震雷火事名無し(東京都):2011/12/11(日) 01:49:18.70 ID:HJ5p/X0x0
Food's contamination temporary standards are also crazy.
Now, 500 Bq/kg vegetable, meat, milk, fish, mushroom and rice are distributed.

Crazy things!
Government, producers, consumers are all crazy.

Who afraid of food radioactive contamination are really minority.
32Seeker(フランス):2011/12/11(日) 01:49:54.53 ID:r5porZpY0
>>26 About Fukushima 4, it has been announced that there was a new contamined water leak.
Seems people are trying to fix that but because government is like
"A leak? Ah well, put some glue, should be okay", nothing will get fixed.

The worst is to know that people out there are doing everything they can with the
resources they have, but officials don't take this seriously (or are blinded)
and send reinforcements or material like if it was a minor incident...
33Seeker(フランス):2011/12/11(日) 01:52:48.95 ID:r5porZpY0
Ah, and the emperor, Akihito, stayed few days in the hospital, after
officially visiting the Fukushima area.
An official drank water from the area to prove it was harmless, in front
of journalists. Well, in the video the man was shaking while taking the
glass to his lips...
34地震雷火事名無し(WiMAX):2011/12/11(日) 01:56:42.50 ID:tfEZfJWA0
つまりフランスにいる日本人が情報集めたいので協力してくれって事 かもw
35地震雷火事名無し(東京都):2011/12/11(日) 01:59:39.29 ID:HJ5p/X0x0
Thx. Exactly.

I think contamined water leak is also serious problem.
It is sure to pollute the Pacific Ocean.

And it means that it becoming more difficult to cool melted fuel continuously.
Us and EU have to protest to Japanese government strongly about this problem, i think.
36Seeker(フランス):2011/12/11(日) 02:00:57.66 ID:r5porZpY0
>>30 >>34
Could you say this in english please? I understood >>34 spoke about france but after that...
(Or someone kind enough to translate this to english..)
37地震雷火事名無し(東京都):2011/12/11(日) 02:01:49.93 ID:HJ5p/X0x0
Almost the facts.
38地震雷火事名無し(大阪府):2011/12/11(日) 02:02:02.82 ID:lzirzVmJ0
39地震雷火事名無し(東京都):2011/12/11(日) 02:02:52.26 ID:fAEVidwA0
>>1 to japanese

40地震雷火事名無し(埼玉県):2011/12/11(日) 02:04:38.94 ID:L3TetRxY0


41地震雷火事名無し(東京都):2011/12/11(日) 02:04:47.23 ID:fAEVidwA0
42地震雷火事名無し(東京都):2011/12/11(日) 02:06:06.07 ID:HJ5p/X0x0
>>30 says "please translate the points".
>>34 says "Seeker may be Japanese and need aid to gather information"
43Seeker(フランス):2011/12/11(日) 02:06:28.71 ID:r5porZpY0
>>35 The problem is that politicians are brothers.
Here in France for instance, they would never say the japanese government
is not acting properly, because they fear it would make international
relationship hard.
You know, there was a despot in a country south of Europe, killed his people,
took all the riches for him and let everyone else in misery.
Well, our president never said anything against that, he even recieved him
in france and had friendly exchange with him. And now, there's been a revolution,
the despot has been killed, and the president says it's good that it happened.
Seriously politics, wtf?
44地震雷火事名無し(東京都):2011/12/11(日) 02:06:52.19 ID:Gth/PLX50

45地震雷火事名無し(新疆ウイグル自治区):2011/12/11(日) 02:08:51.16 ID:6uDWdCz30
Hi Seeker,
Thank you for your concern on us.
You must have been read through - this site covers many issues discussed about Fukushima nuke plant in 2ch.

One of the most active thread is 【原発】xxxx【放射能】 threads. means<nuke plant>thread number<radiation> - all Japanese though
Kind guys create wiki to summarize the threads.
You can see past logs from this site.

I myself don't have a great secret -
Personally, I feel wary of Japanese government and mass media keep trying to make people believe that
accident had only happened in Fukushima so surrounded area (north and east Japan including Tokyo)
are not affected by accident.

I'm living in West Tokyo with my 2 yr old kid and wife.
On 3/15 Morning I have had many 2ch posts reported that extremely high radiation is marked in geiger
counters in Ibaragi. We shut all windows and stayed inside, praying that my son don't get too much radioactive

I'm trying to persuade my wife that we must move to overseas or west Japan - which doesn't work well.
Leaving where we live is not very easy - for many people.

46Seeker(フランス):2011/12/11(日) 02:12:03.22 ID:r5porZpY0
>>38 Humh...don't...understand..everything. If that's what you want to know,
it's everywhere the same problems. Few people at ease, lots of people struggling.
I have a hunger for truth and justice, and a lot of other people too.
French or not. But...our voices are weak against all those who don't care.

>>39 Oh my, thanks a lot for translating that!

>>42 "Translate the points" means translate what I said? I can't but it seems >>39 can do it.
47Seeker(フランス):2011/12/11(日) 02:13:46.52 ID:r5porZpY0
>>44 Didn't understand the last sentence, but yea, japanese government
is acting nonsense with that. That's sad, before that I had a high
opinion about japanese administration and all,, they're doing
all wrong.
48地震雷火事名無し(東京都):2011/12/11(日) 02:15:06.13 ID:fAEVidwA0
Be careful of the following thing:
Politicians, bureaucrats, major companies, mass media, scholars, and administration of justice
construct, and they are deluding Japanese people.
Japanese people is the degree of people below developing countries.
Please think such thing and see Japan after the nuclear power plant disaster.
49地震雷火事名無し(東京都):2011/12/11(日) 02:16:34.08 ID:Gth/PLX50

50Seeker(フランス):2011/12/11(日) 02:16:53.66 ID:r5porZpY0
>>45 Thanks for the links, they are registered.

Hold on, staying or leaving is a hard decision, but if things continue
like that, there will be no other choice than getting away...and that
must not happen.
51地震雷火事名無し(東京都):2011/12/11(日) 02:19:21.08 ID:HJ5p/X0x0
Well, Japanese governments, police and TEPCO(Tokyo electric power company)
are really hostile to 2ch dwellers.

Japanese atomic mafia sometimes do illegal things, i think.
So, we don't like E-mail because we can't show who we are.
52地震雷火事名無し(東京都):2011/12/11(日) 02:21:20.34 ID:fAEVidwA0
53地震雷火事名無し(大阪府):2011/12/11(日) 02:21:50.77 ID:lzirzVmJ0
Why you are interested in this issue so much?
I am really glad that foreign people concern about this.

Not a few Japanese worry about this crazy situation
and they want to change the situation.
But We really do not know appropriate action, ideas, solutions.

In fact, some people did demonstrations, some write serious
situation around them on internet, and others know them and are
influenced and do another action.
But government, tepco, bureaucracy, mass-media hide the truth
and throw away their responsibility.
Not a few people are deceived or have no good choice.
(for example, food contamination)

I hope people around the world know this crazy situation
and give some pressure to all Japanese.
We Japanese really have to be awakened!
54Seeker(フランス):2011/12/11(日) 02:23:00.52 ID:r5porZpY0
>>51 That's a redirection mail, when you send it to the address written,
it launches the mail to another box. And this other mailbox is created only
for here, no informations in it, no other mails, nothing personnal.
Wasn't going to use my name mail for that anyways.
55地震雷火事名無し(新疆ウイグル自治区):2011/12/11(日) 02:23:55.10 ID:6uDWdCz30
We have many good sites about nuke plant, however I can hardly found good English resource
which written by Japanese who living in Japan.
though 2ch doesn't have good quality of information (too much scribbles and hate posts)
there should be some value in unedited raw voice, especially Japanese government and
mass media (which heavily sponsored by TEPCO) running big campaign of media control.

56地震雷火事名無し(東京都):2011/12/11(日) 02:24:23.82 ID:HJ5p/X0x0
おれらの めあどを ききだすために ふらんすにいる けい○んから しゅっこうした
じぇ○ろの にほんじんが かいてるかも しれないだろ?
57地震雷火事名無し(東京都):2011/12/11(日) 02:26:14.60 ID:fAEVidwA0
I would like to ask you one thing as a Japanese.
How could the French Revolution be started when doing?
I think that a people's revolution is the required for present Japan.
58Seeker(フランス):2011/12/11(日) 02:29:02.56 ID:r5porZpY0
>>53 "Why" is a hard question. I am not japanese, I don't live there and don't know anyone living there, but
I am who I am, and I can't let such things happen. I can't let people think
"It's just some country far away". We do what we can to inform people about this,
and we're not going to stop until the situation is good. And there's still
a lot of work to do for that.

(I say "we" because I'm not alone trying to support, I share my informations with
other people interested by this, but I'm not part of an organization as I said, I do this alone.)
59地震雷火事名無し(東京都):2011/12/11(日) 02:30:48.40 ID:fAEVidwA0
60地震雷火事名無し(東京都):2011/12/11(日) 02:31:32.44 ID:HJ5p/X0x0
こうやって いたで やりとり できているのに 
わざわざ めえるを おくれと いうのが すこし ひっかかるよ
61地震雷火事名無し(埼玉県):2011/12/11(日) 02:33:57.13 ID:L3TetRxY0

62Seeker(フランス):2011/12/11(日) 02:33:56.89 ID:r5porZpY0
>>57 Revolution? Well, a revolution happens when people don't want their
governement anymore. The problem is, for you japanese people, that your
structure is old, very very old, getting the government out would mean
an aggression against the Emperor's place, and I think a lot of japanese
people wouldn't follow that.
But if there's any chance the corrupted and blind in the government go away,
the first need is to have the maximum of people angry about what's happening.
So, inform, share, people must know.
I don't think there will be a revolution, but a mass awakening would be great.
63Seeker(フランス):2011/12/11(日) 02:36:35.56 ID:r5porZpY0
>>59 >>60 >>61

Please try to speak english or translate what you say, because I really can't
read what you say, and the online translators are really bad when it come
to japanese, I can only grasp few words but no overall meaning.
64地震雷火事名無し(大阪府):2011/12/11(日) 02:40:14.01 ID:M1v2gdX80
please ignore them.
65Seeker(フランス):2011/12/11(日) 02:41:59.42 ID:r5porZpY0
Ah, found the name. "Radiactive leak at Genkai reactor"

66地震雷火事名無し(家):2011/12/11(日) 02:42:09.52 ID:QoNg9xbo0


0.111   アメリカの法令基準
0.5     ドイツガス水道協会
10 WHO基準
10 日本の3月16日までの指標値
40 (1倍)法令で定める基準値 ヨウ素131
60 (1倍)法令で定める基準値 セシウム134
90 (1倍)法令で定める基準値 セシウム137
100 乳児の飲用に関する指標値 IAEA基準OIL5 WHO非常時基準
500 セシウム入り野菜の新基準 3/17
1,000 WHOたとえ緊急時でも食っちゃいけない値
2,000 ヨウ素入り野菜の新基準 3/17
3,000 IAEA基準 OIL6
4,080 北茨城市で水揚げされたコウナゴ 4/4
54,100 茨城の水洗いしたホウレン草 3/18
289,100 放水口の南330メートルの地点(4385倍ヨウ素+セシウム+バリウム+ランタン合計) 3/30
430,000 1号機の地下水(1万倍ヨウ素) 3/31
5,190,000 福島飯舘村の水洗いしてない雑草 3/25
540,000,000 2号機取水口(750万倍ヨウ素131+200万倍セシウム134+130万倍セシウム137) 4/2
3,839,730,000 1号機タービン建屋の溜まり水 3/25
3,900,000,000 3号機で作業員の足がつかった溜まり水 3/24
5,400,000,000 2号機ピット汚染水、取水口付近 (1.3億倍ヨウ素)4/2
11,660,000,000 2号機のトレンチ汚染水(ヨウ素+セシウム+他) 3/31
20,440,000,000 2号機の溜り水(再測)



福島市 447,000
東京(3月) 170,000
東京(現在) 55,000
前橋市 42,800
宇都宮市 26,000
★2009年全国水準 65
大阪市 28


神奈川県荒茶 3000
静岡県緑茶(フランスで検出) 1038
静岡県本山茶 679、614、602
★暫定基準(日本) 500
愛知県新城市荒茶 360
☆WHO基準 10
奈良県内荒茶 6.9
島根県生茶 0.48 (荒茶に換算すると2.4)
67地震雷火事名無し(東京都):2011/12/11(日) 02:42:11.41 ID:fAEVidwA0
I appreciate your advice.
However, you are doing big misunderstanding about the Japanese Emperor.
The Emperor is not responsible for this nuclear power plant disaster.
Most Japanese do not have an antipathy about the Emperor.
The Emperor is unrelated to substance top politics.
The Emperor, not to mention it, is also a victim.
His Majesty the Emperor is also forcibly taken to Fukushima, and was contaminated.
68地震雷火事名無し(埼玉県【02:33 震度1】):2011/12/11(日) 02:43:20.94 ID:L3TetRxY0
 . .... ..: : :: :: ::: :::::: ::::::::::: * 。+ ゚ + ・   >>63
        ∧ ∧.  _::::。・.゚ハ,,ハ      お断りします
       /:彡ミ゛ヽ;)(m,_)‐-( ゚ω゚ ) -、 *
      / :::/:: ヽ、ヽ、 ::iー-、     .i ゚ +
      / :::/;;:   ヽ ヽ ::l  ゝ ,n _i  l
 ̄ ̄ ̄(_,ノ  ̄ ̄ ̄ヽ、_ノ ̄ ̄E_ )__ノ
69地震雷火事名無し(東京都):2011/12/11(日) 02:46:30.90 ID:fAEVidwA0
Conglomerate of politicians, bureaucrats, major companies, mass media,
scholars, and administration of justice is bad.
The Emperor is not bad.
70地震雷火事名無し(家):2011/12/11(日) 02:46:42.64 ID:QoNg9xbo0


フォールアウト比較 セシウム137
広島の黒い雨                    493 Bq/m2
核実験1年分(東京・1963年)         1935 Bq/m^2
核実験累計(東京・1957年-2009年)     7095 Bq/m^2
福島原発事故 (東京・3/18-3/31)      6542 Bq/m^2
福島原発事故 (ひたちなか・3/18-3/31) 26358 Bq/m^2
71地震雷火事名無し(東京都):2011/12/11(日) 02:48:10.47 ID:HJ5p/X0x0
Thanks to say what I'd like to say.
I wish our emperor live so long !
72Seeker(フランス):2011/12/11(日) 02:49:25.58 ID:r5porZpY0
>>67 The problem is that when there's a revolution, it's the whole system
that is to be changed, even the "innocent" people.
I know the emperor is not responsible, and he's been sick but a massive opposition
against governement means an opposition against Akihito's rightful place.
73地震雷火事名無し(大阪府):2011/12/11(日) 02:50:36.87 ID:lzirzVmJ0
They can not trust you, I guess.
In fact, sometime people who have malice appear on 2ch,
and they may come from "big brother" side.
Such a thing really happen on this.
Me and other people trust you.

You may be globalist and ecologist.
I hope you inform "truth" to your friends and people around you.
Thank you for your kindness.
74地震雷火事名無し(東京都):2011/12/11(日) 02:54:00.09 ID:fAEVidwA0
>a massive opposition against governement means an opposition against Akihito's rightful place

75Seeker(フランス):2011/12/11(日) 02:57:52.15 ID:r5porZpY0
>>73 Globalist, in the way that interests of people of the world are more
important than interests of nations, yes. But individuality of each country is precious too.
Ecologist...I couldn't say. Ecologists in france are mocked, and with good reason :
most of them have unrealistic programs based on nothing.
But outside of that, I guess I can be seen as an ecologist, yes.
76地震雷火事名無し(東京都):2011/12/11(日) 02:59:32.50 ID:HJ5p/X0x0
Our emperor is, so to speak, "Priest King".
He is the highest priest Shintoism.
What he have is not power but authority.
He is our of our government, and he is symbol of Japan.
77Seeker(フランス):2011/12/11(日) 03:04:02.32 ID:r5porZpY0
>>76 I think you meant "out of our government".
Well, I don't really know how things work in Japan, but if it's really separated,
it's a good thing, that means a revolution is possible.
(The only reference I have to an emperor is kings of old times and stuff like that then...)
78地震雷火事名無し(千葉県):2011/12/11(日) 03:06:37.39 ID:QM6iMd2S0
Japanese law strickly prohibits and denys the right of resistance as well as right of rebellion by Capital punishment.
Natural law is being denied and positive law is thought as almighty.
79地震雷火事名無し(東京都):2011/12/11(日) 03:08:57.78 ID:HJ5p/X0x0
To tell the truth, I'm afraid that you are a Japanese government employee in France.
I love French people, and I hate and fear our government.
Now, in our country, people who fear radioactivity are actually enemy of government.
So I'm becoming nervous these days.
80地震雷火事名無し(フランス):2011/12/11(日) 03:09:44.04 ID:yx4qPguy0
Good luck
81Seeker(フランス):2011/12/11(日) 03:11:26.02 ID:r5porZpY0
>>78 That's not bad, but only if the government is perfect...
And that can't happen.
82地震雷火事名無し(大阪府):2011/12/11(日) 03:11:44.46 ID:lzirzVmJ0
I think real revolution occur not a few people's death
and I think this is the point Japanese do not want to do revolution,
even demonstration.
People are afraid of even "social death" such as being ignored from others
because of being arrested or so.
And we are not accustomed to appeal our write.
We may be too much adjusted to being tolerant, I guess.

if society collapse or society revolution will occur,
I guess, it occur silently.
Just like personal death or personal runaway.

it's 3 midnight and good night!
I'll be back! (^^;
83Seeker(フランス):2011/12/11(日) 03:17:51.46 ID:r5porZpY0
>>79 I have no way to prove that I'm not, I can only say : I'm not.
Maybe you know Kibo? Some of my informations go to them from times to time.

>>82 Thanks for being here, good night!
84地震雷火事名無し(フランス):2011/12/11(日) 03:18:01.41 ID:yx4qPguy0
>>81unfortunatly its all passed
85地震雷火事名無し(大阪府):2011/12/11(日) 03:18:02.29 ID:lzirzVmJ0
made mistake!
And we are not accustomed to appeal our write.

And we are not accustomed to appeal our right.
86Seeker(フランス):2011/12/11(日) 03:19:46.18 ID:r5porZpY0
>>85 Ah, okay, better with that.
87地震雷火事名無し(千葉県):2011/12/11(日) 03:23:54.61 ID:QM6iMd2S0
>>81 I am not arguing but just telling the fact.
88Seeker(フランス):2011/12/11(日) 03:25:32.85 ID:r5porZpY0
>>87 That's how I understood it, don't worry^^
89地震雷火事名無し(関東・甲信越):2011/12/11(日) 03:31:44.49 ID:ynvPp2PWO
TEPCO's spy?
90Seeker(フランス):2011/12/11(日) 03:35:38.81 ID:r5porZpY0
Well, I gotta go now!
Please consider sending mails to the adress I gave,
[email protected]
this is a secured mail, and even if I'll use some of the informations,
I won't reveal any mail, name, sources or anything like that (obviously)
Nothing tells you that I can be trusted, but I know who I am and what I fight for. Trust me.

Good night!
91地震雷火事名無し(フランス):2011/12/11(日) 04:35:27.20 ID:KXU15Cc90
oyasumi Nihongo dekimasuka?
Good night see ya
92地震雷火事名無し(SB-iPhone):2011/12/11(日) 07:16:31.07 ID:VYNWZ16Ci
93地震雷火事名無し(東京都):2011/12/11(日) 08:13:46.47 ID:J/bUFkQV0
94地震雷火事名無し(関東・甲信越):2011/12/11(日) 09:05:09.71 ID:ynvPp2PWO
Do you know“Lady Oscar”?
95地震雷火事名無し(東京都):2011/12/11(日) 10:33:46.51 ID:Yx+SR/qb0
Prf. Hayakawa of Gunma Univ. was served a written warning from the chancellor
a few days ago by his reprehensible behavior on twitter.
Hayakawa has been saying like "Don't cultivate crops in the Fukushima
contaminated area. If you do, you will poison consumers. You are like people
who tried to kill citizens with sarin."

This has been causing such a debate recently.

96地震雷火事名無し(フランス):2011/12/11(日) 10:37:28.05 ID:KXU15Cc90
Est ce que tu connais LADYOSCAR? LA ROSE DE VERSAILLE?
Yes i know , and you ?
97地震雷火事名無し(東京都):2011/12/11(日) 10:44:41.27 ID:Yx+SR/qb0
Hayakawa has been committed to make a very famous map called "Hayakawa map."
He released its first version early time when every Local Government
hesitated to monitor and announce radiation level of areas.
Hayakawa has been bombarded with complaints by many local governments
after the release.
I think Gunma Univ warned him by the pressure of local governments of
contaminated areas.

98地震雷火事名無し(東京都):2011/12/11(日) 10:53:15.69 ID:Yx+SR/qb0
He says inflammatory observation on purpose.
He has a trauma: he couldn't save 43 people from the disaster
of Unzen eruption.
99地震雷火事名無し(関東・甲信越):2011/12/11(日) 12:56:34.72 ID:ynvPp2PWO
of course
I watched japanese origimal
100Seeker(フランス):2011/12/11(日) 20:46:12.10 ID:r5porZpY0
I am back. Just announcing I'll stick around here, since yesterday sharing was
quite interesting.
I'll post some external news and updates in like an hour, must translate and make a layout.

>>95 Nothing spoke about this story here! Then I take it and will check and confirm it.
After verification : yup, that's the story. Tepco or the stakeholders complained to the university, and the president of Gunma wrote him the letter.
Here is the content of the letter for those who didn't read it :

English version :
Our university is a national university run by government’s tax. However, Prof Hayakawa’s comments on the internet have been hurting Fukushima people or farmers.
It violates the employment regulation not to damage the name recognition of Gunma university.
We expect you to refrain yourself on the internet.
If you repeat this kind of inappropriate speech ,we will take any disciplinary action against you.

Japanese version :
訓告(抜粋)「貴殿のインターネット上のツイッターにおける福島県の被災者や農家の人々に対する配慮を著しく欠く発言は、運営に要する経費の大部分 を国費によって賄われている国立大学の教員として不適切な発言と言わざるを得ず、
「本学の名誉若しくは信用を失墜する行為」を禁止する就業規則の規定に抵 触している。」略「よって、今後はインターネット上のツイッターにおける不適切な発言をすることのないようにされたい。以上訓告する。なお、今後、不適切 な発言が繰り返される場合は、

Then I have what the prof said, and the answer. That is great, thanks!

>>96 I know that! But what is fun is that like most of japanese creations are about France, it's really not accurate! I knew France and Paris are
places japanese people like, but it's really idealized! There's even the Paris Syndrome => パリ症候群, Pari shokogun that is when japanese people
(most of the time) go to paris and there's a great difference between what they thought and the real city, so they feel really bad. Some of them
must be send back to Japan.
But mostly, I think french people are to be blamed, because most of them are ungrateful of the love Japan has for French culture.
And damn, I can understand it, french food is great! My friend went to eat with Watanabe Shinishiro 渡辺 信一郎 maybe you know the guy, he's made quite a few
great animes. My friend made an interview with him, about nuclear awareness, but she's not a journalist so you won't get it on any news site.
It's in french but if you're interested I can translate all of it.

I'll have soon other stuff and news, so I stay around to see if people are interested to share some infos and/or discuss about mine.
101Seeker(フランス):2011/12/11(日) 21:08:00.37 ID:r5porZpY0
>>97 Also, for those who didn't saw it, here is the map.

Also, send me mails to the secured address [email protected] !
One mail recieved until now, great thanks.
102地震雷火事名無し(フランス):2011/12/11(日) 21:53:08.17 ID:KXU15Cc90

103地震雷火事名無し(大阪府):2011/12/11(日) 22:43:20.55 ID:lzirzVmJ0
It seems that you are a big fan for Japanese MANGA and animation.
I heard that there are a lot MANGA mania in France.
maybe already worldwide trend, but in my opinion French are
early adapter for MANGA.
There is great BD culture in France and do you think
this culture leads the acceptance of MANGA in your country?
104地震雷火事名無し(大阪府):2011/12/11(日) 23:02:20.30 ID:lzirzVmJ0

There are photos of tsunami disaster stricken area.
just after 3.11 and 6 months later.
it is shock for me because the situation so tragic and
the speed and power for recovering is great.
maybe the photographer had same feeling, I guess.

if photos are not new for you, forget them.
Today is 9 month memorial of 3.11.
please pray for victims with us Japanese.
105Seeker(フランス):2011/12/12(月) 02:11:21.27 ID:mmOGPFvP0
>>100 "Big fan", no, but I appreciate that. I mean, I won't buy the books or dvds of animes,
but I've rarely been displeased in what I got.
Animes are on french TVs, but french versions are horrible, and even censored.
My cousin was watching Naruto on french tv. All actions scene and such are suppressed, so the episode
is basically Naruto and characters speaking for half an hour.
Censored because it has "bad influence". That's stupid!

In France, manga is hated by lots of people. But only because they don't know what it is.
It is seen by elder like some sub-comic with only porn and mindless violence.
The persons who think that only remember the stuff we had in the 90s, when manga in france was "underground"
and as expected, hentai industry came faster (lol) than real stories, so the first look
was not good.
The others persons hating it are BD purists, some of them think it's funny they are in bookshelves "like real books"
while for them "it's only toys for children". Because here, animated and drawn is for children, and
movies or realistic is for adults. That is stupid, they don't understand manga is for everyone.

Well, all's not bad. Lots of people love manga, there is a lot of meetings in lots of cities.
Maybe you've heard of Japan Expo. Big thing, really great community and all.

So, to answer your question, I don't think BD culture leads to manga approval. Most of BD readers don't read manga, and reciprocally.

So, I'm no otaku or big fan, but I've watched and read quite a few of those.
Long time ago, Pokemon hit the scene, people were crazy about it, after that Naruto, I personally loved Full Metal Alchemist.
In anime, the Hellsing are great! I've had lots of fun with friends watching Girls Bravo (I think that's the correct name, not sure...)
Loved Death Note too, anime and manga.
Old but good, Ken the survivor. I think it's called... Hokuto no Ken in japanese.
Berserk is cool too. I like myself some One Piece when I want to relax.

And for the greatness, the movies. Oh man, the movies you japanese make.
Paprika, Mononoke Hime, Hotaru no Haka (Firefly's tomb in French), Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi (Chihiro's Travel in French)
Ghibli studios, that's great.

But, that's not the topic, and only my opinion.
106Seeker(フランス):2011/12/12(月) 02:12:10.95 ID:mmOGPFvP0

I meant >>103
107地震雷火事名無し(家):2011/12/12(月) 05:15:26.24 ID:nUC/n5l00
             /ヽ      /ヽ
            /  ヽ      /  ヽ
  ______ /     ヽ__/     ヽ
  | ____ /           :::::::::::::::\
  | |       / /      \   :::::::::::::::|   everyone run away
  | |       | (●      (●    ::::::::::::::|
  | |       | ∪      ∪   :::::::::::::|
  | |       |   (__人__丿  .....:::::::::::::::::::/
  | |____ ヽ      .....:::::::::::::::::::::::<
  └___/ ̄ ̄       :::::::::::::::::::::::::|
  |\    |            :::::::::::::::::::::::|
  \ \  \___       ::::::::::::::::::::::::|

108地震雷火事名無し(大阪府):2011/12/12(月) 12:04:37.72 ID:0g0qMJPz0
Thank you.
I feel lots of your love to Japan and Japanese culture.
But talking about them so much is not match for this board....

It is my imagination .....
You want to make Japanese friends on this board?
Have you ever been to Japan?
Do you have Japanese friends?
It is wonder for me that you know how to use 2ch well.
I wonder if your friends know that well.
sorry my impolite questions.
but if you do not say your purpose to correct e-mail,
you can not take them much and communication on board does not work well,I guess.

Many Japanese's interest for Fukushima nuclear accident
does not disaapear but it is so weak to change things happen.

Because how the crisis is going on is not easy to confirm for us.
Government and mass media give us information, not correct,out of date...

People are busy for living, you know economic situation is no good in Japan,
of course depression is worldwide issue...

You want good information and ask us,
but ironically we japanese also need good information.

People on this board are so conscious about many problem around
this Fukushima issue, but maybe a bit tired and want good solution.

I think not a few people on 2ch know well about Fukushima issue and how to tell you in English.
if you give us good information, communication will proceed smoothly, maybe.
so-called give and take relationship.
it is just my opinion.

In EU, after Fukushima, it looks like
ex-nuclear power politics accelerates more, even in France.
Why is it going well?
Maybe citizenship, culture, politics system....are good and different from Japan.

We need hints to change the situation.
If you have some useful information about this on internet, please give us link and so on.
109Seeker(フランス):2011/12/13(火) 00:08:19.35 ID:tisRMKM50
>>108 As I said, I got a little carried away and that's not the topic, sorry about that.

I am not specifically here to make friends. If people like me, that's good but this is not
the most interesting part.
I've never been to Japan, but I'd really like to do it. Some years late, I had the occasion
but important tests in my school kept me here.
I have japanese friends. Not a lot, most of them are born in Japan, but live in my
country now.
They don't know about 2ch.
I'm trying to use it properly but that's hard. Well, it's like futaba channel but with text, right?
Or the 4chan's textboards in USA, looks like.
Don't worry, I'll answer any questions asked.
Can you reformulate the sentence with the e-mail?

I understand you need information, but I'm on something right now, and
will be able to provide much more soon.

In Europe, well...we rely a lot on nuclear energy. Germany said they would stop their
nuclear power plants, but that only means they're going to buy energy from
countries wich don't stop their nuclear plants.

I'll make another thread soon, because an association contacted me to help them
with articles and research to help people of Japan. This will be also useful
because I see some people here don't trust me. Having an approved organization
with me would convince them I think.

I'll give below the new thread link soon (unless creating a new thread is not good on this board)
110地震雷火事名無し(東京都):2011/12/13(火) 00:32:53.68 ID:OtL4PIia0
I tell you an interesting fact.
All the nuclear reactors in Japan stop soon.
It is for a periodic inspection.
The nuclear reactor in Japan stops for an inspection, after working for 13 months.
And it cannot re-work easily because of this nuclear power plant disaster.
In present Japan,only 8 of 54 nuclear reactors are working.
All nuclear reactors are due to stop in April, next year.
And there is still enough electric power.
If it goes as it is, Japan is likely to resign atomic power ahead of Germany.
Since safety of the nuclear reactors cannot be fully guaranteed, they cannot re-work.
The nuclear industry (electric power industry) of Japan must be stupid.

For more information, see this thread:
111地震雷火事名無し(大阪府):2011/12/13(火) 01:34:29.93 ID:qWTtLpvq0
>Can you reformulate the sentence with the e-mail?
Sorry, it was spelling mistake.

but if you do not say your purpose to collect e-mail,
I mean that why you want e-mail communication seems not to be clear here.

I don't know about futaba channel and 4ch, so you are a master of
Japanese subculture!

An association in France or in Japan?
Anyway, I would like to thank your action.

For I live in far from Fukushima and only get news on media (2ch),
I can not give you something special,
but if I can do something I will do.

You say in EU people rely on nuclear energy,
but right now I want say loud this tragedy leads to change the world safe and better.
112地震雷火事名無し(関東・甲信越):2011/12/13(火) 01:36:43.56 ID:EgKyYba1O
113地震雷火事名無し(フランス):2011/12/13(火) 01:37:06.07 ID:mskBOgCZ0
T es fancais(e)?ou japonais(e)?
114Seeker(フランス):2011/12/13(火) 03:07:30.26 ID:tisRMKM50
>>110 Interesting indeed! Thanks for that.

>>111 I don't want to collect e-mails. I just think e-mails are better because
I can speak directly to the person and ask stuff. If I post here, I don't know
at what hours of the day people are here and such, you see? It's just that.
But even if I have lots of mails, I won't stop posting here.

It would be arrogant to say I'm a master of japanese subculture. However I'm quite
interested in underground and subcultures in general, so I know where to go when
I need specific informations, or places like here. If I went on "official" forums
where people use their names and such, I wouldn't get anything useful.

A french and japanese association, but mostly french. I can't say a lot about that
for now because I'm not officially working with them right now.
Tomorrow or the day after, I should be officially with them.
If you're interested, it is called Kibo, they act for awareness about fukushima, take donations
and such. That's a non-benefit association, so no one gets paid, and all donations
go to the victims.
About nuclear energy...yea, you're right. I don't like when people suffer, but
I also hope that it will make things change about dangerous energies.
People should not live in fear.

>>113 Je suis français! Why?
115Seeker(フランス):2011/12/13(火) 04:13:00.25 ID:tisRMKM50
Also, I'm preparing an interview with someone,
(can't say more for now, you'll understand)
I think I'll translate it, at least in english, I'm sure this will
be of interest for you.
Hey, if I find someone for translation there will
even be a version in japanese. But don't count on that too much.
116地震雷火事名無し(大阪府):2011/12/13(火) 06:23:26.01 ID:8qIDz7lx0
117Leciel(フランス):2011/12/13(火) 06:48:10.85 ID:mskBOgCZ0
Merci. T es fancais.. cause you did'nt write japanese.
118Seeker(フランス):2011/12/13(火) 06:50:52.92 ID:wXbFKJG30
>>117 Sorry, I don't know japanese well, as I said above. Read the thread,
you could be interested!
Si tu parles seulement français et japonais, lire tout ça ne t'avancera pas trop, je peux
résumer tout ça si tu veux.
119Seeker(フランス):2011/12/13(火) 06:52:56.02 ID:wXbFKJG30
>>117 Ah, et une personne a traduit mon premier texte en japonais, plus haut.
(Merci à elle, au passage.)
120地震雷火事名無し(SB-iPhone):2011/12/13(火) 07:01:32.07 ID:2x9uiuzb0
Hi, Seeker! I advice you to keep your posts short cuz people here have short attention span (lol). Also not too many people want to exchange emails cuz there are too many "fishermen" on an anonymous board.
121Seeker(フランス):2011/12/13(火) 07:37:58.27 ID:wXbFKJG30
>>120 Understood.
Mails are good but not essential to me. Even if there's no mails, I'll post here anyways.
Interesting things coming up soon!
122地震雷火事名無し(チベット自治区):2011/12/13(火) 11:37:41.62 ID:oO51H4Pm0
Hey Seeker, what exactly do you want to know?
About the science&technology of how to patch a hole in the nuclear reactor?Whether there are mutants running around in the Fukushima Zone?
Or how the Japanese figure out how much caesium there are in the hamburgers we're having for lunch?
Fukushima has become so much part of our lives, at least in Tokyo, and there're so much.
So what d'ya wanna know?
123地震雷火事名無し(台湾):2011/12/13(火) 11:57:03.35 ID:iFCv1S5x0
124地震雷火事名無し(大阪府):2011/12/13(火) 22:50:56.24 ID:D6N7knFe0
I see! That's clear.

I checked KIBOU JAPAN org web site written that Italy - Japan org.
Do you mean that? I could not find named kibo on internet...
Anyway that's good activity.

125Seeker(フランス):2011/12/14(水) 05:52:11.56 ID:hgxLPdVm0
>>123 Oh great! Infos in english! I'll take that, it's just the kind of things I need!

>>122 Well, an inside view of the situation is what I'm searching. The central point for me is "What's happening".
Knowing how to fix the problem wouldn't be of much use to me, I'm sure there is a lot
of people who know that and just can't act because of government.
If there are mutants running around, yes, that would be of much interest to me.
About hamburgers, good too, as the daily life of the people of Japan within Fukushima Crisis
are an important part of my research.

>>124 The site is partly in french so it won't be
easy for you to understand it. It's been already recognized by our governmenent
as an official non-profit organization.
They applied for it, and it should be soon officaly "of public interest." (That would be of great help for Kibo.)
I'll make an explanation of this website.
Here's the link to it :
126地震雷火事名無し(チベット自治区):2011/12/14(水) 10:26:03.49 ID:OKhjTsdo0
Seeker, are you aware of the following English-language blogs on Fukushima by Japanese?

Fukushima Diary:

I think the EX-SKF guy is a Japanese who lives in the USA, but his blog is the most
comprehensive summary of the nuke news from Japanese perspective in English language.

I think the Fukushima Diary guy is somewhat overly paranoid about the whole situation,
but he gives good idea of the fears some people have for radiation.
127Seeker(フランス):2011/12/14(水) 10:43:46.86 ID:hgxLPdVm0
>>126 Yup, I already follow those ones.
Most of the times I stick to the facts, I verify them, the opinion of the writer
is not the principal part for me. Except when I specifically search for people's thought about
the situation, like here. Victims' stories about Fukushima are strong material, and by victims I can include most
of Japan's citizens now. Sad.

Thanks anyways for participating!
128Seeker(フランス):2011/12/14(水) 10:49:54.44 ID:hgxLPdVm0
>>127 By "opinion of the writer", I was refering to what you said about Fukushima Diary.
I meant the possibility of paranoia from some people, or the orientation of others.
I personnally don't know if the Diary's author is excessive or such, and it is not to me
to judge that. He posts accurate informations or reports he finds, and that's what counts.
If I use the facts, it's information gathering. If I copy the personnal opinions, it becomes plagiarism.
129地震雷火事名無し(大阪府):2011/12/14(水) 18:34:10.97 ID:hmni1pe90
Thank you. I checked it.
Google Chrome's translation function helped me to understand somewhat the contents.
Handmaid goods shop for donation?
That's nice and the illustrations are beautiful.
The linked web site is also full of love to Japan, I feel.

Actually, sometimes I feel like want to go out of Japan if possible.
Tired of politician, bureaucracy, tepco, big companies.....
But I love Japanese culture, foods, kindness of people and so on.
As long as many foreigners take care of Japan, I'll try to make Japan better.
I don't want our country being like "nausicaa of the valley of the wind".
130地震雷火事名無し(台湾):2011/12/14(水) 19:33:53.38 ID:b8ccF8Vx0
Hi Seeker.Do you know this problem?

Ministry of Environment decided the disposure of Fukushima wreck and debris.
And some cities have already incinerated them.
A person called to the person in charge of illegal dumping-control measures of Ministry of Environment
Though Ministry of Environment knows that the Nuclear Safety Commission doesn’t permit to move the radioactive debris to outside the prefecture,
MOE have decided that incinerate of radioactive wreck and debris outside of a radius of 40 kilometers of Fukushima Power Plant.
・They didn’t contact to Korea and Russia, and they doesn’t need to.
・MOE decided that to move the Aizu debris outside of Fukushima without measure Plutonium.
・Moe doesn’t know that Yanai company(竃内総研) recruit men who carry Fukushima Power Plant debris to another.
 Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency may know about the details.
・If MOE doesn’t know about that problem, there must be a possibility of that someone move the radioactive debris from Iwaki City to another.
MOE said that Fukushima city has the responsibility about that though MOE control them.
Who has the responsibility about that is under-consideration.
・Though Japanese people are opposed to diffusion of radioactive material, like Kawasaki and Aichi people,
MOE knows Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency has different opinion about disposure of radioactive debris outside of a radius of 40 kilometer,
MOE never confirm NISA.
And MOE answered that they don't have the individual-responsibility about that problem as a national public servant.
・To begin with, to move the radioactive material is illegal.
MOE said that they are going to examine the low in the future.
・Kawasaki City promised Kawasaki people on HP, he never carry radioactive debris to the city
in spite of a lower level radioactive.
Then, the tremendous radioactive debris is not carried from Aizu to Kawasaki?
MOE said Kawasaki City has responsibility about that.
131Seeker(フランス):2011/12/14(水) 21:59:44.13 ID:hgxLPdVm0
>>129 I told your feedback to Kibo's founder.
She said she has the same references, that when she was young she hoped to be someone like Nausicaa.
And she says that with donations and sellings, there's also a blog with news about
the current situations. If I make articles, they'll be here.

>>130 Thanks! I'll take that and the link.
132地震雷火事名無し(チベット自治区):2011/12/15(木) 09:48:41.51 ID:FcQsr8Nb0
This may be interesting. Press conference by journalist Tomohiko Suzuki who worked as a unskilled worker at the Fukushima Daiichi Plant.
This is held at the Foreign Correspondents Club in Japan, so you’ll have English interpreter. Starting 12:30 (Japan time).
Suzuki wrote a book called “Nuke Plant and Yakuza,” describing the nuke workers who are often social outcasts.
He also talks about the identity of “Fukushima 50” who are considered to be heroes.
He has sympathy for these people who do the work that normal people do not want to do,
and our society must rely on these people.
133地震雷火事名無し(チベット自治区):2011/12/15(木) 09:53:20.61 ID:FcQsr8Nb0
Oops! You may need an account to see nicovideo, and I'm not sure you can do that from France.
But I have a feeling someone's going to put this up on YouTube.
134Seeker(フランス):2011/12/15(木) 10:27:36.06 ID:CnoNRhrr0
>>132 >>133
Well, I happen to have a nicovideo account I made long ago. But not knowing the japanese,
it was soo hard to do all the steps! Anyway, thanks, I'll maybe put it on youtube myself in fact.
Thanks a lot! It looks like some timer prevents me from looking the video. I'll keep the link and try later.
135Seeker(フランス):2011/12/15(木) 10:56:41.15 ID:CnoNRhrr0
>>132 >>133
Oh, it's a live event opening in 2 hours? Damn, I won't be able to be there.
Therefore can't get it on youtube. If anyone here could record that and get it as you said
on youtube, please post the link, it would be really great.
136地震雷火事名無し(関東・甲信越):2011/12/15(木) 11:01:18.04 ID:1WhQ+XCOO
137地震雷火事名無し(関東・甲信越):2011/12/15(木) 11:46:48.68 ID:1WhQ+XCOO





138地震雷火事名無し(大阪府):2011/12/15(木) 16:57:07.34 ID:MyDOJAK60
>>137 says
"Attention! Tomorrow, Japanese government will make a historical reckless attempt.
Someone translate the article for Seeker."

I will try.

TEPCO and the government will announce in Dec 16th that the roadmap for accident-focusing has achived,
because it advances in cooling of reactor of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station that is in accident,
and it is in the steady state that is called "cold shutdown state" .

Noda Prime Minister will hold a press conference and announce that it has achieved.
Hereafter, he will present a work schedule of the decommissioning process that takes more than 30 years.
The work begins from the new year.

Roadmap for convergence was shown in April, about a month after the accident,
in order to show the way to residents who were forced to evacuate in an accident.
Initially it were trying to achieve during the period since mid-October this year to mid-January next year.

It had been aiming to achieve the state that reactor becomes stable,
that is called "cold shutdown state".
TEPCO has continued to work to cool nuclear reactor
and to reduce newly scattering of radioactive material outside the premises of the power plant.

Why reckless?
You know technical term "cold shutdown"(reion teishi) is
different from the trick term "cold shutdown state"(reion teishi joutai).

Nuclear fuel must have been stored in a vessel and radioactive material must not be released

TEPCO always invent this kind of trick word to make smaller the situation.

In fact, nothing has changed, I guess.
They will have to continue to work to cool the reactor.
139地震雷火事名無し(大阪府):2011/12/15(木) 17:20:36.67 ID:MyDOJAK60
O.K. Say hello to her.
I wish that her hope will realize in another situation....
Don't take it as irony, please. ^^
140地震雷火事名無し(チベット自治区):2011/12/15(木) 18:50:21.95 ID:FcQsr8Nb0
‪Amazing exposé by journalist Tomohiko Suzuki who did an undercover report
of the workers at the Fukushima Daiichi Plant.

Press conference (with English interpreter)

Movie shot with his spy camera mounted on a watch
141地震雷火事名無し(兵庫県):2011/12/15(木) 20:10:50.70 ID:uCqBfKCz0
C'est à dire le TEPCO va nous tuer!!

142Seeker(フランス):2011/12/15(木) 22:18:31.70 ID:CnoNRhrr0
>>138 I take this and thank you a lot for translating it! That's great.

>>139 I'll tell her.

>>140 Nice! Just the kind of things I need. I'll translate some parts in french, and
make good use of the informations. He is a brave man.

>>141 They won't, and if they do they will pay for it. And in all cases, me and the association will continue to fight for truth.
143Seeker(フランス):2011/12/15(木) 22:54:18.34 ID:CnoNRhrr0
>>139 The answer of Kibo founder :



144地震雷火事名無し(大阪府):2011/12/16(金) 01:46:48.15 ID:o9yTCTxy0
Thank you, Seeker.

To Aizen
I agree you said.
Not a few people feel sorrow for the situation,
even if they are or not the 2ch (this board) dweller.
In People who are pretending to be normal, someone may have doubts.
People who are not interested, may not be as the same as is now in the future.
Does this queer situation keep on going?
Or does an unignorable thing may happen?
And people will be able to be as normal as now?
Anyway, I would like to do something as possible to make things better.
I am glad that foreigner takes care of Japan.
I wish the conscience and goodwill of everyone become one.

145Seeker(フランス):2011/12/17(土) 04:47:35.83 ID:mFmLxehO0
A petition to evactuate the surroundings of Fukushima :

>The page is in japanese too.
146地震雷火事名無し(大阪府):2011/12/17(土) 04:57:27.92 ID:8Ir27Qdo0
147地震雷火事名無し(大阪府):2011/12/17(土) 20:12:21.41 ID:9K4uNOh70
It looks like indeed good system, but some questions.
To what these signatures results are send?
Who wrote or decided these 4 requests?

I guess these requests match world that right? and I hope them.
In fact, to realize them will cost so much and
that is why now government forces people live in dangerous area,
permits to distribute foods and everything in radiation higher level.
I think we need realistic cost plan to enforce requests.
148地震雷火事名無し(チベット自治区):2011/12/18(日) 09:10:25.72 ID:bcB/sS5K0
To the OP:
You’ll probably get more response if you ask specific questions.
You see, you walked in here and asked, “Tell me about Fukushima,” but that’s a very wide topic.
What aspect of Fukushima are you interested?
This is interesting for me too because it indicates how people overseas perceive this situation.

This board itself has variety of stuff, from how to use a Geiger counter to hexing TEPCO.
Majority of the threads are just unconstructive complaints about the political situation,
but we all need a place to vent frustration for this out-of-control situation.
We know the Government isn’t going to help us, and we have to help ourselves.

For the Japanese, we have to LIVE WITH this Fukushima mess for generations to come (if there is a next generation),
and how we deal with it depends on where we live, how old we are, whether one’s a man or woman,
whether one’s got small children, how much income/property/social status one looses by immigrating, etc.
So, tell us what you want to know.
149Seeker(フランス):2011/12/19(月) 11:47:44.36 ID:mVaRFAvg0
>>148 I didn't want to ask precise questions, because if I did, I could
miss important points. What I'm having so far is good, and unless I'm
on something (like now, preparing an article and interview).
Overseas, it looks like the same. Most people don't care or don't want to,
some people know what's happening but can't "feel" this foreign country
and don't really think it's of their concerns.
And there are us, those who search. Also, the italians are quite interested
by the Fukushima Crisis, if some of you speak italian, you could check it.
There are some bigger journalists

on that too, but they take what makes money, and this story is not
"fashionable" anymore. Don't take this as my point of view, that's a sad
but true statement that the last sexual trip of some politic guy is more
important than actual people having contaminated food supported by the government.
I don't really like this kind of media, they just go on the easyest
topic so that people still watch their shows.

I'm good with what people provided until now.
I have others sources, but here one of my goals is to say "Hey, we're still here and not letting you down"

Talking with the textboard dwellers and having some links, speaking about organisations,
how the situation is seen overseas (see above) that is great for now.
I'll also get some news and updates on the organisation status, and mine.
It's been harder to gather infos recently, the crisis is each day more obvious and hidden to people.
But I won't stop there.
Changing the world is incredibly hard, but trying will always take you further than if you didn't. So I try.
150Seeker(フランス):2011/12/19(月) 12:03:17.12 ID:mVaRFAvg0
>>147 No, that's a random petition. Some guy made it, and some guys signed it.
I am pretty sure it won't be the thing that'll change everything, but it's also
to show stuff like this circulate. A lot on facebook for instance. That makes people
know it is happening.

Also, the cost is not the problem for now. It's realistic to say it'll cost more and more
to everyone, and the government, while they're doing nothing. So if they'd want to
avoid cost, they should have done it earlier. So a realistic cost plan would be good,
but not with the hands tied as they are now.
151地震雷火事名無し(台湾):2011/12/19(月) 23:43:21.73 ID:+66sEtwc0
Good evening,Seeker.

Tokyo Shinbashi Demonstration
11/12/19 野田総理 新橋街頭演説 3/3
152地震雷火事名無し(チベット自治区):2011/12/20(火) 10:24:21.92 ID:JHuZ0mEU0
Press conference by Goshi Hosono, our beloved Minister of Nuke Crisis,
at the Foreign Correspondent’s Club of Japan (with English interpreter).

He declares that the Fukushima reactors have reached “a condition equivalent of cold shutdown,”
whatever that means. (That part is not included in this ustream footage.)
Since this was a week after the exposé by the journalist about the plight of the workers at the Fukushima Plant,
he takes time to praise the hard work of the workers.
He also tries to convince people that there won’t be noticeable cancer increase.
No one in Japan believes him.
153Seeker(フランス):2012/01/09(月) 09:46:12.87 ID:Ot8yQ3Xy0
My article comes out soon, I'll translate it in English.
Sorry for the little presence here recently, I've been very busy.

For the information, japanese videos are now translated in french
for people to know the situation.
Like this :
Or in english, then posted on french blogs or social network
Like that :

Two interesting videos, I guess most of you already saw these.

I'll stay again as my article is finished and only needs to be released.

I would like to thank all of you for the informations you've provided me, especially
one person who spoke about what was going to be my subject. You'll see that soon.

But, it's not over yet, and I'm not done yet.

Also, new mail adress where you can send me stuff! Still safe mail, I will still answer to anything.
Click on my name to get the mail already know that.
154地震雷火事名無し(新潟県):2012/01/09(月) 10:06:44.77 ID:6j02hMAt0
155Seeker(フランス):2012/01/09(月) 10:19:49.72 ID:Ot8yQ3Xy0

And thanks! I'll translate and read it.
156地震雷火事名無し(東京都):2012/01/09(月) 15:00:15.07 ID:NWMkX9Jk0
Hi, Seeker,

Do you know about ?
Bill Gates partners with Nobuo Ikeda who claims that Japanese should not care about
radiation even in Fukushima prefecture.
Bill wants to promote nuclear energy, I think.
Very creepy partnership.
157Seeker(フランス):2012/01/09(月) 18:56:20.63 ID:Ot8yQ3Xy0

"This massage is a very good news for the Japanese people."

They're not even ablo to make sentences properly? And they say
everything is gonna be alright because children didn't drink milk on the first months?
That is a shame. I'll keep the site as a reference.

Things don't go well, TEPCO sent part of the Fukushima radioactive waste
to be destroyed in Tokyo, so now there are some people in the capital
reporting high level of radiactivity close to their home, because the gravel
resulting from this destruction is stocked in warehouses. Not lead, not water, just
in simple sand boxes in warehouses...

Also, could you say how is seen professor Y. Hayakawa now he's opposed to government and TEPCO?
158Seeker(フランス):2012/01/09(月) 22:01:43.74 ID:Ot8yQ3Xy0
Does anyone have an idea of what is that? From the fukushima webcam.
White flame with smoke, and no more of the white line that was there recently.
159地震雷火事名無し(千葉県):2012/01/10(火) 06:09:45.07 ID:cWoUS4M/0
please look a movie belows
Wade Allison of Oxford interviewed by Nobuo Ikeda
160地震雷火事名無し(チベット自治区):2012/01/10(火) 12:59:56.28 ID:ZrJ4Emfu0
About Dr. Yukio Hayakawa of Gunma University. Although his specialty is volcanology,
he applied his model of how the volcanic gas spreads to how the radioactive plume from Fukushima
spread across Northeast Japan. While his map is highly regarded by many people,
Dr. Hayakawa managed to make a lot of enemies because of his harsh way of speaking.
He accused the Fukushima farmers of being criminals because they were shipping out
contaminated agricultural produce to the market. To be very honest, many of us,
while being sympathetic to the farmers, wish that they stop growing food on the contaminated land,
but we also know that the farmers will loose income if they stop.
This is a very, very sensitive topic. Dr. Hayakawa said it outright, and some criticize him
of being insensitive to the suffering farmers. Personally, I agree with Dr. Hayakawa, because I don’t
think contaminated food should be marketed. So, it’s not Hayakawa vs. TEPCO/Gov,
but it’s Hayakawa vs. desperate Fukushima farmers.

That flash of light is most likely floodlights so workers can do stuff at night.
There is always smoke on the site, so that’s nothing new. The biggest concern right now on this
board is whether Unit 4’s spent fuel pool will collapse. There was news that on New Years day,
the water of Unit 4 SFP boiled away and the fuel rods may have been exposed.
There’s been an increase in caesium levels over the holidays (that’s the data on >>154),
and we suspect something happening at Unit 4.
161Seeker(フランス):2012/01/10(火) 15:47:48.07 ID:+IMo9nCt0

I'll keep that, thanks!
Also, I am Seeker, there are no "seekers"^^


Great thanks! So I got it right while doing an article on Hayakawa wich is out now,
so thanks to the person who spoke about him earlier. And it looks like he admits being
harsh, that it was only to wake people up. That's a surprising method but looks like
it works. Here is the link
It's in French, so some of you won't understand, I think I'll make a translated version.

About the light and the caesium levels, I'll keep that info, that's interesting.
The fuel pool collapsing, it's absolutely not good, no one needs the situation to be worse now.
162地震雷火事名無し(チベット自治区):2012/01/10(火) 20:43:56.69 ID:ZrJ4Emfu0

I read your article on Hayakawa. I did a Google translation from French to English
and it comes out fairly well. The article was interesting and informative. Good work.
The Kibo site is interesting also.

By the way, I’ve known Dr. Hayakawa’s blogs way before the 3.11 Earthquake.
I was interested in his information about volcanic gas (which is highly lethal hydrogen sulfide)
from a volcano in a famous resort area, because my parents own a summer cottage there.
I used Hayakawa’s information to avoid areas where the gas could accumulate
when I went hiking in the mountains. The local government was not pleased with his blog,
because this kind of information may scare the tourists away,
but Dr. Hayakawa felt it was his mission to make this information available to the public.
He feels that way about the radiation from Fukushima. He is firm in his conviction,
and I have great respect for him.
163Seeker(フランス):2012/01/10(火) 22:20:45.25 ID:3jcq1W+x0
>>162 Thanks a lot for reading that!
He deserves such respect. I did not know he was already not the government's best friend
even before that, but it's interesting. That means he's a person that
acts for truth, and this is the kind of person that is needed in these dark times.
164地震雷火事名無し(茸):2012/01/10(火) 22:20:56.28 ID:WB3d2bOh0
・原発はCIAエージェントである正力松太郎によって作られた「正力松太郎 原発の父」




 「正力松太郎 CIA」「911 CG」「経世会狙い撃ち」「在日 GHQ」「311人工地震」
 「アーロンルッソ」「日銀株主」「電通 成田豊」「MKウルトラ」「トロン 日航機墜落」「コシミズ 中国」
 「携帯電話移動履歴監視」「対日超党派報告書」「カルト指定」「べクテル」「2ch 統一教会」
 「東日本ハウス 竹中」「ワクチン利権」「衛星サーベイランス」「サイコトロニクス」「RFIDチップ移植」


               →統一協会→自民党 →日本国民 (奴隷)
165地震雷火事名無し(茸):2012/01/10(火) 22:22:28.24 ID:WB3d2bOh0
 自民党         民主党            みんな         橋ゲ

   清和会・東京財団     松下政経塾                       維新
                               (高橋洋一・原英史)     構想日本
   (日本財団/笹川)  花斉会・凌雲会     (稲盛・アブシャイア) (上山・本間・古賀・堺屋)
        ↑            ↑   (CSIS)      ↑            ↑

                 ▼▲▼▲▼▲▼ ▼▲▼▲▼▲▼ 
                  ▼▲  ▲▼    ▼▲  ▲▼ 
                   ▼▲ ▲▼     ▼▲ ▲▼ 
                    ▼▲▼       ▼▲▼ 
                    ▲▼▲       ▲▼▲ 
                   ▲▼ ▼▲     ▲▼ ▼▲ 
                  ▲▼  ▼▲   ▲▼   ▼▲ 
                 ▲▼▲▼▲▼▲ ▲▼▲▼▲▼▲

 ユ●ヤからの献金で大統領  ユ●ヤからの献金で大統領  ハワード前英保守党党首(ユダヤ) 

      ↓                    ↓                ↓                ↓

    共和党                  民主党        キャメロン首相(ユダヤ系)   サルコジ仏大統領(ユダヤ)
166Seeker(フランス):2012/01/10(火) 22:34:48.68 ID:3jcq1W+x0

Conspiracy theories, from what I understand? I am not that interested in this.
I know people who think that, people who don't, but because it can't be proved
except by coincidences, and would make too much of a position, you understand?
I accept your point of view, but don't agree with it, because that is not the point here
to find supposed responsible persons. In this story, it is sure the government hides things.
It is sure the danger is real, and that people need help. And that's what I'll use.
If I begin with earthquake weapons, HAARP and stuff like this, I'll lose credibility.
I am aware of everything around that, it's just not my goal.

Thanks anyway!
167地震雷火事名無し(SB-iPhone):2012/01/11(水) 04:47:26.37 ID:iPnCw+9h0
164&165 are trolls. Best to ignore.
168Seeker(フランス):2012/01/17(火) 03:56:34.18 ID:v5rvttlV0
Greetings! I come to you as I'm preparing another article, and I'd like
you to tell what you think about the situation.
Japanese government has a project to build a remote Japan in India.
We know the bound between these two countries is strong, it is not
a great surprise to see one helping another.

However, about the nature of that help, this is a madness.
You remember when another Tokyo in Osaka was in project? That is even
bigger : a city of 50 000 people in India. No need to say the richest
of Japanese people will be able to get there.
What does this means? Do they think Japan is in such a bad situation they
need to flee?

In any case, I'd like you to say what you think about this situation,
with liks to informations if you have them. I heard a person talking about that, and made my research.
Looks like known sites talked about that before.

I already have this :
and this :

Thanks in advance, I'll keep you informed!
169地震雷火事名無し(SB-iPhone):2012/01/17(火) 07:18:22.15 ID:Eq+scctmi
There is a thread on this board too and people think it's an arc to save the elite.
The Mainichi article suggests its a sort of urban planning development project.
It's not clear whether the residents will be Japanese only or also rich Indians.
So I don't know.

What I can tell you is that a lot of American elite business people are back
in Tokyo, and the international schools where their kids attend are in operation,
so most likely the imminent danger is gone.
170Seeker(フランス):2012/01/19(木) 12:13:56.73 ID:ondtpzcn0

Thanks for the Mainichi website!
Could you link me to the thread you mentioned about the supposed ark?
171地震雷火事名無し(チベット自治区):2012/01/19(木) 19:31:11.69 ID:p64RMHCe0
Immigration to India threads:

【卑劣漢】 政府が選民をインドへ移住させる計画2
172Seeker(フランス):2012/02/03(金) 07:33:21.18 ID:VTWnGUt80

French media are telling a story about a report telling much interesting informations
on the nuclear situation in Japan. We do not forget. : link (in french) to the article, with a japanese video.
I have been quite absent recently, with all the fuss on the Internet
about Anonymous, and the cyber-war waging. I wonder if it's also the case in Japan.

I had a important thing to ask, thought.
Do any of you have any recent news about minami soma?

A japanese friend of mine,
living in France and actively helping Japan about stopping nuclear use and helping
Fukushima refugees, asked me that and I know this is the best place to ask.
173 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】 (福島県):2012/02/03(金) 19:20:38.71 ID:+y9AeKb60
Tell Me A Secret....
174Seeker(フランス):2012/02/04(土) 02:14:54.90 ID:2WMdbAS90
>>173 A secret? There is a restaurant named "Sapporo" in Grenoble.
I always wondered if there was a restaurant named "Grenoble" in Sapporo.
175地震雷火事名無し(チベット自治区):2012/02/04(土) 07:42:12.57 ID:gWXui5r/0
Thanx for the link. The Netoyen site is quite interesting.
Also it’s good to know Yasumi Iwakami’s videos are seen around the world.
Iwakami is a great journalist. I totally support him.

Not too much cyber-war and hacktivism in Japan.
I think the Japanese hackers are careful not to do things that’ll give the authorities the reason to shutdown 2channel.

About Minami Soma. Katsunobu Sakurai, the Mayor of Minami Soma who’s become a celebrity
because he made an SOS appeal on YouTube last year, repeatedly states that his city needs money
to rebuild the area devastated by Tsunami so the evacuees can return.
Young people want to emigrate out of the area because it is highly contaminated by radiation,
but older people want to stay and want other people (particularly young family with children) to stay.
The net community, being dominated by younger generation, condemns Mayor Sakurai
for being evil money-lover who doesn’t care about people’s life,
but there is a deeper Japanese social problem of extreme generation gap
where young and old are totally divided in values and perception of the world.
I still think young people, at least children and young women, should be given choice to move out.
It’s very frustrating being unable to do anything.
176地震雷火事名無し(大阪府):2012/02/05(日) 18:40:31.46 ID:DPX0eQFF0
I really appreciate that Seeker is actively working on the Fukushima issues and never forgets to come here to report to us.


Thank you for the informations. I can return with news, that's great.
Where are you from, in Japan? Also, does anyone have links to
websites (even in japanese) with updated infos on minami soma?

178Seeker(フランス):2012/02/05(日) 21:53:29.95 ID:WezkGYG10

And I really appreciate that people here don't let me down.
I may not be in Japan, but we are together on this.
(Also, why is there a text just after my name in my precedent post?)
179地震雷火事名無し(大阪府):2012/02/06(月) 05:48:06.64 ID:j7VHb9iU0
【緊急地震:宮城県沖M3.5最大震度1】 tells you [Earthquake: Epicenter, Magnitude, Max intensity]
It appears when you post in a couple of minutues after the quake occurs.

180地震雷火事名無し(WiMAX):2012/02/06(月) 05:51:51.83 ID:8iLKKu0k0
ジョン・タイターか。 約10年ぶりだね。 メシ・タイタか?
181地震雷火事名無し(チベット自治区):2012/02/06(月) 09:16:33.50 ID:hhNmKmNU0
Minamisoma info (in Japanese)

Blog of Koichi Ohyama, a young councilman of Minamisoma City.
He represents the feelings of younger generation residents who are concerned about radiation.
He also makes appeal on YouTube; search “SOS again from Minamisoma”.

A photo blog by "Tetsu" who visited Minamisoma in August 2011. Lots of photo.
It's half a year ago, but gives you the idea of the devastation by tsunami.
You see, people associate Minamisoma with the nuke accident but it was quite badly
damaged by tsunami, and that’s the reason Mayor Sakurai asks for money to rebuild.

One of the threads on this board "I take refuge in my gave, 93 year old commits suicide in Minamisoma."
Sociologically, this thread is interesting because the comments reveal the deep generation gap in the Japanese society.

I live in Tokyo (I wrote >>175).
182Seeker(フランス):2012/02/07(火) 07:01:28.70 ID:SLdwC+fL0

That's great, thank you!
The photo blog is interesting, if I could I'd totally this kind of photo
reports of situations.
I guess you meant "Take refuge in my grave".
That's a sad and poetic way to say it.

You live in Tokyo? Okay, nice. So I guess you've heard about the
radioactive wastes being displaced in your city. It seems there's now a high
sievert rate in some areas around Tokyo. Do you know anything about this?

I'll make good use of all of that, thanks!
183地震雷火事名無し(大阪府):2012/02/07(火) 19:37:04.12 ID:Je1QJqgw0


This is an article about criticism of a commercial broadcasted in East Japan.
(Some sentences are written in English.)
Foreiners put negative comments on the commercial and Japanese Government.

184地震雷火事名無し(チベット自治区):2012/02/07(火) 19:57:20.59 ID:YoIQPIG/0

Yes, there’s radioactive waste and areas of high sieverts in Tokyo, but I worry more about food.
Radioactive waste is another sensitive problem. There’s never simple answer to anything.
The Tohoku area must get rid of their rubble left by tsunami damage before they can start rebuilding,
and that’s why they want to send the rubble including radioactive waste to other parts of Japan.
The alternative is to put all the rubble in the Fukushima evacuation zone, but there is
strong opposition from the people of Fukushima who will lose their land forever.
Giving up land is not just about getting paid compensation money by TEPCO,
but it’s about losing home, farmland, livelihood, community, tradition, and history.
Not an easy problem to solve. It pains me to see fellow Japanese experience this.

You mentioned that you can watch Niconico Douga. There’s a series called
“Fukushima Report (福島報告)” by medical journalist Hiroko Aihara on site.
The recent one talks about Minamisoma: the lawsuit against TEPCO and the decision by the village elders
to return to high-contamination area.
The content is solid dry journalism without any sensationalism (i.e. rather boring),
but it shows the reality of how people must slowly rebuild their lives in this catastrophe.
(note: there’s free and charged contents, but Fukushima Report is free)
185地震雷火事名無し(大阪府):2012/02/20(月) 02:20:53.44 ID:lXyMSsVG0
Hi Seeker. Thank you for your support.

I guess you have checked information and real situation about the topic.

By the way, I have read & heard that "There is a tendency that Japanese want to know how foreigners see Japanese".

Now I dare to want to know how do you see Japanese(people, organisations, etc). (^-^;)
Do not hesitate to say open, please, if you do not feel bad.
your friends opinion, news opinion, social opinion, ..... anything is welcome.
186地震雷火事名無し(チベット自治区):2012/02/21(火) 03:00:33.25 ID:RewrVgmO0
187地震雷火事名無し(大阪府):2012/03/12(月) 00:41:02.26 ID:UeV3GLv70
Fukushima residents report various illnesses
Growing number of those living around destroyed Japanese nuclear plant cite health issues.


A women in Fukushima. Her hair has started falling out and her teeth as well.
188地震雷火事名無し(大阪府):2012/03/29(木) 00:55:56.06 ID:KiKuSHLk0
I wonder if Seeker were so much bored of this crazy situation,
the depth of the darkness of atomic industries, blindness and senseless of common people of Japan,
or helplessness of the situation...
189地震雷火事名無し(大阪府【緊急地震:岩手県沖M3.9最大震度2】):2012/04/10(火) 20:50:30.98 ID:JhHsrIsn0
Where is he?

190地震雷火事名無し(西日本):2012/04/10(火) 21:12:23.26 ID:3OPueZNY0
I guess you guys have already cheked this Fukushima Diary, though.
191 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】 (SB-iPhone):2012/05/03(木) 15:29:03.58 ID:VpWzsqQBi
192 忍法帖【Lv=28,xxxPT】 【関電 77.8 %】 (芋):2012/08/13(月) 11:56:11.47 ID:FubhdRhi0
Gloria in excelsis deo. Et in terra pax hominibus bonae voluntatis.
193地震雷火事名無し(やわらか銀行):2012/08/14(火) 12:20:25.68 ID:3O04rIh90
Les Anges dans nos Campagnes
194地震雷火事名無し(やわらか銀行):2012/10/08(月) 16:48:27.52 ID:CwAKbfDZ0
Dioxin from Fish!! 「魚からダイオキシン!!」
196地震雷火事名無し(チベット自治区):2012/10/25(木) 05:24:13.06 ID:tz8rbycP0
Caecium from mushrooms!
Et nous, nous avons connu l'amour que Dieu a pour nous, et nous y avons cru. Dieu est amour; et celui qui demeure dans l'amour demeure en Dieu, et Dieu demeure en lui.