
1名無しさんだよもん:04/11/10 09:35:37 ID:PRdTGLMo
Just days before graduation, Ryo recalls his life as a student and the various people who were part of it.

Kaho Nagira, who dragged him into the literary arts club when he was a Freshman.

Kaho's younger friend Kyoko Ashihara, who had a crush on him.

Yuka Otowa, who was always alone, no matter who she was with.

The school nurse Kaori Shitoh, who always had a bed waiting for him to take a nap in.


Last but not least, his big sister Ayame, who did her best to protect him after the death of their parents.

Those were real experiences leaving real memories...
Days we thought would last forever...
2名無しさんだよもん:04/11/10 09:36:13 ID:lkxa/ju1
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3名無しさんだよもん:04/11/10 09:36:16 ID:gsS/bVab
4駄スレ認定委員:04/11/10 09:36:47 ID:/2J7ofj4
5'ヽ/ヽ ◆NYARI6dRbc :04/11/10 09:37:13 ID:L6XbNJT+