Heart de Roommate

Due to a number of unfortunate incidents,
Yusuke is left without a place to live when he transfers to a new school.
In an unknown land, he suddenly runs into his childhood friend Asumi again.
Misunderstanding a prior incident, the hyper Asumi tells Yusuke that she needs to repay her debt.
Then she forcibly takes Yusuke back to her all girls' dorm and announces to her astonished roommates that Yusuke will be living with them!
However, Asumi orders Yusuke to take care of the cleaning, prepare meals for them and wear a girl's uniform when they go to school to hide their secret...all the while,
he's made to live in a closet! Tough luck for Yusuke, but he starts enjoying life with his cute roommates. What he never expected was his ever-growing passion towards these pretty girls...
2名無しさんだよもん:04/11/10 09:33:22 ID:gsS/bVab
3名無しさんだよもん:04/11/10 09:33:26 ID:lkxa/ju1
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