Jewel Knights - Crusaders

1名無しさんだよもん:04/11/10 09:30:05 ID:PRdTGLMo
Battle of the sexes? No way; this is more fun!
Ginji, our hero, unexpectedly comes across some girls fighting.
However, this is no simple brawl; it's a full-blown battle!
Invited to join their crusade, our hero is tempted by these luscious babes and the chance to test his undisputed street-fighting skills.
He agrees on one condition: He gets to do anything he wants to the girls.
They concede while secretly expecting something sensual.
The perks for helping out are thrilling!

Jewel Knights - Crusaders is a command selection adventure game.
This game utilizes a multi-ending system, where the stories unfold and change according to command selections.
It's entirely up to you how the stories will unfold. Please try to achieve all the endings.

Auto Forwarding Mode is Loaded!
If you select the "Auto Forwarding Mode" from the pop-up menu, story messages will automatically flow by.
This is a great way to sit back and enjoy the game!
When choices arise, the automatic flow is temporarily stopped and waits for you to select a choice.

*You'll be able to set up the details for the "Auto Forwarding Mode" in Properties
2名無しさんだよもん:04/11/10 09:30:23 ID:gsS/bVab
3名無しさんだよもん:04/11/10 09:30:36 ID:lkxa/ju1
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