Idols Galore!

You're making managerial decisions for superstar idols in the industry.
A real taste of celebrities...The industry is now in your hands, with sexual perks galore.
The stars are ready to entertain you. Indulge in the delightful joys life has to offer, anyway you want...
Whether it's on the set, in the office, or any place of your choosing, make it impossible for these babes to resist you.

Play with your assistant the bimbo, the foxy superstars, and a beautiful,lipstick-lesbian rival.
The talented and vigorous girls are unfleshed, but you're going to educate them with life-altering amounts of pleasure,
because that's the way you like it!
2名無しさんだよもん:04/11/10 09:26:16 ID:gsS/bVab
3名無しさんだよもん:04/11/10 09:26:22 ID:lkxa/ju1
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