映画 "あの夏、いちばん静かな海" の大島弘子の近況?

誰が知っている 映画 "あの夏、いちばん静かな海" の大島弘子の近況? 今状況はどのようか? どんな仕事を行っている?

映画の中に見てから 彼女は深く彼女に好きになる 残念ながらこの映画の後でニュースを失った 彼女の前の雑誌 今ゆっくりと探している 収集 どうしてそんなに遅くやっと彼女に出会う.. とても彼女の今のニュースを知っていたい 私の人は日本にいないが

2なんてったって名無しさん:2006/02/26(日) 13:19:15 ID:YxbrZQpl
3valentin:2006/02/26(日) 14:01:40 ID:is8wrjX1 BE:298181164-
私は、彼女は結婚したのだべきならば.と思っている。でも、やはりとても彼女の今の近況を知っていたくて、心の中の知っていたい欲求は1匹のようだずっと私の心臓の手を捉えている! ある人はひそかに彼女のを知るか?
4なんてったって名無しさん:2006/02/26(日) 17:04:16 ID:bvQdn5QH
5valentin:2006/02/27(月) 00:27:38 ID:wvMohkCB BE:397575348-
sorry . In fact , I'm from Taiwan. those words are translated by the software of translation. I'm prepare a research of the film of Takeshi Kitano. And I found out the actress--大島弘子 disappeared after this movie. "あの夏、いちばん静かな海".
6valentin:2006/02/27(月) 00:39:03 ID:wvMohkCB BE:397574584-
I'm interesting with what happened to her to make her left the world of entertainment. And what is she now. Her situtation.
7valentin:2006/02/27(月) 00:41:36 ID:wvMohkCB BE:186363735-
I'm interesting with what happened to her to make her left the world of entertainment. And what is she now. Her situtation.
8valentin:2006/02/27(月) 00:46:55 ID:wvMohkCB BE:198788328-
Especially after the amazing act in the film. She didn't cotinued her life of actress. So I'm bagging someone to translate my words and questions into the japanese corrected. Thanks and sorry for my poor Nihoongo.
9なんてったって名無しさん:2006/02/27(月) 11:32:42 ID:xMCOFd/l
10valentin:2006/02/28(火) 02:22:39 ID:8PQczraA BE:149091326-
Did it mean there's no other way to know the situation of she now???
11なんてったって名無しさん:2006/02/28(火) 15:14:04 ID:rNiwnVbU
slow wait !
12valentin:2006/03/02(木) 15:46:59 ID:wXeXcqVj
0k i just though that maybe there are some of her friends would know and tell me her situstion now.. I found an english teacher and a dentist with the same name ..

13なんてったって名無しさん:2006/03/02(木) 16:00:05 ID:dGKaiT7Q
This bulletin board is a few pason and slow wait! Maintenance this board the pason reseiving infomasion may appear .long wait!
You do not give it up!
14なんてったって名無しさん:2006/03/02(木) 16:00:50 ID:dGKaiT7Q
This bulletin board is a few pason and slow wait! Maintenance this board and the pason reseiving infomasion may appear .long wait!
You do not give it up!
15valentin:2006/03/04(土) 14:32:41 ID:idnKN9Cf BE:298181164-
I will wait.. Now it's just like a hole in my heart.
16なんてったって名無しさん:2006/03/05(日) 22:54:46 ID:B9jegujf
17valentin:2006/03/06(月) 01:59:48 ID:MOy/B33+ BE:124242825-
you mean now she is a housewife without job?
18なんてったって名無しさん:2006/03/07(火) 17:38:25 ID:+heFHsO4
80年代 投稿写真で見たのを覚えているけど。
19valentin:2006/03/07(火) 19:00:47 ID:NZi5WC4O BE:260909137-
what?? what you mean????? Is she ok now???
20なんてったって名無しさん:2006/03/07(火) 21:59:26 ID:jSq29r7w
21なんてったって名無しさん:2006/03/08(水) 00:19:03 ID:cUgdcNvr
22valentin:2006/03/08(水) 01:14:03 ID:UaEbs3zr BE:559089959-
On the google that all I found is only about her movie..."あの夏、いちばん静かな海"..
Without her news or something..
23なんてったって名無しさん:2006/03/08(水) 09:00:55 ID:lBje+uA6
24なんてったって名無しさん:2006/03/08(水) 16:08:06 ID:UD7u2OJ8
25valentin:2006/03/09(木) 12:37:25 ID:Cd7UfhCR BE:186363735-
you mean the home of 大島弘子?
26valentin:2006/03/15(水) 22:02:05 ID:EwWt6Yuk BE:99394324-
it's very difficult to find out more of her news..
27なんてったって名無しさん:2006/04/22(土) 22:53:31 ID:lnjnyBE5
today i've gotten three of her past time magazines...
28なんてったって名無しさん:2006/04/30(日) 01:58:09 ID:uEfD80SA
>>25 >>24means her born house. the house was near SETAGAYA street .work is 蕎麦屋.
>>26 yes. it's very difficult to find out recently news of retaired actress.
never give up !