
こいつは「よくばり英作文」の冒頭で「英作文にIt is not too much to say thatとかは不要!よって本書には載せてない」とか言ってるアホだから。
ちなみに竹岡が不要と言うIt is not too much to say thatは英作文でこんなに活躍する。

In fact, it is not too much to say that there is no day when it is nice and clear all day long,....

It is not too much to say that SV〜(○)→「〜と言っても過言ではない」

It is not too much to say that the whole process is an attempt to find out what human beings are all about.

・和文英訳教本・自由英作文編P.52 Body1(メディアの現状を憂う論調で)
It is not too much to say that the media is the leader of the country.

・和文英訳教本・自由英作文編P.68 Conclusion(総括)
It is not too much to say that books are the most important teacher in life and the most inexpensive consultant.

糞の役にも立たねぇ韓国ステマみてぇな英文に418分の1を割くならIt is not too much to say that入れとけや!