某通信教育の大学受験用問題です。 (1A)私が毎日日記をつけるようになったのは、永年勤めた会社を退社して、パート勤めを始めてからだった。 After I had retired the company where I had been for a long time and started part-time working, I have started keeping a diary. (1B)日々をどうしたか書き留めておかないと後で分からなくなりそうで不安だったからである。 Because I was afraid of forgetting having done every day. (2)学校の真ん前にある家を眺めては「ああ、この家の子だったらどんなにかよかったことだろう」とおもったものだ。 Every time I watch the house in front of my school, I used to think I wish I lived there.
1a ・辞めてパートを始めたから「辞める」を大過去にしたと 思いますが、ここは過去形です。 ・意味的に after より since の方がしっくりくるような。 ・have started keeping は冗長な印象を受けます。 Since I quitted the company ... and started ..., I have kept a diary.
1b ・これは現在形でもいいのでは? ・forgetting having done ではわかりにくい forgetting what I did などで 「書き留めておく」の部分は?
2 ・watch -> watched ・wish を think はしないでしょう。日本語に引っ張られないように。 I wished if I could live there かな ・my school の my は前スレを参照してください。
>>5 日記をつけるのを毎日の習慣にしたって捉えるなら make it a rule to〜のほうがニュアンスはいいね 会社を辞める前までも もしかしたら毎日じゃないけど日記つけてた可能性もあるからね だから>>7も怪しいかな "毎日つける"っていうのをどう表現するかだと思うよ あんまり参考にならなかったらごめんなさいw
>I wish I were a bird.に対してI wished と主節の動詞を過去形にしても仮定法の動詞の形は変わらない。 >I wished I were a bird.でいい。主節の動詞と同時のことに対する仮定は仮定法過去。 >主節の動詞より以前の事柄に対する仮定は仮定法過去完了を使う。 >I wish I could have gone to the party. は現在から過去に対する願望を述べる。 >I wished I could have gone to the party.は過去からそれ以前の過去に対する願望を述べる。 http://anecdotenokomado.blog92.fc2.com/blog-category-2.html
>>5 Not until I began to do a part-time job after retiring from the company for which I had worked for so many years did I come to write a diary every day.
The reason is that I was anxious about the prospect that my everyday experiences, unless set down on paper, would later on become blurred into nothingness.
Every time the house right in front of my school came into my view, the thought would occur to me, "Would that I were a child of that house!"
Since the day I retired the company I had worked for for a long time and started to work part-time, I [keep|have kept] a diary. I am so scared of forgetting what I do every day, if I don't write down.
have a part-time job for many years come to do(状態動詞) keep a diary/write in one's diary everyday(空白はいらない) prospect(プラスの意味) set down(今はその意味ではあまり使われない) become blurred into nothingness(そんな言い方はしない)
the school(myはおかしい) come into view(myはいらない) would that〜(倒置ができていない) I were(口語では普通was) a child of that house(あの家が子供を産んだことになる)
>>14 惜しい! Since the day〜について the dayにかかってるのは I retired and (I) started この二つだよね じゃあ、私は会社を辞めたその日の内にパートを始めたのか?って話になるんだ そんな記述は見られないから、ここは普通にSinceを接続詞と見て、the dayを消して書くといいよ sinceを使ってるから、ここは原則にしたがってhave keptのほうを採用だね
単純にwhat I do every dayと書くとね、少し違うニュアンスが出るんだ 確かめる方法は、句を文に直すこと
I go to school every day. I practice Judo every day.
例はいくらでもできるんだけど、つまりね、現在形でも過去形でも、動詞が単純な(完了形や進行形でない)形というのは、永続的なことを示すんだね だからforget what I do every dayって書くと 「俺が毎日欠かさずやってることって何だっけ?ピアノだっけ、空手だっけ」 っていう意味になるんだ 違うよね、毎日、日によって色んなことをしたり色んなことが起きたりして、それを忘れたくないってことだもんね よくわかんないなあって時は中学生にたち戻って考えてみればいいんだ my daily lifeだとかdaily happeningsくらいが適当かな
ifの前のコンマは、forgetting〜じゃなくてI am so scaredにかかるってことを表したいんだろうけど、ここではむしろ前者にかけるべきだね 書き留めないと忘れる →だから不安 でしょ? あと、write downは他動詞だから目的語をいれようね
添削ありがとうございます! >>7 >辞めてパートを始めたから「辞める」を大過去にしたと 思いますが、ここは過去形です。 beforeやafter、など文脈より時間の前後関係が明らかな場合過去形にする。と文法書にありますがこれによるものでしょうか? >意味的に after より since の方がしっくりくるような。 なるほど。後の文は完了形なので確かにそっちのほうがしっくりきますね。 >これは現在形でもいいのでは? 不安だったのが過去のことだったので過去形にしたんですが現在形のほうがいいのでしょうか? >「書き留めておく」の部分は? 文脈上分かるだろうと無意識的に排除してしまったようです・・・ 比較的重要でない部分を勝手に削除してしまうことがよくあるので見直し等をよくして気をつけたいと思います >>8,10 思うのより住み始めるのが前のことなので時制を一つずらすのですね ところで"wish if"という形は始めて見たのですが"if"をつけることでなにかニュアンス的な変化はあるのでしょうか? >>9 make it a ruleは出てきませんでした
皆さんの意見を参考にさせていただき書き直して見ました。 (1a)私が毎日日記をつけるようになったのは、永年勤めた会社を退社して、パート勤めを始めてからだった。 I make it a rule to keep a diary every day after I quitted the company where I had worked for a long time and started working as a part-time worker. /This is since I retired the company where I had worked for a long time and started working as a part-time worker that I have kept a diary every day. (1b)日々をどうしたか書き留めておかないと後で分からなくなりそうで不安だったからである。 This is because I'm afraid of forgetting what I did every day unless I write it down. (2)学校の真ん前にある家を眺めては「ああ、この家の子だったらどんなにかよかったことだろう」とおもったものだ。 Every time I watched the house in front of the school, I wished if I could have lived there.
といいますか、英作文を始めたころは、大過去がやたら多くなります。そのうちほとんどは過去形で 足りるものです。 これを慣れる必要があります。 例:「私は昨晩ビールを飲んで、今朝二日酔いだった。」 これをわざわざ I had drunk beer too much and I got hangover. みたいに書くのは、 必要がないどころか、言いすぎなんです。 I drank too much でいいんですね。 大過去を使わないと誤解されるようなケースをのぞき、大過去は使う必要はない、と思ったらいいと思います。
>>16 1つ忘れていました。 ○come to doの用法にはいつも悩まされます。 8 [v to inf] used in questions to talk about how or why sth happened: How did he come to break his leg? How do you come to be so late? 13 [v to inf] to reach a point where you realize, understand or believe sth: In time she came to love him. She had come to see the problem in a new light. I’ve come to expect this kind of behaviour from him.
1、まずfor so many years soを使うと That girl is so cute. That girl is very cute. この二つの違い分かるかなあ あの子チョーかわいい あの子はモテそうだよね 極端にいえばこれくらい違うんだけど、要するにsoを程度の強意で使う場合主観が含まれるんだ 今回の和文で、「永年」という単語になぜ君はsoを使ったんだい?
○>>13のmy everyday experiencesのeverydayに空白はありません。 空白があるのはwrite a diary every dayのところです。
○ prospect: the possibility that sth will happen (OALD) the possibility or likelihood of some future event occurring (ODE) If there is some prospect of something happening, there is a possibility that it will happen. (COB) ex) There is a real prospect that the bill will be defeated in parliament. この意味で使用されるprospectはどう考えても中立的です。
○>受身の意味をもつものがくることはあまりない The truth became known to us all. (研英大) The whole world is rapidly becoming Americanized. (研英大) I first became interested in Islam while I was doing my nursing training ... (COB) As she reached the age of thirty she became convinced she would remain single all her life ... (COB) http://books.google.co.jp/books?q=%22become+blurred%22&lr=&start=0&as_brr=0
そもそも形容詞化された過去分詞のどの割合が受身でどの割合が形容詞か なんて判定できるのですか?
それにbecomeは一時的な事柄も永続的な事柄も両方表せます。 become rich [poor, happy, melancholy] (研英大) We soon became anxious. (研英大) She became sick. (ジ英大) she became angry and sulked all day (ODE) これらの用例のどこが永続的なのですか? ジーニアスの説明を誤って理解されていませんか?
I was once conducting a class on the Aboriginal languages of Australia and, for every grammatical topic, I' d enquire of each participant 'How is this shown in your language?', referring to the language they were investigating. One student came to me after class and requested: 'Could you please not refer to "our languages". They don't belong to us but to the Aboriginal Community.'
The student assumed that the use of a possessive form (a possessive pronoun or a noun phrase marked by 's) is equivalent to a claim of ownership. In fact it extends far beyond. In brief, a possessive form is used for:
(a) An alienable possession, something that the possessor does own -- John's car, Mary's ring, my dog. (b) A kin relation (whether consanguineal or affinal) -- my mother, Mary's husband. (c) An inalienable part of the possessor -- John's foot, the tree's blossom, my name. (d) An attribute of the possessor -- Mary's age, your jealousy, John's good character, Bill's idea (e) Something typically associated with the possessor -- Mary's hometown, my dentist, your boss. Note that "John's firm" is ambiguous. It could refer to the firm John works for or invests in (something associated with John), or it could be a firm which John owns, being then possession of type (a).
It will be seen that only (a) implies ownership. You could not be said to own your mother or your foot or your age or your dentist. There is in fact wide latitude for using a possessive form in sense (e). A colleague once said to me that she'd read something in, as she put it, 'your New Yorker'. Now I don't own this magazine, and didn't even have a copy of (or have seen) the issue being quoted from. But I did, at that time, often read "The New Yorker" and set high credence upon it. The colleague was, effectively, saying 'I read this in "The New Yorker", a magazine which I associate with you.' (以上、A Semantic Approach to English Grammar, Oxford University Press)
■His mood brightens considerably when he enters his building and finds a letter in his mail box.
■The first thing he sees is Black -- not inside his room, but sitting on the stoop of his building across the street, looking up at Blue's window. (以上、Ghosts, Paul Auster)
○>試しにmyをつけない方でも検索してみると、君のは少数派だということがわかると思うけど… come into viewは確かに定型表現ですが、 誰のviewかを明示したい場合には所有格を付けても問題ないと考えられます。 また、一体どういう検索の仕方をしているのですか? "came into view"をGoogle Book Searchで検索すると、最初の頁のところには、 3750と表示されます。しかし、最後のページまで行くと、327しかありません。 同じ方法で所有格について検索すると、my 452、your 22、his 401、her 271、 their 258、our 216となります。 頻度的にはyourが少ないだけで、それ以外の検索結果はどんぐりの背比べです。
1-c-(1) strongly desire : wish <I would I were young again> ―often used without a subject and with that in a past or conditional construction <would that I had heeded your advice> (Merriam-Webster Online)
>>26 >a child of〜なんていうのを間違っていてはよろしくないよ 4 a : household b : a family including ancestors, descendants, and kindred <the house of Tudor> (Merriam-Webster Online)
come into viewについて やっぱりここも感覚の相違なのかなあ… 定型表現であること、自分以外にこの文章で登場人物が出ていないこと(=書かなくてもわかる)、から考えて 君がいうように明示する必要があるとは考えにくい わざわざ何故つけるのかがよくわからない 問題はないのかも知れないけど、定型表現に手を加えるということは普通に考えて意味があるはずでしょう 君は定型表現を崩してmyをつけることで何を表現したかったの?
become uncoordinated / become altered / become established / become lodged become re-established / become seriously contaminated / become enormously complicated become more and more puzzled / become attached / become "wildly agitated and bellicose" become widely distributed / became monstrously deformed / became increasingly disturbed became alarmed / became paralyzed / became "scabby, sore-mouthed, and unthrifty"
ただし、以下の用な例では、カンマがあることで意味がはっきりすることがあります。 I didn't come here because I wanted to see her. これは(A)「私は彼女に会いたかったので、ここへ来ませんでした。」という意味と、 (B)「私は彼女に会いたかったために、ここへ来たのではありませんでした。」の意味にとれます。 (例文参照元 http://www.englishcafe.jp/english3rd/day46.html) しかし、because の前にカンマを入れて I didn't come here, because I wanted to see her. とすると、not が because に及ばなくなるため、(A)の意味であることが明確になります。
It can safely be said the men who take it for granted that they borrow books to read instead of buying will never meet the true pleasure of reading. Such people think reading as an only means of passing time.
A person who dogmatically assumes that books should be borrowed, not bought, may be judged as one who is light years away from the genuine pleasure of reading. His perception of reading is merely as a way of killing time.
Luck, so long as it has no implications for people's interests, is irrelevant from the perspective of justice.
勉強の目的は知識を自分自身の一部にすること、つまり知識を思想に変えることである。 The purpose of studying is to pic up as part of oneself.In other words, we will change from the knowledge to thought.
The end of study is not to possess knowledge as a man possesses the coins in his purse, but to make knowledge a part of ourselves, that is, to turn knowledge into thought, as the food we eat is turned into the life-giving and nerve-nourishing blood.
hygienic respect については、respect が「観点」の意味では可算名詞なので、 in a hygienic respect in the hygienic respect のどちらかになるのが文法的に正しいと思います。 a か the かは、話し手が、相手が理解していると思っているかどうか、によって変わるので、 既出の話題や常識的なら the 、そうでなければ a のようです。
While music has always been an expression of our hopes and feaes, the words have changed from culture to culture,though the tune remains. It can be said that they stand for some national preference,that is,a personality.
>104 1 a person --> persons 文法的なミスはそこだけだが、2文目は問題文の文意がまったくつたわらない。
2 using sound --> making sounds human being --> human beingsかthem
3 まず一文目でwhile(対比)とthough(逆接)をつかって3文をつないでいるので、結局何と何を比べているか意味不鮮明になってる。くぎれ。 our --> people's the words --> the lyrics have changed ---> are different tune remains ---> the tunes are the same some -->「ある国民の好み」の「ある」は「国民」を修飾してんだろ? personality --->?????
(A)But thinking carefully,I have rarely been confused by differences of common sense.It is natural that their common sense be different from ours.If it were not different from ours,I would feel my travels boring. (B)When we go to a different culture by ourselves,some people don't adapt own standards stubbornly.But the other people do it.I'm the latter.
(A)However thinking carefully, I have rarely been confused by the differece of common sence. I even feel that it is natural to be different from ours and it should be different.
(B)When go in a different culture by theirslves, some people save their standerd stubbornly and other people adapt the culture. I'm the later.
>戸惑うということが >confused by どちらかというと confused about かなぁ。
>私にはあんまりない。 >I have rarely been I am rarely confused でいい気がする。
>their common sense be senses should be か senses are にしたい気がする。
>If it were not ここは具体的なケースについてだけの話ではないので、仮定法現在でいいかと。
>I would feel my travels boring. 意訳ですが、個人的にはこの表現はかなり好きです。
私の解答例: But thinking it over,I am rarely confused about how different what we think normal and what they think. This is quite natural, or indeed, I find myself more satisfied when any difference.
>the other people do it. 112 さんも the を外していますが、the がつくと「その他すべて」になってしまうので、ここは ファジーに other でいいと思います。
微妙ですが、書いてみました。 When people throw themselves into a differnt culture, some might try to keep their own standards. Or, others might try to adapt to the new culture, which I am.
>>116 こうしたらどうかね? When people throw themselves into a differnt culture, some might stick to their own standards. Others, including myself, might try to adapt to the culture that is new to them.
>>104 Children are, by nature, full of curiosity and interest. And as they open their minds to the wonders of nature, their sensitivity grows rich and varied.
A normal infant is endowed with abilities to draw attention by making sounds and to learn a language, and these abilities allows people to create culture.
Throughout history, music has always been an expression of our hopes and fears, but lyrics vary from one culture to another even in the case where the same music is used. In these lyrics, it may be said, is embodied a nation's taste, namely its distinctness.
>>107 There are millions of people in the world who starve to death, unable to get enough food to keep the breath in their bodies.
A majority of people spend most of their lives scratching a living.
>>111 On deeper reflection, however, I am rarely perplexed by cultural differences in values. There is in me also a feeling that such differences are natural, and must exist.
When people find themselves alone in another culture after advancing into it, some of them cling obstinately to their own criteria, while others try to somehow conform to the local customs. I am the latter.
>>118 Standing on one's own feet is a basic skill everyone must acquire for independent survival.
Two children,as playing in a sandbox in a square,come to sprinkle sand on each other. Some adults around them,when seeing them burst out crying,will tell they are not playing now and their competing has become serious(of fight),and stop them. However,it's not so easy to tell the borderline between seriousness and fun.In fact,the difference has a decisive meaning.
A 北日本は、冬季3ヶ月か4ヵ月雪でおおわれる。 くる日もくる日も、雪解けを待ちながら、家の中にこもらざるをえない。 だから、北国の人々は、どんなささいな春のきざしにも踊り上がって喜ぶ。
Northern part of Japan is very snowy and covered with snow for three or four months, so habitants, unable to go outside frequently, waiting for thawing out, feel much pleasure so that they dance for joy as they want to at a symptom of spring, however trivial it is.
B 現代文明が進めば進むほど、我々は夜型の生活を強いられて、睡眠不足となる。 交通機関の発達のために、自分の足で歩くことがすくなくなって、運動不足となる。 食事についていえば、食料の洪水の中で栄養失調をおこしている人々が多く見られる。
More advance in modern civilization more reverses day and night in our lives, makes us sleepless. This bad effect of the advance is also the case with other sides of life; A greatly developed transportation deprive us of an opportunity of exercise and as for food, many people absorbed in eating unexpectedly suffer for malnutrition.
It sometimes happens that two small children playing in a sand box in a public garden begin to grab and throw sand at each other and the one or the other bursts out crying. When seeing that, some adults may assume they are now serious and try to stop them, but nobody knows if they really are. In fact, it is difficult for other people to tell what children really mean, though it is dictinct for the children themselves.
>141 1.まあ文脈がもうちょいあればともかく いきなりTwo children come to...って書いてあってたとえ話には見えない罠。 いきなりたとえ話がはじまってもそれが たとえ話に見える工夫は必要だろよ? it happens に固執するつもりはないがな。 supposeなんかでもよかろうもん。
4、辞書にも載っていない単語もあったので、よく意味がとれませんでした it is dictinct for the children themselvesは、後ろにto tell what they really meanを補って、 直訳;「子供が、自身の本当に考えていることを判別するのはdictinctだ」とすればいいですか?
3 ああなるほど。原文の受け取り方がちがうんだね。 あたしゃね、子供がわんわん泣いていても それだけで喧嘩とは断定できない。ワンワンないていたかとおもったらすぐまた一緒に笑い出すこともあるし、 大人が外見から判断する遊びと本気の境目と、子供のそれとは異なっていて、でも子供には子供のなかでの相互の了解にもとづいて友達づきあいをしている、といった文意だとおもったんだよね。 だから子供が泣いているくらいで大人が勝手に喧嘩とassumeする、と考えたんだが、 チミの読みではそうではないわけね。 たしかにそうも読めるか。なら Only when they see it do they understand [are they convinced] that SVくらいか。
4 ちがう。to tell不要。 itは「けんかか遊びかということ」 その境目がこどもにとって明らか、という意味で書いたんよ。 ただ正直ここは迷った。全文にwhether they are serious or notのような文があればdistinctはよかったと思う。もともとdistinguishと同じ語源だから、 AかBかを明確に区別できる、という意味の形容詞だから。 ところが訳例にはwhat they meanとしか書いていないので、apparentとかのほうが適切かもしれない。 ・・・って何を悩んでいるかわかんねーよな? まあ、最後の一文は訳しにくいよ。おまえもトライしてみなしゃいな。
例えば、 >Two children,as playing in a sandbox in a square,come to sprinkle sand on each other. わざわざ分詞構文とか come to とかつかわないでも、 When you see two children playing in a sandbox, they sometimes throw sand to each other. で十分です。
>>152 Northern part of Japan is very snowy and covered with snow for three or four months. So habitants, ------ とすれば良いのでしょうか 自分としてはつないでいるときとの差がわからないのですが、英語的には分ける方が正しいということですか?
Suppose that there are two small children playing in a sandbox in a square.Naturally,they will begin to grab and throw sand at each other. Some adults watching them around there,when the children burst out crying,think they have just become serious,and stop them. In fact,it's difficult for people to tell if the others are serious or not.But still,there is a big difference between it.
1、give A upとgive up AのそれぞれAの部分はどっちかが固有名詞で代名詞と習った記憶がするのですが忘れてしまいました、どちらなんでしょうすみません;;
2、「このあたりの景色が一番きれいなのは秋です」という日本文の英訳が It is autumn that the scenery in this area is at its most beatiful.と Autumn is the time when the scene in this area is at its most beatifulとあったのですが
at its most beautifulの部分をもっとほかの表現では表すにはどうしたらいいでしょうか??
・the others -> others the others だと、その他の人すべてになってしまう ・it -> them serious と non-serious の二つを比べてるので、them でしょう。
あと、間違いってわけじゃないですが、 >Some adults watching them around there,when the children burst out crying,think 私なら、 Some adults watching them, when they burst out crying, just realize that the children have become serious, and stop them. にするかな。
他の動物と同じように、人間は大人になるまでは成長する。これを進化とは言わないが、心は進化するかもしれない。 Similar to animals,human children all can become adults. That doesn't mean they evolve but their mentality may do.
他の動物と同じように、人間は大人になるまでは成長する。これを進化とは言わないが、心は進化するかもしれない。 Similar to animals,human children can all become adult. Although that doesn't mean they physically evolve,their mentalities may do.
彼らは他人に対する思いやりに欠ける自己中心的な人物である they do not think other but themselves 彼女はその手紙を自分で書かないで、彼女の母に書いてもらった。 the person who wrote the letter is not her but her mother
>188 2文をなんらの「つなぎことば」もなしに並べる ことに違和感をもつとは偉いの。 じゃが、この場合はbutでよいのではないかの。 昔はなじみの町じゃったが、いまはどうかのう、というわけじゃからな。 used toはこの場合は好ましくないのお。
I used to live there. ...〇 I used to live there when I was a boy. ....△ I lived there when I was a boy. ...〇 I used to play baseball when I was a boy. ...〇
how it isは分かるがやや稀な言い方かもしれんの。 what it is likeかhow it has changedを別解としてあげておこうかの。 in my youthも同様じゃ。when I was youngもしくはin my younger days 小言が多い爺ゆえつい細かいこともいってしもうたが、最初のうちは余り気にせずとにかく書いてみることじゃ。
近頃どうも体の調子がおかしくてね。一度診てもらった方がいいよ These days I feel bad.You had better see the doctor ディズニーランドはとても面白かったよ。 君もくればよかったのに disneyland was very enjoyable.I wish you would come
(1) I have lived in Osaka since I was born. I like Osaka because my favorite large book store is. I like reading and go to the book store to buy books. Now, it is true we can buy books on the Net. But when I buy books, I want to be surrounded by a lot of books because I may be able to find unknown books or categories. (2) Of course, I have some points I don't like about Osaka, too. One of them is that when I am talking with the woman I like, some people ask me " What time is it now? "or" Can you give me a paper of your tissue? "and so on. Though I answer their needs kindly, I don't think I want to talk to me.
I have lived in Osaka since I was born. I like Osaka because my favorite large book store is. I like reading and go to the book store to buy books. Now, it is true we can buy books on the Net. But when I buy books, I want to be surrounded by a lot of books because I may be able to find unknown books or categories.
これを書き直すなら、 I have lived in Osaka since I was born. I like reading and being surrounded by many books. I have a favourite bookstore in my city. Nowadays, it is easy to buy books on the Internet. However, I still like to go to a big bookstore, surrounded by many books. I may happen to see books I have never imagined to read.
なお、私がこの内容で最初から書くなら、 I live in Osaka all my life. I like reading, especially when surrounded by many books. There is such a bookstore in my city. Today, of course, we can buy books from the Internet. But that is not enough. When I am in a bookstore, I see many books I have never imagined to read. Sometimes, I happen to take a book which would fascinate me with surprise and pleasure.
現在の少年法 を英訳すると答えはthe present Juveniles Actになっているのですが Juveniles のsは必要なのですか? また 厳しい少年法をもうけることに反対である を英訳すると答えは I am against the idea of having stricter Juvenile Act. となっているのですが stricterの前に冠詞は必要ないのですか?
>>229 ..., no less than 30 to 40% people (in Japan) got into the world without going on to high school, yet almost all of them did something good to society.
got into the world はないです。「働く」=「社会に出る」として、 「社会に出る」を無理矢理訳したのでしょうか?そもそも「社会に出る」 という表現自体が日本語独特なので、got into the world では通じません。 ここはもっと単純に worked か got a job でいいでしょう。
>no less than 30 to 40% people (in Japan) got into the world without going on to high school, About three decades ago, no less than 30 to 40% people (in Japan) got a job without going on to high school,
>yet almost all of them did something good to society. something good だと、何かボランティアや寄付など、仕事以外の形での内容を想像してしまいます。 contributed to the society でどうでしょう。
「働く」の部分は高校進学と就職とを対比させるべきかと考えてあのように書きましたが、 そんなに難しく考える必要はなかったようですね。 また、ウィズダム和英に 社会にでる go [get] out into the world [x society] とあったので深く考えずに使ったのですが、そもそもoutが抜けてもいました。 それと、今更気づきましたが、上のように考えるならwithoutじゃなくinstead ofですね。
contributeは、なんらかの「結果」に貢献するというイメージがあったので避けたのですが、 改めて辞書を調べるとそれはあくまで一用法で、contribute to (a/the) societyで良いようでした。
まずget out into the (real) world「(学校などを卒業し)社会に出る」は正しい表現じゃ。outはなくても かまわん。ま、あったほうがよいがの。
社会に貢献する、とか言う部分はようするに当時 中卒だった人たちもいまどきのニートみたいにならずちゃんと働いて、家族も養い、税金も払った ってことじゃろ?そういうのは「社会の一員になる」 =become a contributing member of societyというのじゃ。覚えておくとよいの、うぉっほっほ。 contributingは略さないようにな。赤ん坊だって 社会の一員だからの。
societyは自分の属する社会を表す場合は ふつう無冠詞じゃ。
それとおぬしの答案のthere were few...は決定的に拙いのう。中卒のうちのわずかの人々、というわけじゃからここではfewを名詞的につかいbut few of them...としなければの。これが唯一の明らかなミスじゃ。
Only thirty years ago, thirty to forty percent of young people graduated only from junior high school, but it didn't mean that they did not become contributing members of society.
However, even though they have a low income, A more important thing is that gradually they try to purchase a book with their own money and live now to the full surrounded by their favorite books.
しかし収入が少なくても,自分の周囲を,身銭を切った本で徐々に取り囲むように心がけてゆくことは,もっと大切なことである。 but however little yor income is ,it is more important to try to buy books gradually and make yourself surrounded by them.
Having little money in your youth, you should make the most of libraries, which is free. More important is, however, to manage to buy books with what little money you have, instead of using libraries.
The weather forecast this morning said that it was going to be nice this week, but it was raining when I left my house. It appears that humans still cannot predict accurately the natural world.
日本とアメリカの考え方や習慣は違うように見えるが、実は、それ程大きな差はない。 Ways of thinking and customs of American and Japanese seem to be very different ,but in fact,there is less difference between the two than we expected.
バイオテクノロジーは生命の根幹に関わる科学であり、次世代に与える影響は計り知れない。 どんな優れたものもそうであるように、その社会への是非を決めるのは利用の仕方にかかっている。 Biotechnology is science which has something to do with a basis of life,having a tremendous impact on the next generation. As of other good things,it is the way of using it that determines between right and wrong for society.
英語のエッセイの授業で身近な題材に対して論文を書くように学生に求めたら、蚊をつつましやかな生き物である、と展開して見せた学生がかつていた。 みんなに嫌がられているものを逆から記述して見せたのである。 文章を書くときはユーモア、つまり、対象に対する視点が大切であることを教えている。 When I asked my students to write an English essay about familiar subject once ,there was one of them who wrote an idea that the mosquit is a very humble insect. He interpreted its disadvantages as its advantages. I taught them what matters when writing a sentence is a sense of humor,that is,the way of interpretation on a subject.
has something to do with...は「ちょっと関係がある」というくらいの意味じゃ。「根幹にかかわる」という 表現からすると弱すぎるの。
a basisはthe basisがよかろうて。
as ofからうしろは英語だけ読んでまったく意味がわからん。つまりぜんぜんダメじゃ。
a familiar subjectのaがぬけとるわ。 onceは不要じゃ。 カンマを文頭にうたない。 there was one of themなどとthere is構文を使う理由がわからんわ。 wrote an idea that SVはわからん。 interpret以下はがんばったが残念ながらわからん。disadvantageは「欠点」じゃ。ヒトの血をすうことをdisadvantageとはいわないからのう。表面だけ訳してもだめじゃ。 taughtと過去形を使うだけですべての意味を台無しにしておるのう。あとは目が痛くなるから読めん。
When I get on a bus I don't usually take,or a taxy pass a new road, I always confirm the street on a map when I get home. In this way,I'm gradually learn new roads,
>284 there are only so many peopleは興味深いのう。 「そんなにたくさんの人しかいない」とはのう。 あとサルでもいればよいのかのう、ふぉっふぉっふぉ。
a taxy pass a new road 綴りの間違いや三単元のsの欠落はおいておいても「一台のタクシーが通り過ぎたとき」?? おぬしも文法以前の何かが欠落しているようじゃの。 confirmはそういうふうに使うものではないぞ。 I'm learnとか動詞が2つあってどうするのじゃ? 前立腺肥大なみの英作文じゃ。喝!
(1)Due to [Thanks to] the widespread use of the computers, the style of writing has drmatically changed. For example, we rarely handwrite with a pen these days. However, I like the sense that a pen smoothly runs on paper, so we should not forget such a sense.
ご質問の件じゃが、日本人は一般にthat節を 使いすぎるようじゃの。そしてさらに悪いことには 時制に関して無頓着で、あまり深く考えず 現在形を使うときておる。このthat節+現在形という 組み合わせは日本人の英語にいやというほど でてくるわい。 しかし現在形は習慣を表すということを忘れてはいかんのう。 a sense that a pen runs...「いつもあるペンが走っているという感覚」、だから爺は気持ちの悪いペンじゃのうと、前にカキコしたのじゃ。
それではどう書くか。いろいろ直し方はある。ひとつは一般論を表す現在形をwhenを使って少し限定するのじゃ。 the sense that my pen runs smoothly when I write...
またはこんな解決策もあるぞ I like the sense when my pen runs smoothly...
または動名詞を使って I like the sense of my pen running smoothly...
(1)Due to [Thanks to] the widespread use of word processors and personal computers, the act of "writing" has undergone a complete change. For example, the phrase "pick up a pen" is on its way ///
どうして〜があるの…Why are there 〜? ことがある…there are things たくさんのこと…a lot of things 私の出来ないこと…things (that) I can't do
合わせると Why are there a lot of things (that) I can't do? 慣れないうちは英作文は組み合わせると分かりやすいと思う。 日本語の文章の主語(こと)、動詞(ある)を見抜き、 適切な名詞(こと)、修飾するもの(たくさんの、私にはできない)等を組み合わせていけば完成する。
1に関して、 @neighboringのスペルミス・タイプミス? 2に関して うーん、なんかわかりにくい文章になっているような・・・? 解決策@matterを主語にして。 The matter is whether ・・・とする方法 解決策ATo make it a matterから始めて, To make it a matter, it can say whether ・・・ or not があると思うが、どうだろうか?
>>322 色々突っ込みどころ満載だけど取り敢えず一番上 The dry spell caused a water shortage in the city,and they had to restrict the use of water.ぐらいに言い換えて書けて欲しいかなー ・「日照り」は必修でa dry spell.もうちょい酷いとa droughtで「干ばつ」って感じ ・一応時間給水はration waterとか言うケド必要無し ・mustは〈自発的義務〉のイメージだから、外圧があって「どうしても〜してはならない」ならhave to ・因みにネイティブの感覚からすると「〜せざるをえない」は往々にしてhave toだそう ・theyは敢えて言うなら゙市の関係者゙ ・shortageは〈一時的〉なニュアンス有り
> The city hasn't have a lot of water because it hasn't been raining for a long time, so the city has restricted water. やはり、water shortage (-1)や water supply (-1) は使って欲しい。 hasn't been raining (-2) ここで使うもんとちゃう。
> It's surprised that the science technology has advanced in the past about 20 years. surprised (-5) in the past about 20 years (-2) これでもう採点放棄。この程度の奴に入ってもらう必要ない。 3/10
> Thanks to advances in medical science,people can have come to live longer. can have to come to (-3) こんな表現、絶対しない。 7/10
He once experienced the awful terror of the fearful accident caused by her careless driving of the car, it's giving him a kind of the trauma lingering on in his head for good.
Due to the establishment of the modern school system, isolated into the space of the school from the adult world, children are situated in such the place as the object which should be educated. Simply put, playing and working along with adults, they became the one which should be protected in the home at first. But, subsequently them regarded as the one which should be enlightened in school, the conception of "child" different from that of "adult" gradually grew embedded in the consciousness among people.
As I view it, it is a good bet that this separation should benefit Japan in the future. The reason for it is that on account of this division, it can lead to ameliorating the density of population on Tokyo resulting in scattering a number of people in the region over the nation from one edge to another, so as to prevent provincial areas in Japan from becoming deserted. As the additional sentence I want to say, I feel like believing that this preceding occurrence can be connected to the prosperous future of our own country.
He said ''Please consider it more deeply. It is not matter that who gain advantage. Live not to regret your way of living''. Later, I think that those words change my way of living.
When one or two day have passed after I have gone back to my own country,my spoken language will become opposite language natulally. It is more convenient to speak.
「簡単に」というか、「辞書的な」「直訳で」書かれたんですすよね。 「簡単に」というなら、例えば、 Instead of saying indirectly, say your feeling directly, and you will make a better relation. っていう感じで。
One day He was given the lifetime incarceration by the judge on the charge of repetitive assaults, aggravated robberies, and beguiling stupendous money out of throngs of people. released from the infernal jail after ten years had passed since, he was in a church with a kind of glamorous ad " It's a place for anyone craving for freedom from anguish over guilty conscience ".
In my opinion,most college students in Japan should not have a part-time job. You may say that they can accumulate social experience through part-time jobs. However, college student,except for poor students,seem to earn money for the sake of going around with their friends,andthereforetheymay spend less time on studying. So,it is reasonable that college students in Japan should devote their time in studying as long as they are free from monetary trouble.
Mac に搭載されている辞書によると: monetary refers most directly to money as such and is often used when discussing the coinage, distribution, and circulation of money なんで、financial の方がいいかも。
>>380 (In my opinion,most college students in Japan should not have a part-time job. You may say that they can accumulate social experience through part-time jobs.)
第一文と第二文の最後に同じpart-time jobが来るのは繋がりが宜しくないね。英語では 必ずしも人を主語に立てる必要は無いから、ここはwork part-timetとかthis等を用いて To be sure, working part-time enable them to accumulate〜 と、このように文頭に持っていく方がきれいに見える。ここではmay〜, butでも可能だろう。 英語では人が複数集まれば社会なので、学校も社会の一部だから、social experienceではよく分からない。 そこで (social)work experience として「働く」という意を顕かにしたい。 >poor students 同じ単語の繰り返しは格好悪いから、poor ones >therefore they may こんな所でmay使ったら終了であります。これが第一文の直接の理由にあたるわけだから。 >So,it is reasonable that soは微妙、reasonbleは意味不明。they should〜とか書いとけば大減点は回避できるだろう。 >devote their time in こんな用法あった? toじゃなかった? >monetary trouble troubleだとねえ、この和文の場合の意味と少し違ってしまう気がする。 they don't have any financial problemsぐらいに簡単に書いとけばいいと思うけど。
>>411 二人が指摘しているように、 >Living the my house, これは相当まずいですよ。 live in (at) 場所 the と my は同時には使えない そもそも、日本語文の「自宅」というのは、「家族と」と解釈した方がいいと思います。 Living with family/parents, ... という風に。
>>411 日本語の文を見る限り、別に自分について書かれたものでもないから If you live 自宅, you are(very)likely to depend for 食事・洗濯 on 母親 或いは those who 〜, they tend to〜 という構文も可能だろう。 >>415 そういうのは手順が悪いんだと思う。 まず最初に問題を見たら、英文の骨格・枠組を大まかに決めて、その後に細かい所を書いたらいいよ。
I disagree with this idea. The reason is that ,today, in Japan, most of the teenagers are, I think, too childish to decide important matters by themselves, so when they have to decide, some adults need to help them do so. Thats why I think we should not give the right to vote to any teenagers.
この船をくまなく探検してとても楽しかったけれど、結局のところ一番好きなのは海それ自体だってことがわかったの。海の神秘には心うたれるわ。 Although Ivery enjoyed exploring this ship at all,After all,my best place is sea itself.I am impressed with mysteriousof sea ぐだぐだな文ですが、添削よろしくお願いします
>>417 問題の規定が分からないから細かい事は言えないが、 >I disagree with this idea this ideaって何だ?この時点で終了。もしこの文を書きたいのなら Some people say 選挙権与えるの賛成, but I disagree〜 ぐらいに反対勢力を書いておこう。この問題は自由英作文みたいになってるけど、 書く内容はかなり限定される。 >The reason is 〜 第二文では賛成の弊害と反対の妥当性を書きたいわけだが・・・。そもそもchildishはぶっ飛びすぎだろう。 >we they は若者? 「我ら大人はガキどもに選挙権はやらん!」ってな具合かい。
There is an opinion that the age at which people gain the right to vote should be lowered to 18 or younger. But today, in Japan, young people are very immature. When I recall my youth days, I was easily influenced by adults' opinions. If the young are to be given the right to vote, they should be educated to be able to make decisions on their own. Without such educational support, I cannot agree with the opinion.
A slender acquaintance with the world must convince every man that actions, not words, are the true standard of judging the attachment of friends, and that the most liberal professions of good-will are very far from being the surest marks of it.
A In the case of increasing tabaco tax, health of Japanese people is imploved by refraining smorking, or Japanese gorvernment get more income by the tax. Whether which happen, It's good for Japan.
BJapanese gorvernment can't conclude the increasing tabaco tax by such a vague thinking.
>>439 アドバイス有難うございます! 自分も rely on there to be 〜 辺りの言い回しはかなり怪しいと思いましたが、 似たような感じの want there to be 〜 = 〜があってほしい、believe there to be 〜 = 〜がある事を信じる というイディオムが桐原1000に掲載されていたので、それを元にして書いてみました。 これはこのフレーズに限った用法なのでしょうか?
Q1筆者の主張の要点を述べよ A1 The author claims that Japanese low shouldn't ban people from banning from using umbrellas or mobile phones during riding bicycles.
Q2その理由を二つかけ A2 The author insists that banning using mobile phones or umbrellas during riding bicycles may cause people to be drenched when it is rain, and from the point of view to preserve environment, goverment should encourage people to use bicycles instead of cars.
==明らかにおかしいところ== low -> law when it is rain -> when it is raining government -> the government
==変えた方がよさそうなところ== Japanese low shouldn't ban -> it should not be banned by law that ... Japanese law should not ban っていう表現に違和感が、、 んじゃアメリカの法律はいいの?とか色々思ってしまう。
banning using mobile phones or umbrellas -> banning mobile phones or umbrellas --ing --ing って、あまり書かないと思う。
Q2 は2つの文に分割しては?あるいは、 The author demonstrates two reasons: (1つ目の理由); (2つ目の理由). みたいに書くとか。
Q3反対意見をかけ A3 I think it is a good idea to prohibit riders from using mobile phones or umbrellas because I often hear pedestrian are frightened when bicycles pass them. In addition, the author insists the government shouldn't discourage people from riding bicycles in order to conserve environment, but it is not a reason because nothing is more precious than life in this world.
> it is not a reason because nothing is more precious than life in this world. it cannot be a reason because の方がいい。 環境問題も a matter of life になりえますよ。
なお、内容はまだ問題があります。あなたの意見をもとに書き直してみると、 こんな感じになります。 It may sound an idea to prohibit mobile phone and umbrella during riding a bicycle, because it would make the rider less careful and might cause more accidents. The author, however, insists mobile phone and umbrella should be allowed for bicycle users, only because bicycle is more environmentally friendly than vehicles. His insist would be rediculous unless the significance of car and motor cycle accidents are properly taken into an account.
>>455 ・誤植ではありません。in town でOKです。 ・日本語の「この」は、the の方が適切なことが多いです。
なぜ in town でいいのか、私もよくわかりません。実は、town っていう名詞が特殊なんです。 他の単語、例えば city や neighbourhood などであれば、たいてい the/this/his などがつきます。 不思議なんですが、実際英文をみてみると、town に冠詞がついていないことが結構あるんです。
In my opinion,Japan should do away with The Death Penalty. Some people say that violent criminals such as muderers need to compensate by accepting The Death Penalty for a sense of victim`s vengence. Hoever,according to Amnesty International,most victims don`t believe that such penalty is the best way to acknowledge their grief. Besides,there is still probablitiy of misjudgement in spite of the develompent of Japanese Justice System. In reality,The Death Penalt teachs that “under the right circumstance”kiliing can be aceeptable.Yet there is no “right” circumstance for evidence,so it might be to
問 Do you agree that people should stop using disposable wooden chopstick?
回答 I agree that we should not use wooden chopsticks. Because,we need not use only it,and we should use some alternative which can be reused any times,for example,prastic chopsticks. We need decrease the amount of garbage which we are able to reduce quickly.
>>466 I'm going to go to my house and go shopping to buy a bag and shoes with my mother tomorrow. でいいんじゃないか? go to - … -へ行く やからgo my mother は文法的にも不可。 未来形にもなってないし、かなり基礎的な英作文から始めたらいいのでは?
再び北大志望です。インターネットについて It is true that the internet can cause the increasing social crime and violence if it is used wrongly. However,I believe ,it provides us with various advantages such as such as exchanging emails with people overseas. It also enables physically challenged to work at home and be self-supporting. From this point of view,what is important is to learning information literacy.Ideally,Japanese school introduce the curriculum on literacy so that students can obtain such literacy since they are young
the increasing social crime and violence -> increase o social crime and violence I believe -> いらないんじゃね? such as such as -> such as enables physically challenged -> 意味がちょっとわからない Japanese school -> Japanese schools
I suppose that much more people should be vegetarian. To be sure,some particular proteins from animal meat are essential for us.However,there are many fruitful vegetables such as peas,beans and lentis,which provide us the alternative nurtritions. Having less excess fats, if we feed on vegetables,we will be more healthy and even we will prevent many people in poor countries from starving into death because vegetables are produced more efficiently and steadily compared to meat products.
個人的には、最初の一文がどちらもあまり好きじゃないですが。 英文らしくするには、例えば http://www.time.com/time/covers/1101020715/story.html So, how about it? Should we all become vegetarians? Not just teens but also infants, oldsters, athletes―everyone? Will it help us live longer, healthier lives? Does it work for people of every age and level of work activity? Can we find the right vegetarian diet and stick to it? And if we can do it, will we? みたいに、本論は疑問形から始める方がいいと思います。
>>490 in my opinion→不要。あなたの意見であることは自明。 students→どこの生徒? this is because→不要。主張の次に理由がくるのは自然な流れ。 should not spend〜→第一文の繰り返し、不要。 but以下→理由になってない。意味不明。 although以下→althoughとmayはどちらか一方で十分。 however以下→まどろっこしい。 以下、some people の主張を崩せていない。 according to →不可。自分の外部にあるものについて使う。 these above reasons→above不要。そもそも複数ではない。 I don't think→不要。以下、表現を変えるべき。
These days Japanese traditional citizens are mainly influenced by the Tv,magazins ,and the Internet, so it would be most effective way to limit these medias to improve eating habits of Japanese.
The government should order medias not to advertise too much foods which would be bad for our health, but to encourage citizens to eat healthy Japanese traditional meals ,and to cook fresh meals by themselves.
The Japanese are easy to believe what medias said, so this idea will work well.
> This is because, should not spend most of their times working to earn money, 主語がない。
> Although, some people may say that begining part-time >jobs gives students a sense of belonging to society. "being part-time jobs" では、「パートタイム仕事になること」で、不適。
仕事に就くことで a sense of belonging to society が得られる、 学校では can get abilities to social advancement っていう のを対比させようとしているのかもしれないが、 何がいいたいのかわからない。
>>496 「多文化主義は現代の世界において重要である」→これはこの問題の主題(theme)か主張(thesis)か、恐らく主張でしょうが、説明を書いてくれると有り難い。 とりあえず英文を見ただけでは @you need to understand foreign cultures とAmulticulturalism is important in today's world のいずれが 主張なのか分かりません。というのは First@ because〜と書いてあるので、@が主張の旧情報、because以下がfirst reasonの内容と読める一方、 最後の文がAで帰結しているため、@とAのいずれがthesisなのか、混乱するからです。今は上から読んだまま、気になった箇所を挙げてみます。 it is natural→これは「法則として当然」という感じなので、変更した方が良いです。 because〜→主張と理由を同居させないほうが読みやすい。しかしそのままいくのであれば 後にfirstと続くことから、理由の列挙を予告するような表現(例えばfor some purposes等)をいれた 方が良いです。 by increasing globalization→with かな。あとカンマ(にスペース)を入れたほうが読みやすい。 various things→これがdeeply understand your own cultureとどういう関係にあるのか、要するに曖昧な表現。 hence→帰結ではない。Now that〜が適切。
In my opinion, college students should have a part-time job. You may say that students should study hard because they are "student”. However, a part-time job will make a person more social, and it is obvious that these various experience which college students had will make student's dream realize. (49words)
バイト経験が将来の夢を実現するって日本語でも変でないかい 変というのは話が飛躍しすぎているという事ね あとは make a person more social バイトというと接客業をイメージしているのかもしれないが、 単純肉体労働もあるし必ずしもsocialになるわけでもないしな〜。 っているかmake a person socialを社会性が身に付くって間違って使っている?
, a part-time job will make a person more social, will 現在形に and it is obvious that these various experience experience 複数形に which college students had had haveに かな?
>>515 "student”→意味不明なのでやめましょう。自分ではわかっていても、これは具体的に説明する必要があります。 more social→これもよくわからない、work experience等、もっと具体的に。あと students should study hard の意見を崩さなきゃ 譲歩の意味がない。 it is obvious that →飛びすぎ。
>>519さん 詳しいご説明と例文ありがとうございます。 a person はひどいですね・・・気をつけます。 >>520さんの仰るとおり、今年のセンターで出て、しかもrealizeが正解だったのでテキトウに使ってしまいました。 そういう意味だったんですね。 他の間違えは、他の方が指摘しているから言及してないという事でよろしいですか・・・?
この中の 1 understand ってのが俺が>>519で説明したやつね。普通会話ではrealizeはこっちの意味。 定義で、to know and understand something, or suddenly begin to understand it の suddenlyがめっちゃ大事。 realizeは、(今まで気づかなかったけど)あーそうかと(突然)わかる、悟る、理解するという意味なんだよ。
>>520の意味は 2 achieve のとこ(formalってあるから書き言葉で用いられるって事) いい例文があるからこれで覚えておこう。英作はこういう表現を引き出しにたくさん詰め込んでおけば楽に書けるようになるから。 She never realized her ambition of winning an Olympic gold medal.(彼女のオリンピックで金メダルをとるという野心は実現することはなかった) cambridgeにも面白い例文がある。ちょっと変えて引用してみよう。 http://dictionary.cambridge.org/define.asp?key=65788&dict=CALD Lots of money, a luxury house, a gorgeous lover - Danny had realized all his ambitions by the age of 25.(有り余るほどの金、豪奢な邸宅、美しい愛人- ダニーは25歳で(25歳までに)彼の野心の全てを手に入れた) 手に入れた=獲得した、実現させたってことね。gorgeousてのはモデルみたいな感じのものすごい美人って感じ。
>>521へ 日本語で言う社会性が身に付くって言うのは英語でoutgoingが近いと思う。再度ロングマン先生に聞いてみよう。 http://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/outgoing out-go-ing 1 someone who is outgoing likes to meet and talk to new people (新しい人に会って話をするのが好きな人)そういうことでしょう。>>515が言いたいのは。 よってmake a person more social は make a person more outgoing に直そうか。
あと豆だけど バイトは英語で moonlighting job (jobは省略可)という。やや否定的な(うしろめたい)ニュアンスだから、バイトを肯定する内容の>>515には使えないけどね。 先生が学生に対して お前(学生のくせに)バイトしてるのか? は Are you moonlighting? となる。 禁酒法下で月明かりの元でこっそり密造酒を作っていたことが語源らしいんだけど、ちょっと面白い表現だと思わない?
Write an essay on the following topic. Many rural areas are now short of trained doctors and medical staff. Do you agree that newly graduated doctors from this univercity should be sent to rural areas in Shizuoka prefecture for several years of compulsory service before being allowed to practice freely? Would you find it difficult to practice medicine in rural Shizuoka? Express your arguments for or against.
Your essay should: 1. be a minimum of 150 words 2. be written using paragraph form 3. have a minimum of three paragraphs 4. have a clear introduction, body and conclution 5. have a space between each paragraph.
These days,I often listen to the problem of the medicine of the rural area.In my opinion, is important for many graduated doctors are sent to rural areas. It is true that the doctor have a choice of the area where they would like to work and some doctors may hope to work their local area. However,doctor have to care patient. If they free to choice the area like present situation, the lack of doctor in rural area is more and more serious. In adittion, they will change the thought of medicine if they really see the situation of rural area. It is because that many medical school student don't know the situation there much. If they experience the care of of rural area, they will know the situation of there and the skill of doctor also will be better than before. Therefore, I am sure that to practice medicine in rural area is easy for me and there is no reason to think that newly graduated doctors should not be sent to rural area.
>These days,I often listen to the problem of the medicine of the rural area. listen to -> hear
>In my opinion, is important for many graduated doctors are sent to rural areas. it が抜けてる?
>It is true that the doctor have a choice of the area where they would like to work and some doctors may hope to work their local area.
>However,doctor have to care patient.
>If they free to choice the area like present situation, the lack of doctor in rural area is more and more serious. choice -> choose the lack of doctor -> the lack of doctors
>In adittion, they will change the thought of medicine if they really see the situation of rural area. はい?
>It is because that many medical school student don't know the situation there much. student -> students
>If they experience the care of of rural area, they will know the situation of there and the skill of doctor also will be better than before. doctor -> doctors 都市部で働く方が、スキルは上達するのでは?
>Therefore, I am sure that to practice medicine in rural area is easy for me and there is no reason to think that newly graduated doctors should not be sent to rural area. easy? no reason も言い過ぎ。
First reason is that smokers do not feel anything about cigarette smoke and the smell of cigarette smoke. However for nonsmokers,that are unpleasant things because cigarette smoke often irritates nonsmokers` eyes and the smell of cigarette permeats various things and that is there for good.
Second reason is that as if often pointed out, cigarette smokeis very harmful. Moreover cigarette smoke does harm to nonsmokers than smokers. I think that fact is irrationality.
For these reasons,I totally agree with the idea that smoking at workplace should be banned.
I agree with this opinion.There are two reasons. First, China is getting more and more economic power now, and has the largest population in the world. So, giving more weight on the relationship between Japan and China is good not only for our goverment but also for enterprises in Japan. Without the population, it would be inevitable for companies to restrict their development. Therefore this idea is very benefical and essential for us. Second, we should appreciate it that thanks to Chinese culture, we can live confortably now. It is easy to understand this reason when we consider the sorce of our culture. It is true that Western civilization has gave us many technological adovances. However it might have been impossible to use them if we don't have our language, Japanese. These are the reasons why Ii agree with this statement.
In my opinion,I think it very important for everyone to study English. It is because that English spoken by people all over the world and people who are good command of English will be able to be international person. So it is obvious that everyone should improve their English ability.(52words)
Which country do you like to visit?
It is the US that I want to visit. It is because that there are many people who came from various country and therefore I will be able to learn their various thought and culture. So,It is no reason to think that I would like to go to the US.(50words)
>>539 訂正した文 In my opinion,I think it (is) very important for everyone to study English. It is because that English is spoken by people all over the world. People who command English well will be able to be international person. So it is obvious that everyone should improve their English ability.(52words) 文法ミスはあまり無いけどandはいらないかな。わかりにくくなるから。 あと最初と最後の文は問題文の題意がずれてるから気をつけて。
Which country do you like to visit?
It is the US that I want to visit. It is because that there are many people who came from various countries. I will be able to learn their various thought and culture. So,it is no reason to think that I would like to go to the US. 文法ミスはcountry(国)のsのつけ忘れ。
>First reason is that smokers do not feel anything about cigarette smoke and the smell of cigarette smoke. ・The first reason (または、Firstly, の方がいいと思う。) ・これを訳すと、「最初の理由は、喫煙者は煙と匂いに何も感じないからだ」になりますが、 「理由」というのはこの次の文でしょう。
>However for nonsmokers,that are unpleasant things because cigarette smoke often irritates nonsmokers` eyes and the smell of cigarette permeats various things and that is there for good. ・that are -> they are/that is ・permeats various things って、ちょっと聞いたことない。 ・that is there for good -> ????
>Second reason is that as if often pointed out, cigarette smokeis very harmful. ・こっちが二つ目の理由なの? ・as if often pointed out, 一つ目の理由は point out されることはないの?
>Moreover cigarette smoke does harm to nonsmokers than smokers. OK
>I think that fact is irrationality. ・fact -> the fact, irrationality -> irrational
>For these reasons,I totally agree with the idea that smoking at workplace should be banned. OK
テーマ:Japan should adopt English as its second official language.(120-150)
Today,many people say that Japan should adopt English as its second official language. It is true that the chance to read or speak English are increasing in Japan,but I strongly believe that Japanese should be the only official language of Japan. As cultures and values of other countries come to Japan,we become likely to lose our own tradition. We have made much of what other countries bring to Japan,but we have to be careful for whether it will be really good. If we make English the second language of Japan,we might fail to realize the significance of Japanese. In addition,we can learn English in public education now,and this is enough to adapt to globalization. We should learn more about our mother tongue. For the reasons stated above,I think that Japanese should be the only official language of Japan.
解A I often hear people say Amarica is not interesting since wherever you may go, you can only see the same buildings, the view of town, and dishes,and the culture of America is a kind of stereotype.
解B This is mainly for economic reasons. Except for the person who drive his own car, buses are the cheapest vehicles in America for ordinary people.
>>568 問Aは、もちょっと大胆に意訳してみてはどうですか。例えば、 People often say that America is not interesting because their cultures, such as building styles, townscapes, foods, are monotonous. ちょっとやりすぎかな。
問B This is mainly for economic reasons. Except for the person who driveS his own car, buses are the cheapest TRANSPORT MODE in America <<for ordinary peopleトル>>.
>>570 >Yuka, thirty years old this year, said " I'm not confident of myself before but I came to express my thought on business in 25-29 years old".
致命的なのは、am ですね。明らかに was でしょう。 in 25-29 years old もあまりよくないけど、減点はすくないかと。 大学によりますが、まぁ合格点なんではないでしょうか。
Yuka, almost thirty years old, said " I was not confident of myself before but, since late 20s, I have developed the skill to express my thought on business".
Why it was that upon this beautiful feminine tissue, as sensitive as gossamer, and practically blank as snow as yet, there should have been traced such a coarse pettern as it was doomed to receive ; why so often the coarse appropriates the finer thus, the wrong man the woman, the wrong woman the man, many thousand years of analytical philosophy have failed to explain to our sense of order.
I disagree that the opinion that we impose students on cramming education. Of course, it it important for them to learn many words and wisdoms. But if students are imposed on cramming education, they might lost their personality. So,there there is no reason to think that we should consider again about Japanese education these days. (54WORDS)
>>578 は >if students are imposed on cramming education, they might lose their personality. といっています。これ自体は、意味のあるいい文だと思います。問題は、その後だと 思います。
>So,there there is no reason to think that we should consider again about Japanese >education these days. there is NO REASON という表現は、めったなことではあり得ません。 大概のことでは、REASON は存在します。
この2文をつなげるなら、例えば、 If students are forced to cram certain knowledges, they might lose some of their own personalities. Instead of this, I would insist that students should be guided in other ways to gain the skill to think on their own. とか。
テーマ:Experience is more valuable in life than education.(100語以上)
I think experience is more valuable in life than education. Some people say that education is more valuable than education because you can deal with any events you face in your life if you learn a lot of knowledge through education,preparing for the events. But this idea is unrealistic.However hard you acquire a lot of knowledge, if you have never had some experience of facing an event, you will be unlikely to take an apropriate action. It is true that education is required, but education only isn't enough. In addition to education,experience is inevitably needed. Through experience, knowledge got through education comes to be useful. Judging from this point, experience is indispensable. So experience is more valuable in life than education.
Many people preach the impotance of dialogue. But if they think it as a merely conversation, they are completely wrong. Dialogue require the ability to grasp the situation flexibly. If the people who is lacking in the ability hold a complicated disscussion, they will start fighting right away.
>I disagree that the opinion that we impose students on cramming education. Currently, students are imposed on cramming, but is it really good?
>Of course, it it important for them to learn many words and wisdoms. Of course, it is an effective way to learn many words and knowledges.
>But if students are imposed on cramming education, they might lost their personality. But, I think, it is more important to give opportunities to think on their own to sudents.
>So,there there is no reason to think that we should consider again about Japanese education these days. So, we should rethink how our education system can be more effective.
>>590 >Dialogue require the ability to grasp the situation flexibly. If the people who is lacking in the ability >hold a complicated disscussion, they will start fighting right away.
添削お願いします。文法的な点でも、お尋ねしたい部分があります。 (lead a hard lifeはtheyが主語だとlivesになるのかどうか)
テーマ:Being poor is nothing to be ashamed of.(120-150)
I agree with this statement. Some people say that we can become rich if we make enough efforts and one`s poverty is attributed to his or her own neglect. However,some people are poor despite the fact that they have worked hard or have have made a lot of efforts. For example,those who are often called as "Working poor"are working as hard as other people, but they have to lead a hard life. In addition,children of some poor countries that are mostly in Africa are not responsble for their poverty at all. On the other hand,there are some people who are rich but are not respected by others. We should try to enjoy our lives even if we are poor instead of minding being poor. For the reasons mentioned above, I believe that being poor is nothing to be ashamed of.
What is the most important quality in a good friend?(50字程度)
What I think the most important quality in good friends is that they understand each other. I think so because if we understand each other, we could know what the other think about or what he or she would be hurted by. And I also think it is neccesary to be considarate of each other.
In the emotions of human beings, "laugh" is the most difficult to understand. Angry and sollow are relatively easy to explain. That's because the reasons which cause them are clear.
I thought he cannot missed because he was in a hospital, where many people were in.
Japanese people seem to feel that saying visit him is too direct and not good.
Is a lie always bad? Why or why not? Amswer in English around 70 words.
I do not think a lie is always bad. One reason for this is that a lie can make people happy. For example, when someone makes a meal for you, which you do not think tastes good, if you say you like it, the person will feel happy. On the contrary, if you express your feelings directly, it must hurt the person. In such a case, it is appropriate to tell a lie. (73 words)
>>587, >>609 >Through experience, knowledge got through education >という英文からではこのようには読み取れませんか? 読み取れると思います。
>Some people say that education is more valuable than experience >because you can deal with any events you face in your life 生活でおこるどんなイベントも扱うことができるから、教育は経験よりも大事だ、と言われる。 ですか?自分には意味不明です。
あと、education と experience を比較する必要はないのでは?つまり、テーマ (このテーマはあなたが考えたもの?それとも設問の指示?) >Experience is more valuable in life than education. を Education can be strengthened through/by experience. とする、という感じで。
SANGOKUSHI[THE HISTORY OF THREE COUNTRIES] When I was in the second year in high school, I read this book. I had read this for two days. This is written about ancient Chinese history, which is a war among many countries including Gi, Go, Shoku, and others. I decided to read because I was interested in Chinese history, especially ancient one and I liked history of war like Sengoku era, which was Japanese history in 16th century. The thing that I felt was variety of life. Some people got power, some died out in the war, others had a good life. The common thing was all people lived for their life. I thout that I wanted to be them. I recommend reading this book to everyone. This book is worth reading, so you should once read. (130 wards)
> I had read this for two days. It took two days to finish it. の方がいいかも。 意地悪に読むと、「二日読んだ(けど読み終えたかどうかは不明)」ととれるし、 何より文が短すぎてしっくりこない。
>This is written about ancient Chinese history, which is a war among many countries including Gi, Go, Shoku, and others. タイトルが「三国」なので、その辺をしっかり書けばいいのに。 The book is written about a period of the ancient Chinese history, in which three major countries, Gi, Go and Shoku, competed for dominance.
>I decided to read because I was interested in Chinese history, especially ancient one > and I liked history of war like Sengoku era, which was Japanese history in 16th century. なんかすっきりしない。 I decided to read it because I liked the war histories, such as the Warring State period of Japan in the 16th century, and because I was interested in Chinese history. とか。
>others had a good life. なんすか、それ、、
> I thout that I wanted to be them. I wanted to be one of them か、 I wanted to be like them
For a long time, dogs have been highly related to people in many ways. Many dogs have been kept as pets. They are often regarded as one of the families or friends. Nowadays, some intelligent kinds of dogs help disabled people or serve as police dogs. In this way, people have good relationship with dogs, but bad relationship is also between them. Sadly, some people treat their dogs harshly. They do not take care of or feed them. In the worst cases, they are left somewhere or die. The law to protect dogs is strengthened, but these cases have not decreased yet. Dogs are very faithful animals, so they respect their owners. They can be good partners of people. The relationship between them should not be bad.
The punk kid's distribution is also important. The following are how to press my "Failure work that being possible to do is bad" against the other party by the trial. Of course, it is needed neither study nor not to do sports. It is not needed that it is ugly even if undergoing plastic operation. The punk kid who has the trouble of the body and the spirit is already out of the question. It is opposite and fighting a key point in money [zuru] in the future the parental authority in me ..child who seems to become it.. very makes them come. If defeated at the trial, the punk kid who doesn't need is ..car.. ..bringing.. [tte] in front of the orphanage. 「It will be hitting of the call button repeatedly in three minutes. Exceed the Takahashi expert. 」It is necessary to say to the punk kid, and to leave the place ..I.. at a blistering speed with the car. It is possible to do.
Hi, Takuya. How are you? By the way, haven't you been looking for a useful computer? I want to tell you a new mobile computer, Phoenix. Do you know the sales points of Phoenix? In fact, it seems that Phoenix uses less power and has the ability of fast process, light body, a lot of software and smart body. I think this computer is best for you. I think you should search on the Net. You will like it. I want to see you next time and talk. I am waiting for your letter. See you.
It is difficult to keep both our safety and convenience. Cars are good examples. If you want to pursue your safety, you should slow down. But if you want to pursue your convenience, you have to speed up but it is so dangerous. I think it is true our convenience is important but our safety is more important, so even if you think this street is inconvenient, you should not be angry immediately because if the street became convenient, the street might not be safe.It is true I can understand your feelings. But, on the other hand, I think you should be patient.
@When leaves of poplar trees began to turn yellow surrounding the ground in junior high school, it was decided that Ms.Kuwabara would quiet preschool suddenly.
AAcording to my mother, she would go to Ashiya, where it was very far from here, to marry.
BHowever,she couldn't stand crying as soon as she saw girls crying next to her.
Britain, it is only ugliness. Sai is taken. Britain doesn't complete the host club because it doesn't make a profit. It is possible to return to Britain, and a white pig. Do not come to Japan any longer. Your sentence is not read easily because it is too beautiful. This is my standard dialect because it taught my English from the homo in the United States. Excrement 「shite!」 must sleep the aging twilight girl and tonight. There is no thing defeated in the war against Britain in Japan though Japan was defeated in the war against the United States. A too white, white pig can think of a British woman somehow. Be in man non. Now of British woman
I have never been to Japan, I am talking about Host Clubs in the UK. So please do not panick and worry yourself,,, Thank you, I am sorry about your English learning experience. If you are going to sleep, have a restful night.
It is very sad for me that many animals are thrown away by their owner and are killed because there is no owner to feed them. So, in my opinion, the government must licence which if people have not gotten it, they cannot buy any animals.
I had learned Italian language in Italy before. After I have returned to Japan in 2007, I worked in an office where I helped candidates who want to study various arts in Italy. For this work, I could use mainly Italian language to communicate with staffs of the art school in Italy, but then it was also necessary writing and sometimes also speaking English because of various nationalities of candidates and students. Since I had learned English at university I can use it anyway. But I think that I couldn’t be useful perfectly in this situation so I left my job. Then I looked for other jobs which proper to me, but in Japan many works which are related to Italy require also ability of English. For this reason I decided to learn it seriously. I believe learning English will be much help for me.
>It is difficult to keep both our safety and convenience. Cars are good >examples. If you want to pursue your safety, >you should slow down. But if you want to pursue your convenience, >you have to speed up but it is so dangerous. I think it is true >our convenience is important but our safety is more important, ここまでは、まぁいいんですが (毎回 our をつけるのはどうかとは思うが)
ここでネタが尽きた感じがします。「車」から「通り」変わっているだけで、 同じことの繰り返しです。 >so even if you think this street is inconvenient, you should not >be angry immediately because if the street became convenient, >the street might not be safe.It is true I can understand your feelings. 感情の問題ではないでしょう。
>But, on the other hand, I think you should be patient. はぁ、、
In my opinion, failures are good things and people should get though it. Some people say that failures make them sad, and therefore it is happy to live without them. However, making mistakes give you an opportunity to look at yourself from an objective point of view. Take my failure for example. Because of what I said, I lost an good friend. So now I learn to talk with other people more carefully than I used to. Therefore, there is no reason to think that it is sensible to get through many failures.(91語)
There are two kinds of person, who tries to preserve his norms and who tries to obey the laws of different culuture , when they enter different cultures alone ,and I am the latter.
>>>666 There are two kinds of person→いい発想です。和文に無くてもこれは書くべき内容です。しかし、いきなりこれでは 唐突ですので、このすぐ後にwhen以下を入れておけばいいでしょう。なお of以下は単複いずれでも誤りではありませんが、 peopleとした方が書きやすく、theyと合わせられます person, who→関係詞は使いません。このような場合は Those who〜and those who〜とか(コロン使用可)書いておけばいいです。 to preserve his norms →? 問題文を見る限り、これは個人対異文化ではなく、故地の文化対異文化と解釈するのが穏当ですから their cultual norms です。preserveは別に間違いではないですが、文化を保持するのは普通集団であって、ここでは個人が異文化 の中に出て行った時、故地の文化と異文化のどちらかを基準にして行動するかということですから、 stubbornly try to behave according to their cultual norms ぐらいに書けば点はもらえます。 to obey the laws of different culuture→lawでいいんですか。従うべきものは法に限定されるのではなく、「異文化」ですから、 広く生活習慣の全般に亙っていると考えるのが妥当でしょう。rule 或いは customs 等を使えばよいでしょう。「なんとか」は try+副詞か、struggleを使えば楽に書けます。struggle to follow the rules there (rules of the different culture) followはbehaveを含みます。なお対照性を考えればbehave according toも使えます。この「かたくなに自分の基準を守ろうとする人と、 なんとか郷に従おうとする人がいる」の文はかなり表現の幅が認められます。 when they enter different cultures alone→「出て行った」のですからenter into another culture みたいにinto が欲しいです。 enterだけでも間違いではありません。
【自分の答え】 I recommend that you visit Japan in fall,because the food is very delicious and the weather is comfortable. Fall is also a beautiful season when the leaves of trees turn red.(32語)
recommendを使うなら、that節だと間接的な表現になってしまって相応しくないような。 じゃsuggestとか使うの?って感じだけど、それもめんどくさい! オススメするからって、「勧める」って単語を使う必要はない。 俺のオススメはthink。 I think fall is the best season for visiting Japan. ちょー平易。関係詞?to不定詞?とかもほとんど悩まなくて済む。
ほぼ中学レベルでまとめちゃう的な。30語。 I think fall is the best season for visiting Japan. It has a mild climate., and you can see beautiful mountains covered with red leaves and can eat delicious foods.
「やはり」の表現が難しいなぁ…stillでいいのかな…誰かフォローよろしくです。 難しいのは、「脳を研究すること」というよりも、「脳を解明する」ことじゃないかな。 「氷山の一角」をそのまま表すなら、just the tip of *the* iceberg。 でも個人的には、日本語の慣用句が、直訳で英語表現になりうるか自信がなければ、 別の表現にするのがベターだと思う。 この場合、(全体から見れば)ほんの一部に過ぎない、とか。 続く「水面の下」って表現も同じく。
最後の文ややこしす。 とりあえずmove and bearはおかしい。produceとかが使えるんじゃないかな。 で、「働く」と「生む」は主語が違う。 脳が働く、その結果心が生まれる。つまり「脳の働き」が心を生み出す。 「脳の働き」=「脳の機能(the function of the brain)」と名詞化すると動詞が1個で済んでラク。 「我々の心」をour mindとするのも微妙ぽい…?。 「我々」が初出なもんで、何を指して「我々の」と言ってるのかわかりづらい。なんとかしたい。 話者が偉そうに「わかるだろう」とかみたいに言ってるし、主語をyouにしちゃうのがいい気がする。 そうなると、your mindsとか?一般論的に「人々の心」とかの方がいいのかな…うーん、自信ないなぁ。 「説明する」explainも、割と伝達のニュアンスが強い感じなので、文脈的に微妙ってのは細かすぎ? This can be easily understood, for example, if you try to show how the function of the brain produce your minds.とか?
「すべてのことがわかって」は "every probem might be solved." でしょうか。 とくに、脳の場合は医学と密接に関連しているので、problem と言ってしまうと 医学的な問題などに限定されてしまうと思います。 普通に、 everything will be understood 、あるいは all the functions are revealed などの方がよいかと。
@Many people,especially young people,tend to depend on cellular phones and few people observe the rules. AThis is why our daily lives are regulated strictly in various scenes. BTherefore,our daily lives are becoming uncomfortable. CIf we observe the rules,we could live more comfortably everyday.
>>685 >@Many people,especially young people,tend to depend on cellular phones and few people observe the rules. ・observe -> obey? follow, keep or abide をつかいましょう。 observe は、「守る」の意味ではほとんど使われないです。 ・and ではなくて but でしょ
>AThis is why our daily lives are regulated strictly in various scenes. This is why なんですか?それは違うと思います。 規則を守らないなら、そもそも規制なんてできないでしょう。 これを言いたいなら、前文で、「規制がないからマナーを守らない」 みたいに言うべきです。
>BTherefore,our daily lives are becoming uncomfortable. ここは、英文上の間違いはないです。
>CIf we observe the rules,we could live more comfortably everyday. たいして意味がない文なので、評価対象外です。
題:A doctor needs good communication skills to be effective. Describe your communication skills and give examples of how you have been an effective communicator.
In the following passage, I would like to describe my experience that I succeeded in being a good communicator. When I was high school student, one of my classmate suddenly didn't come to school. All my classmates couldn't understand the reason why he was absent. Then, I visited to him and I tried to listen to the reason why he didn't come. At first, he reluctant to say the reason, but he said to the reason. Finally, I understand that he was absent because he didn't like to the change of seat. After i heard the reason, I told my classmate it. Then, We thought the way that we change the seat. Eventually, we determined that we changed the seat by other way. I visited to him again and I told him the way that we change the seat. Next day, he came to school again and we welcomed. Through this experience, I learned that it is important to hear the opinion of other people to solve serious problems.
Nowadays,people use HP not only for making a call but also SMS,internet and even watching TV. For young generation, it seems like they can't live without HP. Especially,the function of SMS that can send a message to many people at the same time made their attitude of communication more conservative.
Since once he or she takes stand to others,immediately opponents send a SMS to all their friend that the guy is Japanese called "KY"(not understand the atmospheric or circumstances).
>When I was high school student, one of my classmate suddenly didn't come to school. high school student -> A high school student one of my classmate -> one of my classmateS
>At first, he reluctant to say the reason, he reluctant -> he WAS reluctant
>but he said to the reason. he said to the reason. -> he said the reason (to をトル, said より told の方がいい)
>Finally, I understand that he was absent because he didn't like to >the change of seat. to the change of seat -> to change the seats
>After i heard the reason, I told my classmate it. told my classmate it -> told my classmateS ABOUT it
>Then, We thought the way that we change the seat. the seat -> the seatS
>Eventually, we determined that we changed the seat by other way. by other way -> IN ANOTHER way
彼の授業で発展途上国の多くの人が食糧難、住宅問題、社会問題に苦しんでいると聞いた。 と表現したいとき His class taught me that many people in developing countries has been suffering from food shortages, housing problems and social issues. で問題ありますか。sufferの活用(進行形?)、単複が不安です。
Traverling by train is exciting in my childhood. When I would go to grandparent’s house once in a year during summer vacation, I was excited by even thinking that I would take in a train for hours. When I see a long distance train, I am not excited as in my childhood. But I remembered clearly that a train which would leave for all over Japan was lining at an big plathome, and I sometimes recall a unique lifting emotion the moment when a train leve for.
Traverling by train WAS exciting in my childhood. I used to go to my grandparents' home once a year, and whenever I thought of train, I got excited. Now, when I see a long distance train, I don't feel excited as I used to be. But I still remeber the exciting scene of a line of many trains on the platforms of a big station, which would go all over Japan, and an unique feeling I had when a train left.
I view with the respect those who like writing a letter. Even if there is a letter which I have to send, I always put off writing it as long as possble. When I manage to finish writing, I feel relived like repaying the debt over many years.
Those who have intellecutal jobs need a diffarence point of view this is also true of young people who are going to have jobs like docror engineering or pharmacy.
「私がその手紙を受け取ったのは其の朝食を食べているときだった」 なんですが 1 I was eating breakfast when I received the letter 2 When I was eating breakfast, I received the letter. どちらでもいいんでしょうか?
を Japanese has a great abundance of vocabulary. Chinese character is also difficul, if you read books or newspaper, I think you might always have one or two words that you don't know.
So ignorance is not shameful, but the problem is, giving up the words you don't know with an I don't care attitude.
誤 Chinese character is also difficul 正 Chinese characters are also difficult. 理由 一つではないから
誤 if you read books or newspaper, 正 if you read a book or newspaper, 理由 同時に読むのは一つだけでしょう、、、
I think は削除。 So 削除。 理由 これらは、日本語にあったとしてもわざわざ訳す必要はありません。
ignorance is not shameful, but the problem is, giving up the words you don't know with an I don't care attitude. こういう文は2文に分けます。日本語で1文のものは2文に(あるいはその逆)にする方が、自然になることが多いです。あと、後半の with an I don't care attitude. はグダグダです。 Ignorance is not shameful. The problem is that you think you don't need to check the words you didn't know. Ignorance is not shameful. The problem is that you think it normal to leave the them unchecked. Ignorance is not shameful. The problem is that you leave the them unchecked without hesitation. くらいでいいかと思います。
<自分の解答> I think that English shouldn't be taught at elementary schools. One reason is that Japanese is so difficult a language that we should learn Japanese enough when we are elementary school students Another reason is that even if we can't speak English like native speakers can, we can communicate with each other to some extent.
The characteristic of cloning technologies is that it can produce each animals that have the same genetic features of each of them. Thus, it can muss-produce animals that have the features we select. Such cloning technologies can be applied to the field of food or medicine. For example, we may mass-produce qualtiy beef, plenty-milk cow, or sheep that have drugs needed to cure diseases. In addition, it may save endagered amimals from extinct.
One reason is that Japanese is so difficult a language that we should learn Japanese enough when we are elementary school students. ↓ First, Japanese is difficult, so that we don't afford to learn English when (we are) at elementary school.
Another reason is that even if we can't speak English like native speakers can, we can communicate with each other to some extent. ↓ we can communicate with each other → each otherがwe(日本人)を指すみたいになっている like native speakers can → so fluently
>>752 >The characteristic of cloning technologies is that it can produce each animals that have the same genetic features of each of them. each animals that have the same genetic features of each of them がくどいです。 the animals that have the same genetic features でいいのでは。
>Thus, it can muss-produce animals that have the features we select. muss -> mass?
>Such cloning technologies can be applied to the field of food or medicine. OK
>For example, we may mass-produce qualtiy beef, plenty-milk cow, or sheep that have drugs needed to cure diseases. qualtiy beef じゃあ、「質の良い牛肉」になっちゃって、牛を作らずいきなり肉をつくるイメージになってしまいます。 (まぁ、最近の iPS 細胞研究は、臓器を直接作るという方向になってきていますが、、) quality beef, plenty-milk cow -> the cow that can give us quality beef or much milk
sheep that have drugs もおかしいんですけど、日本語からしておかしいですね。ただ、「を乳の中に分泌する」の部分は訳さないと。 the sheep that produce milk with drugs needed to cure diseases
>In addition, it may save endagered amimals from extinct. from extinct は、from being/becoming extinct か from extinction の方が安全。
乳の中に分泌するのくだり sheep that produce milk containing medical products necessary to cure disease 肉質の良い牛 cows for quality beef 訳抜けです。指摘されていませんが冠詞のミスもありました。 あとおっしゃる通りfrom extinctionの方がいいですね。
I don't think that English should be taught at elementary school. First, Japanese is difficult, so that we don't afford to learn English at elementary school. Second, even if we can't speak English so fluently, we can communicate with native speakers to some extent.
どうですか? schools → school とのことですが、an elementary schoolということですか?
>>760 つまりschoolsとしてしまうと具体的な学校の意味になり、 英語を学ぶ学校もあれば学ばない学校もあるように なってしまします。 all the elementary schools in Japanと書くことは可能ですが くどいし、日本の中にある具体的な小学校全てになると、 厳密に言うとアメリカンスクールとかも含まれる ととれます。無冠詞でいいです。anもいりません。
>>760 schoolsであれば一般論的であり無数にあるイメージなので適します the schoolsとしてしまうと、特定の学校集団という感じで例えば早稲田付属校だけみたいなイメージで不適切です the schoolだとたった一つの学校で例えば東京学芸大付属小学校で実験的に取り入れるといった場合でない限り不適 a schoolであれば「いくつかあるうちのとある一つの学校」となります。具体例として一つを取り上げるのは悪くありません …が(決して誤りではないですが)新情報の不定冠詞が「どんな学校だろう」と読者に思わせてしまいます。従って避けるべきです まあもし面倒くさかったら、「小学校で」ではなく「小学生が/のとき」とすればラクです
I don't think that English should be taught at elementary school. This is because elementary school students should first of all master not English but Japanese. Foreign languages are never superior to native tangue. So elementary school students should develop the way they think and state their opinion in Japanese.
Nowadays,everywhere the kind of manuals and guides has been flooding. The number of young people who don't do anything and don't know what to do,if they are not indicated in one way and another,has been increasing.
we don't usually think of the direction when we have lived in the town or the village for a long time,but we are forced to think of it during our trip. First,if we don't know the direction of the region,we can't use the map as itself and we can't understand where we are now.And even if we have the place where we want to go,we can't understand which way to go.
狭い路地はsmall alley enterはおkなんだけど過去形にしないと 時制は超重要 entered a small alley
「その繁華街から狭い路地に入りました。」 この文自体おかしい。高校の宿題かな? 高校の英語教師の英語力は相当低い場合が多い(英検準1に毛が生えたぐらい) なのでその先生の解答はもしかしたら I entered a small alley from the + (downtownとか繁華街を表す語). になっているかもしれない
君の先生がまともなら 「その繁華街の狭い路地に入りました。」 という意味に解釈して I entered a small alley in the downtown.
場所を表す副詞句は旧情報なので文頭へ倒置 時制は文脈による。小説における連続的場面であれば現在形 回想または路地に入って時間経ってるなら過去形にする enterで良いのかはわかんないから京大生に任せる 路地は新情報だからa。幅の狭さを表すnarrowを使う fromで良いかは京大生(略。俺なら前置詞offの「分離」の用法から I enter a narrow allay off the main street. とする。offの句を文頭に倒置できるかはわかんない。できるんであれば Off the main street ‥‥. 裏路地はallayが出なければlaneやroad(田舎くさい)でもいいと思われ
減点されないかもしれないけれど不自然(直訳)なところが多かったので、 ちょこちょこいじってみました。 we を you に換えたのは、個人的に書きやすかったからで、we でもいいはずです。
>we don't usually think of the direction when we have lived in the town or the village for a long time,but we are forced to think of it during our trip.
when we have lived -> in the town you live にしてみました。 trip は、通勤みたいなのも含むので、「旅行」という意味合いを出すために while traveling にしてみました。
You don't usually think of directions in the town you live for a long time, but you are forced to think of them while traveling.
>First,if we don't know the direction of the region,we can't use the map as itself and we can't understand where we are now.
大矢英作文講義の実況中継で 彼が昨日電話をしてきたとき、ぼくはテレビを見ていた。 の英訳が When he called me yesterday,I was watching TV. となっているのですが When he called me yesterday,I had been watching TV. ではないのですか?
<解答> I am against high schools prohibiting students from carrying cell phones because cell phones are one of the best tools to make friends with. And you may say that it is possible to be called during the class, but students can put their cell phones into silent mode.
>>819 この問題は 50 words 以内、などの制限はあるのでしょうか? 文法/語法レベルの間違いは、「二度目に出る時は代名詞」 >I am against high schools prohibiting students from carrying cell phones because cell phones >are one of the best tools to make friends with. ・2回目の cell phones は they ・ to make friends with は、to make friends (with (人)) with <cell phone> 、、、まぁいいのか。
>And you may say that it is possible to be >called during the class, but students can put their cell phones into silent mode. ・こういう And はいりません。 ・it is possible to be called during -> これは不自然。 it is possible that they receive a call/they may receive a call とか、
参考までに、あなたの英文を書き換えてみました。英作文の参考書とちがい、結論は最後にだけ書いていますが、個人的には このほうが良い英作文が書きやすいと思います。 Today, cell phones are one of the best tools to communicate with. You may receive a call during class, but such problems can be solved by using silent mode or other measures. Thus, as long as properly used, cell phones should be allowed at highschool.
I am FOR/AGAINST high schools prohibiting students from carrying cell phones because が書き出しで、最初に賛成、反対かを述べてからその後に理由を・・・という感じの設問です。 語数指定はありませんが、書き出しの後4行あるので50語程度だと思います。
I am against high schools prohibiting students from carrying cell phones because they are one of the best tools to communicated with. You may receive a call during class, but such problems can be solved by using silent mode or other measures. Thus, as long as properly used, cell phones should be allowed at high schools.
It is possible for the thought to note , according to the way like this , to tell a rich , concrete and complicated truth about society as the point of study .
1. >It is possible for the thought to note , ... , to tell a rich , concrete and complicated truth ... to note ってなんですか? the thought to note = 考え方??そうじゃなければ、 It is possible ... to note, ... to tell ... という、it の真主語が二つある不思議な文章です。 こういう、誤解を招きやすい表現ではなく、シンプルに、考え方 = idea として、 The idea makes it possible to tell a rich, concrete and complicated truth で
2. >about society as the point of study もっとシンプルに、 about the sociery you are researching
あわせると、 The idea makes it possible to tell a rich, concrete and complicated truth about the sociery you are researching.
>>821 書き出しが指定されているなら、こういう風でどうでしょう。 I am against high schools prohibiting students from carrying cell phones because, as long as properly used, they are one of the best tools to communicated with. You may receive a call during class, but such problems can be solved by using silent mode or other measures.
>>835 そうですね、すっかり抜かしてしまい、失礼しました。 The idea, according to this (measure|means|way|method), makes it possible to tell a rich, concrete and complicated truth about the sociery you are researching.
これだと「この方法によると」なので、「このヨウナ方法によると」とするには、 according to this kinds of (measures|means|ways|methods) according to the (measures|means|ways|methods) like this とした方がいいかもしれません。
>>838 >according to the way like this 「この方法のような(いくつかの)方法によると」という意味なら according to the wayS like this のように、the ways を複数形にするほうが自然だと思います。 ただし、(これは日本人の宴曲表現で)実際の意味は「この方法によると」であるなら、 according to the/this way の方がいいかもしれません。
また、according to (や英文全体)が比較的硬い表現なのに、 the ways like this が柔かい表現なので、 according to this kind|sort of means などの表現の方が一貫していいかなぁと思います。
I think that (the age of majority should be reduced to 18.) There are several reasons for this. One reason is that some people start working after graduation from high school. Another reason is that this make young people interested in what the society which they live is, and realize what they have a influence to election in earlier stage in their life.
However, on reflection, it is such a gap that is one of the best data on a comparative study. Thanks to it, you can realize the fact that what you tend to assume to be universal thing is actually particular.
But, thinking carefully, such a gap is indeed the best material for comparartive study, which makes you notice the fact that things you take for granted will not necessarily go that way.
>I think that (the age of majority should be reduced to 18.) There are several reasons for this.
One reason is that some people start working after graduation from high school.
>this make young people make -> makes または would/will make
>what the society which they live is, what ... の中に which ... を入れる必要はとくにないでしょう the society (which) they live in でいいと思います。
>and realize what they have a influence to election realize what -> realize that they have a influence -> they have an influence または they can influence
>in earlier stage in their life in earlier stage in their life -> at an early stage og their life
>But, thinking carefully, such a gap is indeed the best material for comparartive study, 英語では、最上級はよほどのことがない限り使いません。a good material とするか、 せめて、one of the best materials くらいにするほうがよいでしょう。
>which makes you notice the fact that things you take for granted will not necessarily go that way. will じゃなくて現在形かな、、 necessarily より always のほうがよさそうな、、
>>845 > However, on reflection, it is such a gap that is one of the best data on a comparative study. >Thanks to it, you can realize the fact that what you tend to assume to be universal thing is actually particular.
文法/語法的には、 ・universal thing -> a universal thing ・particular のこういった叙述用法は、基本的にはないと思います。 a particular (thing) なら可かも。
その他気になった点 ・ on reflection - 「よく考えてみれば」だと思いますが、こういった稀な表現は使う必要がないかなと思いました。 ・Thanks to it, 「(気づかせて)くれる」の意を出そうとしているのでしょうが、無理に訳出しなくてもいいと思います。 It makes you realize くらいの英語でいいかと思います。
1、It is often said that if you don't want to be suffered from catching a cold, you should stay away from crowds and wash your hands regulary. However, it is most important thing to be strict to your lifestyle everyday.
2、It is no wonder that quite a few old films are fun to watch because if they are not worth watching, their existence is more likely to be forgotten.
>1. It is often said that if you don't want to be suffered from catching a cold, you should stay away from >crowds and wash your hands regulary.
良いと思います。you don't want to catch a cold でも良いとは思いますが。
>it is most important thing 長い場合は形式主語を用いるんですが、ここは the most important thing を主語にしてしまってよいかと。 あと、 most には the が必要。
>to be strict to your lifestyle lifestyle に strict ??? なんか変な感じがします。
>2. It is no wonder that quite a few old films are fun to watch 「良い」を fun to watch にしていますが、もっとシンプルに good でいいですよ。
> because if they are not worth watching, their existence is more likely to be forgotten. 「その存在」を直訳するとたしかにこうなりますね。 私なら、 they are <more likely to be|easily> forgotten. としてしまいますが。
861 の解答を見る限り、あなたに大きな問題はないと思います。 日本語からの直訳をなるべく避け、英語らしい表現に変換する 技術をつけたらいいと思います。 例えば、アメフトでフィールドゴールが成功したとき、日本人的発想は 「成功」なんですが、英語では good ともいいます (successful も使いますが)。 だから、 fun to watch を good とした方がいいかも、というコメントをしました。 こういうレベルの英語の fluency が、青学の場合は必要だと思います。
I think newspaper will disappear within the next 10 years because Internet will take the place of printed dialy newspaper. Some may prefer newspaper to Internet but it is obvious that Internet is more useful than newspaper. You can collect latest news faster than newspapers.
In a nice bar. ab『Hey!!You!!Can you understand this!?』
rion『What? About this ashtray? What did you pour in it?』
ab『As you might know,I poured tekeyla in it for you!!!Drink it,rion!!』
rion『Youre kidding。I have had enough。Im sorry.』
ab『You follow me honestly, don't you?』
rion『What? I can't hear you.What did you say?』
ab『You are great!!! Go outside!! Cherish you!!Come on!!』 Next times, ab ..... 1 became a real syurinpu 2 got comforable and happy 3 was helped by ultra-man 4 were cherished throughly
>クレーム文は I think some of newspapers・・・くらいにした方が良いかと思われます。 ですが問題文、模範解答を見てみると消えるか消えないかはっきり述べたほうがいいと思ったので もう一度書いてみました。
I think newspapers will disappear within the next 10 years. Till now, there are many people, especially old people, who can't use Internet at all and such people may prefer newspapers to Internet. But the number of people who can't use Internet will decrease as time goes by and people use Internet more than now. Moreover, you must buy newspapers, but you can use Internet to collect information for nothing.
I generally support the new system, but disagree with some of the details. Lay judges should not take part in trials involving serious crimes such as murder, because they are not professional judges and don't acquire the knowledge of law, so they should tend to be affected by the circmustances or a temporary emotion. Serious crimes should be judged by professional judges.
I generally support the new system, but disagree with some of the details. Lay judges should not take part in trials involving serious crimes such as murder, because they are not professional judges and familiar with law, so they should tend to be affected by the circmustances or temporary emotions. Serious crimes should be judged by professional judges.
acquire→be familiar with にしました。大丈夫ですかね。 a temporary emotion も複数形にしました。
When she was looking at her hands with her tears flowing on her cheek, I didn't have any words which I should say to her. I was too childish to understand in her mind. I managed to say, `Don't worry. I'm sure that your father will be better"
>>886 >I noticed Mineko's eyes filled up with her tears and she was trying to smiled hard. ・これだと、"I noticed 句 and 節" になっっていませんか? ・to smiled -> to smil ・and より but かな、ニュアンスはずれますが。それか、「目」と「微笑」の順序を変えるとか。 ・hard はなくてもいい。 I noticed Mineko's eyes were filled up with her tears but she was trying to smile hard. I noticed Mineko was trying to smile but her eyes were filled up with tears.
>When she was looking at her hands with her tears flowing on her cheek, >I didn't have any words which I should say to her. ・文法的な間違いはないです。 ・涙は、"tears come (falliing) down" などと表現します。 (flow でも減点はないと思うが) ・"which I should say to her" は余分ではないでしょうか。 When she was looking at her hands with her tears coming down on her cheek, I didn't have any words
>I was too childish to understand in her mind. ・childish よりは、immature の方がいいかと。 ・understand in her mind -> understand her mind どうしても「心のうち」の「うち」まで表現したいのなら、"understand inside her mind" ですが、いらないと思います。
I was not mature enough to understand her mind.
>I managed to say, `Don't worry. I'm sure that your father will be better" ・`Don't もダブルクォートになっていれば、いいと思います。 他には、 I could only say ... All I could say was ... などかと。
At present natural seasons are decolated by humans. Around us flowers bloom before the season comes. There are fruits and vegetable on our dining tables, which once we could eat only after the season set in. Nowadays this prevents us from feeling seasons come.
>>892 >At present natural seasons are decolated by humans. ・decolated -> decorated ・natural seasons are decorated は通じないと思います。 なお、日本文は「修飾」(modify) であって、「装飾」(decorate) ではないようです。 At present natural seasons are modified by humans.
>Around us flowers bloom before the season comes. ・日本文の「私たちの周囲では」は、語調を整えるためにある程度のものなので、 あまりここを強調しすぎない方がよさそうです。例えば、 We see flowers blossom before their best season
>There are fruits and vegetable on our dining tables, >which once we could eat only after the season set in.
>Nowadays this prevents us from feeling seasons come. ・come が余計なような、、
話し方から、彼は京都出身だとわかる の英訳を 模範解答 You can see that he comes from Kyoto from the way he talks. とあるのですが「〜から判断して judging from〜」を使い、 Judging from the way he talks, he comes from Kyoto. と書いても問題ないでしょうか?
We can think that globalization are movement which can decrease inequality of nations to nations. However, we haven't to ignore that globalization are likely to rob nations of culture's feature.
>globalization are movement 単数なら is です。 movement に冠詞がない/複数形でもないのは不自然です。
>of nations to nations. こういう表現はないと思います。
>haven't to ignore これも表現がおかしいです。
>to rob nations of culture's feature. rob ... of ... はこういうコンテクストでは使いません。 culture's feature ではなく cultural feature です。
We can think that globalization is a movement which can fix inequality issues among nations. However, we should not ignore the danger that globalization may take away the nation's cultural features.
>There are few people who don't take a phone in spite of ringing a phone. 日本語に引きずられています。この英文だけ読むとまったく意味がわかりません。 Few people can intentionally ignore the phone when it rings. のような感じでどうでしょう。
>Although telephone is useful, I sometimes wish there were not telephone. not は no ですか?
I noticed I rarely puzzled the differences of common sense between cultures. I feel there should be them and I would be in trouble without them.
異文化のなかにぽつんと出て行ったとき、かたくなに自分の基準を守ろうとする人と、なんとか郷に従おうとする人がいる。私は後者である。 When we touch with other culture,some people try to cling to protect their own standard, and others manage to be used to them. I'm the letter.
>>914 >I rarely puzzled the differences ... be動詞が抜けています。 puzzle by 名詞 でしょう。
>I feel there should be them and I would be in trouble without them. there shoudl be them は、、、アウトじゃないですかね。 「〜困る」っていうのは、文字通り「困っている」訳ではないと思います。 「という気持ちもある」のは、「違っていなくちゃあ困る」にだけかかるのではないでしょうか。
Stories written for children and the others for adults are different in many ways. I feel that not only there are much more works that main characters are children, but also the perspective on the reality is more different than novels for adults.
I don’t think that the teachers usually would not agree with such a proposal. However, this is because your ideas and thoughts are so interesting that they may surely accept it.
Mr.A said that students neednot compete with each other. If they are forced to do so in sports day, they couldn't understand how important cooperation is beause they are eager just to beat others. But Mr.B is against this opinion. He argued that though cooperation is important, competing makes them excited. In addition, students would have a stronger mind through this experience.
>>918 >Stories written for children and the others for adults are different in many ways. >I feel that not only there are much more works that main characters are children, ...
the others ではなく、those でしょう。 このつながり方だと、there が子供向けの本のほうなのか、大人向けの本なのか、わかりません。
Stories written for children are different (than|to) those for adults in many ways.
>more works that main characters are children
more works in which main characters are children がいいです。
>>918 >I don’t think that the teachers usually would not agree with such a proposal. However, this is because your ideas >and thoughts are so interesting that they may surely accept it.
>>932 >投稿したあとですぐ、"eager just to"は、"just eager to"かもしれないと考えましたが、そこはどうなのでしょう・・・? > >それから細かいことですが、二文目の"how important cooperation is beause〜"について、becauseの前にはコンマを入れたほうがいいんでしょうか。
You can't avoid all failures or mistakes. Thanks to them,we can learn some things. I think you probably have learn a lot of important things in your life not at a perfect time but at a hard time when you remember your life.
When I should logicallay speak and express something, I can't do these at all. Frankly speaking, We impossible do what we do something in English despite I can't do something in Japanese.
Every night I waked up on hour after I go to bed, and I couldn't sleep for a few hours at all. Sometimes I was staying up all night. This was because I put on some books that I felt like sleeping by my bed. When I couldn't sleep,I read them.
If there were only one language in the world, you could communicate with others who live abroad. You could understand foreigners and foreign cultures worldwide better than you really can. As a result, you would never have to suffer from war, because the world peace would be accomplished. Similarly the environmental problems, such as global warming, would be discussed more actively, and solved more easily.
だいぶいい感じではないでしょうか。明確な間違いは、 have learn -> have learned くらいかと、
I think は、なるべく書かない方がいいと思います。probably で十分「ないだろうか」の意味が出ています。 not at a perfect time but at a hard time -> perfect/hard でもいいですが、シンプルに good/bad でもいいです。 -> not ... but ... より、more at bad times than at good times でどうでしょう。
You probably have learned important things in your life, more at good times than at bad times, when you recall your life.
>We impossible do これは駄目です。 We cannot do / We are unable to do It is impossible for us to do のどちらかです。 * <人> is/are impossible とすると、「<人>はどうしようもない」という意味になります。
あなたが書こうとしていたのは、 We cannot do something in English, if we cannot do the same thing even in Japanese. というような感じでしょうか。
もっとシンプルに書くと、 I cannot do/express in English what I cannot do/express in Japanese. だと思います。
A cellphone can be a disturbing tool to us because no matter what you are doing, they force you to answer it. It is difficult to hung up during the conversation.
When we are happy, we are likely to think only about ourselves. It is not untill something unhappy happenes to us that we can be considerate of others and understand well what we see and hear.
If there were only one language in the world, you could understand foreigners and foreign cultures worldwide better than you really can. You might think that way, but it's very wrong idea ! A language is constantly, actively changing, and if there were only one language today, there would be more around the world sooner or later. So various conflicts between countries would still remain.
>>942 >A cellphone can be a disturbing tool to us because no matter what you are doing, they force you to answer it. ・日本文は、携帯電話とは書かれていません。 ・doing の後にコンマを入れるなら、no の前にも入れた方がよいかも。 ・「最優先の」のニュアンスがどこかにでると良いと思います。immediately とか。
>It is difficult to hung up during the conversation. ・during を in the middle/course of とかにした方が良い気がします。
>When we are happy, we are likely to think only about ourselves. >It is not untill something unhappy happenes to us that we can be considerate of others and understand well what we see and hear. ・happenes -> happens
If there were only one language in the world, you may think that we would understand other peoples and cultures, far better than we actually do today. But, things do not go that way.
Language is constantly and actively changing. The language I speak is slightly different to that my parents do. Even if there were only one language today, there would be more around the world sooner or later.
So various conflicts between countries would still remain.
In Japan, the English skills are always judged by examinations of questions that have one answer. Although they are quick and efficient in judging the skill of the language, I do not think it is the best way to judge the true skill.
The language skills should comprise, in addition to reading and listening, writing and speaking. The true English skills also include wider communication skills in the real life. If you have a good knowledge in your own profession and can, and are willing to, express about it in English, even if you have a strong accent, people will consider that your English is good. Also, if you are a non-native speaker, it may be necessary to include good translation and interpretion skills.
As for Mr. Takeoka, I know very little of his English skills. Therefore, it is impossible, and also unnecessary, to compare his and my English skills.
What would you like to study in the Department of English at our university?
I would like to focus on the English language and English literature subjects at your university. My main motivation to study them is to realize my dream of working as a volunteer, teaching English and the literature to people in developing countries. In many cases, parents there are so poor that they cannot afford to let their children go to school. Another reason is that I want to help victims in the world of natural disasters, such as floods or earthquakes. Since English is the universal language, if I am not capable of speaking it, I will find it difficult to communicate with and help victims.
A character has a good personality in a story usually have some problems in his or her mind. If he or she does not have them, the author will find it troublesome to continue writing the story, and have difficulty doing so.
These days, more and more smokers are considerating of people around them. This is a good idea, but it is a pity to see smokers take care of only people sitting with them.
>>952 >A character has a good personality in a story usually have some problems in his or her mind. 動詞が2回出ています。(主格の関係代名詞は省略できません) A character who has a good personality または A character with a good personality としましょう。
>If he or she does not have them, the author will find it troublesome to continue writing the story, >and have difficulty doing so. them -> any の方がいいかと。 退屈は、troublesome というより、boring では。
>These days, more and more smokers are considerating of people around them. This is a good idea, but >it is a pity to see smokers take care of only people sitting with them. considerating -> considering (considerate は形容詞) of -> 不要 a good IDEA ではないでしょう。a good manner か、たんに good でよいかと。 「周りの人に煙を吹きかけるのは」の部分が抜けている。
These days, more and more smokers are considering people around them. This is good, but it is a pity to see smokers who take care of only people sitting with them but blow on others.
It seems that elderly people have difficulty understanding what young people do because they look at things from a different point of view. Therefore, communication skills will be more important so that people can understand others who are younger or older than them clearly.
If you do not understand what art is, it does not always follow that whether you can understan what acting is or not. A more important thing is whether you can enjoy it or not.
I think that university students should study more than one foreign language, there are some reasons. First, by studying more than one foreign language, we can stretch our view wider. Learning only English, we can`t aquire various perspective. Second, by studying more than one foreign language, we can aquire sufficient grammertical knowledge more. If we didn`t learn any foreign languages except English, we can't aquire a perspective to regard languages structually.
What I want to leave for people after 100 years is kindness. This is because one can live thanks to others' kindness and computers and robots, which have no feelings, have evolved these days. I think that the world without this would be boring and simple. They have evolved, but we should live with it. So, our world would become bright and wonderful. That is why I want to leave it.
>This is because one can live thanks to others' kindness and computers and robots, which have no feelings, have evolved these days. ・内容がバラバラなので、2文に分けましょう。 ・thanks to はあまり使わない。
Today, we have developed computers and robots, which will be more convinientet in 100 years. So, you may think that one can live without others' kindness.
>I think that the world without this would be boring and simple. ・I think はなるべくないほうがいい。
The world is, in fact, very boring and too much simple without kindness. その後に理由などを追加。
>They have evolved, but we should live with it. ・何が言いたいかわからない。
I am for the author's opinion. I have two reasons for thinking so. Of course,free plastic shopping bags are very convenient. You should not bring your bag to go shopping. However,free plastic shopping bags are bad for environment: they made from petroleum and they produce harmful substances for people. And,making free plastic shopping bags costs the supermarket much money: the supermarket wastes a lot of money. Therefore,I am for the author's opinion