Democratic institutions are likely to work best at times and in places where at least a good part of citizens have access to enough land and possess sufficient tool and professional skill to be able to provide for their subsistence without resource to financially potent private capitalists or to the government.
Democratic institutions are likely to work best at times and in places where at least a good part of [the] citizens have access to enough land and possess sufficient tool[s] and professional skill to be able to provide for their subsistence without [recourse] to financially potent private capitalists or to the government.
My affection are still so deeply attached to the Italy I discovered then that if I were to write at length about it now, gratitude would make me say too much, or dread of appearing extravagant tempt me to say too little.
After slowly and laboriously reaching the peak,youpause at the very top,andsurvey the landscape far below. Then,suddenly,your heart seems to stop and your stomach to leap into space. You are racing to the ground on a steep drop-and at an angel of 45 degrees or more! 和訳お願いします