

1966年(昭和41年)   群馬県高崎市に学校法人堀越学園設立

1968年(昭和43年)   高崎保育専門学校設立

1980年(昭和55年)   子供の国幼稚園設立

1981年(昭和56年)   高崎短期大学音楽科設立

1983年(昭和58年)   同専攻科(音楽)開設

1985年(昭和60年)   セミナーハウス武尊温泉「萱の家」完成

1986年(昭和61年)   キャンパスに日本庭園「水琴亭」着工

1987年(昭和62年)   総合芸術空間として水琴奏楽堂完成

1988年(昭和63年)   高崎短期大学美術科設立、高崎芸術短期大学と改称
2大学への名無しさん:2008/09/02(火) 00:00:03 ID:pi676jEaP
1990年(平成2年)   同専攻科(美術)開設

1991年(平成3年)   琳派風回遊式日本庭園水琴亭「水琴亭」完成

1992年(平成4年)   高崎福祉専門学校設立、「考える径」完成

1993年(平成5年)   ミュージアム「三福庵」完成

  10月 第1回高校生国際芸術コンクール(音楽部門・美術部門)

1994年(平成6年) 11月 第2回高校生国際芸術コンクール(音楽部門・美術部門)

1995年(平成7年) 5月 七ヶ宿キャンパス完成

  7月 七ヶ宿キャンパス「水と緑の共和国」落成式典

  11月 第3回高校生国際芸術コンクール(音楽部門・美術部門)

1996年(平成8年) 6月 七ヶ宿キャンパスに「太陽と風の塔」完成

  7月 琳派風回遊式日本庭園水琴亭「水琴亭」の「水琴窟」(藤井善三郎先生築造)が環境庁「日本の音風景百選」に選ばれる

  9月 第1回福祉エコロジーマラソン&ウォーク96’開催(小寺群馬県知事、パラリンピック・アトランタ大会の水泳競技で金・銀・銅と5つのメダルを獲得した成田真由美さん等参加)

  10月 第4回高校生国際芸術コンクール(音楽部門・絵画部門・漫画部門)

  11月 七ヶ宿キャンパスに陶芸窯「良達窯」完成、火入れ式 学校法人堀越学園30周年記念式典

3大学への名無しさん:2008/09/02(火) 00:01:02 ID:pi676jEaP
1997年(平成9年) 2月 読売広告大賞受賞作品贈呈式・全作品本学園に寄贈

  3月 八千代キャンパスに三福温泉のあるTESLA(テスラ)館完成

  11月 第5回高校生国際芸術コンクール(音楽部門・芸術部門)

1998年(平成10年) 1月 第5回高校生国際芸術コンクール受賞記念コンサート(東京・富岡・京都)受賞記念展覧会(京都)

1999年(平成11年) 11月 第6回高校生国際芸術コンクール(音楽部門・美術部門)

2000年(平成12年) 11月 FCホリコシ サッカー天皇杯に群馬代表として出場

2001年(平成13年) 3月 「水琴亭」国の登録有形文化財に指定

  9月 FCホリコシ サッカー天皇杯2年連続群馬県優勝

  11月 第7回高校生国際芸術コンクール(音楽部門・美術部門)

2002年(平成14年) 11月 FCホリコシ サッカー天皇杯3年連続群馬県優勝

4大学への名無しさん:2008/09/02(火) 00:03:45 ID:pi676jEaP
2003年(平成15年) 8月 イスラエルとパレスチナの子供達によるサッカー親善試合及び歓迎コンサート開催

  12月 FCホリコシJFLに昇格

2004年(平成16年)   創造学園大学開学

  5月 ブルーノ・タウト資料館開館

  8月 ブルーノ・タウト来県70周年記念シンポジウム開催

  9月 FCホリコシ サッカー天皇杯4度目の群馬県優勝

2005年(平成17年)   創造学園大学附属高等学校設立(長野県松本市)

2006年(平成18年)   FCホリコシをアルテ高崎と改称

2007年(平成19年) 創造学園大学完成年次
5大学への名無しさん:2008/09/07(日) 02:18:45 ID:GPCijLlz0
 1989年1月には、 仰木魯堂先生設計の東京・赤坂・六本木の水戸幸邸が移築され、茶室「而生庵(じしょうあん)」を中心とした、「水琴亭」も今日のような偉容を呈するにいたりました。
6大学への名無しさん:2008/09/07(日) 02:19:55 ID:GPCijLlz0
水琴窟は環境庁の「日本音風景100選」に群馬県で唯一選ばれ ました。
7大学への名無しさん:2008/09/07(日) 20:26:21 ID:jKbCm/sR0
究極のアンフェア 恥の王者慶應


8大学への名無しさん:2008/09/08(月) 15:43:44 ID:BMMu/y4UO
9大学への名無しさん:2008/09/08(月) 18:09:07 ID:6XZB+pzp0
724 :作者不詳:2008/07/15(火) 22:58:31



10大学への名無しさん:2008/09/09(火) 10:04:00 ID:o88welhr0
University of Creation,Arts,Music and SocialWork.

About the University
Our university has its two departments;the
Creative Arts Departments and the SocialWork
Departments.The campus are located at the
Nakayama and Yachiyo.There are several unique
facilities and International level professors
and performing artists.Original university
hymn and interesting history...
11大学への名無しさん:2008/09/09(火) 10:16:29 ID:o88welhr0
University of Creation,Arts,Music and SocialWork

About Departments
The Creative Arts Department
Music Course and Art Course
On Music Course;it is a One
to one lessons with the pro-
fessional performing artists.
On Art Course;A unique course,
where besides design you can
earn a BA in cartoons,ceramics,
tea ceremony or physical ex-
SocialWork Department
Socialworker education in the
frontline of welfare.
12大学への名無しさん:2008/09/09(火) 10:51:35 ID:o88welhr0
University of Creation,Arts,Music and SocialWork

Nakayama Campus
The Creative Arts Department and several
unique facilities are located in this
comprehensive art space.In the Suikin
Concert Hall,which combines the best of
Japanese and Western techniques,the mon-
thly Horikoshi Gakuen Concerts are held,
as well as the regular Monday and Wednes-
day concerts. The Suikin-tei garden is
nationally registered as "Tangible Cultural
Property"and the Suikin-kutsu(water koto
tavern)is one of the "100 Most Attractive
Scenic Locations for Sounds in Japan".The
Sanpuku-an museum hosts the monthly exhibits
of the Art course students and if you visit
the Ethnic Instruments Museum,you can find
a fine collection of musical instruments
from the Far East.

13大学への名無しさん:2008/09/09(火) 18:33:05 ID:n3QKe0tn0
14大学への名無しさん:2008/09/18(木) 11:04:42 ID:lFnGqtKa0
University of Creation,Art,Music and SocialWork

For our prospective Student
Our university offers talented
overseas students opportunities
to pursue undergraduate study
in fields of Music,Fine Arts(in
-cluding Physical Expression,
Tea Ceremony)and SocialWork,in
a special Japanese cultural en-
15大学への名無しさん:2008/09/19(金) 02:45:16 ID:lSB0Zsvj0

16大学への名無しさん:2008/09/19(金) 10:09:13 ID:ycVubuiG0
University of Creation,Arts,Music and SocialWork

The admission process is straightforward.
Selection of candidates is based on the
required documents.The program officially
begins in April but the university provi-
des for entrance at the beginning of the
second semester in October for returnee
and foreign students...
17大学への名無しさん:2008/09/19(金) 10:23:13 ID:ycVubuiG0
University of Creation,Art,Music and SocialWork

Requirements at enrollment are completion
of a combined total of twelve years primary
(elementary)secondary(high school)education
and proof of a Japanese language skill level
equivalent to Level 2 of the Japanese Langua-
ge Proficiency Test.
18大学への名無しさん:2008/09/19(金) 10:50:45 ID:ycVubuiG0
University of Creation,Arts,Music and SocialWork

Comparing to other universties
in these fields,tuition and en
rollment fees for students in
the 4-year programs in both the
creative arts and socialwork
departments are exceptionally low.
19大学への名無しさん:2008/09/19(金) 11:00:24 ID:ycVubuiG0
University of Creation,Art,Music and SocialWork

Outstanding students can qualify for partial,
and in some cases,total exemptions from both
tuition and enrollment fees.Scholarships of-
fered by the university and by third party
institutions are available...
20大学への名無しさん:2008/09/19(金) 11:04:50 ID:ycVubuiG0
University of Creation,Art,Music and SocialWork

Opencampus dates for the schoolyear
shall be announced shortly.
We hope that you will have the cha-
nce to attend the one of these events
and learn in person about the univer-
21大学への名無しさん:2008/09/19(金) 11:17:33 ID:ycVubuiG0
University of Creation,Art,Music and SocialWork

For our prospective student;

Please browse our site to
learn more about the uni-
versity,our unique facili-
ties and our original cur-
We would like to hear from
you.Please use our quick
contact information as best
suits your needs...
22大学への名無しさん:2008/09/19(金) 18:16:04 ID:tKqjdsh50
 人間としてあるべき すべてのものを 求める大志を抱きたまえ。


23大学への名無しさん:2008/09/19(金) 21:10:24 ID:B1sqDngr0


24大学への名無しさん:2008/09/22(月) 09:57:42 ID:iT7HFnTv0
University of Creation,
Art,Music and SocialWork...

Creative Arts Department
Music Course
One to one lessons with
the professional per-
forming artists.Prospec-
tive applicants capacity:
80.Period for fulfillment
of degree requirements 4-
Art Course
A unique course,where be-
sides design you can earn
a BA in cartoons,ceramics,
tea ceremony or physical
expression.Prospective ap-
plicants capacity:100.
Period for fulfillment of
degree requirements 4 years.
25大学への名無しさん:2008/09/22(月) 10:22:28 ID:iT7HFnTv0
University of Creation,
Art,Music and SocialWork...

Circle and Club Activities

Grade Separation==volunteer activities
Manga Revolution==comics creation,deba-
Club tes,fanzine
Wind Instruments==performances,Summer
Circle Festival participation,
soccer, cheering.
CTF ==track-and -field events
Horikoshi Soccer==soccer all-round
26大学への名無しさん:2008/09/22(月) 10:32:23 ID:iT7HFnTv0
University of Creation,Art,Music and SocialWork


Horse Riding Club == horse riding

Game Communications==game research

Go Association == go and shogi

Fundamental == volunteer activities

Softball Club == softball

Mongolian Chop== light music

Hardball Club ==baseball
27大学への名無しさん:2008/09/22(月) 14:37:17 ID:uYkej5VG0

28大学への名無しさん:2008/09/24(水) 09:43:15 ID:9S/60Jor0
University of Creation,
Art,Music and SocialWork...

East and West,the Best of
Both Worlds...

We always want to consider
ourselves to be internatio-
nally minded.For that reason,
we have developed a system
which employs a single course
of study covering the best of
both the East and the West....
29大学への名無しさん:2008/09/24(水) 09:48:08 ID:9S/60Jor0
University of Creation,Art,Music and SocialWork

A student in our Art Course,for example,
who decides to major in oil painting,will
also spend time studying Japanese painting
techniques.For a student majoring in Japa-
nese painting,oil painting will also be a
part of his/her course of study.
30大学への名無しさん:2008/09/24(水) 09:54:25 ID:9S/60Jor0
University of Creation,
Art,Music and SocialWork...

Fusion of Art and Social Welfare

The Unrestricted Seminar System
facilitates the communication
between the different departments.
This is a flexible system offering
various specialized topics mainly
from our professors' research areas.
31大学への名無しさん:2008/09/24(水) 10:00:46 ID:9S/60Jor0
University of Creation,
Art,Music and SocialWork...

continuation of ;
Fusion of Art and SocialWelfare

Students from both the Creative
Arts Department and the Social
Work Department can earn credits
by attending the seminars of the
other department's professors...
32大学への名無しさん:2008/09/24(水) 10:06:12 ID:9S/60Jor0
University of Creation,Art,Music and SocialWork

International Study System

The International Study System
aims to bring up talented per-
sons with a global view who are
capable to activate in an inter
-national society.
33大学への名無しさん:2008/09/24(水) 10:31:36 ID:9S/60Jor0
University of Creation,Art,Music and SocialWork

During the 4years of enrollment,the participating
students study abroad for one year,6 months at a
university in a developed country and for another
6 moths at a university in a developing country.
Thus,by experimenting two different realities,the
students acquire a new perspective on the world.
Students can transfer the result of their activi-
ties abroad into credits,so the total enrollment
period remains unchanged...
34大学への名無しさん:2008/09/24(水) 10:44:09 ID:9S/60Jor0
University of Creation,Art,Music and SocialWork

International Students

We also encourage the enrollment
of foreign students in our prog-
rams and welcome them to our
campus.Through communication among
our faculty students and foreign
students,we feel that we are able
to contribute to a truly interna-
tional cultural exchange...
35大学への名無しさん:2008/09/24(水) 13:39:16 ID:9S/60Jor0
University of Creation,
Art,Music and SocialWork...

Japanese Language

It is a good idea to learn
the Japanese language as
much as possible as a pre-
paration for your studies.
It is specially important
to improve your listening
comprehension skills and to
practice conversation.
36大学への名無しさん:2008/09/24(水) 14:12:39 ID:9S/60Jor0
University of Creation,Art,Music and SocialWork

Preparing to Study in Japan

College Student Visa

Please be sure to have a
College Student Visa when
you come to Japan.If you
arrive to Japan with any
other type of visa,you will
have to change your status
of residence to College Stu-
dent.This is a complicated
process which may involve
temporarily leaving Japan and
its success is not guaranteed...
37大学への名無しさん:2008/09/25(木) 10:51:56 ID:kJdXDqoe0
University of Creation,
Art,Music and SocialWork...

For Prospective Students


There are different
admission procedures
for foreign students
residing outside Japan,
foreign students alrea-
dy in Japan,transfer
students and for visi-
ting students...
38大学への名無しさん:2008/09/25(木) 11:04:14 ID:kJdXDqoe0
University of Creation,
Art,Music and SocialWork...

Foreign Students Residing
outside Japan...

Admission procedures;

*Qualifications to
apply from abroad for
admission as a foreign
*Schedule of Application
and Admission
*Documents Required at
*Screening procedures
*Documents Required at
39大学への名無しさん:2008/09/25(木) 11:08:49 ID:kJdXDqoe0
University of Creation,Art,Music and SocialWork

Foreign Students Already in Japan
Admission Procedures;
*Application qualification
*Self-recommendation System
of Admissions
*Recommendation System of
*Submitting your Application

40大学への名無しさん:2008/09/25(木) 11:18:09 ID:kJdXDqoe0
University of Creation,Art,Music and SocialWork

Admissions procedures period

Those accepted for admission
to our university should ca-
rry out all of the prescribed
admissions procedures,inclu-
the submission of all pertinent
materials and payment of fees
and expenses required,,within
the periods stipulated.
*Those who fail to complete
these procedures will be unable
to enter the university.
41大学への名無しさん:2008/09/25(木) 11:30:40 ID:kJdXDqoe0
University of Creation,
Art,Music and SocialWork...

Announcement of test results

Announcement of the test re-
sults will be sent directly
to the applicant.In the case
of students applying through
recommendations,the announce-
ment of the acceptance /dis-
qualification will be sent to
the respective high school
principal and to the applicant.
42大学への名無しさん:2008/10/08(水) 10:03:30 ID:UcqPU+XT0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...

Open Campus,Workshops,Viewing

Every year a series of events
are held at the University,
where students may visit the
University,experience actual
classes and speak to University
staff one-to-one about issues
concerning them...
43大学への名無しさん:2008/10/08(水) 10:27:49 ID:UcqPU+XT0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...

Those students who achieve
exceptional marks on the
entrance examination with
regard to practical skills,
academic test results and/
or personal evaluations,may
be eligible for reductions
in the entrance fee or tui-
tion through our scholarship
44大学への名無しさん:2008/10/09(木) 10:04:39 ID:pBCqjR1y0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...


We make available for
our students various
scholarship systems so
that they are able to
plan their learning free
of economic pressure.
45大学への名無しさん:2008/10/09(木) 10:31:49 ID:pBCqjR1y0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...

=ELGA Scholarship (25000 JPY
monthly)offered by our uni-
=Japan Student Services Or-
ganization Scholarship (65000
JPY monthly).
=Monbusho Scholarship for
self financing international
students (52000 JPY monthly).
=Gunma International Associa-
tion Scholarship for foreign
students (30000 JPY monthly).
46大学への名無しさん:2008/10/15(水) 10:47:40 ID:XfLCv2Wx0
University of Creation,Art,Music and SocialWork...

Our university also offers annual prizes for
students with excellent results.There are
also several student loan options offered by
different public institutions.
These scholarships are mainly offered by third
party institutions.The University offers gui-
dance and issues the necessary documents,but the
applicants have to apply directly to the financing
For more information about scholarships,please
visit the Japan Student Services Organization page.
47大学への名無しさん:2008/10/15(水) 11:08:17 ID:XfLCv2Wx0
University of Creation,Art,Music and SocialWork

Student cafeterias serving
Japanese and Western food
and Verde convenience sto-
res are located on both
48大学への名無しさん:2008/10/15(水) 11:15:38 ID:XfLCv2Wx0
University of Creation,Art,Music and SocialWork

Kyubankan dormitory for male students,
Jubankan dormitory for female students.
There are 87 one-room apartments in to-
tal,with a mini kitchen,bathroom,toilet,
a single bed,air conditioner,telephone,
a desk and a closet.The dormitories are
located in Takasaki city,6 to 9 minutes
from the university by school bus.
Contact us for further inquiries.
49大学への名無しさん:2008/10/16(木) 09:51:55 ID:qYPdcHpF0
University of Creation,Art,Music and SocialWork

CIRCLE and CLUB Activities

Grade Separation volunteer activities
Manga Revolution comics creation,debates,
Club fanzine
Wind Instruments performances,Summer Fes-
Circle tival participation,soccer
CTF track-and -field events
50大学への名無しさん:2008/10/16(木) 10:31:41 ID:qYPdcHpF0
University of Creation,Art,Music and SocialWork

continuation of;
Circle and Club Activities

Horikoshi Soccer soccer
Club all-round
Horse Riding horse riding
Game Communications game research
Go Association go and shogi
Fundamental volunteer
LOOP activities
Softball Club softball
Mongolian Chop light music
Hardball baseball
51大学への名無しさん:2008/10/16(木) 11:27:19 ID:qYPdcHpF0
University of Creation,Art,Music and SocialWork

It is a good idea to learn the Japanese language
as much as possible as a preparation for your
studies.It is specially important to improve your
listening comprehension skills and to practice
52大学への名無しさん:2008/10/16(木) 12:56:51 ID:qYPdcHpF0
University of Creation,Art,Music and SocialWork

East and West,the Best of Both Worlds

We always want to consider ourselves
to be internationally minded.For
that reason,we have developed a sys-
tem which employs a single course of
study covering the best of both the
East and the West.
53大学への名無しさん:2008/10/16(木) 13:50:54 ID:qYPdcHpF0
University of Creation,Art,Music and SocialWork

A student in our Art Course,for example,who
decides to major in oil painting,will also
spend time studying Japanese painting tech-
niques.For a student majoring in Japanese
painting,Oil painting will also be a part
of his/her course of study.
54大学への名無しさん:2008/10/17(金) 13:05:12 ID:Ta13YRwJ0
University of Creation,Art,Music and SocialWork

Fusion of Art and Social Welfare

The Unrestricted Seminar System
facilitates the communication
between the different departme-
nts.This is a flexible system
offering various specialized to-
pics mainly from our professor's
research areas.Students from both
the Creative Arts Department and
the SocialWork Department can earn
credits by attending the seminars
of the other department's professors.
55大学への名無しさん:2008/10/17(金) 13:31:45 ID:Ta13YRwJ0
University of Creation,Art,Music and SocialWork

The International Study System
aims to bring up talented per-
sons with a global view who are
capable to activate in an inter-
national society.During the 4
years of enrollment,the partici-
pating students study abroad for
one year,6 months at a university
in a developed country and for
another 6months at a university
in a developing country.Thus,by
experimenting two different reali-
ties,the students acquire a new
perspective on the world.Students
can transfer the result of their
activities abroad into credits,so
the total enrollment period remains
56大学への名無しさん:2008/10/17(金) 13:50:13 ID:Ta13YRwJ0
University of Creation,Art,Music and SocialWork

We also encourage the enrollment
of foreign students in our prog-
rams and welcome them to our cam-
pus.Through communication among
our faculty students and foreign
students,we feel that we are able
to contribute to a truly interna-
tional cultural exchange.
Class instruction and guidance are
conducted in Japanese but reports,
examinations and presentations by
the students may be given in English
as well.
57大学への名無しさん:2008/10/17(金) 13:57:32 ID:Ta13YRwJ0
University of Creation,
Art,Music and SocialWork

=Academic Calendar
=BA in Japan
Please feel free to
contact us for further
58大学への名無しさん:2008/10/20(月) 13:24:09 ID:K6jyi6PU0
University of Creation,
Art,Music,and SocialWork...

Environment-Welfare Research

The Environment-Welfare
Society of Japan has its
headquarters at the Uni-
versity of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...
59大学への名無しさん:2008/10/20(月) 13:28:32 ID:K6jyi6PU0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...


Environment and Welfare
are both important themes
for the human race in the
21st century.They both are
fundamental and absolute
conditions for living a hu-
man life.

60大学への名無しさん:2008/10/20(月) 13:34:29 ID:K6jyi6PU0
University of Creation,
Art,Music and SocialWork...


Once a deep relationship
and interaction existed
between Environment and
Welfare,but with the ad-
vancement of the adminis-
trative differentiation
and the academic speciali-
zation the relationship
between them became less
evident.The professional
activities in these two
fields evolved in separate
types of occupations...
61大学への名無しさん:2008/10/20(月) 13:45:21 ID:K6jyi6PU0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork....


Addressing a wide call
for participation to
the researchers,profe-
ssional activities in
these two fields,the En-
vironment-Welfare Society
of Japan came to existence
in September 2004 not only
to take into consideration
the interrelation between
Environment and Welfare but
aiming to create a new field
of environment-welfare and
thus largely contribute to
the development of government,
and knowledge...
62大学への名無しさん:2008/10/20(月) 13:49:12 ID:K6jyi6PU0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...


=Study of the interre-
lationship between en-
vironment and welfare,
social welfare issues
influenced by the envi-
ronment and environmental
issues influenced by social
63大学への名無しさん:2008/10/20(月) 13:53:32 ID:K6jyi6PU0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...


and industrial initiatives.
=Establishment of Environ-
ment-Welfare as an academic
64大学への名無しさん:2008/10/20(月) 13:57:01 ID:K6jyi6PU0
University of Creation,
Art,Music and SocialWork...

To the Environment-Welfare
Society of Japan official
page (in Japanese )may
found in our official website.
Please feel free to contact
us for more information.
65大学への名無しさん:2008/10/21(火) 12:30:34 ID:Ybwx3L6H0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...

Internet Media Laboratory

On the 4th floor of the
Bruno Taut Memorial Hall,
professor Edmond Mauzer ,
and associate professor
Naoki Kimino created the
Internet Media Laboratory.
Our main resources are
ourselves,modern hardware
and a small reference book
66大学への名無しさん:2008/10/21(火) 12:33:35 ID:Ybwx3L6H0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...


Currently testing
and publicising
internally a course
management system,
based on Moodle.
67大学への名無しさん:2008/10/21(火) 12:50:00 ID:Ybwx3L6H0
University of Creation,Art,
MUsic and SocialWork...

Portal Site

The portal site provides
role based access to in-
ternal information resour-
ces and tools like surveys,
blogs,forums,event photo
gallery,and knowledge base
about the university infor-
mation services.It is part
of the larger intercampus
information system also acce-
ssible from Japanese mobile
phones and LCD terminals.
68大学への名無しさん:2008/10/24(金) 11:21:40 ID:UMQRzATE0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...

Internet Media Laboratory


High-performance IP videophone
system using Ginganet-Denwa
Warpgates,improved with remote-
controlled cameras and projectors.
Souzou-net connects 14 classrooms
of the Nakayama and Yachiyo Campuses,
as well as the Tokyo Office and the
Attached High School.This system is
currently used in classroom teaching
since April 2005.
69大学への名無しさん:2008/10/24(金) 12:10:02 ID:UMQRzATE0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...

Video Streaming

Following a series of studies
and experiments with our ser-
vers located in Japan and in
the Silicon Valley,we started
an internet TV venture integ-
rated into the university's
vision of International-Envi-
ronment-Welfare & Sosai,as a
new type of environment-welfare
70大学への名無しさん:2008/10/24(金) 12:43:11 ID:UMQRzATE0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...

Video Streaming

This project is called
Creation TV and anybody
with a broadband connec-
tion is welcome to enjoy
it and participate.We are
planning to extend our
streams to internet-enabled
mobile phones,widespread in
71大学への名無しさん:2008/10/28(火) 12:47:39 ID:e56gvS9B0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...

Bruno Taut database

We are digitizing with
high resolution scanners
and digital cameras ori-
ginal works of Bruno Taut
and other related documents.
These are entried with com-
plete descriptions in a data-
base searchable at the Taut
Memorial Hall...
72大学への名無しさん:2008/10/28(火) 12:57:22 ID:e56gvS9B0
University of Creation,
Art,Music and SocialWork...

We built the first English
site of the University of
Creation,Art,Music and So-
cialWork,we rebuilt from
scratch the Japanese page
and we are maintaining them.

Improving the IT environment

Various activities ranging
from establishing IT poli-
cies to setting up new net-
works and IT laboratories. 
73大学への名無しさん:2008/10/28(火) 13:03:27 ID:e56gvS9B0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...

Bruno Taut Research Group
Bruno Taut in Takasaki

The world-famous German
expressionist architect
Bruno Taut spent around
3 years in Japan,mostly
at the Senshin-tei on the
grounds of the Shorinzan,
Daruma Temple in Takasaki,
where he was able to engage
in art and socialwork...
74大学への名無しさん:2008/10/28(火) 13:14:06 ID:e56gvS9B0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...

Bruno Taut Research Group
Bruno Taut in Takasaki

He designed and directed
the production of a num-
ber of industrial art works
at Takasaki Kogeisho Indus-
trial Arts Center.
In his books he introduced
to the world the beauty of
traditional Japanese archi-
tecture such as the Katsura
Detached Palace...

75大学への名無しさん:2008/10/29(水) 11:40:34 ID:lBzCUG2v0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...

About Art;

This is a unique course,
where besides design you
can earn a BA in cartoons,
ceramics,tea ceremony or
physical expression.

76大学への名無しさん:2008/10/29(水) 11:54:09 ID:lBzCUG2v0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...

BA in Japan

The equivalent of BA in Japan,
is Gakushi.It is the first
terminal university level qua-
lification and generally requi-
res 4 years of study.Students
usually take written tests in
each subject as exams.Candidates
for Gakushi must obtain 124 credits,
36 of which in general subjects,8 in
foreign language,4 in physical edu-
cation and 76 in specialized subjects.
77大学への名無しさん:2008/10/30(木) 13:36:14 ID:Pi8hXEzZ0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...



January 6 Classes begin
February 2 Classes of Second
Semester end
February 2 Second Semester
Exam Period begins
February 7 Second Semester
Exam Period ends
78大学への名無しさん:2008/10/30(木) 13:47:03 ID:/+AdZThW0


79大学への名無しさん:2008/10/30(木) 21:38:04 ID:p+pUR/uQ0
80大学への名無しさん:2008/10/31(金) 10:58:13 ID:12ZwhGrJ0

81大学への名無しさん:2008/11/04(火) 10:01:37 ID:0MD351Cq0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...


Environment-Welfare Research

The Environment-Welfare Society
of Japan has its headquarters
at the university of creation,
art,music and socialwork...

82大学への名無しさん:2008/11/05(水) 10:01:22 ID:zY+crFFO0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...

Environment-Welfare Research


Environment and Welfare are
both important themes for
the human race in the 21st
century.They both are funda-
mental and absolute conditions
for living a human life...
83大学への名無しさん:2008/11/05(水) 10:06:50 ID:zY+crFFO0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...


Once a deep relationship
and interaction existed
between Environment and
Welfare,but with the ad-
vancement of the adminis-
trative differentiation
and the academic specia-
lization the relationship
between them became less
evident.The professional
activities in these two
fields evolved in separate
types of occupations.
84大学への名無しさん:2008/11/05(水) 10:29:09 ID:zY+crFFO0
University of Creaiton,Art,
Music and SocialWork...


Addressing a wide call
for participation to
the researchers,profe-
ssionals and administra-
tors of these two fields,
the Environment-Welfare
Society of Japan came to
existence in September
2004 not only to take into
consideration the interre-
lation between Environment-
and Welfare but aiming to
create a new field of environ-
ment-welfare and thus largely
contribute to the development
of government,administration,
industry,society and knowledge.
85大学への名無しさん:2008/11/05(水) 10:45:08 ID:zY+crFFO0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...


Study of the interrelation-
ship between environment
and welfare,social welfare
issues influenced by the
environment and environmental
issues influenced by social

Administrative,social and
industrial initiatives.

Establishment of Environ-
ment-Welfare as an academic
86大学への名無しさん:2008/11/05(水) 10:52:25 ID:zY+crFFO0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...

Student cafeterias serving
Japanese and Western food
and Verde convenience stores
are located on both campuses.
87大学への名無しさん:2008/11/05(水) 10:55:43 ID:zY+crFFO0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...


Kyubankan dormitory for
male students.
Jubankan dormitory for
female students.
The dormitories are located
in Takasaki city,6 to 9
minutes from the university
by school bus.
88大学への名無しさん:2008/11/05(水) 11:04:39 ID:zY+crFFO0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...

Circle and Club Activities

Grade Separation volunteer activities
Manga Revolution comics creation,debates,
Club fanzine
Wind Instruments performances,Summer Fes-
Circle tival participation,
CTF track-and-field events
89大学への名無しさん:2008/11/05(水) 11:17:12 ID:zY+crFFO0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...

Circle and Club Activities

Horikoshi Soccer soccer all-round
Horse Riding horse riding
Game Communica- game research
tions Circle
GO Association go and shogi
Fundamental LOOP volunteer activities
90大学への名無しさん:2008/11/05(水) 11:45:08 ID:zY+crFFO0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...

Circle and Club Activities

Softball Club softball

Mongolian Chop light music

Hardball Club baseball
91大学への名無しさん:2008/11/05(水) 11:50:54 ID:zY+crFFO0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...


Suikin-tei Japanese-style Garden
After ten long years,and with
the help of many volunteers,the
landscaping of this garden has
finally been completed.The garden
serves as an appropriate image of
the theme "Forest and School"the
concept of our institution...
92大学への名無しさん:2008/11/05(水) 12:44:06 ID:zY+crFFO0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...


Jisho-an built by
Ogi Rodo,and Sokyo
-an built by Fuji
Kisaburo,are tea
houses located within
the grounds of the
Suikin-tei Garden.
93大学への名無しさん:2008/11/05(水) 13:17:08 ID:zY+crFFO0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...


These buildings help
to makke this garden
one of the most uni-
que comprehensive art
spaces to be found in
In 2001 the Suikin-tei
garden was officially
designated as a natio-
nally-registered tangible
cultural property...
94大学への名無しさん:2008/11/05(水) 13:46:42 ID:zY+crFFO0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...



The Suikin-kutsu is also
located on the grounds of
the Suikin-tei garden.
This site was selected by
the Ministry of Environment
as one of the "100 Most Att-
ractive Scenic Locations for
Sounds in Japan".It is open
to the public and attracts
many visitors to the garden
and our campus...
95大学への名無しさん:2008/11/07(金) 09:39:06 ID:xNNHtzuI0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...

Drops of water from a wash
basin create an exquisite
sound as they resonate
inside a pair
of jars,representing the
positive and negative,which
have been
buried in the ground.
The Victor Company has pro-
duced a CD of this environ-
mental sound that is current-
ly being sold throughout the
96大学への名無しさん:2008/11/07(金) 09:49:47 ID:xNNHtzuI0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...

Suikin Sogakudo Concert Hall

The interior of this concert
hall was designed by Fuji
Kisaburo,the same person who
built the Suikin-tei.His
efforts have helped us to
achieve acoustical qualities
that are on a par with those
of noted concert halls
throughout the western world.
The hall combines the best of
Japanese and Western techniques
and serves as an especially
warm art space...
97大学への名無しさん:2008/11/07(金) 10:14:56 ID:xNNHtzuI0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...

Sanpuku-an Forest and the
Museum Sanpuku-an

In accordance with our con-
cept of "Forest and School"
we advocate a positive action
program we call "Let's Make a
Forest".One sample of the
efforts of this program would
be the Sanpukuan Forest.
98大学への名無しさん:2008/11/07(金) 10:28:13 ID:xNNHtzuI0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...

Sanpuku-an Forest and the
Museum Sanpuku-an
In this forest,you can find
fossils of a silicified
wood that are over 100 million
years old.There is also a grand
crape myrtle tree that is over
500 years old.The Museum Sanpu-
kuan,a center for the dispatching
of art,is also located within this
99大学への名無しさん:2008/11/07(金) 10:46:53 ID:xNNHtzuI0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...

Our collection of ethnic
instruments,most of which
come from the countries of
the Far East,is one of the
finest collections of its
kind in Japan.Some of the
instruments included in the
exhibits are of the "national
treasures"class.Both the scale
and the content of this museum
make it definitely worth visiting.
100大学への名無しさん:2008/11/07(金) 10:55:31 ID:xNNHtzuI0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...


This clean energy pavilion
utilizes Japan's first so-
lar light generator system.
A large volume of hot springs
water also gushes up from a
spring located on the TESLA
101大学への名無しさん:2008/11/07(金) 11:08:13 ID:xNNHtzuI0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...

This is the largest building
with a thatched roof in Japan.
It serves as a seminar house
and a hot springs retreat for
both students and the general
public.Kaya no Ie is located
in the southern foothills of Mt.
Hotaka (2,150m)in Kawaba Village,
Tone County,only one hour by car
from Takasaki.Water from the
school's Hotaka Hot Springs has
superb mineral qualities...
102大学への名無しさん:2008/11/07(金) 11:33:40 ID:xNNHtzuI0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...

Kaya no Ie at Hotaka Springs

There is a large bathtub
made of Japanese cypress.
Meals are prepared under
the aesthetic principles
of "Syojin Ryori".
Kaya no Ie is considered
to be a secret Japanese
hideaway by those who have
spent time there.
103大学への名無しさん:2008/11/07(金) 11:39:54 ID:xNNHtzuI0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...

Shichigashuku Campus at
Miyagi Prefecture

Our theme is coexisting
with nature.Appropriately
our Shichigashuku Campus
in Miyagi Prefecture is
surrounded by nature in
its location on approxima-
tely 300,000sq.m. of pris-
tine agricultural and forest

104大学への名無しさん:2008/11/07(金) 11:44:13 ID:xNNHtzuI0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...

Shichigashuku Campus at Miyagi

The "Republic of Water and
Greenery"that we have estab-
lished there is governed by
President Hironaka Heisuke,
the famous mathematician,
and his vice president the
talented actor,Sugawara Bunta.
105大学への名無しさん:2008/11/07(金) 11:48:15 ID:xNNHtzuI0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...

Continuation of;
Shichigashuku Campus
at Miyagi Prefecture

In this presidential
prefecture,you can find
Tower of Sun and Wind,a
ceramics studio with a
wood burning kiln.The area
closely resembles an old-
fashioned Japanese home...
106大学への名無しさん:2008/11/13(木) 09:47:14 ID:Fs/8eO350
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...

Continuation of;
Shichigashuku Campus at
Miyagi Prefecture

Natural agricultural acti-
vities include cultivating
rice and vegetables grown
without any agricultural
chhemicals.The campus is fu-
lly utilized as a place for
students to learn from nature
through first-hand experience.
107大学への名無しさん:2008/11/13(木) 10:11:41 ID:Fs/8eO350
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...


1966 Horikoshi Incorporated
Educational Institution
founded in Takasaki city,
Gunma prefecture.
Horikoshi Kindergarten
1968 Takasaki Training School
for Nursery Teachers
1980 Kodomo no Kuni(Country of
Kindergarten established.
108大学への名無しさん:2008/11/13(木) 10:48:34 ID:Fs/8eO350
University of Creation,Art,
Music and Social...

Continuation of;

1981 The Music Section
of Takasaki Junior
College established.
1985 Construction works
of Kaya no Ie seminar
house completed .
1986 Construction works of
Suikin-tei Japanese-
style garden started.
1987 Suikin Sogaku-do
Concert Hall completed,
as a composite art
109大学への名無しさん:2008/11/14(金) 09:35:12 ID:X15JLjAC0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...


1988 The Fine Arts Section
of the Junior College
The name of Takasaki
Junior College changed
into Takasaki Art College.

1991 Construction works of Sui-
kin-tei Japanese-style gar-
den completed.
110大学への名無しさん:2008/11/14(金) 10:02:05 ID:X15JLjAC0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...


1992 Takasaki Training
School of Care Wor-
kers established.
On the grounds of
the school the Shak-
yamuni Hot Spring of
Welfare,sprung up.
111大学への名無しさん:2008/11/14(金) 11:06:01 ID:X15JLjAC0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...

1993 Iseyama Sanpuku-an
Shrine,sacred to the
Sanpuku-jin gods built.
Constructions of Sanpu-
ku-an Museum in Nakayama
Campus completed.
The first Takasaki Inter-
national Art and Music
Competition for High School
Students(in the music and
fine art categories)held.
112大学への名無しさん:2008/11/14(金) 12:31:37 ID:X15JLjAC0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...

1994 The second Takasaki
International Art and
Music Competition for
High School Students
(in the music and fine
arts categories)held.
113大学への名無しさん:2008/11/14(金) 13:03:32 ID:X15JLjAC0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...

1995 Completion Ceremony of
the Republic of Water
and Greenery held at
Shichigashuku Campus.
The third Takasaki In-
ternational Art and Music
Competition for High School
Students(in the music and
fine arts categories)held.

114大学への名無しさん:2008/11/14(金) 13:30:20 ID:X15JLjAC0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...

1996 Juban-kan Student
Dormitory finished.
At Shichigashuku
Campus the construc-
tion works of the
Pagoda of Sun and Wind,
a donation from Professor
Tatsuya Kobayashi and the
Hironaka Educational Re-
search Institute,completed.
The ceramic kiln completed.
115大学への名無しさん:2008/11/20(木) 11:38:39 ID:rUaodMNT0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...


1996 The Suikin-kutsu in
the Suikin-tei garden,
built by Professor Ki-
saburo Fuji selected
by the Ministry of En-
vironment as one of the
"100 Most Attractive Scenic
Locations for Sounds in
116大学への名無しさん:2008/11/20(木) 12:19:36 ID:rUaodMNT0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...


The first Welfare Ecology
Marathon & Walk held.
The exhibition "1100th
Anniversary of the Founda-
tion of the State of Hungary"
The fourth Takasaki Interna-
tional Art and Music.
Competition for High School
Students(in the music,painting,
and cartoon categories)held.
Memorial Ceremony on the 30th
anniversary of Horikoshi Gakuen
Incorporated Educational Insti-
tution held.
117大学への名無しさん:2008/11/20(木) 13:08:32 ID:rUaodMNT0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...

Presentation ceremony of the
works winning the Yomiuri
Advertizing Prize held.
All the winning originals
donated to our school.
TESLA completed.
The fifth Takasaki Inter-
national Art and Music.
Competition for High School
Students(in the music and
fine arts categories)held...
118大学への名無しさん:2008/11/20(木) 13:13:01 ID:rUaodMNT0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...


Commemorative concerts of
the fifth Takasaki Inter-
national Art and Music
Competition for High School
Students held in Tokyo,Fuku-
oka and Kyoto.
TESLA awarded the New Energy
Vanguard 21
President Award,by the New
Energy Foundation.
119大学への名無しさん:2008/11/20(木) 13:45:36 ID:rUaodMNT0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...


The sixth Takasaki Interna-
tional Art and Music Compe-
tition for High School Stu-
dents(in the music and fine
arts categories)held.
120大学への名無しさん:2008/11/20(木) 13:55:04 ID:rUaodMNT0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...


Gunma FC Horikoshi
participated at the
Emperor's Cup Natio-
nal Soccer Tournament
as the representative
of Gunma Prefecture...
121大学への名無しさん:2008/11/25(火) 09:46:03 ID:zS81PDD90
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...

Suikin-tei designated as
Registered Tangible Cultural
Property of the state of Ja-
pan.Participated at the Milano
Salone with the first exhibit
of a Japanese/oriental univer-
The seventh Takasaki Internatio-
nal Art and Music
Competition for High School Stu-
dents(in the music and fine arts
Gunma FC Horikoshi for the second
consecutive year won the Gunma
Prefecture preliminaries of the
Emperor's Cup National Soccer Tour-
122大学への名無しさん:2008/11/25(火) 10:30:36 ID:zS81PDD90
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...

Gunma FC Horikoshi for
the third consecutive
year won the Gunma Pre-
fecture preliminaries
of the Emperor's Cup Na-
tional Soccer Tournament.
Horikoshi Ladies Soccer
became champion of Gunma
123大学への名無しさん:2008/11/25(火) 11:03:23 ID:zS81PDD90
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork..


The first Japanese-Israeli
-Palestinian Chidren's
Friendship Soccer Match
2003 and Welcome Concert
Gunma FC Horikoshi advan-
ced to JFL.
124大学への名無しさん:2008/11/25(火) 11:31:21 ID:zS81PDD90
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...

University of Creation,
Art,Music and SocialWork
2005 Souzou Gakuen Daigaku
Attached High School

125大学への名無しさん:2008/11/26(水) 23:22:18 ID:Od6Owad00
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...

Please feel free to visit
our university to learn
in person about our uni-
versity or try to contact
us for more information...
126大学への名無しさん:2008/12/01(月) 13:26:11 ID:N+hbKIPM0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...

EAST and WEST,the Best of
Both Worlds

WE always want to consider
ourselves to be internatio-
nally minded.For that reason,
we have developed a system
which employs a single course
of study covering the best of
both the East and the West...
127大学への名無しさん:2008/12/04(木) 09:39:08 ID:mpizsvjo0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...

A student in our Art Course,
for example,who decides to
major in oil painting,will
also spend time studying Ja-
panese painting techniques.
For a student majoring in
Japanese painting,oil painting
will also be a part of his/her
course of study...
128大学への名無しさん:2008/12/04(木) 10:35:39 ID:a59cSHZv0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...


A unique course,where
besides design you can
earn a BA in cartoons,
ceramics,tea ceremony
or physical expression.
Prospective applicants
capacity:100.Period for
fulfillment of degree
requirements 4 years.
129大学への名無しさん:2008/12/04(木) 11:05:13 ID:a59cSHZv0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...

Design graphic design (including CG)
interior design
product design
Physical Expression
theater arts (including dubbing)
130大学への名無しさん:2008/12/04(木) 11:20:23 ID:a59cSHZv0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...

Manga animation
voice dubbing
Japanese Carpentry
Tea Ceremony
131大学への名無しさん:2008/12/04(木) 11:53:23 ID:a59cSHZv0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...

One to one lessons with
professional performing
applicants capacity:80.
Period for fulfillment
of degree requiremments
4 years..
132大学への名無しさん:2008/12/04(木) 13:23:54 ID:a59cSHZv0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...


Socialworker education
in the frontline of
applicants capacity:
100.Period for fulfill-
ment of degree require-
ments 4 years...
133大学への名無しさん:2008/12/04(木) 13:43:00 ID:a59cSHZv0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...


January 6 Classes begin
February 2 Classes of Second
Semester end
February 2 Second Semester
Exam Period begins
February 7 Second Semester
Exam Period ends
134大学への名無しさん:2008/12/10(水) 12:50:57 ID:TTnHigRB0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...

BA in Japan
The equivalent of BA in
Japan is Gakushi.It is
the first terminal uni-
versity level qualifi-
cation and generally re-
quires 4 years of study.
Students usually take
written tests in each sub-
ject as exams.Candidates
for Gakushi must obtain 124
credits,36 of which in ge-
neral subjects,8 in foreign
language,4 in physical educa-
and 76 in specialized subjects.
135大学への名無しさん:2008/12/10(水) 13:39:17 ID:TTnHigRB0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork....

===BA in JAPAN===

At our university you can
get a BA in;

Physical Expression
Theater Arts
Tea Ceremony
136大学への名無しさん:2008/12/10(水) 13:53:01 ID:TTnHigRB0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...

At our university you can
get a BA in;

Vocal Music
Pop Music
Electric Organ
Wind Instruments
Stringed Instruments
Percussion Instruments
137大学への名無しさん:2008/12/11(木) 13:04:52 ID:jVWklMee0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork....

At our university you can
get a BA in;

Traditional Japanese
Music Education
Music Therapy
138大学への名無しさん:2008/12/11(木) 13:52:12 ID:jVWklMee0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...



Bruno Taut Research

Internet Media
139大学への名無しさん:2008/12/16(火) 12:54:33 ID:YD8aaGEW0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork....

The Environment-Welfare
Society of Japan has
its headquarters at the
University of Creation,
Art,Music and SocialWork...
140大学への名無しさん:2008/12/16(火) 13:06:48 ID:YD8aaGEW0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...


Environment and Welfare
are both important themes
for the human race in the
21st century.They both are
fundamental absolute condi-
tions for living a humanlife.
141大学への名無しさん:2008/12/16(火) 13:18:44 ID:YD8aaGEW0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...

Once a deep relationship
and interaction existed
between Environment and
Welfare,but with the ad-
vancement of the adminis-
trative differentiation
and the academic specia-
lization the relationship
between them became less
evident.The professional
activities in these two
fields evolved in separate
types of occupations...
142大学への名無しさん:2008/12/16(火) 13:46:58 ID:YD8aaGEW0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...


Addressing a wide call for
participation to the re-
searchers,professionals &
administrators of these
two fields....
143大学への名無しさん:2008/12/16(火) 13:55:53 ID:YD8aaGEW0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...

The Environment-Welfare
Society of Japan came to
existence in September
2004 not only to take
into consideration the
interrelation between En-
vironment and Welfare but,
aiming to create a new
field of environment-wel-
fare and thus largely con-
tribute to the development
of government,administration,
industry,society and knowledge.
144大学への名無しさん:2008/12/17(水) 11:29:18 ID:olrtLqSb0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...


Study of the interrelation
ship between environment
and welfare,social welfare
issues influenced by the
environment and environmental
issues influenced by social
145大学への名無しさん:2008/12/17(水) 11:40:34 ID:olrtLqSb0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...


Administrative,social and
industrial initiatives.

Establishment of Environment
Welfare as an academic field.
146大学への名無しさん:2008/12/18(木) 09:56:06 ID:F/HF8od70
University of Creation,Arts,
Music and SocialWork....

147大学への名無しさん:2008/12/21(日) 21:53:46 ID:mCaujKES0
究極のアンフェア 恥の王者慶應
148大学への名無しさん:2008/12/22(月) 12:55:19 ID:WnxEBQe20
University of Creation,Arts,
Music and SocialWork....

A Greetings from the whole
staff,faculty and teachers...
from the university of crea-
tion,arts,music and social

149大学への名無しさん:2008/12/22(月) 12:59:10 ID:WnxEBQe20
University of Creation,Arts,
Music and SocialWork....

For more information
and inquiries about
the enrollment for the
coming year 2009...
Please feel free to
contact our admission
office or try to visit
our website....
150ほめ:2008/12/22(月) 13:07:52 ID:xfSIatLHO
151大学への名無しさん:2008/12/25(木) 13:32:55 ID:UPOdOJkz0
University of Creation,Arts,
Music and SocialWork...

152大学への名無しさん:2009/01/05(月) 10:39:17 ID:JvRKOsEo0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork....

153大学への名無しさん:2009/01/07(水) 11:33:10 ID:7VOLKPDD0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...

Bruno Taut in Takasaki

The world-famous German
expressionist architect
Bruno Taut spent around
3 years in Japan,mostly
at the Senshin-tei on
grounds of the Shorinzan
Daruma Temple in Takasaki,
where he was able to en-
gage in art and socialwork...
154大学への名無しさん:2009/01/07(水) 11:39:34 ID:7VOLKPDD0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...

Bruno Taut in Takasaki
He designed and directed
the production of a num-
ber of industrial art works
at Takasaki Kogeisho Indus-
trial Arts Center.In his
books he introduced to the
world the beauty of traditional
Japanese architecture such as
the Katsura Detached Palace....
155大学への名無しさん:2009/01/08(木) 09:29:48 ID:QHlTslPb0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork....


For a long time,the Iwanami
Shoten publishing house,
which has greatly influenced
both the academic and cultu-
ral circles of Japan,continued
to keep and publish a number
of precious documents dealing
with Taut and his works...
156大学への名無しさん:2009/01/08(木) 09:48:00 ID:QHlTslPb0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...

Bruno Taut Memorial Hall
Iwanami Shoten believing
in the potential of our
college provided us gene
rous support and entrusted
these valuable documents
to the safekeeping of Uni-
versity of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...
157大学への名無しさん:2009/01/08(木) 09:59:51 ID:QHlTslPb0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...


We aim to contribute
to our local society
by properly maintaining
and exhibiting these
precious cultural assets.
We are also determined to
support further research
on Taut's life and works
with curators assigned to
the Bruno Taut Research
158大学への名無しさん:2009/01/08(木) 10:32:20 ID:QHlTslPb0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork....


On the 4th floor of the
Bruno Taut Memorial Hall,
professor Edmond Mauzer
and associate professor
Naoki Kimino created the
Internet Media Laboratory.
Our main resources are
ourselves,modern hardware
and a small reference book

159大学への名無しさん:2009/01/08(木) 10:46:19 ID:QHlTslPb0
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...


Currently testing and
publicising internally
a course management
system based on Moodle.
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork....

The portal site provides
role based access to in-
ternal information resour-
ces and tools like surveys,
blogs,forums,event photo
gallery,and knowledge base
about the university infor-
mation services.It is part
of the larger intercampus
informmation system also
accessible from Japanese mo-
bile phones and LCD terminals.