The exaggerated style and the crude colours of the popular journalist are as frequently due to vanity as to sheer inability to state information clearly and straightforwardly. (H.E.Goad:Language in History.)
Crosland sets this supposed indifference to death in a more familiar framework:'【Japan】beats Russia because her ranks are packed with men who would rip themselves up rather than suffer defeat, and to whom life is not a matter worth a moment's consideration. They are men,in fact,who believe themselves to be without souls'.
Literary critics blame journalism for not being literary enough,historians for lacking historical accuracy,lawyers for not arranging facts by the rules of evidence. But journalism is not literature,not history,not law.
Inside the carriage, which is built on several levels, he sits in velveteen darkness, with nothing to smoke, feeling metal nearer and farther rub and connect, steam escaping in puffs, a vibration in the carriage's frame, a poising, an uneasiness, all the others pressed in around, feeble ones, second sheep, all out of luck and time: drunks, old veterans still in shock from ordnance 20 years obsolete, hustlers in city clothes, derelicts, exhausted women with more children than it seems could belong to anyone, stacked about among the rest of the things to be carried out to salvation. Only the nearer faces are visible at all, and at that only as half-silvered images in a view finder, green-stained VIP faces remembered behind bulletproof windows speeding through the city....
But a hardon, that's either there, or it isn't. Binary, elegant. The job of observing it can even be done by a student.
□Unconditioned stimulus=stroking penis with antiseptic cotton swab. □Unconditioned response=hardon. □Conditioned stimulus=x. □Conditioned response=hardon whenever x is present, stroking is no longer necessary, all you need is that x.
Uh, x? well, what's x? Why, it's the famous "Mystery Stimulus" that's fascinated generations of behavioral-psychology students, is what it is. The average campus humor magazine carries 1.05 column inches per year on the subject, which ironically is the exact mean length Jamf reported for Infant T.'s erection.
The most shocking fact about war is that its victims and its instruments are individual human beings, and that these individual human beings are condemned by the monstrous conventions of politics to murder or be murdered in quarrels not their own,to inflict upon the innocent and, innocent themselves of any crime against their enemies, to suffer cruelties of every kind. (Aldous Huxley:The Olive Tree.)
to inflict [共] upon the innocent (≒to murder) and, <innocent themselves of any crime against their enemies,> to suffer [cruelties of every kind]. (≒to be murdered)
You don't know about me, without you have read a book by the name of “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,”but that ain't no matter. That book was made by Mr.Mark Twain, and he told the truth, mainly. There was things which he stretched, but mainly he told the truth. That is nothing. I never seen anybody but lied, one time or another, without it was Aunt Polly, she is―and Mary, and the Widow Douglas, is all told about in that book―which is mostly a true book;with some stretchers, as I said before.
You don't know about me, without you have read a book by the name of “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,”but that ain't no matter. That book was made by Mr.Mark Twain, and he told the truth, mainly. There was things which he stretched, but mainly he told the truth. That is nothing. I never seen anybody but lied, one time or another, without it was Aunt Polly, or the widow, or maybe Mary. Aunt Polly―Tom's Aunt Polly, she is she is―and Mary, and the Widow Douglas, is all told about in that book―which is mostly a true book;with some stretchers,as I said before.
Your loved one may have multiple tubes and lines in place when he or she is in the ICU. There are many variations of the types of tubes and monitors required. Your loved one may have some, none, or all of the following listed below. Most of these devices are temporary and may be removed when they are no longer needed. Ask the nurse if you see something that you do not understand, or that does not seem right.
Where,as in the contemporary Western world,great numbers of the citizens own nothing, personal liberty and political and civil rights are to a more or less considerable extent dependent upon the grace of the capitalistic or national owners and managers of the means of production and distribution and upon their willingness to abide by the rules of the democratic game.
level2 Not only is the wise use of leisure a mark of a cultured man, but the value he places on privacy in the use of it is another.
A mastering of all grammatical rules will not guarantee your success as a writer.
Men were tending to depart from the older view everything in the heavens was composed of a special kind of matter subject to its own peculiar laws those days.
level3 If automobile manufacturers were to advertise a“solar car”, their showrooms would be flocked by potential buyers for whom the term evoke the happy vision of a vehicle bearing an exotic device that gathers free fuel―sunlight― and transmits its energy to the car's wheels.
One reason why reservoirs and esuturies are so popular for local natural history societies' field meetings is that water and waterside birds can often be identical at a distance by a party, who only have to be persuaded to keep quiet and creep up the bank of the sea wall and peep over.
この文の意味が全く分からないです 誰か日本語訳お願いします It is not enough just to choose the first system of education one finds; or to continue with one's old system of education without examining it to see whether it is in fact suitable or not.
この文の翻訳ができません。 何方か翻訳宜しくお願いいたします。 Age is not as important for marriage in America as in japan for the obvious reason that there are no arranged marriages in America. To be 30 and unmarried in America does not cause suspicions about one's character or family background as it sometimes does in Japan, if one is a woman.
Men were tending to depart from the older view everything in the heavens was composed of a special kind of matter subject to its own peculiar laws those days.
subject の前に , (コンマ)を入れて考えてみてはどうでしょうか? つまり、
everything (in the heavens) was → composed of a special kind of matter
Probably, in the end. After all, we managed to take Dresden in our stride. And as Germany itself was demonstrating, if enough effort is put into convincing you that your next-door neighbour is subhuman, an enemy of all you hold dear, a cancer is the social body-a Jew, to use the shorthand of the time-there's really nothing you won't do, or at least allow to be done. The bomb could have been used on Germany, or anyone else, given time to prepare the ground.
But if, during the next month or so, she is heard to say "ball" on seeing a balloon, an Easter egg, a small round stone, and so on, doubts must begin to arise; and it may then seem wiser to replace the first conclusion by the more guarded one that word "ball" has now entered her word-stock and that her knowledge of its meaning has begun to grow.
★名詞構文についての問題★ A、The discovery by computer science of the techinical challenges overcome by our everyday mental activity is one of the great revelations of science. B、The goverment of the people by the people for the people.
For I believe that the discovery by cognitive science and artificial intelligence of the technical challenges overcome by our mundane mental activity is one of the great revelations of science, an awakening of the imagination comparable to learning that the universe is made up of billions of galaxies or that a drop of pond water teems with microscopic life. [How the Mind Works / Steven Pinker]
Instead of measuring and competing on results,efforts to improve health care delivery,have made the fundamental error of attempting to control supply and micromanage provider practices.
Nearly one of seven dollars spent on final goods and services in the USA economy goes to the health sector.
>>128 保健医療の提供を改善しようとする取り組みは、業績を測定し、業績に基づいて競争するのではなく、 供給を抑制し、提供者の手法を細かく管理することを企てるという根幹的な過ちを犯してきた。 Redefining Health Care: Creating Value-Based Competition on Results Harvard Business Press
アメリカ経済においては最終財・サービスに費やされる7ドルにつきおよそ1ドルが、医療部門に行き着く。 ?Managing managed care: the enabling role of IS/IT ?Journal of Management in Medicine ?2002 Volume: 16 Issue: 2/3 Page: 238 - 250
【語句】 "Final goods and services" are goods and services sold to the final, or end, user. A toothbrush, a pair of contact lenses, and a bus ride are examples of final goods and services.
"Intermediate goods and services" are those purchased for additional processing and resale, like KFC's chicken.
これお願いします the failure of the average man is due, not to lack of ability, but to lack of ability to concentrate, to expand all his energy in the cultivation of one marked talent, instead of scattering his efforts on four or five possibilities.
there was more to these stereotypes than he had thought. 訳『そうしたステレオタイプは,自分が思ったよりも根が深かった』 根が深いという訳の根拠がわかりません あとthere was more to these… もわかりません。 ※一文全てじゃなくて自分なりに抜粋した文です。
there was more <to these stereotypes> than he had thought (there had been to these stereotypes). これでわかるか?thanの先行詞はmoreだ 直訳すると『彼が思っていた以上のものがそれらのステレオタイプにはあった』 文脈によってmoreがどういう意味を指すのかは類推するしかない 転じて訳例のようになるんだろう
Youth is not a time of your life --- it is a state of mind. It is not wholly a matter of ripe cheeks, red lips, or supple knees. It is a temper of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions. It is a freshness of the deep spring of life. Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over love of ease. This often evists in a man of fifty more than aboy of twenty. Nobody grows old by merely living a number of years. People grow old by deserting their ideals. Years wrinkle the skin; but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. Worry, doubt, self-distrust, fear, and despair --- these are the long, long years that bow the head and turn the growing spirit back to dust.
Whatever your years, there is in every beings heart the love of wonder, the undaunted challenge of events, the unfailing child-like appetite for what next, and the joy and the game of life. You are as young as your faith, as old as your doubt; as young as your self-confidence, as old as your fear; as young as your hope, as old as your despair. In the central place of every heart there is a recording chamber; so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer and courage, so long are you young. And when the wires are all down and your heart is covered with the snows of pessimism and the ice of cynicism, then, and only then have you grown old.
The danger of being emotionally involved in an issue that you may fail to consider potential good reasons for other positions―reasons that might be sufficient to change your mind on the issue if only you would listen to them
Any statement of the rules and conventions for speech and writing must reflect the way language is actually used,not someone`s idealized vision of how it should be used.
Boys be ambitious ! Be ambitious not for money or selfish aggrandizement , not for that evanescent thing which men call fame . Be anbitious for the attainment of all that a man ought to be .
Any statement of the rules and conventions for speech and writing must reflect the way language is actually used,not someone`s idealized vision of how it should be used.
No common language means little or no help or cooperation, and that in turn means that nothing really big or worth-while can get done. Since most of the things connected with our civilization are big, they call for lots of help and cooperation,for the joint efforts of many people, all working intelligently together, each with a clear understanding of what the others are doing, and when, where and how he must come in.
Fortunately, or unfortunately, as the case may be, most chimpanzees, in fact all that have as yet been observed, persist in being good chimpanzees, and do not become quasihuman morons. Nevertheless I think that the avarage animal psychologist is rather longingly hoping for that chimpanzee who will disgrade his simian ancestry by adhering to more human modes of conduct. The failure so far is not a matter of sheer bulk of intelligence, for there are defective human animals whose brains would shame a shimpanzee. It just does not belong to the nature of the beast to speak, or to want to speak.
>>211 なんで自分が指名されたか分からないけどw、前の文がないと判断できない。ただし、 soを単なるveryの意味で使うのは口語的、かつ女性が良く使う表現とされるようなので、 書かれた文だとすればso that 構文として取るべきだと思う。
この場合、 it が何であるかは、本当に前の文を読まないと分からない。 itを「それ」でいいことにすれば、 最近は、それが人気(流行)になっているので、若い人向けの歌はこの形で歌われる。 でいいと思う。
なお、手持ちの辞書だとpopular を「世間一般に広まっている」と取るのは 名詞の前に置かれる用法の場合が主で、しかも堅い目の表現ということに なってる。OALDを見ても、「shared by a large number of people」の意味は 「only before noun」とついてる。これらから、この文でpoppularに「一般的な」という 訳語をあてるのは、危険なように思える。「人気のある」「評判の高い」といった 意味に取ったほうが確実そう。
Make your conversational contribution such as is required,at the stage at which it occurs,by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged.
続きYou must therefore act in conversation in accord with a general principle that you are mutually engaged with your listener or listeners in an activity that is of benefit to all,that benefit being mutual understanding.
前の文: 求められたような形での会話への寄与をせよ。 (それは)その会話が発生した状況(場)においてである。 あなたが参加(従事)している言葉の交換の、 受容されうる目的や方向性によって(求められるような寄与をなすのだ)。 ※途中に挿入句があるけれど、is required by accepted purpose or direction という形になってると見られると思う。
※a general principle のあとのthat節は直前のa general principleと同格。 be of benefitは「ためになる」と訳したいところだけれど、構造を明らかにするために 後で出てくるbenefitとそろえる必要上、ここでは「恩恵となる」としてみた。 engaged と in の間にwith句が挿入されている。 最後はthat benefit を主語にした分詞構文がくっついてる、と見た。
In the end, eleven white boys decided not to go. They wanted to go to that park as much as I did, but they knew that there was something even more important.
A striking example of the pleasure garden in our century is the Disney theme park―a unique American creation that,thanks to modern technology,is able to produce wonder and illusion far beyond that which could be achieved in earlier times.
>>263 thanks to modern technologyは"is able to produce"にかかる。意味的にも構造的にも。 a striking ... our centry とdisney theme parkは英文の構造がそもそも主格関係であるが、 君は何が言いたいのかよく分からない。
英文投下〜 We need to recognize that humanity is one, that there is only one race on this planet, the human race, and that the difference in color and custom are meant by the creator to beautify and enrich the world of humanity just as the different colors of flowers beautify a garden.
*this planet 地球 *humanity 人類 *are meant [by〜] to do 「[〜によって]・・・するように意図されている(作られている)」 「本来・・・することになっている」 *the creator 創造主
Not only do mothers despair over feeling that their relationships with their daughters have been lost,but they become terrified about surrendering any threads of they may have held.
>>287 Not only do mothers despair over feeling that their relationships with their daughters have been lost, but they become terrified about surrendering any threads of control they may have held. これ
"At first Kai" means now "one who comes up it should start it first." but original meaning of it is that if you want to gather wisemen, you should treat comfortable Kai who is man less wise, or 【ここから】 if you want to get a horse that can run long distance, buy a dead horse and great horses will gather to you naturally.【ここまで】 People will think, if you buy a dead horse by much money, how much their alive horse can be sold and they will go to you to sell their horses. And then you can select the best one from theirs.
As Shibata studied the interplay between animals and humans, he leaned how pets have positive psychological and social effects on people, and began focusing on that aspect. In addition to cheering pepple up,domesticated animals can reduce stress and encourage communication in humans ,particularly people who suffer mental and physical problems. He decided to design a therapeutic robot,one that would be unfamiliar,yet lovable.
The Greek philosopher Aristotle divided human intellectual activities into three kinds : practical, artistic, and theoretical. When we concern ourselves consciously with language at all, this concern is usually of a practical sort, directed at learning or teaching a language, deciding what turn of phrase to use in an important letter, urging a school board to adopt or not to adopt the teaching of language in elementary schools. Occasionally we consider language in the sphere of art, when we read, interpret, or perhaps create a poem or a novel. These are works that embody in the medium of language the esthetic values of the individual or the community.
〈語句〉 Aristotle アリストテレス concern ourselves with〜 〜に関心を持つ turn of phrase 言い回し a school board 教育委員会 esthetic 美的
If one started with a different structure of property rights,one where agricultural producers had to pay to deviate from certain environmentally sound practices,we would see a different constellation of products and environmental quality in rural America. As the developed world became less dependent on agriculture it would not be surprising to see sweeping changes in the presumptive property rights inherent in rural land.
The electric utility will be inclined to suggest that it has always emitted sulfur dioxide, and therefore until told to do otherwise it has a right to those emissions.
従属節中のS+be. 主節の主語, 動詞と一致するのがたいていですが常に然りではありません。 ex. She never dinched from her duty, however unpleasant. 文の裡に見えるsuggestのI.O.が主語です。なぜ省いたのかは確信的に言えませんが、 わざわざ取り立てて主語にする必要もなく煩わしいからでしょうかね。 to do otherwise: to emit otherwise 普通 think otherwiseのように使いますから変な感じはしますが、 doが代動詞で「そうはしない」と、前に何かを受けて使われてるから原文は自然です。 it: The electric utility
>>367 数値を書き込むなんて愚行よくできますね。何か勘違いしてるのでしょうか。また誰が見ても明らかなように、 あなたが無神経且つ無責任なことをしたのですから、さっさと認めればよかったのですよ それ、tellのどんな用法なのか気になりますね。tell it to me, tell a storyなどとは違いますからね。
The electric utility will be inclined to suggest that it has always emitted sulfur dioxide, and therefore until told to do otherwise it has a right to those emissions.
>>305で大丈夫だと思いますが一つ気になる箇所が; In addition to cheering people up, domesticated animals can reduce stress and encourage communication in humans, particularly people who suffer mental and physical problems.
→ペットは人々を元気付けるだけでなく、人間同士の、特に精神的肉体的に不自由のある人のストレスを減らし、彼らのコミュニケーションを促すことがある。かも。 *encourage communication in humans〜 →“人間同士の、特に精神的肉体的不自由のある人同士のコミュニケーション”が促される、 という意味だと思いまが、間違ってたらスマソ;
大学への名無しさん :2008/10/31(金) 02:11:22 ID:xgZFf26D0 >>317 His mother means the world to him. 彼にとって母親は掛け替えのない存在である。 mean the world to (人)にとって掛け替えのない[この上なく大事{だいじ}な・大切{たいせつ}な・ 天にも地にも代えられない]もの[宝・人]である
It has been said that the young child plays with materials and thereby learns them. The truth of this observation can nowhere be senn as clearly as in the field of the arts--picture-making,modeling,music and drama. ▲The first scribble of childhood with well-sucked crayon will as surely lead to the making of recognizable shapes to represent ‘Mummy' as will his early enthusiastic claps to the rhythm of nursery rhyme or popular song to the free-flowing steps of a yet unknown pop culture or the formal patterns of the traditional dance.▲ There seems to be in all young children a desire to express themselves by making marks and constructions,by making sounds and through physical response to the sounds that they hear.
@The question "When?" is usually one of the first to be asked by the archaeologist. ASince man has been littering the land-scape for nearly two million years, the problem of assigning dates of reasonable accuracy to various samples of his litter is a complex one. BIt is customary to distinguish two types of archaeological dating-relative and absolute. CRelative dating is really not dating at all in the usual sense, but the placement of an as-semblage in time relative to other assemblages. DIn assigning a relative date to assemblage B, we simply say that it is either older or younger than assemblage A, or that it occurred in time between assemblages A and C. ESuch relative arrange-ments ultimately tell us about a sequence in the continuum of time, absolute dates are needed. FAbsolute dates are given in terms of years ago, or years old; A.D. 1066, 35,000 B.C., A.D. 1963, and 1,750,000 B.C. are all absolute dates. GBy combining relative and absolute dates, we can de-scribe sequences of events, and say when they took place.
Knowing that people react more quickly to green signals than to red or blue, or that reaction time with the hand is 20 percent faster than with the foot, can be critical in the design of an airplane control panel.
ESuch relative arrangements ultimately tell us about a sequence of events -- occupations of sites, developments in technology, hunting techniques, or architecture -- but give us no idea about when this sequence took place in the past. To anchor a relative sequence in the continuum of time, absolute dates are needed.
Human beings make an action for ,it is wider meaning, "fullfillment to oneself". It can be said not only that volunteer and international contribution are altruistic action but also that he attain the fullfillment to oneself because of profit of others. boldly, if I think of human action as suitization to attainment of his purpose, it is important where to set border of it. ☆ ☆ ☆ Only for him alone(=realization),for his friends or families including himself,for his organization, for his country or for the world, how set the prerequisite will determine his human scale.☆ ☆ ☆ The organization will face tragedy that Top peoples suitize only for him alone. If Every people turns everything to one's own advantage, suitization for all organization will lost and then for every people. In emergency often he must decide which for organization or for himself but selections must choose own self-sacrificing choice to suitize his organize at first and then thanks to the devotion he will and must attain higher-level fulfillment.
よろしくお願いします。 Hereditary contributions to development can be observed at many levels. Figure 3.1 depicts five major levels. Nearly every cell in the human body carries the genetic blueprint for development in the chromosomes. Spesific regions on each chromosome, the genes, regulate protein and enzyme production and can be further examined in terms of the nucleotides, chemical molecules that are the building blocks for the genes. Each of these different levels of the individual's biological mekeup can offer insights into the mechanisms by which the genotype affects the phenotype, the observable expression of traits and behaviors.
The global Internet is highly resistant to catastrophic failure because its make up of tousands of interconnected smaller networks, all providing alternative date pathways should any single link fail.
@As we have noted, some of these techniques, notably in the field of excavation, were already being developed. ASo too was another conceptual device which proved very useful for the progress of European prehistory: the Three Age System. BIn 1836 the Danish scholar C.J. Thomsen (1788-1865) published his guidebook to the National Museum of Copenhagen which appeared in English in 1848 with the title, A Guide to Northern Antiquities. CIn it he proposed that the collections could be divided into those coming from a Stone Age, a Bronze Age, and an Iron Age, and this classification was soon found useful by scholars throughout Europe. DLater a division in the Stone Age was established between the Paleolithic or Old Stone Age and the Neolithic or New Stone Age.
>>446 The global Internet is highly resistant to catastrophic failure because it’s made up of thousands of interconnected smaller networks, all providing alternative date pathways should any single link fail.
*, all providing 以下 →分詞構文 .all は直前のthousands of interconnected smaller networksをさす .smallerと比較級になっているのはthe global internet より小さいという意味あい should以下は仮定法のifが消えて倒置が起きている 元に戻すと all providing alternative data pathways if any single link should fail. 直訳すると そのすべてが、万一どれか一つでも接続が役にたたなくなったら、 代わりとなる情報の通り道を提供するからである
EThese terms were less applicable to Africa, where bronze was not used south of the Sahara, or to the Americas, where bronze was less important and iron was not in use before the European conquest. FBut it was conceptually significant. GThe Three Age System established the principle that by studying and classifying prehistoric artifacts one could produce a chronological ordering, and say something of the periods in question. HArchaeology was moving beyond mere speculation about the past, and becoming instead a discipline involving careful excavation and the systematic study of the artifacts unearthed. IThese three great conceptual advances - the antiquity of humankind, Darwin's principle of evolution, and the Three Age System - at last offered a framework for studying the past, and for asking intelligent questions about it.
JDarwin's ideas were influential also in another way. KThey suggested that human cultures might have evolved in a manner analogous to plant and animal species. LSoon after 1859, British scholars such as General Pitt-Rivers (whom we shall meet again below) and Jhon Evans were devising schemes for the evolution of artifact forms which gave rise to the whole method of "typology" - the arrangement of artifacts in chronological or developmental sequence - later greatly elaborated by the Swedish scholar Oscar Montelius (1843-1921).
予備校のテキスト長文です。 The diversity and peculiarity of native japanese breeds may also pups the hypothesis that the homeland of mankind's oldest animal friend is indeed East Asia.
文意は分かるのですが、may also の部分でどれが動詞なのか惑わされてしまい 正確な文の構造と訳が分からないので教えてください。お願いします。
If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible; who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time; who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer.
It's the answer told by lines that stretched around schools and churches in numbers this nation has never seen; by peopele who waited three hours and four hours, many for the very first time in their lives, because they believed that this time must be different; that their voice could be that difference.
It's the answer spoken by young and old, rich and poor, Democrat and Republican, black, white, Latino, Asian, Native American, gay, straight, disabled and not disabled - Americans who sent a message to the world that we have never been a collection of Red States and Blue States: we are, and always will be, the United States of America.
It's the answer that led those who have been told for so long by so many to be cynical, and feartful, and doubtful of what we can achieve to put their hands on the arc of history and bend it onece more toward the hope of a better day.
It's been along time coming, but tonight, because of what we did on this day, in this election, at this defining moment, change has come to America.
日本の原産種の多様性や特性から、人間の最も古い動物の友の故郷は確かに 東アジアであるという仮説(推測)が生まれるかもしれない ・S pups the hypothesis that Sはthat〜という仮説を生んだ、だと思う 動詞はpupとしか考えられないけど助動詞のあとなのになぜ sがついているのかは分からず。エロい人よろしく
only if the achievement of them is entrusted to world-authorities empowered, in their respective fields, to give orders to the hitherto sovereign national governments and, in case of conflict, to override them;
Freud is at his best when discussing those seemingly accidental mistakes of speech and writing where one word is substituted for another and, especially, where the substitute word means the opposite of the word intended. A physician is writing out a prescription for an impecunious patient who asks him not to give her big bills because she cannot swallow them ― and then says that, of course, she meant pills.
The individual who skimps on lunches in order to dress well and the family that lives on meager fare for a week in order to make a good impression with an elaborate party are attesting to the things we call values.
In the simpler societies, the seller who refuses to sell all her stock, even for an inflated price, may feel an obligation to regular customers, but more often her behavior simply represents a difference in values
(1) Those fears have been built into you by experiences which you have probably forgotten. It is wise to fear some snakes, but not all. (2) But you will find it extremely difficult to reason yourself out of fears which seem to you instinctive, although you may readily admit that they are foolish. (3) To a certain extent, early and often accidental associations determine likes and dislikes as well. (4) Human superiority depends on obsering as well as doing; few if any animals are capable of true observation prior to performing an act.
1.それらの恐怖は、おそらく忘れ去られたであろう経験によってあなたの中に 組み込まれてきた。 ヘビを怖がるのは賢明だが、すべてのヘビを怖がるのは賢明ではない。 (It is wise to fear some snakes, but [it is] not [wise to fear] all [snakes].) 2.しかし、すぐにばかげていると認めるかもしれないが、本能的なもののように 思われる恐怖を理屈によって振り払うことがとても難しいと分かるだろう 3.ある程度、小さいときにしばしばあった思いがけない付き合いは好き嫌いも決定する。 4.人間の優位性は行うだけでなく観察もするという点にある。行動する前に本当の 観察をすることができる動物は、たとえいるとしてもごくわずかである。
@.The crisis of 1973-4 marked a clear transition point in the structure and nature of the Japanese economy. These changes were not induced by the oil shock alone,for many of the symptoms of transition were present before 1973.
A.It was only in 1984 that the economy returned to an annual growth rate of over 5 per cent (actually 5.1 per cent)(Ito,1992). As the economy recovered,the structure of industry changed.
B.This was a reflection,firstry,of increased energy prices. Materials industries were energy intensive and the rocketing oil prices had a severe impact upon their international price competitiveness.
C.These were economies in which wage levels were far lower than in Japan,and those Japanese industries that were labour intensive found themselves at an increasing disadvantage in world markets.
The dos and don'ts of travelling abroad are a potential minefield for the unprepared traveller. If you spit in some countries, you could end up in prison. In others, spitting ia competitve sport. The centre for International Briefing has spent 40 yyears preparing the wary traveller for such pitfalls. Though it may sound like a covert operation for aspiring secret agent, what the Centre dos is prepare travellers for encounters with new social and business costoms worldwide. To date, over 50,000 people have passed through its headquarters at Farnham Castle in Surrey “There are tow broad tracks to our training programme” explain Jeff Toms, Maketing Director. One covers businessneed, the other social etiquette.
The choice of grammatical construction that an individual uses can also reveal social meaning, as in the use of May I have a coffee? as opposed to Give me a coffee! in making a request.
The fact that the sounds pigs make are described differently across languages is not, of course, an indication that pigs speak different languages in different parts of the world.
Rather, it makes more sense to assume that the different words that people give to the sounds of animals are simply arbitrary labels determined by the speakers of a culture, constrained by what are possible sound combinations in the language.
The observation that animals "speak" differently around the world is then a simple illustration of how similar ideas are expressed in different ways across cultures.
Linguistic studies have shown that the languages of culturally primitive peoples have no less (and no more) orderly sound and grammar syrtems than the languages of western Europe and of the major world civilizations.
Human speech is passed from generation to generation by a process of learning on the part of children.
>>504 なんとなく、違和感があった理由がわかったかも。 それほど〜ない って感じに結びが来る方が自然だからかなって。 なので、そういったニュアンスをあえて出すならば やらなければならない仕事がこんなに多く残っている。(←soを主観的なものとして使う用法。v veryとの違い) 短い文でもいろいろ意見があるのは、前後関係がわからないからだよね。文脈で読むからさぁ。 文頭に置く場合、Very much workとはいわないよね。So much work の方が自然かな。
Those who profess to favor freedom and yet depreciate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground, they want rain without thunder and lightning. They want the ocean without the roar of its many waters.
This classically phrased verdict upon the career of the earliest would-be saviour with the sword in the sword history of our Western Civilization has a sting in its tail which pricks with a still sharper point in the nineteenth century mot that the one thing which you cannot do with bocyonets into sit on them. An instrument that has once been used to destroy life cannot then be used to preserve life at the users convenience.
This classically phrased verdict upon the career of the earliest would-be saviour with the sword in the sword history of our Western Civilization has a sting in its tail which pricks with a still sharper point in the nineteenth century mot that the one thing which you cannot do with bocyonets into sit on them. An instrument that has once been used to destroy life cannot then be used to preserve life at the users convenience.
@Modern Native American Sun Dances last for three days and two nights, during which time the dancers neither eat nor drink. AThe participants arrange themselves around the center pole and blow on eagle-bone whistles. BTheir rhythmic movements keep pace with the accompanying songs and drumbeats that punctuate each day’s agenda. CThe dancers conserve their energy so that they will not collapse too early in the exhausting ritual. DThey rest at intervals in special huts, but from dawn to late evening they dance at specified periods, and pray for spirit beings to visit the ceremony. EThis marvelously intricate ritual includes special clothing, together with unique prayers, songs, and dance steps that achieve a solemn beauty.
FThe dancers expect visions to occur on the third day, if they come at all; two days and night of dancing plus the cumulative effect of hunger, fatigue, and thirst bring the participants close to a climax. GIf any young men seem reluctant to continue, they are reminded that they are about to acquire special strength for the tribal way of life. HFellow tribesmen encourage the dancers to persevere, urging them to do so for the sake of the family and preserve the integrity of traditional culture patterns. IThey also warn dancers not to abuse themselves with alcohol or other vices of the white people, which they denounce in strong terms. JThe dancing continues, and some dancers now reach the ceremony’s anticipated high point. KWitnesses know that a dancer is receiving a vision when he collapses and his body turns cold.
although he showed up late and lookede through his notes for more than a minute before beginning to speak, the professor proved to be an interesting and intelligent speaker, proving that first impressions are sometimes not correct.
In other words, if possession-orientated comploments are experienced as more face-threatening than others −which seems feasible since they focus on things which are in theory transferable from complimenter to recipient −then men certainly use more potentially face-threatening compliments than women.
I consider myself a good citizen and I think it is important to know what is going on across the nation. The problems of the people in another area today may be the same ones we will be facing here in New York next year 私はよい市民とは何か考えた。また、この国で起きているのか知るのは 大切だと考えた
It is a pleasure to read stories about what people in other countries are reading or about a typical day in the life of an average without man or woman. I read the political and economic news, too, though I can not say I enjow it as much 他の国の典型的な労働者の話を読むのは幸せだ。私は政治的な記事や経済情報も読んだ。 しかし、私は楽しんだとはいえない。
There are other parts to the newspaper, but my wife usually walks off with them. I am satisfied with my three types of news anyway, and I spend about two days on each. 他の部分が新聞にはある。しかし、私の仕事はそれらとともに終わる。私は3種類のニュースに満足し、 それぞれに2日間費やす。
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack Obama on Friday lifted restrictions on U.S. government funding for groups that provide abortion services or counseling abroad, reversing a policy of his Republican predecessor George W. Bush, a spokesman said.
The Democratic president's decision was a victory for advocates of abortion rights on an issue that in recent years has become a tit-for-tat policy change each time the White House shifts from one party to the other.
Lying naked in the sun, making eyes at everyone, you’re the one. And the flowers and the trees all laugh as you walk by, and the neighbors kids run and hide. If they only knew, you are really one of them, but you’re not. Could it be … the moon was full of gold, your heart was filled with blood and the sun was in your hands and the sun that burned you there, now warms your empty heart, people come and go.
Oh hey, what a glorious day it's been, Oh lord, look at the mess I'm in. My car broke down, So I waited for a shuttle bus, It never came, instead, I got the rain... I broke a heel, I chipped a nail, I lost the dog, How could I feel? On days like these, on days like these... The last thing I need is you,And your black-and-white-views, Pushing me over,Making a bad day worse,What are you, a curse? Hey why can't you see, on days like this, The last thing I need, is... Gee whizz what a barrel of fun it's been Oh yeah, laugh at the mess I'm in Hey, what a triple odd place to be, The doctor says, that it's not good for me. I broke a tooth, I tore my shirt I lost the zip, of my favorite skirt, Then you told me... that I was a bore in bed. The last thing I need is you,And your black-and-white-views, Pushing me over, Making a bad day worse, What are you, a curse? Hey why can't you see, On days like this, The last thing I need, is... The last thing I need is you, And your black-and-white-views, Pushing me over,Making a bad day worse,What are you, a curse? Hey why can't you see, When I'm in a rush, or last in a cue, When I need a break, The last thing I need is...
Twenty-five hundred years ago it might have been said that man understood himself as well as any other part of his world. Today he is the thing he understands least.
I want to believe this love is true..... the love you express to me. The future can only tell if this love is true or not, right? As for now, I love you with all my heart and nothing can get in the way.