>>412 I believe John honest. はI believe John to be honest. の略みたいなもので I believe John is honest. はI believe that John is honest. の略。 どっちも可能で、いくらかニュアンスが違うだけ。
I found him (to be) honest. I found (that) he is honest. これなんか同じタイプで、ニュアンスが違うけど、どっちも英語として可。
Because () every number, there is one twice as big…
の()内にうめる前置詞で、 「どの数にもその倍の数が存在するから…」と解釈して(問題にこの解釈はない) for か over で迷ったのですが、答えはforで、 「どの数に対しても…」 と解釈がしてあります。 2倍の数はその数より大きいですからoverでは駄目なのでしょうか? 駄目な理由が説明してなくて分かりません。
添削お願いします。 現在の傾向が続くと30年のうちに65歳以上の人が4人に1人を占める。 If the current trend last,people whose age is more than sixty-five will account for one-fourth of the population
>>397 If I can get thousandth <res> of this thread, I will tell her whom I love very much. If I could (go out) with her, I would like to go various date spot(s) with her. By the way I want to <have> sex before I graduate from high school.
>>398 Participating in volunteer activities will broaden your view.You will get to know people you have never had a chance to meet at home (or)school. They are people that are very different from you in (term if) age, experience(,) and attitudes. You may even discover something about yourself.You may find pleasure in working for others. You may find that you are a better person than you thought you were.
>>425 >2倍の数はその数より大きいですからoverでは駄目なのでしょうか? その意味は既にtwice as big…で表現されているし、文の構造的に そこにはoverをその意味で入れることはできないから、よく考えてみ。
>>426 1.彼は料理をしているときが一番幸せだ。 2.勉強すればするほど頭が良くなるとは限らない。 1. he feels happiest when he cooks. his happiest time is cooking. cooking gives him the happiest time. 2. more study doesn't nessecarily makes you smarter.
These days machine has been more and more (complex), hasn't it? I can't (catch up with) it at all.
>>429 現在の傾向が続くと30年のうちに65歳以上の人が4人に1人を占める。 If the current trend (goes on),people whose age is more than sixty-five will account for one-fourth of the population (in 30 years.)
添削お願いします。あと出来れば1問ごとに20点満点で採点してください。 (1)そこは散歩やサイクリングをするのにうってつけの町である。 The town has a good location for taking a walk or riding a bike. (2)大気汚染はほとんどないし、通りにごみも散らかっていない。 There has clean air , and has no dust on the street. (3)女の人が一人立ち止まり、あきれたような表情を浮かべて、私をじっと見つめた。 A woman stops and stares me with amazing expression.
>>434 (1)そこは散歩やサイクリングをするのにうってつけの町である。 The town (is in ) a good location for taking a walk or riding a bike. (-2=18) (2)大気汚染はほとんどないし、通りにごみも散らかっていない。 There (is fairly) clean air , and (almost) no dust on the street. (-4,-2=14) (3)女の人が一人立ち止まり、あきれたような表情を浮かべて、私をじっと見つめた。 A woman (stoped) and (stared at) me (unpleasantly).(-4,-4,-2=10)
Not so when history is considered as an account of the forces and forms of social life. の解釈が しかし、歴史が社会生活の活力や形態の説明であるとすると、話は別である。 となっているのですが、構文がとれません…(なぜNotが前に出てるの…?)教えてくださいm(_ _)m
It takes part in any consultation of correction & English free of charge. The composition power was said by the native native's high school student level. I think that there is room where it carps at a fault like and your Japanese a lot. A peculiar phrase to English for the entrance exam that quibbles on insignificant detail etc. might have been forgotten though it can speak English with it because it goes away from English for the entrance exam for a while. I think that the reference book is roughly understood.
Then, we will wait for writing can acknowledgment.
I'm sorry ..low-level... High school..enter a school..soon..resign..entrance exam for high school..level..English..solve..wish..center..English..provide..what.. how..hand..put..at all..understand. I hope having / Hearvest the lecture. English word/English standard DUO3.0/problem 1100 of DATA BACE3000/spinning it/English grammar final problem collection/basic English long sentence problem energy the book that is bought and arranged