まず、僕ならこう書きます。 a)年金問題は今後の高齢化社会の進行の中で最も議論を呼ぶ問題になるであろう。 As the society has more and more aging population, pension issues will become the most controversial problem.
元の日本語が堅いから with the progress of という句を使ったと思いますが、節で書けるならなるべくそうした方が 間違いを冒しづらいので良いと思います。あと、mostという最上級を 使っているので、than anything elseはいりません。
>>1 添削お願いします a)年金問題は今後の高齢化社会の進行の中で最も議論を呼ぶ問題になるであろう。 The problem of a pension will become the most serious problems we will hereafter discuss in progress of aging society. b)日本とアジアの国々との関係は歴史問題をめぐる事がしょっちゅうである The relation between Japan and Asian countries is always concerned with the problems of their history. 駄作ですがお願いします
Before you leave the bank,see that all the lower parts of the checks are signed. Then,when you exchange the checks into money,this time,saign the higher parts of them.
Before you leave the bank,please sign on the bottom part of the checks. When you exchange the checks into money,also please make sure to sign on the upper of them again.
Please be sure to sign the underneaths of all checks before you leave a bank.Then, when you exchange checks for cash, please sign the tops of the chacks again. 次の問題もお願いしますね
>>72 Please be sure to sign at the bottom of all checks before you leave a bank. Then, when you exchange checks for cash, please sign at the top of the chacks again.
The word "a priori" seems to be concretely used as follows; that I know this a priori means that I know this ,but have not known this through my experience.
A priori (actuakly) means <such> that (")<I> know (this) thing not from <my> (practicalなくていい) experience but innately(") and when you <use this word,youいらない> say<,いらない>“I know it a priori <.最後ピリオド必須>”
>>85 <">I know this a priori<"> and I know this <but I have knownいらない> not <from> <my> experience means same thing. This is what actually the word " a priori " indicates.
>>86 <The example of how> the word "a priori" is used seems to be as follows; that I know this a priori means that I know this <not> through my experience.
Rene Descartes regarded mind as active and bodies as passive and recognized that there were interactions between them. Meanwhile,he distinguished mind from bodies but in theory these two ideas contradicted.
>>98 Rene Descartes regarded mind as <being> active and bodies as <being> passive and (concluded) that there were (some) interactions between them. This his distinction between mind and bodies seems contradicted in term of ligical integrity.
>>97の英訳 That Descartes admitted interaction between a mind as activity and a body as passivity is logicaly different from that he parted a mind from a body.
When in a book I find a point I think is important,I make it a rule to write by hand. If I do so,my understanding of the content becomes clearer and the author´s thought take shape in my mind. At times,I feel as if I saw the author struggling to express exactly. Therefore,I don´t feel like to use a photocopier just becouse it is convenient.
>>113 That Descartes admitted interaction between <aいらない> mind as <being active> and <aいらない> body as <being passive> is logicaly <contradicted> <by the fact> that he (,on the other hand,) considered mind <as being apart>from body.
>>114 When I read a book and find something important,I make it a rule to write it down by myself. As I copy it,my understanding of the content becomes more consistent (or deeper) and the author´s thought take<s> shape in my mind. At times,I feel as if I saw the author struggling to express his/her idea in the right form. Therefore,I don´t feel like <using> a photocopier in oder to save my cost.
1:In most cases that code will be something we may also want to call a language. これは主語と動詞がどれなのかよくわかりません
2:what is also interesting is that the knowledge is both something that every individual who sperks the language possesses and also some kind of shared knowledge,that is,knowledge possessed by all those who speak the language. これはboth A and B の構文になってますよね?? 3行目がどういう構成なのかわかりません(。。;)
3:To find him or her you will need the assistance of your bankers and your other connections in japan. これも主語と動詞がまったくわかりません↓
The school bus is lifting a lot of children. Now, children try to ride the bus in a hurry. One of the child let go his laggage. Everyone being trouble to take such a long time to ride the bus to go to their school.
>>164 1:In most cases that code will be something we may also want to call a language. だいたいの場合、そういった規範はわれわれが言語と呼ぶような何かである。
2:what is also interesting is that the knowledge is both something that every individual who sperks the language possesses and also some kind of shared knowledge,that is,knowledge possessed by all those who speak the language. また興味深いのは、言語を話す全ての人間が保有し、 またある種の知識というのはつまり、言語を話す全ての 人に共有される知識である。
3:To find him or her you will need the assistance of your bankers and your other connections in japan. 彼もしくは彼女を見つけるためには日本にいる銀行マンか他のコネクションの助けがいるだろう。
>>165 一行目と2行目で同じこと言ってるから一つにまとめた方がいい。最後の文は動詞がなく、何が言いたいのかいまいちわからない。 The nursery school children are trying to board the school bus (in a hurry). (Now,) one of the <children> (drops) his laggage (maybe lunch box). This accident seems to make it more difficult for everyone to get ready and arrive at school on time.
>>181 辞書からminimumの同じような使い方の例を持ってきてみた >costs should be kept to a minimum.
>>185 辞書引くと、「能力」という意味とは別に「ability to do」で一項目取ってて、 意味は「the fact that sb/sth is able to do sth」(sb→somebody sth→something) forを使った用法はないみたい。 俺も今知ったけど、厳密には能力じゃなくて可能であるという事実、だったんだな…
山口英文法の実況中継の下の184ページの英文なのですが、 Yoko is as charming a girl as I have ever come across. 「よう子はいままでに出会ったうちで最高に魅力的」 となっているのですが、この文だと 「よう子はであった人と同じくらい魅力的」という意味になってしまいませんか?
Korean Nukes Linked to Japanese Pinball December 4, 2006
Pachinko, a form of pinball deeply loved in Japan, is an industry run by ethnic Koreans, and experts have long believed that the revenues are a vital source of hard currency for the impoverished regime in North Korea. Now, as Kim Jong Il's nuclear weapons program gathers pace, Japan's attitude is hardening, and that includes shutting out the ferry on which money is believed to be hand-carried from Japan to North Korea.
While I am reading books, I find parts in the book I want to remember, I always copy the parts in hand. The more I copy them, the deeper I understand content in the book and I can interpret author's thought by my ideas. I seem to think that I can sometimes understand authories having trouble to seek proper expression to their own sentence,so I don't feel like using a photocopier without taking time.
While I am reading books, I (sometimes) find parts in <a> book I want to remember, <and at that moment> I always (try to) copy the parts <by> hand. The more I copy them, the deeper I understand <the >content <of> the book and <more actively> I can interpret author's <ideas>. <I sometimes feel as if> I <saw> authories having trouble to seek (more) proper expression<s> <their own sentenceいらない>,so I don't feel like using a photocopier without taking time.
rateだと、この場合何の比率を表わすのかいまいちはっきりしません。 子どものゲーム人口が減少し、老人のゲーム人口が増加してるとも憶測できます。 なので人口という単語を加えた方がいいでしょう。 The population of children is decreasing, on the other hand, that of the elderly is increasing.
>>222 初めまして。素晴らしいスレですね。 早速ですが、質問させてもらいます。 222では『子供の人口は減少し、老人の人口は増加している。』 という意味になると思うのですが、 原文(>>221)に忠実に「人口の割合」と書きたい場合は「the rate of population of children」と なるのでしょうか? これだとofが二つ続いて気味が悪いのですが・・・。 それとも単に「population」で「人口の割合」という意味を表せるのでしょうか。 細かい事ですが、よろしくお願いします
English is a language rather than one of subjects of entrance exams,so you cannot forget the original function of language that you make yourself understood.What is important is not knowledge but meanings.
>>235 English is a language rather than (a) subject of entrance exams,so you cannot forget the original <role> of it by which you express your ideas. What is important is (to remember English is )not (just a) knowledge but meanings (we convey through the language).
English is a examination's subject, but is by nature a language. You mustn't forget the genuine roles of a language that we communicate with others. Not knowledge but meaning of a lunguage is important.
>>258 English is <an> examination's subject, but is (rather) a language (by nature). You mustn't forget the genuine (essencial) roles (as) a language (by way of which) we communicate with others. Not (a) knowledge but meaning of a lunguage is important.
What is important about a language is not to learn it as a knowledge but to convey a meaning through the exchange of it. or What is important about a language is not to consider it as a knowledge but a meaning which the language comes to have through our exchange of it.
Supposing a philosophical zombi exists, what does he look like? First of all, you cannot distinguish him from an ordinary human by the definition. No one can tell him from us, no matter how long we spend with him.
>>265 Supposing philosophical zombi (would) exist, what does (it) look like? (As a conclusion), you cannot distinguish (it) from an ordinary human (being) by (its) definition. No one can tell (it) from us, no matter how long we spend (time) with (it).
女性専用車両についての英作文です。 I am for having“women-only”cars on late-night trains because wonen is in a disadvantageous position therefore it is difficult for women to request other people in train to help themselves. Certainly to introduce“women-only”cars will lead to more crowded of train. However,we should protect women against their fears in train.お願いします
The life of hero is emotional and interesting. It teaches us a great way of human life and a way of thinking things which our parents and teachers cannot teach or demonstrate. If we still had some impressions or lessons which we had learned from the life of hero in our childhood, adult world should have some change.
>>280 I (agree) for having“women-only”cars on late-night trains because wonen is in a disadvantageous position. Therefore, it is difficult for women to request other people in train to (offer a) help. (To) introduce“women-only”cars will (certainly) (result in) more crowded train(s). However, we should protect women against their fears in train.
>>283 The life of hero(es) is <impressing> and interesting. It teaches us a great way of human life and a (good) way of thinking things which our parents and teachers cannot teach or (define). If we still have some impressions or lessons (in our childhood) which we had learned from the hero (stories), (our) world (would) (turn out slightly different).
If a zombie about philosophy existed, what he would look? To conclude first, we can't tell him from ordinary people when we judge him from the difinition. However long times we live with him, nobody can tell him from usual people.
・・・ここまで現代と30年前の子供たちの体力の比較の話をしていまして 今から過去の子供たちの遊びについて話すところです In the past,children's basic physical fitness was taken care of by common outdoor play and children of varied ages played together, ( 50 )
these days,it is rather unusual to see groups of children playing outside.It seems that most children prefer to stay at home watching TV or playing games,which can't possibly be good for their physical health.
( 50 ) (a) that often made them fight each other (b) which allowed younger ones to learn from the older ones (c) which made their communication skills better (d) that was the most exciting moment for them
>>300 If <philosophical zombie> existed, what would <he> look <like>? <In conclusion>, we can't tell him from ordinary people (at all)<by> the difinition. However long <time> <live> we with him, nobody can tell him from usual people.
have difficulty in 〜ing と make effort to の ニュアンスを教えて欲しいです。
英語の英訳で【時には、的確な表現を求めて苦労する著者の姿まで見えてくる・・・】 というところを have difficuluty in を使って訳したら×でした。 訳文 sometimes i imagine that the author has difficuluty in search for a proper expression
訳文です。 長くてすいません if you want your children grown up to be real international persons, first of all you should let your children experience hapiness and sadness during their playing with friends of them rather than have them study foreign language from an elementaly school . to get along with people who lives in another country the most important things are to get interested in their ideas and way of lives and to understand their minds and to talk to them frankly.
>>324 if you (would like to grow) your children to be real international persons, first of all(,) you should let your children experience hapiness and sadness (through) their playing with (other) friends rather than have them study foreign language from an elementaly school. (In association) with (foreign people,) the most important things are to get interested in their ideas and (the) way of lives (, try to) understand their minds(,) and talk to them frankly.
塾の宿題でわからない文あるんでお願いします。多くてすいません。 The teacher likes the students to be quite and listen to him carefully と He hates his wife to dress poorly と He was out of work, to make matters worse, his wife became ill この3つの文を教えてください。
問題:Last year the Japanese Diet voted to introduce a new trial system involving lay judges. Write aparagraph defending ONE of these three positions, giving at least one appropriate reason to support your opinion. 裁判員制度に関して、指定された三つの立場のうちから一つを選び、その根拠を少なくとも一つ示して書け。 @完全に賛成 A完全に反対 B総論では賛成だが、各論では反対
回答: I completely against the new trial system . It is because it is too early for us to start. Ofcourse it is very meaningful that the notion of citizens are adopted. However all of the citizens don't habe enough sense to judge someone. Thus I against it and I think it should be delayd to start.
>>344 I completely <disagree with> the new trial system .(against-2) It is because it is too early for us to start(文全体がおかしい-2). e.g.(The reason is because, I believe, we are not obviously prepared for adopting and getting along well with the new system at this moment.) Ofcourse it is very meaningful that the notion of citizens are to be respected. (adoptedの使い方がおかしい-1) However, all of the citizens don't habe enough sense to judge someone. (-1) e.g.(However, it seems clear that not all the citizens have enough knowledge and experience to judge some other person.) Thus I against it and I think it should be delayd to start. (against-2) e.g.(From the resons above, my standpoint is not to support for the idea and we should take more time to discuss this issue before the actual enforvement.)
I completely <disagree with> the new trial system. The reason is because, I believe, we are not obviously prepared for adopting and getting along well with the new system at this moment. Ofcourse it is very meaningful that the notion of citizens are to be respected. However, it seems clear that not all the citizens have enough knowledge and experience to judge some other people. From the resons above, my standpoint is not to support for the idea and we should take more time to discuss this issue before the actual enforvement.
Indeed religion seems a drug. However, if the person can reject and scorn the drug, that indicates the person is only a stable junkie of another drug already.
>>364 Indeed religion (is) an opium (drug). However, if (someone) (could) reject and scorn the drug, <which> (only) indicates (that) the person is (already) a (regular) junkie of another drug.
問、アナタがもっとも影響を受けた人物について書け Mr.A,a math teacher in my high school age,would be a parson,who influenced me most.I did'nt like math until I met him,but his good teaching and kindness changed my feeling,and now I like math very match.
>>369 Mr. A, a math teacher in my high school, would be (the most influencial parson for me). I did'nt like math until I met him, but his good teaching (skill) and (very) kind (attitude) changed my feeling, and now I like math very <much>.
>>371 「現状では」っていうのが具体性に欠けてて、訳しにくいけど、 In the present situation, English is essential for college entrance examinations. とか。 でもこれだと、大学入試において英語は不可欠、ではなく、 大学入試にとって英語は不可欠、という意味になってしまう。 もし大学受験をする者にとって英語は不可欠だ、と言いたいなら、 English skills are indispensable to pass college entrance examinations.とかになるね。
>>369 Mr. A, my math teacher in my high school days, would be the person who influenced me the most (in my life). I had not liked math (at all) until I met him, but his (excellent) teaching skills and kindness changed my feelings, and now I like math very match. カッコ内は有っても無くても可
>>364 Religion, indeed, is opium. However, if one can reject and scorn this opium, that only indicates that he/she has alredy been an addict to another kind of opium.
If I can get thousandth leth of this thread, I will tell her whom I love very much this thought. If I could asociation with her, I would like to go various date spot with her. By the way I want to sex before I graduate from high schoolwwww 憧れのあの子にこの思いを打ち明けようと思う。万が一それで付き合えることになったらいろんな有名デートスポットに行きたい。高校卒業前にはHしたいな。
ボランティア活動に参加する意義について Participating in volunteer activities will broaden your view.You will get to know people you have never had a chance to meet at home and at school. They are people that are very different from you in age, experience and attitudes. You may even discover something about yourself.You may find pleasure in working for others. You may find that you are a better person than you thought you were.
>>397 get→write this thought→a declaration of love I could association with her→she were my girl friend various date spot→various famous date spots sex→have sex before→by the time
>>412 I believe John honest. はI believe John to be honest. の略みたいなもので I believe John is honest. はI believe that John is honest. の略。 どっちも可能で、いくらかニュアンスが違うだけ。
I found him (to be) honest. I found (that) he is honest. これなんか同じタイプで、ニュアンスが違うけど、どっちも英語として可。
Because () every number, there is one twice as big…
の()内にうめる前置詞で、 「どの数にもその倍の数が存在するから…」と解釈して(問題にこの解釈はない) for か over で迷ったのですが、答えはforで、 「どの数に対しても…」 と解釈がしてあります。 2倍の数はその数より大きいですからoverでは駄目なのでしょうか? 駄目な理由が説明してなくて分かりません。
添削お願いします。 現在の傾向が続くと30年のうちに65歳以上の人が4人に1人を占める。 If the current trend last,people whose age is more than sixty-five will account for one-fourth of the population
>>397 If I can get thousandth <res> of this thread, I will tell her whom I love very much. If I could (go out) with her, I would like to go various date spot(s) with her. By the way I want to <have> sex before I graduate from high school.
>>398 Participating in volunteer activities will broaden your view.You will get to know people you have never had a chance to meet at home (or)school. They are people that are very different from you in (term if) age, experience(,) and attitudes. You may even discover something about yourself.You may find pleasure in working for others. You may find that you are a better person than you thought you were.
>>425 >2倍の数はその数より大きいですからoverでは駄目なのでしょうか? その意味は既にtwice as big…で表現されているし、文の構造的に そこにはoverをその意味で入れることはできないから、よく考えてみ。
>>426 1.彼は料理をしているときが一番幸せだ。 2.勉強すればするほど頭が良くなるとは限らない。 1. he feels happiest when he cooks. his happiest time is cooking. cooking gives him the happiest time. 2. more study doesn't nessecarily makes you smarter.
These days machine has been more and more (complex), hasn't it? I can't (catch up with) it at all.
>>429 現在の傾向が続くと30年のうちに65歳以上の人が4人に1人を占める。 If the current trend (goes on),people whose age is more than sixty-five will account for one-fourth of the population (in 30 years.)
添削お願いします。あと出来れば1問ごとに20点満点で採点してください。 (1)そこは散歩やサイクリングをするのにうってつけの町である。 The town has a good location for taking a walk or riding a bike. (2)大気汚染はほとんどないし、通りにごみも散らかっていない。 There has clean air , and has no dust on the street. (3)女の人が一人立ち止まり、あきれたような表情を浮かべて、私をじっと見つめた。 A woman stops and stares me with amazing expression.
>>434 (1)そこは散歩やサイクリングをするのにうってつけの町である。 The town (is in ) a good location for taking a walk or riding a bike. (-2=18) (2)大気汚染はほとんどないし、通りにごみも散らかっていない。 There (is fairly) clean air , and (almost) no dust on the street. (-4,-2=14) (3)女の人が一人立ち止まり、あきれたような表情を浮かべて、私をじっと見つめた。 A woman (stoped) and (stared at) me (unpleasantly).(-4,-4,-2=10)
Not so when history is considered as an account of the forces and forms of social life. の解釈が しかし、歴史が社会生活の活力や形態の説明であるとすると、話は別である。 となっているのですが、構文がとれません…(なぜNotが前に出てるの…?)教えてくださいm(_ _)m
It takes part in any consultation of correction & English free of charge. The composition power was said by the native native's high school student level. I think that there is room where it carps at a fault like and your Japanese a lot. A peculiar phrase to English for the entrance exam that quibbles on insignificant detail etc. might have been forgotten though it can speak English with it because it goes away from English for the entrance exam for a while. I think that the reference book is roughly understood.
Then, we will wait for writing can acknowledgment.
I'm sorry ..low-level... High school..enter a school..soon..resign..entrance exam for high school..level..English..solve..wish..center..English..provide..what.. how..hand..put..at all..understand. I hope having / Hearvest the lecture. English word/English standard DUO3.0/problem 1100 of DATA BACE3000/spinning it/English grammar final problem collection/basic English long sentence problem energy the book that is bought and arranged