>>5 ○I failed in the entrance exam. >>6 (1)To lend James money is to throw it away to drain. (2)Though it is said that adolescents are leave from letters recently,we can't say that generally.
>>7 Commuting by train every day,I have an illusion as my life is going along plan. But I feel keenly that thinking so is a evidence that I wanna run away from such a thing.
For this purpose there have to be rules that lay down who owns each things. --- who has the best right to it. It is true that not all states want their citizens to be independent;but those that do not nevertheless protect property owned by the state and other public bodies.
>>7 In a daily commuter train, I badly feel as though my life went in keeping with my expectation. But, at the same time, I also come to a conclusion that such an idea proves I myself hope to escape from such a monotonous daily life.
>>27 1 Medicine is a continual attempt to save humans from deseases, invisible enemies. 2 Would you tell me the way to master English as soon as possible? 3 "What's wrong? you look pale." "I feel rather chilly. I'm catching a cold?" 4 Japanese people are generally industrious. 5 I as well as you am not good at memorizing numbers.
補足としては、みなさんが出してくださったアイデアの他にも、 「英語をマスターする」・・・learn English 「勤勉」・・・hard-working っていう表現もあります。でもみなさんの表現でバッチリ合格点です。 5.については、いわゆる『クジラの構文』すなわちno more than〜を応用する手もあります。 I am no better at memorizing figures than you.なんて風に。でも皆さんの考え方でバッチリです。
1 Jane payd for the hotel bill before we left. 2 Tell me something about you,please. 3 I have to tell her "good night" before I left work. (帰る前=仕事場から帰る前、という意味で とらえてみました) 4 Your dress is beautiful. I think blue dress will suit you.
5番難しい・・。 Can you ensure that the dog will not flee?
1 He is so naughty boy that he is always scolded for what he do. (いたずらが思いつかないw) 2 He is known for everyone in the village. 3 He has been to Europe once. 4 〜するといけないからっていう表現がおもいうかばなかった(´・ω・`) 5 The Latin people have made in part the culture of the period of Renaissance. They have been regarded as the people who are enthusiastic and imaginative and artistic.
1.上手くかわしていますね。いたずらはmischiefですが、whatを使って逃げ切るアイデアはさすがですね。 2.おしいです!「人に知られている」場合にはknown to〜を使うのです。 known forは『〜で有名である』という意味で使います。これは知っておいてオイシイです。 3.「あるそうです」をどう捉えるかがポイントですね。has been toという表現も正しいです。 本人のさじ加減でis said to〜を組み込むのもアリですね。もちろんあなたの解答で正解ですよ。 4.「〜するといけないから」は確かにレベルが高い表現ですね。この機会に覚えちゃうと、差を付けられます。是非憶えてみてね。 in case +S+ V(現在形)を使うのがベストです。 模範解答としては、こんな感じかな。 Let`s get going now in case the bus leaves early.
1 Because of the noise,we can't sleep allnight. 2 He was ashamed that he couldn't make the point of argument clear. 3 Taking photo is prohibited,so bringing the camera is no use. 4 It is better to go all over than leave the failure. 5 I think most of the Japanese will evaluate the personal computer. as means of education in ten years.
>>54 いいところに気付きましたね。実は、most Japanese でも most of the Japaneseでも正解なのです。 most of の後にはthe +複数形が来ます。52の方はJapaneseを使われています。実は、Japaneseは単数形・複数形どちらともとれる 名詞なので、正解なわけです。もちろん、most + 複数形もOKなのであなたの指摘してくださったmost Japaneseでも大正解 なわけです。実りあるご意見、ありがとうございました。
Recently,we feel very cold,aren't we? Yes,in the evening,I feel pain because winds hit me. When a hot day in the summer,I wished the winter had come early. Our body seem to be convenient but is inconvenient.
(1) It is getting colder these days,isn't it? Yes,I think it is. In evening, I feel ache as if wind was piercing my body. In that hot summer,I would certainly have hoped for winter. Our bodies are less convenient than we think of them,aren't they?
(2) I couldn't help watching away from the sight that my father had been getting immoral since his illness had made him unable to work, because I had grown up with watching him back and wished to be a man like him since I was a child.
2, Considering my childhood I spent in pursuit of his back and with a strong consciousness that I wanted to be a man like him, I couldn't endure his reduction in human dignity caused by the disease which hindered him from working.
>>57 果敢な挑戦、ありがとうございます。「英語はとても苦手」とおっしゃっていますが、 それにしては文法的なミスも見当たりません。自信を持ってください。 Yes,in the evening,I feel pain because winds hit me.なんかはおもしろい書き方だなぁ、と思いました。 この文自体の構造は京大なんかも好んで出すところですが、よく書けていますね。
>>58 1.最後の文のOur bodies are less convenient than we think of them,aren't they? は工夫しましたね。万歳です。難語も織り交ぜながら、的確に書けていますよ。 57の方、そしてあなたはそれぞれ型は違えど、きちんとした英文を書かれますね。感動です。
>>64 1. This picture reminds me of the delightful days I spent in a countryside. どうでしょう・・・ 2. A plane whose one engine was burning approached the airport. The sight of the landing frightend me alot. 「片方の」がわかりません 3. The student was confident of his success in the exam. He returnd home with great satisfaction. なんとなく不自然な感じがあります 4. "What do you think of this park?" "Very nice! I've never imagined that such calm place was in this noisy city." there is・・・の構文にsuchは可能でしょうか? 5. "Do you want to rent an apartment?" "No. Though I intended to do so, but the plan didn't go well." かなり自信ないです。
I guess that in my childhood I had come across the woman who talked to me when I wandered around a still riverside in a summer day, which I now see as a vague memory in the past. Needless to say, I can't recall what I and she did and where it happened. These days I find myself thinking of, confused about, and spending time with this. I know the invalid rumor that she worked as an army surgeon or for the United Nations. Although there is a slight possibility of seeing her again, I can't suppose, as I'm afraid, that I can talk to her to know the truth.
1.(just) around[round] the comer 2.be crowded with〜 3.take a day off 4.at work 5.dress oneself 6.for instance 7.put on〜 8.instead of〜 9.be popular with[among]〜 10.be dressed in〜 11.on time 12.〜()+that・・・ 13.the same 〜as・・・ 14.as [so] long as・・・
>>85 3.以前に見た映画を、間をおいてもう一度見ると、印象が全く違うのに驚くことがある。【青山学院大,文】 We often suprised at the movie which already watch. The movie's impression is quite different from we watch it again the other day.
惜しい点を指摘させていただくと、 ・surprised の前に be を入れる。surprizeは「驚かせる」という意味の他動詞。「驚かされた」という意味なら be surprizedにする。 ・watch→watchedにする。「見られるのは映画」なのであるから、受動態にしなければならない。 ・二文目fromをwhenなどに変える。fromの後には名詞しか続かないので、文は続けることはできない。 くらいでしょう。骨格的には綺麗にまとまってますね。
ではもう1問挑戦させて頂きます。 1.旅の楽しみ方は人それぞれであろう。名所旧跡めぐりもよいが、私ならまず食べ物である。【広島修道大,人文学科】 The joy way of journey is defferent for each person. I want to eat food rather than to see famous place and asset.
Takashi bought the game named "DS training intended for exercising in mind for adults" produced by Ryuta Kawashima who is a professor of the Future technologi center in the Tohoku university. However, he sold the game for 3000 yen at bookoff in Sibuya because he realized he was not an adult and he hadn't have to play the game.
>>102 1. 上手く書けていますよ。文法ミスが見当たらないので、下手な減点は出来ないだろうなあ、こりゃ一本取られたな、と苦笑いしてしまいました。 よくwanderingを思いつきましたね。難語ですよ、これ。ただ惜しいことに、wanderingは「遭難する、放浪する」という意味なので、もはや旅行というより・・・ seeingくらいで大丈夫ですよ。 2. "Never die, Never get old"の部分は、工夫が見られます。努力点は期待できます。本番でも点はもらえるでしょう。 ここは、名詞を使うと楽ですよ。ややレベルは高いのですが、不老不死は「immortality and eternal youth」といいます。 この機会に是非憶えましょう!if it is come trueの部分でis comeを取ってcomesに変えてやれば、 文句ナシに正解です。 3.完璧です。ケチのつけようもない。大正解! 4.よく書けていますが、ordinarilyはGenerally に変えた方がいいかもしれませんね。 ordinarilyだと「もともと女性ってマナーわるいよね」と言う事になってしまいます。この文の 意味する所は、「一般には、評判が良くないらしい」ということなのです。でも難しいですよね。 あと、「評判」はnameではなくreputationを使います。これも是非憶えておきましょう。 5.よくdare to doを思いつきましたねぇ、正解です!!
>>103 1文で書くとすれば、Everyone finds different pleasures in travel. Sightseeing is fun, but for me,food is the priority. みたいな感じになりますね。
1.The joy way ofのjoy を形容詞的表現に変えましょう。 joyfulみたいなものに。 あとはよく書けていますね。素晴らしい! あ、rather thanでもいいのですが、採点者側が頑固なおじいちゃんとかだったら、 rather than の後の部分は、「したくないこと」であるかのように捉えてしまう可能性があるので、 普通の比較表現を使ったほうがより無難かもしれませんね。
when you lost yourself, mustn't stop going on your own way. When you live in a life, may encounter dispreduct things. But these things'll be sure to be better.
>>105 1.It will depend on individuals how they enjoy journeysはなかなか斬新でいいですね〜。もちろん大正解です!!! 2.ほう、この文がドラゴンイングリッシュに載ってましたか〜。確かにこの文は、学習効果の高い英文ですよね。 一文目はバッチリですね。ところで 二文目は仮定法ですかね?だとしたら個人的にはBut if the wish would come trueのwouldを取ったほうがいいかなあ、と思うのですが・・・ wouldがあっても正解かもしれませんが・・・全体として、よく出来ていますよ。
Does west high east low remark come to crack and did ten-odd years pass? However, it doesn't apply this year if only baseball is said. It starts from the victory of the Hokkaido Tomakomai high school by high school baseball, and Nippon Meats of just moving the base the other day to Hokkaido inadvertently is a Japan Series victory and Hokkaido power that variously includes power.
>>123 (1) Never forget that we ourselves are fundamentally harmless presences that are as weak as children.
(2) In a sense, we can say that he is an artist who refuses to get mature as an adult. Since he had even little friends including no females, he didn't know the physical difference between boys and girls.
>>123 超むずいんだけど。早大法4年です・・・ (1) We must not forget that we are not powerful like children and are inocent being under the grand. (2) Another part, it is said he is the artist who denys to grow an adult. He didn't have not only girl friends but also friends of the same sex as himself. So, he didn't have enough knowlege about the physical difference between boys and girls.
(1)その根底に、自分たちは子供のように弱く、無害な存在であるということを、忘れてはならない。 We must not forget we are harmless and feeble as children on the ultimate basis.
(2)ある意味で大人として成熟することを拒否した芸術家であるといってよい。彼は女友だちどころか友人さえもほとんどもたず、そのため男の子と女の子が身体的にどう異なっているかについて、充分な知識をもたなかった In a sense,it is safe to say he is an artist who denied maturing as an adult. He had few girlfriends ,even friends. So, he didn't have ample knowledges about the differences between male and female.
さて、久々に熟語を・・・ 右は日本語訳です。スラスラ出てくるようにしましょう。 on earth 一体全体 take care of〜 〜の世話をする quite a few かなり多く(の) can afford to・・・ ・・・する(経済的)余裕がある be strict with〜 〜に厳しい insist on 〜 〜を主張する behave oneself 行儀よくする at all times いつも these days 最近 appeal to〜 〜(人の心)に訴える 〜にとって魅力的に映る spend A on[for] B A(金)をBに費やす spend O (in) ・・・ing O(時)を・・・して過ごす It is for A to・・・ Aが・・・するのは〜 both A and B AもBも、AとBの両方 grow up to・・・ 成長して・・・になる help O (to)・・・ Oが・・・するのを助ける
1 Personal computers are convenient tools. In the future, even if not now, we will live in a society where they are inevitable. 2 We no longer need to spend a couple of hours in cooking. It is because food companies save us from much of such trouble. 3 If children commit suicide to escape from the bearable pressure, it must prove that there is something wrong with the education system. 4 We normally spend our lives, not aware that we depend on foreign countries for a lot of resources vital for our food, clothing, and shelter. 5 When we cannot spend much time in eating, we cannot help choosing the food which critics call "junk food".
>>152 辞書にon earthのみで載ってたが… > on earth > used after negative nouns or pronouns to emphasize what you are saying
I miss worldly people live on the worldly basis as well as people who don't count for much live toward their own fervent wish single-mindedly. Art even needs single-minded intense.
>>156 It remains in my old memory that both vulgar people and trivial people, leaving themselves as they are, lived earnestly for the purpose of fulfilling their worldly desires. It is very important, as the same is true of arts, to be earnest.
Since the quantity which man can memorize has the structure where it is an infinite process to memorize, information required for itself is chosen, and it is memorized preferentially although that is right if it memorizes correctly, it is not infinite in fact.
添削お願いします >>173 @私はずっとヨーロッパに行きたいと思ってきたが、いつもなにかが私の計画を邪魔する。 Though I have ever thought that I want to go to Europe,I cannot always go there by something.
A長期の天気予報によれば、今年は春が遅いらしい。 According to forecast to long time ,it seems that spring in this year is later than one in usual.
>>173 1.I have been wanted to travel to Europe, however, the plans of the trip have always been interrupted by some reasons. 2.According to the long-term weather forecast, spring will come later than usual this year.
Measuring genius, you mustn't choice taken mistake one or weak one of his works and lessen these worth. As for standard for measuring genius, you have to pick up his most greatest point. Because, on the intelligent aspect, he can not always avoid that weakness and complex(?) that insist on teasing human being's instinct however brilliant his heart is.
When we try to evaluate how great a genius is, we must not look down on him by considering weaker points of his work or mistakes of his opus. Then we should just take the best point of his achievements as the index of his ability. This is because in intelectual terms even a brilliant mind can't completely avoid being affected by weak points or perversion that are involved in the essence of humans, consistently clinging to him.
The one is taken up, and it is low and as for this. of the mistake and work in the work weak to the measurement of the genius It is necessary to take only the most excellent point as a standard by which the genius is measured. Because the weak point and the perversion of the one adhere stubbornly about man's nature in respect of the intellect, and a very brilliant spirit doesn't escape it completely always.
>>193 自己レス A library in which books aren't put in order, no matter how many books it might accommodate, is less worthy than a stack room in which books are well arranged, even if it can't hold so numerous books. In the same way, a large amount of knowledge you have never considered by yourself is far less valuable than a little knowledge you have contemplated in various ways. 難易度的には>>185よりはマシだな…
>>199 Hitagi Senjogahara is thought by her classmates to be in a position as a so-called sickly girl. 立ち位置は無視した方が良いのかも
>>201 A lady who I think has just joined to elderly people sits at the head of the ferry boat, silently being conveyed on the surface of the river which is colored green like a thick forest. 微妙な出来
≫208 What we think we can understand about ourselves is only a small part of our real self. In contrast,others can often tell us more about ourselves than we are aware of. I'd like to be one of those who are ready to listen at least to what others say.
This is the case people often come across in Africa. Oh, there are brown rice biscuits, though. You have no right to sell wares! This sword goes well with professionals, and is too awkward for amateur to use it.
I will reluctantly be a drifter in case I fail all the exams I take, though I don’t see it that way. Well, I hate being a drifter, for it wastes a year. I alone would study at prep school while others go to university and have a good time…. Drifters are sad. Study is sad. I don’t think I’d have the time for getting a driver’s license, doing a part-time job and going to sex trade shops if I want to go to Kobe University. I might die alone with feelings of loneliness. Well then, I should give up now and lead an ordinary life, going to ‘Sankinkoryu’ and getting girls there. I’m presented with two difficult choices of Okehazama just now.
It is indispensable , I believe , to realize that the best education is possible only when good students and good teachers directly share a special connection.
This ― the true silence ― is the totaly special situation which does'nt exist in our daily life , and this fact implies the meaning of the silence in a music or the positive meaning of the sound which becomes weaker and weaker as it comes to rest.
>>244 自己レス 順番に、 Such absolute silence is quite peculiar enviroment that never exists in daily life, but this fact implies the significance of the silence in music or the positive meaning of the sound that gets smaller and finally comes to an end.
However, it is true in any era that quite a few people voluntarily get interested, without being troubled with such uncomfortable things, in whatever can be a single new recognition.
I think we have no choice but to realize that the best education can't be achieved without the special, direct connection between a good student and a good teacher.