[4]長文総合問題 問1 (イ) 問2 (ア) 問3 (エ) 問4 (ア) 問5 彼女は,ただそれだけのために(多くの)ボーイフレンドを作る必要はばいと考えていた。 問6 her self-worth 問7 a boyfriend 問8 ただ自分が愛されているとか受け入れられているとおもいたいだけでボーイフレンドやガールフレンドを作ってもうまくいかない。 問9 that make you you 問10 (ウ)
[6]英作文 A 整序英作文 1.Robert (asked the waiter to bring him the check). 2.(The company is expected to report record profits) this year. 3.Jason Collins (answered her smile with one of his own). 4.Anyone (who made fun of the governments got thrown) into jail. 5.Please look at it and (make any adjustments you may feel necessary). B 本格英作文 (1) The Internet has made borderless shopping a reality. (2) Customers don't need to depend on local stores any more, and they can get products from anywhere in the world without easily leaving home.