Seen close-up,things have a way of showing their defects,their innate ugliness.For nothing is so beautiful but it betrays some defects on close inspection.
He was white-facd and talkative,a boy who had failed in high school and too easily got involved in a night's adventure that had ended with burning down buildings,two deaths and those two years awaiting death.
He was white-faced and talkative,a boy who had failed in high school and too easily got involved in a night's adventure that had ended with burning down buildings,two deaths and those two years awaiting death.
He was white-faced and talkative,a boy who had failed in high school and too easily got involved in a night's adventure that had ended with burning down buildings,two deaths and those two years awaiting death.
文全体では「He」が主語、「was」が動詞、「white-faced」「talkative」「a boy who〜(以下全部)」が補語。 「who」は「a boy」を先行詞とする関係詞節を導き、これがピリオドまでだらだら続く。 who節内の構造は主語が「who」、動詞が「had failed」と「got」。 「that」は「adventure」を先行詞とする節を導く関係詞主格用法。 「end with」の目的語は「burning down buildings」「two deaths」「those two years awaiting death」
We change,you and I,we change and change vitally as the years go on. New feelings arise in us: old values go down and new values arise. Things we thought we wanted most intensely we realize we don`t care about. The things we built our lives on crumble and disappear.
How in the world can he remain so calm?゛Despite the bad news, the global economy is still doing well,゛he answers.Economists are forecasting world gross domestic product growth of around 3.6 percent in 2004 after a gain of 2.5 percent in 2003. And the consensus estimate for 2005 is still a solid 3.2 percent. Numbers like those are a big reason a Merrill Lynch survey earlier this month of global money managers found their゛risk appetite remains surprisingly high...despite the terrorist bombings and the deteriorating security situation in the Middle East゛.
この3行目は Things we thought we wanted most intensely we realize we don`t care about. →We realize we don`t care about things we thought we wanted most intensely. って考えるんじゃないの?
There are various ways of being happy,and every man has the capacity to make his life what it needs to be for him to have a reasonable amount of peace in it.
Numbers like those are a big reason a Merrill Lynch survey earlier this month of global money managers found their゛risk appetite remains surprisingly high...despite the terrorist bombings and the deteriorating security situation in the Middle East゛.
意訳してるのかも知れんけど、これだと大きく構造が変わってくる。 数字が理由なの。Numbers like those are a big reason なんだから。 ちなみにreasonの後にはピリオドもないぞ!
what it needs to be これ、すごい訳しにくい。 直訳すると「人生がそうあることを必要とする、その姿」 うわー。うわー。意訳するしかない。
There are various ways of being happy,and every man has the capacity to make his life what it needs to be for him to have a reasonable amount of peace in it
There are various ways of being happy,and every man has the capacity to make his life what it needs to be for him to have a reasonable amount of peace in it 幸福のあり方は様々である。 人は皆、充分な平和に満たされた人生を過ごせるよう、 自分取って必要な形に人生を作り上げる能力を持っている。
For a thousand man who have heard of the names of Marconi and Edison there is probably not more than one who has heared of the names of Willard Gibbs, Theobald Smith,Henry A Rowland or G.W.Hill.
When IBM's Deep Blue supercomputer edged out world chess champion Garry Kasparov during their celebrated match in 1997, it did so by means of sheer brute force. The machine evaluated some 200 million potential board moves a second, whereas its flesh-and-blood opponent considered only three each second, at most.
For a thousand man who have heard of the names of Marconi and Edison there is probably not more than one who has heared of the names of Willard Gibbs,Theobald Smith,Henry A Rowland or G.W.Hill. マルコーニやエジソンの名前を聞いたことのある千人のなかに、 Willard GibbsやTheobald SmithやHenry A RowlandやG.W.Hill(めんどいのでそのまま)の名前を聞いたことのある人はおそらくせいぜい一人しかいないだろう。
She pulled off her shoes and jumped into the stream. I followed. We reached the other side, pushed past a branch of a tree. 彼女は靴を脱ぎ捨てて流れに飛び込んだ。私もそれに続いた。私たちは木の枝のそばを押し流されて対岸に辿り着いた。
She pulled off her shoes and jumped into the stream. I followed. We reached the other side, pushed past a branch of a tree―and came upon a sight that I`ll never forget.It was a field of daffodils.
Literary critics blame journalism for not being literary enough, historians for lacking historical accuracy, lawyers for not arranging facts by the rules of evidence. But journalism is not literature, not history, not law.
>>104 ああ、成る程。 確かにhistorians、lawyersをblameの目的語として読んだら意味不明ですね。 >>105 三行目の考え方を教えてください。 ちなみに、 We reached the other side, pushed past a branch of a tree. は We reached the other side pushed past a branch of a tree. と同じことです。
For a thousand man who have heard of the names of Marconi and Edison there is probably not more than one who has heared of the names of Willard Gibbs,Theobald Smith,Henry A Rowland or G.W.Hill.
MarconiやEdisonの名前を聞いたことがある千人の人はおそらく Willard Gibbs、Theobald Smith、Henry A RowlandやG.W.Hillの名前を聞いたことがある人に過ぎない。
There is probably not more than one (for a thousand man who have heard of the names of Marconi and Edison) who has heared of the names of Willard Gibbs,Theobald Smith,Henry A Rowland or G.W.Hill.
長文問題から抜粋してきました。 As NASA investigates why the space shuttle Columbia broke up during its re-entry into the atmosphere on february 1,2003,killing all astronauts on board, the space agency faces some difficult chices.
As NASA investigates why the space shuttle Columbia broke up during its re-entry into the atmosphere on february 1,2003,killing all astronauts on board, the space agency faces some difficult chices.
The believer will then need to question of what kind (of happiness) it should be. The believer will then need to question, "Of what kind (of happiness) it should be".
Rather than having bilingual airwaves that frequently confuse and anger pilots from other countries, the goal was to have everyone speak English, as happens at many European airports already, as well as around the world.
Rather than having bilingual airwaves that frequently confuse and anger pilots from other countries, the goal was to have everyone speak English, as happens at many European airports already, as well as around the world.
Children are very observant and creative students of language. While they listen to adults talking, they not only figure out the rules of a language all by themselves, but also start applying them to other unfamiliar situations and gradually broaden their scope of communication.
We may assume that the diversion and ultimate frustration of the inventive impulse was due to the values inclucated by the powerful bureaucracy, the low esteem in which utilitarian motives were held, and the real lack of incentives to economic activity.
We may assume that the diversion and ultimate frustration of the inventive impulse was due to the values inclucated by the powerful bureaucracy, the low esteem in which utilitarian motives were held, and the real lack of incentives to economic activity.
It is in the belief that there is a real necesity for this ,and that one of the most certain ways to ensure an intelligent use of language is to study it historically ,that the present book has been written
>>192 僕の考えもだいたい>>196さんと同じだけど、 we may assume that... は「〜と考えてよい」 the diversion and ultimate frustration は「脇にそれ、結局は挫折してしまうこと」 the low esteem in which utilitarian motives were heldは 「実用的な動機の軽視」(hold 〜 in low esteem で「〜を低く評価する」) だと思う。
That the present book has been written is in the belief that there is a real necesity for this, and that one of the most certain ways to ensure an intelligent use of language is to study it historically,
To a child all who have passed the age of thirty are joyless grotesques, endlessly fussing about things of no importance and staying alive without, as far as the child can see, having anything to live for.
>>233 そう。that there is a real necesity for this とthat one of the most certain ways to ensure an intelligent use of language is to study it historically, は beliefの同格。
>>235 >If you say that the writing is on the wall, you mean that there are clear signs that >a situation is going to become very difficult or unpleasant. (Collins Cobuild Advanced Learner's Dictionary)
the writingがon the wallであるとは、悪いことが起こるはっきりとした兆しがあるということだそうなので、 It is the writing on the wall that... は「〜となってしまうことは状況から明らかだ」という感じでしょう。 その文の訳は「石につまづいちゃうよ」ということだと思います。
228 :大学への名無しさん :2005/10/01(土) 17:34:15 ID:7ufxvDUU0 To a child all who have passed the age of thirty are joyless grotesques, endlessly fussing about things of no importance and staying alive without, as far as the child can see, having anything to live for.
この文さ、最後のwithoutとwithoutの目的語になるhavingの間にas far as挟んでるじゃん。 ここは精読スレだし、ただ読む分にはいいんだけど(読みにくいけど)、どうしてこんなとこに挟むの? 向こうの人の思考回路ってどうなってるの? 日本で育って日本語しか知らない俺には理解しがたいよ。 誰か英語詳しい人頼む。
“You may pass on.You may pass on.” “What do you call this narrow path here ?” “We call the way to our @ Shrine.” “Would you please let us pass on ?” “You wouldn’t be usually allowed to do so.” “To celebrate this child’s seventh birthday, I would like to dedicate our offering.” A“Your way is safe, but your safe way back.” “If you are prepared for it, You may pass on. You may passs on.”
The tree is not just any tree.It is a 500-year-old live oak, which Texans like to boast is ゛the most perfect tree in America.゛ It is 50 feet tall.The branches reach out 127 feet.
The time between the notes relates the color to the scenes. A constant vogue of triumphs dislocate man, it seems. And space between the focus shape ascend knowledge of love. As song and chance develop time, lost social temp'rance rules above.
Our expectations are often deceived. Things which we feared might do us hurt turn out to our advantage, and what we thought would save us proves our ruin.
Now there is in America a curious combination of pride in having rizen to a position where it is no longer necessary to depend on manual labor for a living and genuine delight in what one is able to accomplish with his hands.
Now there is in America a curious combination of pride in having rizen to a position where it is no longer necessary to depend on manual labor for a living and genuine delight in what one is able to accomplish with his hands
Now there is in America a curious combination of pride 倒置 in having rizen to a position where it is no longer necessary to depend on manual labor for a living
genuine delight in what one is able to accomplish with his hands
The scientific tradition rest first of all on a faith in mankind, in the ability of humans to understand, and ultimately, within certain limits, which are in the nature of things, to control, the environment in which we live in all its aspect: physical, biological, and social.
The idea I had was, how interesting it is if you view a series of events and you turn the knob 10 degrees to one side, and you come out with a totally different interpretation that in some ways explains even better than so-called real history might be the case. こんな文を何かで読んだ(ノートに書いてあった)のですが,誰か訳せる&解説できる人いませんか? お願いします。