>>6 Since the train was (jammed[packed]) full, I had to keep (on) standing all the way to Yokohama. The moment he noticed her lie(s), he stood up and got out of the room. When I was a child, my mother used to[would] read me fairy tales. で減点はされないと思う。 冠詞、前置詞に対しての意識が少し甘いかな。
北海道に住んでいる友人が10年ぶりに遊びに来てくれます。 A friend living in Hokkaido is going to visit me for the first time in ten years.
科学技術の発達のおかげで、私達は便利な生活ができるようになった。 Technological advancement has made it possible for us to lead a comfortable live. Thanks to progress in science and technology, our lives have become convenient. あと enable とか
寝過ごすといけないので、いつもより早く床についた。 I went to bed earlier than usual for fear of oversleeping.
"Gyofunori" literaly means "fisherman's profit", and it actually means that when a man and the other is conflicting over a profit each other, a third person come and get it.
Though Japanese tend to be too nervous about pronouncing beautifully in speaking English, in this world some people speak their peculiar English which is difficult to understand. They can nevertheless make theirselves understood respectably. In conclusion, what is important is whether your speech has substance or not. Especially when you want to convey truly complicated things in a exiting conversation, you need the ability to read and write English correctly rather than the so-called "English conversation" ability.
When you begin to study English conversation, you need to think about your situation and purpose of studying English. In this world there are also people who have no choice but to use English for a living. The typical example of this is businessmen send to America or England by their company. Such people have no time to think optimistically, so they must become able to use English well as quick as possible.
I got out of the restaurant and found that it was rainning. The weather report this morning said that it would have been fine for a week, but one can't still anticipate natural phenomena perfectly.
I got out of the restaurant to find it was raining, though the weather forecast said this morning that it was going to be fine for the next week. Nobody seems to be able to predict every natural phenomenon accurately.
Natural phenomena still remain beyond human prediction.
レストランを出たら雨が降っていた。 今朝の天気予報はこの一週間は晴れだといっていたが、 まだ人間は自然現象を完全に予測できないようだ。 It was raining when I went out of the restaurant. Today's morning news said that we would have rain entire this week, but a man kind still seems to be unable to predict perfectly natural phenomena. 電車は自動車よりエネルギーを節約し、より環境汚染を減らすことができるの で、今後ますます重要になっていくだろう。 Trains that can run on less energy and reduce environmental pollution will be more and more important from now on.
I agree with the death penalty. Contrary to the situation in today's Japanese society where a growing number of heinous crime, some people who killed anyone are not sentenced to death. If the death penalty would be banned , murder crime would increase more. In addition, ordinary people could not live peacefully in the society in which a murderer could be released to , after serving ten years or so in prison.
If we execute murderers and there is in fact no deterrent effect, we have killed a bunch of murderers. If we fail to execute murderers, and doing so would in fact have deterred other murders, we have allowed the killing of a bunch of innocent victims. I would much rather risk the former. This, to me, is not a tough call.
despite the fact that... some people who commmitted murder... kill anyone → indiscriminate murder? were abolished murder case such society as would allow.. serving→who serves?
まず103さんのです。 えーと死刑についてですがcapital punishmentのほうが一般的です。 これは昨日ヒントとして与えなかったので気にしないで下さい。 the death penaltyについてですがtheはいりません。 後ろに後置修飾語句をつけるならtheはいりますがここでは死刑という話題なので 冠詞はいりません。bannedのとこも死刑禁止というより廃止についての議論なので 素直にabolishedとするべきでしょう。 106の訂正でのin the society where はtheをつけるなら関係代名詞で処理し つけないなら関係副詞でいいでしょう。 最後の「In addition, ordinary people could not live peacefully in the society where a murderer could be released to after serving ten years or so in prison.」 ですが最後のまとめの文としてはこのようなSVMのような表現でまとめずに 主観をいれてまとめるべきでしょう。「現在の、、、増えるだろうし」ですでに理由は十分なので 「殺人犯、、、暮らせない。」は必要なく上でのべたようにもう一度意見をまとめたほうがいいです。 よく問題文にかいてあるように内容よりもまず英文の書き方、構成のほうに重点をおき 自分の立場、根拠(60語程度では一例で十分)、まとめとかくべきでしょう。
続いて104さんのです。 いきなりIf節の具体例から始めるのではなく自分の立場を先にかいたほうがいいです。 後we have allowedは帰結節のつもりならwould入ります。 This, to me, is not a tough callですがtoughという形容詞が主観が強すぎて 後ろで詳述しないといけないのでここでは他の語句で代用したほうがいいかと。 そしてThis、、is not 、、、」でnotがきたんだからbutがくるはずだとネイティブの人は 思うのに反してにbutがないことによっておまえはいったい何がいいたいんだと思われてしまうでしょう。 大学側はここまで要求してないでしょうがa bunch ofを二回使うのはくどいのでやめましょう。
Maybeじゃあ日本人特有の和のみださない感がでて微妙。 英語だから英語の文化にそって「I think that you 、、、」 ってかいたほうがいいよ。後、ただ漠然と現在形ならoftenとかつけたほうがいい。 さらにいうならば今までの過去とこれからの未来へむけての改善策という対比をつくるべく、ここには現在完了形をつかったほうがいい。 have troubleは現在完了のつもりでかいているのだろうかとかいう 誤解を採点者に与えてしまうのでまぎらわしいのは避けるべき。 ていうかatじゃなくてinだよ。 後、下手な日本語を与えて英訳をだすのは京大、阪大くらいだから。 あんま和文英訳はいらないんじゃない? 代ゼミのサイトで問題みるから志望校の英作文やってみれば?
おながいします。総点で30点なので、1個15点だと思います。 04、中央大学国際関係法学科 1. most philosophers have agreed that just because something is "natural" that doesn't necessarily mean it is right or good. A little reflection shows this is the case.
2. Disease and high rates of infant mortality are both as natural as night turning to day, yet no one would suppose we should therefore rejoice in them.
>>124-125 1番の文章は確かに前後関係がないと混乱してしまいますね。 1番の文章の前を載せます。 In and among the various important arguments as to the safety of genetically modified foods there frequently appears, even in the more serious press, a critical neglect of important philosophical questions and distinctions. For example, since Hume, 〜
1. most philosophers have agreed that just because something is "natural" that doesn't necessarily mean it is right or good. A little reflection shows this is the case. ほとんどの哲学者達はただ天然物だからといって、それが必ずしも良いとか 正しいとは意味しないということに同意している。ほんの少しの反映がこれが 事実であると示している。 【10〜12点】
2. Disease and high rates of infant mortality are both as natural as night turning to day, yet no one would suppose we should therefore rejoice in them. 病気や幼児の高い死亡率はどちらも夜から昼に変わるくらい自然なのに、そう だからといって誰もそれを受け入れようとは思わない。 【10点】
添削よろしくお願いします。高校一年で京大法学部志望です。 Today most students often read not philosophy books but easy books. It might be that old people's thought is not easy to recognize for them, but it is true that this challenge for these books leads to their great ability to think. Hence, young people should read philosophy books.
滑り止めの大学に合格したが、これで安心してはいけないと自分に言い聞かせた。 I passed the entrance examination of the easier university.But I said to myself that I ought not to think I'was all right.
It might be that old people's thought is not easy to recognize for them, but it is true that this challenge for these books leads to their great ability to think.
→Maybe the pregnant thought of predecessor are difficult to understand, Facing up to difficult matter in your youth helps your cutivation of thinking ability. You must train your brain while you are still young.
It might be that old people's thought is not って言うのも Old people's thought might notとかするほうがいいし recognize って言うのも(気づく)ってニュアンスやしね。 あとtheirはmany studentsのことを言ってるんだと思うけど英語圏の人 からみたら何のことかわからないからかなり減点されますよ。
Many students today like to read only something easy and simple, taking no interest in physolophy books.
It is true that great thoughts of the past philosophers cannot be appreciated in a short time, but tackling squarely with what is difficult to understand is useful to develop your ability to think properly.
A brain is something you should train while young.
>>132 昨今の学生たちがよく読むのは、お手軽な物ばかり、哲学書など見向きをしな い。先哲たちの豊かな思想は、一朝一夕に理解できるものではないにしても、 若い時代、難解なものに正面から立ち向かうことは、しっかりとした思考能力 を培うのに役立つ。頭脳は、若いうちに鍛えておくべきものである。 Today's students tend to only read a readable book and are not interested in a phylosophy book. Of courese, it is difficult to know instantly the deep consideration of ancient philosophers , but trying to tackle something diffecult to understand in youthhood helps you make your thinking rigid. You should train your brain before becoming adult.
>>166 できれば添削していただけると助かるんですが。 別案やってみました。 Students these days read only readable books and show no interest in philosophy books. Althougn the fertile thought of predecessors cannot be apprehended eaily, trying to tackle something complicated while one is young is useful for developing one's own way of thinking. Brains have to be trained in one's youth.
アドバイスありがとうございます。 質問の追加なんですが Brains have to be trained in one's youth. このin one's youth は、単に「若い時代」という意味を指すのではないんでしょうか。 Brainsにあわせるには in his or her youthとでもすればいいんでしょうか。
「先哲」については>>170の言うとおり、oredecessorはまずい。 sages of oldという定形表現もあるが、単に「昔の哲学者達」としても良いだろう。
和文の主語が「思想」であるからといって、英文でもそのままthoughtを主語にすると、 何となく不自然な文になってしまう。 第3文を見てもそうだが、どうやら無生物主語構文を多用しすぎる傾向があるようなので、 今一度和文をそのまま訳してしまうのを避けるよう努力した方がよい。 今回ならit is difficult to 〜を使いたい。
上でも述べたとおり、youやweなど一般を表す人称代名詞を主語にたてた方が、 読者への訴求力が上がる。第3文はいわばキーセンテンスだから、なるべくインパクトを出さねばならない。 例えばYou must train your brain while you're young.のようにすれば、 youが主語であることで読者に直接呼びかけができるし、mustという強すぎるくらいの表現を使っても英語ならちょうどよい。
同じ問題ですが、最後にトライしてみました。お暇な時におながいします。でわ。 A degree of the ideas of philosophers in the past is too broad and deep to understand in a day , in your youth, however, tring to face the difficult problem leads you to consider and determine things by your own way. You must train your brain while you are young.
昨今の学生たちがよく読むのは、お手軽な物ばかり、哲学書など見向きをしな い。先哲たちの豊かな思想は、一朝一夕に理解できるものではないにしても、 若い時代、難解なものに正面から立ち向かうことは、しっかりとした思考能力 を培うのに役立つ。頭脳は、若いうちに鍛えておくべきものである。 Most students tend to read easy books, but don't take look at phylosophy books. If phylosophers' deep ideas can not be easily absorbed in, it helps you have good ability to face difficalt books. You should tarin your brain in your youth.
>>184 わかるところだけ答えますね。 If phylosophers' deep ideas can not be easily absorbed in, it helps you have good ability to face difficalt books. 「もし哲学者の深い思想が容易に吸収(理解?)されなければ それは、あなたが難解な書物に立ち向かう優れた能力を持つのに役立つ」
先哲の深い思想が容易に理解できないことが 思考力を育てるのに役立つ、という意味になってしまっています。 少し変えて Though phylosophers' deep ideas can not be easily absorbed in, if you face such a difficult book you can develop sound-thinking. こんなんどうでしょうか>all
There are a growing number of foreign people who learn Japanese in many parts of the world for a variety of purposes, such as business and academic research.
On the other hand, the number of foreigners living in Japan has jumped to 1.32 million, accounting for one percent of the population.
-------------------------------------------------------------------- A rapidly growing number of foreign people learn...... The number of ...... has been increasing sharply
>>174 >「役立つ」にbe usefulを使ってしまっているのも気になる。 >ここはtrying 〜 gives us 〜としたいところ。 たとえば ... gives students a great opportunity to とか ... gives you a good chance to とかですか?
These days the number of foregin people who study Japanese has been increasing all over the world, and there has been a variety of purpose of them like business or study.
On the other hand,the number of foreign peole who live in Japan has reached 1.32 million sharply, so one of hundred people in Japan is oversea person.
In recent years, the number of people who study Japanese has rapidly increased around the world, and for more and more various purposes including business and academic studies. On the other hand, the number of foreigners living in Japan has sharply increased to 1.32 million, and one in every 100 residents is a foreigner.
In recent years, the number of people studying Japanese around the world has increased, and for a variety of reasons including business and academic studies. At the same time, the number of foreigners living in Japan has sharply increased to 1,320,000 people making one out of every 100 residents a foreigner.
Recently, the number of foreigners who learn Japanese has rapidly increased all over the world. And the learners' aims of mastering Japanese have varied such as for business or for studying and so on. At the same time, foreigners living in Japan has amazingly increased to as many as one million three hundred and twenty thousand. This means that one in every 100 residents is a foreigner.
2. Divorce should never be accepted to end a marriage.
I have difficulty in agreeing with this topic. Marriage is on the basis of each other's trust. Therefore, the loss of trust makes it difficult to keep a marriage life. For example, if a wife finds her partner's love affair, her trust will disappear and keeping a marriage life will become difficult. Someone may criticize me, saying, "Since marriage is one of the most important things in life, we must take a thoughtful choice. Such happening makes it clear that the wife took a thoughtless choice. Therefore, it is also her mistake." Certainly, it may be true, but there are no people who never make a mistake. At a time, love makes us blind. That is why I think divorce should be accepted to end a marriage. (127 words)
1. Are you an optimist or a pessimist? Explain how and why.
I think I am a pessimist. My belief is that there is no need to prepare for good things because good things work well without doing any particular measure. That is why I am always thinking about bad things. For example, when I take the entrance examination, I think about the case of getting up late, riding the wrong train, forgetting to write my name, failing to describe my examination number correctly, and so on. You may think it is meaningless to think about these rare cases. But I cannot imagine how terrified I am if an unexpected trouble occurs. In conclusion, since I am a coward, I must be a negative thinker. (113 words)
I want a robot which helps me study foreign languages. It is very hard to learn foreign languages because there are many differences between them and our mother tongue. In my case, when studying English, many questions about grammar or the sentential construction appear in my head. If there is a robot with enough knowledges to answer my question, I can use it anytime I want to. That is why I want such a robot. (75 words)
>>209 2. Divorce should never be accepted to end a marriage.
I have difficulty in agreeing with this topic. → I do not agree with the statement that divorce should never be accepted to end a marriage, for the following reasons. トピックセンテンスは、主張を明示する。
Marriage is on the basis of each other's trust. Therefore, the loss of trust makes it difficult to keep a marriage life. → First, marriage is based on mutual trust, the loss of which will make it impossible for the couple to live together. 構造を明確にするために、つなぎの言葉を入れる。 単調さを避けるために、同じ表現をなるべく繰り返さないようにし、適宜言 い換える。
For example, if a wife finds her partner's love affair, her trust will disappear and keeping a marriage life will become difficult. → For exmample, if a wife finds her husband's love affair, she will no longer trust him and it is quite reasonable for her to want to divorce him. 同じ表現の繰り返しを避ける。
結論部分: That is why I think divorce should be accepted to end a marriage. → Therefore, in some cases, divorce should be allowed to terminate a marriage. もとのテーゼの never に対する反対意見だから、some で応じる。
以下、英文について、いくつかの改善案。 Someone may criticize me, saying, "Since marriage is one of the most important things in life, we must take a thoughtful choice. → Some people may claim/argue that since marirage is one of the most important decisions in life, you have to ...
Such happening makes it clear that the wife took a thoughtless choice. Therefore, it is also her mistake." 趣旨不明。夫の浮気は妻にも責任があるということ?それともそんな男を配偶者に 選んだのは妻の責任でもあるから、夫の浮気ぐらいは我慢せよ、ということ?
Certainly, it may be true, but there are no people who never make a mistake. At a time, love makes us blind. → However, there is no one who never makes a mistake. As the saying goes, love is blind.
(アドバイス) I recommend you to speak to the principal at first. And only when you fail to get the principal's help, you should think about taking this matter into court.
(理由) The principal is highly responsible for school matters. He will therefore take this matter more seriously than a teacher. Using the help of law should be the final weapon because it requires much money and time.
And only when you fail to get the principal's help, you should think about taking this matter into court. → And only when you fail to get his help should you think about taking Danny's injuries into court. 倒置。
The principal is highly responsible for school matters. → The principal is the person most responsible for everything within school.
He will therefore take this matter more seriously than a teacher. → He should therefore take this matter more seriously than the teacher. 担任教師は既出だから定冠詞。
Using the help of law should be the final weapon because it requires much money and time. → Appealing to the law should be the last resort because ...