
Don't use a translation page.
2大学への名無しさん:03/09/26 09:24 ID:tKQEF9Jo
3大学への名無しさん:03/09/26 09:28 ID:jWLo3ZtX
4大学への名無しさん:03/09/26 09:28 ID:s00oxDNm
You had better leave it unsaid.
5大学への名無しさん:03/09/26 09:29 ID:0JPKOUfR
You are a stupid man
6大学への名無しさん:03/09/26 16:31 ID:Qn0nRGsl
7大学への名無しさん:03/09/26 16:34 ID:0V4RNDdt
8大学への名無しさん:03/09/26 16:34 ID:XAblMfhh
9大学への名無しさん:03/09/26 16:34 ID:h3+k8MxU
ugly specialist
10浪速大学(;´Д`)ハァハァ ◆ztHxqEkx8. :03/09/26 16:34 ID:YawfuSJR
(;´Д`)ハァハァ エキサイトの翻訳ソフトで必死な奴がいるなw
11大学への名無しさん:03/09/26 16:37 ID:V3HH7Jck
i hava a pen
12大学への名無しさん:03/09/26 16:39 ID:e5453kPL
Kiss my asshole.
13大学への名無しさん:03/09/26 16:41 ID:cZd8CNcZ
14大学への名無しさん:03/09/26 16:42 ID:CmkGT7P6
No. no. it isn't a pen. It's a dog!
15チェリォ【28】 ◆DQNg9lebQw :03/09/26 16:46 ID:Qyl5oA9b
[ 複 assholes ]
16大学への名無しさん:03/09/26 16:49 ID:TPCew/CA
You is a big fool man
17大学への名無しさん:03/09/26 17:00 ID:jlBh4pzI
Ich fun bart del unko.
18大学への名無しさん:03/09/26 17:02 ID:8g7uq9Uf
Oh, sorry, it must have been the other one.
19大学への名無しさん:03/09/26 17:04 ID:qgIjxF91
Oh, you is hacker KKC.
20大学への名無しさん:03/09/26 17:06 ID:RpXLU35S
My pennis is bigger than yours.
21YOKOTAapproach:03/09/26 17:08 ID:2Qo8MGHI
All nippon 27 heavy
yokota approach radar contact !
Climb and maintain flight level 240
contact Tokyo center 120.5 !

good day !!
22大学への名無しさん:03/09/26 17:08 ID:OtzJsgvN

  K   Y   K

Thank you!!!

23大学への名無しさん:03/09/26 17:11 ID:lC+0orF/
Hand in hand
24大学への名無しさん:03/09/26 17:13 ID:TPCew/CA
Mou da mepo
25大学への名無しさん:03/09/26 17:15 ID:figZCRf4
Your penisu is inferior to mine
26オレ ◆LkOyTqEl1k :03/09/26 17:44 ID:r+JgmJLN
i am a pen
27大学への名無しさん:03/09/27 05:46 ID:A9+Cv7By
I don't know how do I study English.....haha(;´Д`)
28大学への名無しさん:03/09/28 07:40 ID:qPptOHjT
29Casino Royale ◆OO7M1UmR3k :03/09/28 07:45 ID:kp2xzFne
30大学への名無しさん:03/09/28 08:00 ID:vdJVJE8w
I might as well kill myself as reconcile my fate.
31Casino Royale ◆OO7M1UmR3k :03/09/28 19:46 ID:kp2xzFne
Come now. I have a feeling that something good will happen.
32大学への名無しさん:03/09/28 19:52 ID:kv3b1WzQ
yOu is fuulish very mach?
33大学への名無しさん:03/09/28 20:00 ID:Roc3SckW
Hey,how ya doin` all? I`ve real been fed up with highschool I go to! But...you see there`s no way out here.....like skipping grades.
Is anyone here who have ever skipped grades?
34大学への名無しさん:03/09/28 20:02 ID:hgN+0hAZ
I'm Penis.I'm "The" Center of World.
35大学への名無しさん:03/09/28 20:09 ID:Roc3SckW
Yeah. It`s really difficult to get any full command of any foreign language. But if you really want to accomplish,you can do it. I can show you one of the effective ways to learn Enflish.
3635:03/09/28 20:10 ID:Roc3SckW
3735:03/09/28 20:12 ID:Roc3SckW
Of course if you like...
38大学への名無しさん:03/09/28 20:14 ID:QWfI7bZi
Oh, you have a good omannco of English
39大学への名無しさん:03/09/28 20:25 ID:Roc3SckW
Well,unfortunately,I don`t have a pussy of any kind. Do ya?lol
40サッズ ◆DQN/v2JCC. :03/09/28 20:33 ID:RMaWJTNZ
suzuki ugly
41大学への名無しさん:03/09/28 20:35 ID:QWfI7bZi
Oh,you say you are not a much of mannco,however,where are you from ,then?
You are from a mannco, aren't you?
42大学への名無しさん:03/09/28 20:38 ID:Q7jQNTlN
I'm good at tasting omannco.
43大学への名無しさん:03/09/28 20:39 ID:ipbIIx4l
Kanchi! Let's make love!
44大学への名無しさん:03/09/28 20:46 ID:QWfI7bZi
About four out of every ten japanese students have had a manncoever.
45大学への名無しさん:03/09/28 20:49 ID:QWfI7bZi
comann t'alle vous ?
46大学への名無しさん:03/09/28 21:00 ID:Roc3SckW
No. I`m not. I`m from the hell of the Heaven...it`s really a comfy place..wanna go?lol And if you already know,I`m not a girl or anything.
And not a queer,either,lol. So....what`s 'you say you are not a much of mannco,however' mean,anyway? I just don`t get it.
47大学への名無しさん:03/09/28 21:03 ID:Roc3SckW
Oh,are you? Same here,lol. So what kinda woman do you like?
48大学への名無しさん:03/09/28 21:03 ID:LKQtLF29
49大学への名無しさん:03/09/28 21:04 ID:EFU91nPc
50大学への名無しさん:03/09/28 21:15 ID:3j9+ngBL
51大学への名無しさん:03/09/28 21:23 ID:QWfI7bZi
Sorry, I must correct.

you are not a much of mannco

you are not much a of mannco

This means 'you are not a good pussy'
52大学への名無しさん:03/09/28 21:40 ID:Roc3SckW
you wanted to say'you are not much of a pussy' right?
And 'you are not a good pussy' should be 'you haven`t got a good pussy'
53大学への名無しさん:03/09/28 21:41 ID:ipbIIx4l
"a of"
54大学への名無しさん:03/09/28 21:43 ID:LyBDUFkD
you are boss!!
55大学への名無しさん:03/09/28 21:50 ID:nNWriTor
Nihongo Saikou!!
56大学への名無しさん:03/09/28 21:52 ID:3ZSm3F6B

57大学への名無しさん:03/09/28 22:32 ID:LZIa75Ka
You are a cocksucker.
58大学への名無しさん:03/09/28 22:33 ID:WMbyDTfp
I is god!
59大学への名無しさん:03/09/28 22:44 ID:LZIa75Ka
No, you are the boy whose anus is stink.
60大学への名無しさん:03/09/28 22:50 ID:LZIa75Ka
My name is Mr.Popo.
61大学への名無しさん:03/09/28 23:55 ID:yfpmfiqh
When you stop to think of it, you'll find the wonderfulness of life.
Giving up your life is throwing away all your posibilities.
Why don't you struggle to change your destiny by your discretion?
62大学への名無しさん:03/09/29 16:16 ID:xe96cKJa
i go in for studying,so, im going to go juku this evening.
63大学への名無しさん:03/09/29 16:17 ID:6M1/skkm
I hava a pen
64大学への名無しさん:03/09/29 16:21 ID:35GAXOBj
What are you talking about ?
65大学への名無しさん:03/09/29 16:21 ID:rXQfNtu6
Mind your own business!!
66一年懸命。 ◆y2JQCoGhCc :03/09/29 16:22 ID:LE49vluR

67大学への名無しさん:03/09/29 16:44 ID:/jx1ryah
68Casino Royale ◆OO7M1UmR3k :03/09/30 08:08 ID:AegiNx7I
>>66 Survive.
69大学への名無しさん:03/09/30 18:30 ID:lL4+dU7x
By the way,
70大学への名無しさん:03/09/30 18:38 ID:wZxSsr+w
71大学への名無しさん:03/09/30 19:00 ID:BAi1o/MJ
I don't know why but I just couldn't help laughing.
72ぴけちゅう@ ◆K7EAghSpYg :03/09/30 21:43 ID:sV797GxF
I am WAROTAing
73Suzy-Q ◆PHotgggggg :03/09/30 22:54 ID:q1tBAQNj
so whats up with your studying y'all.

me damn so fuckin dame po.
It seems like Id spent most of my energy of study in summer time.
I wonder and worry when my motivation for studying is coming back...

damn I know Ive got to do and was told "find the way to enjoy studying "
but ,look here I am in 2ch...

I know its not so bad to be here sometime,I mean SOMETIME.
I do even meet some good messages to grow my spirit up.

Aite , you think I am talkin too much??
and I know what my writing is not correct nor offcial passage at all. hehe
OK OK Im gone.
74大学への名無しさん:03/09/30 22:56 ID:b8mP5wmy
eigoha subete tadasiinoka?tadasikumo naieegosyabette
75Suzy-Q ◆PHotgggggg :03/09/30 22:58 ID:q1tBAQNj
Aite I think Id better checked it up before I post previous message. :-p

>>It seems like Id spent most of my energy of study ...
It seems like I had spent most of my energy for studying ...

I dont exactly know what is really right or not.
so please point out if you find my mistake.

good night
76Suzy-Q ◆PHotgggggg :03/09/30 23:00 ID:q1tBAQNj
>>74 ore no eigo ha tadashiku nai ga
syaberu no tanoshii ze.

tsuuka koko de gyakuni machigatta eigo wo oboete
shimau kamo shire nai tte iu no ha tashikani kowai na... lol
77大学への名無しさん:03/09/30 23:00 ID:TK4733QK
My name is a pen, and your heart is my favorite crap.
This is a cat that beats a tiger and he is my dragon.
78大学への名無しさん:03/09/30 23:01 ID:+3JRJPR+
Uho!Nice guy
79Suzy-Q ◆PHotgggggg :03/09/30 23:04 ID:q1tBAQNj
Goodness!! I know I have to make "Original composition"
at my entrance examination.

I dont have much vocabrary anyway plus I know I already have made
spelling mistake sometimes ... bwahhahhahhahahaha
80Suzy-Q ◆PHotgggggg :03/09/30 23:06 ID:q1tBAQNj
>>77 WAROTed
81大学への名無しさん:03/09/30 23:06 ID:eNS5cQHn
I am tired to read this スレ
82大学への名無しさん:03/09/30 23:14 ID:S0M78Cbv
Me, too.
However, to make sentenses is not bad, I think so.

...May be.
83大学への名無しさん:03/09/30 23:23 ID:sDXqIQAh
I took great care,yet i made a mistake.
84大学への名無しさん:03/09/30 23:25 ID:RmvVXAeY
We should choose what subject we talk about.
85大学への名無しさん:03/09/30 23:26 ID:T+rQaILm
about cherry,please
86Suzy-Q ◆d1TTgEFtcY :03/09/30 23:35 ID:cxLJlOL6
Ohh Weeeee!!
Its getting even more funny!! (Oops, seems like I already made some mistakes in these 2 lines)

***strong language sexual content ***

getting horny too.
baby do me.
lick it up.
but I dont even fuck with u.

horny ...feeling like sleeping with somebody or something like that
do + One ...let somebody work for making u explored with mouth or tangue

fuck with One(or fucked with, Im not sure though) ...makin (a?) fool of One
87大学への名無しさん:03/09/30 23:36 ID:RmvVXAeY
Cheery boys cannot put up with temptation.
88大学への名無しさん:03/09/30 23:45 ID:RmvVXAeY
Cheery boys indulge in the pleasure of masturbating.
89Suzy-Q ◆d1TTgEFtcY :03/09/30 23:46 ID:cxLJlOL6
>>87 Woah, you speak beautiful language.

But hey!! let me tell you that,
some of mature mangos have temptations too, have you ever know??
90大学への名無しさん:03/09/30 23:47 ID:f/yWA9w6
91大学への名無しさん:03/09/30 23:49 ID:7G2Au5Jx
When it comes to masturbation, nobody defeats me.
92Suzy-Q ◆d1TTgEFtcY :03/09/30 23:51 ID:cxLJlOL6
maaan Im the nuts!!

Wrong→ have you eve know?
Right→ have you ever Known??

have one ever p.p.??
imada katsute shita koto ga aru ka??
93大学への名無しさん:03/09/30 23:52 ID:7G2Au5Jx
My pudenda is more magnificent than all of Japanese man.
94大学への名無しさん:03/09/30 23:55 ID:RmvVXAeY
You are the champion of onanist.
95大学への名無しさん:03/09/30 23:55 ID:7G2Au5Jx
shit!fuck!ass hole!sucks!
96Suzy-Q ◆d1TTgEFtcY :03/09/30 23:56 ID:cxLJlOL6
What do u use to come??

I use a piece of Grapefruit.
that is like a tangue.
when it come and go my down there
I feel like... Woah!!
97大学への名無しさん:03/09/30 23:56 ID:ciIJoRtg
269 :エリート街道さん :03/09/20 18:36 ID:55iVkzfR

435 :実名攻撃大好きKITTY :03/09/20 10:56 ID:l86YajOM





98大学への名無しさん:03/09/30 23:57 ID:7G2Au5Jx
My penis smells awful,but tastes teriffic.
99大学への名無しさん:03/09/30 23:59 ID:7G2Au5Jx
My penis smells awful ,but tastes terrific.
100大学への名無しさん:03/10/01 00:00 ID:QNy8LDbW
You are Bob.
101大学への名無しさん:03/10/01 00:02 ID:fvvFsPCk
Stand back, you stink!! suck your dick.
102大学への名無しさん:03/10/01 00:03 ID:3X0V4oaW
I think that you want to lick my penis.
103大学への名無しさん:03/10/01 00:03 ID:2B2GkcXZ
I'm feeling >>98's text strange because awful isn't opposite to teriffic.
(in terms of good meaning or not)
104大学への名無しさん:03/10/01 00:04 ID:d0rg7xUQ

    ∧_∧  (´<_`  ) i'm proud of us
   ( ´_ゝ`) /   ⌒i
   /   \     | |
  /    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/ |
__(__ニつ/  FMV  / .| .|____
    \/____/ (u ⊃
105大学への名無しさん:03/10/01 00:05 ID:3X0V4oaW
99 translation
106大学への名無しさん:03/10/01 00:07 ID:QNy8LDbW
terrific=very good
107大学への名無しさん:03/10/01 00:09 ID:3X0V4oaW
Please complain to ICP publishing English word book.
108大学への名無しさん:03/10/01 00:14 ID:3X0V4oaW
My penis wears excessive skin!
109大学への名無しさん:03/10/01 00:15 ID:QNy8LDbW
What's this ugly penis?
110大学への名無しさん:03/10/01 00:15 ID:QNy8LDbW
This is a piece of abstract art!
111大学への名無しさん:03/10/01 00:21 ID:3X0V4oaW
shit thread
112大学への名無しさん:03/10/01 00:25 ID:QNy8LDbW
This is the tread of abstract art!
113大学への名無しさん:03/10/01 00:29 ID:d0rg7xUQ
bytheway how about do you think'about super free and Mr,wada??
114大学への名無しさん:03/10/01 00:33 ID:QqS0H6Hh
I think they are beautiful and Mr.wada is sexy guy.
115大学への名無しさん:03/10/01 00:39 ID:37g8TvS4
Are you kidding??
I think he is so awkward.I don't want to get along with him.

116Casino Royale ◆OO7M1UmR3k :03/10/01 01:41 ID:KizbUp38
>>115 Better leave it unsaid.
117大学への名無しさん:03/10/01 01:51 ID:EEmBiGGC
118Casino Royale ◆OO7M1UmR3k :03/10/02 21:26 ID:HyMPo6wr
119大学への名無しさん:03/10/03 12:47 ID:y+SzBHwt
What is your favorite natto
120大学への名無しさん:03/10/03 12:48 ID:y+SzBHwt
I fogot "?"
121Casino Royale ◆OO7M1UmR3k :03/10/03 18:27 ID:XIlS/MGy
>>120 What's “fogot”?
122大学への名無しさん:03/10/03 18:31 ID:uQ/S+yf/
123大学への名無しさん:03/10/03 18:34 ID:hmREBYxV
I had anal-sex with my boy-friend.
124大学への名無しさん:03/10/03 18:43 ID:Cme8EyPB
My life is a living hell. It really is.
I wanna end it all but I know i can't.
There's a life ahead of me and I have a family.
And there's all those exams to take care of.
It's scary to die. It's scary to live. I don't know what to do.
I can't get rid of these suicidal thoughts.
They are always around me.
I need help.
I would cry but nobody would care.
I can't believe i'm saying this. Cause I know i'm not a child anymore.

I can do this i can do this i can do this....
125大学への名無しさん:03/10/03 18:59 ID:nDvQVn9p
「I wanna shout that i love you.」
I'm very very like this song.I recommend you listening!
126ドナドナ(~・-・~) ◆gJLLQK/u96 :03/10/03 19:00 ID:OJ/vFUS+
   ∧_∧                        ∧_∧
   ( ´∀` )                       ( ´∀` )
  ⊂     ⊃                      ⊂     ⊃
    |⌒I、|                       |  |⌒I
   (_). |   ∧_∧         ∧_∧    | ´(_)
     (_)  ( ´∀` )        ( ´∀` )  (_)
          ⊂     ⊃       ⊂     ⊃
           |⌒I、|        |  |⌒I
          (_). |          | ´(_)
            (_)   ∧_∧__  (_)
                 (∀`   )
                 (     > >
                / /\ \
                (__)  (__)
♪アニュド シムトゥ アンダスターァァン
アシェミュ シムダン ノォネスマァァン
アノォザ フィジュ ホォソォデェェィァ
ウィルタントゥ ウィスパ インニュァ イィィャ
アン ノゥワンザ セィマイ ハァチュゥ
アニュ ノザラミィ ソマァァチ
アニュド イィブン フィラテェェン
アイアム フォオリィン アイアム フェィデェイン
アハゥ ロスティロゥ ホゥォ

アイアム フォオリィン アイアム フェィデェイン
アイアム ダァニィン ヘミトゥ ブリィィ
アイアム フォォティ アハゥ ロスティロゥ
アイアム ルーズィン
ヘミトゥ ブリィィ〜ィィィ

127大学への名無しさん:03/10/04 10:02 ID:Um1XjGNF
Sex and return (σ・∀・)σget(s)!! 
128大学への名無しさん:03/10/05 00:04 ID:oJLzTsQy
129大学への名無しさん:03/10/05 02:01 ID:NpmKplfz
Please speak in English.

I want to marry with American.
130大学への名無しさん:03/10/05 02:05 ID:D27VuAmH
131大学への名無しさん:03/10/05 02:15 ID:NpmKplfz
I am a junior high schooi student
132大学への名無しさん:03/10/05 02:25 ID:nk/faxYZ
Your head is without any hair. In other words, you are bald(w
133大学への名無しさん:03/10/05 02:31 ID:IAODVGvy
From now, how many times are there that we meet angliry & sad thing in this world?
And will we able to trust them?
If it will be fine tomorrow, let's go to the park which is wide.
And rumble there. Hand in hand, with my dog, with nothing of thinking.
I am kos(´▽`)♪kos.
135大学への名無しさん:03/10/05 02:33 ID:IAODVGvy
136大学への名無しさん:03/10/05 02:34 ID:VTgN6wO0
I would like to have sex
But I have no girlfriend to make love with
Is there anyone here??
137大学への名無しさん:03/10/05 02:36 ID:4CVlXIo5
Suck my penis.
138大学への名無しさん:03/10/05 02:51 ID:ZoT6npvf
not "From now" , "From now on" is correct.
139大学への名無しさん:03/10/05 03:01 ID:aA41LzHw
Let’s think a nice name of onany!!
absolute onany
ultimate onany
140133:03/10/05 11:38 ID:lLUNN2e5
Thanks! >>133 is the text of "Ta Ga Tame".
141大学への名無しさん:03/10/05 13:56 ID:eXnEBY4M
142大学への名無しさん:03/10/05 14:13 ID:W0ZWxAJx
'I love you.', I said.
I felt like the time stoped.
then she said.
'I HATE you!'
My summer was finished.
143大学への名無しさん:03/10/05 15:35 ID:DorhRlD2
I think 130 cannot write English.

Don't mind.

144大学への名無しさん:03/10/05 15:40 ID:4jCMSuCr
Oh sorry
145大学への名無しさん:03/10/05 15:56 ID:W0ZWxAJx
Thank you.
I hope you'll have a good day.

I think I catch a cold.
I take some hot drink and go to bed.
146大学への名無しさん:03/10/05 17:45 ID:JIxM1PPA
Why does it always rain on me?
Even when the sun is shining
I can't avoid the lightning.
147大学への名無しさん:03/10/05 21:04 ID:W0ZWxAJx
'cause it's your life.
take it easy!
148大学への名無しさん:03/10/05 21:59 ID:IKuTMsih
Oh…you are very kind when you write in English.

Aren't you?
149大学への名無しさん:03/10/05 22:03 ID:se2FpOAK
it's fun to talk in English isn't it?
It's a good way to learn English too.
I assume that you guys have a good reading skill but speaking and writing
are different eh... they're much harder.
So, use this thread, practise(did i spell it right?)English a lot and do
well on the exams. Good luck to you all. You'll be fine.
150私の名前はキューピーです:03/10/05 22:17 ID:Qs4xMSQw
mayoneezu is kyuupy.
151大学への名無しさん:03/10/05 22:43 ID:uD8+CJOt
152大学への名無しさん:03/10/06 07:38 ID:pL1pyZZc
it's cold here today.
don't catch a cold.
153FOX ◆XgyTawXa16 :03/10/06 16:20 ID:LeWfXZxT
154FOX ◆BmdXfw0qz6 :03/10/06 16:41 ID:CNUjQdJc
155大学への名無しさん:03/10/07 23:19 ID:EdrYWZkA
Today I feel happy. What I once thought was going to be a stressful weekend turned out to be pretty ok.
Though I feel bad because today I only got one email (call me crazy, but I love the feeling of checking my inbox and finding messages there...I know it's stupid :)
While I've written about some heavy subjects. I haven't really written about myself in everyday life.
I promise to start filling this with lighthearted thoughts as well as the usual "plundering of the depths of my soul".
156大学への名無しさん:03/10/07 23:21 ID:cLnpXjsv
157155:03/10/07 23:41 ID:EdrYWZkA
I quit. What I was going to post is very wack,full of shit. So just forget what I said.
158155:03/10/07 23:45 ID:EdrYWZkA
oh yeah? well,I screw you,lol!
159大学への名無しさん:03/10/08 10:37 ID:IBgY1zdz
I am tired.
I'd have atteded some classes.
160大学への名無しさん:03/10/08 11:48 ID:knhnIjb4
I am

161大学への名無しさん:03/10/08 17:43 ID:bTP8HWYg
What surprises me is...
Most of you speak very poor English...
You've been studying English for almost 6 years and THIS is all you know?
But that's ok, there's still time to study.
And an importatnt thing is that you don't have to speak perfect English.
I know my English is far from perfect too lol
Good luck to you all.
162大学への名無しさん:03/10/08 18:22 ID:N4mYB+bC
I think there is no necessity to show all abilities of English.
we can use good Japanese, but we don't use it at here.
you know why?

at here, 2ch, we need to use language as a tool.
small words, short stories, that's we need.
I think what you're talking about makes no sense.
163大学への名無しさん:03/10/08 19:39 ID:bTP8HWYg
I "kind of" understand what you mean, but not perfectly.

"you don't have to write in perfect English at 2ch" (is this what you
were trying to say?)
Because it's 2ch? Then, what's the point in using this thread?
Don't you want to practise English and be a better speaker? I do. and
that's why i'm using this thread.

"We can speak Japanese, but we don't use it here.
Here at 2ch, we need to use languages as a tool.
Small words(i have no idea how to translate it), shot stories, that's
all we need. I think what you're talking about makes no sense."

I tried to get what your meanings were, but I couldn't. Could you please
write what you wanted to say in Japanese? I'll help you translate it.
Native speakers of English wouldn't understand your English.
That isn't what you want, is it? Sometimes words and short sentences
are all you need to communicate, but if you want to use English as a tool,
(as you said), you've got to study a lot harder. ( ore mo na-)
Am i wrong...? ショボーン You said,what i was talking about made no sense,
but i hope I'm making some sense.
164金魚孟徳 ◆rAn7/bbpIQ :03/10/08 19:41 ID:kXuWQsfx
165大学への名無しさん:03/10/08 19:42 ID:UxpqEHGi
166大学への名無しさん:03/10/08 19:43 ID:GuFH/vv2
you shall die. hahaha
167大学への名無しさん:03/10/08 19:45 ID:BESAS/U6
168大学への名無しさん:03/10/08 20:46 ID:6Z7d2r2r
oh my god
169大学への名無しさん:03/10/08 22:38 ID:ipJMPwi3
hey,just screw off,dude. I hate windy talk. your presence's just giving me creeps.
170大学への名無しさん:03/10/08 22:49 ID:iaSfDh5f
how many native speakers are here? :-)
171大学への名無しさん:03/10/08 23:13 ID:xDwOMa1E
Although I am pat, are there any questions?
172大学への名無しさん:03/10/08 23:20 ID:/lvWkhN4
AsI have a good ability to learn language more effective than people ,I continue to catch fortune.

173大学への名無しさん:03/10/08 23:25 ID:agoQyA3c
It seems that every one of here is having fun! This is cool.
174大学への名無しさん:03/10/08 23:29 ID:zbwexsGh
これ、まさにTHIS IS WASEDAですよ〜。
175大学への名無しさん:03/10/08 23:32 ID:agoQyA3c
what do you mean eh
176大学への名無しさん:03/10/09 00:12 ID:/JKu1zr0
でもGood luch on the exams
177pat:03/10/09 00:47 ID:PB0OjLSz

      ,, - ー''' ̄ ̄    ヽ
    /             ヽ
   /        ゝノノ    _丿
   |   , ー--,,_,,,--'' l/  
  .|   ヽ          |   
  |   / ,,‐-     -‐   
  |   i    ,-、     _, |  
  ,‐-、  l _   oヽ` ヽ' o`   < oh, sorry.
  | 、` l    `ー     ヽ´`i
 .|  )             ヽ|
  ヽ `     _   ゙ー-、_ )
   ̄i    |   、―ー  | 
  /.|         `ヽ/   | 
    |       -   ノ
 丶   `ヽ __  , , -' ' |ー、  
  ヾ   \     /   |  \

178pat:03/10/09 00:49 ID:PB0OjLSz

      ,, - ー''' ̄ ̄    ヽ
    /             ヽ
   /        ゝノノ    _丿
   |   , ー--,,_,,,--'' l/  
  .|   ヽ          |   
  |   / ,,‐-     -‐   
  |   i    ,-、     _, |  
  ,‐-、  l _   oヽ` ヽ' o`   < What means "Good luch" ?
  | 、` l    `ー     ヽ´`i
 .|  )             ヽ|
  ヽ `     _   ゙ー-、_ )
   ̄i    |   、―ー  | 
  /.|         `ヽ/   | 
    |       -   ノ
 丶   `ヽ __  , , -' ' |ー、  
  ヾ   \     /   |  \
179大学への名無しさん:03/10/09 01:00 ID:JVjHpLOH
180大学への名無しさん:03/10/09 06:40 ID:fAIQIv19
Good LUCK と言いたかったのだと思う(間違ったの自分だが)
181大学への名無しさん:03/10/09 06:59 ID:fAIQIv19
It's a nice day today.
But being a hikki-, I never go outside.
I'll write my study plan for today.
I'll do some English, Math, English, English, and English.
I know my English is bad, but this is my best subject.
So it needs a LOT of improvement and then some brushing up.
That's why I planned to study this way.
182大学への名無しさん:03/10/09 08:26 ID:HBCpYk8h
I understand what you said.
I know my english is not perfect and sometimes it doesn't
make no sense.

I've believed that this thread is for english learners.
If you want to read perfect English, please go other place.
or if you want to correct them, be a teacher.
sorry for my rudeness.
183大学への名無しさん:03/10/09 11:45 ID:fAIQIv19
ここ間違ってるよ〜 とか、この方がいいんじゃない?とか、お互い教え会うことは
184大学への名無しさん:03/10/09 15:37 ID:HBCpYk8h
185大学への名無しさん:03/10/09 15:37 ID:HBCpYk8h
186大学への名無しさん:03/10/09 17:18 ID:WavfYGCC
Please tell me good note
187大学への名無しさん:03/10/09 17:28 ID:qlqIo4mK
I will die in thirty years.
188大学への名無しさん:03/10/09 17:44 ID:pue1ywoS
How come?
189大学への名無しさん:03/10/09 19:49 ID:a2Lzv8zr

      ,, - ー''' ̄ ̄    ヽ
    /             ヽ
   /        ゝノノ    _丿
   |   , ー--,,_,,,--'' l/  
  .|   ヽ          |   
  |   / ,,‐-     -‐   
  |   i    ,-、     _, |  
  ,‐-、  l _   oヽ` ヽ' o`   < BITCH!
  | 、` l    `ー     ヽ´`i
 .|  )             ヽ|
  ヽ `     _   ゙ー-、_ )
   ̄i    |   、―ー  | 
  /.|         `ヽ/   | 
    |       -   ノ
 丶   `ヽ __  , , -' ' |ー、  
  ヾ   \     /   |  \

190大学への名無しさん:03/10/09 19:55 ID:hY5qZroT
My name is Mr.オクレ.
191大学への名無しさん:03/10/09 19:55 ID:WorMj2zK
I am boco.
192大学への名無しさん:03/10/09 22:31 ID:hnolaQym
Do you know why this sredd is made.
This reason is to tell Each other,want to improve English skill, various skill.
193大学への名無しさん:03/10/09 23:59 ID:PB0OjLSz

Do you know why this thread was made?

The reason is to talk to each other, to improve our English.

*I'm DQN at English, so SUMASO for making SURE dirty.
194大学への名無しさん:03/10/10 10:19 ID:b927oyLi
Your English speaking skill is crazy.
195大学への名無しさん:03/10/10 10:33 ID:S6TVd1tx
I like sushi
196大学への名無しさん:03/10/10 19:08 ID:gFbnxOWi
I am Korean.
Oh I am kidding!!
197大学への名無しさん:03/10/10 23:48 ID:VyKS7KJB
198大学への名無しさん:03/10/10 23:49 ID:o6rHjzha
You should speak English as well as posible.
199大学への名無しさん:03/10/10 23:59 ID:G4CDMskE
Don't let me down!!
200大学への名無しさん:03/10/11 00:00 ID:R3K3eZdz
201大学への名無しさん:03/10/11 00:08 ID:OX+B6Ovu
I am sushi.
202大学への名無しさん:03/10/11 00:10 ID:umhDkOKs
shut up!
203大学への名無しさん:03/10/11 00:10 ID:umhDkOKs
shut up!
204大学への名無しさん:03/10/11 00:21 ID:2/iCkxKl
I have pollution yesterday
205大学への名無しさん:03/10/11 19:34 ID:MaelCH98
206チェリォ【64】 ◆DQNDQNUKDA :03/10/11 19:38 ID:mXDnYXlH
I get 206.
207大学への名無しさん:03/10/12 22:41 ID:pqUfYc9h
It's hard, I think, to continue to talk since specific topics are not decided.
208大学への名無しさん:03/10/12 23:01 ID:iJESKH+K
since specific topics are not decided
since→because この場合becauseの方がいい。
since you're pretty that way,I won't do it,ever!
209大学への名無しさん:03/10/12 23:04 ID:YRXNQmDv
You motherfucker!
210大学への名無しさん:03/10/12 23:04 ID:y9g3Rxr2
211大学への名無しさん:03/10/12 23:21 ID:OIvsqcWY
>>227 So,why don't we suggest some topics each other?
212大学への名無しさん:03/10/12 23:26 ID:OIvsqcWY
>>207 Sorry.I made a mistake.I mean,I wanted to write for 207,not227.
213大学への名無しさん:03/10/12 23:27 ID:qKyhV8Xe
English only!
214大学への名無しさん:03/10/12 23:37 ID:AN5fN6tS
fack you
215偏差値75:03/10/13 00:20 ID:tiJWFo0a
Standing penis 、OK?
216大学への名無しさん:03/10/13 00:32 ID:o5ZpjWC2
Are you like sushi?
217大学への名無しさん:03/10/13 00:37 ID:my0j4Rkb
You are fuck'n faggot.Insert your penis in your anus.haha!
218大学への名無しさん:03/10/13 00:48 ID:BAUWRPa8
How are you doing? I am now studying Enlish a little bit.
But, I enjoyed masterbation, because I can not concentrate on studying for a long time.

Could you please help me?

Am I stupid?
219RIDDLE:03/10/13 00:49 ID:o5ZpjWC2
You know,You is a sixteenth word.So what I is?
220大学への名無しさん:03/10/13 00:57 ID:sP7YX4OI
The Catcher in the Rye
221大学への名無しさん:03/10/13 00:58 ID:JVY0IqaU
What tha fuck you doin' muthafucka!?
U must go to booby-hacth!
222大学への名無しさん:03/10/13 01:00 ID:RatHUgIB
Are you stupid?
223大学への名無しさん:03/10/13 01:03 ID:aEXsjACr
I am the pen by which Mr.Tashiro is caught seeing a cute girl's panty.
224RIDDLE:03/10/13 01:04 ID:o5ZpjWC2
You know,you is a twentieth word.So what I is?

I'm really blonde.....I should comit suicide....
225大学への名無しさん:03/10/13 01:05 ID:my0j4Rkb
I ha English ga very nigate desu.
226大学への名無しさん:03/10/13 01:06 ID:KU0b7xtn
baby...Do you think it's possible that anyone else in the world is doing this very same thing at this very same moment?
227ぴけちゅう ◆K7EAghSpYg :03/10/13 01:07 ID:ShaobQa+
228大学への名無しさん:03/10/13 01:10 ID:BvlnIhq5
Oh, you read the J. D. Salinger's famous novel?
Are you like it?
229大学への名無しさん:03/10/13 01:12 ID:WBUIK04F
나는 바보스럽습니다. 여러분 안녕하십니까?
나에게는 영어는 너무 어려우므로 한국어를 공부하는 (것)일로 했습니다.
230RIDDLE:03/10/13 01:12 ID:o5ZpjWC2
No!I'not! It means,“Are you a sushi-bomber?”
231218:03/10/13 01:17 ID:BAUWRPa8
I think you should answer my question exactly, otherwise, we can not practice English!!
232大学への名無しさん:03/10/13 01:20 ID:JzdNv8eh
I aim at Tokyo University
233RIDDLE:03/10/13 01:27 ID:o5ZpjWC2
I'm sometimes crying alone in my room.Have you ever done such a thing?
234RIDDLE:03/10/13 01:37 ID:o5ZpjWC2
I alwase feel anxious about several things.I do'nt see sometimes what I want to do.
235RIDDLE:03/10/13 01:37 ID:o5ZpjWC2
I always feel anxious about several things.I do'nt see sometimes what I want to do.
236大学への名無しさん:03/10/13 01:38 ID:KU0b7xtn
baby...Do you think it's possible that anyone else in the world is doing this very same thing at this very same moment?

ねぇ、今この瞬間、これと同じことをやってる人が 世界中に他にいるなんてこと、あると思う?
237大学への名無しさん:03/10/13 01:40 ID:gtnTxWlj
You sometimes cry alone? Why? We are with you.
238大学への名無しさん:03/10/13 01:42 ID:gtnTxWlj
Nobody but us.
239RIDDLE:03/10/13 01:46 ID:o5ZpjWC2
But I know I don't have to be defeat! For the present,I should commit suicide. I'll go…
240大学への名無しさん:03/10/13 01:57 ID:02ep2A0a
Good bye.
241大学への名無しさん:03/10/13 01:58 ID:gtnTxWlj
Have a good night, everyone. See you tomorrow afternoon. Thank you.
242大学への名無しさん:03/10/13 02:01 ID:HWvmXC3L
イングリッシュ キャンノット ビー ラーンド ジャスト バイ プレイング ゲイムズ
イングリッシュ キャン ネバー ビー ラーンド ジャスト バイ プレイング ゲイムズ
243 RIDDLE:03/10/13 02:12 ID:o5ZpjWC2
Oh,I don't.I'm not always alone!I have company arouod us!One for all,all for one!
I have still done for myself only.From now on,I'll not for myself,but for all.
I love you forever…
244RIDDLE:03/10/13 02:24 ID:o5ZpjWC2
Did you turn out? Answer is “a ninth word”. Good luck! Take it easy!!
245大学への名無しさん:03/10/13 02:40 ID:WNW89gCh
I am Sam You are mine
246i'm in my 8th grade:03/10/13 14:28 ID:RxDhGCmU
Hey,Riddle. What makes you think like that? What happened? You shoudn't've said like that. Don't kill yourself.....you know there is somebody out there who hears you out. And I think you just need someone who hears you out. Do you?
247大学への名無しさん:03/10/13 14:30 ID:lDKwre6M
yomema sye-----n!!!!!
248大学への名無しさん:03/10/18 17:11 ID:bMC8crXZ
Are you OK?
249大学への名無しさん:03/10/18 17:14 ID:JW+8xvQ1
All base are belong to us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
250大学への名無しさん:03/10/18 17:15 ID:lJOJiW3R
It's I know it's I know ton day "K".
251大学への名無しさん:03/10/18 17:38 ID:Sq7Fuw0H
I'm nigga.
252度会家行 ◆WHM9JKh6Aw :03/10/18 22:15 ID:dG/nDpvH
253大学への名無しさん:03/10/18 22:22 ID:23swqz+6

Dr. Strauss says I shud rite down what I think and evrey thing
that happins to me from now on, I dont know why but he says its
importint so they will see if they will use me. I hope they use me.
Miss Kinnian says maybe they can make me smart. I want to be
smart. My name is Charlie Gordon. I am 37 years old. I have
nuthing more to rite now so I will close for today.
254大学への名無しさん:03/10/18 22:25 ID:WEB2Pl1E
You, if you can write English well enough to pick mistakes up
of our English, could I ask you to point out and correck them?
255大学への名無しさん:03/10/18 22:27 ID:p0lJrr04
who is'you'?
256コス( ^_^ u)コス ◆XyPV4ln7oA :03/10/18 22:29 ID:8VgkT5LK
257大学への名無しさん:03/10/18 22:32 ID:DMqe6OMM
I want suck breast for highscool girl
258大学への名無しさん:03/10/18 22:47 ID:bKJN3rnH
What's “nuthing”?
What's “correck”?
It may reresent “all of you”.
259大学への名無しさん:03/10/20 00:36 ID:BrByiFeV
Boys, be ambitious! Bye!
260255:03/10/20 17:10 ID:FGHr5g8m
I've had it up to here with classes,which are all just one-communication. The teachers do all of the talking in class. It's just disgusting,i wanna work on something interesting like reasearching and examining.

Yeah I knew,but just in case. I just didn't get it.

261255:03/10/20 17:13 ID:FGHr5g8m
Oops,I just made a mistake:one-communication→one-way-communication.
262大学への名無しさん:03/10/23 22:41 ID:5OkDI71W
263大学への名無しさん:03/10/25 00:06 ID:fenmwKtR
I think that you are right!
264スコルピオ:03/10/25 17:12 ID:MpWXhsmH

265チェリォ【104】 ◆DQNDQNUKDA :03/10/25 17:17 ID:KyyWU7Aq
Is taking in english studnts feature?
266名無さん:03/10/27 00:26 ID:A4FFm1AA
I can't speak English.
267大学への名無しさん:03/10/27 02:37 ID:aARGSjpn
Damn,I'm a mess.
268大学への名無しさん:03/10/27 14:06 ID:ToJywEJm
1 fuck in jap!
269大学への名無しさん:03/10/27 17:27 ID:R50fEw/2
To be to be ten made to be
270大学への名無しさん:03/10/30 23:00 ID:Ongdt8qD
i am god's child
271コテハン日本代表 ◆O/9rcVSInM :03/10/30 23:48 ID:pVZrUhp+
Scientists have done many experiments to find out whether animals can see color.
They have closely studied bees,because they were curious to know whether bees recognize flowers by their colors.
In one of those tests,some syrup was put in flont of a blue card.
Before long,the bees came to the blue card but not to the red card.
Surprisingly,the bees continued to come to the blue card even when the syrup was taken away.
This proved they could tell the difference between colors.

272コスコス ◆XyPV4ln7oA :03/10/31 01:06 ID:5CuwnBPk
273大学への名無しさん:03/10/31 01:21 ID:z6eURlSu
Get out of my way. I'm gonna say little hot hard dick assian
pride. Get out of my way. I'm gonna say Godzilla went to
Hallywood assian pride. Island country No speak English But
we wanna see the out side world. Get out of my way.
I'm gonna say can we all have Asian pride?
274大学への名無しさん:03/10/31 22:28 ID:8yRUxtht

275大学への名無しさん:03/10/31 22:46 ID:yV5D0fLK
276コテハン日本代表 ◆O/9rcVSInM :03/10/31 23:15 ID:vnnzyvyu
277大学への名無しさん:03/11/04 23:29 ID:Dxf8mlLM
Have a good night!
278Suzy-Q ◆PHotgggggg :03/11/05 20:37 ID:tZ3QyIZM
bored age
279Suzy-Q ◆PHotgggggg :03/11/05 20:39 ID:tZ3QyIZM
Ive got to do my laundry and stuff.
mando kuse-na
280Suzy-Q ◆PHotgggggg :03/11/05 20:39 ID:tZ3QyIZM
Alright, I have to be positive...
281Suzy-Q ◆PHotgggggg :03/11/05 20:41 ID:tZ3QyIZM
Anyways is hushianasan still workin???
it didnt work when I tryed this in another thread.
282Suzy-Q ◆PHotgggggg :03/11/05 20:43 ID:tZ3QyIZM
heey wont you talk to me???
you know what, that is the way how you lose all of yuor chance
when it comes to some girls issues....
what you dont want me??

YES you do!!
get your eyes on me!!
283Suzy-Q ◆PHotgggggg :03/11/05 20:44 ID:tZ3QyIZM
Alirght Alright, Are you tryin to say do my laundry and some stuff??
OK ,I will as your will.
can I be a rapper ??

284Suzy-Q ◆PHotgggggg :03/11/05 20:49 ID:tZ3QyIZM
Question : HOW CAN I GET A BOYFRIEND??????????????
285大学への名無しさん:03/11/05 20:51 ID:KOh2e7XE
wake wakaran sure
286慶麒系 ◆UUUFJwXz6M :03/11/05 20:51 ID:XiaDc3Aa
niya niya
287Suzy-Q ◆PHotgggggg :03/11/05 20:54 ID:tZ3QyIZM
>>286 ah ah okashii kayo.
douse I have NO boyfriend
yeah , Im free yes Im free.

that Im gonna even start singin GOSPEL song!!!

288大学への名無しさん:03/11/05 20:55 ID:KOh2e7XE
289Suzy-Q ◆PHotgggggg :03/11/05 20:56 ID:tZ3QyIZM
290大学への名無しさん:03/11/05 20:56 ID:FuutkjBl
291慶麒系 ◆UUUFJwXz6M :03/11/05 20:59 ID:XiaDc3Aa
I'm free means you are free prostitute
292Suzy-Q ◆PHotgggggg :03/11/05 21:06 ID:tZ3QyIZM
I dont give a damn about assholes.
293大学への名無しさん:03/11/08 21:28 ID:JM0HYdhW
who on earth loves you except me
