【お題】 Small Talk In China Negotiations over Pyongyang's nuclear ambitions produced little cause for comfort
Monday, Sep. 08, 2003 Even with modest expectations, the opening round of multilateral talks on North Korea's nuclear-weapons plans in Beijing last week was less than successful. Diplomats from the U.S., North Korea, China, Russia, South Korea and Japan left the six-sided bargaining table ? custom-built for the talks ? with no real progress.
あたしは、1)かなー?と思ってるけど。 あと、後半は、こうだと思う。 Diplomats left 外交官は(テーブルを)残して去ってしまうのか the six-sided bargaining table ? 6角形の交渉テーブルを? custom-built for thetalks ? 交渉のために注文したというのに? with no real progress 本当の意味でのなんの進歩ももたらさずに。
One of the hottest topics in American newspapers these days is the impending Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval of the controversial drug Thalidomede. Thalidomide, which was used as a morning sickness drug in the late '50s, has been banned for decades, since it was discovered that it caused serious birth defects.It disabled over 10,000 babies. However, it is now being considered for the legal treatment of leprosy. It is said that Thalidomide can also help people who are suffering from diseases such as lupus and cancer.
>>17続き Apparently, AIDS patients in the States who are desperate to aleviate their symptoms have been smuggling the drug from South America with the hopes of finding relief. AIDS-related drug treatments(or any kind of drug, for that matter ) are difficult to bring to the market because of legal issues and genuine medical concerns. However, because AIDS patients can't wait for potentially useful drugs to be tested and legalized, it is well-known that they are open to anything that may be of help. This includes importing drugs from parts of the world in which they are readily availabe.
>>25 続き Part of the hesitation of the FDA in legalizing any drug stems from the fear that the drug will be prescribed for the wrong reasons. It is said that doctors fear that Thalidomide will be abused if it is legalized. Indeed, people often think they need medicine when,in fact, they do not, and doctors are often forced to capitulate to patient's demands by prescribing drugs when they don't slove problems- or worse, when no problems exist.
>>35 続き Howeve, it's impossible to know when a doctor or the FDA is wrong Because of general inefficiencies and mounting frustrations, it seems that more and more people are second-guessing the much-exalte advice of conventional doctors and agencies like the FDA these days. Tthe large number of vitamin shops seems to prove that many people are interested in maintaining their health through more holistic means.
オペミスが多いので打ち直し。 However, it's impossible to know when a doctor or the FDA is wrong Because of general inefficiencies and mounting frustrations, it seems that more and more people are second-guessing the much-exalted advice of conventional doctors and agencies like the FDA these days. The large number of vitamin shops seems to prove that many people are interested in maintaining their health through more holistic means.
One of the hottest topics in American newspapers these days is the impending Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval of the controversial drug Thalidomide.
Thalidomide, which was used as a morning sickness drug in the late '50s, has been banned for decades, since it was discovered that it caused serious birth defects.
Apparently, AIDS patients in the States who are desperate to alleviate their symptoms have been smuggling the drug from South America with the hopes of finding relief.
AIDS-related drug treatments (or any kind of drug, for that matter ) are difficult to bring to the market because of legal issues and genuine medical concerns.
However, because AIDS patients can't wait for potentially useful drugs to be tested and legalized, it is well-known that they are open to anything that may be of help.
It is said that doctors fear that Thalidomide will be abused if it is legalized.
サリドマイドが合法化された場合に、濫用されやしないかと 医者たちは危ぶんでいるらしい。
Indeed, people often think they need medicine when, in fact, they do not, and doctors are often forced to capitulate to patient's demands by prescribing drugs when they don't slove problems or worse, when no problems exist.
However, it's impossible to know when a doctor or the FDA is wrong.
Because of general inefficiencies and mounting frustrations, it seems that more and more people are second-guessing the much-exalted advice of conventional doctors and agencies like the FDA these days.
>>46続き Herbal medicines have long been used in places like China, Japan and India, but they are not considered mainstream in the States. People who advocate the use of marijuana as a natural painkiller, for instance, are considered part of a fringe population. I get the feeling that the demand for such alternative therapies will increase as people realize that, sometimes, nothing else seems to work.
How Safe Are the Sugar Substitutes? Artificial sweeteners are more popular than ever — but questions persist By MICHAEL D. LEMONICK
Tuesday, Sep. 09, 2003 The American dream may be home ownership, but the American obsession is losing a few pounds. Artificial sweeteners are a big part of that quest: on average, each of us downs more than 20 lbs. of fake sugars a year. That raises two important questions: Are they safe? And do they help you lose weight?
The safety issue first arose in the '60s, when cyclamates were banned as likely carcinogens. Saccharin, which is found in Sweet'n Low, was labeled a possible carcinogen in the early '70s and had to carry a warning until 2000. Products with aspartame (NutraSweet) have always been labeled dangerous for people with phenylketonuria, a relatively rare condition. And sucralose (marketed as Splenda) bears no warning label at all.
How should consumers interpret all this? Michael Jacobson, director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest, believes there's no "slam dunk" proof that any of the artificial sweeteners is clearly dangerous or perfectly safe. But "based on what we know so far," he says, "I think that sucralose is safe, that aspartame is probably safe and that serious questions about saccharin remain"--though the risk to an individual is very low.
Some critics also claim that artificial sweeteners can actually make you fatter by turbocharging your sweet tooth, but that's folk wisdom with no hard evidence. The real question is whether they do any good. For losing weight, diet soda is better than regular, but water is even better. And pastries made with artificial sweeteners can still be high in calories if they're high in fat. If you get a Big Mac and fries with that Diet Coke, you're simply going to get fat at a slightly slower rate. Fake sugar is probably not a terrible thing — but it's not so great for you either.
Escape if you can. Fight if you have to. These are the cardinal rules for dealing with an attacker. Precisely what you do depends on your strength, your confidence and your assessment of the assailant's intentions.
If you are faced with an armed mugger who wants your cash, it may be safer to hand it over rather than to risk getting seriously injured in a fight.
Faced with a potential killer and no way to escape, on the other hand, you may have nothing to lose by fighting. The techniques listed here need some practice but not extensive training. All are dangerous -- some are lethal. Never use them in earnest except in an emergency, and never use more than sufficient and reasonable force.
If you fight, never give a warning. Strike swiftly and as hard as you can. Be ready to repeat the blow or follow up with a different one. Scream or shout as you fight. Keep on until you can escape or your assailant collapses.
>>78さん Herbal→漢方の(だいたい推測どうり)→うん。 part of a fringe→熟語?辞書には発見できず(少数ってかんじかな?) fringe→ふさ飾り→1年ぐらい前に女の子のベルトでフリンジって流行ったじゃん、 (今もあるけど)あれだよね。でも辞書ひいたら”へり”とか”外辺”さらには、 ”2次的なもの”ときて、”集合的に主流逸脱者”とあった。で、主流でない、と なるのね。。。 最後のsometimesは訳さなかった。→そのまま時々ではだめでしょうか?
以下辞書の引用--------------------------------------------------------------- 否定文では文頭・文尾にも用いるが通例否定語の前に置き、直後にはこない。 Mexico sometimes isn't cold in winter. Mexico is sometimes not cold in winter. メキシコは冬でも寒くない時がある。 She sometimes cannot go there. 彼女はそこへ行けないことがある. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 期せずして両方とも訳文が、「ときどき(…する)」ではなくて、 「時には(…のことがある)」系統の訳し方を採用していますね。参考にして下さい。
英語の専門学校にいったのだが、”頻度を表す副詞”は動詞の直後に置かれる、 ということを口すっぱく教えられたような気がする。 always(いつも)usually(普通は)sometimes(ときどき)generally(たいていは) seldom(めったに〜ない)など。 そうすると例えば He sometimes ate out with his family. (彼はときどき家族で外食した。)となる。 これにnotの否定を加えると He did not sometimes eat out with his family. (彼はときどき家族で外食しなかった。) ???↑この文がダメになるので、 I get the feeling that the demand for such alternative therapies will increase as people realize that, sometimes, nothing else seems to work. のような文がでてくるのでは、と思う。 しかしながら、まず訳が @ときどき Aときには〜のこともある のAのほうなのでこれは関係ないのかもしれない。 私もよくわからない。。。。
The unusual case of a man who regained his sight after 40 years of blindness features in this month's Nature Neuroscience. At three-and-a-half years old, the subject lost one eye and was blinded in the other after chemical and thermal damage to his cornea. At age 43, he received a corneal and limbal stem-cell transplant in his right eye. A thorough characterization of the subject shows that he had instant sight for identification of simple shapes such as a circle or triangle but a need for learning about more complicated visual objects — and almost completely spared motion perception. Richard Gregory reviews the research in a News and Views article.
[ Astronomer tips major Tokyo quake ] - Monday, September 15, 2003 Posted: 0527 GMT ( 1:27 PM HKT)
TOKYO, Japan (AP) -- A Japanese researcher is causing a stir in Tokyo with a prediction based on his study of radio waves that a major destructive earthquake is highly likely to hit the city this week.
Yoshio Kushida, a well-known self-taught astronomer who runs his own observatory just outside Tokyo, published on its Internet site his prediction that a quake with a magnitude of "7" or greater was likely to strike the metropolitan area on Tuesday or Wednesday. The prediction was soon picked up by a popular weekly magazine and a major daily.
It has since been spread by word of mouth, prompting some of the more nervous residents of Japan's quake-prone capital to stock up on bottled water, candles and other disaster preparations. "It's quite frightening," said Ichiro Makita, 48, a company employee who said he had heard about the prediction from a friend. "I'm trying to avoid old buildings and have stocked up on emergency supplies like an emergency radio and lamp."
The earthquake research establishment has largely ignored the warning.
The years 1450-1570 witnessed the most revolutionary re-sharping of the world map since the end of the classical period. But it would be a mistake to regard that revolution simply as a result of European over seas exp;oration.Instead there was a whole complex of intelectual, technical and politicalforces of which the 'Age of Discovery' was itself a symptom, rather than a cause.These forces had already challenged and partly dissolved the medieval world image.
The number of Japanese aged 65 or older has reached a record 24.31 million, or roughly one out of every five people in the country. The Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications Ministry released an estimate Sunday that 19 percent of the total population will fall into that age bracket as of Monday, which is Respect for the Aged Day. The total is up by 0.5 percentage point from last year and the largest percentage ever. It is also the highest among industrialized nations. The latest comparable data puts the corresponding percentage at 18.2 percent in Italy for 2001, 17.1 percent in Germany for 2001 and 16.1 percent in France for 2003. The number of males aged 65 or older is estimated at 10.26 million, surpassing 10 million for the first time and accounting for 16.5 percent of the male population. The number of women aged 65 or older is estimated at 14.05 million, or 21.5 percent of the female population. The number of people in Japan aged 65 or older is expected to total 32.77 million in 2015, 26 percent of the total population, according to the National Institute of Population and Social Security Research, an organization under the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry.
日本での65歳以上の人の人口が2431万人に達した。つまり大雑把に言うとこの国で 5人に1人が65歳以上ということだ。 The Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications の省庁は 月曜に、総人口の19%がこの階層に位置するだろうという見積もりを発表した。その 日は敬老の日なのだ。 その総計は昨年から0,5ポイント上がり、今までで最大である。それは先進国の中でも 最大の数値である。 最新の比較データは一致したパーセンテージである。2001年イタリアでは18,2%、2001年 ドイツでは17,1パーセント、2003年フランスでは16,1パーセント。 65歳以上の男性は1026万人と推定され、初めて1000万人を超え、男性の総人口の16,5% を占めている。 65歳以上の女性は1405万人と推定され、女性」の総人口の21,5%を占めている。 日本での65歳以上の人の人口は2015年には3277万人になると予測されており、総人口の26% を占めることになると、National Institute of Population and Social Security Research、 健康、労働、福祉の省庁が発表している。
日本の高齢者人口は、2431万人に達した。 おおざっぱに言い換えれば、日本国民の5人に1人は高齢者なのだ。 The Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and テレ・コミュニケーションズのMinistryは日曜に、 月曜日までに総人口の19%がこの年齢階層に位置するだろうとの見積もりを発表した。 ちなみにその日は敬老の日だ。 その総計は昨年より0.5ポイント上昇し、これまでで最大の割合となった。 先進国の中においても最も高い割合である。
OSAKA, Japan (AP) -- The Hanshin Tigers clinched their first Central League title in 18 years when the Yokohama BayStars beat the second-place Yakult Swallows.
Hours after Hanshin rallied to beat the Hiroshima Carp 3-2 on Norihiro Akahoshi's bases-loaded single in the bottom of the ninth inning, Yokohama beat Yakult 12-6 to give the Tigers the title on Monday. "I was just trying to relax at the plate and get the ball into the outfield," Akahoshi said. "Our fans have waited so long for this day to come and I'm glad we did it right here at home." When Yokohama defeated Yakult, downtown Osaka erupted with celebrations as thousands of fans leapt off the Ebisubashi Bridge into the Dotonbori River. Jumping into the murky river when the team wins is a local ritual -- despite the health risks. Tigers fans are considered unique for their undying loyalty and faith in the team, and their team's return to championship-winning form has even been seen as an omen of for the state of the country. Last week, local media quoted Financial Services Minister Heizo Takenaka as saying that a Tigers win could signal a turnaround in Japan's ailing economy. On Sunday, the Mainichi Shimbun daily published a study of academics predicting that the Kinki area economy would be boosted by 73.4 billion yen ($627 million) if the Tigers win a Central League pennant this year. The study also said Hanshin Department sales would get a 1.24 billion yen boost through celebration campaigns. The Tigers, originally called the Osaka Tigers, were formed in 1935. Since then the club along with the Tokyo Giants, have symbolized Japan's pro baseball with great pitchers such as Minoru Murayama and Yutaka Enatsu. Popular sluggers who played for the Tigers included Koichi Tabuchi and Masayuki Kakefu.
>>162 強いて訳すと、 The Public Management Ministry:総務省 Home Affairs Ministry:自治省 Posts and Telecommunications Ministry:郵政省 industrialized nations:先進(工業)諸国 National Institute of Population and Social Security Research:国立社会保障・人口問題研究所
Last week, on the second anniversary of the September 11 terror attacks, Americans gathered to honor heroes and victims. At Ground Zero, the former site of the Twin Towers, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg led a short memorial service. Then children read the names of those who died. Across the country, people stopped for a moment of silence. In private moments and public ceremonies, Americans quietly remembered all that was lost on that sad day.
Pyongyang given ultimatum on anniversary of summit
The government's top spokesman reiterated Wednesday that Japan will not resume normalization talks with North Korea unless it allows the family members of abductees who returned last year to also come to Japan.
Members of a support group for Japanese abducted by North Korea discuss future policies in Tokyo.
Chief Cabinet Secretary Yasuo Fukuda was commenting on the first anniversary of Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's historic visit to Pyongyang on Sept. 17, 2002.
"Talks cannot be held between Japan and North Korea unless rightful actions are taken," he said.
Fukuda also said Japan would seek to resolve issues related to North Korea's alleged development of nuclear arms and missiles through the six-nation framework that was launched during talks in Beijing at the end of August.
Normalization talks between Japan and North Korea have been stalled since October, when Tokyo decided that the five abductees who were on a short visit to Japan should be allowed to stay here.
Separately, relatives and supporters of those kidnapped by Pyongyang urged the government to step up pressure on the reclusive state to allow the family members of the five returnees to come to Japan.
They voiced hope that Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Shinzo Abe, a hardliner on North Korea policy, will continue to oversee the abduction issue within the government.
This remark apparently reflects concerns that Abe may be replaced in a Cabinet reshuffle widely expected to follow Saturday's presidential election for the Liberal Democratic Party.
"Together with the public, we will calmly watch the government's move so that it will not back away from its current policy" on North Korean issues, remarked Toru Hasuike, elder brother of returnee Kaoru Hasuike.
The government has said that Japan will address the abduction issue as its top priority if normalization talks are resumed and that it will not normalize ties with the North unless the issue is resolved.
Yuko Hamamoto, the elder brother of another returnee, Fukie Chimura, lambasted Japanese politicians for focusing on internal power struggles within the LDP and failing to address the abductions issue.
Hamamoto blasted the government over its past policies, stating that the Cabinet has changed 21 times since his sister was kidnapped 24 years ago.
On Tuesday, Kaoru Hasuike said he had known beforehand that Koizumi would visit Pyongyang, adding that he had felt that it constituted a development of some kind on the issue.
"I was glad my family would be told I was still alive," he said. "I hope the government will seize the opportunity (of bilateral normalization talks) and do well."
Meanwhile, Yasushi Chimura voiced concern that politicians may neglect the abduction issue amid the LDP leadership race and the much-rumored general election in the fall.
Mourners pay tribute to Lindh Friday, September 19, 2003 Posted: 1539 GMT (11:39 PM HKT)
STOCKHOLM, Sweden --
Leaders from around the world joined close friends and family at a memorial service for Anna Lindh, the Swedish foreign minister, whose killing has sent shock waves through the usually peaceful Scandinavian country.
It's Easy Being Green The hybrid Prius just got roomier for families who want to save at the pump By ANITA HAMILTON
Monday, Sep. 22, 2003 It's a funny feeling to tool around town in a $20,000 family car and get noticed as though you were driving a Ferrari. But that's exactly what happened when I took the futuristic-looking 2004 Toyota Prius for a spin around New York City. The new, improved hybrid car goes on sale in mid-October, but it's already getting plenty of buzz.
Toyota introduced the Prius in the U.S. in 2000, and Honda's Civic hybrid came out last year. Both cars save gas by drawing power from an electric motor that automatically recharges as you drive — no plugging in required. But the completely redesigned 2004 Prius is the first eco-friendly vehicle that not only saves money at the pump but also serves as a decent-size family car with a little oomph. Best of all, it sells for the same price as the original Prius.
The first thing you will notice is the roomy interior. The 2004 Prius is just 5 in. longer than the old model but has several inches more backseat legroom and a surprisingly large trunk beneath its hatchback. You'll also note the unusual controls: no key is necessary. Instead, you insert a small plastic unit about the size of a matchbook into a slot on the dash, then step on the brake and push the power button. Next you move a small joystick mounted on the dash to the "D" position to start moving. It seems odd at first, but it works just fine.
The best improvements are in performance and fuel efficiency. The Prius goes from 0 to 60 in 10 sec., a significant boost over the sluggish 12.5 sec. of last year's model. More impressive is the 59 m.p.g. in the city and 51 m.p.g. on the highway.
Compared to the similar-size 2004 Toyota Corolla, which has a regular gas engine and gets 29 m.p.g. in the city and 38 m.p.g. on the highway, the Prius could save you nearly $300 a year in gas, assuming you drive 15,000 miles and pay $1.75 a gallon. And you won't spend much time at the pump, because you can go more than 600 miles between refills.
Don't expect frills: no leather, no seat warmers, no sunroof. But the optional navigation system and keyless entry add to the high-tech appeal. And the heads turning on the sidewalk are a nice little bonus.
>>71 続き I was chatting with my roommate Alex when he told me that he had someting to show me. It was a bottle of St.John's wort. This herbal drug is undergoing a minor boom these days because it is considered a natural antidepressant. It is absolutely legal to buy that sort of drug − Alex bought it at a store called General Nutrition Center near campus − but I was almost ashamed to admit that I'd bought a bottle of pills at that store, too. My pills contain ginkgo,which is said to improve memory. I've also bought some vitamins that contain ginseng and royal jelly(no,I'm not old and impotent, but I wanted something that would give me energy without my having to rely on caffeine too much).Other trendy alternative drugs thathave made major headlines these days are DHEA (makes older peope feel younger), melatonin(induces sleep naturally) and zinc (alleviates cold symptoms).
213の訳の中で・・・。 Americans gathered to honor heroes and victims. この文のtoの意味がイマイチわからなかった。 あと、 Americans quietly remembered all that was lost on that sad day. この文のallも訳分からずじまい。 どなたか、解説お願いします。
LETTERSからとってきました。単に気に入っただけです。 The Iraqi people were angreed and deeply saddened by the terrorist attack on the U.N. headquarters in Baghdad. Here in Mosoul,everyone has seen how helpful the U.N. has been in sending teams to clean the city,preserve the forests,help upgrade the health-care system and rebuild and develop the city. Those who carried out the attack are bloodthirsty, murderous villains who are trying to derail the process of rebuilding our country.Many Iraqis believe Baathists and Saddam Hussein Loyalists were responsible. These criminals were created by Saddam. He picked them from Iraq`s worst social class and gave them money,high positions in his regime and weaponry. Now they have sunk back to their worthless status,and they want to make life in Iraq miserable for all. We will not let them.
簡単な例では、As I enterd a room,I found tree young men watching a baseball game on TV. の文を、 私が部屋に入った時、私は3人の若い男性がテレビで野球観戦をしているのが分かった。 などとやると、日本が・・・。と思われる 模範解答としては 部屋に入ると、3人の若い男性がテレビで野球観戦をしていた。 と訳すらしい。 (基本的に日本語は主語の省略、時を表す副詞節は「−−すると、・・・」となど日本語の文法(?)がないと難しい) もっとも、ふだんから本読んでたり、しっかりした日本語を使っていればそれほど、突飛なことでもないのだが。
The kid collapses in the mjolnir, and the matrix code changes suddenly. Morph checks the kids vitals and he is dead. In the architects room you see the architect being taken over like an agent taking over a human who is plugged in. Suddenly the kid sits there looking bewildered then determined.
A teeming city is seen humans running all over doing their business. Morpheus and niobe walk the streets together. Morpheus says "she prophesied that i would find the one" Niobe says "you did indirectly" Morpheus smiles and says "Neo found...helped him find himself...It's not over yet" she responds "let them dream Morpheus" to which he replies "sometimes all we have is dreams...Faith" she kisses him "faith or truth its all the same" . He says "I dreamed I was a man...is it evolution or revolution?"
Zoom towards the machine intelligence and then inside then down some wires then to a smiling kid and finally down a street in the matrix to Morpheus and Niobe and behind them an agent. " I see them now. I will maintain contact....."
China's space menu revealed Friday, October 10, 2003 Posted: 10:01 AM EDT (1401 GMT)
HONG KONG, China (CNN) -- The much-anticipated launch of China's first astronaut is also set to take Chinese cuisine to new heights.
Although the identity of the astronauts has been kept a closely guarded secret, what they will eat has not.
In preparation for the historic flight, chefs have been hard at work creating space age versions of Chinese gastronomic favorites to travel to the stars, reports in state media say.
Among the dishes prepared for the zero gravity feasts are shredded pork with garlic sauce and stir-fried chicken, Web site China.com recently quoted one scientist as saying.
In all, some 20 dishes suited to the Chinese palette have been developed for the space program, to be served along with specially prepared vacuum packed rice.
Food is, after all, an important part of Chinese culture and mission controllers say it is important to ensure that China's space pioneers do not go hungry.
The percentile rank will display a percentage of how many participants you are performing better than. For example, if you have a percentile rank of 85%, you have a higher account value then 85% of all participants
Last Update: Friday, October 17, 2003. 9:46am (AEST) French magistrate tossed off the bench A French magistrate allegedly caught masturbating during a court session has been locked up and placed under investigation.
Justice officials in the south-western city of Bordeaux say police have requested a psychiatric evaluation of the magistrate.
The justice ministry has also been asked to temporarily suspend the magistrate, while the matter is being investigated.
A local newspaper reported the magistrate discreetly lifted up his robe while a lawyer was presenting final arguments, undid his pants, and "engaged in gestures that left nothing to the imagination".
"It's a boy", the Daily Mirror proclaimed confidently above its revelation yesterday that Sir Paul McCartney's wife Heather had given birth to their first child.
The London Evening Standard joyously followed suit, proclaiming on the front page: "A baby boy for Macca", with a further story inside headed "Heather's boy", using the same quotes that appeared in the Mirror.
The trouble was, it wasn't. At 11am yesterday, the couple released a statement expressing their delight with their baby who, they disclosed, enjoys the determinedly feminine name of Beatrice.
But by then the erroneous report had been picked up by broadcasters, news agencies and other newspapers and repeated around the world. The BBC, the Press Association, Reuters and Associated Press all reported it. But none could confirm it independently - the family's spokesman was not responding and the hospital was not taking press calls during the early hours.
It emerged yesterday that the story had originated with the Mirror's Scottish stablemate, the Daily Record. Its front-page headline was less specific about the baby's gender than the Mirror's version: "Macca's wee cracker", it said. The Record's story said it was a 7lb boy but introduced a note of uncertainty a few lines later.
Piers Morgan, the Mirror editor, said: "We need photographic evidence. What we want to see is verification."