The Black Bear typically walks with a shuffling gait, but in its bounding trot it attains surprising speed, with bursts up to 30 mph (50 km/h). A powerful swimmer, it also climbs trees, either for protection or food. Although this animal is in the order Carnivora, most of its diet consists of vegetation, including twigs, buds, leaves, nuts, roots, fruit, corn, berries, and newly sprouted plants.
By relating the frequency of inclusion of a particular exon to the likelihood that it would be conserved between the two genomes, the authors hit on a notable finding. Constitutive exons are almost always conserved, as are alternatively spliced exons that are classified as the major form. 'Minor form' exons, however, were conserved only 25% of the time. Strikingly, the frequency of inclusion of an exon in human ESTs can predict whether it will be conserved in the mouse.
1.The Black Bear typically walks 《with a shuffling gait》, but 《in its bounding trot》 it attains surprising speed, 《with bursts up to 30 mph (50 km/h)》.
2.A powerful swimmer, it also climbs trees, either for protection or food.
3.Although this animal is in the order Carnivora, most of its diet consists of vegetation, including twigs, buds, leaves, nuts, roots, fruit, corn, berries, and newly sprouted plants.
ここではaltoughに注目せよ。先ほどのbutと同じように考えれば、 be in the order Carnivoraというのが、「食料のほとんどが植物である」というのと対立する概念でなくてはならない。 「■なのに植物ばっか食べてる」という日本語があれば、■=肉食かな?と言うことに気付くこともそう無理難題では無かろう。 また、他にも手がかりはある。Carnivoraという単語の形を見て欲しいのだが、 みなさん人肉を食べるの習慣のことをカニバリズムと言うことはご存じだろうか? また、カーニバルという単語が、元は謝肉祭のことを指し、肉をたらふく食べる行事であったことをご存じだろうか? その辺のことを知っていたら、単語の形の類似から、肉を食べることと関係があるのかな?と想像するのは容易である。 映画の「ハンニバル」も、「カーニバル」をもじってある、ということも知っていると面白い。
Years ago when a women would get pregnant she would have a baby. Today accidental pregnancies are solved by a method called abortion. With this method the newly formed fetus is basically removed from the mother’s body and destroyed. Although the whole process of having an abortion seems not especially pleasant, it seems to be popular. As a consigned citizen I agree that the mother, and only the mother, should make the decision to have an abortion or to give birth and keep the child. It is the woman’s right to choose.
>>12 特殊なエキソンが含まれる頻度を、そのエキソンが2組のゲノム間で保存される確率と 関連づけることで、著者たちは驚くべきことを発見した。 構成単位としてのエキソンは、主な形態として分類されている一方向型接合エキソンと 同様、ほぼ必ず(ゲノム間に)保存されるのである。 しかし、”少数形態”のエキソンが保存されていたのは全時間の25%にすぎない。 驚くべき事に、人間のEST中にエキソンが含まれる頻度により、それがマウスの体内で 保存されるか否かを予測することが出来るのである。 Years ago when a women would get pregnant she would have a baby. Today accidental pregnancies are solved by a method called abortion. With this method the newly formed fetus is basically removed from the mother’s body and destroyed. Although the whole process of having an abortion seems not especially pleasant, it seems to be popular. As a consigned citizen I agree that the mother, and only the mother, should make the decision to have an abortion or to give birth and keep the child. It is the woman’s right to choose. 何年も前、女性は妊娠すると子を産んだ。 今日では、偶然にも妊娠してしまった場合中絶と呼ばれる方法で解決できる。 この方法により、新たに作られた胎児は母親の体内から根こそぎ取り除かれ、 殺されるのである。見たところ中絶のプロセス全体はあまりいい気はしないが、 人気があるようにも思える。 市民権を有する者の立場から言わせてもらうと、母親、つまり唯一無二の母親が 子どもを中絶するか、出産し育てるかを決定するという考えに私は賛成である。 それは女性の持つ選択権なのだから。
The tropics are the real home of the water lilies; here they develop all sizes and colors, including delicate pinks, glowing reds, and gorgeous blues. The great Brazilian species, Victoria regia, has inconspicuous flowers, but leaves so large that they will bear a grown man's weight.
>>53 > The tropics are the real home of the water lilies; > here they develop all sizes > and colors, including delicate pinks, glowing reds, and gorgeous blues. > The great Brazilian species, Victoria regia, has inconspicuous flowers, > but leaves so large that they will bear a grown man's weight.
Rohwer's group has instead directly isolated individual bacteriophages free-floating in the ocean waters around San Diego and La Jolla, Calif. Given current DNA-analysis techniques, having a single copy of a phage doesn't permit a complete reading of its genome, but the investigators can determine the sequence of a few fragments of its DNA. With this approach, Rohwer and his colleagues compiled nearly 2,000 of these partial sequences from seawater phage genomes and ran them through a computer database of all known genetic sequences of plants, animals, fungi, bacteria, viruses, and other microbes. Only 28 percent of the phage sequences bore similarities to previously documented genes. "Most phages' sequences are unknown," concludes Rohwer.
Then inside, what dear old quaintnesses! which I began to look at with delight, even when I was so crude a members of the congregation, that my nurse found it necessary to provide for the reinforcement of my devotional patience by smuggling bread-and-butter into the sacred edifice. There was the chancel, guarded by two little cherubims looking uncomfortably squeezed between arch and wall, and adorned with the escutcheons of the Oldinport family, which showed me inexhaustible possibilities of meaning in their blood-red hands, their death's-heads and cross-bones, their leopards' paws, and Maltese crosses.
■《Given current DNA-analysis techniques》, having a single copy of a phage doesn't permit a complete reading of its genome, but the investigators can determine the sequence of a few fragments of its DNA.
S1=having a single copy of a phage, V1=doesn't permit, O1=a complete reading of its genome but S2=the investigators, V2=can determine, O2=the sequence of a few fragments of its DNA
■《With this approach》, Rohwer and his colleagues compiled nearly 2,000 of these partial sequences 《from seawater phage genomes》 and ran them 《through a computer database [of all known genetic sequences [of plants, animals, fungi, bacteria, viruses, and other microbes]]》.
S=Rohwer and his colleagues, V1=compiled, O1=nearly 2,000 of these partial sequences V2=ran, O2=them
文頭のthis approachはどんなアプローチのことを指す? compileなんか意味を思い出してる暇があったら読み進めること。文脈から瞬時に意味が分からないとダメ。 前の文で、「 い く つ か の 細切れの配列が1つのバクテリオファージから解読できる」と書いてあった。 で、nearly 2,000 of these partial sequencesと来てるから、 「1つのファージからはいくつかしか決定できない細切れの配列を、2000個近くも( )した」わけだろ? この日本語読めばcompileの意味は分かるね。「集める」という意味だ。 最近コンピレーションアルバムってあるだろ?あのコンピレーションはcompileの名詞形だよね。 色んなアーティストの曲を1枚のアルバムに「集めた」のがコンピレーションアルバムなんでしょ? さぁこれでもうcompileの意味は忘れないね。 run 〜 through …は、「〜を…で処理する」って意味だけど、そんなの知らなくてもイメージで分かるよね。 この場合のrunは、run water into a bathtub「湯船に水を張る」みたいに、「流す」という感じ。 「既知のゲノム配列のデーターベースの間に、ファージの細切れの配列を流す」わけだから、 「処理する」だとか「比較する」というイメージはすぐわくよね?
THE time of my end approaches. I have lately been subject to attacks of angina pectoris; and in the ordinary course of things, my physician tells me, I may fairly hope that my life will not be protracted many months. Unless, then, I am cursed with an exceptional physical constitution, as I am cursed with an exceptional mental character, I shall not much longer groan under the wearisome burthen of this earthly existence. If it were to be otherwise -- if I were to live on to the age most men desire and provide for -- I should for once have known whether the miseries of delusive expectation can outweigh the miseries of true prevision. For I foresee when I shall die, and everything that will happen in my last moments.
The man, though worn out by hunger to the last degree, pulled himself together and went on, half crawling and half dragging himself along, afraid now in a new way. It was not the fear 【(1)that】 he should die passively from lack of food, but that he should 【(2)be destroyed violently】 before starvation had exhausted the last particle of the endeavor in him that was being made toward surviving. Back and forth across the desolation drifted the howls of wolves, weaving the very air into a fabric of menace that was so tangible that he found himself, arms in the air, pressing it back from him as if it might be the walls of a windblown tent.
The man, though worn out by hunger to the last degree, pulled himself together and went on, half crawling and half dragging himself along, afraid now in a new way.
構文点:1点/2点満点 内容点:1点/2点満点
It was not the fear 【(1)that】 he should die passively from lack of food, but that he should 【(2)be destroyed violently】 before starvation had exhausted the last particle of the endeavor in him that was being made toward surviving.
構文点:0点/3点満点 内容点:1点/3点満点
Back and forth across the desolation drifted the howls of wolves, weaving the very air into a fabric of menace that was so tangible that he found himself, arms in the air, pressing it back from him as if it might be the walls of a windblown tent.
問1、次の英文を和訳せよ。 A billionaire at thirty-one,Microsoft's chairman had easily become the richest man in America.And by the nineties he was almost as famous his wealth as he was for his work. If Bill Gates dropped a bill on the ground,mused one writer in 1988,just how large would that bill have to be to justify his leaning over to pick it up? After calculating that Gates was making $150 a second and that the process of ritrieving the bill would take four seconds,the writer then deemed that anything less than $500 would be a waste of the computer giant's precious time.
問2、次の英文を和訳せよ。 When we were children,we learned where democracy comes from, how the people come to rule,about the government of the many rather than the government of the few. But what good is that machinery if there is no majority? No one taught us what would happen if there were a tie. What happend in the United States last year was almost like that. No wonder it took much time before the president-elect was finally decided.
問3、次の文章を英訳せよ。 一国の社会構造の大きな変化は、必ずその社会 にストレスをもたらす。19世紀ヨーロッパでは、 それがヒステリーという形で現われた。現代の日本で、 それは引きこもりとして現われている。引きこもりは 20世紀後半における日本の驚くべき経済成長と、その間に 日本が成し遂げた、目覚しい技術進歩の結果なのだ。 注:引きこもり social withdrawal
>>158 The questionable sound of Silas’s loom, so unlike the natural cheerful trotting of the winnowing-machine,or the simpler rhythm of the flail, had a half-fearful fascination for the Raveloe boys, who would often leave off their nutting or birds’-nesting to peep in at the window of the stone cottage, counterbalancing a certain awe at the mysterious action of the loom, by a pleasant sense of scornful superiority, drawn from the mockery of its alternating noises, along with the bent, tread-mill attitude of the weaver. But sometimes it happened that Marner, pausing to adjust an irregularity in his thread, became aware of the small scoundrels, and, though chary of his time, he liked their intrusion so ill that he would descend from his loom, and, opening the door, would fix on them a gaze that was always enough to make them take their legs in terror. For how was it possible to believe that those large brown protuberant eyes in Silas Marner’s pale face really saw nothing very distinctly that was not close to them?
この文章を和訳してもらいたい。もちろん辞書使用可。時間はかかってもいい。 ただどれだけの実力があるか知りたい。 【注】 winnowing-machine.....flail:The winnowing-macnine fanned the chaff away from the grain; the flail was used for threshing corn out of the ears by hand.
>>133に挑戦。 (1)のthatは真主語にあたる節を導くんじゃないかな、と思います(Itで受けられるようなものが出てないので、仮主語だと判別しました)。 (2)は狼に襲われて食い殺されることでしょうか。 辞書は「desolation」「menace」を引きました。 weaving the very air into a fabric of menaceをどう訳すかが点数の分かれるところだと思います(私はうまく訳せないので投げ出しましたが) ちなみに、一応京大生です。
There can be no human society without conflict : such a society not of friends but of ants. Even if it were attainable, there are human values of the greatest importance which would be destroyed by its attainment, and which therefore should prevent us from attempting to bring it about. On the otherhand, we certaily ought to bring about a reduction of conflict. So already we have here an clash of values or principles. This example also shows that clashes of values and principles may be valuable, and indeed essential for an open society.
There can be no human society without conflict : such a society not of friends but of ants. <Even if it were attainable, there are human values of the greatest importance which would be destroyed by its attainment, and which therefore should prevent us from attempting to bring it about. On the other hand, we certainly ought to bring about a reduction of conflict. So already we have here an clash of values or principles.> This example also shows that clashes of values and principles may be valuable, and indeed essential for an open society.
bring about での about は 「手近に」 という意の副詞。 「手近にもってくる」⇔「もたらす」 bring そのものは他動詞で目的語をとるから、 bring about it は可だし、bring it about も可。 ただし代名詞を目的語にとる場合は bring it about が普通かな。
これで検索すると、 bring it aboutが11件、bring about itが0件でした。 brought it aboutは3件、brought about itが0件でした。
take/took it offは37件、take/took off itが4件(うち3件はピリオドをまたぐので正確には1件) think/thought it overが22件、think/thought over itが0件。 take/took it overが17件、take/took over itが3件ヒットするも全て無効で実質0件。
衝突のない人間社会などは存在しえない。 そのような社会は、人ではなく蟻の社会であれば存在するのだろう。 『もし衝突の無い人間社会が現実のものになりうるとしても、そのような社会の 実現によって崩壊しかねない、人間ならではの最も重要な価値というものがある。 それ故に、その価値が、我々人間が衝突のない社会を実現しようと試みるのを 妨げるはずである。 他方、衝突を減少に向かわせねばならないのも確かである。 こうして、すでにここにも価値や主義の衝突の1つの例が存在しているのだ。』 この例はまた、価値や主義の衝突は重要であるかもしれず、実際に、その衝突が 開かれた社会にとって不可欠である事を示す例でもあるのだ。 it は human society without conflict「衝突のない人間社会」
The calm sea says more to the thoughtful soul than the same sea in the storm and tumult.But we need the understanding of eternal things and the sentiment of the infinite to be eble to feel this.The divine state is that of silence and response,because all speech and all action are in themselves limited and fugitive. People of passionate temperament never understand this. They are only sensitive to the energy of succession;they know nothing of the energy of condensation.
Along with our increased knowledge of the history of the English language and the conception of language as an evolving organism, came the realization that many of the rules of so-called correct English did not reflect actual speech habits. 誰か訳してくれ
>言語という概念が有機体のごとく進化するにつれ ここはちゃうね。正しくは 「我々が英語という言語の歴史と、進化を続ける有機体としての言語という考え方 ついてより深く知るにつれ」 ではなかろうかと。もしくはthe conception of language as an evolving organism をconceive of A as Bの名詞化と考えて「言語を進化し続ける有機体とする考え方」 としてもいいのかな。 それ以外はあってるんじゃなかろうか。
> Along with our increased knowledge of the history of the English language > and the conception of language as an evolving organism, >>236 > 言語という概念が有機体のごとく進化するにつれ >>238 > 進化を続ける有機体としての言語という考え方ついてより深く知るにつれ
両方とも「the conception 〜」が間違っている。 「conceive A as B」と考えて、 「言語を進化を続ける有機体として考えること」と解釈するのが正解。
この点に関しては、238さんは後で気付いたようだけど、 「考え方についてより深く知るにつれ」 すなわち「Along with our increased knowledge of the conception 〜.」 と考えてしまったところが別の間違い。
Along with our increased knowledge of [the history 〜【and】the conception 〜] ではなくて、 Along with [our increased knowledge 〜【and】the conception 〜] と考えて、「言語を進化を続ける有機体として考えるようになるにつれて」 もしくは、「〜という考え方が生ずるにつれて」としなければならない。
> came the realization that many of the rules of so-called correct English > did not reflect actual speech habits. >>237 > 現実の会話の習慣を反映しなくなくなった
「did not reflect」は単なる時制の一致。 「〜しなくなった」というのは誤訳。 単に「反映していない」と訳さないとまずい。
なるほど〜ありがとうございました!>248 質問したいのですが Along with our increased knowledge of [the history 〜【and】the conception 〜] ではなくて、 Along with [our increased knowledge 〜【and】the conception 〜] と構造をとるにはどうやって判断すればよいのでしょう よろしくおねがいします〜
意味・内容を抜きにして、形式面だけをこだわったとしても、 ●「【know】→【knowledge】」を軸にした部分 our increased knowledge of the history of the English language ●「【conceive】→【conception】」を軸にした部分 the conception of language as an evolving organism, というともに「抽象名詞」のかたまりがあるので、 「knowledge and conception」が見えてきます。
もちろん、形式面以前に、 「knowlege of the conception」では意味不明なことも 当然ながら考慮には入れてますが、本筋ではありません。 あくまで付け足しみたいなものです。
From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the Continent. Behind that line lie all the capitals of the ancient states of Central and Eastern Europe. Warsaw, Berlin, Prague, Vienna, Budapest, Belgrade, Bucharest and Sofia, all these famous cities and the populations around them lie in what I must call the Soviet sphere, and all are subject in one form or another, not only to Soviet influence but to a very high and, in many cases, increasing measure of control from Moscow.
よく考えるとさ、a student who study abroadとかa student studying abroadとかって、 今日本にいながら、「そういえばアメリカで留学生やってる友達がいてさあ」って感じで思ってるニュアンスじゃないか? 今目の前にいる留学生を指差して「こいつ留学生なんだぜ」って言うときにabroadは使わないと思う。
As to disease, it is so rare in wild animals or in a large majority of cases so quickly proves fatal, that, compared with what we call disease in our species, it is practically non-existent.(京都大学)
(As to disease) it is @【so】rare in wild animals or A【so】quickly proves fatal in a largemajority of cases (倒置) 【that】(compared with what we call disease in our species) it is practically non-existent.
基本的にはso that構文で、 as〜とcompared〜が副詞節、分詞構文の形で挿入されていて、 あとsoに続く文が二つ、だと思うのですが。 It is so rare that it is non-existent. それは非常に稀なので、存在していない(ようなものなのだ)。 基幹部はこんな感じであってますよね?
英文の基本構造は It is rare or proves fatal. (S+V1+C1+or+V2+C2)です。 そこにso 〜 that …構文が絡んでいます。 ぱっと見、orはin wild animalsとin a large majority of casesを接続しているように 誤解しがちですが、それではprovesという述語動詞が浮いてしまう、ということに 気付かねばなりません。
I like to think of university life as a comradeship between older and younger people, all of them being students at heart, and holding essential values in common, but with a great diversity of interest and personal qualities which they share with each other and contribute to the common good.
20 points can be got if a short article is buried for the time being -- Although two sentences were received and being cooked this year, also personally, no less than 20 points were able to be got with what write or an answer which is not known. Although it dies too much in English and being fallen and cooked in it -- Although only Tokyo Gakugei University and two sentences are received, and both fall and are cooked this year, no less than two sentences are application-to-more-than-one-school De Dis by one-sentence wish next year. incidentally -- description test of the last last year -- the 55 or less standard score of language English -- acting before the audience -- up to the passing mark -- after -- it was lighted ten and was TOKO Therefore, if it does its best from now on, it will pass absolutely. It does its best in each other,
All the while I was in Russia -- eighteen days that weighed on me like centuries, and that reminded me of a Soviet poet's admission that in "fifty years of the Revolution we have lived five hundred" -- I kept thinking of the old women dying in America as a young girl in Russia.
>303は1981年の部分和訳[1]の下線部(1) 「23年」に掲載されています。 ちなみに俺は「23年」のこの部分の和訳には少し異議があります。 後続を読まなければ「as a young girl in Russia」の訳出は無理だ との「23年」の論調なのですが、俺の考えでは、「ある言葉の省略」 がこの部分になされていると考えており、それが正しければ、 とりあえず後続と切り離してこの部分だけでも訳出可能ではと 考えています。
I like to 「私は〜したい」何がしたいの? think of university life as a comradeship 「大学生活を仲間関係とみな」したい。 between older and younger people それはどんな仲間関係かと言えば、「年の差のあるもの同士の」仲間関係。 , all of them being students at heart そして「全員が心の中では学生であり、」 and holding essential values in common, 「本質的価値を共有している」 but with a great diversity of interest and personal qualities 「しかし関心と個性はとても多様で、」 which they share with each other 「これを彼らは互いに分かち合い、」 and contribute to the common good. 「共通の善のために捧げるのだ。」
1. being students at heart <and> 2. holding essential values in common <but> 3. with a great diversity of interest and personal qualities を見抜けるかどうかが勝負の分かれ目。比較的簡単でしたね。
Acquiring a knowledge of history is a pleasant and safe pastime for the amateur. Developing an understanding of history is essential for those who would influence the future. It is not only on the lessons that history has to teach, valuable though they are, that this claim lies. It is rather because history, by making us aware how we arrived where we are today, gives us bearing so that, like any traveller, we may venture into the unknown confident at least of our direction. When we meet the future by reacting to the present, how we react is largely determined by the past--our history.
>>312 ポイントとなるのは ●It is not only on the lessons that history has to teach, valuable though they are, that this claim lies. の文の解釈、とくに2つのthatの役割。 ●bearingの意味 くらいでしょうか。
To a native speaker of but one language, and especially to an adult but uneducated speaker, everything but his own tongue is likely to strike him as somehow unreasonable.
To a native speaker of (ア)but one language, and especially to an adult (イ)but uneducated speaker, everything (ウ)but his own tongue is likely to strike him as somehow unreasonable.
(ア) このbutは知っているか知っていないかだけの問題。 butには、onlyと同じ意味を表す副詞用法がある。 ex. He is but a child.=He is only a child.「彼はほんの子供だ」 この一つ目のbutはこのonlyと同じ意味のbut。 この用法を知らない人はこのbutの品詞をどう間違うかというと、 後ろに名詞が来ているから、exceptと同じ意味の、前置詞と間違う。 でも冷静に考えると、その前にofがあるから、butを前置詞と考えてしまうと、 前置詞が2つ連続してしまうことになる。 それではここで君に問題。 Q.前置詞は2つ連続することは出来る?以下の選択肢から選べ。 a) いかなる場合でも前置詞が2つ連続することはない b) 一部の例外を除いて前置詞が2つ連続することはない (これを選ぶ場合は必ずその例外の例を挙げること) c) 前置詞が2つ連続することはざらにある
>>334 >>328の問題の答えはb)。 例外の例(ややこしい日本語ですまん)は、取りあえず4つほどあげておこう。 He looked at them from behind the curtain. Come out from under there, will you? I went on singing until after midnight. They say this building has been here since before the World War II.
Acquiring a knowledge of history is a pleasant and safe pastime for the amateur. 歴史の知識を身につけるということは、 歴史の専門家ではない人にとって、愉快でとてもよい娯楽です。
Developing an understanding of history is essential for those who would influence the future. 歴史についての理解を深めることは、 未来に影響を及ぼすかもしれない人たちにとって、欠かせぬことなのです。
It is not only on the lessons that history has to teach, valuable though they are, that this claim lies. 歴史を通して学ばねばならない数々の教訓というものがあります。 またその教訓には実際におおいに価値があります。 しかし、そうした教訓があるということだけを根拠にして こうした主張をしているのではありません。
It is rather because history, by making us aware how we arrived where we are today, gives us bearing so that, like any traveler, we may venture into the unknown confident at least of our direction. 歴史というものは私たちに、 「自分たちが現在いる場所」にいかにしてたどり着いたのか ということを気づかせてくれます。 そしてそのことを通して、歴史は私たちに、 自分たちが進むべき方向というものを示してくれくれます。 そのおかげで、旅する人がみなそうであるように、 少なくとも自分たちの進む方向にだけは自信を持った上で、 未知なる場所に足を踏み入れることができるようになります。 だからこそ、こうした主張をしているのです。
When we meet the future by reacting to the present, how we react is largely determined by the past--our history. 私たちは、「現在」に対応することを通して 「未来」に立ち向かっているのですから、 「現在」に対してどのように対応するかは、 「過去」すなわち「歴史」によって大部分は決められているということになるのです。
The primary aim of science is to find truth. This search is the more successful the more it is directed towards finding truth for its own sake, regardless of its possible practical use of application. All the same, new truth and knowledge always elevate human life and most usually find practical application. As a rule, the more fundamental a new truth, the greater will be its practical possibilities. In fact, everything we have we owe to science, to research. If everything given to us by research were to be taken away, civilization would collapse and we would stand naked, searching for caves again. (計103語)
Compromise is ever the fruit of discussion, and compromise is the essence of political behavior in England. Compromise is a very imperfect instrument of government. It slows down the process of change and takes the edge off most great reforming proposals. It is the enemy of all optimism in human affairs, for its basic theory is that change does harm as well as good. It insists that while ‘ no stone must be left unturned ’ , every possibility ‘ must be examined ’ and ‘ every avenue must be explored ’ before anybody does anything about anything.