【例】 What you have to learn, if you are to be a good citizen of the world, is that though you will certainly dislike many of your neighbors, and differ from some of them so strongly that you could not possibly live in the same house with them, that does not give you the smallest right to injure them or even to be personally uncivil to them.
What you have to learn, if you are to be a good citizen of the world, is that though you will certainly dislike many of your neighbors, and differ from some of them so strongly that you could not possibly live in the same house with them, that does not give you the smallest right to injure them or even to be personally uncivil to them.
一個目のthat what you have to learn の内容 二個目のthat so〜thatのthat 三個目のthat 直前の文を指す
It has often been repeated that the reason Iraqis haven't greeted American forces with flowers and smiles is that the U.S. failed to come to the aid of those Iraqis who--with the encouragement of the first President Bush--revolted after Desert Storm in 1991.
(58) It has often been repeated ↑(It-taht構文) that the reason (Iraqis haven't greeted American forces ---)-- 関係副詞whyの省略 is that the U.S. failed to come to the aid of those Iraqis( who--with the encouragement of the first President Bush--revolted after Desert Storm in 1991).-- thatはまたも名詞節で補語のthat
The men of my generation, my father's and grandfather's were so conditioned in their extreme youth to the idea that men simply didn't, that by the time they were fifteen of sixteen they couldn't, even in private, except for such things as the death of a wife or child.
87の質問に82が答えないので、、、次。 ----------------------- My impression is that the Japanese will do whatever it takes to secure what they want -whale meat, ivory, or timber. ----------------------- 当方東大院<--なんか英語スレで当方○○が流行ってたので真似しますた
The calm sea says more to the thoughtful soul than the same sea in the storm and tumult.But we need the understanding of eternal things and the sentiment of the infinite to be eble to feel this.The divine state is that of silence and response,because all speech and all action are in themselves limited and fugitive. People of passionate temperament never understand this. They are only sensitive to the energy of succession;they know nothing of the energy of condensation.
At your age of eighteen, it is imperative to have a vision in front of you of what you want to be doing in ten years' time. That period between twenty and thirty years of age is the most crucial of all learning periods. If you do not get the required study you need for your futher work accomplished during these years, you will more than likely not get it done at all. (福井大)
>If you do not get the required study you need for your futher work accomplished during these years, you will more than likely not get it done at all 今後のさらなる仕事に必要な必須学習をこれらの時期に行っておかないと、 (それ以降の時期に)手をつけることはまず無いだろう。
At your age of eighteen, it is imperative to have a vision in front of you of what you want to be doing in ten years' time. That period between twenty and thirty years of age is the most crucial of all learning periods. If you do not get the required study you need for your futher work accomplished during these years, you will more than likely not get it done at all.
That's because the best philosophy doesn't just come up with a few new facts that we can simply add to our stock of information,or a few new maxims to extend our list of dos and don'ts, but embodies a picture of the world and a set of values;and unless these happen to be yours already it is bound to seem very peculiar−if it doesn't seem peculiar you haven't understood it.
The discipline of fortitude on the one hand, inculcating endurance without a groan, and the teaching of politeness on the other, requiring us not to mar the pleasure or serenity of another by expressions of our own sorrow or pain, combined to engender a stoical turn of mind, and eventually to confirm it into a national trait of apparent stoicism.
>>114 あえて言うなら the best philosophy の訳ですね。 これは「最も優れた哲学」と訳すのがよいでしょう。 哲学=philosophy、哲学者はphilosopher。 形容詞として見てしまったのか、全体から哲学者としたほうがよかったか、どちらかでしょう。 でも非常に優秀な訳です。
Considering our present advanced state of culture, and how the Torch of Science has now been brandished and borne about, with more or less effect, for five-thousand years and upwards; how, in these times especially, not only the Torch still burns, and perhaps more fiercely than ever, but innumerable Rush-lights, and Sulphur-matches, kindled thereat, are also glancing in every direction, so that not the smallest cranny or doghole in Nature or Art can remain unilluminated,--it might strike the reflective mind with some surprise that hitherto little or nothing of a fundamental character, whether in the way of Philosophy or History, has been written on the subject of Clothes.
He looked as one imagines a poet should look. Having gradually wasted his small fortune , he preferred to live on the generosity of others rather than work, and often he found it difficult to make both ends meet.
こんなものがあった。 In the example I am thinking of the person continues to behave in what most people would agree is a normal manner, but one so remote from his old self that he appears to those who know him,to be someone else entirely.(東京大)
In the example I am thinking of the person continues to behave in what most people would agree is a normal manner, but one so remote from his old self that he appears to those who know him,to be someone else entirely
質問なんですが、 In the exampleというのは、定冠詞がついているので、この前に出した例を 指しているのかな?少なくとも、For example=「例えば」ではないような。 the personのあとのwhoが省略されてるのかな? what〜mannerまでが、behave in のあとに続く名詞節でinの目的語の役割?
In the example (I am thinking of) the person continues to behave in what{ (most people would agree) is a normal manner}, but one [so] remote from his old self [that] he appears {to those (who know him),}to be someone else entirely.
"There's been lots of stuff in the media about me and my future, but I can honestly say that there has been no contact between either me or my adviser and Real Madrid, or any other club."
"I know that the chief executive Peter Kenyon and the manager are saying they want me to stay, and that's good enough for me. My affection for the club has never changed from the day I signed for United."
Whatever sort of persons compose those who have bought, I will not venture to say "Read the book",which I have never throughly understood. 「購買者がどのような人であれ、自分が完全に理解していない本を読めという気にはなれない。」
What you have to learn is that ... が基本構造。 そこにifが導く副詞節が挿入されている。
[従属節] Though you will certainly 1.dislike many of your neighbors, and 2.differ from some of them so strongly that you could not possibly live in the same house with them
[主節] That does not give you the smallest right to injure them or even to be personally uncivil to them.
I have always suspected that the reading is right which requires many words to prove it wrong, and the emendation wrong that cannnot without so much labor appear to be right.
レベル3だからここのみんなにはわかんないかも Chris removed his dick from the boy's spent asshole and rolled onto the sleeping bags, Johnny fell on top of him and they lay together embraced in each others arms for a long time. As the man slowly recovered he kissed the kid's cheeks and his neck and down to the top of the boy's chest and said... 'Shit kid, you can take it and then some. Some grown men I know couldn't take it as well as you did! You're one hot piece of chicken and I loved plowin' you in the ass!' 'Shit coach, that was the most fantastic fuck I ever got... You nearly split me in two! I never got fucked like that before! I thought gettin' fucked by other boy's was great, but I never had it as good as you can give it coach! I hope we can do this again soon!'
the more artifice, the more progress; the more progress, the more security. we press our technological imperialism forward against thenatural environment until we reach the point at which it comes as startling and not entirely credible news to our urban masses to be told by anxious ecologist that their survival has anything whatever to do with air, water, soil, plant, animal.
we press our technological imperialism forward against thenatural environment until we reach the point at which it comes as startling and not entirely credible news [to our urban masses] to be told by anxious ecologist that their survival has anything whatever to do with air, water, soil, plant, animal.
・press (A) foward against (B)は「(A)を(B)に対して(Bを押し切る形で)押し進める」 ・2行目のitはto be told 以下を示す。 ・it comes as(形容詞)は「〜であると感じられる」というイディオム ・not entirely credibleは直訳すると「完全(必ずしも)には信じられない」という 部分否定 意訳すれば「にわかに信じがたい」 ・to our urban massesは挿入語句 「我々都会に住む大多数のものにとって」の意 ・has something to do with 〜は「〜と関係がある」というイディオム ・anything whatever は「少しでも、少なからず」という意味 ちなみにno (nothing) 〜 whatever は「全く〜ない」という否定を強める意味で使われる
>>177 I have always suspected that the reading is right which requires many words to prove it wrong, and [the emendation wrong that cannnot without so much labor appear to be right].
>さんざん苦労してもっともらしく訂正しても、それは誤りだ、 揚げ足とりでスマソ。ここは [the emendation is wrong that cannot appear to be right if it were not for so much labor]の意味で、訳は 「それ相応の苦労をせねば正しく見えない校訂は間違っている」 になるんじゃなかろうか。
There is some good news from the health front:cigarette smoking, the reading cause of preventable death and disease in this country, is falling sharply among American teenagers.The latest national survey shows that teen smoking is rapidly declining.
The revivals of memory are rarely literal. We naturally remember what interests us. The past is recalled not because of itself but because of what it adds to the present.
>>255 It is necessary to learn what we can learn of |the ways in which, |we came to be as we now be. | and | |the routes by which, | 自分がどうやって今ある姿になったのか知る必要がある。
Democracy is the highest form of political government, but on the cultural side it is exposed to grave weaknesses. Call the masses into power, and automatically you will find the national culture molded by their interests and tastes.
>>263 >Democracy is the highest form of political government, 民主主義は最も高等な政治体制である。 >but on the cultural side it is exposed to grave weaknesses. しかしながら、文化的側面から見れば、重大な弱さに晒されている。 >Call the masses into power, 一般大衆が権力を持てば、 >and automatically you will find the national culture molded by their interests and tastes. その国の文化が大衆の興味と好みに合わせて作られることに気付く。