This proverb originary means the time has passed never come back, so we should treat time as important things. But I think this proverb means there is not good reason wasting time do nothing. If we have a free time, we can everything we want. But when we have some tasks, it is difficult to do so. We have another proverb, "Time passes like a allow."(光陰矢の如し) This is also means time is so placeless for us. I think it is not good to be restricted because of time, but it is important to think about the time restriction.
originary???>>つづり確認 the time has passed never come back>>動詞の数数えろ。三単元のS 三行目a free time>> aはいらない Time passes like a allow.>>すごいなこれ。Time flies (like an arrow). This is also means >> いくつ動詞があれば気が済むんだ? 最後の文、意味不明。
>>30 ぜんぜんレスがつかないねえ。ついオレも放置プレーしてしまったが、 having the doubt of >> wonderとかしってるでしょ? my life style now >> こういうのはよくない。問題文の「自分の生き方」って ようするにどういうことなのか吟味せずに機械的に訳しているでしょ? それやってると伸び悩むよ。「どう生きるべきか」とか「いま自分の生きている 生き方に」とか、いろいろとれるが、いずれにせよまず日本語の意味を 自分なりに解釈しなきゃだめ。
It is said that the Japanese generally seem like travel, and the number of people who visited neither at home or obroad last summer reached about five-thousand .
すみません。5千万でした。 It is said that the Japanese generally seem like travel, and the number of people who visited neither at home or obroad last summer reached about fifty million.
A lot of Japanese people like traveling, and a number of the people who visites cities in Japan and foreign countries last summer seemed to be fifth millions. これじゃダメ?
A:I wonder the reason why a lot of young people quit their job within a year or so. B:I don't know, but maybe I think that they are tired of the same daily task.
Although it isn't easy to read the handwrited letter which has some differences between each writers, this is interesting as if I look at their face. But when a lot of people read a number of letters at the same time,the printed letters are more useful than the handwrited ones because the figure is arranged and easy to read.
「もう一方の部類の機械は、周囲の状態のある種の変化に対して 出来るだけ敏感に反応することを役目とする機械から成る」 という訳の文章なんで、下記のように載ってました。 The other class of machine consists of those whose function it is to be as sensitive as possible to some kind of change in their surroundings.
それで、これはmachine consists of those whose function is to be のように itを抜かすと、どういう風に訳が変るんでしょーか。
ちなみに説明文で、= ・・those {machines}+it is their function to be as sensitive as posssible〜 (このtheirをwhoseにして結合) ってあります。
in の後ろにabroadはダメというのはわかるのですが、 travel in Japan・・・OK travel abroad・・・OK なので、or で一つに結んで travel in Japan or abroadで、OKなんだと思ってたんです。 ですが、travel in のinは、abroadにまで、かかるんだって事ですよね。
けどaかtheかはあまり関係がないよ。 To be or not to be, that is a problem.
I have two math problems, and I'm going to begin with the easier one, but I wonder which is easier....It is really a problem which is easier to solve.とか
>>107 うふふ。ひっかかりましたね。 シェイクスピアの原文ではTo be or not to be: that is the question. です。あなたのいうこととは正反対にtheのほうが「大問題」ということです。 なぜだかわかる? the problem = the only problem that is on my mindだから。 それにたいして a problem = one of the problems that are on my mindだから。
Although it isn't easy to read the handwritten letters which each writers express individually, such letters are interesting because I feel as if I looked at various faces. But, when we have a lot of people read a number of letters at once, the printed letters which we can arrange regularly and read easily are more useful than the handwritten ones.
One's penmanship is different from others' so much that it is sometimes uneasy to read. ButI like to see those features because they have personality , as human faces do. On the other hand,printing is typical and is better,when communicating a lot of things to as many people as possible at once. much that...はだめ。 He is kind very muchといわないだろ。He is very kind.だ。形容詞を 強めたければその形容詞の前に副詞はつく。so that構文のsoも例外じゃない。 したがってここは、... is so different from others' that...が正解。
>>122 非限定用法というのは継続用法のことでしょうか? #■(1)限定用法と(2)継続用法 #(1)He has two sons who work for a software company. #(2)He has two sons, who work for a software company.(関係詞節の前にコンマ) #前者は「ソフトウェア会社で働いてる息子」は2人だが、その他にも息子がいる可能性がある。 #後者は息子は2人だけで、その両方がソフトウェア会社で働いてる。 #(参考書より抜き出し) つまり>>117のwhichの前にコンマを付ければいいのかな。
文章を読む時はぼんやり眺めるんじゃなくて、意識して読んでるからlook atだと思ったんですが。
「一度にたくさんの文字をたくさんの人に読ませる」 in case the long sentences are read by many people at once うーん、直訳以外にうまく言い換えれない。英語をやる前にまずは現代文をやるべきか…。
One's handwriting is very different from others' that it is sometimes not easy to read. But I like to see those characteristics because they represent personality of the person who writes them.
On the other hand,printing is uniform in shapes,and such a uniformity works well in communicating a lot of things to as many people as poosible at once.
One's handwriting is so different from others' that it is sometimes not easy to read. But I like to see those characteristics because they represent personality of the person who writes them.
On the other hand,printing is uniform in shapes,and such a uniformity works well in communicating a lot of things to as many people as poosible at once.
>On the other hand,printing is uniform in shapes,and >such a uniformity works well in communicating a lot of things to >as many people as poosible at once.
あ〜こっちはあんまり好きじゃない。 こうなんというか、ゴチャゴチャしすぎてmain ideaがぼやけちゃってる。 特に“such a uniformity works well”とかそういう部分がね、 うまく説明できないけどキモチワルイ。 あと、handwritingはuncountableだったけどprintingはcountableであることに注意。 もう変に気を遣うのはめんどくさいから複数形にしちゃおう。
In contrast, printings are easy to read because of its uniformity.
So typescripts are more favorable than manuscripts when you have to convey long-passage to many people.
My life as a highschool student is not stressful. It's because, I don't have a parttime job and belong a club, now. Beside, we don't have to do such a many assignment, so we can use the time freely. But, if we have come close the end ob this semester, i would be busy and feel stress. To make matters worse, if I have failed some classes, the stress will be bigger and bigger, and I will feel overwhelmed by it in the end. So we have to make schedules to avoid a stress by the time, whether it is rough. But it is no good to restrict by the time, so we have to keep the balance of time keeping.
I often think how long the present standard of living in Japan will be maintaind. When people in the future look back the 20th century,what will they feel?
>>135 明らかなミスだけ。 It is because, >> comma不要 belong a club >> belong to a club beside >> besides we >> I such a many assignment >> much homework we can use >> I can spend come close the end >> come close to the end I would be >> I will be feel stress >> get stressed by the time >> by then whether it is rough >>意味不明 it is no good to restrict by the time >>意味不明 keep the balance of time keeping >>意味不明
Whatever you'd like to do,it is difficult to reach a certain level of skill,and you also have to work very hard to learn something thoroughly.
大変よくできてますが、reach a certain level of skillはいただけない。 「技術のあるレベルに達する」のではなく「熟練のあるレベルに達する」のだよ。 したがって、reach a certain level of skillfulnessが正しい。う〜ん 日本語で説明するとおんなじように見えるなあ。。。わかってもらえるかね? またはぜんぜんちがう言い方を考えよう。 それとcommaのあとはスペース。できる人みたいだからそういうところまで きちっと気を使うこと。
I often think how long the present standard of living in Japan will be maintaind. When people in the future look back the 20th century,what will they feel?
think>>まちがいではないがwonderがベター will be maintained >>これもわかるがlastまたはremain as it is now when以下はまったくだめ。 まずlook back to ---じゃないか?toがないぞ。 それとこういうときこそ万が一のshouldをつかうんじゃないの?
It may be too much say that the bad wether has an effect on the sales of books. According to the staff of a book store , however ,few people come to the shop on a hot summer day or a rain day. seem
The experience that you were influenced greatly by the book you had come accross , not by your favolable books, may be , more or less, familiar to every heart.
Most of all people must know this feeling; when you try to find in vain your favorite books, and comes across another one , which turns out to be most inspiring .
Most of all people must know this feeling; when you try to find in vain your favorite books, and come across another one , which turns out to be most inspiring .
this experience must be...のぶんは最後に持ってきたほうがいいんじゃない? such an experience...とかにして。 それとyou could not...とか現在形じゃないの? こちらのby whichにcommaがつくのは正しい。@との違いわかるかな? be influenced strongly...influenceとstronglyっていうのはコロケーションとして どうなんでしょうか?・・・まあ、許せる範囲か。
Bwith usはあってもよいが、不要。 the book you come across instead of a book you really want... イイタイコトはわからないでもないが、、、、 the book you wanted to readかな。それと、instead ofはあまりきにいらない。。。
>>171 添削ありがとうございました AYou can not find a book you really want to read, but come across another one, by which you are influenced greatly, such an experience must be common. __________________________________ whichに関してなんですが、訳の違いはこんな感じでしょうか。 @ Most people are inspired greatly by a book which they come across, 〜 (ほとんどの人は、偶然出会った本に強く啓蒙される・・
@’ Most people are inspired greatly by a book, which they come across,
Almost all people believe that they have loved nature from the past centuries. However,from the Meiji era,how many people have been think highly of the relationship between human beings and nature.
俺も練習に辞書ナシで・・・ Many japanese believe that they have been loving nature for a long period of time. However, how many people have been thinking seriously about relations between others since the Meiji era?
these days 最近 the day before yesterday おととい the day after tomorrowあさって the summer before lastおととしの夏。。。などthe ... before lastのかたち the summer after next差来年の夏。。。などthe...after nextのかたち
君が途方に暮れていたのはわかるけど、その見ず知らずの男をそう軽々しく 信用すべきではなかった I know that you were at a loss, but you should not be willing to trust that stranger.
これからの日本人は日本のことを外国語で外国人に説明できる力を 身に付ける必要がある。しかし、旅行者として訪ねる国々の習慣や エチケットに精通する必要がある。 Japanese people today need to learn a skill of explaining to foreigners about their own country in English. Whereas, it is also necessary, as a visiter, getting good knowledge of custams and manners of the countries that they travel in.
With the age, a new term has come to be used. It is "universal science". It referes to basic studies of science about, or in relation to the universe directly.
With the age, a new term has come to be used. It is "universal science". It referes to basic studies of science about, or in relation directly to the universe .
人生において、初めから内容の選択の余地などない。 たとえそれがどんなに辛く、苦しく、惨めであろうとも、 それがあなたの生でありたまたま存在しうるのである。 そのことに外部からの評価を加える事はできない。 自分の人生が存在すること、それがそのままの価値なのだ。 From the moment your life begin, you never choose your destiny. However hard, painfull and miserable your life may be, it happens to exists and is what you are. No one outside can evaluates that. Existence of your life in itself is valuable.
From the outset,we have no room of selection of contents in living. There is your lifetime exsists by accident,even if it may be difficult, painfull,or miserable. We can't appreciate that from outside. there exist our own life is our natural value.
人生において、初めから内容の選択の余地などない。 たとえそれがどんなに辛く、苦しく、惨めであろうとも、 それがあなたの生でありたまたま存在しうるのである。 そのことに外部からの評価を加える事はできない。 自分の人生が存在すること、それがそのままの価値なのだ。 In your life, there can never be any room for choise of its contents. However hard, painful and miserable your life may be, it is yourself and can exist accidentally. Your life can never be evaluated from anyone outside. The fact in itself that your own life exists is valuable.
>>250 examples はトルか、examples of how 〜とする how important roles の形はあまり薦められません。 that が一番問題。関係代名詞?接続詞? どっちにしてもこれで文構造が成り立たなくなっています。 for peace だけだと play roles とはマッチしないので in bringing about peace に。
2問目 1文目。OKですが、 is always accompanied by pain は is always painful の方がシンプルでしょうか。 2文目。 is equal to > means ここで言いたいのは「等価」だということではないですね。 the other は another の方がしっくりきます。
3問目 walking > walk seeing > finding streat garallies auful スペルミス。ちょっとお疲れ気味? 意訳したのは大変いいのですが、 never 〜 without とかはあんまり使わないほうがいいと思います。 もっとシンプルに書けるはずだと思います。
例えば These days one sees new art galleries all over the place.
また、>>234に出ていたwith the age は私も気になったんですが with the space age、with the advance of civilizationなど、 宇宙時代の到来共に〜、文明が進むにつれて〜のような表現だったら OKですね。 その例文の場合は、with the times 時代の流れと共に〜、なんか 良いと思います。
You look very tired. Don't you think you ought to go to bed? に対し、
「いいえ、まだ大丈夫です。 まだまだ明日のテストの準備をしないといけませんから」と答える場合、 No, I'm still OK. I have a lot of preparation to do for tomorrow's examination. と、こんな感じで大丈夫でしょうか? お願いします。
Anyone who saw a daily newspaper or caught a cable news program this past weekend knows that William J. Bennett--virtuecrat, drug warrior, scold--was exposed by Newsweek and the Washington Monthly last Friday as a high-stakes gambler. The news that Bennett blew a sma ll fortune in Las Vegas--he is believed to have lost upwards of eight million dollars--was alm ost too good to be true. Michael Kinsley, writing for Slate, best captured the reaction of Ameri can sinners from Maine to California: "Maybe there is a God after all." Bennett defended himself against charges of hypocrisy by pointing out that he never hurt any one else, that he didn't break the law, and that he views gambling like he views alcohol. "If yo u can't handle it," Bennett said, "don't do it." The trouble with all three of Bennett's defenses is that they can be used to defend all the sins, pleasures, and vices that Bennett made millio ns condemning, from open relationships (don't do it if you can't handle it) to smoking pot (doe sn't hurt anyone else, don't do it if you can't handle it) to getting blowjobs from interns in the Oval Office (the trifecta). On Saturday morning Mrs. Bill Bennett weighed in, telling USA Today that her husband's gam bling days were behind him. The New York Times reported on Tuesday that Bill Bennett had indeed decided to give up gambling for good. "Moral Crusader Says He Will Gamble No More, " read the headline. "This is not an example I wish to set," Bennett said in a statement. "Therefore, my gambling days are over." It was a lovely little news cycle, wasn't it?
You should decide important things in your life such as getting a job or getting married. It is better to take consult with your parents or an elder. However, none of them will be able to say definite thing you need. You have to decide all the things and take care of it even if result is good or bad.
By progress of technology, we were able to raise the living standard revolutionarily today. However,it seems that the desire which invent things, the capability which can solve complicated things by itself is disappearing from before.
>283 私も受験生で間違っているかもしれませんが。 @These days は完了形でつかえるのかわかりません。 Adepriveは目的語が長いときは先にof〜を言ってもよいというルールがあったはず。
These days, the highly developed technology has improved the standard of our daily life remarkably. But,I think that the improvement of our standard deprived of us the positive attitude to create and the ability to deal with the perplexing problems by ourselves.
Thanks to the progress of science, our standard of living has risen to the point that you could call it a revolution. On the other hand, people today seem to be less creative nor are they as able to solve problems on their own as before.
Canadian cattle farmers, coping with the impact of mad cow disease on their hurting industry, face a new dilemma: how to get rid of stock that has died of natural causes.
The short-term solution has been to dump the animals in landfill sites, but according to Ron Bonnett, president of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture, if the pile-up continues for much longer "it has the potential to become a crisis."
In an average week, Canadian farmers dispose of about 45 million kilograms of dead stock, most often at rendering plants across Canada and the United States.
But since the detection of mad cow disease in Western Canada last week, the demand for this type of cattle had dropped by 50 per cent.
The one hope for Canadian farmers is to have the U.S. lift its beef ban soon, which would regenerate need for rendered product and for dead stock.
A solution must come soon, says Dr. Allan Preston, director of Manitoba Agriculture and Food's Veterinary Services Branch. He says dead animals can't be disposed of in the environment and caution must be taken to deter contamination.
Canadian cattle farmers, coping with the impact of mad cow disease on their hurting industry, face a new dilemma: how to get rid of stock that has died of natural causes.
The short-term solution has been to dump the animals in landfill sites, but according to Ron Bonnett, president of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture, if the pile-up continues for much longer "it has the potential to become a crisis."
In an average week, Canadian farmers dispose of about 45 million kilograms of dead stock, most often at rendering plants across Canada and the United States.
But since the detection of mad cow disease in Western Canada last week, the demand for this type of cattle had dropped by 50 per cent.
The one hope for Canadian farmers is to have the U.S. lift its beef ban soon, which would regenerate need for rendered product and for dead stock.
A solution must come soon, says Dr. Allan Preston, director of Manitoba Agriculture and Food's Veterinary Services Branch. He says dead animals can't be disposed of in the environment and caution must be taken to deter contamination.
添削お願いします。 @「好き嫌いの多くは主観的なものだ。」 1.Most of our likes and dislikes are subjective. 2.Most of our likes and dislikes depend on subjectivity. 3.Most of our taste are subjective. 4.Most of our taste depend on subjectivity.
A「子供は親に従属している。」 1.Children are subjective to their parents. 2.Children are dependent on their parents. 3.Children depend on their parents.
B「その一見、真実らしいことは実は嘘だった。」 1.Indeed, the appearance which seems true was a lie. 2.In fact, what was true apparently was a lie. 3.In fact, the appearant truth was a lie.
C「彼女は彼の安否を心配している。」 1.She is worried his safty. 2.She is worried whether he is safe or not. 3.She is anxious about his safty. 4.Wheter he is safe or not worrys her.
>>301 apparentはどちらかというと「明らかな」という意味で用いることが多いので あまりよいとは思わない。「見かけ上の」はseemingがよい。 だけど、truthはあくまでも「真実」であって、その語の意味の中に 「見かけ」ではなく本当に真実という意味があるわけだから、 the seeming truthなんてやると、矛盾しているように感じる。 したがって、 What looked (to be) true at first was actually [turned out]... What I thought was [to be] true at first was actually...
・今日、医療の現場では、「倫理」ということが盛んに問題にされている。 「生命倫理」という言葉も頻繁に耳にする。 そうした現状であれば、なおさら、身体/生命がどのように語られてきたかばかりでなく、 私たちが現在、身体/生命をどのように語るべきかについて考える必要がある。 (身体/生命はlife/bodyと表現すること、との注あり) Today, "ethics" is a topic of vigorous discussion in the world of medical treatment. The phrase "life ethics"is often heard,too. Accordingly, it is all the more necessary not only to understand how life/body has been discussed but to consider how we should talk of life/body today.
>>298 get common sense・・・まさにその通りに書いてました。(笑) se.....で始まる形容詞は・・・sensibleですか? となると ・It is important to be sensible enough not to cause problems for other people. ・It is important to be sensible enough not to bother others. こんな感じでしょうか?
Today, doctors and co-medicals can hardly discuss their own work without taking 'ethics' into account. And we often hear the word 'bioethics', too. Taking the state into consideration, we have to think about not only what has ever been talked about life/body, but also what WE should talk about them now.
305と同一人物じゃないね? 一を聞いて十を知るというか4行目WEは、きみの才気を感じた。 だけど、基本が・・・・ ○hearは自動詞と他動詞と両方あるが、ここはどっち? ○take...into accountはもじどおり「勘定に入れる」ということだから いってみれば「ついでにちょっとこれもかんがえておこうかな」というかんじ。 とても「倫理」なんて大きなことに使うのは・・・だってそれが今日の医療の 中心命題だといいたいんでしょ? ○taking the state into considerationのstateはどうですかね?よくわからん。 ○what we should talk about themのくだり。ここが最悪だよ。 what節のなかには名詞がひとつ無い。。。あとは自分で考えてみて。非文法的
>>310 ○そっか。自動詞で使わないとダメですよね。 えっと、hear→hear of/aboutとすればOKですか? ○この表現は、英辞郎から持ってきました。 「それを抜きにして〜は語れない」 can hardly discuss ~ without taking it into account と言うのがあったので…。 あと、辞書を引くと、 take 〜 of him=take him into account 「彼を考慮に入れる[重視する]」 とあるのですが、やはりここでは使えないのでしょうか? これではやはり中心命題と言うには弱すぎますか? ○このstateは自信ありません。ただこれも英辞郎からです。 「現状をふまえる」 take the state into consideration ○talk→sayでいいのかな?
添削お願いします。 @「彼は事業を始めるのに十分なお金が入った。」 1.He got enough money to be able to begin his business. 2.He gained enough money so that he could start his business. 3.Enough money he got was capable of starting his business.
A「その部屋を会議に使うことはできますか?」 1.Can I use the room for a meeting? 2.Is the room available for a meeting?
B「夫は彼女に一切のことを言わせようとした。」 1.Her husband tryed to have her say everything. 2.Her husband demanded that she should tell him the whole truth.
C「その光景を見て肝をつぶした。」 1.A glance of the scenery terrified me. 2.I was terrified looking at the scenery. 3.I was frightened to see the sight. 4.I was frightened at the sight.
D「彼女は関わりあいたくなかった。」 1.She didn't want to be concerned with him.
E「彼の意思は重要ではない。」 1.His intent is no matter.
F「彼に代わって私が責任を負った。」 1.I took the responsibility in place of him.
【答案】 1.の場合 The more you learn about nature, the better you can understand how important it is to protect it. 2.の場合 Study of nature will help you understand how important it is to protect it.
@1はよろし。2は文語法的にはあっているが意味が違うso thatの構文わかってるかな? He got so much money that he could...とすべき。3はわからん! 「事業を始める」は、いっぺん辞書を引いたほうがいいかな? どれでもいいけどbeginはいまひとつ気に入らない。startは許せる。
Btriedのつづり! haveはだめ。こういうときこそmakeだろ。 the whole truthはいいたいことはわかるが拙い。上の文をmake使って書き直しなよ。
Cscenery風景 scene場面 sight見ること(=glance) この辺混乱してる。 1→A glance at the scene terrified me. 2→I was terrified looking at the scene. 以下じぶんでかんがえてちょ。 terrifyとfrightenは意味は違うが、日本語自体やや漠然としているのでどちらでも可。
Dbe concerned with....をこういうふうにつかえるのかな〜 私ならばShe didn't want to have anything to do with him.としますが。
What do we do if I get a million dollars? It seems that it is possible to do what we want when we have a million dollars in the past time. But now that, I think it is impossible to do so.It is because, the money has become more powerful than ever,so the economic system became more complex than ever and it became more difficult to control the powar of money completely.
The money has more power this era, but I think that the money not always become the media which bring us a happiness. The money can make greeds. In some cases, the greed change people's mind or view of life into the idea which is centered the money. And when we become such person, it can cause the destroying our human relationships.
添削お願いします @「彼女はその知らせを彼に伝えないほうがよいと思った。」 1.She thought that she shouldn't inform him the news. 2.She thought it best not to tell him the news.
A「あんまり根をつめすぎるとストレスがたまって体を壊すよ。」 1.If you work too serious, your seriousness will accumulate and damage your health. 2.Overwork causes you build up stress and ruin your health.
B「彼は命をかけてその子供を救った。」 1.He saved the child at the risk of his life.
C「彼はお金を盗んだことを否定した。」 1.He denied that he had stolen the money. 2.He denied having stolen the money.
D「彼女の笑顔で彼は彼女が幸せであると確信した。」 1.Her smile convinced him that she was happy. 2.He was sure of her happiness through her smile.
E「私はあの人が将来偉くなるとみてとった。」 1.I felt that that person would be great.
F「彼の影響力は未だ衰えていない。」 1.His influence is still living. 2.His influence isn't declining yet.
Today teachers are too kind to their students and tend to be teach them everything at school. Students get accustommed to being taught by their teacher , and come to be lazy for studying by themselves. If teachers try teaching less "politely", ans their students try hard to learn from their teacher, students learn much more from them.
今日、学校では、先生が学生に対してあまりにも親切で、 なんでもかんでもおしえすぎるきらいがある。 そこで、学生は教えてもらう事に慣れて、自分では 勉強しなくなってしまう。 Teachers today are apt to be so kind as to teach easily their students anything they should learn. As a result, students get used to being taught and do not try to study on their part.
These days, school teachers are too ready to tell their students whatever they may want to know. Students, then, take it for granted to have everything told to them and make no positive efforts to learn.
◆外国人の語学教師がよくこぼすのだが、最近の日本の学生は熱心に勉強しない。 昔の様に、外国語を必死に覚えようとする気迫が感じられないという。 これは、当然の話で、今は海外雄飛の夢を描いて外国語を勉強するという 時代ではない。外国へいけば必ず後でいいことがある、なんてもう誰も信じてはいない。 ================================================================================ It is often said by foreigners who teach a foreign language that Japanese students haven't worked hard recently. They say that those students seems to be less hardworking to learn foreign languages than the students before. It is natural because no one believe that they will be lucky later by going to foreign countries.---It is not the age like studying foreign languages to make a success in foreign countries. ============================================================== 外国人の語学教師、というのがつらかったです。 後、ラスト二文の内容がかぶる感じで、同じ表現を使ってしまいそうだったので、 何とかしようとしましたが、うまくできませんでした。 添削 よろしくおねがいいたします。
添削お願いします。 @「犯罪はしばしば貧困と関連があるとされてきた。」 1.People have often thought that crime has something to do with poverty. 2.It has been said that crime is related to poverty.
>>337 @2 all my attempt >> all my attempts A1のnecessarilyのこういう使い方はへん。2のnever fail to doのほうが よい。ただそれも受験レベルの話で、ほんとうはこれどちらかというと悪い意味 で使うことが多いので、ほんとうは338みたいにnever forgets to doのほうがもっといい。 三単現のsってneverとかはいると忘れる人がおおいのにちゃんと書けてるのはえらい! だけどeveryのつづりが違ってる。 Bう〜ん、こまっちゃうな・・・単語の選択がね。338のひとのほうがいい。
>>338 @どちらもよいです。上のほうが好き。 Aonce a weekよりは単純にevery weekがいいかも。「毎週」というのは 「すくなくとも週に一回、まちがっても7日以上空白があくことはない」 という意味にとるべきだと思うから。 without failはけっこう文語だけどね。 a weekly letterはちょっとこっけい。「週報」みたい。すくなくとも his weekly letterかな。 Bproveは「証明する」。客観的に論証できるわけでないのに ちょっとへんだね。下のほうが好き。
>>342 Teachers today are apt to be so kind as to teach easily their students anything they should learn. As a result, students get used to being taught and do not try to study on their part.
kindは上に書いたように一考の余地あり。 anythingとeasilyはやや意味がかぶってる。それにeasilyは位置が悪いかも。 on their part >> on their own
These days, school teachers are too ready to tell their students whatever they may want to know. Students, then, take it for granted to have everything told to them and make no positive efforts to learn.
have everything told to them >>意味不明。 have everything explained positive >> active
よくできる人ですね、これも。 とくにas a resultとかこういうつなぎ言葉をしっかりいれて 論旨の流れを明確にしていこうという態度はひじょうによい。
>>343 It is often said by foreigners who teach a foreign language that Japanese students haven't worked hard recently.
受身にする必要まったくなし。こういう無駄な受身は印象が悪い。 Many language teachers from abroad teaching in Japan complain that... それとthat節のなかはなんで現在完了なの?現在形でいいんじゃないの?
They say that those students seems to be less hardworking to learn foreign languages than the students before.
those students「あれらの学生」って誰よ? to learnって、どういうto不定詞の用法なの? the students before >> the students some generations ago
It is natural because no one believe that they will be lucky later by going to foreign countries.---It is not the age like studying foreign languages to make a success in foreign countries.
Q. There is a saying,"Money cannot buy happiness." Do you agree or disagree? Explain your answer.
I disagree with that idea. It's because, it is impossible to live without money in Japan. There is the lifestyle which is called self-sufficiency, but the number of people who wants those lifestyles are not large. There are so many idea about the money, but I think it is true that the money is a one of the important things to be happy in now Japan.
It is becauseのあとのcommaはトル there is the lifestyle >> there is a lifestyle which is called self sufficiency >> 意味不明 so many idea >> so many ideas the money >> theをトル important things to be happy >> important things you need to have to become happ
>>357 >>363さんの添削の2個目、 「there is the lifestyle >> there is a lifestyle」 っていうのがあるけど、これはちょっと分かりにくいかも知れないね。 There is/are構文は、相手にとって新情報を伝えるための文だから、 相手にとって既知であることを示す定冠詞その他で限定された名詞や、 固有名詞が続くことは原則的にない。 原則的に、と書いたのには訳があって、例外もあるんだけど、 取りあえず初めからそこまで深入りする必要はないと思うし、 英作文で使うこともまずあり得ないから、 「There is/areの後にthe+名詞や固有名詞は来ない!」 って事だけ今は知っておいたらいいんじゃないかな。 で、こう書くと良く勘違いしている子が、 「でもこの場合lifestyleに形容詞句がひっついて限定されているから theは絶対必要なんじゃないの?」 って聞いてくるんだけど、 「形容詞句で修飾されていたらtheがつく」なんて決まりは あ り ま せ ん ! This is the book I borrowed from Tom. This is a book I borrowed from Tom. は両方とも正しい文です。意味の違いは自分で考えてみてね。
授業でやったんですけど、実際の問題はある一部の訳です。自分なりに全訳したのを添削してほしいんですけど。 お願いします。 (1)「ダイエット」はもともと古典ギリシャ語で「生活様式」という意味だったが、 やがて「飲食物」という意味に変わり、近頃ではダイエットといえば体重を減らすための食事、 または痩せるための食事をする食習慣を意味するようになった。若い女性の「スリム願望」は 相当なもので、中にはあまりにも無理な減食をして死に至る人もあるという。 ただただ痩せることだけを考えている人たちには、少し太めでも健康であればそれなりに美しい ということがわからないのだろうか。 The word 'diet' meant 'life style' in ancient Greek and has gradually changed to mean 'food'. Recently talking of diet,it suggests a special kind of meal or eating habits for losing weight. Young women desperately long for being super-slim and some put themself to death by crazy diet. I wonder why they don`t see that they ,at least keeping themselves in good shape,look beautiful even though they are a little bit stout.
True wild birds live in natural places such as mountains,lakes,swamps and the likes. We,however,at the same time,wish them to be around us in our daily life. Independent ones,not domestic ones. If they live in city surroundings in which we do,that is very meaningful for both of us.
When travelling around in foreign towns,I usually drop in at a book store and look over a book that is even all Greek to me, and then I stop off briefly at a section of picture books. There I,even though not understanding the language,gaze into a picture and sort of feel like I get what the people in the country have in mind.
The word 'diet' meant 'life style' in ancient Greek and has gradually changed to mean 'food'.
Recently talking of diet,it suggests a special kind of meal or eating habits for losing weight.
talking ofはなにか新しい話題を持ち出すときに使うの。日本語で「〜といえば」と訳すという、 その訳語で満足するのじゃなく、もっと深く意味内容を考えないとダメ。 したがって、 Recently talking of diet, it suggests 全体をNow it means...に変えたい。 それと、for losing weightはやや拙い。to lose weightがよい。
Young women desperately long for being super-slim and some put themself to death by crazy diet.
longはlong to doかlong for 名詞。ここではlong to doでつかうべき。 それと若い女性が全員すごくやせることを望んでいるわけでもないのだから、Young womenはまずい。 Some young women long to become.....and some even put... by crazy dietは拙い。もう少し無難な言い方を考えること。
I wonder why they don`t see that they ,at least keeping themselves in good shape,look beautiful even though they are a little bit stout.
at least keeping...の部分はぜんぜんダメ。 if onlyとか使うべきじゃないの?in good shapeも受験生は使いたがるがダメ。「健康を保つ」はstay healthyがいいかな。 それとstoutってちょっとニュアンスが違うね。
When travelling around in foreign towns,I usually drop in at a book store and look over a book that is even all Greek to me, and then I stop off briefly at a section of picture books.
foreign towns >> a foreign town book store >> one wordじゃなかったっけ? look over a book >> look over books that is even all Greek to me >>まず「野鳥」の問題でもそうだが 無理やりな関係詞がきみの答案には目立つね。ここもeven ifのほうがいいんじゃない? それとIt's Greek to me.みたいな成句をあまり振り回すのは感心しない。 stop off at..>>そういう言い方あるの?しらないけど。stop by...ならよく使うが。 それとa section of...はだめ。the section of...すくなくとも。 もっとよいのはstop where picture books are。
There I,even though not understanding the language,gaze into a picture and sort of feel like I get what the people in the country have in mind.
普段受験生の英作文を見ていて非常によく目にするのはたとえば「テクノロジーの 進歩のために(によって)生活水準が上がった」といった日本語を英訳するとき 問題文に「ために」と書いてあるとfor the progress of technologyとし、 「によって」と書いてあるとby the progress of technologyと訳すといった 類の間違いです。
>If they live in city surroundings in which we do,that is very meaningful for both of us.
>in which we do >> just as we do >both of us >>まあ鳥と人間といいたいんだろうけど、ちょっとハテナな表現。 If independent ones,not domestic ones,live in city surroundings just as we do,that is very meaningful for both birds and humanbeings. でどうですか?うまいことできなかったんで無理矢理おしこんだんですが。。。
>When travelling around in foreign towns,I usually drop in at a book store and look over a book which I don`t understand. at a section of picture books.の辺が解答だったと思います。あとはeven ifの辺も。。 プリント学校に置きっぱなしなんで、はっきりわからないです。
●その1・・・378で理由のあらわし方を書いたけれど、今度は目的。 「英語を勉強するためにアメリカに行く」などという日本語を訳すのに go to the U.S. for studying English と書く生徒が毎年10%くらいいるwけど、これはぜったいだめ。 目的はto不定詞か、so that構文。
が「彼は小説家というより詩人だ」は He is not a novelist but a poet. He is a poet, not a novelist. He is a poet rather than a novelist. He is more (of) a poet than a novelist. He is less (of) a novelist than a poet. He is not so much a novelist as a poet.
'Diet', originally an ancient Greek word meaning 'way of living', has changed its meaning to 'habitual food and drink'. And, when adopted into Japanese, it means exclusively 'eating less food, or only particular kinds of food to become thinner.'
'Diet', originally an ancient Greek word meaning 'way of living', has changed its meaning to 'habitual food and drink'. When adopted into Japanese, however, it means exclusively 'eating less food, or only particular kinds of food to become thinner.'
では、気を取り直してもう一度。 The word 'diet', originally meaning 'way of living' in ancient Greek, and later 'food and drink', now means 'special kinds of food to lose weight' or 'eating habit to become thinner'.
Many young women have a strong desire to be slim and some even end up with death by reducing their meal extremely.
Those preoccupied with the idea of losing weight should understand that healthy women are beautiful enough even if a little fat.
? Those who insist on losing weight should be sensible enough to remain a little fat and healthy. They are beautiful in their own way.
1行目・・・a way of livingね。それとan eating habit。 2行目・・・end upなんてかっこいいのしってるじゃない! だけどend up killing themselvesね。 reduceを使うのはいいんだけど、そうするとちょっとめんどくさくなると思う。 by reducing the amount of their mealとか。 3行目・・・上のやつがいい。下のだと、太れと薦めてるみたいだね。 understandはあまりよくない。realizeかknow。
>>380 >>If independent ones,not domestic ones,live in city surroundings just as we do,that is very meaningful for both birds and humanbeings. でどうですか?うまいことできなかったんで無理矢理おしこんだんですが。。。
添削お願いします。 1(On average individuals in the industrialized world devote three hours a day.という文に続けて) 「この割合でいけば、75歳まで生きる人はテレビの前で9年間費やすことになるだろう」 (at the rateを含み25words以内) At this rate, those who will live to be 75 years old will spend 9 years in front of the TV.
A lot of people in Europe take a trip to the south in summer. Prime ministers manage to take along vacation even though they are extremely busy, and even on-season resutaurants and hotels at tourist sites often close down for their managers and employees. For them, summer vacations have some vital implication that may suprise Japanese people. 眠・・ケアレスミスがあったら申し訳ありません。お願いします。
We know it is natural for wild birds to live in mountains or lakes. But we still want to have them around us, too. If they live their independent lives in our urban environment rather than live in a cage, it will be significant for us human beings as well as for birds themselves.
>But it is also natural for us to wish them to be around us. どうしたらこういういいのが書けるようになりますか(感嘆)
In Europe, a lot of people go south for summer vacation. Even the busiest leaders of the countries there take an exteded vacation somehow and it is not uncommon for restaurants and hotels in the tourist areas to close in high season so that their workers and employers can take a holiday. Summer vacation counts more than the Japanese can imagine.
A lot of people in Europe take a trip to the south in summer. Prime ministers manage to take along vacation even though they are extremely busy, and even on-season resutaurants and hotels at tourist sites often close down for their managers and employees. For them, summer vacations have some vital implication that may suprise Japanese people.
along >> a long resutaurants >> restaurants vital ねえ・・・ suprise >> surprise さすが眠いだけはある!つづりミス頻発! 最後のmayはmightのほうがよいでしょう。 「もし万が一日本人が耳にしたら」というif節がかくれていると考えて仮定法ということ。
>>402 We know it is natural for wild birds to live in mountains or lakes. But we still want to have them around us, too. If they live their independent lives in our urban environment rather than live in a cage, it will be significant for us human beings as well as for birds themselves.
1行目と2行目は…, but…としてくっつけたほうがいい。 2行目のtooは不要。stillがもう十分、「それでもやっぱり」という意味は表してる。 3行目・・・まずlive a lifeみたいな同属目的語(dream a dreamとかその手のやつ)は 非常に古風だからやめたほうがいい。live independentlyのほうがいい。 それと日本語とちがってしまったきがするが・・・? If there were many birds, apart from those in cages at people’s home, living in the city, it would be meaningful…くらいを念頭において、この前のコメントは書いたのです。
>>403 In Europe, a lot of people go south for summer vacation. Even the busiest leaders of the countries there take an exteded vacation somehow and it is not uncommon for restaurants and hotels in the tourist areas to close in high season so that their workers and employers can take a holiday. Summer vacation counts more than the Japanese can imagine.
extended >> extended somehow >>不要 in high season >> in the high season take a holiday >> have a vacation / take some weeks off Summer vacation >> The summer vacation the Japanese >>まちがっていないがやめたほうがいい。Japanese people can >>できればcould
自分の仕事に妥協するようだと誰もその道のプロにはなれないと思う。 私は頑固者だとよく言われるが、仕事に対する姿勢がまじめだからそう 言われるのだ、というように理解している。融通が利くタイプの人間は 周囲には受けがいいかもしれないが、仕事のほうは何か物足りないところが あるように思われる。 In my opinion, you cannot be a true expert in your field if you compromise on your work. People often describe me as stubborn, but I understand it is because I maintain sincere attitude toward work. Those flexible may be favorably received, but they seem to leave something to be desired.
be receivedは辞書を引きました。よろしくお願いします。 表現面で質問ですが、私の答案は日本文よりIが多用されるなど生硬な点が目立つように思うのですが、どのように改善できるでしょうか。また表現的に不自然な英文だと大幅に減点されるものでしょうか。
At an airport in Paris,I saw a man sitting on a suitcase,putting his hand on the cheeeck. And he looked absent-minded. I walked up to him and asked"Is there something wrong? Are you okay?" "Well,I just got here all the way from some place,and it seems I`ve left my mind somewhere. So I`ve been waiting for it to come."the man replied.
At an airport in Paris, I saw a man sitting absent-mindedly on his trunk with his chin on his hands. When I asked him "What's wrong? How are you feeling?" he replied, "Well, I've just got here from some faraway place. My body is here but my mind hasn't arrived yet,so I'm waiting for its arrival."
さてもうひとつ。生硬な英文かどうか。 キミの英文は心配するほど生硬とはおもいませんので、まずご安心を。 一般論的な言い方しかできないけれど、Iを多用することによって生硬になる、 ということはまず考えられません。 私見ですが、受験生の作文がみょうに固くなるのは、たとえばwhen I was a childと 書けばいいところをin my childhoodとし、realize how important health isを realize the importance of healthとし、I know what you mean, but …をKnowing what you mean, SVとするように、節であらわすべきところを句であらわそうとし、 句であらわすべきところを名詞ひとつであらわそうとし、ということに起因する ことが非常に多いです。何語でも省略すると硬くなります。新聞の見出しを 考えればわかりますね。ぎゃくにもしキミが予備校に通っているならわかると 思いますが、予備校の先生ってだいたい機関銃のようにしゃべります。 言葉を多くすることによって、すこしでもやわらかくわかりやすくしようと 思うからです。できるかぎり言葉を尽くして表現することを考えてみてください。
407の英作で言うと、前半は非常によくできていますが、 >Those flexible may >be favorably received, but they seem to leave something to be desired. ここはよくないです。硬くてよくわからない、、、もう一度書き直してみてください。 ひとつ作例をあげましょうか。 People may prefer those people who are less stubborn, but… If you are less stubborn, you may become more popular, but… ほんの一例です。まねしちゃだめ。ほかの言い方を考えること。 それと後半もだめ。they seem….って、「日常生活ではうけがいい」けれど「大きな 仕事は成し遂げられない」という対比がまったくみえない→前述のように 言いたいこと=main ideaがわからなくなってしまう。
いそいそと直訳 I think no one can become a professional if they compromise on their work. I am often said to be stubborn, but I understand this is because I have a serious attitude toward my job. People who are flexible may be well received by those around them but I think something is missing in their work.
辞書なしで工夫 I do not believe you can be a professional if you do not aim at perfection in your work. Many people call me stubborn but this is probably because I work earnestly. People who are flexible may be popular among those around them but I am afraid their work is sometimes less perfefct.
ごちゃごちゃと No one deserves to be called a professional if they are easily satisfied with thier work. Many people call me stubborn, which I regard as meaning that I am serious about my job. People who do not too serious may be popular but their work sometimes seems unsatisfactory.
>418 答えてみました 1 do (participate in) band activities 2 final live 3 give an interview
>411 ご指導ありがとうございました。問題文の字面には捉われず、内容的に 筆者の意図を掴んで英文自体の完成度を高めたほうが高得点になる可能性が 高いということですね。get reveived は「受けがいい」という日本語のレトリックを 生かしたいと思ったのですが、上手く行かなかったですね。また、"work"を入れるのを 忘れてました。 修正案をいくつか書きました。(融通以下) 1 People with flexible mind may gain more popularity, but their work seems to leave something to be desired. 2 People of more understanding may be preferred by those around them, but they give me the impression that their work is somewhat easygoing. とりあえず。もっと思いついたらまた書きます。よろしくお願いします。
>>409 At an airport in Paris,I saw a man sitting on a suitcase,putting his hand on the cheeeck.
●たしかにパリには二つ空港があることはあるのだが、an airportとかくと、なんか すごくたくさんパリには空港があってそのうちのひとつというかんじ。→the airport ●a suitcase。これもおなじ。ふつうスーツケースはひとつ。→the [his]suitcase ●putting his hand on his cheeksって、これぎゃくじゃない?
And he looked absent-minded.
I walked up to him and asked"Is there something wrong? Are you okay?" "Well,I just got here all the way from some place,and it seems I`ve left my mind somewhere. So I`ve been waiting for it to come."the man replied.
●Is there something wrong? Are you okay?"の部分は意味が重なるのでひとつでいいです。 うしろのやつのほうがいい。 ●i just got >> I have just got ●some placeねえ・・・なんか隠し事をしてるみたい。 ●どこかに心を置き忘れたんじゃなくて、もちろん出発地に置き忘れたんでしょ。 ていうか、飛行機が速度が速いから、まだこころが到着してないんだよね。 素直に訳したほうがいい。 ●i have been waiting >> I'm waiting
>>410 At an airport in Paris, I saw a man sitting absent-mindedly on his trunk with his chin on his hands.
●an airportは上に書いたとおり。それ以外はたいへんよいです。
When I asked him "What's wrong? How are you feeling?" he replied, "Well, I've just got here from some faraway place. My body is here but my mind hasn't arrived yet,so I'm waiting for its arrival."
●あまり性急に話を進めないほうがいい。つまり「私が・・・と尋ねたとき、彼は・・・と 答えた」みたいな書き方をしているけれど、読者としてはまだ、「たずねた」という ことすら聞いてないわけでしょ。だからまず「私は・・・と尋ねた。そうしたら彼は ・・・と答えた」みたいに、しっかり話の順序を、相手が順を追って理解できるように 書くこと。こういうのはとくにひとつのまとまりある文章全部を訳させる問題や 自由英作文では重要です。 ●What's wrong?はちょっとけんかを売ってるみたい?「なんかもんくあっか」 ●I'm waiting for its arrival.はわかるが、拙い。I'm waiting for it to catch up with me.
世界の4大文明が大河の流域に起こったことを引き合いに出すまでもなく、 文明は川とともに起こり、川とともに発達したことは周知のことである。文化の語源は 「耕す」ことにあるが、初期の農業には川が大きく関与していた。文明は川のもたらす 豊穣と結びついていたのである。 Since it is widely known that civilizations emerged and developed with rivers. it may be unnecessary to say that the four major civilizations developed along great rivers. The origin of the word "culture" is "cultivate," which implies that rivers played an important part in the early agriculture. Civilizations were linked to the richness that was brought by rivers. よろしくお願いします。
Like the four major civilization, which emerged and advanced with great rivers, every civilization was given rise to by rivers.
You don't have to refer to the fact that the four major civilization emerged and advanced with great rivers, to argue that rivers were always the cradle of every civilization and the driving force for it to advance.
>420 いつもありがとうございます! 直しました。 At the airport in Paris,I saw a man sitting on a suitcase,putting his cheecks on his hans. And he looked absent-minded. I walked up to him and asked"Are you okay?" "Well,I just got here all the way from a faraway place and my mind is still on the way. So I`m waiting for it to come."the man replied. これでましになりました? 今日英語やってて、dazedって単語がでてきたんですけど、この単語この作文で使えますか?
It is not that fluency in the language alone works very well when you talk to people. In fact,trying to find out deep feelings in his or her heart is more likely to help strengthen the bond of friendship. That`s why you feel like having heart-to-heart communication with a friend from a foreign country. It should be unlike one from your own country.
>>428 At the airport in Paris,I saw a man sitting on a suitcase,putting his cheecks on his hans. And he looked absent-minded. I walked up to him and asked"Are you okay?" "Well,I just got here all the way from a faraway place and my mind is still on the way. So I`m waiting for it to come."the man replied.
かなりいいですよ。 だけど、いくつか。
a suitcase >> his [the]suitcaseだってば! hans >> なんすか?これ? and my mind is still...>> butのほうがいいかな。 今日英語やってて、dazedって単語がでてきたんですけど、 >>どちらかというと「ぼーとしている」というより「困り果ててる」かんじがするけどね。 わからん、その辺の語感は人によってなので、よいかもしれないです。
It is not that fluency in the language alone works very well when you talk to people.
●the languageはだめ。外国語を念頭においているのならa language。母国語も ふくめ、言語一般について語っているならlanguage。 ●peopleはどうかな?・・・大勢の前で演説をするわけじゃないんだから、 talk with [to] someone (from another country)がいいんじゃない? カッコ内は、すこし意訳をすれば、こんなかんじ?
In fact,trying to find out deep feelings in his or her heart is more likely to help strengthen the bond of friendship. ●his or her >> thier それいがいは、特に間違いはないけれど、無生物主語は、できれば避けよう。 動名詞を主語にしないで、なんかうまくできない?
That`s why you feel like having heart-to-heart communication with a friend from a foreign country. これはいただけないなあ・・feel like -ing「−したいきがする」でしょ。かなり 日本語と違わないか?
It should be unlike one from your own country. これもますますダメ。itとoneって、それぞれ何をさしてるの? unlikeでつないでるくらいだから、同質のものだよなあ? 前の文からのつながりでかんがえると、「友情」を指していそうだけれど、 だとすると、one from your own countryがわからないし、 ここの部分から考えて、「友人」を指していると考えると、itで受けている はずないし・・・だろ?へんだよな?
Even if you speak fluently, it does not necessarily help you communicate with people effectively. Rather, mutual efforts to find out what lies behind the words will contribute to establishing close ties with each other. So, you may understand friends you have made in foreign countris better than those at home.
Linguitic fluency is not a sufficient condition for successful communication with others. If you make efforts to know what they really mean, it will be more helpful to develop a closer relationship with them. You can sometimes understand someone the more profoundly because they are not Japanese.
A:I hear that you are going to study abroad. B:I 've persuaded my parents my studying abroad at last. B:I'm really glad to go and study there. B:I'm worried a little,but I 'll take it easy. A:I wish I could study abroad ,too.
A:You are going to go abroad to study ,aren't you? B:I managed to persuade my parents. B:I really think that it will amuse me. B:I feel a little uneasy aboutit,but I will prepare for going abroad slowly. A:Iwish I could go abroad to study.
Wearing clothes reflects peoples character. These days, changing hair color and styring hair, and wearing accesory or color contact renses, and tatooing are also one of the efficient method to express oneselves character. Therefore, each wearing item's imeges make it possible to give another people verious impression. For example, in the States, if defendant apper in court with dirty clothes or prison wears, the possible for innocent become very low. So the lower makes their clients to wear a clean shirts and suits, and cut their hair tidy. And the lower take them to the court. Then jurors and judge consider the difendent as not so bad people by the defendent's looks and there is a statistics that the probability of innocent become high after that measure.
Even if you speak fluently, it does not necessarily help you communicate with people effectively. Rather, mutual efforts to find out what lies behind the words will contribute to establishing close ties with each other. So, you may understand friends you have made in foreign countris better than those at home.
mutual efforts >> the efforts you and the other person pay will contribute >> contributes you may understand... better >> you sometimes better understand... those >> ones
すみません、スペルミスチェックのソフト、ないか、あっても使い方がわかりません・・・ ですが僕なりに頑張ってみました。 恐れ多いですが、 お願いします。 451さんの言うとおり、どのような意見でも真摯に受け止めたいと思います。 The way people dress reflect their character. These days, changing hair color or styling hair, and wearing accesory or color contact lenses, and tatooing are also one of the efficient methods to express oneselves. Therefore, each item's imege makes it possible to give verious impression to another people. For example, in the U.S, if defendant apper in court with dirty clothes or prison wears, the possible of innocent become very low. So the lower makes their clients to wear a clean shirts and suits, and cut their hair tidy. And the lower take them to the court. Then jurors and judge consider the difendent as not so bad people by the him or her looks. And there is a statistics that the probability of innocent become high after that measure.
Your way of dressing reflects your character. Your way of dressing is a reflection of your character.
In addition, your hairstyle, hair color, accessories, colored contact lenses, or tatoos are also among effective means to express yourself.
So, you can give different impressions to those around you depending on what you wear. So, what impression you give to those around you varies according to what you wear.
>>455 The way people dress reflect their character.
reflect >> reflects
These days, changing hair color or styling hair, and wearing accesory or color contact lenses, and tatooing are also one of the efficient methods to express oneselves.
oneselves >> what you are like
Therefore, each item's imege makes it possible to give verious impression to another people.
each item's image makes it possible to give >> everything you wear on yourself gives verious impression >> various impressions to another people >> to other people
For example, in the U.S, if defendant apper in court with dirty clothes or prison wears, the possible of innocent become very low.
defendant >>a defendant apper >> appear in court >> in the court with ...clothes >> in... clothes the possible of innocent >> the possibility of being judged innocent become >> is said to be
So the lower makes their clients to wear a clean shirts and suits, and cut their hair tidy.
the lower >>???? make>> 使役動詞なのにto不定詞をもってくるのはひどいんじゃないか? a ... shirts >>単数なの複数なの? tidy >> ??
And the lower take them to the court. Then jurors and judge consider the difendent as not so bad people by the him or her looks. And there is a statistics that the probability of innocent become high after that measure
the difendent as not so bad people >>単数?複数? by the him or her looks >> OH MY GOD!
Then jurors and judge consider the difendent as not so bad man by the looks. And there is a statistics that the probability of being judged innocent become high after that measure.
If he was alive (by)now,he would havefascinated us greatly by his excellent performances. So I cannot help regretting he died when he is young(,)24 years old.
If he were alive now, he would certainly fascinate us by his excellent performance. How unfortunate it was that he died young at the age of twenty-four!
Considering how fascinatingly he would play on the screen if he were alive now, we cannot lament his early death at twenty-four too much.
1時間半ほどで逗子市内に入った。 これの英作文なのですが、解答が良く分からないので教えて下さい。 About one and a half hours later〜。 a halfのaの必要な理由は何ですか? これはないと間違いにされちゃうでしょうか? in one and a half hoursと自分ではinで考えましたが、 これでも大丈夫ですか?
>431 That`s why you feel like having heart-to-heart communication with a friend from a foreign country. これはいただけないなあ・・feel like -ing「−したいきがする」でしょ。かなり 日本語と違わないか? feel like 〜ingっての、「〜のような気がする」って意味あるって以前習ったんですけど。。 間違いですか?辞書学校に置いてきてしまったんで、わかりません。
>It should be unlike one from your own country. これもますますダメ。itとoneって、それぞれ何をさしてるの? unlikeでつないでるくらいだから、同質のものだよなあ? 前の文からのつながりでかんがえると、「友情」を指していそうだけれど、 だとすると、one from your own countryがわからないし、 ここの部分から考えて、「友人」を指していると考えると、itで受けている はずないし・・・だろ?へんだよな?
I've never kept a diary(before),but now I regret not keeping one when I'm young (in my youth). Because I met so many important persons at that time that if I had kept one, it would have developed me. (it would have been very interesting thing.)
>>485 I'm -> I was Because は文頭に持ってこない(文頭に使うならAs)。文頭に来るのはWhyで聞かれて答えるとき。 (新情報を伝えるのがどうのこうの、という詳しい解説は他の人に任せます) 仮定法の時制がごっちゃになってる。 主節のit would have beenはit would beですね(興味深いものになっただろうというのは、現在の事実に対する仮定だから)。 thingは不要。
>>485 I regret not keeping one >>間違いではないけれど、I wishがよいでしょう When I'm young >> 上の人が指摘しているとおり。イヒヒ、やっぱ若いからね、現在形で書いちゃうねw Because >>上の人はasにしろとか言ってるが、そういう問題ではなく、短文なのに接続詞を使って いることがいけないの。だからここはIt is because at that time >> in those days if I had kept one >> あいまい。if I had written about them it would have been very interesting thing >> 上の人がいっているとおり。it would be interesting to read now もうひとつのit would have developed meはまったく意味不明。
Why aren't you going? --- Because I'm busy now. このように「Why 〜?」に対する答えとしては、 「Because + S + V.」になりますが、 これを混同して、I have no time to play. Because I'm always busy. のように使ってはいけません。 あくまで「because」は従属接続詞として I have no time to play because I'm always busy. Because I'm always busy, I have no time to play. のようにしなければなりません。
どうしても1文ではなく、2文に分けて言いたいときには、 I have no time to play. It's because I'm always busy. I have no time to play. That's because I'm always busy. のように「It's because 〜」「That's because 〜」を使えば良い。
中学の先生によっては、よりにもよって「It's because 〜.」を×にして、 模範解答として「Because + S + V.」を使ったりするようで、呆れる限りです。 逆に高校の先生だと、このような基礎事項は授業で扱わないので、 この変をきちんと理解していない受験生は意外に多い気がします。
■日本の繁栄は、その名もうまく発音出来ないような、 遠い砂漠の国の石油に寄り掛かっているという人もいる。 Some people says that it is petroleum from distant country which is in desert and the name of which(country) we can't pronounce well that enables Japan to develop.
□コンピューターが人間より利口になるだろうと恐れる必要はない。われわれはそんなコンピューターをつくれるほど、利口ではないから。 You need not(/don't have to)afraiding (/afraid)[don't have toの時はこっち] that the computer will be more clever than us, Because(It's because) we aren't clever enough to make (/invent)such ones(/computers).
>>497 □You don't have to be afraid that the computer will be clever than us, because we aren't clever enough to make such ones.
will be >> will become よく「〜になる」の意味でbeを使う人がいる。 学校とかで習ったんだろうがあまりよいことではない。 clever >> cleverer ちゃんと比較級にしてね。 such ones >> computerを複数で使っていないから、これはあまりよくない。 such a thing / such a computer
下の文書き直して見ました。↓ ■Some people say that prosperity of Japan is due to the petroleum from distant countries which are in desert and the name of which we can't pronounce well
君の気持ちはよくわかるんだが、たとえば 「今の学生は10年前の学生より勉強しなくなった」 Students now study less hard than they used to ten years ago. なんかでも、本当は「今の学生」と「10年前の学生」は別人なのだから than the students ten years ago としないと非論理的であるわけなんだけど、 誤魔化してしまうことが多いんだね。 ましてやこのばあい、君は自分の答案で個別のコンピューターについて語って いるわけでなくthe computer「コンピューターというもの」という言い方をしている わけでしょ?だからもちろんいま君のもっているパソコンが、べつにかってに成長して 賢くなるわけじゃないけれど、「コンピューターというもの」は全体としてみて 「賢く」なるわけだよね。だからいいの。
>>507-8さん 素早い返信ありがとうございます。 「天気を心配していたが、結局晴れになった」↓ ・・・,but I found it was....として、be動詞でごまかしてしまうと思います。 もしくは、turn?と思ったのですが、こちらもbecomeと同じく使えない様な。 結局be動詞をつかってしまうと思います。
Some people say that the prosperity of Japan depends on oil from remote countries in desert areas, so unfamiliar that we are not sure of the exact pronunciation of their names.
As I work and pay my tax(es), I think it's not fair that I'm not allowed to vote in elections,by being below(/under)twenty. ========================================================================== because of that....,owing to that......という言い方はないですよね?
Certainly it's (quite)difficult for you to choose your very own precious book from enormous(/tremendous) books which you can get now. But the more difficult it is,the more satisfaction you must get ====================================================================== 〜〜であればあるほど○○という、The more〜〜,the more ○○という形ですが、 形容詞の比較級がmoreでなく、〜er形の時は、この言い方はできないのでしょうか?
>>518の上 おそらく>>378の「原因のあらわし方」を読んでの答案・質問だとおもいますが、、、 もちろんbecause of thatみたいな言い方はだめだけど、後ろに節を持ってきたいなら becauseでいいじゃない! 「〜だからといって」は入試英作文では頻出だよ。 cf) Don't keep the windows open just because it is hot. Just because he is intelligent, it doesn't follow that he can do anything.
そんなわけで、かわいそうだけど、書き直してみてください。 ついでにAsもあまりよくない。
>>518のした certainlyのあとにはcommaがあったほうがよい。 your very own precious bookは拙い>> a book you will find very precious for you enormous books 巨大な本??>> an enormous[infinite] number of books mustは未来の推量には使えません。>>516参照。willにしてくれ。 the比較級の構文はもちろん、どんな場合でもつかえますよ。
cf} The older he grew, the wiser he became. The more difficult a book is, the more time you take to read it.
●就職して・・・ (Though I work and pay my taxes,) I think it's not fair that I'm not allowed to vote in elections just because I'm under twenty. (regardless of my working and paying my taxes.)
●現在手に入る・・・ Certainly ,it's difficult for you to choose a book which is very precious for you from an enormous number of books which you can get now. But the more difficult it is,the more satisfaction you will get.
まずregardless ofはだめ。よくin spite ofと区別がつかない人がいるんだけれど、 in spite of the bad weather 悪天候にもかかわらず(悪天候だったが) regardless of weather 天候にかかわらず(悪い天気でも、よい天気でも) 上は逆接、下は譲歩。
試約 I have a job and pay taxes, so I think it is not fair... または I think it is not fair that, though I have a job and pay taxes, I am not allowed...
●下の問題 これでよろしいです。 接続副詞ってしっているかな? however, nevertheless, as a result, therefore, for exampleなど2文を意味的につなぐ 働きを持っている副詞なんだが。。。こういうものにはcommaをつけるのがお約束。 この文でもcertainlyは後ろに出てくるbutと呼応しあって譲歩ー主張(なるほど・・・だが、〜だ) を形成する接続副詞でしょ。だからcommaが必要というわけ。
I was so impressed that streets in the cities were very neat during my trip to America . (/I was inpressed by the neatness of streets in the cities during my trip to America. ) While(/whereas/Meanwhile)It's quite regrettable that,in Japan,some people still throw of their trashes or cans in the streets or resorts with no sence of guilty.
>I was so impressed that streets in the cities were very neat during my trip to America . >(/I was inpressed by the neatness of streets in the cities during my trip to America. )
during my trip to America > during my travels in America ついでにこれが何処にかかっているのかわかりにくいので、文頭か impressed の後にもってくる neat はたいてい部屋とか服装とかに使うので clean に
>While(/whereas/Meanwhile)It's quite regrettable that,in Japan,some people still throw of >their trashes or cans in the streets or resorts with no sence of guilty.
While とか whereas は従位接続詞なので、ピリオドで切って前の文と繋ぐことはできない。使うならカンマで。 throw of ってのは何? in the streets of resorts ってのはどうだろう・・・ with no sence of guilty > without feeling any sense of guilt sense のスペルミスは特に気を付けよう
during my trip to America→ during my travels in America とした方がよいのはどうしてでしょうか?
後、throw of →away ですよね。 まともにまちがってました。
in the streets or resortsというのは、しっくり来ませんでしたが、 他にいいものも思いつかず、止むをえずこうしてみました。 それと同じに、 their trashes or cans というのも、日本語はそうですが、 ゴミ。という名詞の中に空き缶が入っているはずだから、何か不自然だな と思ってしまったまま、そのまま英作したのですが、 このような場合はどう処理したらよいのでしょうか?
★(1)英語を真剣に学んでいる人は、遅かれ早かれ、単語にかんするあらゆる疑問に一冊で答えられる辞書はないことが、わかってくる。 ☆(2)最も大きな辞書でさえも、英語のすべての単語や表現がのっているということはないのである。 ======================================================================================================== (1)Those who study English,sooner or later,came to find that they can't solve their all problems(/questions) about words by one dictionary. (2)Even the most particular dictionary doesn't deal with all the words and phrases in English.
To use English as a tool of communication, it is the most important to write sentences anyone can see without difficulties. Fine passeges should be as concise as possible.
>>545 の(1) all は冠詞、所有格よりもまえにつける。ゆえにtheir all problemsは逆。 solve a problem --- answer a questionというのがふつうのコロケーション。 受身じゃないのにbyはだめ。
(2) particularには「大きい」って意味はないんじゃない? deal withっていうのは、たとえば「この本は日本経済の歴史を取り扱っている」とか そういう主題みたいなものに使うのはいいけど、ここではだめだねえ。 have all the words listed in itとかそういうかんじがいいかな。
I had lived in(/lived in)foreign countries,and after a while I realized that I don't have to speak fluently. The important thing is not speak well,but whether you speak about something which have some meanings;not trivial things.
After living in a foreign country for some time, I have realized that speaking fluently is not absolutely necessary for communication. Even if you talk clumsily, it does not matter. But what does matter is whether you have anything important to say.
Whoever studies English earnestly will, sooner or later, realize that there is no one dictionary that answers any questions about words. Not even in the largest dictionaries can you find all words and expressions of English.
If you try to learn English hard, you will find in due course that you cannot consult any single dictionay to solve all the questions you may have [you may want to ask] about words. Even the most comprehensive dictionaries cannot give detailed examples of words and phrases of the English language.
英語をコミュニケーションの道具として使うためには、 誰もが苦労なく理解できるような文章を書くことが もっとも大切です。 Most importantly, written English as a means of communication should be the kind of sentences that others find easy to read.
出来るだけ簡単な文が名文と言えるのです。 Make your sentences as concise as possible, and others will appreciate them as well-written.
>560 (1)英語を真剣に学んでいる人は、遅かれ早かれ、単語にかんするあら ゆる疑問に一冊で答えられる辞書はないことが、わかってくる。 It will, in due time, dawn on anyone studying English earnestly that no single dictionary is explicative of the gamut of questions he has about English words.
(2)最も大きな辞書でさえも、英語のすべての単語や表現がのっている ということはないのである。 Even the largest, either in size or in coverage, English dictionary doesn't necessarily have all the English words or expressions ever existing.
>560 (2)最も大きな辞書でさえも、英語のすべての単語や表現がのっている ということはないのである。 Even if you turn to the largest, either in size or in coverage, English dictionary, you can't expect it to carry all the English words or expressions ever existing.
>>559 よくできてますね。 anything >> somethingのほうがよいかも。 important >> interestingのほうがよいかも。 いずれにせよ言いたいことはよくわかるし、合格点もらえる答案です。
>>560の上 any questions >> every question anyにしてしまうと、そのまえにno one dictionaryがあるから、全部否定 「どんな問題にも答えられない」にみえてしまう。ここはnot + everyで 部分否定だということが明らかになるようにしたい。
all words and expressions >> every word and expression ここはそのままでもよいのだが、ニュアンス的に。
>>560のした you cannot consult any single dictionay to solve all the questions この文は意味不明。「問題を解決するためにどんな辞書も調べられない」?? You cannot always find the answer to a question you may have by seeing the dictionary... 「辞書を調べることによってどんな問題に対する答えも見つけられるわけではない」とか すべきじゃないの?
cannot give detailed examples of words and phrases これはよくない。だって辞書を引くと、たとえば「美しい」とひくと 「審美的に優れたありさま。きれいであること」とdescriptionがのっていて そのあと「美しい花」とexampleが載っているわけでしょ? exampleだけに限定するのはへんだよね。
(1)何年か前までは、人の関心は、ほとんど労働にばかり向けられていた。 (2)勤勉に働くことが良いことであり、怠惰に余暇を過ごすことは悪いことだと思われていた。 (3)ところが今では、人々は、余暇の生活の中に、何か人生にとって重要な意味を見出だそうとしている。 ================================================================================= Only a few years ago,most people were interested in nothing but working. Thet thought that working hard was a good thing,and taking reisure idly(or easygoing or carefree) was a bad thing. But now people are beginning to find some kinds of meanings which are important for us from their reisure time. (2)中の、「怠惰に」ですが、ここでは、作者は怠惰とは思っていなくて、昔の人たちが「怠惰だ」とかん違いをしてたって 感じだと思うのですが、主語は当時の人たちだから、idlyとすべきですよね? 逆に言うと、()内の語を用いたり、"easygoing or carefree"としても×でしょうか。
1.この布は手触りが滑らかです。 1.This cloth feels smooth. 2.風呂に入ると私はいつも眠くなる。(hotを主語にする) 2.A hot bath always made me sleepy. 3.彼の発言には私は一言もなかった。(Whatを主語にする) 3.What he said didn't make me say anything. 4.午後早めに帰宅すると、留守中に来ていた数通の手紙の中に、兄からの速達(expressletter)があった。 4.I went home soon as usual in the evening to find that there was an express delivery letterin several letters what came while I went out. 5.地震や台風がなければ、日本は住みよい国なのだが。 5.If there were not for earthquakes or typhoons, Japan would be more comfortable country to live in. 6.もし途中で怪我をしなかったら、山頂まで登っていただろう。 6.If I hadn't been injured on my way to climb the mountain, (/while I climbed the mountain) I would have climb to the top of it.
Such a desire for technological development has been destroying the natural enviromment. The nature should be worshiped. This kind of inclassfied destruction must be controlled
>>1 OK >>2 現在形だろ >>3 君の言うとおり、使役動詞(つまりCに動詞の原型を伴う)のmakeは多くの場合 強制を表すから、あまりここではよくないね。made me silentじゃどう? >>4 これはぜんぜんだめ。まずは「夕方早く」はearly in the evening whatは名詞節をつくるんだろ?go outは「外出する」。「外出している」はbe out。 全面的にやり直し! >>5 countryにaがない。これよくある間違いだよ。このスレの少し上のほうでも 指摘したが、名詞についている形容詞が比較級になると冠詞がなくなっちゃうっていうのは みんなよくやるから要注意。 >>6 on one's way to ...のtoは前置詞。to以下やめちゃって、そのかわり 主文のほうをI would have got to the top of the mountain.としたら?
3.彼の発言には私は一言もなかった。(Whatを主語にする) What he said did not allow me to say anything / utter a single word. What he said left me speechless / at a loss for a word.
What he said left me no room for objection. What he said admitted no objection on my part.
(問)近頃はどこの親たちも我が子を大都市の大学へ進ませたがる。 しかし、今日のようなマスメディアの発達した時代に、 何も大都市にばかり目を向ける必要はあるまい。 雑踏と雑音のうずまく大都市よりも地方の静かな環境で勉強したほうがよいと思う。 Nowadays every parent want their children to enter the university in large cities. But I think we don't have to do so in such a age mathmedia has developed. So,It's better for children to study in the calm country,not in the cities which is full of noises.
4.午後早めに帰宅すると、留守中に来ていた数通の手紙の中に、兄からの速達 (express delivery letter)があった。 When I went home early in the morning,I found an express delivery letter from my brother in several letters which was delivered while I was out. としました。
(went home→went back home) morning→evening an express delivery letter from my brother in several letters ↓ several express delivery letters from my brother
>>577 の問題に私もチャレンジしました。よろしくお願いします。 These days most parents want to get their children to go to universities in big cities. However, in today's age where math-media has prevailed , we have another choices to living in places, not only big cities. I think that silent rural areas is better to study than the big cities which are crowded and noisy.
訂正します。 These days most parents want to get their children to go to universities in big cities. However, in today's age where math-media has prevailed , we have another choices to living in other places, not only big cities. I think that silent rural areas are better to study than the big cities which are crowded and noisy.
>>579 >ところで、earlyというのは、時間的な絶対的早さを表すときいたのですが。 そのとおりです。 soonは相対的な早さ。ある時点から短時間で。 I got back at 5 and my father got back soon. 「私は5時に帰宅し父もほどなく帰ってきた」のようにある基準時(この場合は私の帰宅時刻) があって、そこから短時間というときにつかう。 I should have seen the doctor sooner. 「もっと早く医者にみてもらえばよかった」。こんな文でも、はっきり書いてなくても 「怪我したとき」という基準時があるわけ。
逆に「午後の早い時刻に帰る」はなんにも基準になる時刻がないでしょ (何の時刻からみて短時間で?・・・学校を出てから短時間でとか・・・) だからgot back early in the morningというようにearlyを使うわけだが ご指摘のように、「いつもより」というニュアンスがなかったね。 ならばgot back earlier than usualとしましょう。
>>577,583に便乗してみる Nowadays a great many parents have the desire for their children to enter the unversity in metropolises. But in such an age as today when the mass media system have developed, there would be no need for us to think so highly of metropolises. Serene countries are more profitable than crowdy and noisy metropolises as an environment for children to study in, I believe.
ありがとうございます 質問なのですがage whereは、見かける書き方なんですが この場合はよくないという事でしょうか。 例えば「今は実力の時代だ. We live in an age where ability counts 」 との違いがよくわかりません。
書き直してみました。↓ These days most parents want their children to go to the universities in big cities. However,in today's age that(when) mass media has advanced, we don't need to see only big cities. I think the silent countryside gives better circumstance for study than the noisy city.
Recently all parents are willing to let their children go to college in large cities. But, in an age when the media are developed like today, I sense no need to confine the option only to large cities. Rather, quiet surroundings in rural areas seem to be more suitable for the study than those with crowds and noise in large cities.
1行目: >>587 Nowadays every parent want their children to enter the university in large cities.
>>582 These days most parents want to get their children to go to universities in big cities.
582のひと。every parent wantsのsがない。 内容的に考えてmostのほうがいいでしょうね。それとgo to a university in a bit city と単数形が好ましい。
2行目 >>587 But I think we don't have to do so in such a age mathmedia has developed. >>582 However,in today's age that(when) mass media has advanced, we don't need to see only big cities.
>>587 I think the silent countryside gives better circumstance for study than the noisy city.
circumstance >> circumstances for study >> for studying the noisy city >> a noisy city
>>586 Nowadays a great many parents have the desire for their children to enter the unversity in metropolises. But in such an age as today when the mass media system have developed, there would be no need for us to think so highly of metropolises. Serene countries are more profitable than crowdy and noisy metropolises as an environment for children to study in, I believe.
1行目。enter a university in a big cityがベター 2行目。whenは非制限用法で。think highly ofはいいかもね。 3行目。profitableはお金に絡むときに。ここではせいぜいbeneficial。countriesと複数にしてしまうと 田舎という意味はみえにくい。単純に「国」にみえてしまう。
>>593 Recently all parents are willing to let their children go to college in large cities. But, in an age when the media are developed like today, I sense no need to confine the option only to large cities. Rather, quiet surroundings in rural areas seem to be more suitable for the study than those with crowds and noise in large cities.
1行目。allは強すぎ。letはちょっと意味が違う。 recentlyはthese daysに。go to college in large cities >> go to a college in a large city
3行目。for the study >> for studying / for their studies
>>595 Nowadays, there is a tendency that many parents hope to there child enter
the universe stood in huge city.
But, that thinking is no use. Because everywhere can give you the information
you need to.
So, I think you shoud study in the country which make you calm down, even
not the big and noisy town.
hope to there child enter >> hope for their children to enterじゃないか? the universe stood in huge city >> universe「宇宙」!! cityは可算名詞。 that thinking is no use.>>意味不明。 Because>>becauseは接続詞なのでこういう使い方は不可。少し上のレスにそのことに関する 説明があるので探して参照のこと。
everywhere can >>everywhereは副詞。主語にはなれない。 you need to>> toは代不定詞。そのあとになんか不定詞が省略されている。だけど何が省略されてる??
Nowadays most of parents tend to make their children enter the university in a big city. But now that mass media has developed,it is not necessary to remark big cities. I think that it is better to study in the rural quiet area than big cities that are noisy and dense.
Althouh we often say "the whole life of human beings”, consequently it is the accumulation of "now". Satisfactory life not necessarily depends on how long it is, but depends on how condensed it is.
However,I was surprised at many cans and wastes scattered in the shore. These days many people consider the pollution of "Biwako" the serious problem. But I think that much more serious is the pollution of the heart of us throwing them away unthinkingly in public places.
Although I forget when I did in my colledge days, I remember that I felt depressed "May I do this",when I counted how many I watched in the end of the year, turning over my notebook pages. This is because it was doubtless that I disregard the study.
Although I forget when I did in my colledge days, I remember that I felt depressed "May I do this",when I counted how many movies I watched in the end of the year, turning over my notebook pages. This is because it was doubtless that I disregard the study
"Lifetime of human beings" is often said, but it actually may be an accumulation of "now". I supposed that a fruitful life depends on not necessarily its length but its density.
However I was surprised that there are a lot of cans and garbage in the coast. Nowadays the pollution of Lake Biwa is presented as a problem, but The immoral hearts of those who leave garbage in the public places is more serious.
I remember, I do not remember when it was, wondering if I should have do so when I counted the number of films I had ever seen per year. It is because it was apparent that I neglected studying.
(1)to change words spoken in one language to another (2)used to show that something happened in the past (3)the way in which an event,action,or person changes someone or something (4)happening or chosen without any definite plan,aim,or pattern (5)a space that is completely empty of all gas (6)facts,objects,or,signs that make you believe that something exists or is true (7)to arrange that a planned activity or event will not now happen
例文: (a)Jhon left the office about half an hour ago. (b)There's some evidence that a small amount of alcohol is good for you. (c)Peter made friends with Spanish students at the party. (d)They spoke good German,and promised to interpret for me. (e)Inflation has a disastrous effect on the economy. (f)The class was canceled because the professor was sick. (g)A few random shots were fired yesterday. (h)Nature abhors a vacuum.
@ d interpret A a ago C g random D h vacuum E b evidence F f canceled だと思ったのですが、3番を教えてくださいm(__)m
我々日本人は和室で暮らす場合、伝統的にベッドを使わず、夜は布団をじかに床のうえにしいてその上に寝ます。 そして朝になると、その布団を片付けて同じ部屋を居間や食堂として使うのです。 [日本人は家の玄関を入ると必ず靴を脱ぎますから、床に直接布団を敷いても衛生上何等問題はないのです。] [これは狭い空間を昼と夜とで合理的に使い分ける、日本人独特の生活の知恵といえるかもしれません。] 『訳は〔〕部分のみです。』 Japanese always(/customary)take off their shoes when they enter the house, so it's not dirty to put their futon(Japanese bed) on the floor directly. This can be said Japanese own idea of their daily life that they use their narrow room properly, in different manners in the evening from in the morning.
I could,nt say nothing about ciothing , because my mother controled the family money and had the right of the decision in everything. So,even now I am poor at choosing my clothing.
In some cases, a cusual words of others cause the stream of one`s life to be changed completely. However one find that ,the more time he spends, the more their words briten, and that they give his own life a glow.
>612 ・most of parents -> most parents ・> now that mass media has developed,it is not necessary to remark big cities. 確かにnow that 〜は「今や〜なので、」だけど、理由と帰結の因果関係が弱くないかな。 大都市(の大学)に「こだわる」必要がないとかならOKか。 ・than big cities -> than in big cities ・areaはちょっと違う気がする。
>613 ・Satisfactory life not necessarily depends on how long it is -> A satisfactory life depends not necesarily on how long it is ・「充実した」はfulfillingかな。
>614 ・Biwakoにクオーテーションはいらないと思う。Lake Biwaとするとベター。 ・the serious problem -> a serious problem ・後半のthat節内は倒置かな。すごく奇妙な感じだけど。 ・the heart of us throwing -> our manner to throw か。
人生の流れは、何気ない他人の言葉がきっかけとなって、 その方向を180度変えてしまうことがある。 その小さな一言は、時が経てば経つほど光を増し、 自分の人生に燦然(さんぜん)とした輝きを添える言葉だったことに気が付かされるのだ。 The flow of one's life is sometimes changed and, goes towards the other way by the influence of others' unconscious word.
Such a trivial word gets more and more brilliant as times go, and he is aware of that it is the word which has been played an important role in his life.
>628 ・andの後のカンマは不要かと。 ・the otherだと、あらかじめ人生の方向の選択肢が決まってて、他のどれでもない残った最後の一つっていうニュアンスになりますね。anotherにしましょう。 ・as time go -> as time goes (by) ・is aware of that 〜ってなんか変。will find thatかな。 ・it is the work which 〜は強調構文かな。普通にthe word has been playing 〜でいいと思うが。 (played -> playing ね。受身にする必要はないから)
>629 ・「あなたの入れるコーヒー」は文脈上限定できそうなので、The coffee you makeと、Theをつけたほうがいいかと。 ・make -> makes
・most -> the most ・dangerous to go -> dangerous than to go ・ここもa traffic lightではなくthe traffic lightとtheを使う場面かな。もしくはtraffic lightsと複数にする。
・as him -> as he これは、as he is (tough) の省略だから。ここのasは接続詞であって、前置詞ではないことに注意。
・私たち、なので I ではないですよね。 ・got to be irritated -> got irritated get+形容詞 のように使います。 ・The a longer time -> The longer The + 比較級, the + 比較級なので、a longer timeのような名詞を直接置いてはいけません。 ・waited for -> waited wait for +人で「人を待つ」。waitは自動詞。で、この場合誰を待つということは書かれていないので、forをつけてそれを書く必要はない。waitだけで十分。 ・the more I got impatient -> the more impatient I got ここは「more impatient」で一つの比較級のかたまりだと思って、まとめてtheの後に置く。
・父が買ってきた時点と、私が欲しいと思っていた時点では、後者のほうがより昔からっぽいので、which I wanted -> which I had wanted ・FatherはMy fatherとしておこう。 ・a bookちゃうね。欲しいと思ってたわけだから限定できる。the bookに訂正。
人間の一生というけれど、結局それは「今」という時間の集積ではないか。 充実した人生というのは、必ずしもその長さによるのではなく、 密度の濃さにかかっているのではないだろうか。 " One's life " may after all , amounts to the acumulation of " now". I think one's satisfuction in his life depends on how he leves his life, rather than on how long he lives.
ところが、湖岸にたくさんの空き缶やゴミが散乱しているのには驚かされた。 琵琶湖の汚染が叫ばれる昨今であるが、 公共の場に平気でゴミを残していく人間の心のほうがよほど深刻だと思う。 I was surplised , however, at the terrible sight on the shore , where many cans and gabages were left.
These days, a deterioration of Lake Biwa's environment has been serious problem to us , but I feel people who don't hesitate to litter the public place are more seriously bad.
[日本人は家の玄関を入ると必ず靴を脱ぎますから、床に直接布団を敷いても衛生上何等問題はないのです。] Japanese people surely take their shose off at the entrance, so they can sleep in a Japanese bed which is put just on the floor without any health concern. [これは狭い空間を昼と夜とで合理的に使い分ける、日本人独特の生活の知恵といえるかもしれません It could be said to be a device originated in Japanes people's life , allowing people to utilize a limitted small space rationally , by useing space in a different way at night, or at noon.
Althogh Japanese people extremly cling to speaking English fluently,in some cases,it is difficult to be understood in the world. But it is possible for us to communicate with one another.So it is important wheather we can tell somone our intent. Particularly when we expand a conversation and want to tell a really complex opinion,we require the ability to write and read correctly ,rather than to talk in English.
>634 ・みんな「人間の一生」や「今」にダブルクォーテーションつけて表現したがるけど、そういう抽象的で曖昧なのは(・A・)イクナイ!と思います。 例えば「人間の一生はつまり、(短い)今という瞬間の集積であろう」と和文和訳したら 「人間の一生」をダブルクォーテーションつきの"One's life"や"Lifetime of human beings"、"the whole life of human beings"として訳さなくてもいいことに気づくと思う。 ・mayがあるのでamounts -> amount ・one's satisfuction in his life depends よりも whether one's life is fullfilled or not dependsのように、whether節を主語に取りたいところだけど、これについては他の人の意見も聞いてみたいところ。
・sigtht on the -> sight of the ・manyって主部で使ってよかったっけ? a lot ofにしておくと無難かと。 ・a deteriorationって、aかなあ。theじゃないか。
>>635 ・without any health concernがちょっと唐突で汚い感じ。 ,and there are no problem about the healthのように節にしてしまうほうが分かりやすいかな。 ・It -> This habit ・useing space -> using the space ・in a differnt way at night, or at noonはおかしいけど、どう直していいか分からないので他の人の添削待ち。
>>639 ・how you are ignorant -> how ignorant you are
・No one tells -> No one can tell
・How much do you think it will cost (me) from Umeda to Esaka by subway? が模範解答。 これは、「あなたは彼が誰だと思いますか」Who do you think he is? の発展形。 it is cost は変だし、when you use a subwayも冗長。
・for schoolがどっから出てきたのか謎だけど、ま、いっか。
・This is why 〜 は、This is the reason 〜 と同じで、これが〜の理由です、こうしたわけで〜しました、の意味。 こうした方法で、の場合はThis is how 〜。 この場合はThat is how he quit smoking. またはThat is the way (how) he (has) quit smoking.
≪訂正前の自作解答≫ Nowadays, there is a tendency that many parents hope to there child enter the universe stood in huge city. But, that thinking is no use. Because everywhere can give you the information you need to. So, I think you should study in the country which make you calm down, even not the big and noisy town.
≪訂正後の解答≫ Nowadays, there is a tendency that many parents hope for thier children to enter the university stood in huge city. But,at all now,that thinking is no use.,because anyplaces can give you the information which you need to for study something. So, I think you should study in the place where make you calm down,than the big and noisy town.
【that thinking is no use.>>意味不明。】これがダメな理由を教えてください。
644の訂正です Nowadays, there is a tendency that many parents hope for thier children to enter the university stood in a huge city. But,at all now,that thinking is no use.,because anyplaces can give you the information which you need to for study something. So, I think you should study in the place where make you calm down,than the big and noisy town.
Nowadays, there is a tendency that many parents hope for thier children to enter the university stood in a huge city. But,at all now,that thinking is no use.,because every places can give you the information which you need to for study something. So, I think you should study at the place where make you calm down,than the big and noisy town.
[これは狭い空間を昼と夜とで合理的に使い分ける、日本人独特の生活の知恵といえるかもしれません This habit can be said to be a device uniquely originated in the Japanese life that a limited space is used rationally in a different way, at noon and at night respectively.