
2    :02/05/31 23:47 ID:8txZ0iTk
3ア法学部:02/05/31 23:48 ID:RIGe5pKD
I got 2!!
4 :02/05/31 23:49 ID:OsONEkjv
You are a stupid girl,aren`t you?
5    :02/05/31 23:49 ID:8txZ0iTk
6    :02/05/31 23:50 ID:8txZ0iTk
You is fool!!!!!
7 :02/05/31 23:51 ID:2pLhhv1b
Are you crazy?
8栄東工作員 ☆ ◆STXAtBqk :02/05/31 23:51 ID:dsSj4F3j
ok ok
we take it easy
go now
9    :02/05/31 23:51 ID:8txZ0iTk
I ame prety mon.
10ななし:02/05/31 23:52 ID:SMzpCZKs
I feel depressed recently.
11 :02/05/31 23:52 ID:2pLhhv1b
Are you stupid?
12    :02/05/31 23:53 ID:8txZ0iTk
Ich bin bin.Tinko bin bin.
13愚*浪:02/05/31 23:53 ID:ay1GD/oE
>>9 Were you human ?
14no name:02/05/31 23:54 ID:MRt8F+oP
I'm very tired.

Don't mistake "tired" for "tried".
15    :02/05/31 23:54 ID:8txZ0iTk
I wase humon.
16ぺに酢:02/05/31 23:55 ID:evIdOa4K
17名無しさん:02/05/31 23:56 ID:/or00QzK
Please introduce Doraemon and his friends in English !

Example: Jyian is a bully.
18OH!!YO!!理工(゚∈゚) ◆smS4EvlM :02/05/31 23:56 ID:A6ZMVep4
19 :02/05/31 23:57 ID:2pLhhv1b
15s words is wrong.
20ななし:02/05/31 23:59 ID:SMzpCZKs
I know I must study hard, but I always feel tired and depressed. Why...
21愚*浪:02/06/01 00:00 ID:zcutXs5A
Shizuka Minamoto always takes in bath after Nobita uses ‘Dokodemodoor’.
22経済協力開発機構 ◆OECDa9u6 :02/06/01 00:00 ID:TUhfbHZo
the word "resently" always appears in 現在完了形.
23名無しさん:02/06/01 00:02 ID:T6GYB+Ow

Doraemon abhors rats and mice.
24ななし:02/06/01 00:03 ID:K280LO2N
Thanks for your advice.
25    :02/06/01 00:03 ID:HGFyqwQ0
Nobita is just cock;besides he is a young man full of vigor.
26    :02/06/01 00:04 ID:HGFyqwQ0
ID kawatta bu-ruburu.
27経済協力開発機構 ◆OECDa9u6 :02/06/01 00:04 ID:TUhfbHZo
because you always think you "must" study hard.
if you think you "want" to study hard,you "mustn't" feel depressed.lol
28    :02/06/01 00:05 ID:HGFyqwQ0
29名無しさん:02/06/01 00:06 ID:uIfN1qrD
A meaning is not understood unless it puts in a Japanese translation.
30_ ◆4NpueuNg :02/06/01 00:09 ID:/QMOORxC
現在完了形:present perfect

etcetra (well-known grammatical phrases)
過去完了形:past perfect
過去分詞:past participle (p.p. stands for this)
仮定法:subjective mood
31名無しさん:02/06/01 00:09 ID:uIfN1qrD
Please put a translation into the mail column.
32ななし:02/06/01 00:10 ID:K280LO2N
I "want" to study hard in my mind. But I am not willing to sit in front of my desk.
33名無しさん:02/06/01 00:10 ID:uIfN1qrD
It exchanges in English as the name.
It is the Eisaku capability rise unawares. ARA -- wonderful
34経済協力開発機構 ◆OECDa9u6 :02/06/01 00:10 ID:TUhfbHZo
i have to go now.see you tomorrow everyone.
good sleep and sweet dream.GOOD NIGHT!
35名無:02/06/01 00:10 ID:Luc+B8cn
hihi,bad boys, you will not pass...
36名無しさん:02/06/01 00:13 ID:uIfN1qrD
Would you also come tomorrow?
37経済協力開発機構 ◆OECDa9u6 :02/06/01 00:14 ID:TUhfbHZo
i just think it's a slump.
38 :02/06/01 00:15 ID:e2ZYxus4
If you watched world cup, you would not pass exam.
39経済協力開発機構 ◆OECDa9u6 :02/06/01 00:16 ID:TUhfbHZo
yes,i'd like to
40 :02/06/01 00:16 ID:wTkCYIRG
What's going on?
41愚*浪:02/06/01 00:17 ID:zcutXs5A
>>32 It is that you want to want to study hard in your mind.
42 :02/06/01 00:17 ID:e2ZYxus4
43 :02/06/01 00:17 ID:PeG1MJYN
Do you know where I will play tennis or baseball tomorrow ?
44 :02/06/01 00:18 ID:ZhxmtLNv
Aaa 東京
Aa1 京都
Aa2 一橋 東京工業
Aa3 大阪
A2  東北 慶応 早稲田 名古屋 神戸 九州
A3  北海道 筑波 お茶の水女子 東京外国語
--------------------------- ここまで高学歴 ---------------------------------
Baa1 横国 上智 大阪外国語 大阪市立
Baa2 東京都立 金沢 名古屋工業 同志社 奈良女子 大阪府立 広島
Baa3 小樽商科 千葉 電通 東京理科 新潟 京都工繊 関西学院 神戸商科 岡山 九州工業 熊本
Ba1 埼玉 学習院 中央 東京女子 東京学芸 東京水産 東京農工 明治 立教 横浜市立 信州 静岡 滋賀 立命館 和歌山 山口 香川 愛媛 長崎 鹿児島
--------------------------- ここまで厨学歴 ---------------------------------
Ba2 帯広畜産 室蘭工大 弘前 山形 茨城 群馬 宇都宮 青山学院 法政 岐阜 南山 三重 徳島 宮崎 大分
Ba3 秋田 岩手 高崎経済 成蹊 成城 福井 山梨 都留文科 姫路工業 鳥取 島根 下関市立 高知 北九州市立 西南学院 佐賀 琉球
B1 北見工大 国学院 芝浦工業 東京農業 独協 日本 明治学院 神奈川 愛知教育 京都外国語 京都産業 大阪工業 関西外国語 甲南 
B2 国立大教員養成系 釧路公立 専修 武蔵 武蔵工業 愛知 龍谷 大阪経済
B3 北海学園 東北学院 工学院 駒沢 東京経済 東京電機 東洋 椙山 愛知淑徳 金城 名城 近畿 神戸学院 広島修道 松山 福岡
--------------------------- ここまで低学歴 ---------------------------------
Caa1 北星学園 亜細亜 創価 大東文化 拓殖 東海 関東学院 愛知学院 愛知工業 中京 摂南 桃山学院
Caa2 千葉工業 駿河台 国士舘 玉川 明星 立正 中部 名古屋学院 佛教 追手門学院 久留米
Caa3 札幌 札幌学院 東京国際 明海 千葉商科 文教 帝京 桜美林 城西 和光 大阪学院 大谷
Ca 秋田経法 東北芸術工科 高岡法科 北陸 山梨学院 大阪産業 大阪商業 阪南 岡山理科 九州産業 熊本学園
C 京都創成 ものつくりなど(Fランク)
45経済協力開発機構 ◆OECDa9u6 :02/06/01 00:18 ID:TUhfbHZo
it's just started!!
you would→you will
46名無しさん:02/06/01 00:19 ID:uIfN1qrD
Even if I look at world cup, I can pass exam.
47 :02/06/01 00:19 ID:e2ZYxus4
48経済協力開発機構 ◆OECDa9u6 :02/06/01 00:20 ID:TUhfbHZo
look at=static thing
49 :02/06/01 00:21 ID:PeG1MJYN
Don't watch the WC !
50経済協力開発機構 ◆OECDa9u6 :02/06/01 00:21 ID:TUhfbHZo
i recommend you "受験英語禁止令" written by 小倉弘
51 :02/06/01 00:22 ID:e2ZYxus4
Lets talk juken.
52 :02/06/01 00:22 ID:wTkCYIRG
I like sushi.
53 :02/06/01 00:22 ID:PeG1MJYN
>>50 no thank you
54経済協力開発機構 ◆OECDa9u6 :02/06/01 00:22 ID:TUhfbHZo
water closet?lol
55 :02/06/01 00:23 ID:ZhxmtLNv
Todai is one of the top univercity.
56 :02/06/01 00:23 ID:PeG1MJYN
WC= wild chinko
57 :02/06/01 00:24 ID:e2ZYxus4
oh----!!!!hard boyld
58ななし:02/06/01 00:25 ID:K280LO2N
You mean I should study more relaxed?
I goo it. I'll try it.
Thank you.
59ななし:02/06/01 00:26 ID:K280LO2N
60名無しさん:02/06/01 00:27 ID:uIfN1qrD
How kind of you

・・・A lack was expressed.
61野茂:02/06/01 00:28 ID:FX62AduB
You are crazy !
62 :02/06/01 00:28 ID:PeG1MJYN
It is difficult to please my WC(wild chinko) !

Do you know how to please the WC ? help me !

My WC is about to explode . oh...
63名無しさん:02/06/01 00:29 ID:uIfN1qrD
What up! what up!
64名無しさん:02/06/01 00:31 ID:X4MSNJot
Many Collusion Fixations are fool.
So they can't write this Thread.
65名無しさん:02/06/01 00:31 ID:uIfN1qrD
It is interesting.
66 :02/06/01 00:32 ID:PeG1MJYN

kill you !
67 :02/06/01 00:33 ID:PeG1MJYN

thank you. how about studying .
68名無しさん:02/06/01 00:34 ID:uIfN1qrD
I am tired considerably.
69 :02/06/01 00:35 ID:r6cwAPS2
التاريخ ومسئولية تحقيق أهداف
عظيمة للحاضر والمستقبل .. ما دمنا
70RM(60[97]) ◆Mio9Feys :02/06/01 00:36 ID:rnwEvNh1
I think There's something wrong with,First of all,the title of this thread.
71名無しさん:02/06/01 00:36 ID:uIfN1qrD
I have not studied at all.
Is it a slump?
72 :02/06/01 00:38 ID:PeG1MJYN

I agree with
73名無しさん:02/06/01 00:38 ID:uIfN1qrD
・・・It is a promise that it does not say.
74名無しさん:02/06/01 00:40 ID:X4MSNJot
Actually most persons currently written in this thread
are anonymity.
75ななし:02/06/01 00:40 ID:K280LO2N
I seem to be a slump.
I have been a slump for many months...
76名無しさん:02/06/01 00:41 ID:uIfN1qrD
It is very very sad that the thread which he made is not growing.
77 :02/06/01 00:41 ID:PeG1MJYN
>>1 is going mad !
78_ ◆4NpueuNg :02/06/01 00:42 ID:/QMOORxC
This thread, it seems, has some popurality against my expectation...
To see inside of this thread, however, you can easily find
that sexual talks take up only too much.
The "WC" above is the simplest instance.
79shj@大阪南:02/06/01 00:43 ID:0PLpJxbt
80 :02/06/01 00:45 ID:PeG1MJYN
>>74 never mind .
81 :02/06/01 00:50 ID:PeG1MJYN
I think The sexual talks activate conversation .
82ななし:02/06/01 00:51 ID:K280LO2N
It is about time I went to bed.
83名無しさん:02/06/01 00:51 ID:X4MSNJot
It is the pleasant sensation which is provoked in English.
An amateur cannot imitate.
84 :02/06/01 00:53 ID:PeG1MJYN

you will buy farm durring being asleep
85名無しさん:02/06/01 00:54 ID:uIfN1qrD
I want to dismiss.
86ななし:02/06/01 00:55 ID:K280LO2N
I don't know what you mean.
87::02/06/01 00:56 ID:00HtiEVw
Hey!All men!Do you like mastervation?
88名無しさん:02/06/01 00:57 ID:uIfN1qrD
me too
89名無し:02/06/01 00:57 ID:ew4zNlqa
Why not?
90( ´∀`):02/06/01 00:58 ID:Gt9S94bx
Mastervation are exellent!
91:02/06/01 00:59 ID:opXcIvnI
92ななし:02/06/01 01:00 ID:K280LO2N
Don't use Japanese.
93名無しさん:02/06/01 01:01 ID:X4MSNJot
I am a virgin.
Here, it was heard that a virgin was praised.
94::02/06/01 01:02 ID:00HtiEVw
I did mastervation by picture of Rika Ishikawa which had got itself
at `hankakumojiretu'.
It's a fantastic picture!
Do you want to get it?
95名無しさん :02/06/01 01:03 ID:AkGFGZ9c
I wish I had a longer "timpo".
96:02/06/01 01:03 ID:opXcIvnI

97名無しさん:02/06/01 01:03 ID:uIfN1qrD
・・・I have few motivations recently.
In such a thing, I will also fail an examination.
Is it better to stimulate mind of seeing a university?
How do you maintain the motivation?
98HIT:02/06/01 01:04 ID:5YMapkGY
99( ´∀`):02/06/01 01:07 ID:Gt9S94bx
If I had a big cock I could be actor of AV!
100名無しさん:02/06/01 01:07 ID:uIfN1qrD
Though regrettable,
I think that it is the truth.
101::02/06/01 01:07 ID:00HtiEVw
By the way,I think you should'nt use Japanese at a space of
name,don't you?

102ななし:02/06/01 01:07 ID:K280LO2N
"ぴかちゅう" is a real Japanese, isn't it?
I feel so, too.
103名無しさん:02/06/01 01:09 ID:uIfN1qrD
Is it a text to me?
104:02/06/01 01:11 ID:opXcIvnI
105投稿台脂肪:02/06/01 01:15 ID:VwgVnF0W
Today,my past lover who was one year senior to me was chatting on the public phone,
which made me think that it is not natural not to chat on her mobile phone though she
had it.Having finished her chat,she noticed and said,"Hello,stranger!How are you?"
Her mini-skirt and loose-socks tempted me but I overcame the temptation.
Today's okazu was her beautiful body which was always on my mind.
I can't give up masturbation.I'm a loser!

106名無しさん:02/06/01 01:16 ID:uIfN1qrD
That's where you are wrong
Why can't you become gentle?
107投稿台脂肪:02/06/01 01:17 ID:VwgVnF0W
108nanashi:02/06/01 01:17 ID:K280LO2N
I said that the word "ぴかちゅう" was Japanese.
I didn't say the language "ぴかちゅう" was Japanese.
109名無しさん:02/06/01 01:20 ID:uIfN1qrD
It is a too long text.

My relative is weak・・
110:02/06/01 01:20 ID:opXcIvnI
111::02/06/01 01:21 ID:00HtiEVw
>103 I mean you should use Nanashi-san at the name space.
If the 2nd sred were to be made,the maker should
named it in English.
112ばか:02/06/01 01:21 ID:syAD+CN6
ホワッツ ア ドキュン スレッド ディスイズ!
113_ ◆4NpueuNg :02/06/01 01:22 ID:/QMOORxC
As well as you are, I too am very reluctant to study
to the point where I study not more than an hour a day.
(What is silly, I'm on 2ch longer than at the desk.)
.. The more I write, the more I feel melancholic.
I wonder what caused this apathy...
These may be common lamentations of us students.
114名無しさん:02/06/01 01:22 ID:X4MSNJot
I recommend the ICQ CHAT.
ICQ CHAT is the thing about which it talks to foreigners
on real time.
A partner's photograph can be got if it succeeds.
115名無しさん:02/06/01 01:22 ID:uIfN1qrD
I'm sorry you feel sad・・・
116名無人 ◆TCcC3EVE :02/06/01 01:24 ID:6mXoSMkR
You are not a loser at all!
I would be a loser if you are another.
117名無しさん:02/06/01 01:25 ID:uIfN1qrD
It seems that I did the network too much for a long time.
Let's also do our best in study you and tomorrow.
118nanashi:02/06/01 01:27 ID:K280LO2N
What made you so crazy about pikachu...
119::02/06/01 01:28 ID:00HtiEVw
It's a good sled!

This is why,I do age!(My English is like Itoh Kazuo,oops!)
120浪人生:02/06/01 01:29 ID:MfTREdoQ
I wish I were a bird.
121:02/06/01 01:31 ID:opXcIvnI
122::02/06/01 01:31 ID:00HtiEVw
>120 Why not play drug?(laugh
123:02/06/01 01:32 ID:opXcIvnI
124::02/06/01 01:33 ID:00HtiEVw
>122 Can you understand the joke?
125:02/06/01 01:34 ID:opXcIvnI
126::02/06/01 01:36 ID:00HtiEVw
>125 Shit!
127浪人生:02/06/01 01:38 ID:MfTREdoQ
128名無しさん:02/06/01 01:40 ID:uIfN1qrD
I consider.
Thus, it is if a translation should be attached.

129_ ◆4NpueuNg :02/06/01 01:41 ID:/QMOORxC
You are a winner, as compared to me.
My usual okazu is not a real girl, but a drawn!
I haven't interest any longer in real women.
I am one of those who could never return to where they were...
130:02/06/01 01:42 ID:opXcIvnI
131::02/06/01 01:42 ID:00HtiEVw
>127 NO,NO! OK=ohkei?
132名無しさん:02/06/01 01:43 ID:uIfN1qrD
it is likely to be indicated that how to use English is strange.
133:02/06/01 01:46 ID:opXcIvnI
134nanashi:02/06/01 01:47 ID:K280LO2N
Your suggestion is against the name of this thread.
135::02/06/01 01:47 ID:00HtiEVw
I think I want to advise me to write English in this sled.
136浪人生:02/06/01 01:47 ID:YzDecv51
137:02/06/01 01:48 ID:opXcIvnI
138nanasi.net/official/:02/06/01 01:49 ID:ngvv7qL+

139::02/06/01 01:49 ID:00HtiEVw
>135 I correct that `English' changes `right English'
140浪人生:02/06/01 01:52 ID:ZXcddm0N
>>137 YOO TOO
141名無しさん:02/06/01 01:53 ID:uIfN1qrD
Sure,i underatand what you mean
With now, it is not beneficial to many men.
The more intelligible one also regards a beginner as good.
142::02/06/01 01:54 ID:00HtiEVw
>138 Oh!Special thanks!

I want you to correct my broken English if I mistake something.
143War her her!:02/06/01 01:54 ID:UxP7V9Na
Core nor sled war tore tear more or more she Roy death ne'er.
Motto motto she mash or.
144:02/06/01 01:55 ID:opXcIvnI
145::02/06/01 01:58 ID:00HtiEVw

             / ) / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
            ./ / | >144
           / /  \          / ̄ ̄ ̄
           / /     ̄|/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|  GO HOME!
         ./ /_Λ     , -つ     \       
         / / ´Д`)  ./__ノ        ̄∨ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
        /    \ / /   ⊂_ヽ、
        .|    へ/ /      .\\ Λ_Λ
        |    レ'  /、二つ       \ ( ´Д`)
        |     /.          . >  ⌒ヽ
       /   /             /    へ \
       /  /               /    /   \\
      /  /               レ  ノ     ヽ_つ
     / ノ               /  /
   _/ /                /  /|
  ノ /                 ( ( 、
⊂ -'                    |  |、 \
                     .  | / \ ⌒l
                       | |   ) /
                      ノ  )   し'
146浪人生:02/06/01 01:59 ID:XKetx8jy
147::02/06/01 02:01 ID:00HtiEVw
All men! It is hight time I go to bet.
148nanashi:02/06/01 02:03 ID:K280LO2N
It is important to read English words with a lot of efforts though you don't understand whole words.
149:02/06/01 02:03 ID:opXcIvnI
150投稿台脂肪:02/06/01 02:04 ID:VwgVnF0W
Needless to say,I am used to playing with myself by imaging the scene of sex.
If it were not for masturbation,I can't live.This is no less requirement to live
than high concentration power is one of the requirement to succeed
151:02/06/01 02:04 ID:opXcIvnI
152nanashi:02/06/01 02:04 ID:K280LO2N
× >>144
153OH!!!:02/06/01 02:07 ID:NfRRX156
Camon!!Tatuo or Yoko、、、、
154:02/06/01 02:07 ID:opXcIvnI
155:02/06/01 02:09 ID:opXcIvnI
156nanashi:02/06/01 02:10 ID:K280LO2N
I must go to bed, too.
157nnn:02/06/01 02:10 ID:ifjZ4uz3

I am foreskin.
My genital organ is very good.
My wife cry hard play every day.
158投稿台脂肪:02/06/01 02:12 ID:VwgVnF0W
You may die.(逝ってよし)
159War her her:02/06/01 02:20 ID:UxP7V9Na
Or none car are rare tear math ne'er.
Mean are gun but take dash I.
160 :02/06/01 11:14 ID:PeG1MJYN
have you go ! (逝ってよし)
161赤い実はじけた:02/06/01 11:17 ID:U1C44STl
Iam boy
162大学への名無しさん:02/06/01 11:18 ID:wfK2GXN6
It air your she!
163 :02/06/01 11:18 ID:JbP6r/13
You are mine.
164名無しさん:02/06/01 11:39 ID:JzkoAeJR
/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
| I was warota.
\___  ________________
                  / ̄ l |   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
       ∩_∩       ■■-っ < It will be good shread!
      ( ´∀`)       ´∀`/    \__________
     _(    )_____/  ̄ヽ__
   /  ___ \&:*/ ___  \
  /    |モナー|  @*#:@ l |タモリ |   \
 | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|
.  |                       |

165大学への名無しさん:02/06/01 11:55 ID:wfK2GXN6
Core rare or kangaroo Nomo tore tear more moose car she ne'er.
166誉@ ◆LbpmJgLI :02/06/01 12:05 ID:TK3MiEfs
Whenever rub my penis
In my home on my own
Whenever wip my penis
Wishing they would be sex
167  :02/06/01 12:06 ID:PTXZe9Gp
Did you fuck yourself yesterday?
168neun:02/06/01 12:34 ID:trVnnVzw
Yes, I do.
169neun:02/06/01 12:39 ID:trVnnVzw
Yes, I did...
170誉@ ◆LbpmJgLI :02/06/01 14:57 ID:2m1CJ9d0
I have a sun , which is not real man
171愚*浪:02/06/01 14:59 ID:zcutXs5A
It is hot today.
172誉@ ◆LbpmJgLI :02/06/01 15:06 ID:2m1CJ9d0
I pity darling my penis...
Whenever I deceive you...

173名無しさん:02/06/01 15:08 ID:/usA5Smk
How do you do Mr.Tom?
174誉@ ◆LbpmJgLI :02/06/01 15:12 ID:2m1CJ9d0
OH Mr.Tom!!!!! OK OK OK!!!

I don't know him...
175名無しさん:02/06/01 15:27 ID:/usA5Smk
Oh!! Sorry. You aren't Tom. So you are Ken!
How do you do Mr.Ken?
176:02/06/01 15:31 ID:opXcIvnI
177(; ´,,,,`)ノ ー◎ ◆jB2QailY :02/06/01 15:32 ID:KKUsRK/U
there is a fool in this thread
178大学への名無しさん:02/06/01 15:32 ID:2u/lLbCJ
I'll never give up.
Fuck you.
179誉@ ◆LbpmJgLI :02/06/01 17:48 ID:dg5zXkIb
Oh!! You are my best friends' Kenji aren't you?

I and my penis is very very very MAX!!!
We don't need "okazu" HA HA HA!!!
180名無しさん:02/06/01 18:33 ID:j0zVOjad
Yeah! I'm Kenji. How is your girlfriend hanako?
181大学への名無しさん:02/06/01 18:34 ID:PeG1MJYN

Yeah! 誉'girlfirind hanako has gone .
182大学への名無しさん:02/06/01 18:36 ID:a4RMvVx5
kokonosure eigo dake?
183名無しさん:02/06/01 18:42 ID:j0zVOjad
Really? It means Died? or baby?
184大学への名無しさん:02/06/01 18:45 ID:PeG1MJYN
It means going mad .
185国立医学部卒:02/06/01 18:46 ID:OicczY++
186名無しさん:02/06/01 18:54 ID:3W9tq02R
We will rock you!
187 :02/06/01 19:50 ID:JuLPKWZ+
You should not have establish such a thread like this.
188 :02/06/01 19:51 ID:JuLPKWZ+
You should not have established such a thread like this.

189大学への名無しさん:02/06/01 20:33 ID:opXcIvnI
190ERROR:名前いれてちょ。。。:02/06/01 20:48 ID:hr2svO07
>>185 →ass hole

you crazy mother fucker
191(; ´,,,,`)ノ ー◎ ◆jB2QailY :02/06/01 21:26 ID:qR3Wywan
you too
192名無しさん:02/06/01 21:30 ID:57xVfyDS
I want ...
193名無しさん:02/06/01 21:33 ID:ITuNncic
194経済協力開発機構 ◆OECDa9u6 :02/06/01 23:23 ID:TUhfbHZo
hi every one!
wat's R U talking about??
195経済協力開発機構 ◆OECDa9u6 :02/06/01 23:33 ID:TUhfbHZo
hey!anyone is here?
196::02/06/01 23:34 ID:bMDynB9s
Germany is strontg?
197うに ◆UNI/2U2U :02/06/01 23:34 ID:ubCtC0Py
im here.
198うに ◆UNI/2U2U :02/06/01 23:36 ID:ubCtC0Py
199すーぱーみるくちゃん:02/06/01 23:37 ID:dgQ/qRFY
We love music.
200::02/06/01 23:40 ID:bMDynB9s
Saudi Arabia is too weak?
201うに ◆UNI/2U2U :02/06/01 23:46 ID:ubCtC0Py
I`ll go sleep.

Sorry for stupid my English.
202 :02/06/01 23:48 ID:uxvf/x+T
Don't put off tomorrow what you can do today.
203大学への名無しさん:02/06/01 23:54 ID:PeG1MJYN

Let's go eating SUSHI !
204経済協力開発機構 ◆OECDa9u6 :02/06/02 00:14 ID:kjI2xsog
i cant help your stupid English
205大学への名無しさん:02/06/02 00:17 ID:EFKq2kvN
Wie wohen Sie?
206え :02/06/02 00:27 ID:mB/UJyPz
207nanashi:02/06/02 00:28 ID:8CtkqOAn
I came to this thread again.
208大学への名無しさん:02/06/02 00:29 ID:qWBfVnPE
NO! NO! German is far good team. SA is not so weak.
209fさん:02/06/02 00:43 ID:8uxRW9OH
I want to kill え.
210nanashi:02/06/02 00:50 ID:8CtkqOAn
I have studied as "jitakurounin".
So I always feel lonely and nervous.
What should I do to overcome these feelings?
211大学への名無しさん:02/06/02 00:50 ID:qWBfVnPE
I agree with you strongly.
212三島:02/06/02 00:52 ID:PdOGLt/s
Love me love me.
Say that you love me.
213g:02/06/02 00:55 ID:Tf0zu2aH
I wants to drink a breast
214_:02/06/02 00:56 ID:wmANHTls
Let me be with you.
215g:02/06/02 00:58 ID:Tf0zu2aH
It will stop onanism
216え :02/06/02 01:13 ID:mB/UJyPz

217大学への名無しさん:02/06/02 01:28 ID:h01RQm2F
Or! None dark are more rear gut air math ne'er!
218大学への名無しさん:02/06/02 01:37 ID:negR8gdY
219 :02/06/02 01:37 ID:QOnj1QAf
I have dementia.
Because sky is blue.
220大学への名無しさん:02/06/02 01:52 ID:CvEbU/on
By the way, say, listen >>1.
I went to Yoshino-ya yesterday, Yoshino-ya.
I couldn't sit down because there were many people when it did so.
Therefore, when I overlook in the store, the inside of the store is written in the curtain with "150 yen off".
Oh, stupid? silly??
You! Know 150 yen off though it doesn't usually come here, and don't come to Yoshino-ya. You are senility!
That is 150 yen. 150 yen!
There is a parent and child companion why, too. Did they come to Yoshino-ya with 4 families? What a simpleton.
Father says "OK, dady order the Toku-mori". I couldn't bear to look at it.
Get out of the way because I am given to you 150 yen.
Yoshino-ya should make dreary more.
It isn't strange even if the guy who sat on the opposite side opposite of the U table begins a quarrel. I stabbed, or guy stabbed, such an atmosphere is good. Keep women and children nose out of this!
Then, if I think that I could finally sit down, next door neighbor says "Oh-mori and Tsuyu-daku!". So, I got very angry again.
Say, that isn't popular at present "Tsuyu-daku". You are senility.
Why do you say a "Tsuyu-daku" with the proud expression?
I want to grill you, do you really want to eat a "Tsuyu-daku"? I want to grill you. I want to grill you for about one hour.
I think that you want to only say a "Tsuyu-daku".
If I of the Yoshino-ya authority say, "Now, still it is 'Negi-daku' that a Yoshino-ya's authority is popular". It is this.
"Oh-mori, Negi-daku and Gyoku" This is an authority's order.
Though a Welsh onion is contained abundantly, meat is little with Negi-Daku. It is this.
Therefore, more, Oh-moriandGyoku (raw egg). This is most extreme.
But, it is very dangerous because it is marked by a salesclerk when you ordered that next time.
This isn't recommended to the amateur.
Well, an amateur like you is to say that even "a Gyu-syake set meal" should be eaten
221大学への名無しさん:02/06/02 02:10 ID:gsRVNe6+
What a long sentence!
222え :02/06/02 02:18 ID:mB/UJyPz
223:02/06/02 02:46 ID:mB/UJyPz

224大学への名無しさん:02/06/02 09:33 ID:/BZ/RAKD
This sled may become a good one.
225名無しさん:02/06/02 09:34 ID:1GEh/v7f
Me to.
You don't see other 'jitakurouninn' , but many 'jitakurouninn' feel it.
So you don't lonly. Ok?
226大学への名無しさん:02/06/02 10:38 ID:dwsdRY6e
まぁ 日本人だからしゃーないかw
227誉@ ◆LbpmJgLI :02/06/02 11:39 ID:VmP7s4QZ
So let me come manko
Close as I want to be...
228誉@ ◆LbpmJgLI :02/06/02 11:40 ID:VmP7s4QZ
↑zentisinuketa ittekimasu

come to manko niteiseine--
229大学への名無しさん:02/06/02 12:07 ID:1ybOfYP8
Hi! All (*o*)/.
How do you express `逝ってよし` in English ?
230TOT:02/06/02 12:11 ID:kg+jy+eV
you can go.
231大学への名無しさん:02/06/02 12:11 ID:9+ekl0N7
Let you die!
232 :02/06/02 12:11 ID:rPGAai+3
Go to heven
233名無しさん:02/06/02 12:12 ID:QBb+zJ4O
234あああ:02/06/02 12:51 ID:DJ/oDqXd
235  :02/06/02 12:59 ID:kD2Mm7w2
you can pass away>>229
236大学への名無しさん:02/06/02 14:26 ID:dwsdRY6e
I agree with "have you go"someone opinion in this sled.
237誉@ ◆LbpmJgLI :02/06/02 14:30 ID:9d1Knq24
I have never played sex
As if my penis is never hurt As if my penis is never down
Shall I be the one for you Who rubs you violently but sure
If you shoot white laser rays I'll know that you ara filled with happiness

俺のティムポは傷つかないだろうか・・・ 俺のティムポは落ち込まないだろうか・・・
よし! 俺はティムポにこうしてやろう  思いっきり激しくお前をこすってやるんだ!
もしお前が発射したならば  お前は幸せに満ち足りてると分かる

kousite tintin ha mata damasarerunodesita
238::02/06/02 15:11 ID:/byy9Ds7
'You shoud die ' is better.
239:02/06/02 16:16 ID:mB/UJyPz

240nanashi:02/06/02 16:56 ID:8CtkqOAn
By the way,the number of sexual talks is increasing in this thread.
241大学への名無しさん:02/06/02 16:58 ID:gcy5q6fz
I have a pen.
242大学への名無しさん:02/06/02 16:58 ID:bTwESo4x
>>1-240 I wish there were died
243大学への名無しさん:02/06/02 16:59 ID:bTwESo4x
oh! you have a pen ?
244大学への名無しさん:02/06/02 17:05 ID:2LZN58sE

246大学への名無しさん:02/06/02 17:11 ID:bTwESo4x
Yes I do.
Please touch my penis.....
248:02/06/02 17:17 ID:mB/UJyPz

249名無しさん:02/06/02 17:21 ID:E8EGamOd
Please suck my penis
250:02/06/02 17:22 ID:mB/UJyPz


251大学への名無しさん:02/06/02 23:09 ID:wqXBhgDK
>>235 THAXS! From 229.
252大学への名無しさん:02/06/03 11:27 ID:vxtvyQNo
minna atamaga iindane.
253大学への名無しさん:02/06/03 12:27 ID:TxuxR8vG
Get your head examined!Drop dead!
suck on
254大学への名無しさん:02/06/03 12:27 ID:MXNajLxS
フェラチオはblow jobじゃなかった?
255大学への名無しさん:02/06/03 12:51 ID:TxuxR8vG
French // blow someone's glass // cop a bird // fellate // give cone // go down // go down south // kiss the worm // polish someone's knob // serve head
フェラチオをする :〜に【フェラチオをする】
fellate // suck on
フェラチオをする :(人)に【フェラチオをする】
eat someone's meat // give someone head // kiss someone off // whip some skull on
フェラチオをする :(男)に【フェラチオをする】
go down on
muncher boy
dick-drinker // dick-sucker // fluter // nibbler
gal-boy // prick lick
peter pansy
256大学への名無しさん:02/06/03 20:58 ID:zkpDRqif
257大学への名無しさん:02/06/03 22:02 ID:QAq8c2SR
フェラチオは suck off のはず
258大学への名無しさん:02/06/03 22:03 ID:0jrl/on2
oh yeah
259:02/06/03 22:05 ID:sTumoVmm
260 :02/06/03 22:50 ID:ImMwl7Ti
261大学への名無しさん:02/06/03 23:00 ID:5MUO+2F6
262大学への名無しさん:02/06/03 23:10 ID:vmIJCeP4
When I first read the following, I was very touched.
For I live in a mountainious country. I could realized it well.
Why do not you read the following passage?

We were alone in this wet, world, and there was no obvious
way out. Real mist is like a "white out" when skiing-all
sense of direction is lost, and one might as well be on
another planet. One cannot even be certain if one is going
up or down hill. It may sound ridiculous when on skis,
but if the slope is only a gentle one, you really cannot
be sure. The world becomes a "blank," and one is just a
speck on the surface, floating in nothingness-it's frightening.
263大学への名無しさん:02/06/03 23:52 ID:FeLoAgxa
Fuck! you!!,Write in English!
264大学への名無しさん:02/06/03 23:54 ID:UkbyPbuP
I like "SUSI"
265大学への名無しさん:02/06/04 00:06 ID:4/X732oY
Why did you use ""?
Do you like one so much?
266:02/06/04 01:48 ID:V/gKvUIg
Dont enter into this sure.
267:02/06/04 01:51 ID:V/gKvUIg
I am sorry. え,dont enter into this スレ.
you are 荒らし?
268大学への名無しさん:02/06/04 11:50 ID:50YGJ2dC
He sir be sir near toe Joe death ne'er. E me nor are room or nor or car key marsh or.
269大学への名無しさん:02/06/04 11:51 ID:50YGJ2dC
270京都人間 ◆FGgWeDPU :02/06/04 13:07 ID:uohmq+SL
Someone ups this kind of sled for some times,but all of them have disappeared.
Do you know the reason why?
271:02/06/04 20:29 ID:K1efdEMO

272:02/06/04 20:58 ID:YcJ0xbMk
>>To be sure.
Speak more than difficult sentence,please.
273:02/06/04 21:01 ID:YcJ0xbMk
Last responce is to 259
274大学への名無しさん:02/06/04 21:03 ID:fYe7Gmta
If you want to get a good writting skil in English,
you shuold cut your PC cable and try to take another texts.

275:02/06/04 21:06 ID:YcJ0xbMk
>>274 その通りや・・・ やーめたっと!!
276名無人 ◆TCcC3EVE :02/06/04 21:07 ID:fsGWifxK
In two days. the university festival will be held.
I'm gonna eat a lot and enjoy myself, though I didn't
do anything about it myself.(lol
277:02/06/04 21:08 ID:K1efdEMO


278名無人 ◆TCcC3EVE :02/06/04 21:09 ID:fsGWifxK
As for me , this thread is just a pastime.
279:02/06/04 21:09 ID:K1efdEMO
280:02/06/04 21:10 ID:K1efdEMO
281:02/06/04 21:11 ID:YcJ0xbMk
282:02/06/04 21:12 ID:K1efdEMO
283大学への名無しさん:02/06/04 21:12 ID:LzgN9hIn
it is difficult for me to comunicate in English.
are there people who watched today's soccer game?
284:02/06/04 21:13 ID:YcJ0xbMk
285:02/06/04 21:14 ID:K1efdEMO
286:02/06/04 21:15 ID:K1efdEMO
287大学への名無しさん:02/06/04 21:16 ID:sPOBw+8P
288:02/06/04 21:17 ID:K1efdEMO
289大学への名無しさん:02/06/04 21:31 ID:6ZZtYi80
If you think so,I want you to write down the correct version of>>220
Please try!
290:02/06/04 21:37 ID:K1efdEMO
291大学への名無しさん:02/06/04 23:42 ID:CUslzQeK
292大学への名無しさん:02/06/04 23:51 ID:os9UlQeB
293先行き不安:02/06/05 16:00 ID:ockLPRVN
294灯台分壱:02/06/05 16:05 ID:r7LlhbvZ
295灯台分壱(:02/06/05 16:08 ID:r7LlhbvZ
sorry,I made mistake.
I had wanted to advise another "すれ”.
296大学への名無しさん:02/06/05 16:12 ID:4pq7uzxr
You got it!
297大学への名無しさん:02/06/05 17:04 ID:heimrymE
298大学への名無しさん:02/06/05 18:23 ID:ktDJlifh

       ∧ ∧  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
〜′  ̄ ̄( ゚Д゚)< ピカチュウ逝ってよし!
  UU ̄ ̄ U U  \__________
299:02/06/05 20:14 ID:t3Zu8UHu
300NO NAME ◆GwGm9sj6 :02/06/05 20:15 ID:iHkFd9t0
301:02/06/05 20:16 ID:t3Zu8UHu




302:02/06/05 20:17 ID:t3Zu8UHu
303:02/06/05 20:25 ID:t3Zu8UHu
304大学への名無しさん:02/06/05 20:38 ID:FFGmLxM/
305:02/06/05 21:26 ID:t3Zu8UHu

306大学への名無しさん:02/06/05 21:30 ID:FFGmLxM/
to tell the truth,
your sentense is not interesting at all.

I do not know your sense.
307大学への名無しさん:02/06/05 21:38 ID:FFGmLxM/
308大学への名無しさん:02/06/05 21:41 ID:4z8wzFbv
309 ̄\_ ◆4NpueuNg :02/06/05 21:42 ID:37xTV163
You have only to die.
310大学への名無しさん:02/06/05 21:43 ID:X0OWgrzv
311:02/06/05 21:45 ID:t3Zu8UHu
312大学への名無しさん:02/06/05 21:47 ID:FFGmLxM/
Do not break the rule of this thread

And that all of your sentenses are poo.

313大学への名無しさん:02/06/05 21:48 ID:VYiQBv4S
I hate pikachu.
What's pikachu?
What kind of animal is it?
I wanna kill it.
However, it's very pretty now that I love rats.(mysterious!)

To change the subject,
No sooner had S pp than S' V'
Hardly[Scarcely] had S pp when[before], S' V'
As soon as S V, S' V'
On doing S' V'
These are the same expression.
Learn they in heart.

314大学への名無しさん:02/06/05 21:49 ID:FFGmLxM/
315:02/06/05 21:50 ID:t3Zu8UHu
316大学への名無しさん:02/06/05 21:51 ID:hk/WClKq
317大学への名無しさん:02/06/05 21:51 ID:FFGmLxM/
318大学への名無しさん:02/06/05 21:53 ID:VYiQBv4S
I appreciate you.=Thanks.
319大学への名無しさん:02/06/05 21:58 ID:5ahdQni3
I hate >>316.
Because you are clever.
In short,I'm fool.
320大学への名無しさん:02/06/05 22:06 ID:5ahdQni3
All you have to do is stop connecting to the 2ch.
321大学への名無しさん:02/06/05 22:14 ID:GveLsSCt
Try to explain the meaning of GENGO in English.
In order to let foreigners understand the notion of GENGO.

C U later.
322nanashi-san:02/06/05 22:40 ID:euRfQ8Eb
"E" is only a "kitchen".
(・∀・)Go away!!
323 ̄\_ ◆4NpueuNg :02/06/05 22:50 ID:37xTV163
GENGOU is Japanese original name of periods in which one Tennou,the Representation of Japan, worked through.
Usually a new GENGOU begin with the Tennou's death,
as well as the previous GENGOU ends with.
(In short, a new GENGOU take the place of previous GENGOU after Tennou's death.)
The period of a GENGOU range from 10 to 70 years.
(But remember that there are some exceptions in old days, hundreds of years before.)
324大学への名無しさん:02/06/05 23:02 ID:GveLsSCt
Very very Good! Wonderful! ☆☆☆☆☆de・su・ta(w

But to our regret,

×GENGOU begin 、GENGOU take
○GENGOU begins 、GENGOU takes

By the way, please forgive me to use your answer.
Tomorrow I`ll use your explanation about GENGO to the engineers
from US.

Thanxs a lot! From 321.
3251:02/06/06 00:15 ID:SSxoMDDU
Thank you who have wrote this thread.
Lets enjoy this thread.
326大学への名無しさん:02/06/06 00:55 ID:HitTy88y
So low so low mat are car key corn dear me york are!
Core no thread were more rear are gut air your low she!
327大学への名無しさん:02/06/06 02:38 ID:aVZUH0C+
Today,i have an opportunity to talk with native American.

But,I was little discouraged because I couldn't convey my opinion

that I really want to speak.

I can read English sentence some extent,but I found my talking skill is poor one.

Oral communication and reading is very different skill.

And I thought it is necessary to have more opportunity to use oral English.
328:02/06/06 11:42 ID:5yTh84Ck
329大学への名無しさん:02/06/06 12:05 ID:0+La5XL8
Oral communication is very important.
Although many refuses to swallow.
330大学への名無しさん:02/06/06 21:12 ID:TXIo4j5x
To え.
If you want to agitate on this thread , how about writing your
message in English?
331大学への名無しさん:02/06/06 21:13 ID:VnTRcAnP
332神人パピー@8(56) ◆ROOKxisA :02/06/06 21:13 ID:ZZ7Kn9MN
if u semll what The Puppy is cookin'!!
333aaaaaaaaaaa!!:02/06/06 21:15 ID:VnTRcAnP
U did make a mistake !!
Practice to type.
334イタリア人の野望 ◆jB2QailY :02/06/06 21:16 ID:YGL5QwNt
E is DQN.
E has no friends
sentenses E wrote is not interesting all

E is DQN.
335325=1:02/06/06 21:19 ID:ywhh9Y4F
× have wrote ○ have written
336:02/06/06 21:23 ID:5yTh84Ck
337大学への名無しさん:02/06/06 23:29 ID:S3rOuOTx
The person who wrote >>323 may be a student or OB of Tokyo Univ.
338誉@ ◆LbpmJgLI :02/06/06 23:38 ID:0Cy2Nfix
The ポア
339 :02/06/06 23:38 ID:2LNzILeo
this is a sarasara pen.
340誉@ ◆LbpmJgLI :02/06/06 23:42 ID:0Cy2Nfix
問1 次の文を英文にしなさい

麻原:私は今どこにいますか? 私は今異次元の世界にいるのです
341 :02/06/06 23:49 ID:2LNzILeo
i love poa
342大学への名無しさん:02/06/07 00:04 ID:2NMMrI/S
Where am I? I'm in the world of another dimension.

The space floating is realized byriding the asending current with

concentrating the body streaming mind to our lower body, so you should
do poa.

##How do you score?>340
343:02/06/07 00:05 ID:4zAvPchP
問2 次の文を英文にしなさい

344大学への名無しさん:02/06/07 00:13 ID:0fVQMLTW
"え" should keep your head lowest in Japan!
345unn:02/06/07 00:14 ID:owF6CdmE
E is not only the most mighty in the world,
but also the most genius.
He is something beyond you,dust.
Adore him! 
346:02/06/07 00:18 ID:4zAvPchP
347大学への名無しさん:02/06/07 00:24 ID:uaM89QrO
3481:02/06/07 00:28 ID:snVt6d8H
349 ̄\_ ◆4NpueuNg :02/06/07 00:41 ID:URTmncgK
Not only え is such a crazy man as to have the illusion that he is the strongest and genius, which is contrary to what he really is.
He is filled with sense of inferiority, so that he wants others to think highly of himself.
3501:02/06/07 00:48 ID:K59qKTJu
え はすごいキモい顔なんだろうな。誰からも相手にされず
351:02/06/07 18:37 ID:4zAvPchP
1 はすごいキモい顔なんだろうな。誰からも相手にされず



352大学への名無しさん:02/06/07 22:17 ID:SzLd+hki
え is so beside himself that he can scarcely tell fact from fiction.
Stand back, え. You stink! Take a shower.
353 :02/06/07 22:44 ID:XqsjJry7
i love poa
35463:02/06/07 23:31 ID:Hu0daDm0
355大学への名無しさん:02/06/08 00:02 ID:WzM3haSx
356大学への名無しさん:02/06/08 01:08 ID:WzM3haSx
morning musume。 is pretty group. I love yosshi-.
357ひゃあちゃん:02/06/08 01:15 ID:OWQw92X7
358ひゃあちゃん:02/06/08 01:15 ID:OWQw92X7
359大学への名無しさん:02/06/08 01:21 ID:qckGT1MB
Today's match of Argentina and England is very exciting!!

I like Beckham and Michael Owen.They are great player.

Owen is so fast to run that Nobody can catch up with him.

Beckham's free kick is artistic one.By the way,I was surprised

that the match of today is gentlemanly I thought.
360ひゃあちゃん:02/06/08 01:37 ID:TP8uut5e
great player → great players
artistic one → artistic

the match of today はtoday's matchの方が自然
gentlemanly は変。be動詞の後は形容詞にする。副詞は駄目。
・・・gentlemanly って、形容詞か?
I thoughtをつけるなら、その直前にカンマを置く
361大学への名無しさん:02/06/08 01:43 ID:uGvSotX4
362大学への名無しさん:02/06/08 02:05 ID:qckGT1MB
添削ありがとうございます。surprisedの後には不定詞を使ったり、「surprised by 名詞」



最後のI thoughtは近くに修飾する語や節がないから、付け加え的(?)な
363カテジナ・ルース ◆RNAnJ9MQ :02/06/08 02:05 ID:o0QsQWTV
364大学への名無しさん:02/06/08 08:23 ID:rsVeZDzX
365大学への名無しさん:02/06/08 12:46 ID:P/6t52Mv

366大学への名無しさん:02/06/11 00:48 ID:fQMBMB8H
367大学への名無しさん:02/06/11 19:33 ID:xiNI2YOD
Have you been eating a lot of junk food?
368大学への名無しさん:02/06/15 13:01 ID:U7nvIu9L
Let's up this thread !
369大学への名無しさん:02/06/16 00:09 ID:KZnprM39
Yes of caurse.
But it may cause ill effect to my body.
370大学への名無しさん:02/06/16 00:46 ID:JRkDFa/Y
Take care of yourself.
371大学への名無しさん:02/06/16 01:34 ID:SX/NQT+5
How do you say `SINGAKKOU' in English ?

`A theological school' is not allowed(W
372大学への名無しさん:02/06/21 00:13 ID:omcErBOS
Lets play.
373TOEFL645:02/06/21 00:25 ID:696cvJ5Y
I find an "Arashi," an internet version of a bull
in a china shop, so disgusting.
I'm so sorry to think this should be the only way
you can express yourself.
374TOEFL645:02/06/21 00:50 ID:696cvJ5Y
"SHINGAKU-KOH" is a heavily culturally-driven term unique to Japan.
It would be safely translated as a "school with a high rate of
admission of its students to prestigious colleges." There seems to
be any simple English counterpart with one-to-one correspondence.
Minor Correction:
There seems to be → There doesn't seem to be