Thinking is as unnatural and laborious an activity for for human beings as walking on two legs is for monkeys. 1)<We seldom do more of it than we have to ; and our disinclination to think is generally greatest at the times when we are feeling the most comfortable.> 2)<Since this human antipathy to the labor of thought is no less manifest in public life than it is in private affairs, mankind does not do very much of its historical thinking in easy and prosperous times.> In such times we are mostly content just to live through history without realizing that we are traveling down its stream ; and, though in the past the periods of anything like general well- being in human affairs have usually been short, 3)<they have also usually been long enough to lull people into the delusion that history is something disagreeable that is never going to overtake their own generation>, though they know quite well that, in other times and places other people have sometimes met with historic disasters.
Since this human antipathy to the labor of thought is no less manifest in public life than it is in private affairs, mankind does not do very much of its historical thinking in easy and prosperous times
2)<Since this human antipathy to the labor of thought is no less manifest in public life than it is in private affairs, mankind does not do very much of its historical thinking in easy and prosperous times.>
they have also usually been long enough to lull people into the delusion that history is something disagreeable that is never going to overtake their own generation
Since this human antipathy to the labor of thought is no less manifest in public life than it is in private affairs, mankind does not do very much of its historical thinking in easy and prosperous times.
=Since this human antipathy to the labor of thought is as manifest in public life as the antipathy is manifest in private affairs, mankind does not do very much of mankind's historical thinking in easy and prosperous times.
they have also usually been long enough to lull people into the delusion that history is something disagreeable that is never going to overtake their own generation
Thinking is as unnatural and laborious an activity for for human beings as walking on two legs is for monkeys. 1)<We seldom do more of it than we have to ; and our disinclination to think is generally greatest at the times when we are feeling the most comfortable.> 2)<Since this human antipathy to the labor of thought is no less manifest in public life than it is in private affairs, mankind does not do very much of its historical thinking in easy and prosperous times.> In such times we are mostly content just to live through history without realizing that we are traveling down its stream ; and, though in the past the periods of anything like general well- being in human affairs have usually been short, 3)<they have also usually been long enough to lull people into the delusion that history is something disagreeable that is never going to overtake their own generation>, though they know quite well that, in other times and places other people have sometimes met with historic disasters.
Needless to say, women are no more guided exclusivelyby intuition than men are by reason. There are women whose make-up includes an almost masculine approach to life. There are men_especially those with artisitic gifts_who possess marked intuitive tendencies.
Needless to say, women are no more guided exclusivelyby intuition than men are by reason. There are women whose make-up includes an almost masculine approach to life. There are men_especially those with artisitic gifts_who possess marked intuitive tendencies.
Needless to say, women are no more guided exclusively by intuition than men are by reason.
≒Needless to say, women are not guided exclusively by intuition as men are not guided by reason.
厳密にはこの2文は≒でないから no more 〜 than なる構文が存在するのですが、 和訳の際には≒として訳していいです。 exclusivelyは「もっぱら」くらいに訳すと具合いいことが多い、と(笑) また訳出の際には、受動態と能動態は自由に変換していいです。 こっちでやった方が訳し易いな、と思う方で訳せばマンセー。 このセンテンスで言えば、導かれる⇔に従って行動する のどちらかを選択ですか。
There are women whose make-up includes an almost masculine approach to life.
この文章中最高難易度のセンテンスです。 で、その難易度の正体は「make-up と includes の訳をどう砕くか」だと。
If all mankind minus one were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind.
Not only can no causal laws of universal application be discovered in so complex a subject,but the interpretation of the cause and effect of any one particular event cannot rightly be called "scientific"
Not only can no causal laws of universal application be discovered in so complex a subject,but the interpretation of the cause and effect of any one particular event cannot rightly be called "scientific" どんな複雑なことにでも、一般的に適用することができる因果関係の法則は発見されてないだけでなく、 個々の事象の原因と結果に対する解釈も正しくは「科学的」と言いがたい。
At the time which we speak of the boy was poor. 他のスレで↑の文章があったんですけど・・・ ちなみに俺は富田派になったばかりなんですが100の原則から言えば、 At the time which (we speak of the boy) was poor. になると思うんですが・・・ 正解はAt the time which (we speak of) the boy was poor. らしいです。 俺も最初は下のほうって思ったんですが富田論で逝けば下のになり間違い?でした。 まだ100の原則全部読んでないんでわからないんですが・・・
↑wasの主語がない。the time は前置詞の目的語の為、 at the time以下は副詞節。whichがthe timeに係る関係代名詞形容詞節なら、 which節は必ず不完全なはず。which ←(we speak of the boy)では完全なので×。 S V 前 前のO At the time which (we speak of) the boy was poor.
↑At +which { we speak of the time } + the boy was poor. 前 前のO 言い換えれば _____________ ↓ | The boy was poor ( at the time { which we speak of }. ) S V C M
↑ wasの主語がない。 the time は前置詞の目的語で、atの前に係る名詞が無いことから、at the time以下は副詞節。 the time にtheがついているのは予告のthe。後ろから形容詞が係ることを伺わせている。 そこで、whichがthe timeに係る関係代名詞の形容詞節なら、 which節は必ず不完全なはず(原則参照)。 which ←(we speak of the boy)では、we speak of the boy が S+自動詞V+(前置詞+前置詞の目的語)で、第一文型が完全に成り立っているので×。
At the time which (we speak of) the boy was poor. を言い換えれば
The boy was poor ( at the time { which we speak of }. ) S+V+C+M
the boy←S was←V poor←C at←前置詞 the time←前置詞の目的語 { which we speak of }←the timeを先行詞にした関係代名詞形容詞節。ofの目的語が不足。
There are few families that have not among their members one whom, if their neighbours permitted,they would willingly forget,and they are fortunate when the lapse of a generation or two has invested his vagaries with a romantic glamour.