コラッ 不良 図々しいちゃうんかぁ
Do you have very good readiness that angered me ?
★ It is a member of fool (a miser) こと former delinquent society where this fellow sold a soul to
the ringleader buff of thread main my own self-playing for money (Passi re-hooligan). The owner of a
peculiar propensity (the Lolita complex otaku of the gay). It is member of net sexual harassment man
《 former delinquent society (Passi re-hooligan) 》. I grow, and disgrace itself!
This aunt looks and does want to hold even a rape?
It is the crime of the Lotus sutra scheme how delinquent belongs to. When a way of nonsense of anti-Soka to understand to see this immediately outrun him in a ↓↓↓↓↓ court, and outrun you; the image of false evidence / Nobuko Nobuhira
http://f17.aaa.livedoor.jp/~yamatomo/pic/nobuhiranobuko.jpg Whole story
http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=3zFeSLCw8E8 of the mass communication in history record-breaking "pseudo-event"
\ヽ\ │
(((ヽヽ / . ノ! ; : ; /_' / ./_/ Li_l!
| | / | : Re-j re-Nobuko Nobuhira | | \ r - / (` | il| > <l ノ i
| | ヽ 丿 | !| ,,, /,:
ヽ | / ~ | / Re-i 从 Д ノ
) ノ / / / ヽ `, ── It is ヽ ´
| / / / / | \_ 丿 | _ ノ ヽ\
Mimi Mimi clitoris
Mimi Mimi / ~~~~
The ノ σ ヽ urethra
/ / ゜ヽ~~~~
Labia majora / // \\\
~~~~((A vagina) ── A labium minus pudendi
\\\ // /
`\ /'
\ A *-- anus
\____ _/\____ _/
A member of former delinquent society product↑
The brain of the Ikeda feces product rape chief
\ Hair /
Thigh \_ | _ /
Mimi Mimi clitoris
Mimi Mimi / ~~~~
The ノ σ ヽ urethra
/ / ゜ヽ~~~~
Labia majora / // \\\
~~~~((A vagina) ── A labium minus pudendi
\\\ // /
`\ /'
\ A *-- anus
\____ _/\____ _/
541 : Member of member of former delinquent society - Lotus sutra scheme もあ ◆ HOKKEv2pHo : 2,009/01/18 Sunday 23:49:32 ID: 9aXGGd7i ?2BP(1495)
Wanders around, and 515 snowy mountains apprentice to a priest ◆ XHM5n0AhgA alone, a posture damage it, but the ^^ reply that will go does not mind
leisurely without minding it
At first> thinks that I come to re-3 from personal thought and conviction to have few understand it that is that what I spread is important that are
to visit it in the house of the person whom a member of >1. societies calls themselves meanness as a big place, and decline it when unpleasant" of the
reason why Sokagakkai is criticized by the world.
弘教 is good, but is over, and the meanness says to failure with 与同罪 in this which lowers the law as a result that is considered to be "unnecessary
care" if do not think about the feeling of the partner to having top priority, and, as a result, will take part in disobeying Buddha's teachings;
without in other words is right by right law, and the matter is important, and, besides, = doing 弘通 troubling a partner・・・・・・
\ 毛 /
腿\_ | _/
大?唇 / //\\\
~~~||(?道) ── 小?唇
\\\// /
\ *──肛?
也?做??的事情?? (也?ch?掉人)
↓スレ立て 不良こーまん男 の自演のパターンじゃ↓
9 :元不良学会員-法華講員もあ ◆HOKKEv2pHo :2009/01/02(金) 00:22:12 ID:C6ocTUIE ?2BP(1495)
12 :雪山童子 ◆XHM5n0AhgA :2009/01/02(金) 16:32:01 ID:???
>>9 元不良学会員さんへ
. ||..(゚ )| ̄|. (。) |─/ヽ < おちんちんシュッ!シュッ!シュッ!
|ヽ二/ \二/ ∂ \_____
. /. ハ - −ハ |_/
| ヽ/__\_ノ / |
\、 ヽ| .::::/.|/ヽ /
. \ilヽ::::ノ丿_ /
/しw/ノ ( ,人)
( ∪゚ ゚| |
\ \__, | ⊂llll ちんちん シュッ! シュッ! シュッ!
\_つ ⊂llll 南無妙法蓮華経 南無妙法蓮華経
( ノ ノ ちんちん シュッ! シュッ! シュッ!
| (__人_) \ シュッ! シュッ! シュビデゥビドゥ〜〜
| | \ ヽ
| ) | )