

22:03/01/05 10:42 ID:R/zH/eEY
3一般人U(アンチだけど):03/01/05 11:24 ID:???
4一般人U(アンチだけど):03/01/05 11:30 ID:???
@ 自分達の勝手な価値観で「悪党」と決め付ける。
A 「悪党」と決め付けたら、罵詈罵倒してかまわないと勝手に信じている。


5盛況新聞 ◆cQ5CwQT2.c :03/01/05 11:32 ID:???
6:03/01/05 11:44 ID:???
7一般人U(晴れ):03/01/05 11:57 ID:???
8名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/05 12:21 ID:???
9名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/05 13:14 ID:???
10名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/05 13:23 ID:???
●【日本の政治評論家不人気投票】池田大作がエントリー →現在1位
 (2ちゃんねらーの仕業?で急上昇! 1位へ大躍進!)
●【政治家不人気投票】神崎武法がエントリー →現在8位
●【マスコミ不人気投票】聖教新聞がエントリー →現在4位
12名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/05 15:20 ID:???
13名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/05 15:44 ID:???
14名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/05 16:16 ID:???
15名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/05 23:23 ID:???


16なんちゃってラッパー:03/01/05 23:30 ID:EwNbRnjY

 今 で は 創 価 と 一 緒 だ ぜ !
17名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/06 13:38 ID:Pq8DVyDT

18名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/06 14:04 ID:???



19名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/06 14:07 ID:???
20名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/06 14:10 ID:WzLXZrdd


21名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/06 14:19 ID:PvEU6qL/

22名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/06 14:22 ID:XIVfhTvx



23名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/06 18:08 ID:???


24名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/06 18:10 ID:???
湘南のラップグループMIGHTY BLOWです。
25名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/06 18:16 ID:kLSIcrvv

26名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/06 18:26 ID:???
27名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/06 18:34 ID:???
28名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/06 18:41 ID:???

29名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/06 18:47 ID:???
30名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/06 19:25 ID:???
31名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/06 19:36 ID:???
32名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/06 19:44 ID:???

33名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/06 19:58 ID:???

34通りすがり:03/01/06 20:07 ID:kL0cGU4Z
35名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/06 20:10 ID:???
36名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/06 20:11 ID:???
37名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/06 20:31 ID:???
38名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/06 21:02 ID:???


39名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/06 21:14 ID:???
40名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/06 21:35 ID:???

41名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/06 21:38 ID:???
42名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/06 23:29 ID:PvEU6qL/
43男子高等部:03/01/06 23:36 ID:ZNBlr7UK
44名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/06 23:38 ID:???
45名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/06 23:40 ID:???
46ギャグ係 ◆WMhl/ZkObw :03/01/06 23:47 ID:yAv/yXoA
47男子高等部:03/01/06 23:49 ID:ZNBlr7UK
48ギャグ係 ◆WMhl/ZkObw :03/01/06 23:50 ID:yAv/yXoA
49名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/06 23:50 ID:???
50名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/06 23:50 ID:???
51ギャグ係 ◆WMhl/ZkObw :03/01/06 23:51 ID:yAv/yXoA
52名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/06 23:51 ID:???
53男子高等部:03/01/06 23:52 ID:ZNBlr7UK
54名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/06 23:52 ID:???
55キンマンコ速報:03/01/06 23:56 ID:???
●【日本の政治評論家不人気投票】池田大作がエントリー →現在1位
●【政治家不人気投票】神崎武法がエントリー →現在6位
●【マスコミ不人気投票】聖教新聞がエントリー →現在2位
56男子高等部:03/01/06 23:57 ID:ZNBlr7UK
57名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/06 23:57 ID:PvEU6qL/

58ギャグ係 ◆WMhl/ZkObw :03/01/06 23:59 ID:osvs9IpE
59ギャグ係 ◆WMhl/ZkObw :03/01/07 00:04 ID:Crn/wjJ9
60名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/07 00:09 ID:???
61男子高等部:03/01/07 00:23 ID:lCZNYeef
62ギャグ係 ◆WMhl/ZkObw :03/01/07 00:27 ID:XFyOO4CL
63名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/07 00:28 ID:???
64ギャグ係 ◆WMhl/ZkObw :03/01/07 00:32 ID:XFyOO4CL
65名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/07 00:34 ID:???
66名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/07 00:40 ID:lCZNYeef
67ギャグ係 ◆WMhl/ZkObw :03/01/07 00:48 ID:XFyOO4CL
68ギャグ係 ◆WMhl/ZkObw :03/01/07 00:48 ID:???
69名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/07 01:05 ID:k+76uYjV
70名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/07 01:06 ID:???
71名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/07 01:08 ID:???
72名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/07 01:12 ID:???

 尿   管   工   が  

   騒   い   で   る

 板   は   こ   こ   で   す   か   ?
73?G?p?W:03/01/07 01:15 ID:???
74自鎖苦:03/01/07 01:15 ID:???

尿   管   工   

知   り   ま   せ   ん   か   ?
75?G?p?W :03/01/07 01:16 ID:???
76自営:03/01/07 01:17 ID:???
77名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/07 01:20 ID:???
78山崎渉:03/01/07 08:52 ID:???
79  :03/01/07 15:10 ID:???
80まぁ:03/01/07 18:38 ID:???
81名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/07 19:19 ID:???

82なかなか:03/01/07 20:40 ID:/2x70ORs
83名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/07 22:02 ID:???
84名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/08 13:41 ID:???
85名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/08 18:16 ID:tVwUHlQg
86名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/08 19:14 ID:KAwwIF/r
87名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/08 21:15 ID:???
88名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/08 21:19 ID:???
89(゚θ゚):03/01/09 13:59 ID:???
90名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/09 15:58 ID:???
91名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/09 16:20 ID:rekjxwAe

92名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/09 16:23 ID:B8+vInl4
93名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/09 16:46 ID:???
いいじゃん じゃんじゃんやれ!
94名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/09 17:48 ID:sOowaK+w
96名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/09 18:15 ID:???
97名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/12 19:37 ID:???

98名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/17 17:38 ID:???
で、根に持ったキリスト徒の母親が 創価母を虐殺・・・と
99鼻毛 ◆TJ9qoWuqvA :03/01/17 21:28 ID:3YyQDq4B
100100:03/01/17 21:43 ID:???
101名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/17 23:35 ID:oPD9ZpR+
102名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/18 01:04 ID:wceYHllr
103名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/18 01:45 ID:EYafrCP5



104一般人U(ニコニコ):03/01/18 01:47 ID:???
105六月:03/01/18 01:52 ID:xRlCN8BN
106名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/18 02:11 ID:6Pfjsccv
107T.R ◆t4OB0.UQBo :03/01/18 02:15 ID:???


108名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/18 02:52 ID:1E6vTxvw
109名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/18 04:45 ID:???

一般人⇒層化洗脳開始⇒新聞斡旋 ⇒ 層化サイボーグ
110一般人U(?):03/01/18 07:40 ID:???


111世直し一揆:03/01/18 09:59 ID:NNS+KESY


A♂の異質排除×O♀の冷酷=差別・いじめ とあいなる。
112T.R ◆t4OB0.UQBo :03/01/18 10:33 ID:???


113名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/21 20:03 ID:???
114名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/22 19:25 ID:???
11529男 ◆JMmE5ppk7Y :03/01/22 19:42 ID:???
116名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/22 20:22 ID:???
117名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/22 23:00 ID:???

118212.48.6.57:03/01/22 23:06 ID:CEYkYJ3R
119名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/22 23:30 ID:???

120学会員と付き合った事がある男:03/01/23 00:29 ID:i8smrQOe
121ゆり:03/01/23 01:16 ID:BKT7G3kX
122名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/23 01:18 ID:???
123名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/23 02:27 ID:8owAdKvI
124名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/23 06:04 ID:???
125名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/23 23:54 ID:???
126名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/24 23:53 ID:5ihjN/Mz
127名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/25 03:01 ID:A+HDom23
128Age2ch:03/02/03 03:14 ID:???
129Age2ch:03/02/03 03:14 ID:???
130Age2ch:03/02/03 03:14 ID:???
131Age2ch:03/02/03 03:14 ID:???
132Age2ch:03/02/03 03:14 ID:???
133Age2ch:03/02/03 03:14 ID:???
134名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 04:37 ID:???
135名無し:03/02/09 05:15 ID:???

136名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:28 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
137名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:28 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
138名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:28 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
139名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:28 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
140名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:28 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
141名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:28 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
142名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:29 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
143名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:29 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
144名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:29 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
145名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:29 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
146名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:29 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
147名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:29 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
148名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:29 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
149名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:29 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
150名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:29 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
151名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:29 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
152名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:29 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
153名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:29 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
154名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:29 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
155名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:29 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
156名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:29 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
157名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:29 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
158名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:29 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
159名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:29 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
160名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:29 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
161名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:29 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
162名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:29 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
163名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:29 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
164名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:29 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
165名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:29 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
166名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:29 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
167名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:29 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
168名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:29 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
169名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:29 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
170名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:29 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
171名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:29 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
172名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:30 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
173名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:30 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
174名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:30 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
175名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:30 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
176名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:30 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
177名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:30 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
178名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:30 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
179名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:30 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
180名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:30 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
181名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:30 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
182名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:30 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
183名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:30 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
184名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:30 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
185名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:30 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
186名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:30 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
187名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:30 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
188名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:30 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
189名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:30 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
190名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:30 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
191名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:30 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
192名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:30 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
193名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:30 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
194名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:31 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
195名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:31 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
196名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:31 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
197名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:31 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
198名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:31 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
199名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:31 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
200名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:31 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
201名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:31 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
202名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:31 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
203名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:31 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
204名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:31 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
205名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:31 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
206名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:31 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
207名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:31 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
208名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:31 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
209名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:31 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
210名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:31 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
211名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:31 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
212名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:31 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
213名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:31 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
214名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:31 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
215名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:31 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
216名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:31 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
217名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:31 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
218名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:31 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
219名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:32 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
220名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:32 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
221名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:32 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
222名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:32 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
223名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:32 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
224名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:32 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
225名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:32 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
226名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:32 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
227名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:32 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
228名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:32 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
229名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:32 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
230名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:32 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
231名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:32 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
232名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:32 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
233名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:32 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
234名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:32 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
235名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:32 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
236名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:32 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
237名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:32 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
238名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:32 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
239名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:32 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
240名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:32 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
241名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:32 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
242名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:32 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
243名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:32 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
244名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:33 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
245名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:33 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
246名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:33 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
247名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:33 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
248名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:33 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
249名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:33 ID:???
Fuck you, Nobita

You look greatly and are mistaking. The realities of this world is not seen.
It is my center like infants of three years old or four years old as for this world ….
The turn goes this way and that if requests, care isburnt, and still think in such a way ….
… blatantly.

Throw away overreliance. Your overreliance … The barrel the shouts every day, and is the "Doraemon."
It is foolish ? unexpected misunderstanding of … by which thinks whether it is natural to put out
the tool in such a way … why ifentreating.
As for the people, no one eventually responds to stranger's help the so on.
Children in Africa in which suffered from hunger … the people who lost the house where lived
by the war … Was not food able to be managed, and did the Japanese who poured foolish money
answer their requests?
Though there might not be answer … It is not so. the reason for this is not to be familiar
It is so even in case of being in the near future.
The stranger is not saved as long as it is not the one that something is obtained either.
It is basic. Because the basis was swept and mistaken, became a panel of which I came in p
urposely the 22nd century ….

Of course, there is the helping one in the inside, too.
However, the reason for it is that convenience is good for me and … In a word, … is cheated.
Why … It is not understood … Why … Is not it noticed …?
250名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:34 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
251名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:34 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
252名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:34 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
253名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:34 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
254名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:34 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
255名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:34 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
256名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:34 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
257名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:34 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
258名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:34 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
259名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:34 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
260名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:34 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
261名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:34 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
262名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:34 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
263名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:34 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
264名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:34 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
265名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:34 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
266名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:34 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
267名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:34 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
268名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:35 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
269名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:35 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
270名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:35 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
271名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:35 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
272名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:35 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
273名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:35 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
274名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:35 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
275名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:35 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
276名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:35 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
277名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:35 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
278名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:35 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
279名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:35 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
280名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:35 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
281名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:35 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
282名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:35 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
283名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:35 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
284名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:35 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
285名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:35 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
286名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:35 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
287名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:35 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
288名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:35 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
289名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:35 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
290名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:35 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
291名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:36 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
292名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:36 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
293名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:36 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
294名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:36 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
295名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:36 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
296名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:36 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
297名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:36 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
298名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:36 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
299名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:36 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
300名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:36 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
301名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:36 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
302名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:36 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
303名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:36 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
304名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:36 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
305名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:36 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
306名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:36 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
307名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:36 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
308名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:36 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
309名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:36 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
310名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:36 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
311名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:36 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
312名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:36 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
313名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:36 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
314名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:36 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
315名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:36 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
316名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:37 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
317名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:37 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
318名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:37 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
319名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:37 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
320名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:37 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
321名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:37 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
322名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:37 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
323名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:37 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
324名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:37 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
325名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:37 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
326名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:37 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
327名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:37 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
328名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:37 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
329名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:37 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
330名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:37 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
331名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:37 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
332名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:37 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
333名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:37 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
334名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:37 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
335名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:37 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
336名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:37 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
337名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:37 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
338名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:37 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
339名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:37 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
340名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:38 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
341名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:38 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
342名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:38 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
343名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:38 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
344名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:38 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
345名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:38 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
346名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:38 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
347名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:38 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
348名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:38 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
349名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:38 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
350名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:38 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
351名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:38 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
352名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:38 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
353名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:38 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
354名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:38 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
355名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:38 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
356名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:38 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
357名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:38 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
358名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:38 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
359名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:38 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
360名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:38 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
361名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:38 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
362名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:38 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
363名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:38 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
364名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:39 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
365名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:39 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
366名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:39 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
367名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:39 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
368名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:39 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
369名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 05:39 ID:???
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜
         /ヽ           /\
  _∧_∧/  \__/\_/   \__∧/|__/\
  \     クソスレを牛耳るわれらこそ・・・・・・・・・・     \
  <     神っ・・・・!                      /
  /     築くんだっ・・・・・・・・!王国をっ・・・・・・!     \
  |/\   / ̄ ̄V ̄\/ ̄ ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄V\| ̄
      \/              \/
  ::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::/ ):::::::::
:::::(\:::::::               _人           / / ):::::::::::
:::::/\\             ノ⌒ 丿        /  / /ヽ::::::::::::
:::: ヽ \\         _/   ::(        /  / / /::::::::::::::::
:::: ( \ \\      /     :::::::\      l  三 / / ):::::::::::::::
:::::::ヽ ヽ . ミヽヽ     (     :::::::;;;;;;;)    /   二 / /::::::::::::::::::
::::::: ( \ ヽミ ヽヽ    \_―― ̄ ̄::::::::::  /    二 ___/ヽ,;〜へ, +      +. /~~〜ヘ  :::::::
::::... /ヽ ヽ ニ ヽヽ  ノ ̄     :::::::::::::: //   ニ _______/: (ゞ(\ヘ   人    //ソソソ丿 ::::::
:::.   ヽ____  ニ ヽ ( ´Д`  ::::::::::::::;;;;//    ニ ____ノ   ("(\`ヘ  (    ) // ソソノ  :::::::
      ヽ___,  ニ/ ̄――――― ̄ ̄::::::::\ ニ ___ノ +  +::(\( (ヽ< (へ ノ )ソ ノ 丿ノ   :::::
        ヽニ -‐(        :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::≡ __ノ+ ┼ .  丶ゞ(ソ"( ´ 」`  )ノ ノノ * :::::::::::
         ヽ---\__::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ_ +  ┼  ::::    ~ >-( ∀   )-< +:::::::::::::::::
 :::::...     + ┼ +   +    ー-、___~'''''ー-、   :....::::::::::::::::::::::     ̄ ̄ ̄〜 〜