それがこの事件の真相のようだ。自首だけはできないようで、どうしても垣野 正通を殺したいようだ。「それが韓国の業だ。」彼らの口癖だ。 助けてくれ。 SOS キム イチョンの本名は キム ジョンギだってよ。24歳だってよ。Kim Jongi looks like real name of Kim Ichong. Investigate it RIGHT NOW. キム イチョン事キム ジョンギは、告発されて発狂しているようだ。また発狂しながら「(韓国人被害男性)がどうやって死んだか教えてやろうか?」 「(生物を脳死させるシグナルを送ったところ)うぉーって叫びながら飛び降りたよ。そいつ《は》死ぬ瞬間は(なにも考えず)そのまま死んだよ。面白かったよ。」 彼らは本物のキチガイ集団だ。今すぐ彼らを調査、逮捕しろ。 どうやらキム ミョンヒだけ本名を出されたのが気に入らなかったらしく、キム イチョン事キム ジョンギの名前も告発された事を喜んでいるようで、 続けて、「今上の人達、いつもはいない人達、プロジェクトチーム以外の人達もいるよ。」などの思考が飛んできている。助けてくれ。 また拷問罪囚一味は、「拷問したりない」などと脅迫を続けながら、拷問を続けている。助けてくれ。 SOS 私垣野 正通は、どうやらほぼ全身の筋肉活動に介入されているようで、どうやら介入先は、全て末梢臓器ではなく、中枢神経のようだ。 その証拠として、様々な動作・行動を起こそうとイメージするだけで、それらの介入を受けている。助けて欲しい。 また死刑が確定しそうで、発狂している様子の韓国プロジェクトチームの口癖「実験は成功だ」と、 人体実験である事を示唆し、繰り返し続け、執拗な脅迫と拷問を受けている。一刻も早く彼らを逮捕して欲しい。助けてくれ。 飯島愛の件は朝鮮銀行、飯島愛の個人口座洗えば、証拠として一発だってよ。メールも残っているようだが、隠蔽は簡単のようだ。
Criminals have confessed and now 0:14,14,Jan,2011 have been confessing that one of felons Tochizawa(栃沢) who has belonging to (who has gone in and out and has been related with the company named "Kobunsha" (光文社 Kobunsha) as a journalist of magazine named Josei Jishin(女性自身) what is a Japanese publisher of literature, some manga and women's magazine and the company named BRANDING,INC as he has been writing blog of a Japanese talent named Tetsurou Degawa) has replaced IC tip of my mobile phone for hacking my mobile phone while felons Tochizawa and Takaomi Amagaya(天ヶ谷貴臣) who has been belonging to the company Watanabe Entertainment Co., Ltd. (株式会社ワタナベ エンターテインメント, Kabushiki-gaisha Watanabe Entaateinmento) (is a major Japanese entertainment conglomerate and a member of the Watanabe Production Group.) and kentarou Kasama(笠間健太郎) who has been belonging to one of the largest advertising agency brands named "Dentsu"(電通) and people from mass communication from "FUJI TV"(フジテレビ) and several felons ware settling me on for torturing me of their nasty system of this torture by injecting me material.
About the cases of rapes and murders of the president of China Hu Jintao there is a person as one of felons named Son Tehaji named by themselves who has attended on Ai Iijima and who has been ordered to murder Ai Iijima by the president of China Hu Jintao. And Son Tehaji named by themselves has been also setteled on this system of torture and there is a critical proof of that, even there are proofs of that exchanges of mailing about coversations of the case of murder Ai Iijima and exchanges between the president of China Hu Jintao and Ai Iijima of account of bank of chogin. And there is a person who has murdered a S.Korean woman who had been raped by the predientf of China Hu Jintao and had been murdered by him ordered by the president of China Hu Jintao and the president of S.Korea Lee Myung-Bak. And now 23:09,14,Jan,2011 the president of China Hu Jintao with Chinese Communist Party and the S.Korean project team and president of S.Korea Lee Myung-bak with S.Korean government and the leader of N.Korea Kim Jong-il and his son Kim Jong-un with the Workers' Party of Korea and Chongryon in Japan and Mindan in Japan have been trying to murder me while all of them have been threating me, and attempting to murder me, and have been falling me serious tricks for punish me with my family, and have been committing several kinds of crimes as serious torture and serious Witch-Hunting. To the world SOS.