
your pride Don't you think that most of your "Korean Pride" comes from
insecurity? Your peoples have suffered a great deal from the
hands of the Chinese and Japanese. You hardly ever hear Chinese
or Japanese boast of their greatness because deep inside,
they already know they are. However, koreans on the other hand,
you guys have to reassure yourselves all the time, kinda trying
to make yourselves believe that you are superior.
I know a great deal about asian history as a matter of fact.
I know that the buddhism concept came from India, but was
refined and taught to other east asian countries by the Chinese.
As for China being a melting pot. You are correct there.
I am from the Shandong province which is in the northeast part
of China. Chinese people are united by a culture and language,
rather than physical features. In ancient times, to be chinese,
was to in fact, accept the customs and cultures that is so
important in china. You guys always bitch about how you guys
taught the Japanese how to be civilized, don't forget, Koreans
learned everything from the Chinese. Without our culture
and customs, you guys would not have a culture. REmember that,
you guys would be nomadic herders. The only thing that is unique
to koreans is your linguistic language. Which is altaic,
much like the Manchurians of northern China. Everything else
from was at some point in time, was adapted from China.
So...you are not as unique as you think.