>「剣道は日本発祥と考えられているが、それは間違っている。剣道は日本でスポーツとし >て発展したが、そのルーツは韓国にある。Koreaには、”Cho Sun Se Bup” >と”Bon Gook Gum Bup”という独特の剣術があった。」 > >と、The History of Kumdoというところに書かれてある。
だからそりゃ「Cho Sun Se Bup」「Bon Gook Gum Bup」っつー 独特の剣術であって「剣道」じゃないよね。 幼い頃から剣道やっていた者としてはこういうの聞くと 怒りで体が震えるよ。
Kumdo is the Korean pronounciation of kendo. Kendo was introduced to Korea by the Japanese during the occupation. After the Japanese left@` the Koreans continued practicing using slightly different gear and new terminology. A considerable amount of revisionist history can be found regarding Kumdo which can be attributed to a strong nationalistic attitude@` not to mention bitterness towards the Japanese.
According to some sources@` Korea does have its own style of swordsmanship but it is little practiced and mostly lost. The older style seems quite circular and often incorporates kicks and punches into the forms: it seems related to Kumdo only in that a sword is used. During the 15th century Japanese swords were imported in significant numbers; previously Korean swords had been straight and mostly double-edged. Most of the older texts which survive label the weapons used as "Japanese swords" but may have been showing older forms incorporating the more modern weapon.
The Japanese Army invaded and ruled Korea from 1910 through the end of World War II. During that period it was not uncommon for Korean families and treasures to be relocated to Japan. During the Japanese occupation a young boy@` Yong Sul Choi@` was sent to Japan. By the age of 9@` Yong Sul Choi was alone and living with a group of Monks in a Buddhist temple. Shortly thereafter@` it became apparent to the Monks that Yong Sul Choi was not suited for monastic life.
At this time many great warriors@` in accordance with ancient traditions@` undertook annual pilgrimages throughout Japan to improve their martial arts skills. During their travels they visited local temples to offer prayers and donations. One such warrior@` Master Shokaku Takeda@` paid regular visits to the monastery where Yong Sul Choi resided. During one of Master Takeda's visits@` the resident Monks@` seeing an opportunity@` beseeched Master Takeda to take the young Choi as a disciple.
Master Takeda was taught the art of swordsmanship by his Father and Grandfather. Master Takeda taught a weaponless martial art known as Daito-Ryu Aiki Jujitsu. This art emphasized the use of joint locks@` strikes and nerve attacks to neutralize an opponent.
The young Choi served as Master Takeda's assistant and student. Consistent with the training methods of those days@` Master Takeda's training methods with the young Choi was both tough and rigorous.
Yong Sul Choi remained in Japan for 35 years training under Master Takeda. Near the end of World War II@` Grand Master Choi returned to Korea and opened a small school in Taegu@` the third largest city in Korea. He began training a small group of students informally. Yong Sul Choi is credited with the founding of modern day Hapkido.
Grand Master Bong Soo Han met and began training with Yong Sul Choi shortly after the end of the Korean War. In the ensuing years@` Grand Master Han established a close and devoted association with Yong Sul Choi@` founder of Hapkido.
1.Origin There are two main theories concerning the origin of Korean Judo. One theory is that Judo was developed as part of Korean traditional martial arts@` the other that it was introduced by the Japanese. Judo was introduced to Korea by Japan in 1907. As Judo began to attract the attention of policemen@` government officials and various athletes in the 1920's@` it also became a popular sport for the public. In the 1930s@` Korean Judo athletes attended a Judo event hosted by Japan and finished with successful results@`escalating the popularity of the sport in Korea.
Mr. Gendzwill's comment below has some serious flaws in it. If you will do some research other than taking what your "sensei's" tell you@` then you will know that Japanese kendo was heavily influenced by the Koreans (since@` Paekche at the time had a cultural and political alliance with them). Swords being curved and what not. Give us a stinkin' break@` man! If Korean swords were originally straight@` then the Japanese ninjas must have gotten some influence from Korea too@` then huh? If you already didn't know@` Neil@` their swords are pretty straight too. The simple point is this: the shape of the sword@` whether straight or curved@` was only developed for their specific use. Mechanically@` curved swords are much more useful in slashing@` cutting technique@` whereas the straighter ones are for piercing@` thrusting technique. Revisionist history. Hmmm. If anything@` Japanese are the ones presenting a revisioned history of their past. Here they are not even willing to teach their kids of their horrible attrocities done during their occupation of Korea and Manchuria. Yeah@` in their public schools (middle/high)@` they do not teach what they did. Comfort women@` live-human biological experiments@` etc. Please@` for your own sake@` go read some books on it. And come back next time with a better SUPPORTED argument. from Korea@` a Kumdo lover
>According to many historians@` all Japanese martial arts were inherited >from Korea. The Japanese developed these arts in their own way--Karate or Kendo are examples.
>TKDT: Historically@` it is understood that you@` Master Seo@` have had a tremendous influence on Japanese Kendo. >How so?
>MR. SEO: The International Kendo Federation in Japan was established in 1970 by me and my Japanese friends who trained >with me. We chose Gimura Dokudaru as president and I served as vice president. Now I have been chosen as president of the >World Kum Do Association. I will work hard to pay back those younger generations who chose me as president.
There seems to be some erronerous point in Korean boy's writing just below. The curve for Japanese sword is not for slashing like Chinese and other swords. The main purpose for the curve is to slide off a long Japanese sword more efficiently from the shell. There is special technique devoting to this skill called as 'Iai'. Japanese sword is also effective for thrusting as well. We call it as 'tsuki'. The typical popular shape was developed in the 11th or 12th century@`when Japanese culture was cut off from great influence of Chinese culture developing in their own way. Therefore@` Heike's 13th century relationship with the continent is too late to decide the shape of the sword. Before then Japasese sword was straight shaped and two-edged called 'turigi'@` rather similar shape with Korean traditional one. I think this older shape has something more common with continental style. After having experienced 16th century Civil War@` Japan has developed main body of 'Kendo'@` art of swordmanship. Japanese Kendo is direct descendant from the tradition. The reason for the so-called Ninja sword is straight is extremely practical. It has nothing to do with culture. Ninja@` as special agent since the 16th century@` disliked long sword@` as it is not convenient to handle in conjested room combats. Their sword was only just above one meter or so. The length was also convenient to carry in disguise. And the technique of 'Iai' was not so efficient in their use. They also used the sword to climb up the wall. It was not nice if the sword is curved. There is no room for Korean influence.Ninjas were not just such people. I think that Korean influence is more evident in Japanese tradition of pottary. As Hideyoshi@` in his several invasion of Korea@` ransomed many Korean pottary artists brought back to Japan@` ordered them to teach their technology. Being next country to Korea@` we owe some important contribution from Korean culture. However@` with the reason seen below@` so far as Japanese sword is concerned@`talking about Korean origin is totally absured. The writer seems not well versed in Japanese swords. His argument is histerical and un-grounded. If not so@` please refute logically. Masahiko Japan -
Masahiko and other traditional swordsman. With respect to what I am@` I am an American currently stationed in Korea for my military duty. If that helps clear some misunderstanding about my background. Korean boy@` huh? Pretty pretentious there@` Masahiko. I agree with what Sangmin Lee of VA said. I have numerous friends who happened to be of Japanese ancestry@` but I tell you what. These guys are not as hard headed as some of you extremists in Japan. I've had the opportunity to work with many Korean and Japanese students. And just from my own experience@` Koreans were more honest about their past history. Just for your edification@` I studied history from Stanford. Take it for what it's worth. Japanese people tend to preach honor and bushido. I think it is fantastic. But is there much honor in what your people did and later on lying about it to the world? I don't see much HONOR in that@` Masahiko. I am not too sure where you received your education from@` but it does not seem too credible. Your provocative comment that does nothing but incite strong resentment against your people from others must be seriously reconsidered. No cultural influence from Koreans to Japanese? hmm...Yeah. Sure. Whatever dude. Kumdo lover Tongduchon@` Korea -
残ってないです。高麗朝の13世紀?くらいだったかに書かれた、 『三国史記』、『三国遺事』をもとに捏造しまくりです。これら の本には相当儒学原理主義の考えが入っているようで、信用出来 かねる。自国の歴史を客観的に研究するのに、中国の『史記』と かの書物や、日本の『古事記』、『日本書紀』を頼りにしないと ならないのもちょっとなさけない。 以下の文章はソウル大学のVISITORサイトに書かれている朝鮮史 だよ。自国の知性顔でこんなウソ書いてちゃ、世界中からバカにされるぞ。 The habitation of early man in Korea started about half a million years ago. The first Korean kingdom@` named Ko-Chosun@` was formed in 2333B.C.
Seoul National University (SNU) has maintained its status as a major teaching and research university ever since its establishment on October 15@` 1946.
The founding of SNU in 1946 marked the opening of the first national university in modern Korean history. Originally@` the university was composed of one graduate school and nine colleges@` with 491 faculty members and 4@`500 students. The years between 1950 and 1960 marked an era of expansion for the university@` with the addition of 6 colleges@` 3 professional graduate schools and 11 research institutes.
>163 出来れば英語で書かれていて、権威のあるサイトならなおいいね。 向こうにはこのスレッドにリンク張っといたからね。 とりあえず、『またかい』スレッドより転載 日本剣道連盟のページ http://www.kendo.or.jp/japanese/w_kendo/index.html#history ENCYCLOP?DIA BRITANNICA より fencing http://www.britannica.com/bcom/eb/article/7/0@`5716@`34567+1@`00.html kendo http://www.britannica.com/bcom/eb/article/4/0@`5716@`46124+1@`00.html Japanese KENDO ("way of the sword")@` traditional Japanese style of fencing with a two-handed wooden sword@` derived from the fighting methods of the ancient samurai (warrior class). The unification of Japan about 1600 removed most opportunities for actual sword combat@` so the samurai turned swordsmanship into a means of cultivating discipline@` patience@` and skill for building character. In the 18th century@` practice armour and the shinai@` a sword made of bamboo@` were introduced to allow realistic fencing without risk of injury. The study of what came to be known as kendo was even compulsory in Japanese schools from time to time. An All-Japan Kendo Federation was formed following the end of the occupation in 1952@` and an International Kendo Federation was founded in 1970.
This kumdo vs. kendo thing is getting very annoying. Why does it matter at all? I have no idea why it is so darn important to claim this or that@` why not just practice and forget about all of the BS politics@` there's enough of that in this world without having to bring it here. The best practioners are those who practice and don't preach. annoyed <[email protected]> USA - こう言ってる、まともなアメちゃんもあそこ見てるんだよなあ、 向こうと同じレベルになって下品に煽り立てるのは慎みたいところだ。 以前、あっちに思わず煽りを入れちゃったが、ちょっと反省。
Thank you for your interest in our website. Korea does have in its' history as well the use of the sword. The webpage you were looking at is an offshoot of people who are practicing Hwa Rang Do and other related korean arts. As history shows Japan and Korea have had some crossing of culture in the ancient times. There is also a set of sword techniques that are distinctly Korean. Kumdo as it is practiced is however Japanese in origin. Kendo as you know also went through centuries of development to become what it is today. However the Koreans do not follow the ideals of Kendo quite as the rest of the world does. It is a result of cultural differences and Japan's occupation of Korea. As far as people who are practicing Kumdo most are probably praticing as a result of being involved with Hwa Rang Do and would not be attracted to kendo anyway. In any event they soon find out about where to find Kendo.
I hope that you will be able to read what I write in Japanese. おそろしいですね。こんな多い人が私の一口に勉強したり、私の親に 悪いことをいったりするのを見ると、日本人の努力はすごいと思います。 しかし、そんあ努力の1/10だけ他の国の人を理解するのにつかうんだったら、 アシアも、ヨロパみたいな強いコンチネントになれると、思います。
By the early 20th century@` Kumdo training had adopted and utilized a practice weapon made of bamboo and lightweight armor that had been developed by the Japanese. これも剣道に誤解を与える情報です。 クムドビデオのコーナー、恰好といい滝田栄得意(笑)の居合術と いい巻き藁切りといい、あれって明かに日本人の真似ですよね。 これって絶対詐欺だし営業妨害だと思うんだけど、こういうのほっ といていいのでしょうか?金儲けのダシにされてんだから。しかも 名誉まで傷つけられてる。 Our school has been certified by the Korean Kumdo Association which is a founding member of the international Kendo Federation. これって韓国剣道協会傘下公認の団体なんですか?それとも Hwa Rang という人が個人でやってるクムドなんですか? それともアメリカ剣道協会も容認してる団体なの?
There is also a set of sword techniques that are distinctly Korean. Kumdo as it is practiced is however Japanese in origin. 朝鮮にも武芸があったかもしれないが、彼等がやってるのは 剣道そのもの。日本起源のものをやっているという事ですね。 >As far as people who are practicing Kumdo most are probably praticing as a result of being involved with Hwa Rang Do and would not be attracted to kendo anyway. In any event they soon find out about where to find Kendo. Hwa Rang Doの影響でクムドをやっている?という事ですか? 直に嘘に気付き剣道に目覚める?とでも言ってるんですか? Hwa Rang DoっていうのはHwa Rang が勝手にやってるだけで 剣道連盟とは別の団体なのでしょうか? ちょっと良く分からないんだけど、協会はああまたバカな事やってる な位の軽い気持ちで見てるみたい。 the Koreans do not follow the ideals of Kendo と書いてあるから 韓国剣道協会そのものがあんな感じで許されているのだろうか? 英文から、韓国クムドは他国には真面目に取り合われていない ・・・というのは分ります。 だけどクムドと称して韓国人のアメリカやヨーロッパに普及を許す ようになれば大変なことになる。ちょっと韓国人を甘く見てないか? 日本の文化に自身持ちすぎ。あちらの人は中国、日本、韓国の区別が 欲できてない人も多いだろうに。
日本語もしゃべられますけれども、英語の方がいいので英語でかけます。 Kelly@` I agree with you that some Koreans have been arrogant@` by not fairly recognizing Japanese culture. I believe that is a part some Koreans have to change and I believe that many of them have started to change by the govenment allowing real decent Japanese@` culture in the country.
I believe that the problem that Japanese and Korean has is not one side originated. However@` if you were a Korean@` you would feel@` as many Koreans would have felt. There have been many horrific things happened in Korea@` and it took almost 50 years just to hear the PM of Japan actually say sorry. During that time@` there have been so many people hurt physically and mentally and their scars have been open for such a long time. That is the reason where Koreans are so upset.
About Kumdo@` it is the same as Kendo with different prounciation. They do recognized it is a sport modernized by Japanese. However@` there is an alternative view@` which I have seen clear evidences@` and I believe that IKF should deal with it to make Kumdo as an international sport. Japan and Korea is small@` and there is the world ready for the great sport. If you include Korea@` and give a credit for proper claim@` Japan and Korea can go out to the world to make Kumdo like football. Let's think about that. BTW@` I would appreciate if you don't call me Lee Kun. You may call me Lee San or Sangmin. Thanks
あなたが日本人と実は仲良くしたという心情は分らんでもないが They do recognized it is a sport modernized by Japanese てクムドを日本人がモダンナイズしたと言ってるけどね、 剣道の前は剣術、撃剣などと呼ばれててね、日本にはたくさんの 剣の流派があったの。それらの総称として剣術と言っていた。 当時は素面で木刀というスタイルで思いきり 打ちこむ事が出来なかった、でね心影流の長沼四郎、一刀流 の中西忠蔵という人が防具や竹刀を考案したわけ。それは18世紀 の初頭から中頃にはほぼもうあったの。竹刀の長さは江戸時代には 決められていたんだよ。 あなたは明治時代に剣道が出来たと言ってるが一つの呼称として スポーツとしてまとめあげたのが明治からなのです。でね剣道という 呼称が樹立されたのも実は大正時代からなのです。大正15年、 1926年。剣道はスポーツ化されたものという意見は正しい かもしれないが、それはクムドをスポーツ化したのではなくて 日本の剣術なりをスポーツとして一つの枠組としてまとめあげた ものなの。そういった歴史を踏襲しながらルーツは韓国とか 泥棒のような事言われたら頭くるに決まってるでしょうが。 現在では、日本で剣を使う術=剣道と総称的に使う場合も多いね。 刀の話に関してはもう語る必要もないな。いい加減プライド捨てて 下さい。もし2000年まえ朝鮮に剣術があったとしてもそれは 剣道足り得るわけがなないでしょう。日本独自の剣術を踏襲した 剣道=ボングックガンボックになるわけないでしょう。それは どう考えても剣道になってしまう。
>However@` there is an alternative view@` which I have seen clear evidences@` and I believe that IKF should deal with it to make Kumdo as an international sport. 韓国が起源と言うことに自分で筋に通った理解があるのならなら きちんと示して納得させてくれればいいのですが、 日本刀と剣道の不可分な関係の質問の核心には答えてくれません。 ぼやかしたままです。
>I would appreciate if you don't call me Lee Kun. You may call me Lee San or Sangmin. 自分の身分を明かさないWEB上で敬語うんぬんにこだわるのはおかしな 話だと思うのですが。 Neither in Swordmanship nor life@` vanity doesn't make you any good.
>306 >剣道連盟とは別の団体なのでしょうか? どうもこの花郎Kumdo館って変だぞ。あのサイトにはこう書いてある。 http://www.kumdo.com/dojang.htm About The U.S. Hwa Rang Kumdo Kwan I. Founded in July@` 1995 II. Our school has been certified by the Korean Kumdo Association which is a founding member of the international Kendo Federation. III. The first and only certified Kumdo school in the east coast of the United States of America. IV. All Kumdo Dan (Black belt) certification in the east coast must be approved through our school. V. A certified Dan (Black belt) from our school will be recognized by every Kumdo and Kendo schools and clubs in the world. VI. Our Kumdo school is exclusively for teaching and practicing Kumdo in the Washington D.C. and metroplitan area. VII. Only Kumdo practice hall in the area with the wooden floor safe to practice. 国際剣道連盟の設立メンバーの韓国クムド協会の公認で、 我校のcertified Dan公認段位は世界中のKumdoと剣道の学校やクラブで be recognized認められるとあるが、 http://www.kendo-usa.org/statedojolist.htm この全米剣道連盟の会員リストには載ってないし、Kumdoで乗ってるのは Tustin Kumdo Dojo(CA)とKyudokan Korean Kumdo School(NY)の2校だ。 全米剣道連盟の会員でない所の認定段位がbe recognized認められるって どういうことだ?
Mr. Masahiko. Thanks for your advice. I do believe that vanity is one of my worst enemies. However@` I was taught that when you meet a Japanese for the first time@` they will address me ~san@` and I should do the same. I was expecting the same from Japanese also. If I misundestood@` I appologize. However@` reading this forum@` I believe that many of you are missing the point completely. Some of you think that I practice "Hwarangdo"@` but it is not so. I am practicing 剣道. Moreover@` some of you think that I represent Hwarangkwan@` and the answer is NO. I do practice in Hwarangkwan@` but that does not mean I have any authority to represent the "Dojang". I would like to ask you to stop any activities that might produce any harm to Harangkwan. It is my personal opinion@` and it has noting to do with Hwarangkwan.
To tell you the truth@` talking about the origin of Kumdo@` and misrepresenting Hwarangkwan is something else. Do stop any attempt to relate my opinion with the one of Hwarangkwan. The letter from AUSKF does have very serious legal implication by misrepresenting Hwarangkwan. Please do stop any attempt to relate my opinion with Hwarnagkwan's opinion.
なぜそんなにカリカリするんだ?あのKumdoサイトが正しい事いってるなら、 何もびくびくしていないで、君は堂々としていればいいだろうが? あんたの個人的見解を聞きたい。これならいいだろう? V. A certified Dan (Black belt) from our school will be recognized by every Kumdo and Kendo schools and clubs in the world.
'Will be recognized ' What is this ? Mr.Sangmin Lee @` Please give me your PRIVATE answer! Please!
I have never said that I represent Hwarangkwan@` and my peronal opinions expressed in Hwarangkwan site were misinterpreted as the view of Hwarangkwan. I do not want to provided any fuel on the issue hurting Hwarangkwan in any way what so ever. Therefore@` I believe that it is the best course of action not to speak for Hwarangkwan. Thank you.
>Some of you think that I practice >"Hwarangdo"@` それはアメリカ剣道連盟の見解であって、我々はリーさんがクムドなる 剣道をやっているのだと認識していました。 >that I represent Hwarangkwan リーさん個人の見解に対してMASAHIKOやKELLYといった人が個人的に 質問しているだけでしょう。別にリーさんあなたの意見がHwarangkwan を代表しているかどうかは問題ではないし、そうとも思っていません。 あなたの個人的見解を聞きたいだけです。黙ったのは反論できないから でしょうか?出来るなら、やればよろしい。納得させてくださせれば よろしい。6〜8世紀頃大陸から影響があったという説はみな認めて いますよ。あなたの個人的意見でHwarangkwanの立場が悪くなる のですか?
>Japanese has modernized the sport by using belt system > and protective gears. However@` not recognizing the >origin of Kumdo being Korea あなたはクムドを日本人が近代化しただけとおっしゃられています。 そしてルーツはクムドである!と。これを言いつづけると都合が悪い のですか?Hwarangkwan にそむくような事を何故言うのですか? By the early 20th century@` Kumdo training had adopted and utilized a practice weapon made of bamboo and lightweight armor that had been developed by the Japanese. これはクムドHPにあるものです。あのHPではクムドの歴史を連綿と 語り、ただ防具や竹刀だけが日本から来たと言っています。日本に連綿 としてあった武道を一切無視しています。剣道のルーツがクムドと言って いませんが、クムドはコリアで特有に発達したものであり、防具や竹刀 だけ日本人が開発したと書いてあります。これはもう日本人のやっている 剣道がクムドであると言っているのと同じ事ですね。
I do not want to speak for Hwarangkwan. Moreover@` it is a private institute that the master has a family to provide. I do not want him or others in Hwarnagkwan involved or have thir reputation to be hurt. Specially@` Masahiko and Kelly@` it was a discussion among some of us@` but you have involved AUSKF to write a misrepresenting letter. I have always learned that there is right sword and wrong sword. Talking about the origin and involving a bigger guy to justify is a very different thing. I was ready to hear you out and listen to what you have been saying since it was a very healty educational for me. However@` I can tell you that there is a boundary that you should not cross.
>it is a private institute that the master has a family to provide. >I do not want him or others in Hwarnagkwan involved or have thir reputation to be hurt.
私的な団体が「a family to provide」を有しているからって、どんなデタラメを主張しても良いなんてことはないはずだし、 このスレッドで書き込みをしている日本人の多くは、剣道の(由来を含めた)reputationが一部の韓国人によって蹂躙 されていることを怒っているのに。
>However@` I can tell you that there is a boundary that you should not cross.
Our activity is just asking opinions from Kendo association as to their opinion on Korean origin of Kendo as individual lovers of Kendo and is totally legal. What can you do if we cross 'the boundary'? We are simply a body of anonymous people happened to meet on this BSS and worldwide. As you see@` we are now considering resorting to legal action with damage and defamation in Washington. However@`still not moving seriously in that direction.
Our next possible step is to write polite legal formal letter to AUSKF made by an American lawyer. This certainly is cheaper option than making a formal law suit and is affordable even in individual basis.
一時閉鎖だとよ http://www.kumdo.com/guestbook.html Guestbook Thank you for visiting The U.S. Hwa Rang Kwan Home Pages. Guest book is temporally closed due to the site redesign and misuse by some of the visitors. It will reopen as soon as possible. Thanks. Webmaster
>Japanese has modernized the sport by using belt system > and protective gears. However@` not recognizing the >origin of Kumdo being Korea あなたはクムドを日本人が近代化しただけとおっしゃられています。 そしてルーツはクムドである!と。これを言いつづけると都合が悪い のですか?Hwarangkwan にそむくような事を何故言うのですか? By the early 20th century@` Kumdo training had adopted and utilized a practice weapon made of bamboo and lightweight armor that had been developed by the Japanese. これはクムドHPにあるものです。あのHPではクムドの歴史を連綿と 語り、ただ防具や竹刀だけが日本から来たと言っています。日本に連綿 としてあった武道を一切無視しています。剣道のルーツがクムドと言って いませんが、クムドはコリアで特有に発達したものであり、防具や竹刀 だけ日本人が開発したと書いてあります。これはもう日本人のやっている 剣道がクムドであると言っているのと同じ事ですね。
Sangmin san I do not understang why you got so upset for what I've done. I know that your opinion does not represent Hwarangkwan. The reason why I asked Amerikan Kendo Renmei was simply to know the fact. I guess that they should have known it much better than me. Please do not take me wrong. I appreciate Korean culture@` and I have many Korean friends. However@` people who practice Kendo and Kundo have right to know the truth@` and it should not be interfered by any politics.
アメリカの練習生の人もAUSKFにどんどん問い合わせればよいと思います。 To American or Korean students of KUMDO@` (Those who do not read Japanese)
If you feel yourself@` as Kumdo lover and practitioner@` entitled to know the fact as to the origin of Kendo@` please write to AUSKF to find the trouth. I believe you will find the same answer as ours. It seems to be due to Korean national sentiments against past Japanese rule.
On your web-site@` The Hwa Rang Kang Doajang says that it is the only Dojo in Washington D. C.@` however@` by member list of AUSKF we know there are other Dojos as well. And the name of Hwa Rang Kang doesn't appear on the website member list. Although nothing can be said certain at this stage@` I doubt whether the blackbelt taken at Hwa Rang Kang has official worldwide validity.(If so@` that's no problem.) We addressed this question to Mr. Lee but no answer was given by the reason that he does not represent Hwa Rrang Kwang. You need to find out the truth by yourself.
日本から発信されている英語の剣道ページは数が非常にすくないようだ。 兎にも角にも全日本剣道連盟の英語サイトが工事中なのが痛い。 全日本剣道連盟情報システムの阿部氏のHPやある大学の剣道クラブ にあるほんのささいな掲示板でも英語バージョンがあると、世界中から 書き込みが結構あるな。みな日本発の英語情報を欲しているようだ。 後者のたわいもないない書き込みの中にもに、やはりあったよ、こんなのが。 I am a Corean. You know @` Korean deliver kumdo to nihonjin more than a thousand years ago. but@` korean kumdo could not prosper in chosun dynasty. I m so angry. I know so many samurai grew kumdo. And nihonjin fixed a modern kendo. I pay tribute to your kendo. I like a kumdo(kendo). And some time I wish learn kendo in japan. ざっと、日本の剣道サイトを回ってみたが、剣道起源論争など影も形も 無いようだな。のほほーんとした剣道賛美に終始して平和そのものだ。
http://www.rain.org/~galvan/ikfdir.htm International Kendo Federation Affiliated Organizations 国際剣道連盟加入組織リスト KOREA KUMDO ASSOCIATION Sang-Ok Choi@` President Seoul@` Korea HONG KONG KENDO ASSOCIATION Edward C. S. Lai@` Chairman Hong Kong REPUBLIC OF CHINA KENDO ASSOCIATION William Chiao@` President Taipei@` Taiwan Republic of China 香港や台湾もKendoって英語表記してる。 広東語や北京語(台湾?)じゃ実際の発音はkendoじゃないだろ? 剣道の韓国読みを許して中国語読みは許さないのはなぜだ? 米国では2組織が国際剣道連盟加入してるみたいだね。 All U.S. KENDO FEDERATION Jeff Marsten@` President Bellvue Kendo Club Bellvue@` WA USA HAWAII KENDO FEDERATION Noboru Akagi@` President Honolulu@` HI 98818 USA
http://www.rain.org/~galvan/usdojos.html 1999 US Kendo Dojo Directory(Last Update: Februay 6@` 2000) このサイトの米国剣道連盟加入道場の数はAUSKFサイトのより多いかな。 ここにも、Kumdo 、Kum Do 、Kum-do と色々でてくるが、 Hwa Rangの名称があるのは下の2道場のみで、Hwa Rang Kumdo Kwanはない。 Korean Kum Do Assoc. USA Mr. John Yim Hwa Rang Sang Moo Kwan Chicago Hwa-Rang Kum-do Mr. Yum Bok Noh Champion Tae Kwon Do 剣道関係者は見てないかな?段位認定の許可はどのようになってるんかいな? 道場毎に許可が下りてて、道場毎に段位認定するもなのかな?どうよ日本では? それに、Korean Kum Do Assoc. USAとかHwa-Rang Kum-doって何だろ? 組織か?流派か?
■解 説 5月25日、米国のとある掲示板が閉鎖された… ========= Guestbook Thank you for visiting The U.S. Hwa Rang Kwan Home Pages. Guest book is temporally closed due to the site redesign and misuse by some of the visitors. It will reopen as soon as possible. Thanks. Webmaster http://www.kumdo.com/guestbook.html
ここは国際剣道連盟に加盟している韓国クンド協会公認の米国花郎館 (U.S. Hwa Rang Kwan)というところのHPである。 ことの発端はこのHPで「剣道の起源は朝鮮にありと」述べていたことであっ た。
============ The History of Kumdo Kumdo is the art of the sword. You might think that kumdo was originated from Japan. That is definitely wrong. Although Japan developed the kumdo as a sport@` Korea has the root of Kumdo. In Korea@` there were 'Cho Sun Se Bup' and 'Bon Gook Gum Bup' which are the unique sword techniques. First@` we would like to introduce 'Bon Gook Gum Bup' which is the oldest sword technique in the world. About two thousand years ago@` http://kumdo.co.kr/kumdo/english/history.htm
============ Hmmm. If anything@` Japanese are the ones presenting a revisioned history of their past. Here they are not even willing to teach their kids of their horrible attrocities done during their occupation of Korea and Manchuria. Yeah@` in their public schools (middle/high)@` they do not teach what they did. Comfort women@` live-human biological experiments@` etc. Please@` for your own sake@` go read some books on it. And come back next time with a better SUPPORTED argument. from Korea@` a Kumdo lover
============ Thank you for your interest in our website. Korea does have in its' history as well the use of the sword. The webpage you were looking at is an offshoot of people who are practicing Hwa Rang Do and other related korean arts. As history shows Japan and Korea have had some crossing of culture in the ancient times. There is also a set of sword techniques that are distinctly Korean. Kumdo as it is practiced is however Japanese in origin. Kendo as you know also went through centuries of development to become what it is today. However the Koreans do not follow the ideals of Kendo quite as the rest of the world does. It is a result of cultural differences and Japan's occupation of Korea. As far as people who are practicing Kumdo most are probably praticing as a result of being involved with Hwa Rang Do and would not be attracted to kendo anyway. In any event they soon find out about where to find Kendo.
>299 名前: Sangmin Lee 投稿日: 2000/05/24(水) 03:26 >I hope that you will be able to read what I write in Japanese. >おそろしいですね。こんな多い人が私の一口に勉強したり、私の親に >悪いことをいったりするのを見ると、日本人の努力はすごいと思います。 >しかし、そんあ努力の1/10だけ他の国の人を理解するのにつかうんだったら、 >アシアも、ヨロパみたいな強いコンチネントになれると、思います。
============ Kelly@` I agree with you that some Koreans have been arrogant@` by not fairly recognizing Japanese culture. I believe that is a part some Koreans have to change and I believe that many of them have started to change by the govenment allowing real decent Japanese@` culture in the country.
としたものの、日本と韓国の不幸な過去の歴史を上げつつ、結局やはり韓国起源 は譲れないと結論づける。まぁそう簡単にはね。 そこで、Masahikoさん、Kellyさん+名無しさん(日本側)vsSangmin Lee氏 (韓国側)との英語での論戦になるのだが、Sangmin Lee氏が英語なので(日本語 は読める)朝鮮嫌い厨房が(Sangmin Lee氏が何を言っているのか理解できないだ ろうから)参戦できないのはいい傾向。 一方、議論と平行して全米剣道協会だけでなく財団法人全日本剣道連盟にまで抗 議しようとの声が高まる始末。 どうもSangmin Lee氏としては本国(韓国)の花郎館本部までもがこの件に巻き込 まれることを危惧しているらしく。HPに関しては"I have never said that I represent Hwarangkwan@` and my peronal opinions expressed in Hwarangkwan site"(わたしは決して花郎館の代表とは言っていません。花郎館サイトではあく までもわたしの個人的意見を書いているだけです)とおっしゃるが、2ちゃんね らーの追及の手は強まる。
Our next possible step is to write polite legal formal letter to AUSKF made by an American lawyer. This certainly is cheaper option than making a formal law suit and is affordable even in individual basis.
About two thousand years ago at the time of the early Three Kingdoms period@` the unique sword techniques called "Bon Gook Gum Bup@` " or "Native Sword@`" were developed by Shilla's Hwa Rang warriors. The Three Kingdoms period marks a contentious period in which Koguryo高句麗?加羅(任那)ではないらしい@` Paekche百済@` and Shilla新羅 were in contention with each other and the Han Chinese for control of East Asia. Warriors in this period and the following Unified Shilla@` Palhae@` and Koryo Dynastic periods were known to be sword-bearing and to conduct their daily lives with strictly disciplined and moral manners. For every warrior the moral code was strict@` but the discipline was stricter for those cherished honor above everything. ↑の説明として http://www.kumdo.com/images/musado.jpg があります。
Many good examples of the warrior culture can be found in the Palhae and Koryo Dynastic periods from the 7th to 15th century. In particular@` the Palhae Dynasty was found and ruled by the former Koguryo warrior class after the fall of Koguryo in 668 A.D. With the art of the sword and the disciplined warrior's sprite@` Palhae was successful to conquer and to extend their territory from the Sungari and Amur rivers in northern Manchuria all the way down to the northern provinces of modern Korea at the first half of the 9th century@` in the height of its power. Palhaeっておそらく渤海の事でしょう。これは明かに 満州の国です。朝鮮半島にも張り出したと見るべき国。 高句麗の末裔というのも正確かどうかは分らず、高句麗人 契丹人、マッカツ人の国とも言われています。いづれにせよ 領土的にも、民族的にも朝鮮の国ではありません。中国正史 の王朝でもありませんから、中国人は興味は示さない筈で 韓国人の方が思いが強いのでしょう。渤海は契丹人の遼に滅ぼ されました。剣道とは直接関係ないかもしれませんが 彼等は新羅、高麗、李氏朝鮮、という正当朝鮮王朝に 流れを見ずになぜ異民族の王朝に剣道の流れを見ようとする のか不思議です。
何故か朝鮮王朝の高麗に関する記述がすくないですね。 after the fall of the Unified Shilla and Palhae@` the political and ideological foundations changed dramatically. These changes brought the elimination of the warrior class and their power bases in private soldiers. なんてあるけど渤海と李氏朝鮮は直接余り関係ないですね。
Why all our comments were deleted? I also would like to say to delete some of the materials written in Korean and saying "Beat up Japs!!" What are they? Do you practice Kundo just beat up Japanese? If you learn Kundo and you did not learn anything about "Do@`" - Michi in Jananese@` Kundo people can never beat Kendo people. You@` yourself prove that Kundo is just an imitation of KENDO. The value is to learn Kendo is not to be the strongest and beat up all other people. By strenghening your body@` your spirit and soul are also be strenghened. For what? Why many Samurai learn Kendo? To seek the truth. You are the shameful losers from the begining. You do not know anything about the spirit of martial arts. So long. Kelly Vic@` Canada -
http://www.amazon.com/のBOOKSで検索してみた。 "KENDO"は20乃至12、"KUMDO" "KUM DO""KUM-DO" は無かったが、 "Hwa Rang" では2ヒット。"Hwa Rang Do" では1ヒット。ちなみに、 "BUSHIDO" では39ヒット。 これはオマケ"JAPAN" は14672ヒットで、 "KOREA"は2544ヒットだった。経済力にほぼ比例してるところが面白い。 ●Books Search Results: 20 total matches for "KENDO" ●Books Search Results: 12 total matches We found no matches for title words: "KUMDO" . Below are results for the title words include "kendo" . If you prefer@` you may try another search. ●We found no matches for keywords: "KUMDO" . Below are results for the keywords include "kondo" . ●We found no matches for keywords: "KUM DO" . Below are results for the keywords include "kum" . If you prefer@` you may try another search. ●We found no matches for keywords: "KUM-DO" . Below are results for the keywords include "komodo" . If you prefer@` you may try another search. ●Books Search Results: 2 total matches for "Hwa Rang" Results sorted by: Most available ●Books Search Results: 14672 total matches for "JAPAN" ●Books Search Results: 2544 total matches for "KOREA"
Kumdoの米国への浸透度を調べてみたかったんだが、ついでだから、もうすこし。 Books Search Results: 18117 total matches for "CHINA" Books Search Results: 10638 total matches for "CHINESE" Books Search Results: 9249 total matches for "JAPANESE" Books Search Results: 1873 total matches for "KOREAN" やはり中国には要注意だな。アメリカ人の関心の度合いが繁栄して るかな。
今の所Koreanが立ち上げたサイト以外ではKumdoは無視か剣道の変 形版くらいな扱いが多いが、安心はできないね。 rec.martial-arts [Fwd: rec.martial-arts FAQ part 2 of 4 (LONG)]より
16.16) Kendo(ちなみにKumdoはありませんでした) (Contributor: Al Bowers ) Intro: This is a popular sport in Japanese communities. Origin: Japan History: Kendo is the sport and competitive form of Kenjutsu. Kendo has been practiced for a long time in one form or another. Description: The practitioners wear protective armor and use simulated swords (split bamboo called "shinai") to "spar" against one another. Strike areas are limited as are moves. It is a very formal art. It is linear@` hard@` and external.
16.9) Hwa Rang Do (Contributor: Carsten Jorgensen ) Intro: Hwa Rang Do is a comprehensive martial arts system whose training encompasses unarmed combat@` weaponry@` internal training and healing techniques. Translated@` Hwa Rang Do means "the way of flowering manhood". Origin: Korea History: For the ancient history of the Hwarang@` please refer to the Ancient Korean History section of http://www.hwarangdo.com/hrd1.htm. (この投稿者はバカバカしくて記述できなかったと推測する。) In March 1942 present day founder of Hwa Rang Do@` Dr. Joo Bang Lee andhis brother@` Joo Sang Lee was introduced to the Buddhist monk Suahm Dosa by their father@` who was a personal friend of the monk@` and they began their formal training aged 5 & 6. 以下省略
国際剣道連盟に加盟しているKOREA KUMDO ASSOCIATIONと、 World Kum Do Associationの関係が良くわからんが、ここの会長の話 http://www.wka.org/interview.htmlこれは127番のレスにあったが、 いま読み返しても飛んでもなこと書いてるな。127番に無かった部分。 How is Kum Do similar to and different from Kendo? There are no differences between Japanese Kendo and Korean Kum Do. −日本剣道とコリアKumdoに違いはない、はあ、やっぱマネじゃん。 When did the World Kum Do Association begin? The organization began this year(1998か99) −随分新しいのね。 What are the goals or objectives of your organization? The ultimate goal is to get Kum Do to Olympic status. −最終ゴールはKumdoをオリンピックにとな、なるほど。
KOREA KUMDO ASSOCIATIONだのWorld Kum Do Associationだの Hwa Rang Kumdo KwanだかInsitituteだか知らんが、韓国人は 勝手に道場つくって、てんでばらばらに日本人と剣道の名誉を 汚し、金もうけをやってるだけのようだな。
>413@`415@`418@`419 色々解説ありがとです。Palhae=渤海ですね。今までピントこなかった ところがやっとわかりました。 >かつては三国時代を新羅、任那、百済と分類しましたが今は任那 >を外すのかもしれません。韓国(日本語訳)の教科書で調べれば分る >とは思いますが。 韓国教科書には高句麗、百済、新羅を三国としてます。また、任那と せず伽耶連盟です。鉄を日本に輸出していたが、百済や新羅にこづき回 されて最後に新羅に滅ぼされたと。三国抗争の際には百済が倭の勢力を 引き入れてなんて記述もあります。Hwa Rang Do(総合格闘技の花郎道)サイト の歴史記述ではhttp://www.hwarangdo.com/hrd1.htm King Chinhung (of Silla)took on the task of driving out the Japanese colonies to the south and annexed the portion of the Kaya league which was in alliance with the Yamato clan of Japan. 半島での日本植民地の存在や伽耶を日本の同盟者として描いてますね。 これは余談でした。
非常に興味深いKendo vs Kumdoの議論をみつけました。 リンクの仕方が分からないので、下の検索サイトへ行って、 http://www.deja.com/[ST_rn=ps]/home_ps.shtml korean martial kumdo とを入力してみて下さい。 ヒットしたSubjectの中の下の2つのarticleが大変興味深い。 『Comments on Kumdo/Kendo from a Kumdo frontline』と 『Yes@` the Kumdo sport does share a common heritage with Kendo』 たとえば、『Comments on 。。。』のいちスレッドから、
I'm going to comment on some of the Kumdo questions posted@` but please don't let me misrepresent myself. I've only practiced it for about a year and a half--there is a lot that I don't know about it. My Dojang is in Vienna@` Va (http://www.kumdo.com) and they are a member of the International Kendo Federation. Our black belts are recognized at any IKF school (the average time to black is about 5 years)@` and they are the East Coast chapter headquarters for Kumdo. They actively participate in Kendo tournaments@` and host tournaments in which Kendo schools compete. We have one at the end of this month@` and Kendo schools as far as New York and New Jersey will come (and maybe Ohio). So@` in short@` Kumdo scores the same as Kendo and the practice seems pretty similar. In terms of its history@` it gets a little tougher to explain--so I'll take the easy way out and not even try. What I can say@` is that the model is not the samurai class@` but the Hwa Rang (look at this site for some translated material@`http://www.bl.physik.tu-muenchen.de/~k2/budo_english/infosystems/node88.html). For practice@` we do wear the traditional Japanese Hakama@` etc. Somewhat facetiously@` I explained the difference between Kumdo and Kendo to a friend: In terms of Kendo@` it was developed by the Japanese and adopted by the Koreans. In terms of Kumdo@` it was created by the Koreans and developed by the Japanese.
Now@` Greg Cooney asked about "keikogi" -- well@` I don't know the Japanese terms@` but I'm guessing this means "practice." It's pretty much the same@` but the instructors point out some different areas of emphasis. Wrist strikes (sun mook) are one area that is worked on very early. As for how we dress@` it's the same. What is somewhat funny@` to me@` is that the Korean manufactured Bogu/Hogoo are a best buy@` so (I've read) most of the Japanese buy Korean-made armor. Edward Chart asks about seeing Kumdo chapters springing up and wondering if this is a new style. Well@` there are plenty of hokey martial art schools that add Kumdo to their list of offerings.
/////////ここの部分特に注目//////////////////// As far as I'm concerned@` what counts is whether or not they are accredited with the IKF and a legitimate Kumdo association (see@` http://www.kumdo.org). There is a Haedong Kumdo that has no common ground with the IKF and Kumdo (they use a solid practice sword that is much longer and their movements are more sweeping). ///////////////////////////////////////
David Pan mentions that "the Koreans actually use a different kind of footwork." I don't see how that could be done@` if the scoring is the same for the tournaments. Personally@` I'd like to see more Kumdo/Kendo interaction. I think it is good for the promotion of the art. Please feel free to correct my assumptions@` but the relationship between Kendo and Kumdo seems much more harmonious than@` say@` Karate and Tae Kwon Do. If you'd like to test@` firsthand@` the difference between Kendo and Kumdo@` then I warmly welcome you to sign up for our next tournament. Hope this answers some questions@` Jack Dausman (who will be competing in his first tournament at the end of the month@` and is confident he will earn a Korean nickname for Big-Slow-Target).
次に『Yes@` the Kumdo sport does share a common heritage with Kendo』から Paul Droubie wrote about my statement about Kumdo history versus Kendo@` >That's strange. I was just talking about this sort of stuff with a >Korean friend the other day. She was telling me that Kumdo is widely >recognized by Koreans as being derived from Japanese kendo. Tae Kwon >Do@` HapKiDo@` etc. is viewed very differently@` at least according to >her. And@` he's right. Kumdo wears Japanese style clothing and clearly it's practice and structure come from Kendo. At my school@` when I ask what the difference is@` I get two different types of answers. The first category is pretty much defined in terms of the mechanics--and the answer is that Kendo/Kumdo are very similar. The second category has to do with the more complicated issue of Korea's legitimate claim to historical swordsmanship and martial arts. I think of this dichotomy in terms of "sport" and "art." The inspiration for Kumdo@` as I alluded to@` is not the samurai class. As I mentioned earlier@` "In terms of its history@` it gets a little tougher to explain--so I'll take the easy way out and not even try." (You can read more at http://www.kumdo.com where they have a short history in Korean swordsmanship.)
記事を探す手助けの為に、 前者483,484は >> Forum: fa.iaido >> Forum: fa.iaido >> Thread: Comments on Kumdo/Kendo from a Kumdo frontline >> Message 1 of 5 Subject: Comments on Kumdo/Kendo from a Kumdo frontline Date: 10/21/1999 Author: Jack Dausman
後者485は、おっと、同じ投稿者だったんですね。 >> Forum: fa.iaido >> Thread: Yes@` the Kumdo sport does share a common heritage with Kendo >> Message 9 of 51 Subject: Yes@` the Kumdo sport does share a common heritage with Kendo Date: 10/22/1999 Author: Jack Dausman
Thread: "Comments on Kumdo/Kendo from a Kumdo frontline" これには5個スレッドがたってます。たぶんここからはいっていけそうです。 http://x57.deja.com/[ST_rn=ps]/viewthread.xp?AN=538879260search=threadsvcclass=dnyrST=PSCONTEXT=959579323.610861072&HIT_CONTEXT=959579323.610861072&HIT_NUM=23&recnum=%[email protected]%3e%231/1&group=fa.iaido&frpage=getdoc.xp&back=clarin また、 Thread: "Yes@` the Kumdo sport does share a common heritage with Kendo" これは1個のみでし。 http://x57.deja.com/[ST_rn=ps]/viewthread.xp?AN=539283274search=threadsvcclass=dnyr&ST=PS&CONTEXT=959579323.610861072&HIT_CONTEXT=959579323.610861072&HIT_NUM=8&recnum=%[email protected]%3e%231/1&group=fa.iaido&frpage=getdoc.xp&back=clarinet
英語ばかりべたべた張り付けて申し訳ない。これが最後。 http://x62.deja.com/[ST_rn=ap]/viewthread.xp?AN=547790070search=threadsvcclass=dnserverST=PSCONTEXT=959585209.796852228&HIT_CONTEXT=959585209.796852228&HIT_NUM=0&recnum=%[email protected]%3e%231/1&group=fa.iaido&frpage=getdoc.xp&back=cl ここの6番目のメッセージで、 Various Kendo schools were invited (some from New Jersey and New York). This made the tournament very cosmopolitan. When the senior referee was Kendo/Japanese@` then all the calls would be in Japanese. When the senior referee was Kumdo/Korean@` well@` the calls would be Korean. And@` if no one understood what was happening@` then English was the language of last resort. 剣道の試合なのに審判が韓国人の時は、Kumdo式用語でやってるんだと。 何てこった!許せん!こんなことがあって良いのか!天道是か非か! 血管がぶち切れそうだ!しかし、Jack Dausman氏にとっては剣道の起源はどうでも いいって感じだなあ。まいっちゃうなあ、憎めないキャラだし。 ここの4番目のメッセージ書いてるKarl Friday 氏よくぞ言ってくれたよ、感謝。 この人一杯投稿してるな、全部は読み切れないが知識豊富な論客のようだ。 This is probably what the Kumdo folks out there are telling their students@` but it's not true. Kumdo is Kendo@` period. Or rather it is a Korean adaptation of Kendo that came into Korea during the Japanese colonial era. It's Korean influences are modern (mostly post-WWII@` in fact)@` not ancient. The attempt to connect Kumdo to pre-Japanese Korean roots is the result of nationalistic wishful thinking@` not supportable history. The Hwarang feature prominently in in modern Korean nationalistic propaganda@` but there's nothing in the historical sources that supports the standard popular view that they some sort of military group. It does seem to be the case that most of the greatest Silla generals and statesmen had been hwarang when they were younger@` but this is the sole basis for the conclusion that the hwarang were a proto-military organization. No references to the hwarang in historical documents or chronicles (and there are VERY few references to them at all) show them doing any military training or engaged in any military activities. What they actually seem to have been was a kind of boy scout organization for aristocratic Silla youth. (Koreans today often like to translate "hwarang" as "flower of manhood@`" but you can't get that translation out of the compound without doing violence to Sino-Korean grammar and semantics; the word actually means "flower boys.")
Our black belts are recognized at any IKF school (the average time to black is about 5 years)@` and they are the East Coast chapter headquarters for Kumdo. ホントかどうかはわからない。一道場がIKFとどう関係を結ぶ?なぜ 米国剣道連盟の名を出さない? Please feel free to correct my assumptions@` but the relationship between Kendo and Kumdo seems much more harmonious than@` say@` Karate and Tae Kwon Do.If you'd like to test@` firsthand@` the difference between Kendo and Kumdo@` then I warmly welcome you to sign up for our next tournament. 力ずくってことか?ほとんど脅しに聞こえるな。
>ここの6番目のメッセージで、 >Various Kendo schools were invited (some from New Jersey and New York). >This made the tournament very cosmopolitan. When the senior referee was >Kendo/Japanese@` then all the calls would be in Japanese. When the senior >referee was Kumdo/Korean@` well@` the calls would be Korean. And@` if no one >understood what was happening@` then English was the language of last resort. >剣道の試合なのに審判が韓国人の時は、Kumdo式用語でやってるんだと。 >何てこった!許せん!こんなことがあって良いのか!天道是か非か!
これだけ書いててくれりゃ充分じゃないか。韓国人が会長だろうと文句ねえ。 http://www.ijf.org/htmls/main_general.htmlOrigin of Judo Judo was established in 1882 in Japan as a modern sport by Professor Jigoro Kano (1860- 1938) who was well aware of modern pedagogic and physical ideals. The formula of techniques of various jujitsu schools@` which have been Japanese combative arts and systematized for hundreds of years were selected@` refined@` created and finally established as modern combative sports. Professor Kano devoted his life to the education and popularization of judo and laid the foundation of the present day judo. Since 1909@` he contributed 30 years to the Olympic movement as collaborator of Baron Pierre de Coubertin@` founder of the modern Olympic Games. Judo@` the only Olympic sport that originated in Asia@` is unique and has a history of international character as an established sport@` and it greatly owes to the personality and efforts of the founder@` Jigoro Kano. 国際柔道連盟会長リスト From 1965 until 1979 the Presidency of IJF was held by Mr. Charles Palmer@` Great Britain. In 1979 Dr. Shigeyoshi Matsumae@` Japan@` was elected President. From 1987 until 1989 Mr. Sarkis Kaloghlian@` Argentine@` was President@` and from July 1989 until the IJF Congress in 1991 the office was held by Mr. Lawrie Hargrave@` New Zealand. From 1991 until 1995 Mr. Luis Baguena@` Spain@` was President. The 1995 Congress in Makuhari@` Japan elected Mr. Y. S. Park@` Korea@` as the President of the IJF. The Presidency led by Mr. Y. S. Park from Korea will hold the post until 2001.
あんた色々柔道に詳しいのに、ちょっと調べりゃ分かることなのに、 どうも扇動屋の臭いがぷんぷんするなあ。それはともかく、 はやりあったか、Korea Judo Associationでも、随分と控えめだね。 http://www.ijf.org/members/nf-ja-kor.html History of Judo in Korea Origin There are two main theories concerning the origin of Korean Judo. One theory is that Judo was developed as part of Korean traditional martial arts@` the other that it was introduced by the Japanese. Judo was introduced to Korea by Japan in 1907. As Judo began to attract the attention of policemen@` government officials and various athletes in the 1920's@` it also became a popular sport for the public. In the 1930s@` Korean Judo athletes attended a Judo event hosted by Japan and finished with successful results@` escalating the popularity of the sport in Korea.
>526 お前505だな。 All Japan Judo FederationもIJFと同組織になるのか?えっ? http://www.ijf.org/members/nf-ja-jpn.html IJFとKJFは別組織だろが。お前はは意図的にIJFとKJFを混同しようとしてる。 KJAのトンデモ説はけしからんが、世界大会がどの試合であったかとか、 知ってるくせに『どの試合が原因なのか、知りたいものです。』だとう。 こういうのはアジテーターの常套手段だ。それとも、話しを拡散させて、 剣道の話題から注意をそらすのが目的か? >二つの説? 講道館を否定しているよ。 KJAの説など柔道界にとっては何の影響もないと思うが。剣道の場合とは 取り巻く環境が違い過ぎる。それにもかかわらず、わざわざ講道館がKJA の主張を取り上げ、かの説を『否定している』明確な証拠を示せや。 講道館HPにはそんな『否定』は載ってないぜ。こう書いてるだけだぞ。 『現在世界の各国において、単に「柔道」と呼ばれて行われているものは、 すべて嘉納治五郎師範が1882(明治15)年に創始した講道館柔道です。 国際柔道連盟(IJF)の規約第1条にも「IJFは嘉納治五郎により 創設されたものを柔道と認める。」と明記されています。』 『"Judo"@` which is now exercised in many countries of the world@` is the very Kodokan Judo@` created in 1882 by Prof. Jigoro Kano. It is clearly stated in the Article 1 of International Judo Federation (IJF) statutes@` "IJF recognizes 'Judo' which was created by Jigoro Kano."』
>Origin There are two main theories なんて書く所は剣道問題と同じ韓国人のメンタリティーを 表していますな。剣道問題よりマシ、剣道問題のせいで 霞むけど出来ればこういった主張もさせるべきじゃないね。 よくよく考えたらこれも大変な問題。 531さんは柔道をやられているのかな?何故にそう庇うのだろう。 IJFとKJFは別組織って言ってもIJFの一部分としてKJF があるようなもんでしょ。KJFは花なんたら道みたいなクムド別組織 なのではなく正式な韓国の柔道の連盟なのでしょ。
http://members.tripod.com/kumdo/words.html みたいなまともなサイトもあるようです。剣道は日本のものだと ほぼ認めさせています。 ただしこれは Fencing with the single edged@` straight bladed sword was probably introduced from the Sui (589-618) or early Tang (618-907) dynasties of China. single edgedではなくdoubleと書くべきでしょう。
Fencing with the single edged@` straight bladed sword was probably introduced from the Sui (589-618) or early Tang (618-907) dynasties of China. fencingと書くよりもdouble edged,straight bladed sword が来たと書くべきです。これでは剣道そのものが大陸由来に なってしまいます。剣道はsingle edged,curved bladed swordから発展したものです。
This fact was from the Hwa Rang KUMDO Institute what is kumdo? のコーナーはここから引用とリンクにまでなってる。 これは妖しいよ。体裁上日本に従った振りをして 裏では花朗道と繋がっている可能性は十分有り得る。 うっかりしてたら将に寝首掻かれるよ。信用ならんよ。 With the establishment of the Tokugawa shogunate and relative peace until the 17th century@` kenjutsu went into decline. これも誤りだよね。江戸時代剣術の流派は 最盛期は200を超えたと言うぞ。もちろん 刀での殺し合いは減っただろうが。
samuraiS tokyo@` japan - 氏の新たな書き込み登場 消されない内に転載しときます。カキコ出来るようになったみたいね。 前はKumdoLoverの、今度の世界大会では日本に勝つ!kumdoをオリンピック に!の捨てぜりふが最後だった。見た人少ないだろけど。 http://www.kumdo.com/guestbook.html Guestbook Thank you for visiting The U.S. Hwa Rang Kwan Home Pages. We would love it if you would Add to this guestbook we are keeping! Also leave your name@` years of experience in Kumdo@` and name of your dojang.
1c. What is kumdo? Kumdo is the Korean pronounciation of kendo. Kendo was introduced to Korea by the Japanese during the occupation. After the Japanese left@` the Koreans continued practicing using slightly different gear and new terminology. A considerable amount of revisionist history can be found regarding Kumdo which can be attributed to a strong nationalistic attitude@` not to mention bitterness towards the Japanese. According to some sources@` Korea does have its own style of swordsmanship but it is little practiced and mostly lost. The older style seems quite circular and often incorporates kicks and punches into the forms : it seems related to Kumdo only in that a sword is used. During the 15th century Japanese swords were imported in significant numbers; previously Korean swords had been straight and mostly double-edged. Most of the older texts which survive label the weapons used as "Japanese swords" but may have been showing older forms incorporating the more modern weapon.
http://www.kjartan.org/kjartan.html Komdoについて触れてますね。 Kumdo is the Korean pronounciation of kendo. Kendo was introduced to Korea by the Japanese during the occupation. After the Japanese left@` the Koreans continued practicing using slightly different gear and new terminology. A considerable amount of revisionist history can be found regarding Kumdo which can be attributed to a strong nationalistic attitude@` not to mention bitterness towards the Japanese. According to some sources@` Korea does have its own style of swordsmanship but it is little practiced and mostly lost. The older style seems quite circular and often incorporates kicks and punches into the forms: it seems related to Kumdo only in that a sword is used. During the 15th century Japanese swords were imported in significant numbers; previously Korean swords had been straight and mostly double-edged. Most of the older texts which survive label the weapons used as "Japanese swords" but may have been showing older forms incorporating the more modern weapon
ちょっと一服。ここのQuote: korean originでの韓国人韓国文化の起源論争が面白い。 興味のある方はどうぞ。英語で中国韓国史の勉強するのもたまには良いね。 http://x53.deja.com/[ST_rn=ps]/viewthread.xp?AN=626514739search=threadsvcclass=dnyrST=PSCONTEXT=959826792.1290469389&HIT_CONTEXT=959826665.1289945097&HIT_NUM=32&REDO=1&recnum=%[email protected]%3e%231/1&group=soc.culture.asian.american&fr 韓国人がまず中国人の韓国人観に対しこう嘆きながら切り出した。 I'm pretty proud of being korean heritage and while i was living in Texas i was a constant victim of racism. Now i meet these chinese people here in CA@` chinese people believe that koreans are from china. I'm interested in korean history and interested in knowing where we exactly came from. I took a korean history course before and this is what it taught me. This is the argument the professor made and the guy wasn't biased because he was white. If you have anything to add to this i would appreciate the feedback. それに対して同胞?中国人?のRichard Lee氏がまずはたしなめにかかるんだが。。。。 : so when chinese people think that we are from china@` what makes them think : that. is it because we imported many chinese ideas and culture or what is it. Why draw the line there in history? If you are a believer in evolution@` Koreans came from Africa. If you are a believer in mythology@` Koreans came from Tangun. Half-man@` half-bear. If you are a believer in linguistics@` Koreans came from somewhere in Central Asia or someplace like that where the Ural-Altaic language family thing originated. Same goes for the Finnish@` Japanese@`Mongolians@` and I think either the Bulgarians or Hungarians. But@` you know what? Who cares. Maybe Koreans originally moved over from China. Maybe the Japanese originally moved over from Korea.Maybe the native Americans originally moved over from Siberia. Maybe not. It doesn't matter. These are all separate cultures now@` with distinct languages@` customs@` and foods.William the Conqueror came over the English Channel and took the British Isles. But@` do we consider the United Kingdom today to be Norman? この後、韓国人vs中国人の泥沼のやり合いが開始される。
おっとーっこれは強烈!中国側からの情け容赦の無い口撃だあ。 どうした韓国!立ち上がれるか!? you old whore served as Chinese concubine for 2 southands years voluntarily@` now even if you use up all water in the Pacific ocean@` you can't wash clean your virgina!
Did you comb your hair before you talk to me@` Chink? You have no fact at all. What you have is chink propaganda that brainwased a dumb stupid pathetic chink like you. NO wonder Chink is hated by just about everyone.
おーっと、ここで引き合いに出された日本!! Remember@` your Korean article say you Koreans "replaced the Japanese" to become Asian's number one most hated@` not "replaced the Chinese". now in stead of Japanese@` you are hated by every one in Asia! you are hated by every one non-White in america! remember you are no body yet in economy in military@` only a dirty hooker@` Whoooorrrreean!
おまけに南京虐殺をこんなネタにしていいのか、チャイナよ?! Whatsa matter you Whooooorrrean? you old whore served as Chinese concubine for 2 southands years voluntarily@` now even if you use up all water in the Pacific ocean@` you can't wash clean your virgina! even if you have the ability to commit 20 Naking Massacre on Chinese for America@` you can't get back your "White" culture virginlity! since you never had a "White" culture@` fool! you sucked my cock for 2 sousands years@` now you cry lound my cock smell bad! it may smell bad@` you sucked it yourself! Hehehe... sorry@` it didn't smell better for you! http://x57.deja.com/[ST_rn=ps]/getdoc.xp?AN=627987356&search=thread&CONTEXT=959846486.1596981260&hitnum=26
何か引き合いに出されています、日本!! これは、もし本当ならコリアにサンキューというできでショッカー? Remember@` your Korean article say you Koreans "replaced the Japanese" to become Asian's number one most hated@` not "replaced the Chinese". now in stead of Japanese@` you are hated by every one in Asia! you are hated by every one non-White in america! remember you are no body yet in economy in military@` only a dirty hooker@` Whoooorrrreean!
>560 朝鮮人は自らを白衣民族いって自尊してきた。葬式や法事では今でも白衣 を着る習慣があるそうだ。ところで、もうそろそろ話しを戻していいかな。 Guestbookでまた動きがあった。Hwarangkwan Kumdo Forumで議論して欲 しいとのこと。 http://pluto.beseen.com/boardroom/m/49500/ Olympic Sport? just stopped by... 3:23 am thursday june 1@` 2000 I was just at the recent World Championship in California. And would just like to ask a question about making Kumdo an olympic sport. The speaker at the Championship was from the Korean Kumdo Association suggesting that Kumdo should be an olympic sport. I guess the Japanese would not want it in the Olympics because of the "way@`" but the Koreans would want it. Any thoughts about this? Please share with the rest of us Kumdo lovers. thanks@` NYC@` Dorian.
re: Olympic Sport? S. L. 4:17 am thursday june 1@` 2000 I think we need to increase the number of Kumdo players more@` and reduce the cost of gears more. Although the cost of gear has gone down a lot it is still cost prohibitive. I know there are many people around me interested in Kumdo@` but they are not able to afford. Moreover@` we will need more people like yourself who really love Kumdo@` and I am sure that Kumdo will become an olympic sport. Let's keep spreading the words@` Dorian@` and I would be really interested in what you think. Drop a line for me. Thanks. SL
Hwarangkwan Kumdo Forumにて新たな投稿 http://pluto.beseen.com/boardroom/m/49500/ 投稿者Dorianは中立の立場ね。ごちゃごちゃ言うな、また オリンピックはすばらしいが、まだ時期尚早とな。うむ、Kumdoは Kendoを否定してるのではないから、第3者が見てる前ではもう少 し主張の仕方を考える必要があるかもな。困ったな。 Samurai. thanks for the web address. It will help out greatly. But understand one thing though. Kumdo@` Kendo@` stick fighting@` or whatever else people seem to call this sport that Japanese modernized@` is great. For everyone. I checked this site out several times before@` I've gotta tell you@` Koreans and Japanese are proud of their heritage@` but let's cut this pissin' contest out. Korea had their own and so did the Japanese. So@` if you want to stress that Kendo is from Japan@` Great! But if Korea wants to call Kumdo theirs@` you really don't have any right to downplay what they do. Hope that didn't sound too brash. Well@` the Championship this year was fantastic. Somewhat questionable on the referees' calls@` but that's the way it goes. Olympics. That would be great too. But it will be a while@` I think. Not enough people are taking it around the world. Japan and Korea are the only two countries with that many players. We'll see.
377レスのディベート剣道http://www.annie.ne.jp/~aquas412/day.htmlに 剣道のオリンピック化投票結果(全件数:197 有効回答数:194)が出てるが、 反対 98 50% 賛成 81 41% スポーツチャンバラから始める 9 4% 剣道がプロ化したら五輪化は賛成 4 2% 韓国剣道がまともになれば賛成 1 0% もっと世界的になってからならさんせい 1 0% 賛成反対半々なんだね。討論掲示板見ても反対派は「道」とやらにこだわってる みたいだな。剣道とKendoは違うらしい。441レスのnewsgroupのKendoの項では This is a popular sport in Japanese communities. Kendo is the sport and competitive form of Kenjutsu. とあるようにKendouはsportって認識だ。 剣道やってない部外者には試合としての剣道は柔道と同じまったくのスポーツに 思うがなあ。韓国Kumdo連中のように「Kumdoをolympic sportに」ってのはビジョ ンが明快であり、世界の多くの人に受け入られ易いと思うが、どうだろ? 韓国Kumdo連中がIKFに逆らっているように見える裏にはolympic sport化へのIKFの 消極姿勢への反発なんかも関係してるのかもしれない。Kendoがolympicを目指さな いなら、KumdoはKendoとは無理にでも歴史的経緯が異なると言い張り、自分らだけ でもolympic化を目指そうとしてるのかな?ただいかんせんKumdo人口だけでは足り ないから形式はKendoから離れないようにしてKendo人口を支えにolympic化を目指 してる感じだ。KumdoはKendoの韓国発音と言ってみたり、footworkがちょっと違う とかなんとか、用語を韓国音にしてみたりと、色々使い分けながらね。単純なナショ ナリズなり、反日だけでない(そういったものも利用はするが)計算しつくした活動 をTOP連中はやってる感じがするなあ。朝鮮出身者はUSAには200万いるよな。あな どれなと思う。
リーっぽい。modernizedって日本刀確立して1000年以上経ってるのに のに(笑)本当に頑固だよね。近代つってもこれだけ長い歴史を 踏まえて剣道なのに。しかも防具は18世紀には考案されてる しなーーーーー。 had their own and so did the Japanese. ってなんでそれが日本の剣道と同じもの になるんだよ(笑)・・・・それは剣道だろうが。自分等のown kumudoをやれよ。 中国人は自分達の刀剣そして技術持ってるから、剣道が 中国のものとは腐っても言わないよ。すくなくとも自分たちの スタイルの方が優れていると言うでしょう。
2000年シドニーオリンピック公式サイトより、 When taekwondo is introduced into the Sydney 2000 Games as one of two new Olympic sports@` the games ending the second millennium will be "introducing" a sport that is 2000 years old. Murals in the ruins of royal Korean tombs some 2000 years old show men practising a form of unarmed combat. The martial-arts tradition persisted over the centuries@` enjoying a glory day 800 years ago when a self-defence art called su-bak emerged with a strong following. Evidence even suggests it was practised as a sport in the truest sense@` to entertain spectators.Although the sport declined@` the arts survived@` and@` when Korea was liberated after World War II@` national interest in martial arts surged again. A move in the 1950s to unify the various forms and create one sport led to taekwondo@` meaning "the way of hands and feet." By the 1960s@` interest was spreading overseas. http://www.olympics.com/eng/sports/TK/about/index.html テコンド成立の経緯はちゃんとホローしてないが、どこかで聞いた ような話しだ。これは韓国の主張のそのまんまの受け売りだな。 勝てば官軍。Kumdoがオリンピックスポーツになれば同じ道を歩む。
って、ファンスイル氏がどんな人かしらないが。。彼はともかく その取り巻き連中は似てはいるが実は韓国にも云々とやらかしてる。 Murals in the ruins of royal Korean tombs some 2000 years old って何かな。テコンドサイト行けば出てるかもしれないが、、、 『力士漂白』宮本徳蔵 を読んでると、壁画には相撲の三段構えの ポーズや四つに組んでる絵なんかがあるな。
>当初から刀剣の製作技術は渡っても、「剣術」のほうは日本に渡っていないんです。 中国式の刀ならおのずと戦い方は中国式になりますよね。 仮に剣術が伝わったとしても、刀そのものの機能が違うのだから 戦い方も違ったものになると思います。日本人が中国式の 刀剣を竹刀にみたて、防具を開発し、ルールを作った・・・・それこそ が近代化したという事でしょうし、コリア側は日本の真似をせずにこの あたりに目をつけて欲しいです。 >「武備志」は15世紀の物でそこに記述されている朝鮮固有の剣術は >せいぜい8世紀か9世紀の物ですので、 In addition to 'Bon Gook Gum Bup' Korea prides 'Cho Sun Se Bup' which was introduced by the Chinese Book named 'Moo Bee Jee' In 1621@` a Chinese man@` Mo Won Eui@` published 'Moo Bee Jee' after studying about 2000 Chinese military tactic books. In 'Moo Bee Jee'@` the only Sword technique introduced by 'Mo Won Eui' was 'Cho Sun Se Bup'. 'Cho Sun' means 'Cho Sun Dynasty' which is the old name of Korea. とありますが、チョーセンサバップとはどのような格闘技だった んですか?刀剣の種類や技術は?剣道とかけ離れているというのを 証明すれば彼らは墓穴掘った事になります。 8世紀か9世紀の物という事は新羅の時代・・・つまり花朗道の時代になる のですが、 > "Bon Gook Gum Bup" constituted with 33 >movement >was developed by Shilla's Hwa Rang warriors >to defend their territorial hold. これ(ボングックガムバップ)はいかなるものでチョセンサバップとは どう違ったのでしょう?韓国で最古の歴史書は12世紀のものだそう ですが果して本当に資料があるのですかね。 http://www.kumdo.com/images/kyung2.jpg このインチキ臭い画像の出所は分りましたか?
In addition to 'Bon Gook Gum Bup' Korea prides 'Cho Sun Se Bup' which was introduced by the Chinese Book named 'Moo Bee Jee' In 1621@` a Chinese man@` Mo Won Eui@` published 'Moo Bee Jee' after studying about 2000 Chinese military tactic books. In 'Moo Bee Jee'@` the only Sword technique introduced by 'Mo Won Eui' was 'Cho Sun Se Bup'. 'Cho Sun' means 'Cho Sun Dynasty' which is the old name of Korea. He also said that there was no well-developed Sword technique in China@` but that was in Cho Sun Dynasty. とありますが、これを読むと李氏朝鮮の時代を言ってるみたいですが 実は8〜9世紀の時代を言っていたんですね!詐欺じゃないですか。 1621年頃の話だと思ってしまう。 He also said that there was no well-developed Sword technique in China@` but that was in Cho Sun Dynasty. これは本当でしょうか?武備誌の作者はどうやって数百年前の 資料の乏しい朝鮮剣術の知識を得たのだろう。そっちも 興味あり。
Korea prides 'Cho Sun Se Bup' which was introduced by the Chinese Book named 'Moo Bee Jee' In 1621@` a Chinese man@` Mo Won Eui@` published 'Moo Bee Jee' 武備誌の作者は'Moo Bee Jee'です。それに出てくるのは 'Cho Sun Se Bupです。 Source: "Korean Native Sword Technique" translated by John Della Pia@` M.A. こちらはBon-Gook-Gum-Bupについてです。文学修士を持っている方(アメリカ人) という事で説得力を持たそうとしてますが、はたして何処からtranslate したのでしょう。出典がないのが妖しいですね。おそらくただ単に 現代韓国語を使ったインチキ理論を英語に訳しただけでしょう。 called "Bon Gook Gum Bup@` " or "Native Sword@`" were developed by Shilla's Hwa Rang warriors. という事でせいぜいAD400からAD900年初頭の話の筈なのですが、上記の 絵ではほぼ完成された日本刀を使っています(笑)2本の手で持ち 竹刀剣道のような動きを見せている。 900年代初頭はまだ日本刀の過渡期だった筈。 >せいぜい8世紀か9世紀の物ですので 'Cho Sun Se Bupは8世紀9世紀ころのものだそうですが 何故出典が明かになっている方から引用せず。出典図書不明の ものから引用するのか不思議です。 クムド側が都合を合わす為に近年作ったデッチアゲ 図書である可能性高し。
Korea prides 'Cho Sun Se Bup' which was introduced by the Chinese Book named 'Moo Bee Jee' In 1621@` a Chinese man@` Mo Won Eui@` published 'Moo Bee Jee' 武備誌の作者は'Moo Bee Jee'です。それに出てくるのは 'Cho Sun Se Bupです。 Source: "Korean Native Sword Technique" translated by John Della Pia@` M.A. こちらはBon-Gook-Gum-Bupについてです。文学修士を持っている方(アメリカ人) という事で説得力を持たそうとしてますが、おそらくただ単に 最近出版されたインチキ本を英語に訳しただけでしょう。 called "Bon Gook Gum Bup@` " or "Native Sword@`" were developed by Shilla's Hwa Rang warriors. という事でせいぜいAD400からAD900年初頭の話の筈なのですが、上記の 絵ではほぼ完成された日本刀を使っています(笑)2本の手で持ち 竹刀剣道のような動きを見せている。 900年代初頭はまだ日本刀の過渡期だった筈。 >せいぜい8世紀か9世紀の物ですので 'Cho Sun Se Bupは8世紀9世紀ころのものだそうですが 何故武備誌から引用せず。どこから出典したか不明の本 から引用するのか不思議です。 クムド側が都合を合わす為に近年作ったデッチアゲ 図書である可能性高し。 おそらく朝鮮の剣術に関して残っている書物は武備誌しか ないのではないでしょうか。それ以外の研究は残っている 刀から推測するしかないですが、それは明らかに日本刀 ではなかった筈。誰か向こうの学者さんとかが調べてくれないかなー。 NWESWEEKとかで扱って欲しいよ。テレビでもやって欲しい。
>a Chinese man@` Mo Won Eui@` published 'Moo Bee Jee' >武備誌の作者は'Moo Bee Jee'です。 あのう、 武備誌の作者は茅元儀なんですけど。 武備誌はMoo Bee Jeeで、茅元儀がMo Won Euiでは? それはともかく、 武備誌に出てくるのがCho Sun Se Bupで、 "Korean Native Sword Technique" に出てるのがBon-Gook-Gum-Bup ですよね。なるほど、あの文は理解しずらいな。 でも、Bon-Gook-Gum-Bupの説明の絵っていかにも武備誌に書いてあり そうな絵なんだがなあ。どっから持ってきたんだろ。武備誌か?捏造?
いやなもの見つけてしまった。http://itatkd.com/animated-sword.html Korean Swordsmanship (Shim Soo Do) Korean swordsmanship stresses the development of the mind@` body and spirit. If you hold a black belt rank in a Korean martial art@` you can enroll in the Korean Swordsmanship Program@` train at home in your spare time@` and earn your black belt in Shim Soo Do. You can even apply for Instructor status and teach Shim Soo Do to others. Enroll today and begin your Korean Swordsmanship training.
Currently there are no supplies of authentic Korean swords with metal blades@` used in Shim Soo Do. There are many different types of Korean swords. The sword used in Shim Soo Do is the same type used by the Royal Palace Guards during the Silla Dynasty of ancient Korea. The blade is straight and measures 24 to 24 1/2 inches in length from the sword's hand-guard to the tip of the blade. The hand- guard is oval and large enough to protect the entire hand.
The only comparable replica sword available on the market today is what is commonly referred to as a "ninja sword". You may have to make one modification to the sword. If possible@` purchase a sword with a large hand-guard@` 4 i nches in diameter@` and shape it until it is oval. The "ninja sword" hand-guard is square@` so it should be altered . However@` if you have no way of altering the hand-guard or you are unable to find a sword with a large enough hand-guard@` you could use the sword "as is". Another a lternative is to use a replica Japanese katana sword. Though the blade of the katana is curved and longer@` it may be used if no other sword can be found.
The blade is straight and measures 24 これって60cmですよ。これでも長いみたいだけどなんで日本刀みたいなものを使うの? 両手で握ってるのは変だな。 The hand-guard is oval and large enough to protect the entire hand. 鍔(つば)の事を言ってるのかな?
708で紹介されてる所からリンクをたどっていったんだが、 武備誌に出てくるのがCho Sun Se Bupってこれのことかな? Chosun Sebob 朝鮮勢法 http://my.netian.com/$sebob/ 上のサイトと連携したサイト、http://myhome.netsgo.com/chosunsebob/ ここにはこう書いてある。 WHAT IS CHOSUN SEBOB? Chosun Sebob is an action philosophy@` the traditional Korean Martial Arts@` which had been transmitted from ancient times to modern times. Literally translating@` Chosun means Korea and Yi dynasty@` Se means power and strength@` Bob means art@` way and tao(or do). However@` there is much more to it than kicking@` punching@` striking@` slicing and poking. It is designed as a non-violent art system of entire body practice and a way of life. It includes physical and mental discipline with a deep philosophy. Through practicing Chosun Sebob@` all practitioners can benefit. 載ってる画像はどうみても日本刀を扱ってるんだがなあ。 708のサイト周辺には萌え萌えSwordDanceだの日本刀紛いだのといった すごいトンデモが渦巻いてるぞ。コリアの朴り恐るべし!? 米国人が日本、朝鮮の歴史を知らないのに付け入って詐欺紛いのことしやがる。
"Korean Native Sword Technique" にあるBon-Gook-Gum-Bupの件。 http://www.haedong.com/pamp.htm ここを見ると、Gum(sword)で、 Gum-Bup は the formula of swordmanshipを意味するそうだ。 Gum-Bup (the essential spirit of Haedong Gumdo)の詳細説明は、 One of Haedong Gumdo's unique qualities are in ancient Gum-Bup which means the formula of swordmanship. One of the oldest martial art text is called MooyaedoBotongzi(published in 1790 B.C.). The instruction of this book is one of the most important discipline considered by Haedong Gumdo. It describes variety of martial art poses and formulas. The text is a good example of Haedong Gumdo's long lived tradition. After mastering the basic skills@` Gum-Bup(instructed by the texts) is used for training in fluent use of Gum(the sword) in the real battle. この文中にあるOne of the oldest martial art text is called MooyaedoBotongzi(published in 1790 B.C.)ってあるけど、 これが"Korean Native Sword Technique" の元かもしれない。 日本刀を持った型の絵はここから取ってきたのかもしれない。 絵が武備志似であっても朝鮮の本なら不思議はないな、パクリは 彼らの伝統芸だもの。それと713のSwordDanceのこともこの サイトに書いてあるが、もう読む気が失せた。剣舞なら朝鮮に 伝統的にあったんじゃないかな。日本刀使って欲しくはないが。
>MooyaedoBotongzi(published in 1790 B.C.). 漢字名分りませんか?日本語訳は? >武備誌 named 'Moo Bee Jee' In 1621@` a Chinese man@` Mo Won Eui@` published 'Moo Bee Jee' >"Korean Native Sword Technique" translated by John Della Pia@` M.A. これで三つ資料が集りました。 http://www.haedong.com/pamp.htm ここですけど、刀は日本刀使ってるんでしょうか? 正座は明らかに剣道の影響。 http://www.haedong.com/sword.htm ここのコリアンスワード、クリックしてもまだ工事中みたいです。 ちょっとこのサイトでは日本刀を使っているのか、剣道用の防具を使って いるのか分らない。 Haedong is saying that DaeHan is just traslating the Japanese words for your Kumdo terms. And that your style is not the original Korean Kumdo but a shoddy mixture of the Japanese style. I know that this is not the truth@` but many people do not know that. とあるようにハエドンのクムドの方がまだ良心的であるようです。過去の 書物などから古の失われた朝鮮武術を探求しようとしているのかもしれません。 彼らのサイトにはクムドという言葉が出てきませんよね?http://www.haedong.com/midd.htm 正座など明らかに剣道の影響が見られますが、一部のまともな韓国人がこれはおかしいと 正しいナショナリズムに触発されて、本当の朝鮮剣術を探求しようと 思ったのかもしれません。 "Korean Native Sword Technique" の絵がMooyaedoBotongzi(published in 1790 B.C.). だとしたら昔から朝鮮人はパクリをやっていたという事になりますが あのチャンバラ図はここのサイトには出てきません。 日本の剣道のように連綿とした武術の歴史があるわけではないので復興するのも 大変でしょうね。
Haedong is saying that DaeHan is just traslating the Japanese words for your Kumdo terms. And that your style is not the original Korean Kumdo but a shoddy mixture of the Japanese style. I know that this is not the truth@` but many people do not know that. これはguestbookの削除されたヤツね。
>753 そう今はね、しかしテコンドの例があるからね。 上のサイトのFAQはもう朴らされているんだよ。こんなふうにね。 KOREAN MARTIAL ARTS http://www.liis.lv/leo/tkd.nsf/lapas/kmafaq Kumdo (Kendo in Japan) is the sport and competitive form of the Japanese art of Kenjutsu. Kumdo has been practiced for a long time in one form or another. ところで、月刊『剣道時代』 http://www.taito.net/kendojidai/
>769 http://www.human.toyogakuen-u.ac.jp/~acmuller/dicts/cjkdict/korean.htm 漢字の韓国語ローマ字発音を上記サイトのMcCune-Reischauer式で書くと、 武芸徒歩通知 Moo yae do Bo tong zi > mu ye to po t'ong chi/ji 武藝圖譜通志 (別タイトル: 武芸図譜通志) mu ye to po t'ong chi/ji 武芸諸譜(李朝時代) mu ye che/je po となっていて、 武芸徒歩通知、武藝圖譜通志(武芸図譜通志)は同じ発音ですね。しかし、 武芸諸譜の発音では諸譜の諸が違ってますね。徒、圖、図はtoで諸はche又はjeです。 日本語でも図譜は漢音で発音すればトホであり意味は図表ってことかな。 緒譜はショホが漢音で意味は諸々の表ってことか。図譜、緒譜の意味は似てるけど、 発音は韓国音でも日本語の漢音でもまったくの別音って感じがしますね。 MooyaedoBotongziそのものは韓国音で正確に武芸図譜通志(1990)を指しますが、 武芸図譜通志が表紙だけ漢字で中身はハングルだったりして。現物を見ないと これ以上は推測になってしますね。 >759 >軾?は戦の旧字体にも見える・・・・です。戰のようにも見えますが化けるかも。 どうなんでしょう?戦の旧字体は戰ですが、軾は日本語音読みはシキ、ショクで、 韓国音でもsik。意味は車の前部の横棒。
MooyaedoBotongziそのものは韓国音で正確に武芸図譜通志(1990)を指しますが、 One of the oldest martial art text is called MooyaedoBotongzi (published in 1790 B.C.).http://www.haedong.com/pamp.htm としている意図は、武芸諸譜(李朝時代の武芸書)と思っているって ことですね。武芸図譜通志(1990)が鍵を握っているなあ。
>746 テコンドーがどのような経緯で今のような状態に発展したか >ご存知の方いらっしゃいますか? 詳しいことはこのスレで聞いても無理なのでは? ITDの姿勢は謙虚で日本人好みではあっても、韓国人の支持を取り付けられは しなかったてことか。 ●International Taekwon-Do Federation(ITD)●HISTORY OF TAEKWON-DO http://itf-taekwondo.com/encylopedia/ency_history.html Although the origins of the martial arts are shrouded in mystery@` we consider it an undeniable fact that from time in memorial there have been physical actions involving the use of the hands and feet for purpose of self-protection. When and where did Taekwon-Do begin? A combination of circumstances made it possible for me to originate and develop Taekwon-Do. In addition to my prior knowledge of Taek Kyon@` I had an opportunity to learn Karate in Japan during the unhappy thirty-six years when my native land was occupied by the Japanese. Soon after Korea was liberated in 1945@` I was placed in a privileged position as a founding member of the newly formed South Korean Armed Forces. ●World Taekwondo Federation (WTF)オリンピック参加組織●History of taekwondo http://www.taekwondo.worldsport.com/ws/allsports/item/0@`2218@`0_0_8_1_79@`00.html The origin of taekwondo in Korea can be traced back to the Koguryo dynasty@` founded in 37 BC.... However@` in the latter half of the Chosun dynasty@` the importance of Subak as a martial art began to decline due to negligence of the royal court@`which was constantly disturbed by strife between feuding political factions.Along with the deterioration of national fortunes@` the fall of the military was accelerated by the dismantling of the army; and finally Japanese imperialists colonised Korea through an oppressive forceful invasion. Seen as a potential means of revolt@` all martial arts were forbidden. However@` taekwondo persisted as a physical and spiritual training method of anti-Japanese organisations such as the Independence Army and the Liberation Army.
Japanese imperialists colonised Korea through an oppressive forceful invasion. Seen as a potential means of revolt@` all martial arts were forbidden. However@` taekwondo persisted as a physical and spiritual training method of anti-Japanese organisations such as the Independence Army and the Liberation Army.
うーんそうか、ああいうリアクションになるのか。全剣連の期待し そうな回答だなあ。まさか回し者だったりして。Mr.Abeじゃないだ ろな?自分が正しければ黙っていても大丈夫だと。柔道にへんてこ な亜流が無いのがなぜだか考えたことないのかなあ。柔道側の努力 のなせるワザだと思うんだが。国際柔道連盟(IJF)の規約第1 条にそのなごりがあると思う。Yahoo板からの連中、ここ見てみい。 http://www.kodokan.org/e_basic/history.html もう一度書くぞ。 『"Judo"@` which is now exercised in many countries of the world@` is the very Kodokan Judo@` created in 1882 by Prof. Jigoro Kano. It is clearly stated in the Article 1 of International Judo Federation (IJF) statutes@` "IJF recognizes 'Judo' which was created by Jigoro Kano."』 全剣連サイトは英語ページをなぜいつまでも再立ち上げしないんだ? 月刊誌にくだらんエッセー書く暇があったら、はよ英語サイトを立ち 上げろよ、Mr.Abe!
Sun Se Bup' (朝鮮勢法) 武藝諸譜(1598年)→→武備誌(1621) ?? >武備誌(1621)に紹介された朝鮮勢法は絵図のみであり、 武備誌の絵図が見られるサイトってありました? In 'Moo Bee Jee'@` the only Sword technique introduced by 'Mo Won Eui' was 'Cho Sun Se Bup'. 'Cho Sun' means 'Cho Sun Dynasty' which is the old name of Korea. He also said that there was no well-developed Sword technique in China@` but that was in Cho Sun Dynasty. 絵図のみであり、とするとこれは真っ赤な嘘という事になりますぞ!!! >武備誌(1621)に紹介された朝鮮勢法は絵図のみであり、武藝諸譜(1598年)と似ており、武藝諸譜(1598年)から流用か? 武藝諸譜はhttp://ems.toyama-u.ac.jp/~s091414/bugei.html 武藝諸譜(1598年)って中国兵書<紀效新書(杞效新書)これが元なのですよね? なんで武備誌の著者は朝鮮勢法なんて名をつけたのかも疑問。ただ単に 朝鮮にある武術という意味で、朝鮮オリジナルの武術という意味だったのだろう か?朝鮮勢法は李氏朝鮮時代の剣術なのに、同じネタ本武藝諸譜(1598年) から新羅時代の武術へ(武藝圖譜通志(1790)とバックワードするのが不思議。 >東国輿地勝覽(?年)、後年その復刻版(1912)がでる。それによれば新羅には >剣舞があった。後世、日本の雅楽がその伝統を伝えている。 これについても詳報が欲しい所。
大韓柔道会。やはりそう言うのか。なるほど。 英語名Korea Judo Associationだわな。 連中は影でこそこそ言うのが関の山なのさ、柔道ではね。 Korea Judo AssociationのWebサイト。 http://www.ijf.org/members/nf-ja-kor.html History of Judo in Korea Origin There are two main theories concerning the origin of Korean Judo. One theory is that Judo was developed as part of Korean traditional martial arts@` the other that it was introduced by the Japanese. Judo was introduced to Korea by Japan in 1907. As Judo began to attract the attention of policemen@` government officials and various athletes in the 1920's@` it also became a popular sport for the public. In the 1930s@` Korean Judo athletes attended a Judo event hosted by Japan and finished with successful results@` escalating the popularity of the sport in Korea.
>830 モンタナ大と関連するサイトなのかな?http://www.umt.edu大学へ はリンク左上にこっそり張ってるけど、なんか怪しいなあ。 http://www.bstkd.com/KMA.htm As a crossroads between Chinese@` Mongol@` Siberian@` and Japanese military developments@` Korea's historical exposure to fighting arts dates back nearly two millennium. Ironically@` this lack of isolation did not permit a strong identity of indigenous martial art development@` but rather fostered transitional and adoptive methods of armed and unarmed combat. This historical process has continued in the Twentieth Century. 何を言ってんのか、さっぱりわからん。 Modern Korean arts@` founded on Japanese styles introduced during the period of occupation@` 1910-1945@` have nonetheless evolved in typically distinctive fashion. Such arts as Yudo@` Kumdo and Taekwondo demonstrate this modern heritage and development. However@` remnants of older Korean styles@` Ssireum@` Taekkyon@` and GoongDo@` contain hints of history and technical style which suggest that these arts in turn may have been foundation arts@` centuries ago@` for the Japanese styles developed in the late 19th and 20th centuries. やっぱ、カラテの次は柔道も剣道な訳ね。でも柔道は無理よ。 このサイトのLink集http://members.tripod.com/~sabecker/resources.htm ここに多数のTAEKWONDOサイトがある。連中はテコンドだけ話をするんじゃ ないんだ、コリア武道の独自性を歌い上げた勢いで、Kumdo関連でリンクする のは決まって自分たちに都合のいいサイトが多い。 こんなのには直ぐ行き着く。 http://www.martialartsresource.com/korean/korframe.htm テコンドのオリンピック化により連中のプロパガンダは勢いづいた。
>839 >このように、日本の書物から探っていく方法もあると思う。日本最古の剣法書はなに >か?武備誌に先立つ記述があるか・・・など。 そりゃ腐るほどあるんでないかな?でも世界中で有名なのはこれね。 GORIN NO SHO−The Book of Five Rings Written in 1645@` by Miyamoto Musashi@` the renowned swordsman http://www.ozemail.com.au/~priordan/gorinosh.html