http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=z4qR9v2Fqns が、PMしてきて「俺は叔父から忍術を学んだ」とか言ってるからみんなで突っ込んで遊ぼうよ。
nah aint to worried about migrating ninjas lol it's 2008 bro :) I learned
ninjutsu from my uncle who traveled all over asia, spent allot of time in
japan he came back to the states and taught me everything he had learned.
One thing I know for sure, if my uncle was able to learn it and
bring it back to teach me, who knows how many others has done the
same thing. Ninjutsu is a great art, and I appreciate it's origins from japan.
I've done lots of research, some of the greatest samurai where actually ninjas
from what I've found. ChosonNinja made it clear in allot of his videos
that he respects japan and all the practitioners of ninjutsu. it just seems
hard for everyone to find level grounds with the racism issue.
I'm a white guy from the states btw