
>201 名前:<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん[sage] 投稿日:2008/07/31(木) 09:36:39 ID:or9wNS5M
>Q In South Korea, the leadership there is very concerned and upset about the U.S. Agency
>for Geographic Names changing the designation of a small group of islands to undesignated.
>Has there been any thought to revisiting that? Have you all addressed that, given that the
>President is going to be there in a few days?
>MR. WILDER: We were contacted by the South Korean government at very high levels and
>asked to re-look at this question. The President directed Secretary Rice to check into this
>and see exactly what did happen with this change of designation. It was decided after that
>review that the change in designation was not warranted at this time. And so that database
>is now being restored to where it was prior to this change in designation, I think which occurred
>about seven days ago on the database.
>We regret that this change in designation was perceived by South Koreans as some sort of
>change in our policy. Let me be very clear that our policy on this territorial dispute has been
>firm and consistent since 1952, and that is, we do not take a position on this territorial dispute;
>that we believe that South Korea and Japan need to work diplomatically to resolve this issue.
>But it is their issue to resolve.
>・アメリカ政府の立場は1952年から一貫していて、この「領土紛争territorial dispute」について
714マンセー名無しさん:2008/07/31(木) 12:45:01 ID:4hGDJ6G7