211 名前:日出づる処の名無し[sage] 投稿日:2007/09/17(月) 19:23:57 ID:YcBJ5hbb
Israel Thwarted Syria's Plan To Attack (イェルサレムのTVニュースのうpサイト)
ttp://www.infolive.tv/en/infolive.tv-12385-israelnews-israel-thwarted-syrias-plan-attack Secret information that Syria was in the midst of establishing a nuclear facility
with North Korean help, was received by Israel months ago. Aside from Meir Dagan
head of the Mossad, Prime Minister Olmert and cabinet and senior IDF commanders,
no one else was informed. The information was later transferred to leading US
Administration officials who first doubted the information. Later however it
became clear that Syria was intent on surprising Israel with a devastating attack.
Israel acted and thwarted the "Syrian surprise," the details were reported in the
world media.09/17/07