>>265 どうやら元は日本らしいですorz
ttp://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20070310-00000211-yom-int 米タイム誌(電子版)は8日、北朝鮮による拉致問題に対する日本の対応について、
>>10 出元は日本のようですた(苦笑
868 [sage] 投稿日:2007/03/10(土) 21:10:42 株 ID:cfIHUNQM ?2BP(1076)
>866 その記事探したら、案の定
> With reporting by Toko Sekiguchi/Tokyo
Japan and North Korea at an Impasse
Thursday, Mar. 08, 2007 By BRYAN WALSH/TOKYO
ttp://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1597426,00.html ※記事の写真がブラクラなので注意
> Abe's refusal to compromise even slightly on the abductions means that Pyongyang and Tokyo will remain
> estranged ? which puts Japan a bit out of step with a U.S. ally that's suddenly ready to engage
> with North Korea. Washington has repeatedly said that it respects Japan's position on the kidnappings,
> but if American and North Korean negotiators in New York remain on theatergoing terms, there's a risk
> that Japan might be left behind ? and that would only make Kim Jong Il happy.