Why exactly Japan is the fallen economy. why Korea is superior over Japan. read below. and face the truth.
since mid 1980 to 1990. the economy of Japan's has droped its size to 1/3 (Nikkei; from 30,000 to 12000) and never showed positive increase since. moreover, the 4/4 term economic growth (TGDP) of Japan in 2008 was -12.4%. can you imagine how serious it is? how about this, do you know the Term GDP growth of Japan's 1/4 in 2009? -15.3%.... -15.3% !!! ---> does this ring a bell? its over. its over dame it. That is why the long term dominant political party (Jamin) which ruled Japan for 55 years, has finally become to lost the support of majority of Japanese people. now the government is changed to Democratic. however, I do not think they can recover thier fallen economy. why? do you know the unempolyment rate in Japan? its 5.3% !! its not including those part time job or people who are trying to get a Job, so their actual unemployment of Japan should be around 15%. imagine, a country with unemplyment rate of 5.3%-15% and with GDP growth of -15%, plus the national debt (223% of their GDP). who is going to pay tax? no one..than what? the country is in deep shit. so how is the Japan's government going to get rid of the national debt? of course, its not possible. they will never be able to pay that fucking debt. that is why I think the govenment of Japan is hopless and vagetative. it has no power or no control over the people. its already fallen tree. truely...
Many economist is predicting that Japan can never recover their economy and incomparison, Korea is way better that Japan in economic situation. Korea economy is quickly reaching the GDP growth rate up to 4.5% by 2010. it will continusley growth for at least 10 years with such high growth rate. why? because Korean economy do not have such big financial debt. (Korea's national debt is only 34% of the year's GDP, Japan's debt is 223% of their GDP, 223% !!).. this mean, they are even hardly paying their ass off for interest rate of their financial debt. (lets say, if you were earning 100 dollar a year, if your debt is 223 dollar, what if the interest rate for your debt (223dollar) is around 10% for example, in that case, the Japanese government has to pay 22.3 dollar (its 10% of their debt (223dollar) from their year's profit) every year out of 100 dollar(the year's GDP) just for the interest. 100 -22.3 =? 77.7 dollar. this is not only the problem. with 77.3 dollar, the govenment can not manage the country's economic spenditure, its just not enough, so the current Japanese govenment is vegetative. do you get it now? why Japanese bank can never increase the interest rate? its because of their financial debt. which mean, Japan can not control their economic recession with the govenment's financial aid or whatever.. do you even know what this mean? they are fucked up. its not over, Japan's economy is in -15% average growth, which mean, their annual income is getting low (its not 77.3$, its becoming below).
o the current Japan is facing these problems. 1. financial debt (223% of their year's GDP)is fucking too much 2. Aging population (they failed in imigration policy so the current Japan's population is rapidly growing old which mean there are less people can afford to pay the tax to the govenment) 3. the unemployed rate is incresing (estimated around 5.3% to clese to 15%) this is even more disastrous to their fucked up economy 4. the govenment have no control on their system and control on their economic recession (because they are fucking poor and have no money on their hands) 5. the money exchange rate is rising against the dollars because again the fucking Japs govenment have no money to control on the exchange rate (if you compare Germany, America, Korea with Japan, only Japanese Yen rose against the dollar, this shows how seriously hopeless the Japanese govenment is. 6. the Japanese main exporting companies (Toyota, Sony, Panasonic.. well. thats pretty much all I can even recall to be competitive to Korean giants, are all fucking showing great retrit in their sales volume (Toyoto -35% global, Sony -84%, Panasonic -89%) this mean the future economy of Japan will be worse than the current time. (2009, world's fastet growing car companiese were 1. Hyundai (Korea) increased 34% in their sales volume 2. Kia (Korea) increased 24% in their sales value, Samsung's profit from (January to October in 2009 figured the biggest ever, 45 billions of doallrs.) IMF annouced their prediction for Korean economy that by 2014, Korea will be growing 4.5% in the GDP which is world's 3rd fastest (After Singapore and Taiwan). but incomparison, Singapore and Taiwan are way smaller economy than Korea (Singapore is 4 times smaller than Korea and Taiwan is 3 times smaller).
ts all because the Japs have no fucking money !! alight? dont have the fucking money money !! thats the fucking truth right here. alight?
one more explanation for Korean economy. Korea -> ( Ship buliding, buliding construction, Iron production, electronic industry, manufacturing industries) these are the five main economic areas which requires such intensive R&D investment, High technology, and high quality labours) Korea is currently world's top in these area. Japan on the other hand, they are only barely surving their position in Iron production (world's 3rd) and electronic industries (world's 2nd after Korea).
I know what you are thinking, Japan's economy (in terms of the size of their economy is currently world's 3rd largest, after America and China) but its because of their population is 3 times larger than Korea and their money exchange rate is 3 times more expensive than Korean Won. its like comparing two differetn types of car which value about same in the market, one look like a truck and the other look like a small mini. despite the Economy of Japan look bigger than Korean Economy, the value of the two cars (Truck and Mini) is similar. but imagine, the truck is slow and very thrusty with fuel, wherease the small mini is faster and fuel efficient. just imagine the truck as Japan's economy and the mini with Korean economy, what do you think its going to happen for the owner of the two cars. yes, the truck drivers (Japanese) will get poorer, and the small car driver (Korean) will get rich. right?
yes. now look at the prediction of world's most influencial economicst over Korea and Japan. (Korean govenment, Goldman's, IMF) is predicting for the size of Korea's exports will overtake Japan's by 2022. and it will be world's 4th largest exporting nation. by 2022, Korea will be no.4th largest exporting economy followed by China, America, Germany. Japan is on 5th, poor nation. 2022, world rank : 1st China (69,200 billion dollars), 2nd America (28,000 billion), 3rd Germany (21,600 billion), 4th Korea (11,900 billion) 5h Japan (11,200 billion)
its currently is world's 8th largest export nation, the growth rate of Korean export is unbelievably fast and rapid. it is surely going to overtake Japan by 2022. you get that ? Did you check the GDP per capita for Korean and Japan? by 2015, Korea (27.000$), Japan (31,800$), by 2025, Korea (35.700$), Japan (38,250$), by 2050, Korea(61,900$<-world's second highest in major economic countries), Japan(55,082$ -> world's 5th.) you see~ ? Japanese people are many, but not so creative like 45 millons of Korean.
now.. why I doing this to Japs? cant you see? the problems is onseting from Japan. its not I am pissed of only because of the ww2. its with what they are doing in current time ! watch below
its their forign ministry department. they are saying Korea's dokdo isalnd is belong to their territory. the east sea should be call " sea of Japan" there are more things watch. and what do you think? love? still? can you love them doing these to Korean and Chinese?
in conclusion,
Japan's economy is shit. and the people are shit. simple. good? if you have any other question. please feel free to ask me again.