ノムヒョン大統領は竹島問題が起こるや否や、例によって中国共産党の教科書の教えるように日 本の過去の戦争時代の罪状と言うのを引っ張り出してきて糾弾するのに忙しく、日本の領有権の 主張は過去の反省をせず、帝国時代と同じ領土的野心をあらわにしている事の証明だという。 (No sooner had that been resolved than President Roh moved to inflame the situation once again. Taking a leaf out of the Chinese Communists' book, who never hesitate to drag Japan's war record into any bilateral dispute, he cited Tokyo's claim to the islands as supposed proof it hadn't renounced its wartime past and still harbored territorial ambitions.)