>>To overly focus on Coppola’s film is unwise because it tends to divert attention from films that require it, like Steven Spielberg’s new Memoirs of a Geisha. It is based on the bestselling 1997 novel in which every plot component was designed to demonize the Japanese. Professor Anne Allison of Duke University wrote that the book “inspired [readers] to see Japanese men as sexual perverts.” (訳)この本のあらゆるシーンと描写が 読者をして「全ての日本人男性は変態」と思わせるように 仕組まれている (デューク大学教授のコメント)
In Section 1, politically correct racism (PC racism) is defined as an act with racist intent, justified by righteous appearance, with popularity or near-total acceptance because of its righteous appearance.
In Section 2, after presenting a theory of jokes based on analyses by Sigmund Freud and Marvin Minsky, I show that the pleasure one derives from PC racism is similar to that derived from ethnic jokes.
In Section 3, I point out the inaccuracies and prejudice contained in the novel "Memoirs of a Geisha" by comparing it with the Japanese version. Based on the study by Anne Allison of the American reception of the novel, I explain its surprising popularity using PC racism. Pleasures of romanticized subjugation and pleasures of hating the Japanese are made acceptable by the politically-correct appearance.
Finally in Section 4, I characterize the geisha film as a watered-down version with the novel's most racist elements removed.