If Kumdo is a great Korean martial art with a long history, certainly there will be a lot of Kumdo Dojangs in North Korea. As a matter of fact, Kumdo is despised of by North Korea, bacause it is Japanese. 中国人と思われるゲストからつっこまれてます。 Biggest problem is that Koreans are no longer read or write Chinese characters even they depend their "5000" years history on Chinese historical records. I was shocked when I found out what really Hwarang(Flower boys 花郎) was. ついに宗主国中国人にばれました。
http://www.kumdo.com/ushwarangkwan/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&p=228#228 中国人らしきゲストがいいつっこみしてます Korea was China's tributary country for more than 1000 years-That's why Koreans have Chinese name. So they didn't need sword fighting skiils. Korea only had Yangban noble government but Japan had Samurai government. Kenjutsu(Before Kendo there were Kenjutsu) was evolved during the Samurai government period. Japanese sworeds were imported to Korea in those days but Yangban used them as accessories. Sword fighting existed in China long before in Korea. If Koreans invented sword fighting, why don't they claim that fencing originated from Korea?