
>>135 China Gives No Ground In Spats Over History ( By Edward Cody)

Chinese researchers participating in a government-funded project on ancient societies in northern China
had concluded that Goguryeo, in its early manifestations at least, was under Chinese dominion.
Korean scholars insisted that, from beginning to end, Goguryeo was 100 percent Korean.
When the Chinese Foreign Ministry, heeding its own scholars,
eliminated the Korean version of history from its official Web site last April, things got serious

The noisy clash was finally papered over last month in a five-point accord reached in Seoul after protracted discussions
between Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister Wu Dawei and senior officials in the South Korean Foreign Ministry.
Both countries pledged to get along better. But they left the main question unresolved:
Was the kingdom, which spanned the current China-North Korea border for about 700 years, Chinese or Korean?

For China, the answer has long been obvious. Their culture, they have been taught, radiated far and wide over the centuries,
embracing great historical events ranging from Genghis Khan's empire to the invention of spaghetti and meatballs.

According to Chinese history,
not only did Goguryeo begin as an ethnic minority in the Chinese fold,
but neighboring Japanese civilization got started when 1,000 Chinese boys and girls sailed over in 209 B.C.
to colonize the islands in hopes of finding immortality pills. (ここが問題の記述だね)

"Goguryeo was part of the Han Dynasty," said Li Boqian, who runs the Center for the Study of Ancient Civilizations at Beijing University.
"But the Han Dynasty later declined, and it split off."
Some analysts have seen a design in China's tendency to place itself at the center of history.
188マンセー名無しさん:04/09/23 00:50:11 ID:YqW3eZz4


(´・ω・`) ”文化”の使い方おかしいですよ!
189マンセー名無しさん:04/09/23 00:54:06 ID:buOO7Pw2
>>186 で、>>187の同じ記事の続きに
That was just the beginning. Just as every American schoolchild learns that
George Washington admitted to cutting down the cherry tree,
generations of Chinese schoolchildren have learned that their forebears thought up the Four Great Inventions:
gunpowder, the compass, paper and movable type.

But competitors in the recent Asian Cup soccer tournament here were amused to be told
by some of their Chinese hosts that this country also invented soccer.
Members of some golf clubs, giving a homegrown spin to a sport that is swiftly becoming popular here,
have told prospective members that archaeologists uncovered drawings indicating the sport originated
sometime during the Tang Dynasty, from A.D. 618 to 907.

It does not stop there.
Popular history has extended Chinese inventiveness to include pasta,
which, according to legend, was discovered by Marco Polo when he visited China and then taken back to Italy,
where it became the national staple.

Italian historians have concluded their version of pasta was first made in Sicily around 1000 w
hen Arabs were in charge there, according to Francesco Sisci of the Italian Cultural Institute of Beijing.
But never mind; for most Chinese, Italian pasta is merely transplanted noodles.

Even pizza, it is said here, is nothing more than the Italian pronunciation of China's bing-zi,
which, in its current evolution, is a pocket made from wheat dough and stuffed with ground meat or diced vegetables.
According to Chinese folklore, Marco Polo or some other Italian traveler took back the idea of bing-zi,
which archaeologists believe was made here in one form or another as long as 5,000 years ago on terra cotta grills
and enhanced by a Domino's-like list of toppings.
190マンセー名無しさん:04/09/23 01:02:16 ID:buOO7Pw2
The Chinese appropriation of Genghis Khan, viewed elsewhere as a Mongolian conqueror
who created a vast empire including parts of China, has received a more formal endorsement.
The period during which his descendants ruled over much of what is now
China has been baptized in most textbooks the Yuan Dynasty, 1279 to 1368, and treated by Chinese historians
as another in a long succession of Chinese reigns.

Similarly, most Chinese have been taught that American Indians descended from intrepid Chinese
who moved down over the Bering Strait -- a belief held by many non-Chinese historians as well --
and that Buddhism, although imported from India, was spread around Asia by Chinese travelers.

In particular, the story goes, the Chinese monk Jian Zhen sailed to Japan in 753 and,
at the invitation of the Japanese royal family, spread knowledge about Buddhism,
medical science and sculpture to a population thirsty for knowledge. (鑑真ですね)

That, of course, was long after the 500 boys and 500 girls dispatched by Emperor Qin Shihuan
had started families and multiplied.  (徐福伝説についてもう一度触れているわけです。)
Their gesture has been commemorated several times in recent years
by people who gather at the Ancestral Temple of a Thousand Children,
on the site where Qin had his capital in what is now Hebei province, just south of Beijing.
