
korean apartment owners violated Fair Housing Act
The owner had, according to some evidence, made statements that he did not like African-Americans
or Hispanic tenants, but preferred Korean tenants.
The Fair Housing Act prohibits "making, printing or publishing 'any notice,
statement, or advertisement, with rental of a dwelling that indicates any preference,

discriminated against Plaintiff SMITH and other African-Americans by printing and distributing
fliers indicating a preference for Koreans and Korean-Americans.
Such marketing discriminates against all non-Korean

discriminated against Plaintiff SMITH, based upon his race,
by falsely representing theunavailabilityof apartments at The Townhouse,
by refusing toallow him tocomplete an application, byrefusing torent anapartment to him,
and by excluding him from marketing that was only directedat individuals of Korean ancestry that could speak Korean.
Defendant JOHNSON, who is alsoKorean-American, solicited only Koreans and Korean-Americans in the summer of 1998
Plaintiff SMITH filed a complaint with the California Department of Fair Housing on April20, 1999. Such discrimination, denying Plaintiff
section 1021.5 of the California Code of Civil Procedure because this action involves the enforcement of an important right affecting the public interest,
namely access to low-income apartment housing at The Townhouse by all individuals not of Korean ancestry.