1 :
04/01/14 02:29 ID:FMJWTppv Welcome to the scribble of a rest room!
2 :
:04/01/14 02:30 ID:Rds5uwCr
>>1 good job!
If written in the Hankul alphabet, we cannot read.
Please write in English and Japanese.
3 :
:04/01/14 02:30 ID:zM5jjT1B
4 :
:04/01/14 02:31 ID:CRMdiK65
5 :
aris :04/01/14 02:32 ID:EIDEEkSP
whats otsu?
>>1 chotto anata, nani chugi sure tateterunoyo !
7 :
:04/01/14 02:32 ID:UcR24WzY
8 :
_ :04/01/14 02:32 ID:9RmnDNj0
10 :
:04/01/14 02:32 ID:Zbs9W9xP
11 :
:04/01/14 02:32 ID:WEGXWZ3O
12 :
_ :04/01/14 02:33 ID:9RmnDNj0
13 :
:04/01/14 02:33 ID:Rw+gC2SU
is here only Einglish? Japanese OK?
14 :
:04/01/14 02:33 ID:u3sEehy7
15 :
f :04/01/14 02:33 ID:lA4xtME6
16 :
:04/01/14 02:33 ID:FMJWTppv
otsu means Fuck me!
17 :
:04/01/14 02:33 ID:wz7xMuuj
well done!
18 :
aris :04/01/14 02:33 ID:EIDEEkSP
19 :
:04/01/14 02:34 ID:6PXv7XZC
I am a pen I like fifteen years old
>>5 ..I guess, in Hangun mal, it is...Pigo?
Means "Good-Job".
21 :
:04/01/14 02:34 ID:51V3ytgh
Let's begin the show which slaughters Koreans.
22 :
:04/01/14 02:34 ID:LTVBmQ4X
23 :
:04/01/14 02:34 ID:U03/DNNU
Otsu means Thanks.
24 :
:04/01/14 02:34 ID:Rds5uwCr
25 :
_ :04/01/14 02:34 ID:kJjd/hX6
>>5 otsu means "Good job today "
26 :
:04/01/14 02:35 ID:Cs95P/9T
"Otsu" or "Otukare" means "Thank you for your work".
27 :
:04/01/14 02:35 ID:FMJWTppv
>>18 Aris, have you ever thought of "another world" ?
Another rule, another view points, another truth, another faith...
29 :
aris :04/01/14 02:35 ID:EIDEEkSP
hahaha otsu all japanese thx!
30 :
:04/01/14 02:36 ID:z9ZI7wZf
>>20 ×Hangun mal
○Hangung mal
31 :
_ :04/01/14 02:36 ID:MwrG2zxd
I was pesu.
33 :
:04/01/14 02:37 ID:KMMkdwHI
34 :
ほ :04/01/14 02:37 ID:Rw+gC2SU
well, what do Korean want to do here?
35 :
:04/01/14 02:37 ID:51V3ytgh
36 :
f :04/01/14 02:37 ID:lA4xtME6
welcome korean! and go away now!
37 :
:04/01/14 02:38 ID:yPGNiWQa
我欲求睡眠。 再見。
>>33 I once have tried to send an E-mail to Korean friend, only to know their Kanji (Hanja?) Code
is completely different one...
Attention (to korian) This Internet bulletin board(2ch @ korea) cannot display a Hankul alphabet character. Please write using Japanese or English or 漢字.
40 :
aris :04/01/14 02:38 ID:EIDEEkSP
42 :
:04/01/14 02:38 ID:Rw+gC2SU
44 :
f :04/01/14 02:39 ID:lA4xtME6
>>37 再犬。
Uri do mewo yo...(correct?)
46 :
:04/01/14 02:39 ID:6pd4uAao
welcome korea.o(・∀・)o
eigo nigate nanode ro-maji de sannka (whhh
48 :
:04/01/14 02:39 ID:dnNQ5Q7G
49 :
Jasmine :04/01/14 02:39 ID:FfGtTQGV
what a fucking thread here. I'm always gonna hate Corean.
50 :
:04/01/14 02:39 ID:KMMkdwHI
52 :
:04/01/14 02:39 ID:9g+lh3yC
53 :
:04/01/14 02:40 ID:tdL8IjtJ
54 :
:04/01/14 02:40 ID:oC4DYLNe
55 :
_ :04/01/14 02:40 ID:a3a3sI0i
56 :
:04/01/14 02:40 ID:U03/DNNU
Does south Korea has Suppression of freedom of speech? I heard in other thread.
57 :
:04/01/14 02:40 ID:B6swBb5E
It is difficult to use a BBS unless you can penetrate that a lie is a lie.
58 :
:04/01/14 02:40 ID:6pd4uAao
Are talks of South Koreans and Japanese people movement here?
60 :
:04/01/14 02:41 ID:6PXv7XZC
Korean eat dogs very well
61 :
:04/01/14 02:41 ID:dnNQ5Q7G
>>40 Here, you are in another world now.
SImilar visage but different consideration..
63 :
:04/01/14 02:41 ID:6pd4uAao
64 :
f :04/01/14 02:41 ID:lA4xtME6
where is dog eater?
65 :
:04/01/14 02:41 ID:tzq7IxCw
What is "sage"???
66 :
:04/01/14 02:41 ID:FMJWTppv
67 :
:04/01/14 02:41 ID:FvXWJ+QE
ソ?ア? タヨエツ ヌムアケタホソ。ーヤ アラエ?キホ ヌムアロキホ ス盞オ タマコサタホタコ タフヌリ ヌメ シ? セ? カァケョソ。, ソオセモホ セオア?, ヌメ シ? タヨエツ サ邯コ タマコサセモホ ス? チヨシシソ?.
68 :
:04/01/14 02:41 ID:uyTH2azK
69 :
:04/01/14 02:41 ID:yPGNiWQa
闘将!!拉麺男的会話w 国破山河有
70 :
:04/01/14 02:41 ID:GtSP6P2W
「嗚呼、射精寸前」男悶絶。「口内発射可?」 「不可」女曰。「貴殿射精場所即我膣内」 女舌技停止。萎縮物即硬直、聳立。先端、先走汁有。 「騎乗可?」女訊。男頷了解。 女、硬直物添手、潤滑繁茂地帯誘導。 「嗚呼」女悶。「我膣内、巨大硬直物挿入完了」 女下半身躍動開始。一、二、三・・・ 「嗚呼」男短声。「謝罪」 女呆然、運動停止。「貴殿既射精!?」 「汝舌技巧妙故。御免」 「最低!! 三擦半男!!」女絶叫。「亀頭鍛錬不足!! 貴殿包茎手術経験者!?」 「何故汝知其事実??」 男墓穴。 以後、男、性交時避妊具二重着用
The Korean communication envoy came to Edo. 朝鮮通信使が江戸にやってきますた
72 :
:04/01/14 02:42 ID:KfQ4hM60
73 :
:04/01/14 02:42 ID:JgpvWJiu
sage wa setumei ga muzukasii...
>>59 yes, thats right. if you have any opinion to us or japanese,
please talk in here.
75 :
:04/01/14 02:42 ID:t58w/C5x
77 :
_ :04/01/14 02:42 ID:9RmnDNj0
나는 자요. 俺は寝る。
78 :
:04/01/14 02:43 ID:dnNQ5Q7G
>>49 Cut Off line And Hanging
79 :
_ :04/01/14 02:43 ID:MwrG2zxd
80 :
Jasmine :04/01/14 02:43 ID:FfGtTQGV
>>70 u make me warota!
81 :
:04/01/14 02:44 ID:oC4DYLNe
82 :
sage :04/01/14 02:44 ID:xvjKPO0A
日本語ですまん。 おれのノートン先生いま反応したぞ。 ここ大丈夫か?
>>1 ,雖然和這个欄目无関。
85 :
_ :04/01/14 02:44 ID:kJjd/hX6
86 :
簡単に説明 :04/01/14 02:44 ID:eacX2rgw
sage = 2ch term: Lowering abbreviation
87 :
:04/01/14 02:44 ID:Rw+gC2SU
>>76 why do u use German ? :)
89 :
:04/01/14 02:44 ID:RDMRVMio
90 :
:04/01/14 02:45 ID:zV6B1HZv
91 :
:04/01/14 02:45 ID:mAwHCKOa
つか日本人しかいないじゃん(w 英語もひどいし・・・・・ 何この糞スレ(w
92 :
:04/01/14 02:45 ID:dnNQ5Q7G
>>87 Because I am "Nazi-zen" lol
94 :
:04/01/14 02:46 ID:U03/DNNU
Is a South Korean man here? Only Japanese?
95 :
:04/01/14 02:46 ID:H0qQKcSc
96 :
(゚∀゚) :04/01/14 02:46 ID:AZnnKPg+
/ ̄ ̄\ | ̄ ̄| | ̄| | ̄| | ̄| | ̄ ̄| | ̄| | /\ |  ̄| | | | | | | |  ̄| | | | \\ノ ノ | ̄_| | | | | |  ̄|| ̄_| |  ̄| \| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|| |__ | | |__  ̄/| | ̄ | |___ | | ̄ \ ̄| | ̄ ̄|__/ |_|  ̄ |_| |__/ |_| < | | /)__∧ Λ_Λ ∧_(\ > <  ̄ | |`∀´> ◯< `∀´ >◯ <`∀´| | > < ( ) \ / ( ) > < / /> > |⌒I │ く く\ \ > < <__フ〈__フ (_) ノ <__,,〉<__〉 > //______ レ \\\\ / | | | ̄|_ | ̄| | ̄| | ̄|\\ /| | ̄| | | | / \ | | | |\\ / |_  ̄__| |__| ̄ / /\\| ̄ | | |\ \ / | ̄|____  ̄  ̄  ̄| | | | \ \ /\/|_____|/\/\/\ | | | |/\\
98 :
:04/01/14 02:46 ID:FMJWTppv
I am Zapanese
99 :
aris :04/01/14 02:46 ID:EIDEEkSP
>>62 yeah, i know but some japanese come our protal site like naver and do bad manner.
100 :
○ :04/01/14 02:46 ID:WGgBlBtN
>>43 This is Mail Storm.
Don't Click.
101 :
:04/01/14 02:47 ID:Rw+gC2SU
102 :
:04/01/14 02:47 ID:6pd4uAao
103 :
:04/01/14 02:47 ID:U03/DNNU
>>87 Many Japanese can talk German.
104 :
:04/01/14 02:47 ID:GtSP6P2W
閑話休題、請聞我的話。先日我去了近在吉野家、吉野家。 座席満席、我不可能座。我凝視垂幕 「一五〇円値引」 我思、嗚呼馬鹿、嗚呼阿呆。 御前等、無意味来通常不来吉野屋為壱百五拾円引、阿呆。 壱百五拾円、只壱百五拾円。親子連来店。一家四人来吉野屋。目出鯛。 「好!父、注文特盛!」的発言、我不可視。我謹呈壱百五拾円、為御前等開放席。 吉野屋本来要殺伐雰囲気。機会多々有喧嘩上等共奴反対座食卓。 雰囲気最高、我刺御前、御前刺我。女子供不要干渉。 長時間後、我可能着座、隣男注文「大盛、汁沢山」我再度激切了。 聴、「汁沢山」是不流行現在、阿呆。我呆、御前注文得意顔「汁沢山」 我欲問「御前本当不本当欲食『汁沢山』?」我欲問詰。小一時間我欲問詰。 我欲問「御前只欲発言『汁沢山』」我是吉野屋通。最新流行間吉野家通是「葱沢山」 大盛葱沢山玉。是注文方法為吉野家通。葱沢山是、多々葱少々肉。是。 要注意是注文即店員警戒危険、是諸刃的剣。不可推奨素人。 御前等超素人、推奨食牛鮭定食。
105 :
65 :04/01/14 02:47 ID:tzq7IxCw
106 :
:04/01/14 02:47 ID:RDMRVMio
krははじく設定にしてんじゃないの? たぶん日本人しかいない
107 :
_ :04/01/14 02:48 ID:9RmnDNj0
>>67 文字化け翻訳
108 :
:04/01/14 02:48 ID:qpRC8PK5
109 :
:04/01/14 02:48 ID:t58w/C5x
110 :
:04/01/14 02:48 ID:U03/DNNU
111 :
- :04/01/14 02:48 ID:EEDQ9Och
112 :
:04/01/14 02:48 ID:kq820TQ/
>>103 Oh! It's Great!
113 :
:04/01/14 02:48 ID:Rw+gC2SU
>>102 >>83 is about yoshinoya :)
114 :
NO NAME :04/01/14 02:48 ID:2FxBIyic
This a pen
115 :
:04/01/14 02:48 ID:UFwEMl3k
116 :
:04/01/14 02:48 ID:6pd4uAao
>>99 It is not "your" site, because it is opened to the public (of course, here 2ch is the same),
and it is the so-called "translating bullet-in board". It is designed both for Koreans and Japanese.
118 :
:04/01/14 02:48 ID:UcR24WzY
119 :
we :04/01/14 02:49 ID:pNxIq8A6
If you are Korean, write down "Kimchee" plz!!
121 :
:04/01/14 02:49 ID:zV6B1HZv
>>104 >「御前本当不本当欲食『汁沢山』?」我欲問詰
122 :
:04/01/14 02:49 ID:RDMRVMio
123 :
:04/01/14 02:49 ID:oC4DYLNe
124 :
:04/01/14 02:49 ID:uyTH2azK
125 :
:04/01/14 02:49 ID:6pd4uAao
126 :
:04/01/14 02:49 ID:8njQZRrQ
The South Korean mass communications should also investigate the fact very. It is foolish to have reported the fake homepage as a fact.
>>106 それを解除したから来週中ということです。
South Koreans are in the mail column. Please put in fusianasan
130 :
:04/01/14 02:50 ID:sQTRFQYX
131 :
:04/01/14 02:50 ID:H0qQKcSc
>>106 えー、じゃあ、ひろゆこは設定戻しちゃったのか・・・。
>>99 no offence. but which side of people attacked first?
according to them, they got ungry with the japanese
website insulting korea.
but it is no excuse for attacking illgally and not
good enough to justify their behaviour.
133 :
:04/01/14 02:50 ID:RDMRVMio
134 :
:04/01/14 02:50 ID:mAwHCKOa
うううううう、英語がひどすぎるよ、みんな・・・・・・・ じゃ、おまいが英語で書けと言われそうだけど(w 正直、自分はイギリスに4年住んでいたバイリンガルwです。
135 :
sage :04/01/14 02:51 ID:xvjKPO0A
>>91 >>65 Do not say such a thing
let us enjoy fake and interesting 漢文
136 :
jasmine :04/01/14 02:51 ID:FfGtTQGV
>>43 fortunately I didnt do it. I guessed it's gonna be browser
does north korean eat any dogs as well?
137 :
VivaCorea :04/01/14 02:51 ID:9g+lh3yC
우리나라 만세! 우리나라 만세! 우리나라 만세! 우리나라 만세! 우리나라 만세! 우리나라 만세! 우리나라 만세! 우리나라 만세! 우리나라 만세! 우리나라 만세! 우리나라 만세! 우리나라 만세! 우리나라 만세! 우리나라 만세! 우리나라 만세! 우리나라 만세! 우리나라 만세! 우리나라 만세! 우리나라 만세! 우리나라 만세! 우리나라 만세!
>>59 Let's look for the way which can live together together.
Let's make it only UD program to emulate each other.
>>127 otherwize they are going to destroy them
140 :
:04/01/14 02:51 ID:z9ZI7wZf
141 :
:04/01/14 02:51 ID:U03/DNNU
142 :
:04/01/14 02:51 ID:6rv7vDVb
143 :
:04/01/14 02:52 ID:RDMRVMio
Hey, guys!! Could you please write down where you are living?
144 :
:04/01/14 02:52 ID:z9ZI7wZf
145 :
:04/01/14 02:52 ID:GtSP6P2W
146 :
:04/01/14 02:52 ID:FMJWTppv
147 :
:04/01/14 02:52 ID:Rds5uwCr
>>134 sorry...
please Engelish
149 :
:04/01/14 02:52 ID:Rw+gC2SU
>>134 書いておくれよ〜
can you please write your opinion?
150 :
:04/01/14 02:52 ID:t58w/C5x
>>134 そんな事言うな。俺だって後から突っ込まれまくるの
152 :
aris :04/01/14 02:52 ID:EIDEEkSP
>117 no, thats our korean site ok? that site is to be friendly and calm.
>>127 ...what?
I guess you mean the site "K's country", right?
I am not sure but I have heard that these contents were all truth,
though they all could be extreme examples...
154 :
:04/01/14 02:53 ID:+GzYoblV
155 :
:04/01/14 02:53 ID:z9ZI7wZf
156 :
:04/01/14 02:53 ID:Rds5uwCr
157 :
:04/01/14 02:54 ID:Eqatbjgj
ミミミミミミミミ ミミミ ミ .________ ミミミ ∧ ∧ ミ / ミミ─●ヘ●─| < ファッキンジャップくらい分かるよ、バカヤロ! (61 < └┘ | \ || ( ー |  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ | \___ノ
158 :
:04/01/14 02:54 ID:+GzYoblV
159 :
:04/01/14 02:54 ID:qpRC8PK5
160 :
琥珀さんスマトリプタソ ◆f3XNUgjBpE :04/01/14 02:54 ID:KobXT7kf
161 :
:04/01/14 02:54 ID:uyTH2azK
I have been using UD for some time. What is it?
163 :
:04/01/14 02:54 ID:e8s6Cgvb
164 :
:04/01/14 02:54 ID:K89S0eLv
165 :
omanko :04/01/14 02:54 ID:jF2X0tqD
>>134 Everybody will be saved if you do simultaneous interpretation.
>>152 ok, so you are here to be friendly to us, right?
but NAVER is full of insulting and swearing to
each other. im sorry but we all know what the NAVER
is like.
167 :
_ :04/01/14 02:55 ID:9RmnDNj0
168 :
… :04/01/14 02:55 ID:o7Z1TyZi
>>137 D・V・D!
169 :
:04/01/14 02:55 ID:Rds5uwCr
Naver is heavy.
170 :
sage :04/01/14 02:55 ID:xvjKPO0A
>>145 How about your fishing?
171 :
:04/01/14 02:55 ID:U03/DNNU
>>152 ...have you really visited the site?????
SO many rude Koreans were !!
I just tried to discuss, only to find they did not know how to discuss...(sad
173 :
:04/01/14 02:56 ID:w8h0XMHf
Someday we would know better way to communicate with each other more than such charges against each other. Anyway, still Team 2ch is best. :) Next round should be there, I hope. Sincerely, Hiroyuki. とりあえずUD案内 ひろゆきのこぴぺだけど
174 :
:04/01/14 02:56 ID:U03/DNNU
>>170 How about your fishing?
175 :
:04/01/14 02:56 ID:mAwHCKOa
>>165 って言われると思ったけど、ここに韓国人はいないってば(w
>>132 u said true
almost poeple will be call and acknowledge that korean's act TERORISM
177 :
NO NAME :04/01/14 02:56 ID:2FxBIyic
178 :
:04/01/14 02:57 ID:+GzYoblV
179 :
:04/01/14 02:57 ID:kq820TQ/
>>152 And, the URL is naver.CO.JP
Please check it again, though we do NOT say that the site is ours...
IT is for the public.
181 :
○ :04/01/14 02:58 ID:WGgBlBtN
我不出来睡眠。 早急必要布団。
182 :
:04/01/14 02:58 ID:6pd4uAao
>>127 yes.2ch is not the places in which only the Japanese who dislikes South Korea gathers.
Do you know the fact that 2ch have not attacked to South Korea?
183 :
:04/01/14 02:58 ID:pHhuVgAW
>>145 アフォめ。
184 :
170 :04/01/14 02:58 ID:xvjKPO0A
185 :
:04/01/14 02:58 ID:RDMRVMio
No Korean still visit here? We want to talk
186 :
:04/01/14 02:58 ID:Rw+gC2SU
arent you all sleepy?
187 :
:04/01/14 02:58 ID:X5Xf/M5b
>>178 (@∀@)<…新たな韓日友好の架け橋として(ry
188 :
:04/01/14 02:59 ID:U03/DNNU
Is aris a Korean?
189 :
:04/01/14 02:59 ID:5v8U0IXf
ニポーン人は日本語で書いて、翻訳で読んでもらう、 韓国人は英語で書き込む、 補助に英語、でよさそうだが・・・・
191 :
:04/01/14 02:59 ID:FvXWJ+QE
ここからフシアナさん必須で書き込めば、韓国人がいるか わかっていいような。 ヌムアケタホタコ タフクァカ。 fusianasan。。ー? ア簑ヤヌリ コチ チヨシシソ?.
>>186 im off today sacked in all!
193 :
:04/01/14 02:59 ID:/GzrV4Eg
당신은 한국인입니까?
195 :
:04/01/14 02:59 ID:U03/DNNU
>>184 No no.
I fished up you.
>>153 K's country ← warota
so u Corean talking here is how are u chatting here
with us? did u get a special of 2ch browser for chatting
instead IE?
>>191 前にフシアナ産したら長過ぎって言われた(´・ω・`)ショボーン
198 :
:04/01/14 03:00 ID:ia19DCcH
199 :
aris :04/01/14 03:00 ID:EIDEEkSP
>>180 naver is korean corporation.
200 :
:04/01/14 03:00 ID:Cs95P/9T
---ATTENTION for new New-entry person--- "2ch"is Anonymity bulletin board. There are both gentle person and insensible person. ・Howeverthis board's Input form has "mail", it is only attached as usual, It may become, if it does not write in. Looking out Mail of troublesome and harassment , you should not opens a mail address to the public. ・There are also many people who are going to induce argument uselessly here. They are going to have in a simple utterance and are going to argue. To such , You should not response.
201 :
:04/01/14 03:00 ID:TXmzT7WP
,,.;;;;;;:_,.,..,.;;;;;γi;;: ノノノ 从 (シノシノ 从 ノノ) ノノ 从从 ノノノノ(( 从从 ( i从 〓〓ノ 〓〓 从从 从从 -=・=- -=・=- 从从 从从 l 从从) (从:.|.∴ヽ ∨ /∴从人) (人人| ∴! ー===-' !∴.|从人) (人人| ∴!  ̄ !∴|从人) (人人| ∴! !∴|从人) (人人| ∴! !∴|从人) (人人人 人人ノ  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
202 :
:04/01/14 03:00 ID:Zbs9W9xP
203 :
:04/01/14 03:00 ID:GtSP6P2W
>>1 よ。スレとは関係ないけどさ。
204 :
:04/01/14 03:01 ID:z9ZI7wZf
>>196 no, .kr has been opend
Completely, it is the excrement which rises up.
207 :
:04/01/14 03:01 ID:Cs95P/9T
英語酷くてごめんなさい。 テンプレに使って欲しかったり。。。
>>196 (anker mistake?)
I use Mac-element.
209 :
:04/01/14 03:02 ID:oC4DYLNe
>>162 :KOREA01
>I have been using UD
Just by using the Internet for such a purpose,
it is wonderful.
Don't you think that it is not a tool for quarreling to each other?
211 :
:04/01/14 03:02 ID:qwK6u2z3
To stop this BBS thread Name:&rf&rusi&ran&ras&ran&rrlo; Text:STOP E-mail:STOP@2ch
212 :
:04/01/14 03:02 ID:U03/DNNU
>>208 Mac-er is coming━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━!!!!!
Sorry, I wanna use this...
213 :
:04/01/14 03:02 ID:Rw+gC2SU
214 :
as :04/01/14 03:03 ID:pNxIq8A6
80% of Koreans in Naver are anti-japan. In fact,most of Japanese became anti-Korean after they visited there.
215 :
:04/01/14 03:03 ID:w8h0XMHf
UD宣伝しておけよ! 寝る ノシ
217 :
:04/01/14 03:03 ID:1rBLxhyj
Hey! I will write the performance of my own PC all together. PentiumU 266Mhz memory 32MB OS Windows 95 ha ha ha!! I am Strongest!!
218 :
:04/01/14 03:03 ID:z9ZI7wZf
219 :
:04/01/14 03:03 ID:K89S0eLv
>>199 Then, why naver makes such Japanese site?
If naver wants to say 'get out Japanese' ,
he doesn't make such site.
Get up! Get up! Get up! Stop masturbation! Raise trousers!
>>199 Hum...Then, do you know the truth that Hyundai is Japanese company ?(w
I think Naver has its corporation both in Korea and Japan.
And, I think it is nonsense to talk whether the company is yours or ours.
Is you say so, please shut the Japanese translating system there down
as soon as possible !
222 :
aris :04/01/14 03:05 ID:EIDEEkSP
>>214 no, many koreans like japanese culture especially teens.
they are searching for japanese friend.
223 :
:04/01/14 03:05 ID:6pd4uAao
224 :
:04/01/14 03:05 ID:C2ajATMv
Only NOAH is the shoot!
>>212 Really ?...I am freezing to type keys now...Maybe I should go to bed...
226 :
:04/01/14 03:06 ID:X5Xf/M5b
It is incompetent to discuss the whole for a part on an inquiry. Although I also looked at "K's country", that thing like is not in my surroundings at least. The intention which insults South Koreans was felt. However, it is not impressed that it was going to solve it by violence. It should have solved by talks.
>>217 kick your ass!
Pentium3 695Mhz
memory 256MB
OS windows XP
・・・_| ̄|○ not really good
230 :
wj :04/01/14 03:07 ID:NO4Q7XgI
>>224 Please escape Omori-san!
>>222 Well, I used to have a girl friend from Eunpyong Gu in the city of Seoul.
We were serious...but...
don't know, but I've been told Eskimo Pussy is mighty cold Mmm good feels good is good real good tastes good mighty good good for you good for me I don't want no teen-age queen I just want my M14 If I die in the combat zone Box me up and ship me home Pin my medals upon my chest Tell my Mom I've done my best
233 :
_ :04/01/14 03:07 ID:XvrQaFUv
>>200 おまい、イイ香具師だな。
you are good guy!
235 :
:04/01/14 03:08 ID:kq820TQ/
>>226 Sorry,It's Famous COPIPE already
It is difficult if it is not those who can perceive a lie with a lie (to use a bulletin board).
237 :
:04/01/14 03:08 ID:U03/DNNU
>>217 What?
My PC is Storonger than yours!!
Intel 486DX 33MHz
_| ̄|○
238 :
:04/01/14 03:08 ID:K89S0eLv
>>222 Why do they say 'Japan is lol'?
I can't understand.
If you find 'K is lol',
you will angry.
we too.
239 :
:04/01/14 03:08 ID:fFjrgG+F
I want to carry out sex very in rut very much now. (*´Д`)アハァアハァ…
who founded this thread? Korean or others? anyway, I'll take a leek and go to bed. nighty night (´-ω-`)
241 :
:04/01/14 03:10 ID:U03/DNNU
242 :
:04/01/14 03:10 ID:lKc5rRIV
>>227 even if they were not usual case,
what is the probrem?
and i fully agree with your poinion here
>However, it is not impressed that it was going to solve it by violence.
>It should have solved by talks.
we all know that, belive this or not, since we had the first attack
from korea, we have been telling each other not to attack korean.
244 :
:04/01/14 03:10 ID:vqmyQ8wt
>>217 AthlonXP3200+
Memory 1536MB
OS WinXP pro
>>227 Hey, in the country side of Japan there are some similar scenes I think.
And, do you know the fact that these pictures were ALL taken by Koreans
by themselves??
OK, if you feel you were insulted, then, can you justify your deed "F5 attack" ?
Don't you think the right to express something is the most important thing in
the world ?!?!?
...if you do not agree to the point, I doubt you could live in somewhere like Soviet
246 :
NO NAME :04/01/14 03:10 ID:2FxBIyic
247 :
:04/01/14 03:10 ID:Rw+gC2SU
>>222 i think most japanese arent interested in Korea
and Korean always say "Japanese should apologize for Korean"
i dont want to be friends to that people :P
248 :
aris :04/01/14 03:11 ID:EIDEEkSP
さてと、そろそろ寝るか ∧_∧ ( ・∀・) )) /つ( ̄`ヽO_ノ⌒ヽ ノ ) \ )) (__丿\ヽ :: ノ:::: ) 丿 ,:' )) (( (___,,.;:-−''"´``'‐' おまえらも、適当なとこで切り上げろよ。おやすみ〜 ∧_∧ ( ・∀・ ) / _ノ⌒⌒⌒`〜、_ ( ̄⊂人 //⌒ ノ ヽ) ⊂ニニニニニニニニニニニニニニ⊃
250 :
:04/01/14 03:12 ID:kq820TQ/
>>246 Yes!Yes!
It's You!!
251 :
:04/01/14 03:12 ID:GtSP6P2W
You should know she's breaking up my heart
252 :
:04/01/14 03:12 ID:K89S0eLv
If you angry to "K's country" , you must tell that to "K's country" . Why don't you do tell to "K's country" ?
253 :
… :04/01/14 03:12 ID:o7Z1TyZi
254 :
aris :04/01/14 03:13 ID:EIDEEkSP
つーか、チョソ コネ━━━━(゚д゚;)━━━━!!
>>248 otsu !!
256 :
:04/01/14 03:13 ID:U03/DNNU
>all to peaceful and gentle peroson, we should be gentle too now. so please stop swearing to the guest. this thread is WELCOME SOUTH KOREAN
258 :
:04/01/14 03:13 ID:z9ZI7wZf
Watch tv-tokyo
259 :
:04/01/14 03:13 ID:Rw+gC2SU
結局釣りかよヽ(`Д´)ノウワァァァン おやすみ〜
彼女の話までしかけて、おれ、まじめだなぁ。。友好が成り立つって、 どこかでまだ信じているのかも、。。。
261 :
:04/01/14 03:14 ID:EyY/Lk0v
263 :
aris :04/01/14 03:15 ID:EIDEEkSP
264 :
:04/01/14 03:15 ID:H0qQKcSc
266 :
:04/01/14 03:15 ID:/GzrV4Eg
I laugh Korea, not hating Korea. YOU are so interesting MINJOKU!
267 :
… :04/01/14 03:15 ID:o7Z1TyZi
add to
>>200 ・But.a half of Disagreeable comments are just joke.
Please judge suitably.
Only those who can perceive a lie if it is a lie can use 2ch comfortably.
269 :
:04/01/14 03:15 ID:K89S0eLv
KOREA01 は向こうの人じゃないの?
270 :
:04/01/14 03:15 ID:6PXv7XZC
騎兵大尉でちゅ氏はいい人だということがとても良く判った(w お疲れさんです!
272 :
:04/01/14 03:16 ID:U03/DNNU
273 :
:04/01/14 03:16 ID:Cs95P/9T
釣られたような釣られてないような_| ̄|○
274 :
_ :04/01/14 03:16 ID:kJjd/hX6
>>254 ヽ(`Д´)ノウワァァァァン
il||li _| ̄|● il||li
276 :
:04/01/14 03:16 ID:Rds5uwCr
いや。KOREA01 はガチだと思う。
277 :
:04/01/14 03:16 ID:H0qQKcSc
>>260 いえ。漏れもいつかは話が通じる日が来る・・・かもしれないと信じては裏切られw
278 :
:04/01/14 03:16 ID:kq820TQ/
279 :
:04/01/14 03:16 ID:Mvj2iQYj
>>229 who has the honor?
P!!!-M 1133Mhz
memory 756MB(whhhhhhh
OS winXP
・・・_| ̄|○ Null Pointer Exception
>>254 ヲイ!
281 :
:04/01/14 03:17 ID:UcR24WzY
I demand an apology and compensation.
>>269 彼はそうだとおもうのだが。。
>>271 ウリは単純ニダ。。(鬱(w
>>279 ガッ!
I have not regarded the attack on South Korea as just. I despise the fool who participated in the attack.
>>227 :KOREA01
"K's country"
I think that this Internet site shows displeasure
if South Koreans see.
2ch is unrelated.
"K's country" is the site which the individual is managing.
Did you have the method of solving in an amicable way
with the administrator of "K's country"?
286 :
:04/01/14 03:19 ID:U03/DNNU
>>284 Are you a Korean?
aris is Japanese.
>>281 I also demand apologies and co (tbs
288 :
:04/01/14 03:19 ID:K89S0eLv
漏れも実は今日試験…。 しかも範囲は癌だよぉ。 UDじゃ勉強にならんしな。 乙です。
290 :
… :04/01/14 03:20 ID:o7Z1TyZi
>>254 あんたが一番だ…_| ̄|○
291 :
:04/01/14 03:20 ID:GtSP6P2W
∧_∧ ( ´∀`)< 【NullPointerException】
292 :
:04/01/14 03:20 ID:Cs95P/9T
Kの国の方式→The way of country"K" でもいいんじゃないかとふと思ふ。長いからやっぱK's countryかな。
293 :
:04/01/14 03:20 ID:tzq7IxCw
294 :
: :04/01/14 03:20 ID:Sjd20NN3
結局、在日や工作員も今までだって居なかったんだよ 全て釣りでしょう。
>>284 you better tell that to people at NAVER or wherever
the terrorists are.
we all know that. we never attack korean site as a team
or grope. some stupid idiot never listen to us.
but that is not our responsibility
296 :
:04/01/14 03:21 ID:6pd4uAao
>>227 KOREA01
anti-japan site does not exist in South Korea.
it will be necessary to blame the present condition of korea rather than it blames japan site.
Even if Japanese people see an anti-japan site in South Korea, we do not attack.
>>288 がんがろう。
>>277 まぁ、だますよりはだまされる方が。。(w
298 :
jasmine :04/01/14 03:21 ID:FfGtTQGV
only one things stop me to go to bed ,its the suggestion. to attract korean 2channeler to be here definitely needs the action of AGE. coz It aint gonna be easy to find out this thread for Chon. I do it once right now. see ya
>>284 :KOREA01
>I have not regarded the attack on South Korea as just.
>I despise the fool who participated in the attack.
Your opinion is wonderful.
>>283 名前:怪鳥音
300 :
296 :04/01/14 03:22 ID:6pd4uAao
>>227 KOREA01
anti-japan site does not exist in South Korea?
it will be necessary to blame the present condition of korea rather than it blames japan site.
Even if Japanese people see an anti-japan site in South Korea, we do not attack.
301 :
:04/01/14 03:23 ID:Rw+gC2SU
つまんなーいヽ(`Д´)ノ i would i told with koreans....
>>299 そのときは侍道2で辻斬りしてふて寝します。
303 :
:04/01/14 03:24 ID:aFis7dGx
304 :
:04/01/14 03:25 ID:H0qQKcSc
>>297 >だますよりはだまされる方が
305 :
_ :04/01/14 03:25 ID:kJjd/hX6
>>284 Having attacked previously is at the South Korea side?
306 :
_ :04/01/14 03:26 ID:xpul0Ryw
I like yun_sona her -- it is beautiful ! Good night
307 :
◆kawapsdcLo :04/01/14 03:26 ID:K89S0eLv
一応、トリップつけときます。いままではずっと名無しさんだったけど。 Also Korea has anti-Japan site. We think anti-Japan site 'it is funny site hahaha!' Please think 'K's country is funny site' like us.
308 :
:04/01/14 03:26 ID:c4scTTgC
>>227 I know there are many anti-Japan sites, books, songs and so on
in South Korea, but I never blame on you about it, you Korean do have the right
to say anything u like.
If you want to talk with Japanese, just TALK, don't atack like terrotists.
I know that 2ch are not related to this affair. I think that the influence which had been disliking 2ch for some time agitated. I regard those who are instigated easily as shameful...
310 :
:04/01/14 03:27 ID:H0qQKcSc
あ〜あ、明日も仕事なのにここ数日、ろくに寝かせてもらえない。 どこに謝罪と賠償を求めればいいニカ?
311 :
:04/01/14 03:27 ID:Cs95P/9T
上に同じー(゚ё゚)ノ゙ 寝りる。明日授業朝からだなぁ・・・・最後だし日数足らんしサボれん Me too! I have been looking foward talk with Korean KEDS, But I have to go to bed.
312 :
_ :04/01/14 03:29 ID:Sjd20NN3
甘えないで優しさなんか臆病者の言い訳だから〜 武田鉄矢
Those to whom I cannot regard a lie as a lie think that they should not use the Internet. I go to sleep soon. It could talk and was good today.
>>308 general speaking, people who come and talk to us
how stupid the current matter is are pretty balanced
and we are not going to blame on such people.
and we know attacking is stupid.
we want to talk about upper level issue. why do they do that?
how do they think about what they are doing?
>>313 nice talking to you.
have a nice dream.
>>313 Good night.
I never say goodbye
See you again !
>general speaking, people who come and talk to us >how stupid the current matter is are pretty balanced ↓ general speaking, people who come and talk to us know how stupid the current matter is. they are pretty balanced i should sleep soon...
318 :
:04/01/14 03:35 ID:pHhuVgAW
>>304 ,312
319 :
:04/01/14 03:35 ID:uyTH2azK
>>309 :KOREA01
Please convey your smart theory also to the friend of your country.
Japanese [ many of ] does not like argument.
Since I am becoming sleepy, I go to sleep.
Let's meet again.
Good night!
321 :
:04/01/14 03:37 ID:7n7O6+l3
eigo yamere....、ア、ア
322 :
:04/01/14 03:37 ID:Rds5uwCr
Good night. You are a good person.
323 :
:04/01/14 03:38 ID:7n7O6+l3
doumo marigato kozaimasu
>>313 (´-`).。oO(Good night)
(´-`).。oO(A good dream)
もしかして、最後のコメントってまろゆきの うそをうそと(ry・・・ もう辻斬りして引きこもってやる・・・
あれ? KOREA01が「嘘を嘘と見抜けない云々」って言ってるけどw ひょっとして つ、釣りでつか
327 :
:04/01/14 03:44 ID:KqDdnndY
328 :
:04/01/14 03:44 ID:Rds5uwCr
>>326 ネイバーでも嘘を嘘と見抜けない言ってる韓国人いるよ。
329 :
_ :04/01/14 03:45 ID:Sjd20NN3
내가 생각하는 한국 및 사람들의 좋음 일본인보다 근련 트레이닝 중시 중국인보다 자유를 존경한다 몽골리아인보다 문명적 베트남인보다 오락 중시 인도네시아인보다 이슬람의 미신에 집착하지 않는다 싱가폴인보다 들인가 말레이인보다 추위에 강하게 Burma인보다 친영적 필리핀인보다 젊은 세대가 소중히 되고 대만인보다 인구가 많다 티벳인보다 민족 자결 브루나이인보다 근면 Bhutan인보다 국제적 라오스인보다 유명 타이인보다 끈질기다 동 티몰인보다 긴 역사를 가진다
┐(´-`)┌.。oO(ま、そんな日もあるさ) (´-`).。oO(運用板で必死な在日が「ハン板の責任だ」って騒いでるねw)
331 :
:04/01/14 03:46 ID:cSnp+RsI
332 :
:04/01/14 03:47 ID:Zbs9W9xP
333 :
ake :04/01/14 03:48 ID:a74Ikzsh
Hey! jap!! Fuck me!
>>333 まず性別から伺おうか。
>>335 後から冷静になって考えれば、こんな時間にあんなに早く、
;y=ー( ゚д゚)・∵. ターン
338 :
:04/01/14 03:52 ID:Cs95P/9T
---ATTENTION for new New-entry person--- "2ch"is Anonymity bulletin board. There are both gentle person and insensible person. ・Howeverthis board's Input form has "mail", it is only attached as usual, It may become, if it does not write in. Looking out Mail of troublesome and harassment , you should not opens a mail address to the public. ・There are also many people who are going to induce argument uselessly here. They are going to have in a simple utterance and are going to argue. To such , You should not response. ・But.a half of Disagreeable comments are just joke. Please judge suitably. ・HIROYUKI said, Only those who can perceive a lie if it is a lie can use 2ch comfortably. やけくそでニューカマー用テンプレ完成版。
>>337 (;´-`).。oO(逝くな〜〜〜!)
340 :
とと :04/01/14 03:53 ID:0A2aflzh
ウイルスバスターが初めて作動してしまいました。 パソコン詳しくないんで_| ̄|○です。 駆除したんせすけど大丈夫ですか?
>337怪鳥音 まだ弾が残っているなら貸してくれ ;y=ー( ゚д゚)・∵.・∵. ターン ターン
>>340 誤爆臭いけど一応答えとくね。
343 :
:04/01/14 03:55 ID:GtSP6P2W
♪聞いてアロエリー… \______ ____/ |/ ∧_∧ ;y=ー (∀・ )・∵. ターン ヽ|〃 (∩∩ )  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
344 :
:04/01/14 03:55 ID:nJROpx5J
みんなしおしお? はっ、これを機に ようやく、しおらしくなったハングル板住民スレが・・・・
346 :
:04/01/14 03:58 ID:uyTH2azK
;y=ー( ゚д゚)・∵. ターン
347 :
koreakimoi :04/01/14 04:00 ID:pNxIq8A6
who wanna have a korean friend??? i guess none... especially, after this ungly korean F5 team.
>>338 テンプレ乙
>>345 刺青
>>346 (;´-`).。oO(そして一人、また一人と減って逝くのか…)
>>348 (´-`).。oO(生きてたかw)
351 :
:04/01/14 04:03 ID:Zbs9W9xP
うんそうだな、.kr開けてる以上、いつかはマジもん来るかも しれんしな・・・・ と自分に言い聞かせつつ侍道2で辻斬りアヒャヒャヒャ(・∀・)メ
353 :
とと :04/01/14 04:06 ID:0A2aflzh
>>342 ありがとう。気が楽になりますた(`・ω・´)
>>353 自慢じゃないが私は自分のHP持ってた時、
355 :
_ :04/01/14 04:10 ID:VQ+hRzL7
なんで英語スレが立ってるの? 教えてエロ意人?
356 :
:04/01/14 04:11 ID:7n7O6+l3
357 :
:04/01/14 04:12 ID:1VxdSQ4T
358 :
_ :04/01/14 04:18 ID:C0qK+bzp
359 :
とと :04/01/14 04:22 ID:0A2aflzh
怪鳥音 ◆K1z/mB9tDA さん 初めての事なんで動揺してしまいました。 一言寝る前に言いたい。 <丶`∀´> のバカ
360 :
:04/01/14 04:40 ID:Yt/nQH06
みんな、いい奴らだな。 このスレ見て本当に感動した。 ドス黒く汚れきった俺の心も一瞬だが洗われたよ。 しかし本当にひろゆきは.Krを解除したの? 怪しくなってきたぞ…
361 :
:04/01/14 05:36 ID:y92x421p
>>361 (´-`).。oO(だってハングルフォント入れて無いもん)
363 :
:04/01/14 05:43 ID:J1zRN4XZ
ハングルフォントはキモイから入れてない つーか日本の掲示板でハングル使っても 相手にされんのはごく自然な事だと思うよ。 失礼だし
364 :
:04/01/14 05:50 ID:qLdm6Q4/
365 :
:04/01/14 05:58 ID:MIKM0qcC
\ ∩─ー、 ==== \/ ● 、_ `ヽ ====== / \( ● ● |つ | X_入__ノ ミ Am this I taken in by such bearrrrrrrrrrrr!! 、 (_/ ノ /⌒l /\___ノ゙_/ / ===== 〈 __ノ ==== \ \_ \ \___) \ ====== (´⌒ \ ___ \__ (´⌒;;(´⌒;; \___)___)(´;;⌒ (´⌒;; (´⌒; (´⌒;;;
366 :
:04/01/14 07:26 ID:JzEnhMVu
隣国であるが侵略者でもある鮮人に2chを教え込んだNAVERスレ住人の 2chに対する責任は大きいぞ。
367 :
:04/01/14 07:51 ID:VIcIByAY
ところでSouth Koreanって南朝鮮人という訳でいいですか?
368 :
お前達に名乗る名は無い!! ◆EpNa70REtE :04/01/14 07:56 ID:+2jdl4sG
>>367 南鮮人の訳?
( - -)"b チッチッチッ! 南鮮人:Firesicklunatic
370 :
:04/01/14 08:38 ID:irrtaoCz
こんなことが夕べ行われてたなんて。 今日休みなんだから、早寝するんじゃなかった。
371 :
:04/01/14 08:54 ID:ULaGZ2/1
372 :
:04/01/14 10:00 ID:iW7K+0XS
373 :
:04/01/14 11:10 ID:PypdCG19
374 :
:04/01/14 12:20 ID:aO+SkxDK
鮮人スルーぐらい覚えてください。必死でレス返してる人、少し馬鹿に見えますよ。 おいらロビーですらすぐ飽きられたというのに。
375 :
:04/01/14 13:02 ID:cUrf8EtO
Are any Koreans still reading this forum?
376 :
:04/01/14 14:21 ID:50k0pcgs
377 :
_ :04/01/14 15:18 ID:97iZMjSu
378 :
:04/01/14 15:36 ID:xfOt2ODc
∧_∧ ∧_∧ .∧__(\ ∧_∧. ∧_∧ ∧_∧ ⊂<`∀´ヽ><ヽ`∀´> <`∀´| | <ヽ`∀´> <''`∀´''>⊂ < `∀´ >'つ (⌒ て).( ) ( ) ⊂ て)( ) \ / レ'\ ) | | | く く\ \(___三フ| つ| |⌒I │ レ' 〈_フ__フ <__,,〉<__〉レ' 〈_フ__フ. (_) ノ レ'
379 :
:04/01/14 15:50 ID:ULaGZ2/1
Ohhhh Don't care about others' thing. OK?
Koreans should reflect upon their pride. Pride is a difficult concept. Therefore, it is necessary to consider self. OK?
The wrong pride will ruin self. In order to correct the wrong pride, the right history recognition is required. The dispute over Takeshima islands should fight for the U.N. court fairly. OK?
383 :
仙人 :04/01/14 17:45 ID:PbMTP0DK
しかし、あれだね。困った人達だね半島の方々は・・・ 朝鮮国の併合を自分から申し込んでおきながら侵略されたと言い 日本名を名乗らせて欲しいと要請しておきながら(日本政府は難色を示した) 改名を強要されたと言い、 戦争が始まると日本国民として我も我もと志願兵が殺到した (多すぎて担当はふるいわけるのに苦労した) のに日本人の弾除けに狩り出されたと言い、 朝鮮併合反対派の中心人物だった伊藤博文をして朝鮮侵略の 先頭に立っていたなどと言う。 もうお手上げ。
>>383 (;´-`).。oO(その事を指摘すると怒るんだよね…)
Good evening, Japanese people. Although the site which instigated this attack was patrolled, "self is right" had not changed. I think that it is shameful... Their voice and act are never the consensus of whole South Korea. I at least oppose.
389 :
:04/01/14 18:27 ID:7L5ltYAD
>>385 I know that their voice and act are never the consensus of whole South Korea.
But what they had done were obiously criminal and what is compensate for
391 :
:04/01/14 18:28 ID:PF++ZVDh
>>385 my name is Mr.oh oh oh.......ohira
my company is very famous.
k k k k........kd......kdd
don't worry .
i am a richman
394 :
:04/01/14 18:31 ID:K89S0eLv
BARUTAZARU which is not seen and which is not said
395 :
:04/01/14 18:32 ID:C2ajATMv
In such world , I cannot say what to say.......
396 :
:04/01/14 18:33 ID:PF++ZVDh
398 :
:04/01/14 19:09 ID:UcR24WzY
>>385 if you don't mind, would you take the men of the site here.
399 :
:04/01/14 19:10 ID:vp7Pr0hC
400 :
:04/01/14 19:17 ID:vp7Pr0hC
402 :
:04/01/14 19:19 ID:Cir4y/OU
403 :
:04/01/14 19:21 ID:gGu6KTwv
korea is kingdom of rape
oh...降臨madadeshitaka zannenndesu
405 :
:04/01/14 19:24 ID:HL3nK33r
>>391 Wow....The Snake man show! lol
406 :
:04/01/14 19:28 ID:KeCBmO/F
Korean often eat dogs
407 :
:04/01/14 19:28 ID:6qRmYwWL
409 :
:04/01/14 19:41 ID:Cs95P/9T
Please write in English,If you talk wish Korean visitors. If you are going to stir the floor,get back this thread! あちらの人に伝えたいなら英語使うように。 日本語で煽りたいだけならそれ用のスレに(・∀・)カエレと言いたい。 Korea01さんはホンモノだったの? 一応その前に「嘘を嘘と〜」の引用(英訳済み)はテンプレ案で出てるんだけど。
411 :
:04/01/14 19:44 ID:Cs95P/9T
二行目訂正: If you are going to stir and make ugly the floor, in Japanese, get back this thread!
412 :
:04/01/14 19:47 ID:ifH7E6ZY
413 :
:04/01/14 19:52 ID:4ymqJbhg
Zapanese pockin nation
414 :
:04/01/14 19:57 ID:PQWQEklU
Hey dog-eaters, what is "poching"
The culture of both countries should be respected. Those who are not actually touching the culture think it foolish to repeat an easy criticism and easy slander. If pride is satisfied with depreciating others, I will despise.
>>415 I see,
so , how about politics? Political issues of both of the countries
should also be respected ?!
417 :
:04/01/14 20:10 ID:TFcKXGl3
한글판자 거주자의 총의와 경의를 담아서, 어서 오십시오 한국 네티즌의 여러분 어서 오십시오! 여기가, 당신들 한국 네티즌의 최종 목적지, 한글@2 ch게시판입니다. 어떻습니까? 스크립트나 화상이 거의 없어서 가슴이 답답할지도 모릅니다. 이것이, 한국 및 북한으로부터 재일 한국 북한인의 화제를 밤낮 의논하거나 하지 않기도 하고 하고 있는 우리의 집입니다. 시간이 허락하는 한입니다만, 우리 한글판자 거주자가 여러분의 교류의 상대를 합시다. 여러분을 cyber terrorist로서 경계하고 있는 사람도 좋은 수 있기 때문에, 그 작정이라면 그 작정으로 행동해 주세요.
418 :
〜 :04/01/14 20:13 ID:oyp+xfvI
419 :
Kim :04/01/14 20:15 ID:aRRV8M5y
Korean is foolish. Self-consciousness of morals is superfluous. That country is completely mad. North Korea and South Korea are Transformation.
Keep coming out! The people who throw away from history
I think that it begins from stopping using a cultural confrontation politically. For example, it should be put into the politician who uses anti-Japan and collects support in a cage.
422 :
:04/01/14 20:27 ID:qLdm6Q4/
423 :
:04/01/14 20:28 ID:Cs95P/9T
>>417 most of us cannnot read
Welcome! all korean. And good bye forever. all korean.
425 :
:04/01/14 20:31 ID:xlqB+5r9
426 :
:04/01/14 20:33 ID:xlqB+5r9
>>424 korean?
427 :
:04/01/14 20:34 ID:Cs95P/9T
>>426 そーなんですか?辞書なんかだとまずKが先にあるけど
428 :
_ :04/01/14 20:37 ID:kJjd/hX6
>>423 訳
あなた方をcyber terroristとして警戒している人も結構な数いますので、そのつもりなら
429 :
:04/01/14 20:38 ID:Cs95P/9T
The result of "Google"
Corea 1,130,000hit
Korea 21.100,000hit
>>428 さんくーです。上手いなぁ
>>426 まあなんだ、ガタガタ言う前に軽く死んどけ。
432 :
日本国臣民 ◆wbYMtXnqMo :04/01/14 21:08 ID:XvG+lI3p
433 :
:04/01/14 21:15 ID:QlzUAa49
Come on baby , fuck you !
434 :
:04/01/14 21:23 ID:UOlXKx7C
Puckin' dog-eaters
435 :
:04/01/14 21:29 ID:aRRV8M5y
Come on Corean(w , fuck you !
436 :
:04/01/14 22:22 ID:jF2X0tqD
罵倒英語で、厨丸出しの一行カキコはやめようぜ。 日常英会話くらいのスキルはあんだろ? 中学校でそれくらい習ったろ?
438 :
:04/01/14 22:29 ID:D2Zt0DK7
. ,ィ'^i^ト,、 '´⌒⌒ヽ i 〈从リ从」 < Welcom to 2ch. We are enjoying this board. i リ」#゚Д゚ノ」ヽ ガッ Please write in rapidly. ノ⊂[i卯と) ∧_∧ . (( /i___iノ`つ)`Д゚) し'. i つ つ ,ノ ,, / .・.し'' し' 英語あってるだろうか?
439 :
:04/01/14 22:35 ID:D2Zt0DK7
. ,ィ'^i^ト,、 '´⌒⌒ヽ i 〈从リ从」 < Welcome to 2ch. We are enjoying this board. i リ」#゚Д゚ノ」ヽ ガッ Please write in rapidly. ノ⊂[i卯と) ∧_∧ . (( /i___iノ`つ)`Д゚> し'. i つ つ ,ノ ,, / .・.し'' し' 初歩的な間違いを・・・。
440 :
:04/01/14 22:39 ID:xlqB+5r9
うるせいぞ。 Zapan。
441 :
34 :04/01/14 22:45 ID:uAiffg74
∧_∧ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ( ´Д` ) < DON'T EAT A DOG!! /, / \_______ (ぃ9 | / /、 / ∧_二つ / / / \ ∧_∧ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ / /~\ \ ( ´Д` ) < DON'T EAT A DOG NEVER!! / / > ) (ぃ9 ) \_______ / ノ / / / ∧つ / / . / ./ / \ (゚д゚) a dog is not food!! / ./ ( ヽ、 / /⌒> ) ゚( )− do you understand!? ( _) \__つ (_) \_つ / > but KIMCHI is food, maybe
442 :
:04/01/15 00:10 ID:q4blNAzT
443 :
:04/01/15 11:18 ID:uMDxOaNz
They want to only terrorism....not come here.....
It has got somewhat hot the other day. I am sorry if some people felt it unpleasant. The subject of a bulletin board was translated and read for the past several days. The thing with much people who resembled the simplistic and foolish anti-Japan principle person of our country is interesting. Although written also the other day, isn't the act which satisfies pride to depreciate the others foolish? This is being able to say to both South Korea and Japan...
445 :
携帯用に>>4を翻訳機にかけてみた。 :04/01/15 15:40 ID:jzgU4N0q
先日は多少暑くなりました。 何人かの人々がそれを不愉快に思ったならば、私は残念です。 掲示板の主題は翻訳され、過去数時期の間読まれました。 我が国の極度に単純化して愚かな反日本原理人に似ていた多くの人々とのものは面白い。 さらに先日書かれましたが、行為は、他のものを軽視するためにどれが誇りを満たすかではありませんか、愚か? これは韓国および日本の両方へ言うことができるということです...
446 :
445 :04/01/15 15:42 ID:jzgU4N0q
暇なので英文翻訳機にかけて載せます。 書き込みしたい方はどうぞ。
>>441 英語はあんまり詳しくないけど「DON'T EAT A DOG NEVER!!」だと二重否定
むしろ Never eat dogs !! のほうが良いのでは。 「but KIMCHI is
food, maybe」も、but Hot-dog is food, maybe の方が面白いと思う。
448 :
:04/01/15 18:19 ID:yFYRTNaq
449 :
:04/01/15 21:56 ID:yFYRTNaq
>>447 「Hey!!Stupid Gooks!!」と付けてあげれば、もっと面白いよ。
450 :
*ンコ :04/01/20 11:41 ID:foMuXSj8
あった方がいいよネ 保守してみるネ
451 :
:04/01/20 12:52 ID:5jaJE+Y8
Get out Korean
453 :
:04/02/18 14:28 ID:93hyatcc
Welcome to the 2ch. BUt this board is a nest of KENKANCHU. Be careful and watch out. BUT almost all KENKANCHU people CANNOT read, write and speak in English. Let's laugh them away if you saw their sentences.
454 :
453 :04/02/18 14:30 ID:93hyatcc
455 :
453 :04/02/18 14:33 ID:93hyatcc
That's why KENKANCHU people often like using AA.
From a clinical point of view, haan is considered as a causative factor in the development of a Korean culture-bound psychiatric syndrome called "Hwa-byung." Hwa-byung literally means "fire (Hwa) disease (Byung), " or "anger disease." The syndrome manifests in the mixture of clinical depression, anxiety and somatic symptoms characterized by the presence of a "lump" and pressure in the throat or chest. The syndrome is most common among women, especially married women who are beyond the middle age and of low social class standing. According to Sung Kil Min's survey of 100 Hwa-byung patient seen at the Yonsei University Hospital Outpatient Clinic, Seoul, Korea, the symptoms most frequently complained of were: oppressive and heavy feelings in the chest, a feeling of a mass in the chest or abdomen; a feeling of something hot and pushing in the chest; a sensation of heat in the body; feelings of something boiling up, or burning inside. Other physical symptoms include: headaches, palpitation, indigestion, etc. Generally the patients complained of physical symptoms, but when they were asked of emotional symptoms, they mentioned frequently: sadness, pessimistic view, loss of interest, temper, startle, nervousness, and even suicidal thoughts. Other emotions include: rage, hate, resentment, frustration, mortification, regret and shame. Hwa-byung has been known in Korea as a folk medical term for a long time. Interestingly, Korean immigrant patients who were seen at clinics in Los Angeles manifested symptoms of Hwa-byung. It was Keh-Ming Lin of UCLA who first reported in an English language psychiatric journal citing 3 Korean Hwa-byung cases in 1983. Subsequently several research articles appeared in the American journals, which has aroused an interest in the syndrome among mental health professionals.
457 :
455 :04/02/18 14:46 ID:93hyatcc
And コピペ.
458 :
マンセー名無しさん :04/02/20 17:56 ID:1hTm1pxi
>>453 お前の英語はくそだな。後で訂正しても糞は糞だぞ!
CANNOT read, write and speak in English. 文法的に、ここは and でいいんでしょうか? 教えてエロい人。
>>459 I think it makes no matter. Okay?
461 :
マンセー名無しさん :04/02/20 18:16 ID:GKudOILE
A ce que dit l'histoire,Coreen a 5000 ans dans l'histoire. Japon est le petit ami de la Coree. Nous l'aimons beaucoup!!
462 :
:04/02/21 18:19 ID:fc+wGz3k
742 名前: :03/11/01 23:27 ID:TsuYcntr
743 名前: :03/11/02 01:17 ID:ZNg/pZ5S
744 名前: :03/11/02 01:27 ID:Kn6AS1Ch
>>743 いえ、新宿区大久保
745 名前: :03/11/02 01:28 ID:Kn6AS1Ch
>>462 少なくとも俺の英語はお前の糞よりまともだぜ!!
464 :
:04/03/04 18:15 ID:cXyOmQbK
There's not any Korean on this board.
465 :
マンセー名無しさん :04/03/04 18:33 ID:vtvORiuO
Koreans' english is superb. but japs english damn sux.
466 :
:04/03/04 18:38 ID:cXyOmQbK
You don't say!
468 :
マンセー名無しさん :04/03/04 18:41 ID:vtvORiuO
>>466 coz it's true? and truth does hurt?
469 :
nasi :04/03/04 18:48 ID:Z242d+b+
∧_∧ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ( ´Д` ) < DON'T EAT A DOG!! /, / \_______ (ぃ9 | / /、 / ∧_二つ / / / \ ∧_∧ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ / /~\ \ ( ´Д` ) < DON'T EAT A DOG,Berbarians!! / / > ) (ぃ9 ) \_______ / ノ / / / ∧つ / / . / ./ / \ (゚д゚) a dog is not foods!! / ./ ( ヽ、 / /⌒> ) ゚( )− Did you understand! wat I meant? ( _) \__つ (_) \_つ / > but KIMCHI is foods.
∧_∧ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ( ´Д` ) < Don't think Japan invaded Korea! /, / \_______ (ぃ9 | / /、 / ∧_二つ / / / \ ∧_∧ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ / /~\ \ ( ´Д` ) < Japan already already said appologize!! / / > ) (ぃ9 ) \_______ / ノ / / / ∧つ / / . / ./ / \ (゚д゚) Why do you want to get money / ./ ( ヽ、 / /⌒> ) ゚( )− from Japan? ( _) \__つ (_) \_つ / > Korean just want money ha?
∧_∧ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ( ´Д` ) < Don't think Japan invaded Korea! /, / \_______ (ぃ9 | / /、 / ∧_二つ / / / \ ∧_∧ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ / /~\ \ ( ´Д` ) < Japan already already said appologize!! / / > ) (ぃ9 ) \_______ / ノ / / / ∧つ / / . / ./ / \ (゚д゚) Why do you want to get money / ./ ( ヽ、 / /⌒> ) ゚( )− from Japan? ( _) \__つ (_) \_つ / > Korean just want money ha?
Fuck you!!
531/531 test test!!
530/530 test test!!
479 :
park :04/04/10 22:47 ID:6Y8yymU4
480 :
マンセー名無しさん :04/05/04 16:58 ID:+Cy7YMcw
Welcome to Japan!
481 :
マンセー名無しさん :04/05/04 17:11 ID:IxBE0c5c
おまいら・・・ちょっとぐらい英語勉強しろよな。 はずかしいぜ
Son of a bitch!
483 :
ひさしぶりな安崎 ◆L1aDZignNE :04/05/11 21:57 ID:toBZwcJh
韓国は素晴らしい国家である。 日本のモノ・ヒトはすべて朝鮮半島から来た!!!
484 :
マンセー名無しさん :
04/05/11 22:05 ID:Z8KjCG+/ You should not despise people simply because they are chon(Korean)