>>345-346 Fatherland news compatriot news
it loads and it loads and and
the patriotic loving people flower Sea
Oh! the half a century when it sprinkles
The compatriot house house of 700000
it overflows happily,
Chongryon power company of support one
glory inside enterprise
Oh - the height weight it lights more,
tu phil the seal of three subjects
Tube deep thought won accomplishing
heap of all offspring of the same forefather
Our news it loads in five continents and it loads,
Socialism fatherland honor making shine leisure you
Until planning department sprouting production by our hand
Our newspapers it takes and also the self-praise which it puts out grows
Oh - the height weight it lights more, tu phil the seal of three loyalties
The fatherland the one mind for it changes, eps u li
>>345 1番の歌詞の最後を朝鮮語から一旦英訳して、さらに和訳する際、意訳して
> 全同胞のトングイルニョムワンイルックヘがリ
Tube deep thought won accomplishing
heap of all offspring of the same forefather