with weren't enjoying it too much. They stuck close as hell to me, and the one t
hat didn't talk at all practically was holding onto my sleeve. "Let's go," he sa
id to his brother. "I seen 'em awreddy. C'mon, hey." He turned around and beat i
"He's got a yella streak a mile wide," the other one said. "So long!" He
beat it too.
I was the only one left in the tomb then. I sort of liked it, in a way.
It was so nice and peaceful. Then, all of a sudden, you'd never guess what I saw
on the wall. Another "Fuck you." It was written with a red crayon or something,
right under the glass part of the wall, under the stones.
That's the whole trouble. You can't ever find a place that's nice and pe
aceful, because there isn't any. You may think there is, but once you get there,
when you're not looking, somebody'll sneak up and write "Fuck you" right under
your nose. Try it sometime. I think, even, if I ever die, and they stick me in a
cemetery, and I have a tombstone and all, it'll say "Holden Caulfield" on it, a
nd then what year I was born and what year I died, and then right under that it'
ll say "Fuck you." I'm positive, in fact.
After I came out of the place where the mummies were, I had to go to the
bathroom. I sort of had diarrhea, if you want to know the truth. I didn't mind
the diarrhea part too much, but something else happened. When I was coming out o
f the can, right before I got to the door, I sort of passed out. I was lucky, th
ough. I mean I could've killed myself when I hit the floor, but all I did was so
rt of land on my side. it was a funny thing, though. I felt better after I passe
d out. I really did. My arm sort of hurt, from where I fell, but I didn't feel s
o damn dizzy any more.
It was about ten after twelve or so then, and so I went back and stood b
y the door and waited for old Phoebe. I thought how it might be the last time I'
d ever see her again. Any of my relatives, I mean. I figured I'd probably see th
em again, but not for years. I might come home when I was about thirty-five. I f
igured, in case somebody got sick and wanted to see me before they died, but tha
t would be the only reason I'd leave my cabin and come back. I even started pict
uring how it would be when I came back. I knew my mother'd get nervous as hell a
nd start to cry and beg me to stay home and not go back to my cabin, but I'd go
anyway. I'd be casual as hell. I'd make her calm down, and then I'd go over to t
he other side of the living room and take out this cigarette case and light a ci
garette, cool as all hell. I'd ask them all to visit me sometime if they wanted
to, but I wouldn't insist or anything. What I'd do, I'd let old Phoebe come out
and visit me in the summertime and on Christmas vacation and Easter vacation. An
d I'd let D.B. come out and visit me for a while if he wanted a nice, quiet plac
e for his writing, but he couldn't write any movies in my cabin, only stories an
d books. I'd have this rule that nobody could do anything phony when they visite
d me. If anybody tried to do anything phony, they couldn't stay.
All of a sudden I looked at the clock in the checkroom and it was twenty
-five of one. I began to get scared that maybe that old lady in the school had t
old that other lady not to give old Phoebe my message. I began to get scared tha
t maybe she'd told her to burn it or something. It really scared hell out of me.
I really wanted to see old Phoebe before I hit the road. I mean I had her Chris
tmas dough and all.
Finally, I saw her. I saw her through the glass part of the door. The re
ason I saw her, she had my crazy hunting hat on--you could see that hat about te
n miles away.
I went out the doors and started down these stone stairs to meet her. Th
e thing I couldn't understand, she had this big suitcase with her. She was just
coming across Fifth Avenue, and she was dragging this goddam big suitcase with h
er. She could hardly drag it. When I got up closer, I saw it was my old suitcase
, the one I used to use when I was at Whooton. I couldn't figure out what the he
ll she was doing with it. "Hi," she said when she got up close. She was all out
of breath from that crazy suitcase.
"I thought maybe you weren't coming," I said. "What the hell's in that b
ag? I don't need anything. I'm just going the way I am. I'm not even taking the
bags I got at the station. What the hellya got in there?"
She put the suitcase down. "My clothes," she said. "I'm going with you.
Can I? Okay?"
"What?" I said. I almost fell over when she said that. I swear to God I
did. I got sort of dizzy and I thought I was going to pass out or something agai
"I took them down the back elevator so Charlene wouldn't see me. It isn'
t heavy. All I have in it is two dresses and my moccasins and my underwear and s
ocks and some other things. Feel it. It isn't heavy. Feel it once. . . Can't I g
o with you? Holden? Can't I? Please."
"No. Shut up."
I thought I was going to pass out cold. I mean I didn't mean to tell her
to shut up and all, but I thought I was going to pass out again.
"Why can't I? Please, Holden! I won't do anything-- I'll just go with yo
u, that's all! I won't even take my clothes with me if you don't want me to--I'l
l just take my--"
"You can't take anything. Because you're not going. I'm going alone. So
shut up."
"Please, Holden. Please let me go. I'll be very, very, very--You won't e
"You're not going. Now, shut up! Gimme that bag," I said. I took the bag
off her. I was almost all set to hit her, I thought I was going to smack her fo
r a second. I really did.
She started to cry.
"I thought you were supposed to be in a play at school and all I thought
you were supposed to be Benedict Arnold in that play and all," I said. I said i
t very nasty. "Whuddaya want to do? Not be in the play, for God's sake?" That ma
de her cry even harder. I was glad. All of a sudden I wanted her to cry till her
eyes practically dropped out. I almost hated her. I think I hated her most beca
use she wouldn't be in that play any more if she went away with me.
"Come on," I said. I started up the steps to the museum again. I figured
what I'd do was, I'd check the crazy suitcase she'd brought in the checkroom, a
ndy then she could get it again at three o'clock, after school. I knew she could
n't take it back to school with her. "Come on, now," I said.
She didn't go up the steps with me, though. She wouldn't come with me. I
went up anyway, though, and brought the bag in the checkroom and checked it, an
d then I came down again. She was still standing there on the sidewalk, but she
turned her back on me when I came up to her. She can do that. She can turn her b
ack on you when she feels like it. "I'm not going away anywhere. I changed my mi
nd. So stop crying, and shut up," I said. The funny part was, she wasn't even cr
ying when I said that. I said it anyway, though, "C'mon, now. I'll walk you back
to school. C'mon, now. You'll be late."
She wouldn't answer me or anything. I sort of tried to get hold of her o
ld hand, but she wouldn't let me. She kept turning around on me.
"Didja have your lunch? Ya had your lunch yet?" I asked her.
She wouldn't answer me. All she did was, she took off my red hunting hat
--the one I gave her--and practically chucked it right in my face. Then she turn
ed her back on me again. It nearly killed me, but I didn't say anything. I just
picked it up and stuck it in my coat pocket.
"Come on, hey. I'll walk you back to school," I said.
"I'm not going back to school."
I didn't know what to say when she said that. I just stood there for a c
ouple of minutes.
"You have to go back to school. You want to be in that play, don't you?
You want to be Benedict Arnold, don't you?"
"Sure you do. Certainly you do. C'mon, now, let's go," I said. "In the f
irst place, I'm not going away anywhere, I told you. I'm going home. I'm going h
ome as soon as you go back to school. First I'm gonna go down to the station and
get my bags, and then I'm gonna go straight--"
"I said I'm not going back to school. You can do what you want to do, bu
t I'm not going back to chool," she said. "So shut up." It was the first time sh
e ever told me to shut up. It sounded terrible. God, it sounded terrible. It sou
nded worse than swearing. She still wouldn't look at me either, and every time I
sort of put my hand on her shoulder or something, she wouldn't let me.
"Listen, do you want to go for a walk?" I asked her. "Do you want to tak
e a walk down to the zoo? If I let you not go back to school this afternoon and
go for walk, will you cut out this crazy stuff?"
She wouldn't answer me, so I said it over again. "If I let you skip scho
ol this afternoon and go for a little walk, will you cut out the crazy stuff? Wi
ll you go back to school tomorrow like a good girl?"
"I may and I may not," she said. Then she ran right the hell across the
street, without even looking to see if any cars were coming. She's a madman some
I didn't follow her, though. I knew she'd follow me, so I started walkin
g downtown toward the zoo, on the park side of the street, and she started walki
ng downtown on the other goddam side of the street, She wouldn't look over at me
at all, but I could tell she was probably watching me out of the corner of her
crazy eye to see where I was going and all. Anyway, we kept walking that way all
the way to the zoo. The only thing that bothered me was when a double-decker bu
s came along because then I couldn't see across the street and I couldn't see wh
ere the hell she was. But when we got to the zoo, I yelled over to her, "Phoebe!
I'm going in the zoo! C'mon, now!" She wouldn't look at me, but I could tell sh
e heard me, and when I started down the steps to the zoo I turned around and saw
she was crossing the street and following me and all.
There weren't too many people in the zoo because it was sort of a lousy
day, but there were a few around the sea lions' swimming pool and all. I started
to go by but old Phoebe stopped and made out she was watching the sea lions get
ting fed--a guy was throwing fish at them--so I went back. I figured it was a go
od chance to catch up with her and all. I went up and sort of stood behind her a
nd sort of put my hands on her shoulders, but she bent her knees and slid out fr
om me--she can certainly be very snotty when she wants to. She kept standing the
re while the sea lions were getting fed and I stood right behind her. I didn't p
ut my hands on her shoulders again or anything because if I had she really would
've beat it on me. Kids are funny. You have to watch what you're doing.
She wouldn't walk right next to me when we left the sea lions, but she d
idn't walk too far away. She sort of walked on one side of the sidewalk and I wa
lked on the other side. It wasn't too gorgeous, but it was better than having he
r walk about a mile away from me, like before. We went up and watched the bears,
on that little hill, for a while, but there wasn't much to watch. Only one of t
he bears was out, the polar bear. The other one, the brown one, was in his godda
m cave and wouldn't come out. All you could see was his rear end. There was a li
ttle kid standing next to me, with a cowboy hat on practically over his ears, an
d he kept telling his father, "Make him come out, Daddy. Make him come out." I l
ooked at old Phoebe, but she wouldn't laugh. You know kids when they're sore at
you. They won't laugh or anything.
After we left the bears, we left the zoo and crossed over this little st
reet in the park, and then we went through one of those little tunnels that alwa
ys smell from somebody's taking a leak. It was on the way to the carrousel. Old
Phoebe still wouldn't talk to me or anything, but she was sort of walking next t
o me now. I took a hold of the belt at the back of her coat, just for the hell o
f it, but she wouldn't let me. She said, "Keep your hands to yourself, if you do
n't mind." She was still sore at me. But not as sore as she was before. Anyway,
we kept getting closer and closer to the carrousel and you could start to hear t
hat nutty music it always plays. It was playing "Oh, Marie!" It played that same
song about fifty years ago when I was a little kid. That's one nice thing about
carrousels, they always play the same songs.
"I thought the carrousel was closed in the wintertime," old Phoebe said.
It was the first time she practically said anything. She probably forgot she wa
s supposed to be sore at me.
"Maybe because it's around Christmas," I said.
She didn't say anything when I said that. She probably remembered she wa
s supposed to be sore at me.
"Do you want to go for a ride on it?" I said. I knew she probably did. W
hen she was a tiny little kid, and Allie and D.B. and I used to go to the park w
ith her, she was mad about the carrousel. You couldn't get her off the goddam th
"I'm too big." she said. I thought she wasn't going to answer me, but sh
e did.
"No, you're not. Go on. I'll wait for ya. Go on," I said. We were right
there then. There were a few kids riding on it, mostly very little kids, and a f
ew parents were waiting around outside, sitting on the benches and all. What I d
id was, I went up to the window where they sell the tickets and bought old Phoeb
e a ticket. Then I gave it to her. She was standing right next to me. "Here," I
said. "Wait a second--take the rest of your dough, too." I started giving her th
e rest of the dough she'd lent me.
"You keep it. Keep it for me," she said. Then she said right afterward--
That's depressing, when somebody says "please" to you. I mean if it's Ph
oebe or somebody. That depressed the hell out of me. But I put the dough back in
my pocket.
"Aren't you gonna ride, too?" she asked me. She was looking at me sort o
f funny. You could tell she wasn't too sore at me any more.
"Maybe I will the next time. I'll watch ya," I said. "Got your ticket?"
"Go ahead, then--I'll be on this bench right over here. I'll watch ya."
I went over and sat down on this bench, and she went and got on the carrousel. S
he walked all around it. I mean she walked once all the way around it. Then she
sat down on this big, brown, beat-up-looking old horse. Then the carrousel start
ed, and I watched her go around and around. There were only about five or six ot
her kids on the ride, and the song the carrousel was playing was "Smoke Gets in
Your Eyes." It was playing it very jazzy and funny. All the kids kept trying to
grab for the gold ring, and so was old Phoebe, and I was sort of afraid she'd fa
ll off the goddam horse, but I didn't say anything or do anything. The thing wit
h kids is, if they want to grab the gold ring, you have to let them do it, and n
ot say anything. If they fall off they fall off, but it's bad if you say anythin
g to them.
When the ride was over she got off her horse and came over to me. "You r
ide once, too, this time," she said.
"No, I'll just watch ya. I think I'll just watch," I said. I gave her so
me more of her dough. "Here. Get some more tickets."
She took the dough off me. "I'm not mad at you any more," she said.
"I know. Hurry up--the thing's gonna start again."
Then all of a sudden she gave me a kiss. Then she held her hand out, and
said, "It's raining. It's starting to rain."
"I know."
Then what she did--it damn near killed me--she reached in my coat pocket
and took out my red hunting hat and put it on my head.
"Don't you want it?" I said.
"You can wear it a while."
"Okay. Hurry up, though, now. You're gonna miss your ride. You won't get
your own horse or anything."
She kept hanging around, though.
"Did you mean it what you said? You really aren't going away anywhere? A
re you really going home afterwards?" she asked me.
"Yeah," I said. I meant it, too. I wasn't lying to her. I really did go
home afterwards. "Hurry up, now," I said. "The thing's starting."
She ran and bought her ticket and got back on the goddam carrousel just
in time. Then she walked all the way around it till she got her own horse back.
Then she got on it. She waved to me and I waved back.
Boy, it began to rain like a bastard. In buckets, I swear to God. All th
e parents and mothers and everybody went over and stood right under the roof of
the carrousel, so they wouldn't get soaked to the skin or anything, but I stuck
around on the bench for quite a while. I got pretty soaking wet, especially my n
eck and my pants. My hunting hat really gave me quite a lot of protection, in a
way; but I got soaked anyway. I didn't care, though. I felt so damn happy all of
sudden, the way old Phoebe kept going around and around. I was damn near bawlin
g, I felt so damn happy, if you want to know the truth. I don't know why. It was
just that she looked so damn nice, the way she kept going around and around, in
her blue coat and all. God, I wish you could've been there.
That's all I'm going to tell about. I could probably tell you what I did
after I went home, and how I got sick and all, and what school I'm supposed to
go to next fall, after I get out of here, but I don't feel like it. I really don
't. That stuff doesn't interest me too much right now.
A lot of people, especially this one psychoanalyst guy they have here, k
eeps asking me if I'm going apply myself when I go back to school next September
. It's such a stupid question, in my opinion. I mean how do you know what you're
going to do till you do it? The answer is, you don't. I think I am, but how do
I know? I swear it's a stupid question.
D.B. isn't as bad as the rest of them, but he keeps asking me a lot of q
uestions, too. He drove over last Saturday with this English babe that's in this
new picture he's writing. She was pretty affected, but very good-looking. Anywa
y, one time when she went to the ladies' room way the hell down in the other win
g D.B. asked me what I thought about all this stuff I just finished telling you
about. I didn't know what the hell to say. If you want to know the truth, I don'
t know what I think about it. I'm sorry I told so many people about it. About al
l I know is, I sort of miss everybody I told about. Even old Stradlater and Ackl
ey, for instance. I think I even miss that goddam Maurice. It's funny. Don't eve
r tell anybody anything. If you do, you start missing everybody.
>>56 グリーンとかブラウンとか色のつく名前は多いらしいが。
704 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2010/08/07(土) 13:25:00 ID:XOVIpTWz
>>704 > 八丈島まで原潜で
1 板垣 英憲 「マスコミに出ない政治経済の裏話」2010年08月24日
2 噂の真相-真実を追い求めて!追伸:8月22日
http://www.jiji.com/jc/c?g=pol_30&k=2010090100619 民主代表選・識者談話
508 :無党派さん:2010/08/31(火) 21:34:25 ID:f7eDkUmO
森喜朗愚息 尿検査もみ消しと550万円退職金
疑惑を知っていた県警 だが薬物検査はされず
FLASH 8.31No1109
あの一切の異論、反論を許さないような報道の嵐の中で、本当に「正義」はなされたのか? 田中角栄さんは、マスコミが描こうとしたような、極悪人だったのか?
720 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2010/09/05(日) 10:33:47 ID:bRWFtAq5
●板垣 英憲(いたがき えいけん)「マスコミに出ない政治経済の裏話」2010年09月05日
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/itagaki-eiken/e/6038d395b863be576eaac0b578c444d6 ◆現在のメディアのなかには、いまもマイケル・ジョナサン・グリーンが小沢叩きを続行していると
板垣 英憲(いたがき えいけん)「マスコミに出ない政治経済の裏話」2010年09月06日
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/itagaki-eiken/e/6038d395b863be576eaac0b578c444d6 「 小沢一郎前幹事長の現代版「関ケ原合戦」は、綿密な事前の調略と最後の1時間半で勝負が決まる」