> right... the great asian conspiracy against japan. they even brought out washington post, ny times and a japanese-american representative *gasp*.
If you are happy with that, be happy with that. Communist Chinese government will survive forever as long as Chinese people like you are in their side and strongly support them.
Above mentioned event is a mirror image of Chinese own culture. People image and lie reflecting their own thoughts. Thus they created this "Tale of Nanking" reflecting their own cruelty. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsuZrhYxC1E
They reflect all these Chinese butcher culture, such as men cut their pennis to serve to the Emperor, blind young women's eyes to use as sex slave in a house, tie up women's legs and make unable women to escape from the home. Physicaly cut or slice bodies like butchers cutting animals. Their drugs for cure are other animal's organs or bloods. Eating same body parts of others cures own organ. That was their traditional belief. cruel cruel, So many of rare wild animals extincted in China, because they all ate them up. http://www.thenausea.com/elements/China/A%20man%20committed%20a%20crime%20for%20murdering%20a%20royal%20family%20member.jpg
Read psychology and sociology book Prostitute country Korea accuse Japan for prostitution, Cruel country China accuse Japan for their own ideas of cruelty. They like that, that is why they adhere and many participants appear on the stages and talk a lot about their favorate issues. Because there are plenty of history, facts, examples, experiences, witnesses and ideas to talk about these issues within their own culture. Indonesians don't like that, so they disregard.
Why nobody talks about this anymore, it was only recent. Although many stupid Chinese people never notice, Chinese accusation of Japan started few years after this event. Their accusation of Japan are full of lies and fabrications. Communist Chinese government try to hide their own cruelty and switching the people's attention on an external enemy.
They are accusing Japanese past of 60 years ago, but repressing their own people within their territory now. So as long as Chinese people support them, accepting their rule, they will continue to do same thing forever. If you like that, be happy with that.
----------------------------- > gee, you're right, asian people's image would be better off without those memories.
Kill and cull: China rejects doctor's testimony http://archives.cnn.com/2001/WORLD/asiapcf/east/06/28/china.organ/ > coordinated procedures between surgeons and Chinese government officials to extract convicts' organs immediately after executions. (Reflection of Chinese meat eating culture, desecting animal bodies is nothing for them, no honor to the dead)
http://www.abolition.fr/ecpm/english/congres.php?art=397&suj=179 (Reflection of Chinese cruelty) > The precise number of executions carried out in China is one of the country's most closely guarded state secrets. > The reality is frightening, with an estimated 10,000 executions carried out every year; a figure that accounts for over 95% of executions worldwide.
http://www.boxun.com/hero/picshock/5_1.shtml http://www.pekingduck.org/archives/002266.php > Growing up in China, I have witnessed public executions like the one shown in the photos. So close that I could smell the air mixed with human blood and powder smoke from the bullet cartridge. I think my first exposure to public execution is when I was about 6 or 7 years old (2nd grade in elementary school). > Keep in mind, that was the good old "humane" days, where the prisons are actually killed. Unlike today, where prisoners' organs are harvested while they are still alive!
Chinese people have live experinces of cruelty from the elementary school level. Cruelty is their culture, like prostitution is Korean culture.