>>47 http://unkar.org/r/philo/1363358622/656-694 656 : 非因果的ブラックボックス ◆nyDbrW8/YE : 2013/03/26(火) 07:41:21.50 0
>>653 精神科行け白痴
658 : 非因果的ブラックボックス ◆nyDbrW8/YE : 2013/03/26(火) 08:17:09.85 0
>>657 閉鎖病棟に繋がれてろキチガイ
674 : 非因果的ブラックボックス ◆nyDbrW8/YE : 2013/03/26(火) 19:02:53.78 0
>>661 ハードプロブレムなど存在しない
681 : 非因果的ブラックボックス ◆nyDbrW8/YE : 2013/03/26(火) 19:21:53.91 0
>>679 あれ?
683 : 非因果的ブラックボックス ◆nyDbrW8/YE : 2013/03/26(火) 19:23:55.76 0
>>682 なんで?論文読めないの?
686 : 非因果的ブラックボックス ◆nyDbrW8/YE : 2013/03/26(火) 19:36:56.05 0
>>685 教えなーい
688 : 非因果的ブラックボックス ◆nyDbrW8/YE : 2013/03/26(火) 19:40:00.67 0
>>687 うるせえチャーマーズのゴミ論文読んでから言え
692 : 非因果的ブラックボックス ◆nyDbrW8/YE : 2013/03/26(火) 19:42:56.40 0
>>689 チャーマーズの論文読んでないのにハードプロブレムとか言い出してるのは白痴だろ
肝心な主張部分でmay beしか言ってない
694 : 非因果的ブラックボックス ◆nyDbrW8/YE : 2013/03/26(火) 19:46:15.67 0
Still, it may be that the gap between 1-possibility and 2-possibility could be closed. In particu- lar, when a statement S has the same primary intension and secondary intension, then a world will verify S if it satisfies S,
so S will be 1-possible if it is 2-possible. If P and Q both have primary intensions that coincide with their secondary intensions, then so will P &¬Q, and we could run the following argument:
(1) P &¬Q is conceivable
(2) If P &¬Q is conceivable, P &¬Q is 1-possible
(3) If P &¬Q is 1-possible, P &¬Q is 2-possible.
(4) If P &¬Q is 2-possible, materialism is false.
(5) Materialism is false.
it may be that the gap between 1-possibility and 2-possibility could be closed.
it may be that the gap between 1-possibility and 2-possibility could be closed.
it may be that the gap between 1-possibility and 2-possibility could be closed.
it may be that the gap between 1-possibility and 2-possibility could be closed.