Spoiler: - Apparently, the Soviet Army was searching for a (crucifix) sic skull in the jungles of South America and Indiana Jones was searching, as well, Tyler said. - The Russian Army tries blackmailing Indiana Jones to help them find the crystal skull by “threatening to kill Karen, his old flame from the Lost Ark.” - Actress Karen Allen of “Raiders of the Lost Ark” fame returns to play Jones’ love interest Marion Ravenwood . Cate Blanchett was cast as the Russian interrogator. - He confirms that Cate Blanchett will be playing a Russian interrogator - Why need a Russian interrogator? Seems the Russian army is looking for a crystal skull. Who finds it first? Indiana Jones. Hence an interrogator. - Blanchett doesn't sound very warm and cozy. Tyler says Jones is "strapped in a chair" being questioned about the whereabouts of the skull. Sadly, he caves in. - He caves?! That's not the Indy I know! Well it turns out Blanchett gives Jones the ultimatum, tell us where the skull is or we'll.... - Nelson was selected for the role because of his experience with Russian dance.